Collecting: vinyl records. Rare: Record Collectors Talk About Vinyl Record Collectors

Interested USSR vinyl records? online auction is always at your service! At any convenient time, you can pick up worthy items to replenish your adored collection, as well as sell old vinyl records of the USSR. All tasks are solved on as simply and without problems as possible! Our catalog contains a lot of valuable things, for example, antique hand-held lanterns or antique equipment, etc. The price of products is very different.

Considering the vinyl records of the USSR, the price of which is very different today, some interesting facts and figures associated with them should be noted. Thus, the world's first gramophone discs made of plastic material, containing a sound recording for playback, were made of celluloid. In 1897, they were replaced by products made from shellac, soot and spar, and they were very expensive due to the use of shellac, an organic substance produced by a varnish insect called Tachardia lacca. So for one disk it was necessary to use the labor of 4 thousand worms.

According to experts, the most expensive vinyl in the world is estimated at 100,000 pounds. This is a single from the Quarrymen and is dated 1958. Sir Paul McCartney became the owner of the only edition known to collectors. Expensive vinyl records of the USSR, of course, are highly valued, but they do not reach such fabulous heights.

The best vinyl comes from Japan. Experts began to add a special vinylite component to the plastic mass, which reduces the noise from the sliding of the needle, which is noticeably audible in the pauses between compositions. In addition, thanks to this substance, the appearance of electrostatic charges was minimized, and the service life of the disk also increased in general.

Collecting vinyl records

One of the entertaining types of collecting is the collection of sound recordings of various content, which is called philophony. The most common direction in philophony is the collection of music recordings on various media (from laser CDs to gramophone products). Of particular note are the records released in the USSR. Of course, collecting is associated with certain difficulties - you have to tirelessly look for them, find out how much old USSR vinyl records cost, invest, and then ensure careful and careful storage.

Often the basis of many philophonic collections, as a rule, is a home record library, for example, children's records of the USSR. When philophony becomes a serious hobby, the circle of collecting is narrowed. The personal taste of the collector prevails here. The collection of certain records of any direction or a specific artist begins. Fans of documentary records collect speeches of public and state figures with interest. The cost of vinyl records of the USSR is very different.

What do vinyl collectors pay attention to?

For collectors who once decided to buy vinyl records of the USSR, and began to pay due attention to the emerging collection, a number of factors related directly to copies are important. As a rule, the price of a particular product is formed from them. So what matters is:

  • year of issue (old discs are of great value)
  • circulation (good luck - to get a limited edition disc, for example, one in a thousand, these are rare records of the USSR)
  • performer (there is a category of popular)
  • condition (is the disc sealed, has it been played and how many times, are there any chips, scuffs and scratches)
  • manufacturer's label
  • an image on a disk (a unique illustration by a famous artist, master, or a rare photograph).

For those who were born and raised in the Soviet Union, his vinyl is a special world. Unfortunately, the domestic assortment of gramophone records is very small and mainly consisted of the work, of course, of Soviet performers. Basically, foreign records were imported into the country - semi-legally from around the world. Advertisements like Buy/Sell old USSR vinyl records were relevant, but it was not easy to get such discs. They were considered fashionable and covered with an aura of something forbidden. And today, collecting them has become a way of self-expression, a special subculture for several generations of Soviet citizens. Therefore, announcements like Buy / Sell records of the USSR are relevant.

It is known that for the first time vinyl records of the USSR, which are not difficult to sell today and the price for which is very different, were released at a factory near Moscow in Aprelevka. Over time, this factory became the largest disc manufacturer in the Land of the Soviets. On the first released products there was a gypsy song "Tramp", and they weighed 400 grams. Now these are rare vinyl records of the USSR, their price is very high.

During the war years, the production of discs dropped significantly. But after the war, the factory even mastered the production of long-playing vinyl. In 1961, the first stereo discs appeared, but ordinary 78 rpm discs were produced until 1971.

Despite the speed of technology development and qualitative changes in the modern world, many interesting things remain unchanged today. Despite the rapid passage of time, they retain their value, remain all the same popular, fashionable and in demand. These include vinyl records of the USSR, especially rare ones. More than one catalog offers them, and the price increases every year.

