Museum "Sverdlovsk regional local lore". Local History Museum in Yekaterinburg

I was finally going to go once again to Regional Studies. There was some prejudice about the exhibition dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the death of the royal family. But then I thought, why not. At the checkout, the employee was very sensible and even convincingly explained what, where and for how much, what you can and where to go. As a result, I bought tickets for everything, and went to the top ....

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I was finally going to go once again to Regional Studies. There was some prejudice about the exhibition dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the death of the royal family. But then I thought, why not. At the checkout, the employee was very sensible and even convincingly explained what, where and for how much, what you can and where to go. As a result, I bought tickets for everything, and went to the top.

On the second floor, the employee on duty invited me to first view the exhibition dedicated to the anniversary of the Ural folk choir, and the main exhibition, as they are open until 18.00. Well, yes, time is running unnoticed by the choir for 75 years (first photo). It was interesting to look at the photographs reflecting the path of the team. I liked the embroidery that I gave great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung (second photo). With attention I looked at the costumes (third photo), beautiful, of course. What I lacked here was the binding of concert costumes to a certain area - where were they worn? when did you wear it? etc. I ran through the main exhibition - the furniture still looks, causing respect for the work of the masters (photos fourth, fifth, sixth).

The exposition from the Kerch Museum was a surprise. Exhibits for the most part small, the preservation is not very good, rather fragments than whole things. The exception, perhaps, is these amphorae, among which there are those that were made even before our era. (photo seven). An unexpected pleasant effect in the midst of this communication with the antiques was caused by the appearance of a woman with such a familiar face - she greeted everyone who was in the hall at that moment. The mood was good, but then jumped even higher. It turned out that the director of the museum was Natalya Konstantinovna Vetrova. It turned out very homely. Nicely.

I liked the small chamber exposition "Livadia" - such bright and calm subjects were selected: the Park in Livadia (photo eight), the House of the Minister of the Imperial Court Baron V.B. Frederiks (ninth photo), the Morning of the Livadia Palace (tenth photo). I highly recommend dropping in and admiring it - very in the mood.

What else? A small exposition about the Kerch bridge and not only about it, of course, and the president in the center. I don’t know how it happened, but about the bridge before you go look about royal family"The tragedy of the family ... The tragedy of the motherland." It is really sad, even very sad, in part it is written, and in part you can already imagine how the autocrat led the country, society, state, and at the same time his own family to such tragic ending. A special mood is created by the film and frames of the chronicle of that time and not only the film, but also paintings, as well as photographs - playing soldiers, reviews, parades, aiguillettes, but the family goes to a prayer service, again soldiers, marches and parades, again sovereign surrounded by clergy. and here he is on a hunt with dead partridges, he also rides his daughters and son on a boat, and so on ad infinitum. Meanwhile, the hidden crisis of the entire state system was growing stronger, the country was already rolling towards a tragic finale. This is how I left a sad aftertaste from the external that is shown in the exposition brought from the Pavlovsk Palace.

I almost forgot that photography is not allowed at this exhibition. And there is something to see. I especially liked the portrait of Empress Maria Feodorovna - the nobility of beauty. But, the portrait of Nicholas II by Vasily Vereshchagin was very unlucky. All the plates, as an employee told me, were sent to the paintings from Pavlovo. They made a double mistake for the portrait in Russian, and even duplicated it in English. It turns out that the painter, who died in the explosion of the battleship Petropavlovsk on the roadstead of Port Arthur in 1904, lived until 1909, and the painting itself is dated for some reason the same year. In general, ay-yay-yay, employees from the Pavlovsk Palace Museum, how are you?

At this critical moment, I will end my short story about what he saw and heard in the museum. It's worth going. I recommend

Museum subscription "Journey to Old Yekaterinburg" brings to your attention cultural and educational programs addressed to middle and high school students.

Our programs will also be of interest to all those who would like to get acquainted with urban traditions from 19th century and to this day, make sure of their continuity, and can be adapted for a variety of age categories.

In ancient interiors luxurious mansion noblemen Poklevsky you will become a guest of a bygone era, a participant in bygone events; You will learn many entertaining stories from the life of famous Yekaterinburg residents.

The time spent in the museum will be a pleasant rest for you, interesting entertainment, educational journey to the world of pre-revolutionary Yekaterinburg.


cultural and educational program for the youngest (from 2 to 7 years old).

Every Saturday there are museum holidays-classes for young children.

