America table etiquette. Features of the etiquette of the countries of North America

Not only in England there are strict norms and rules of etiquette, in the United States the unspoken laws of good manners are no less respected.

There are many different publications and Internet sites where you can get acquainted with the basics of American politeness. Etiquette today has become so popular in the United States that it can even be studied at specialized educational institutions, for example, at the Washington Institute of Etiquette. Teaching good manners can be done not only by adults, but also by children.

Indeed, Americans would do well to learn the generally accepted norms of etiquette, because the knowledge of some known rules in the US is clearly lame. What is worth only the method of using a knife and fork - during a meal, Americans cut the meat with a knife into small pieces, after which they transfer the fork to right hand and start eating. This method is called the “two-year-old method”.

It is also not customary to drink tea in silence, it is best to have a casual small talk. Over a cup of tea, you can talk about upcoming events: holidays or events or plans for the summer.

In the United States, stiffness is not too widespread, but on the contrary, preference is given to simplicity and the absence of formalities. At the table, it is customary to address everyone by name, regardless of age and position. Of the obligatory unspoken norms of politeness - a signature American smile. When meeting a person, be sure to adhere to the three golden rules: a direct open look into the eyes, a wide smile and a firm handshake. By doing this, you will make it clear to the interlocutor that you are glad to meet him, and you are not hiding anything. Smile is business card any American. Residents of the States even manage to swear with a smile on their faces.

In America, people are quite straightforward, so in conversations they prefer to get straight to the point, without long digressions. The same applies to phone calls- conversations "about nothing" here indicate the absence good manners, telephone conversations conducted exclusively on business.

Many visitors are often asked by the most common question in the States: “how are you?”. Most often, it is set purely formally, so you should not describe everything that happened to you in Lately, but it will be enough to confine ourselves to a simple answer “good”. Firstly, the question is asked solely according to the rules of politeness, and secondly, in America it is not customary to complain about your problems, but it is simply necessary to share positive emotions here.

In the United States, there is a tradition - after visiting someone for a visit or after receiving a gift, you must thank the host or the donor with a postcard. By the way, it is not customary to come to visit without an invitation. It is necessary to warn the hosts in advance about your intention to visit, and preferably several days in advance. Also, do not pay a visit empty-handed; as a small present, you can take a bottle of wine with you.

The concepts of "acquaintance" and "friend" do not exist here, all nice people in the States are immediately called friends. Americans are very curious and want to know everything about new acquaintances, so they ask a lot of questions, including quite personal ones. By this they show their interest in the interlocutor.

In the United States, they are very attentive to the personal space of a person - you should not touch people unnecessarily, with American women it is better not to flirt - this can be regarded as harassment, and it is also not customary to kiss ladies' hands here. Women, like men, can be greeted with a handshake. But with people whom you see often, you can not shake hands when meeting, it will be enough just to nod your head as a greeting.

The specifics of the etiquette of the United States of America


Specifics of etiquette in the USA

1. Features of the American nation

2. Character traits typical american

3. Business etiquette in the USA

4. Behavior in an informal setting



The relevance of the topic I have chosen lies in the fact that knowledge of some features of the American warehouse and the etiquette of various peoples can help in communicating with their representatives, to feel more comfortable in unusual conditions.

Target control work is to study etiquette in the USA.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of tasks:

Consider the features of the American nation.

Learn the specifics of business etiquette in the USA.

Consider the communication of Americans in an informal setting.

Etiquette in a broad sense is understood as a set of rules of conduct relating to the external manifestation of attitude towards people, treatment of others, forms of address and greetings, norms of behavior in in public places, manners and clothes. It is also possible to consider etiquette as a set of rules of conduct adopted in certain social circles (for example, in diplomatic circles, etc.). In a narrower sense, etiquette is a form of behavior, courtesy, courtesy rules adopted in a given society.

According to public opinion polls, the belief prevails among the general population of the United States that values ethical behavior are steadily declining. Therefore, organizations, firms, managers and entrepreneurs of all levels should make every effort to improve the ethics of business communication, using various ways and means, including training in business ethics.