And the popularity of such products is due not so much to the sound quality. As you know, the sound is simply incomparable with the sound of various digital media. Music gourmets and experienced collectors know that the sound of CDs is characterized by coldness and neutrality of sound, but this cannot be said about vinyl. Therefore, the prices for USSR records are, as a rule, higher compared to other media.

Our catalog of USSR vinyl records is always at your service!

Or the collection is another way of expressing one's own individuality. You can collect anything - from watches to bottle labels. Collectors do not always find understanding among relatives and friends. Many people find hobbies too expensive and collections too space-consuming. As a rule, the collector not only acquires a certain copy, but also seeks to know its history or manufacturing technology. One of the most interesting collectibles is vinyl records.

Collecting is one of the most popular hobbies.

In most cases, collecting does not bring income, rather, on the contrary. This is one of the reasons why those close to the collector are skeptical about his hobby. But the passion for stamps, postcards or rare books can give a person much more than material gain. The collector expands his own horizons. Of particular interest are objects of the collection with a rich history, for example, postage stamps of Tsarist Russia or other countries.

Like any other hobby, collecting can start as a childhood hobby and then develop into a kind of intellectual "sport". Some psychologists note the positive impact of collecting on human cognitive abilities, since it brings not material, but spiritual interest. It is easier for a person who collects collections from childhood to work with information and systematize his knowledge and develop search skills.

Many collectors find like-minded people who will help them find and purchase a copy of interest. The Internet allows them to communicate with people from anywhere in the world who share their hobby. On forums or social networks, they can get information about the storage of items in the collection or special stores where they can be purchased. Today, one of the popular hobbies is again collecting vinyl records.

Collecting audio media is a relatively new phenomenon in the hobby world. Mass sound recording appeared much later than postcards or stamps - just over 100 years ago. For a long time, the gramophone record was the most common sound medium.

At the beginning of the 20th century, gramophone and gramophone records were produced from shellac, a resin produced by tropical insects. Shellac records are more fragile than vinyl records. Only one composition was placed on one disc. Later, familiar to many vinyl discs with a rotation speed of 33 revolutions per minute began to be produced. They made it possible to record several songs already, so the performers had the opportunity to release entire albums.

Vinyl records were followed by tapes and audio cassettes. Their main advantage is compactness and ease of transportation. A separate bag or bag is needed for the record, while the cassette can simply be put in a pocket. Of the minuses of the film, a strong stretch from a large number of reproductions and the ability to tear or crumble over time were noted.

By the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, the production of vinyl records had practically ceased, and only a few collectors remained true to their hobby. For a while, audio cassettes and vinyl were supplanted by laser CDs and the MP3 format. But gradually, music lovers came to the conclusion that the CD does not fully appreciate the richness of the sound in the way that the vinyl disc does.

For a long time, vinyl records were the most popular sound medium in the Soviet Union. Many people remember the amazing audio tales, for the recording of which the best actors were invited and the most talented composers wrote the music. There were turntables in every educational institution. Thus, mass sound recording played a huge role in the aesthetic education of children.

Adults enjoyed collecting records of popular artists. Of particular interest was the collection of concerts by Vladimir Vysotsky and the first official editions of works of domestic and foreign rock music. On the back of the envelope, one could read information about the performers and a kind of review of the album.

Today, vinyl records are making a comeback in the hobby world. Modern artists record their albums on vinyl, and record companies willingly reissue the best albums. Russian collectors willingly share their experience in storing, acquiring and caring for records on social networks.

Social media is one of the necessary communication tools for vinyl collectors. They willingly share with each other information about collections, types of players and spare parts, accept orders for the purchase of records. One of the most important topics is behind the collection. Novice vinyl collectors need to follow a number of rules and guidelines that allow the record to maintain high sound quality.

Basic rules for beginners recommend handling the record in a certain way. For example, you should not touch the audio track with your fingers, as fingerprints will adversely affect the sound quality. Records should be stored upright and in a dry place. Dampness is also bad for vinyl.