We invite:

Plunge into the atmosphere of the traditions of home education of the noble family of Yekaterinburg of the 19th century;

Spend time in entertaining, educational and fun activities music, dance, theater, fine arts, needlework and cooking;

Become real academicians of the Holiday and Gift Academy;

Get acquainted with the museum, its exposition, learn the secrets of the exhibits.

Each creative meeting will be dedicated to a certain topic and, of course, will end with the production of the Gift of the Day.

"One day on Pokrovsky Prospekt"

Yekaterinburg...the end of the 19th century. provincial town with a special way of life, a measured rhythm of life, completely devoid of any fuss. A city with its own culture, traditions and customs. Ekaterinburg is wide streets, squares, houses. And every street, every house has its own story.

There is also a history near Pokrovsky Prospekt (now Malysheva Street). The story that you will learn if you become a participant in the local history program "One Day on Pokrovsky Prospekt". Together with the presenters of this program, you will make a fascinating journey into the world of the old city, walk along Pokrovsky Prospekt of the 1884 model. You will learn how the people of Yekaterinburg lived more than 100 years ago, get acquainted with their interests, hobbies, lifestyle. Attend a friendly party in a luxurious mansion of Polish nobles, entrepreneurs Poklevsky-Kozell, look at the light of a cheerful and noisy company of citizens, become participants folk games and fun.

Our program is designed for those who wish to know the history of their city, get acquainted with the culture and life of the inhabitants of old Yekaterinburg.

"Christmas Evenings in Yekaterinburg"

Christmas is the time of a beautiful, kind fairy tale.

Plunging into the amazing atmosphere of an old hospitable house, you will learn:

what are advent candles,

how to play a Christmas scene - "nativity scene", which symbolize Christmas decorations, what Christmas games did children play 100 years ago, how to make puppets for home performance about St. Nicholas, learn a couple of carols, and much more ....

Get ready for this magical holiday, and it will bring to your home bright feelings, love and understanding!

"Visiting Queen of Spades»

Card games. Is this good or bad morally? And what is a game anyway? What is the secret of attractiveness of games? You will receive the answer to this and many other questions by visiting "Visiting the Queen of Spades". This is the name of the new cultural and educational program prepared by the staff of the Sverdlovsk Regional Museum of Local Lore. The program introduces everyone to the history of maps. You will take a journey into history, find out where and when maps originated. During the one-hour program, you will have time to visit medieval China and ancient Egypt, in the city of St. Petersburg, as well as in the old Yekaterinburg of the late 19th century. You will find out which games were popular in secular society, hear entertaining stories, anecdotes from life famous people, former gambling gamblers, will become participants in the events that took place in ancient times. Theatrical performances and games await you throughout the evening.

"A party in the Poklevsky house"

Carriages arrive at the brightly lit entrance of a rich mansion. Elegant ladies come out of them, accompanied by men. They all rush to the party, which is arranged for the Yekaterinburg nobility by the owners of this house - well-known entrepreneurs in the Urals, Polish noblemen Poklevsky - Kozell. "A soiree is a relatively uncrowded, entertaining gathering of guests in a private home, smaller than a ball or dinner." At such evenings, a relaxed atmosphere reigns. Here everyone "amuses himself to his liking." So it was in Yekaterinburg at the end of the 19th century.

Reviving Home Evening Traditions late XIX- early XX centuries Sverdlovsk regional local history museum invites guests and residents of Yekaterinburg to the "Party Party in the Poklevsky House". In the ancient interiors of a luxurious mansion, you will become a guest of a bygone era, transported into the atmosphere of living rooms of the late 19th century. You will learn about how respected residents of the old city spent their leisure time; will hear musical works that sounded in the home living rooms of the Urals a hundred years ago; become members of parlor games» popular once in Russian society. The party will be for you "rest after the day's work." You will have the opportunity to chat with friends and colleagues in an informal atmosphere of a cozy living room, show off evening dresses, have a good time. The invited evening was certainly accompanied by tea; according to your desire, in accordance with the traditions of that time, the evening can be completed with a tea party (buffet).

"Secrets table etiquette»

The program will convince you that etiquette does not complicate life, but makes it pleasant, beautiful and predictable. You will learn about the origin and use of cutlery, about the traditions of a family feast, see how tasty fruits are if they are eaten with a fruit fork and knife.