When writing the control work, I used educational materials domestic authors, such as Lavrinenko V.N., Kobzeva V.V., Opalev A.V. and etc.

1. Specifics of etiquette in the USA

1 Features of the American nation

The American nation was formed at the end of the 17th century. Its core was made up of the British, Irish, Welsh, who later mixed with the Dutch, Swedes, Germans, French, Danes, etc.

It was the English who brought their language and many features of their way of life and culture here. The consolidation of the American nation is not yet complete at present. Descendants of immigrants from various countries Europe, Asia, Latin America are at different stages of assimilation, retaining to this day certain differences.

A special place in the formation of Americans as a nation was occupied by Africans, who originally came here as slaves, and the small aboriginal population of the country - the Indians.

American culture is relatively young compared to many European, Asian or Middle Eastern cultures. The Americans have had a significant impact on negotiating styles around the world. The second half of the 20th century is sometimes called the "era of negotiations", it coincided with the growing influence of the United States on the development of international business, economic and political relations. The Americans have introduced a significant element of democracy and pragmatism into the practice of business communication.

2 Characteristics of the typical American

american business etiquette

Americans are individuals. Individuality and individual rights are the most important thing for an American. This quality can be regarded as a manifestation of selfishness, but it makes Americans treat other individuals with respect and insist on equality.

They are self-sufficient and independent. From early childhood, Americans get used to "stand firmly on their own feet", that is, rely only on themselves. Americans are direct people, they value honesty and frankness in people, they quickly get to the point of the conversation and do not waste time on formalities.

Americans do not like stiffness, prefer comfortable, casual clothes, address each other simply, informally, even if there is a big age difference between the interlocutors and public position.

Americans love to compete, they really appreciate achievements, records, they constantly compete with each other. Although such behavior is natural for them, from the outside it may seem overbearing, intrusive.

Americans are friendly, but in their own way. American friendships are rarely long-lasting, they have more applied moments. They are less fixed than other cultures and they don't like to depend on other people. They “rank” friendships and single out “work friends”, “sport friends”, “leisure friends”, “family friends”. However, Americans can also be loyal and devoted friends.

Americans ask a lot of questions. Some of the Americans' questions may seem elementary and straightforward. You may also be asked very personal questions. This usually shows their genuine interest.

Many consider Americans to be materialists. "Success" is often measured by the amount of money earned. However, there are enough people among the American intelligentsia who reject this approach.

Americans are energetic. This society is characterized by high activity, movement, changes. Silence annoys Americans. They don't like breaks in conversation. They would rather talk about the weather than pause the conversation.

The business American is by nature neither petty nor pedantic. But he understands that in the organization of any business - there are no trifles. Therefore, he carefully prepares for negotiations, taking into account all the elements on which the success of the case depends. An indispensable quality of an American businessman is the observance of three rules: analyze, share functions (duties), check performance. These rules are considered a condition of qualified leadership. Specialization is the motto without which no business starts.

Americans save time and value punctuality. In American culture, the time factor has special meaning. There, all actions and deeds are strictly scheduled in time, and each of them is assigned its corresponding amount. As Hall observed, "For Americans, time management is a measure of how people relate to each other, how important things are to them, and an indication of their position in society."

They use diaries and live according to a schedule. They definitely come to the appointed meeting. On the East Coast of the country (from Washington to Boston), this rule is strictly followed - being late is unacceptable and cannot be justified in any way, while in the west of the country this is much more tolerant. Negotiations can be very short - from half an hour to an hour and, as a rule, go one on one.

The pragmatism of the Americans is manifested in the fact that in business conversations, in negotiations, they concentrate their attention on the problem to be discussed, and they strive to identify and discuss not only general possible approaches to a solution, but also details related to the implementation of agreements. IN business communication Americans are energetic, ready for intensive work. This is facilitated by the entire system of education and upbringing that exists in the United States. From the school bench, assertiveness, the ability to set goals and achieve them, to firmly defend the interests of the companies they represent are approved in children.

