October 24 is Special Forces Day. Day of special forces units in the Russian Federation

The beginning of the history of special forces in Russia is considered to be the creation in 1918 of special forces - CHON. They were subordinate to the Cheka and were intended to fight the Basmachi in Central Asia and the rebels on the territory of Russia proper.

In the future, special units were mainly located in the Cheka (NKVD - MGB - KGB). On October 24, 1950, the Minister of War of the USSR, Marshal of the Soviet Union A.M. Vasilevsky, issued a directive ordering the formation of 46 special-purpose companies with a staff of 120 people by May 1, 1951. Over time, the structure and quantitative composition of the army special forces changed more than once, but the essence of its mission, in principle, always remained the same.

Now special forces are paramilitary formations of the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Justice and other federal government bodies (detachments, groups, reinforced groups), which have their own code names (“Alpha”, “Vityaz”, “Vympel”, “ Russia"). They are intended for counter-terrorist actions, actions to search for and detain especially dangerous and armed criminals, liquidate criminal groups, free hostages and conduct other special operations.

Distinctive features of special forces units

Special status within the sectoral department. The specificity of the activities of special forces leaves its mark on the units of this category within the ministry, department, army or navy, depending on departmental affiliation. The activity of each such division is enshrined in a separate regulatory legal act. Special functions require more specific weapons, equipment, equipment, transport, which affects higher funding, unlike regular units. The level of combat training requires an enhanced training base and separate training centers.

High level of moral, psychological, ideological, physical and combat training of personnel. Special Forces units, as a rule, perform tasks in specific conditions, which require a high level of training.

Availability of special means of defense and attack. Special Forces units have weapons, equipment and vehicles with narrowly focused characteristics, higher than those available in the branch department in the state. This is due, again, to the tasks assigned to the special forces. From an economic point of view, it is not advisable to equip regular units with expensive equipment. In addition, special forces have narrowly targeted means (for example, special reconnaissance means, special assault means). Given that the training of special forces personnel has higher costs, there is a need for higher security, which requires more technological means of protection, life support and evacuation.

Judging from the economic side, the life of a special forces soldier is several orders of magnitude more valuable than the life of an ordinary soldier of a general purpose unit.

Ability to perform tasks autonomously under extreme conditions.

Each state has specially trained groups to carry out the most important tasks. There are such divisions in Russia as well. They are engaged in anti-terrorist actions, liquidate criminal groups and gangs, free hostages, search for and capture extremely dangerous criminals, and also participate in other especially important operations. Many are familiar with the names of some groups, such as Alpha, Vityazi, Rus, Vympel. It is to the servicemen who wear maroon berets that this holiday is dedicated.

When they celebrate

Special Forces Day is celebrated on October 24. In 2019, the date is celebrated for the 14th time. On May 31, 2006, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin 549 "On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation", an annual celebration of this event was established.

Who is celebrating

The Day of Special Forces in 2019 is celebrated by all military personnel and veterans of the ground forces, navy and aviation, gendarmerie, police, internal troops, trained under a special program for special operations.

history of the holiday

The date of the event has a symbolic meaning. On October 24, 1950, the Minister of War of the USSR issued a top-secret directive No. ORG / 2/395/832, according to which by May 1, 1951, it was necessary to create 46 special forces companies of 120 military personnel. The document was ratified by Marshal A. Vasilevsky. It was thanks to this directive that the army special forces were created. Many times the structure and composition of these units have changed, but the goals and objectives facing them have remained unchanged.

About profession

Soldiers of the army special forces of Russia are engaged in active reconnaissance, detection and destruction of saboteurs, and operations behind enemy lines. They have a strong spirit and a strong character, a quick reaction and a sharp eye.

Parts of special purpose (CHON) began to create in 1918. They were directly subordinate to the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission and fought the Basmachi in Central Asia and the people's armed forces.

In special forces units it is forbidden to prick tattoos. Therefore, only after leaving the service, military personnel can draw a bat (the emblem of military intelligence) or any other pattern.

Only the elite can get a maroon beret. To do this, you must pass the preliminary and main test. The first includes theoretical knowledge and fire, physical and tactical training. The main test consists of 7 stages: a forced march from 10 kilometers with overcoming obstacles (shelling, water barrier, swamp, evacuation of the wounded, and so on), passing a special strip with smoke immediately after the forced march, then high-speed shooting, assault on skyscrapers, acrobatic exercises, performing a complex of special exercises and, finally, conducting a duel.

The budget of Russian special forces is spent only on improving the level of training of military personnel, while 20% of the similar US budget is spent on improving the image of the Rangers, that is, on propaganda around the world.