After the game program, the guests will visit the exhibition "Invitation to the Table", where they will get acquainted with interesting items that accompanied the family feast and adorned the life of Yekaterinburg residents in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

"Memories of a Ball"

Balls. An integral part of the culture of bygone centuries. Events that played a huge role in the life of society. Women under feathers, diamonds in luxurious toilets; men in tailcoats and uniforms glide lightly across the parquet in a whirlwind of a crazy waltz. The smell of perfume and lipstick, music, lively speech, sparkle in the eyes - all this is an unforgettable atmosphere of the ball, where each of those present - main character wonderful action. Balls have always been the most favorite entertainment of the Yekaterinburg public. They were well prepared for them. They ordered fashionable toilets from the capitals, and even Paris itself. Balls allowed the ladies to show off their outfits, the men with the gallantry of their manners. Here "they learned servility and respect for old age, here they were kind and fell in love." Alas! All this is in the past. We only have wonderful memories of the delights of all these entertainments. All the entertainment, the whole atmosphere of this celebration comes alive again thanks to the program "Memories of the Ball".

"Russian history in faces"

eternal question about the influence of personality on the course of history is revealed on the example of well-known and little-known citizens of Russia: V.N. Tatishcheva, V.I. de-Gennin, D.P. Solomirsky, A.F. Poklevsky and others. Interactive lessons help to feel the flavor of the era.

"Az, beeches, lead ..."

The history of education in Russia had its own peculiarities. Changes in society were immediately reflected in the school. How did education develop in Yekaterinburg during the time of Tatishchev and in subsequent years, what caused the diversity educational institutions, you will learn from the program "Az, beeches, lead ..."

Performing tasks familiar to a 19th-century schoolchild, it is easy to feel the flavor of a bygone era, and this, in turn, will make it possible to better understand the problems of the modern school.

"Yekaterinburg Musical Circle"

A story-concert about a unique cultural phenomenon in the life of a provincial town.

"Ekaterinburg merchant"

Who are the merchants? How did they become? What are the features of the Ural merchant class? What do the famous Yekaterinburg merchants have in common and what is different with the characters in Ostrovsky's plays? Helped or hindered in the life of "Domostroy"? Our program will help you find answers to these questions.

Having been in the role of a clerk, measuring the "goods" with a yardstick, weighing on old scales with the help of a pound weight, you will unravel the little tricks of the merchant people.

"In the family"

Interest in one's roots always lives in the soul of a person and especially increases in turning points stories, when people look for some moral support in the past. In a cozy house on the street. Malysheva, 46, once owned by a close-knit family of well-known entrepreneurs Poklevsky-Kozell, you:

start compiling your family tree; find out that family coat of arms can be not only an emblem of the family, but also a chronicler of the merits and tragedies of its members; get acquainted with historical science about seals - with phragistics; make sure that the personal seal, inevitably turning into a talisman, subtly affects its owner. Having taken up family history (with the help of the acquired knowledge and handouts), you will feel that your family is becoming more united, and, therefore, happier!

"Home leisure"

Rest in the family circle: games, collecting, playing music, needlework. Making souvenirs for friends according to old patterns. This program is ideal for a family holiday.

"Party All the Time"

Traditions of youth leisure and "secrets" of its organization; game program, musical performances. Our party can be dedicated to your special occasion (birthday, graduation, etc.)

The Sverdlovsk Regional Museum of Local Lore is the largest and oldest museum in the Urals. It is a large association and includes six branches located in the region. The museum is actively developing, conducting intensive exhibition activities and maintains partnerships with other cultural organizations in Russia and leading museums in Germany, Israel, the USA, France and many others.

The main exhibition center "House of Poklevsky-Kozell" is located at 46 Malysheva Street. You can get there by trolleybuses No. 3, 7, 17, buses 23, 25, 50, 57, as well as by metro to the Ploshchad 1905 Goda station.

The Museum of the History and Archeology of the Urals is located on Lenin Avenue, 69/10. Transport stop "Hotel Iset". You can get there on routes No. 114, 018, 021.

The Museum of Nature of the Urals is located on Gorky Street, 4 near the stop vehicle"Pl. Labor". Passing routes No. 018, 50, 54.

Ernst Neizvestny Art Museum - on Dobrolyubov Street, 14. By buses No. 7, 17, 64 you can get to the Malyshev Square public transport stop.

Museum of radio them. Popova is located on R. Luxembourg street, 9/11. The nearest stop is "Belinsky's Library". Passing vehicles: buses No. 030, 2, 077, 067, 19, 035, 05a; trolleybuses No. 1, 6, 11, 15, 5, 20, 9.