Each record should be stored in a separate envelope to avoid mechanical damage or deterioration. Before listening, it is necessary to remove fine dust from the record - it is better to do this with a piece of flannel or microfiber. When listening, you should not move the needle sharply during playback - this leaves scratches on the plate, which significantly spoil the sound quality. It is not allowed to play records with cracks, chipped edges or mechanical damage.

High-quality care for vinyl records also involves the ability to wash them. There are many ways to remove contaminants - from PVA glue to special washing machines. The most common method involves washing with a detergent and then drawing out the dust and dirt with a vacuum cleaner whose pipe is wrapped with a piece of cloth. The least effective method of cleaning by collectors is glue, because it does not remove dust and dirt that accumulate deep. In addition, traces of glue may remain on the surface of the plate.

With proper storage and playback, the record can be stored in good quality for many years. Vinyl discs are a sound chronicle of a bygone century, allowing you to get acquainted with the voices of great singers and artists of the past, masterpieces of classical music, rock or author's song. Vinyl records sound more natural and spacious than CDs. It is this quality that attracts vinyl collectors today.

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Do you have a couple of old records stashed away that you would like to sell? There are plenty of collectors out there willing to buy a stack of old records that you've treasured over the years. Well, few records are worth a lot of money, so read this article carefully - you may be a few steps away from earning a decent reward for them!


Finding and Selling Recordings

    Go through your record library - attics, basements and cabinets. Perhaps this way you can earn some money and free up valuable space in your home for other purposes. Valuable may be: LP (LP (Eng. long play, LP from long-playing - long-playing 25 and 30 cm discs, play at 33 1/3 rpm), 78s (several fragile discs, play at 78 rpm on each side) and 45s (17 - centimeter discs, play at 45 rpm).

    Set aside any records you want to get rid of and get ready to benefit from your past.

    Study supply and demand. How rare is the entry? If millions were originally sold of just such records, it is likely that the buyer will be more willing to buy it in a music store with good storage conditions or from someone else. Scarcity is what matters! There must be a demand for this record for such reasons: a special artist (for example, a great talented musician who died young and did not have time to make many records), the label on which he was recorded (in the original recording, as opposed to "reissue"), or an unusual feature on the record (eg, V-disc, wartime recording, clippings taken from radio broadcasts, original picture, or 10" LP). The “out-of-print” record (no longer produced) is also considered scarce, there are fewer such offers on the market. So-called "bootlegs" (recordings made illegally from live concerts or broadcasts) are also valuable to collectors.

    Check the status of the entry. If the record is as good as new or near perfect condition, the record will be of the highest value. Recordings in "very good" condition should not show any distorted sounds or degradation of audio quality. “Good” means that there may be some defects, but this is tolerable. "Acceptable" means that the record can play, but there will be noise and distraction from the listening experience, which reduces the value of the recording. Records with surface scratches are worth little or nothing. Some sellers have their own evaluation criteria.

    Think about the content of the post. Generally speaking, the interest in music is much higher than in the field of humorous records, and the cost of music records, as a result, will also be higher. Some types of music recordings sell for a very high price. Jazz records, old Broadway originals, and movie soundtracks tend to have the highest market and monetary value. In addition, early records in the style of rhythm and blues are considered collectible. Among classical recordings, orchestral performances are considered the most valuable, followed by instrumental, chamber music and concertos, solo vocal and operatic arias, and finally the complete opera. For some collectors, the type of recording is important - mono or stereo, which, accordingly, affects the final cost of the record. See tips below.

    Find the right buyer for your treasure. Recordings are purchased by collectors, mail order dealers, used by music stores and just ordinary people (sometimes out of nostalgia or love for the artist; in addition, some music lovers believe that the sound of high-quality vinyl recordings is better than on CD-ROM or other media ). For really rare records, the best deals can come from resellers who know the market like the back of their hand and how much they can resell for. Collectors are emotional, sometimes reaching fanaticism to complete their collection. They can pay a lot for a special copy. It is very rare to get a rare recording of a popular artist at an affordable price, including only the cost price without dealers' markup.

    Research the market first. Careful observation, along with knowledge of the recording industry and its artists, is necessary to determine the value of a particular record. When (and if) you determine that a record is indeed rare, it will be easier for you to determine its value. For a deeper understanding of pricing, read the tips below.