"The Day of Special Purpose Units and Formations" is a relatively young professional holiday in Russia, it was established on May 31, 2006 by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin No. 549 "On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation."
The date of October 24 for the "Day of Special Purpose Units and Formations" was not chosen by chance. It was on this day in 1950 that the Minister of the Armed Forces of the USSR and the Minister of War of the USSR, Marshal of the Soviet Union A.M. Vasilevsky signed Directive No. ORG / 2/395/832 with the stamp "Secret" on the creation of special forces units (SpN) (deep reconnaissance or special-purpose reconnaissance) for operations in the deepest rear of a potential enemy, in which it was ordered as soon as possible (before May 1, 1951) to form in the armed forces of the country 46 special forces companies with a staff of 120 people in each, in all military districts, groups of troops and fleets. The order was carried out and on May Day 1951, the USSR Armed Forces already had more than five and a half thousand Special Forces units in their composition. It was the day Vasilevsky signed the directive that became a significant date. It is worth noting that special forces units existed in the Russian army until 1917. It was the Separate Special Purpose Naval Brigade (OMBON), formed on May 31, 1916 as part of the Special Purpose Mine and Artillery Regiments and the Special Purpose River Flotilla. These units were staffed by officers of the Navy and took part in the fighting on the Western Front until the beginning of 1918, after which they were disbanded. Thus, the birthday of the "old" Russian special forces is May 31.
Later, units of the Special Forces were created (one brigade for each military district or fleet and a brigade of central subordination). If the NATO countries began military operations against the USSR, the units and units of the Special Forces would be the first to defend. The reconnaissance groups were to appear in the immediate vicinity of the command posts and other strategic facilities of the aggressor armed forces. Their task was to conduct reconnaissance, and, if necessary, destroy command posts, missile launchers, strategic aircraft, nuclear submarines, disrupt communications, power supply, destroy transport communications, sow panic and bring chaos to the military and state administration.

... To do what the special forces did in Afghanistan, only infinitely courageous and determined soldiers can do. The people who served in the special forces battalions were professionals of the highest standard.
- B.V. Gromov, "Limited contingent"

Over its more than half a century of history, the structure and quantitative composition of the units of the Special Forces have changed several times.

Today, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are celebrating the Day of Special Forces Units, which are, in particular, the most important component of the intelligence system of the Ground Forces. Special forces units, units and subunits have successfully solved and continue to solve the tasks assigned to them, including in all the "hot spots" of recent decades. They are equipped with the most modern weapons, military and special equipment.

Special Forces Day, celebrated annually on October 24, was established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 549 dated May 31, 2006 "On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation."

The beginning of the history of special forces in Russia is considered to be the creation in 1918 of special forces - CHON. They were subordinate to the Cheka and were intended to fight the Basmachi in Central Asia and the rebels on the territory of the Russian Republic. In the future, the VChK (NKVD, MGB, KGB) mainly had special units.

On October 24, 1950, the Minister of War of the USSR, Marshal of the Soviet Union A.M. Vasilevsky, issued a directive ordering the formation of 46 special-purpose companies with a staff strength of 120 people by May 1, 1951. In other words, the ARMY SPECIAL FORCE was created. Over time, the structure and quantitative composition of the army special forces has changed more than once, but the essence of its purpose, in principle, has always remained the same.

Currently, special forces are paramilitary formations of the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Emergencies, the Ministry of Justice and other federal government bodies (detachments, groups, reinforced groups), which have their own code names - "Alpha", "Vityaz", "Vympel" , "Rus".

Special units are designed for anti-terrorist actions, actions to search for and detain especially dangerous and armed criminals, eliminate criminal groups, free hostages and conduct other special operations.

The main feature of special forces units is their relatively small composition, excellent training, audacity and surprise, initiative, speed and coordination of actions, the skillful use of shock and maneuver capabilities of weapons, military equipment, as well as the protective properties of the terrain, time of day, weather conditions.

These parts demonstrated their viability and usefulness already in 1968 during the first major operation. We are talking about the entry of troops of the Warsaw Pact countries into Czechoslovakia. It all started with the fact that a Soviet transport plane requested an emergency landing from Prague due to engine failure. After landing, events unfolded at lightning speed.

Special Forces soldiers jumped out of the plane almost as soon as it touched the runway, and ran towards the control tower of the airfield. Czech soldiers were so confused that they did not even think of resisting. The successful capture of this airfield made it possible to transfer the Vitebsk Airborne Division to Prague.

Meanwhile, other special forces units that had infiltrated Prague a few days before the start of the operation seized the city’s radio and television centers, telephone exchanges, newspaper editorial offices and other important buildings, and in the morning the fighters entered the building of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, where they At the same time, a meeting of Alexander Dubcek's cabinet was taking place.