The Museum of the History of Horticulture opens its doors on October Revolution Street, 40. Stopping the Yeltsin vehicle. Passing bus routes No. 034, 024, 045, 21. The nearest metro station is Ploshchad 1905 Goda.

All six branches are located in the city center and not far from each other.

History of the Museum

The museum was founded on December 29, 1870 by members of the Ural Society of Natural Science Lovers. The main initiator was the teacher of the men's gymnasium, Onisim Egoroich Kler, who was supported in the creation of the museum by the scientist-encyclopedist Narkiz Konstantinovich Chulin.

The opening of the museum took place in the assembly hall of the Yekaterinburg men's gymnasium. The first exhibits were presented thanks to its founders.

The building in which the museum is located belonged to the Ural businessman Alfons Fomich Poklevsky-Cosell.

The first largest scientific and industrial exhibition was held in 1887 for three months, during which the museum was visited by more than 80 thousand people. The expositions were placed in railway workshops. It is thanks to this exhibition that the museum gained popularity among the Russian and world scientific community.

The construction of the Van Gogh Museum was carried out according to the project of the architect Rietveld and lasted ten years (1863-1873).

In 1901, 10 departments with their own specifics were created in the Yekaterinburg Museum. Talented scientists and people, such as A.I. Gakkel, N.P. Tikhonov, V.V. Golubtsov, Yu.M. Kolosov, E.A. Bruttan, A.A. Egon-Besser, L.P. Sabaneev, M.A. Menzbier, A. Brehm, D.P. Solomirsky. The latter played an important role in replenishing the zoological department.

Already at the beginning of the 20th century, this museum turned into Cultural Center area and was the main attraction of the city. The funds comprised more than 28 thousand items presented in 17 departments. The branches were visited by Russian and foreign scientists, government activities, celebrities.

However, in 1917-1920 the museum went through a difficult period, which called into question its existence. But still, it was possible to defend its right to exist, obtain funding and give it a new status.

Since 1990, on the basis of the local history museum, there has been a training center for museum restorers, the only one in the region. The work is carried out according to the programs and methods State Hermitage. In 2013, the Center for Innovative Museum Technologies was established on the basis of the museum.

The main expositions that are presented in the museum, telling about the nature, ethnography and history of the Urals, were opened in 2005-2012.

Museum collection

It is difficult to imagine a more complete collection of the museum, which represents the area with different parties. This includes flora and fauna, ancient tools, utensils, books and much more.

natural history the collection includes a herbarium fund, as well as the remains of ancient animals - a cave lion, a woolly rhinoceros, a mammoth and many others. The mineralogical collection is also presented here: minerals and rocks edges - and collections of bird eggs, various shells, etc.

ethnographic collection and collection of fabrics are items from various materials different peoples the edges. And also items applied arts peoples of the Urals. In addition, here you can see samples of fabrics from ancient egypt, the creativity of its people, clothes and hats.

Photo collection and negatives is newer. Works by well-known photographers such as V. Metenkov, N. Terekhov, Kozlov, in the form of panoramic shots, interiors, photo portraits, urban events, etc.

In the collection of written monuments and the rare book fund there are various manuscripts, early printed books. In the funds you can find the facts of the life of the development of the region (industry, science, culture, life).

Armory collection is the pride of the museum. Here are samples of various weapons of the 15th-19th centuries, as well as equipment from different times.

Numismatic collection collected from coins, awards, awards and banknotes of different times and nationalities.

In the metal collection we can see tools and various products made of non-ferrous metals, sculptures, figurines, vases, furniture, utensils, etc.

Another one collection - icon and cult monuments- represented by icons of the 18-19 centuries, chased from silver, brass, embroidered with gold threads, decorated with precious stones.

Collection pictorial monuments combines painting and graphics, industrial drawings. You will see paintings by Ural artists and other surviving collections in this section.

In the archaeological collection you can find various found products made of glass, clay, ceramics, etc. This collection is growing to this day.

AT oriental collection exhibits of Chinese and Japanese origin are presented. These are coins, and religious figurines, swords and much more.

Museum leads vigorous activity. There are educational programs, such as a museum pass and a museum class, excursions on various topics and interesting events, special units museum: center of innovative museum technologies SOCM and restoration workshop.