  1. Lately, early vintage rock records have been in demand on the market, especially from dead cult figures like Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin and Jim Morrison. In addition, a lively trade is now raging among collectors of the 45s, especially 1950s rhythm and blues and early rock. Of great interest are rare and unusual recordings (in matters of foreign policy and so on), compositions by Elvis Presley and the Beatles. Also of considerable interest are records that are sold with posters of performers.

Buro 24/7 talked to people who value vinyl more than life

Moor, SuperDJ

How much do you spend on records

Almost all. I leave at least a life.

most valuable copy

It is very difficult. It's the same as saying what your favorite record is. You can’t name your favorite, because there are others, and the question immediately arises, why are they needed then? But I have an INXS record, I think it's from 1985, autographed by Michael Hutchence and the whole band. She is more valuable than anything else.

object of desire

There is a wishlist, in which there are about 5 thousand positions. I recently had a bag of 80 records stolen from me, and now I really want to restore everything that I lost. This is my #1 desire right now.

Where buys

Online stores, markets, vinyl fairs... When I travel abroad, I try to find vinyl stores. In any of them you can always find something for yourself. And in which online stores - this is classified information.

Who has the best collection

The collection of records is tailored to the one who collects it. Collecting for the public is not a collection. For further sale - also not a collection. A collection is when the chosen music causes tremors, heartbeats, you want to possess it, that's why you collect it. For this reason, the lost 80 records is like losing a part of yourself.

What to lose

Now they produce a lot of all kinds of equipment. In the 80s, the Chinese made a bunch of tape recorders: the sound was plastic, it was impossible to listen to. Someone was happy with it, and someone bought expensive cassettes. In the turntable, the main thing is how it spins, everything else is the speakers. A lot also depends on the needle. There are players that many records do not even take. You put on them, and the record jumps. Vinyl, it is different, can be heavy, and the needle must cope with it.

I have three players at home. Just because I'm a DJ.

Andrey Smirnov, founder of the vinyl label Aby Sho Music

(released on records Onuka, The Hardkiss, Brutto)

How much do you spend on records

It's hard to answer. I order from a supplier in bulk, he sends me every six months. A total of 800-900 dollars.

most valuable copy

A few years ago I released Depeche Mode vinyl - it was the first Ukrainian edition, and I have the first record out of three hundred. This is a favorite. And if the money - the first press of the album The Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd cost me 600 pounds.

object of desire

Record by Japanese porn star Reiko Ike, released only in Japan in the late 1960s and early 1970s. I'm looking for a first press, it costs about 500-600 euros, I'm still trying to find a cheaper one.

Where buys

Where I see. Overseas, on Discogs and eBay. I order the supplier from the list of new products that he provides me.

Who has the best collection

I have never measured collections. Everyone has his own: one of my comrades collects only autographed records, the other - old rock first presses, someone collects more DJ music. I'm closer to my collection.

What to lose

Everyone chooses for himself. Many people have a negative attitude towards DJ equipment. Real music lovers dream of some "airplane" for 10-15 thousand euros, so that it sounds best on it. But I am far from prejudice and play everything on a regular DJ player.

Vadim Glina, entrepreneur

How much do you spend on records

Sometimes $20, sometimes nothing. I buy and sell records, do business [Vadim has a point in the Petrovka market, pavilion A28. - Buro 24/7], because my expenses are such that I can recoup what I spent. It also happens that I buy a record that I have long dreamed of, I listen - but I don’t like it. You have to sell or change, but sell more often.

most valuable copy

This is a Let It Be - The Beatles box. It includes the box itself, the record, the poster and the book. In 1970, it cost about 20 pounds, and in our time, about 4,000 dollars. At the time, it was crazy money. Also a promo copy of The Doors - they were printed in order to send to radio stations and music critics.

object of desire

It's so hard to choose ... Just imagine: you are sitting at the table, and in front of you are oysters, black caviar, works of culinary art. It's very hard to choose. That's how it is here.