Having seized the government building, the special forces soldiers held the ministers of Czechoslovakia for five hours, and then took them to Moscow. It is worth noting that the famous German saboteur during the war, Otto Skorzeny, observing the development of events in Prague, later called the operation carried out by the Soviet special forces "brilliant".

In May 1968, a special forces group of 9 people raided a secret American helicopter camp, which was located on the territory of Cambodia, 30 km from the border with Vietnam. This camp was used by American troops to send their reconnaissance and sabotage groups to Vietnam, as well as sorties in order to search for their downed pilots. On the airfield of the camp, 2 light helicopters, 8-10 heavy transport helicopters and 4 Super Cobra fire support helicopters were always on alert.

The purpose of the operation was precisely the Super Cobra helicopters, which were armed with guided missiles and were equipped with the latest targeting systems. As a result of the operation, which lasted 25 minutes, one helicopter was hijacked to Vietnam, and the rest were destroyed. The Americans lost about 15 people killed and wounded. The fact that these were precisely the Soviet special forces, the American intelligence services found out only a few years later.

Both before and after that, many operations were carried out that were no less effective and spectacular than this one. And not all of them are known to the general public. Therefore, these guys, whom no one knows by sight, but whom the whole world knows about, really deserve the right to be considered legends.

And it is all the more insulting to realize that today these military units, which have no analogues in the whole world, are completely destroyed by their own government. So, in March 2009, one of the best brigades was disbanded - the Berd brigade of the GRU special forces. Well, politicians know better. Apparently, they believe that Russia does not need professionals who are ready and able to fight for the HONOR and FREEDOM of their country. What will bring us tomorrow? Let's see…

/Based on materials topwar.ru /

In 1918, special forces were created to fight the rebels and the Basmachi of Central Asia, which became the ancestor of modern special forces. The structure and names of these troops have changed several times in their history, but the essence has remained unchanged - these are groups of highly qualified military personnel designed to search for and detain especially dangerous armed criminals, eliminate gangs, free hostages and other actions requiring a high level of training. A distinctive feature of special forces units is mobility, responsiveness, and coordination of actions. As a recognition of the special merits of the special forces units in ensuring stability in the country, October 24 was established by the decree of the President as the Day of Special Forces Units.

Spetsnaz also has a second birthday - August 29th. This day marks the Day of Special Forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. On August 29, 1957, 5 special-purpose battalions were formed.

I wish on special forces day
Always ready to be
Accurately follow orders
If suddenly there was trouble.

Be fit and agile
Keep the right form
To all around girls
They could sigh about you!

Happy Special Units Day destination,
Dangerous job you have, no doubt
So let the danger bypass you
So let the increase wait every year.

You are the pride of the family and parents pride,
Honor, respect carries your position,
I wish to reach the goal, heights,
May you be lucky and may the Lord keep

All special forces today
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart
You are the pride of a huge country,
You guys are good.

I wish you strength and happiness
Let the danger pass
Every day, let only joy
Brings inspiration.

Always waiting with love at home
Those who are dear to you, let them.
A dangerous job
Will give a rich harvest.

"Professionals of the highest standard" -
That's what people say about you.
Special forces are capable of any task,
You are the best defense for us.

May we have a peaceful sky, -
There will be less work for you.
Family happiness, good friends
And endless tomorrows.

Special Forces! And everything is very clear!
Courage, valor - where it is dangerous,
Usually this company serves.
With receptions specifically is friends.

And if someone raises their hand -
The commando will disarm.
We wish you guys
Eagles to be and believe holy:

Everyone needs your reliability
She is like a shield for everyone, like a sword!
We congratulate you on your day
Awards, we wish you all victories!

Responsibility and pride
Courage and honor
Character, strength, firmness
These people have.

Special forces don't rest
Nowhere and never
He protects us all
From a vicious enemy.

If anyone dares
Attack the homeland
Regrets in a second
Do not trump his suit.

SWAT is power, so be strong!
To serve in special forces is your calling!
Always serve courageously for the country,
May you succeed in any task!

I wish you health, success in everything,
I want to wish you a fighting mood
And achieve your goals day by day!
May you have a lot of joy in your life!

Congratulations today
I am a special forces
I wish you happiness
To each of you.

I wish operation
Carry out successfully
Fighters to be cool
Be successful with women.

Standing shoulder to shoulder
May luck be with you
Stay healthy,
Love, kindness and happiness.

Congratulations to all departments
All involved, all people,
Who lives with a special purpose.
Let life become better and brighter.

At work, I wish you success,
Grace - heart and soul.
More happiness, more laughter
Well, be on top of everything.

There are divisions
For special purpose,
We congratulate them on the occasion
With this bright and festive day!

May your career grow
Let life flourish forever with blessings.
May your dreams come true
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!

Congratulations: 53 in verse, 9 in prose.

Happy Special Forces Day

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