American pragmatism is largely provided by objective factors. As a rule, US representatives have a fairly strong position in negotiations, and this cannot but affect the technology of their conduct: the Americans are rather persistently trying to achieve their goals, they can and love to "bargain". When solving problems, the Americans pay great attention to linking various issues - "package" solutions. They themselves often offer "packages" for consideration. They are characterized by discussing first the general framework of a possible agreement, and then the details.

3 Business etiquette in the US

Americans are business people, not inclined to ceremony, so they Business Etiquette simple and democratic. He allows for a firm handshake, a friendly "hello!", and clapping on the shoulder, and the use of extremely abbreviated names. Americans are industrious, their diligence is scope, energetic assertiveness, inexhaustible business passion, initiative, rationality, good quality.

In America, you can’t call work and say that you won’t come because you don’t feel well. The working day starts at 9 am and ends at 5 pm. 25 minutes are allotted for lunch, provided that a substitute employee is available for this time. Shops are open around the clock without lunch breaks, the central post office is also open all night. Americans are people of their word, if they say they will do it, they will do it. In America, everything is very strict, everywhere there is a heightened sense of responsibility. Americans are practical and this practicality allows them to benefit from everything, and the formation of this quality begins already in early childhood. No matter how rich the family is, the child tries to earn money for himself, not embarrassed by any, even the dirtiest work, just to be independent. Americans are prudent, economical, but not stingy. Wherever they invest money, even for charitable purposes, they count on benefits, and not necessarily material ones. This may be a benefit that raises the prestige of a person in the eyes of others or brings personal satisfaction. highest value In America, money counts.

If you draw a portrait of an American business man, then he could be like that. This is an intelligent, competent worker, susceptible to criticism, sociable with a holistic nature, firm, able to make decisions, a good organizer. He has a sense of humor, is able and willing to listen to others, is objective, constantly improves himself, uses his time correctly, and is ready for general leadership. Above all, an American values ​​success, without which life has no meaning.

The American style of negotiating is characterized by a fairly high level of professionalism. It is rare to find a person in the American delegation who is incompetent in the issues that are being negotiated. At the same time, compared with representatives of other countries, members of the American delegation are relatively independent in making decisions.

When solving a problem, they seek to discuss not only general approaches, but also details related to the implementation of the agreements. Such partners are impressed by the not too formal atmosphere of negotiations.

More often than not, Americans are too assertive, and even aggressive, when concluding commercial agreements. This can be explained by the fact that, as a rule, they have a sufficiently strong position, which cannot but affect the course of negotiations. These partners are quite persistent in trying to achieve their goals, they like to bargain, and in case of a disadvantageous position, they link various issues into one “package” in order to balance the interests of the parties.

In conversations, in negotiations, Americans prefer causal arguments, assuming that a conclusion is made on the basis of factual evidence. This type of argumentation is generally characteristic of the Anglo-Saxon negotiation style and differs, for example, from the traditions of Roman law, where a certain principle serves as the starting point of the proof, and the proof itself is built as a demonstration of the application of this principle.

Democracy of Americans in business communication is manifested in the desire for an informal atmosphere during negotiations and business conversations, in the refusal to strictly follow the protocol. Partnerships are quite common between members of the American delegation. They often refer to each other by their first names, regardless of age or status. A similar appeal is possible to foreign partners. This means that the relationship is not only business, but also friendly. Americans appreciate and respond well to jokes, trying to emphasize friendliness and openness. As noted by many participants and researchers of the negotiations, they have a much greater degree of freedom in making a final decision, compared, for example, with representatives of France, Japan, China or the republics of the former Soviet Union.

The style of business communication is distinguished by professionalism. It is difficult to meet a person in the American delegation who is incompetent in the issues under discussion.

The American style of negotiating, business conversations has and " reverse side". Considering themselves to be a kind of “trendsetter” in the technology of business communication, Americans often show egocentrism, believing that a partner should be guided by the same rules as themselves. As a result, representatives of the United States can be assessed by partners as too assertive, aggressive, rude, and their desire for informal communication is sometimes interpreted as familiarity. On this basis, misunderstanding is not ruled out, up to conflict situations. Such behavior of American colleagues in a number of cases causes bewilderment among representatives of domestic business circles, which, by the way, the Americans themselves paid attention to.