Where buys

On eBay, for example. In general, a narrow circle of music lovers brings me records for sale, and I choose. These can be vinyls that are in every home, some kind of Soviet stage. And there is, for example, Larisa Mondrus, a singer who emigrated to Germany, where she released several albums that were not successful. In the USSR, her records were published in "Soviet Stage" envelopes with an abstract pattern. And now Larisa Mondrus, whose record cost nothing, is estimated at $25.

Who has the best collection

Everyone thinks they have the best collection. In Los Angeles, I got into one store, where a person has about 100,000 records for sale. His own collection - about 25 thousand. At the same time, he still has the rarest vintage audio equipment.

What to lose

A record that was produced in Britain should be played on British equipment, in the Soviet Union on Soviet equipment. Each country-manufacturer is designed for its own standard.

It is very easy to buy or sell vinyl records!!!

Board of announcements for the sale of vinyl records, CDs, equipment and other collections.! With us you can place an ad easily and absolutely free of charge. With the help of our classifieds site you can buy or sell vinyl records, CD Discs, turntables, tape recorders, speakers, amplifiers, coins, brands, models and more...

Vinyl records for sale!!!

Do you want to sell vinyl records?

For music lovers and those who have relatives from among the music lovers, there is a great opportunity to earn money. It is enough to look through your personal music library or disassemble the dusty mezzanines, and at the same time the country attics. Subject of search - old vinyl records. Next item on the agenda where to sell vinyl records USSR price on the domestic records in the modern market.

If you belong to the older generation who found queues at the Melodiya store, knows how to change the needle in the player, and with aching warmth in your heart remembers recording holiday greetings for relatives and friends on vinyl, you will be especially pleased to know that after After a short exile, analog media regained their good name. If you once collected vinyl records collection, sell today it will not be difficult, in addition, you can get very decent money for well-preserved copies. After all cost of an old record increases in proportion to her age. If you have carefully preserved your little music museum on vinyl, now is the time to make a good deal and by contacting our bulletin board, sell vinyl records of the USSR and not only .

At the moment, there is a demand for domestic musical recordings of the war years, as well as clippings from radio broadcasts. highly valued gramophone records with performances by Pyotr Leshchenko and Fyodor Chaliapin. But expensive to sell vinyl records melody already more difficult. The Russian music market is oversaturated with the products of the Soviet monopoly, which single-handedly produced records on the territory of the USSR since 1964. Records "Melody" were in every home, and the vast majority of them were produced in huge numbers. Although among this group vinyl there are good examples, mostly classical music recordings in orchestral performance.

If you're young enough that the word " vinyl"for you is associated only with the work of DJs in nightclubs, and vintage records together with the gramophone you inherited, we will help you solve the issue that torments you, where to sell vinyl records. What seemed to you useless, things that have lost all meaning, will acquire a real value. You will be pleasantly surprised to know How much can you sell old vinyl records for?. It is likely that you do not know anything about the work of Claudia Shulzhenko, and you cannot name Utesov. But when banknotes rustle in your hands after you succeed sell used vinyl records, you mentally warmly thank your relatives for the fact that they, without suspecting it, made such an unexpected investment at one time.

For happy owners records with the albums of Western artists, it will be useful to know that now, as before, the price of jazz (for example, Freddie Hubbard, George Benson, Grover Washington), bootlegs or, in modern terms, a pirate, that is, recordings made from concerts and performances, 10" long-playing LPs due to their rarity, as well as original (non-reissued) recordings. Old Broadway compositions, early rhythm and blues recordings, orchestral performances - all this comes to life again, thanks to vinyl, and attracts the attention of enthusiastic collectors.

Why sell old vinyl records best for us? Because we are ready to offer a promoted platform for your ad. Your ad will be seen by thousands of fans vinyl records around the world and it's absolutely free. We know the music market well and set the current cost of vinyl records to sell which we offer on the most favorable terms. You only need to place a declaration like " I want to sell vinyl records" and wait for an interested music lover to respond. Our experts are looking forward to when you contact us with the words: " Vinyl records are expensive"and demonstrate your selection of musical treasures on vinyl on our website. And we, in turn, will delight you with the highest and highest quality service.

thinking How much can you sell vinyl records for?, to begin with, they should be carefully studied in accordance with a small list that will help determine the value of a record:

  • - the degree of wear of the record and the envelope;
  • - date of manufacture;
  • - name of the company and country of origin;
  • - musical style;
  • - the popularity of the performer;
  • - the rarity of the plate.