The museum also hosts various workshops and projects. Among major international exhibition projects, the most outstanding are "Bonjour, Ural!" (was held in the Year of France in Russia), “Joseph Beyrle – Hero of Two Nations” (USA), “Glueckauf! Four Centuries of Russian-German Cooperation in the Urals” (during the Year of Germany in Russia), “Destinies during the Great Patriotic War: Letters and Memoirs of Jewish Soldiers of the Red Army” (Israel). As well as projects carried out jointly with Russian museums: “First Ladies of Russia”, “Romanovs. On the break Russian history”, “Masterpieces of Russian museums for the anniversary of the Sverdlovsk region”, etc.

In addition, you can make virtual tour according to the historical exposition on the Culture portal. RF.

How to get there, tickets, cost, opening hours

Tickets can be purchased at the museum box office. Full ticket- up to 80 rubles, for students - up to 40 rubles, for pensioners - up to 40 rubles, for preschoolers - 20 rubles. Children under 5 years old, disabled people, conscripts, university students are entitled to free admission. The entrance fee varies depending on the day of the visit.

The museum is open from 11.00 to 18.00, except for weekends - Monday and Tuesday.

The birth of the future Sverdlovsk Regional Museum of Local Lore took place on December 29, 1870 (according to the old style, January 10 in the new style) in the assembly hall of the Yekaterinburg male gymnasium, on constituent assembly WALE. The foundation of the museum was laid by a small collection of the first gifts to the Society made by its founders. O.E. Kler later recalled that “at the end of the first meeting ... of the Society, in the assembly hall of the gymnasium, all objects and books received for the museum and library fit freely in one laundry rack occupied by the wife of the director of the gymnasium ...”. In one of the first letters written on behalf of the newly opened WOL, O.E. Kler, elected scientific secretary of this Society, reported in Moscow Society testers of nature: "The first business of the Ural Society will be to collect facts, to compile a museum that could give a clear idea of ​​the phenomena in our region."

At the origins of the creation of the UOLE Museum were: O.E. Kler, who for many years was the permanent scientific secretary of the Society, and in fact - its leader, A.A. Mislavsky, the first vice-president of the Society, a famous doctor and naturalist, I.P. Ivanov, the head of the Ural factories, who was elected president of the Society for almost a quarter of a century, the first curators of the museum were the scientist forester I.S. ), who served as a laboratory assistant in the Ural gold-alloy and chemical laboratory, mining engineer, mineralogist V.M. Malakhov (1876-1880). At a meeting of the Wole Committee on December 27, 1871 ( old style) a discussion of the draft "Rules for compiling and using museum collections" took place, on the basis of which the local history profile of the future museum collection was determined from the very beginning.

The first paragraph of the rules read: "The museum is composed mainly of objects collected in the Urals and in the nearest regions."

During the first year of the existence of the UOLE Museum, four collections began to form - zoological, mineralogical, paleontological, botanical. Museum curator I.S. Levando, archivists of the Ural Mining Administration, experienced hunters I.A. Krupina and A.F. Novoselova began collecting material for the zoological collection. From these collections, by the end of 1871, the museum's preparator Khrzhanovsky made the first stuffed animals - a crow, yellow bell, and two waxwings. 15 finished stuffed animals came from the teacher Yu.A.Kumberg and the pharmacist K.A.Gelmikh. O.E. Kler, Yu.A. Kumberg, A.F. Novoselov, V.I. Obreimov and P.M. Vologodsky donated their entomological collections to the museum of the Society - about 400 specimens of insects in total. P.S. Golyshev, a process engineer, decided to donate his entire huge entomological collection to the Uole Museum - about 3 thousand samples, which, while waiting for the move, remained at the donor’s house and all burned down during a fire that happened in 1872. Ekaterinburg bank official A.S. Ignatiev donated 12 alcohol preparations of fish and amphibians to the newborn museum. The mineralogical collection grew rapidly, which received numerous gifts. Several random finds donated to the museum by the director of the Yekaterinburg Lapidary Factory A.I. Lyutin (a fossilized imprint of a fossil fish), the director of the gymnasium V.V. Vsevolodov (a rhinoceros skull, a ram’s horn, a mammoth’s tusk and bone), and also by Mrs. T. Poluzadova ( several mammoth bones) marked the beginning of the paleontological collection. Botanists received up to 300 herbarium sheets during the year. In 1873, the beginning of the archaeological collection was laid, when a student of the real school A. Bryukhanov brought to the museum a greenish stone, recognized by O.E. Kler as a stone ax ancient man. At the same time, 40 coins received from an unknown donor formed the basis of the numismatic collection.