4 Behavior in informal settings

As for the communication of partners in an informal setting, a business reception in the United States is a common thing. This is a good opportunity to talk about family and hobbies. At the table, it is better to avoid talking about politics and religion, since the United States is a country of puritanical values. In straightforward American culture, there is a taboo against naming physical handicaps another man. This is probably due to the constant desire of Americans to always be in great shape and look young.

When greeting and getting to know men, they usually shake hands; women also often follow this tradition in business communication. Kisses are not accepted, as well as kissing the hand, but the cheerful pat on the back of well-known people can be observed quite often.

The American nation is concerned about its health. Smoking is not welcome, and sometimes it is simply considered indecent. In their diet, Americans, especially middle-aged and elderly, are increasingly trying to minimize foods containing cholesterol, prefer fruits and vegetables. However, "traditional American food" in the form of sandwiches and pizza is very popular. Alcohol is consumed very little. They mostly drink beer and cocktails, where there is more ice than liquids. Toasts are not accepted. When raising a glass of alcohol, Americans simply say “chiez” or “prosit”. It must be remembered that the duration of a business reception in the United States is much shorter than, for example, in France. At the end of it, the participants can return to the bureau and continue negotiations.

If you are invited to the house, then it is very important for the owner. Bring a bottle of wine or a souvenir as a gift.

Business gifts are not accepted. Moreover, they often cause alertness. The Americans are afraid that they may be perceived as a bribe, and this is strictly enforced in the United States. The Americans themselves, in order to please a business partner, can invite him to a restaurant, arrange a vacation outside the city or even at a resort - the costs in such cases are borne by the company.


Thus, the following conclusions can be drawn.

Americans are characterized by a good mood, energy, outward manifestation of friendliness and openness. They like the atmosphere not too formal in business meetings, they relatively quickly switch to address by name. Appreciate and respond well to jokes. Punctual. At the same time, a kind of “egocentrism” manifests itself: they often proceed from the fact that their partner should be guided by the same rules.

Women play an important role in US business life. Often they insist on being treated exactly like a partner, and not like a lady. In this regard, the manifestation of excessive gallantry is not accepted, personal questions should be avoided (for example, you should not find out if she is married).

In negotiations, the Americans pay considerable attention to the problem to be solved. At the same time, they seek to discuss not only general approaches to the decision (what to do), but also details related to the implementation of the agreements (how to do it).

In general, Americans are known for their very high pace doing business. It is characteristic for them not to put off “for tomorrow” what can be done “today”. In this regard, they are sometimes evaluated by partners as too assertive and straightforward, and also as constantly in a hurry.

They are always focused on success and proceed from the fact that success always entails new success.

IN last years Americans are increasingly focusing on healthy eating and healthy lifestyle life.

If you are invited home, you can bring flowers or wine, as a souvenir it is good to give something related to your country.

List of used literature

1) Grushevitskaya T.G., Popkov V.D., Sadokhin A.P. Basics intercultural communication: Textbook for universities. / Ed. A.P. Sadokhin. - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2003. - 352 p.

2) Kobzeva V.V. Etiquette in questions and answers: - M.: FAIR-PRESS, 2000. - 288 p.

)Lavrinenko V.N., Doroshenko V.Yu., Zotova L.I. Psychology and ethics of business communication: Textbook for universities. Ed. prof. V.N. Lavrinenko. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Culture and sport, UNITI, 1997. - 279 p.

) Melnikova E.V. Culture and traditions of the peoples of the world (ethno-psychological aspect): Tutorial. - Omsk: Omsk State Service Institute, 2003. - 144 p.

5) Morozov A.V. Business psychology. Lecture course; Textbook for higher and secondary special educational institutions. St. Petersburg: Soyuz Publishing House, 2000. - 576 p.

Many people remember the comical story about American actor Jake Gyllenhaal. Before going to Russia, he read about the famous Russian severity in guidebooks. In his mind, the installation was strengthened that a smile among Russians is equated with a demonstration of stupidity. And he diligently held back his smile everywhere - at conferences, while walking around Red Square, going to shops and cafes. Only after a while they explained to him that no one would consider an actor strange if he sincerely smiles or laughs. Only “duty” smiles are not accepted in Russia. And he relaxed.