Sell ​​vinyl records price for which it will be easy to make a significant amount if in the distant past they were purchased as a scarce commodity. Those recordings that filled the shelves in tons and were not of interest to true music lovers, today are also not able to awaken real excitement in collectors and lovers, spurring this category of fans. vinyl open your wallet. The value of such records not great, they are just a characteristic evidence of the past era, which in itself is not so small. But sell devoid of collectible appeal old USSR vinyl records price moderate is also possible, especially if records are in perfect condition.

True music lovers know that records should be stored upright, dusted regularly, and a good quality stylus should be used on the turntable. If all of the above conditions are met, it is likely that gramophone record excellently preserved.

For rare records, the condition of the record also plays an important role in determining their price. Important, but not decisive. Unique vinyl records of the USSR price high sell really even if there are significant defects. The increased demand for these products from collectors reduces the requirements for their physical characteristics and entails an increase in their value. Fanatical Gatherers records are able to purchase a rare copy with scratches and chips for a lot of money, not for the sake of listening to the recording, but for the very fact of possessing the treasured desideratum.

If you are a beginner, self-define vinyl cost very problematic for you. Of course, you can assess the degree of deterioration of the record and find its circulation on the sleeve, but only an expert will help to establish the market price of each record. Until you have reliable data, how much does it cost to sell vinyl records profitably your selection is unlikely to succeed. The specialists of our online store do not mislead customers. Anyone can sell vinyl records used price for which will correspond to their real value today. You can compare prices in our online store of Vinyl Records!

Despite the rapidly growing interest in analog recording media, and the gradual return of music connoisseurs to listening vinyl, the vast majority of modern music production continues to be released in digital format. Pretty hard sell or buy quality vinyl not because of its lack of demand, but because there is no regulated system of interaction between sellers and buyers. Private ads on non-specialized sites by type buy vinyl records unable to establish a stable interaction between supply and demand. If things are easier with new records, and they can be found on the shelves of music salons, then records used go through a difficult path from their previous owners to the collections of collectors. Without the participation of an intermediary online vinyl store or a specialized bulletin board is simply indispensable. Where to sell used vinyl records, as well as purchase records without the risk of being deceived? Where can sell vinyl records quickly and in any quantity? Where sell vinyl records price for which will not cause you disappointment? There is only one answer to all questions. In our online store of vinyl records.

Madonna, Kevin Spacey, Adriano Celentano and many other eminent stars admit that they draw inspiration from listening to music on vinyl. Every year more and more people return to live recordings of analog media. Magic vinyl records has its own explanation. gramophone record is a kind of mechanical cast of the voice or sound of a musical instrument. The recording was made using a sound-collecting tube, at its end there was a sensitive membrane, which cut out a musical track on a wax disk. The membrane caught the vibrations coming directly from the performers. The wax disk served as a mold for further production records. This is how an amazingly deep acoustic sound was born, which is listened to with rapture by subtle connoisseurs of emotional music after many, many years.

If you do not recognize old music or still remain supporters of the digital format, or maybe it was not the format that happened to be among your collection, do not rush to send records in the scrap. It's much more profitable vinyl records to sell than throw away. What only cluttered the shelves in your home will become a source of replenishment of your budget or a means for subsequent acquisitions in your personal collection. For now, knowing where sell vinyl records that you do not need, you are also aware that in our online store you can buy records for every taste, both new and used. With us you can, for example, Soviet vinyl records to sell, and in return to purchase a rare recording of Queen or Louis Armstrong. And you never know more pearls can be found among the rich treasury vinyl, regularly updated by our managers and individuals who apply to our resource with an offer " Selling old vinyl records negotiable".

So do not put things off indefinitely, start looking for extra vinyl records and head to our online store, where you will find the most favorable conditions for cooperation. On our site you can sell everything: instrumental, chamber music, rock and pop albums, jazz, folk, blues, country, opera arias and romances. Keep in mind that sometimes writing to vinyl can cost an entire library of modern CDs.

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