The Museum of Local Lore in Yekaterinburg (the full name is the Sverdlovsk Regional Museum of Local Lore named after O. E. Kler) was created almost a century and a half ago, in 1870, at the initiative of the Ural Society of Natural Science Lovers (UOLE) - an organization that still exists today.

The main expositions - about nature, history, ethnography of the region, opened in the period from 2005 to 2012, they are regularly replenished.

The Poklevsky-Kozell House on Malysheva Street is the main administrative building and exhibition area of ​​the Sverdlovsk Regional Museum of Local Lore. Temporary exhibitions are often held here. dedicated to nature and travel, the history of the Urals. Special events are held as part of the international action Night of Museums.

The permanent exhibition of the museum is open from Wednesday to Sunday from 11:00 to 18:00 (the box office closes half an hour), Monday and Tuesday are days off. Temporary exhibitions are open daily from 11:00 to 20:00 (the box office closes at 19:00).

Prices at the Museum of Local Lore in Yekaterinburg

  • adult ticket - 120 rubles
  • discount ticket (schoolchildren, students and pensioners upon presentation of a document) - 70 rubles
  • children preschool age- is free
  • excursion service - 400-600 rubles.


The modern museum is not one building, but a whole museum association with branches in the Ural cities. In addition to the Sverdlovsk Regional Museum of Local Lore at Malysheva, 46 (Museum and Exhibition Center "House of Poklevsky-Kozell"), five more main sites operate in Yekaterinburg at the UOLA:

  • Museum of the History and Archeology of the Urals, which tells the history of the Urals in three parts: ancient Ural, the Urals during the Petrine reforms and the Urals during the Great Patriotic War. The organizers gave a special place to the Romanov dynasty.
  • The Museum of Nature is one of the oldest departments of the Sverdlovsk Museum of Local Lore. The collection of 60,000 interesting exhibits includes minerals, a taxidermy collection and paleontological finds, including the skeletons of extinct animals that once lived in the Urals.
  • Museum of radio them. A. S. Popova, where rare specimens radio engineering of different times. The pearl of the collection was a working Morse apparatus and a model of the device, thanks to which Popov became known to the whole world.
  • Ernst Neizvestny Art Museum - the first museum in Russia, dedicated to creativity and the life of one of the most famous natives of Yekaterinburg, the great sculptor Ernst Neizvestny.
  • The Museum of the History of Fruit Gardening is a museum complex of a residential building and a garden, connected with the life and work of the first gardener-breeder in the Urals, Dmitry Kazantsev.

In addition, the Ural Society of Natural Science owns an information and library center, a storage facility on the Sibirsky Trakt, branches in Alapaevka (I.P. Tchaikovsky House-Museum), Berezovsky, Arti, Polevskoy, Sysert and other cities. The museum is currently under restoration. merchant life In Ekaterinburg.

In total, the largest museum association in the Urals has over 732,000 exhibits, and the number of visitors per year exceeds 250,000.

The Society cooperates with leading cultural organizations in Russia; for more than twenty years now, the only restoration center in the Urals has been operating on its basis, training museum restorers according to the Hermitage methodology.

How to get to the Museum of Local Lore in Yekaterinburg

You can get to the administrative building of the museum in the Poklevsky-Cosell House at the Malyshev-Dobrolyubova crossroads by almost any type of public transport: trolleybuses, buses, fixed-route taxis, walking distance from the metro station and tram stops.

From the stations, we recommend taking the metro to Ploshchad 1905 Goda, from there it's only a block to the architectural monument building: you will have to walk along March 8 Street before turning left onto Malysheva Street.

From UrFU (UPI) you can take buses No. 50, 54. On transport coming from the VIZ side, on some minibuses from the Southern Bus Station you can get to the nearest stop to the house - Malyshev Square, trolleybuses stop there. The following public transport routes are suitable for you:

  • Buses No. 2, 14, 25, 61, 64
  • Trolleybuses No. 3, 7, 17
  • fixed-route taxi No. 04, 056, 070.

To order a car, you can use taxi applications: for example, Gett, Rutaxi or Three Tens.

Entrance to the Sverdlovsk Regional Museum of Local Lore on Malysheva, 46 (Museum and Exhibition Center "Poklevsky-Kozell House") on google-panoramas:

Video about the Sverdlovsk Regional Museum of Local Lore

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