Such a literal interpretation of the travel brochure could ruin Gyllenhaal's entire trip. Not everything that is written in guidebooks should be trusted. But the cultural differences between Americans and Slavs cannot be discounted either. Going to, it is worth listening to a few tips.

  1. Seeing an American for the first time in your life, do not ask too personal questions. It is not customary to be frank there, to ask about the amount of salary or illnesses.
  2. Do not visit without an invitation. And if invited, specify a specific time in advance. Drop in when passing by - not the best option and an indicator of bad manners. Ask what to bring with you.
  3. Smoke and drink alcohol only in designated areas. If you decide to drink beer in the park, place the bottle in a paper bag so that the contents are not visible.
  4. Sort the trash. In the United States, it is customary to separate waste into food, glass, plastic, and paper.
  5. Be careful when meeting on the street or flirting. Signs of attention may be considered harassment.
  6. Compliment the right way. An American will be offended by phrases like “lost weight”, “you look better than in last meeting". Don't imply that things used to be worse.
  7. Address strangers as "Miss" or "Mr."
  8. Do not speak negatively about representatives of other nationalities or sexual minorities. The USA is a country of immigrants, so a tolerant attitude towards all sectors of society is cultivated here.
  9. Buy or. Do not be shy about the imperfection of your own pronunciation, but do not make comments to others. In the United States, it is not customary to criticize someone else's speech.
  10. Don't joke about terrorism. After the September 11 tragedy, this topic is taboo.
  11. Keep strangers at arm's length. Americans are sensitive to personal space.
  12. Be generally friendly, but don't overdo it. For example, when meeting, you should not kiss a girl's hand or cheek. It is better to greet a person with a simple handshake.

The main rule is to follow the measure in everything. Be polite, but as natural as possible. Openness is valued in any country, in any culture.

Norms and rules of conduct exist in every country. In the United States, there are unspoken laws of good manners that those who are going to America should know.

What is accepted and what is not accepted to do in the states?

People who meet for the first time say to each other “Good morning (afternoon, evening)” (“Good afternoon”) or “How do you do”, “How are you” (“How are you, how are you”). Good friends exchange "Hello!" or "Hi!"

If the girl is not married, then she is addressed as "Miss", and if she is married, then "Mrs." Men say "Mr." Sometimes you can hear "sir" and "madam".

When meeting (acquaintance) it is customary to shake hands with each other. Moreover, this is common not only among men, women, especially in the business environment, also do this.

In the US, it is customary to leave a tip. Tipping is left almost everywhere. This is not a voluntary remuneration, there are mandatory percentages for employees different areas services.

Americans are a very friendly nation, but you should not compare the USA with any other country, especially not in favor of the USA. Americans sincerely believe that countries better than america it just isn't and can't be.

Get to know the features of American sports. American football is very different from the football you know. Also in the USA they love basketball and baseball.

Americans love to talk, but don't bring up race, gender, or politics. Besides, it's better not to mention the American army. US citizens take everyone who serves or has served very seriously. Don't joke about terrorism.

In America, talk about nothing (small talk) is accepted. strangers constantly talking about something unimportant. Therefore, do not be surprised if a stranger approaches you and be prepared to answer him with a smile.

There are a lot of immigrants in America, so most people speak with some kind of accent. No need to comment on people's accents, for Americans this is a common thing.

It's no secret that there are a lot of fat people in America. But there are also many who care about health and keep fit. It is better not to speak your opinion about fat people in the states and do not discuss obesity problems at all.

In the US, there is a reverent attitude towards personal space. Do not get too close to a person, do not violate the personal space of an American. Also, do not enter private property. In the United States, it is customary to shoot those who encroach on private property.

You can not smoke almost everywhere. Americans are extremely negative about smokers. You can smoke and drink alcohol in specially designated areas.

When visiting, Americans do not take off their shoes. For Americans, this is a normal phenomenon - to walk in the same shoes both at home and on the street. Please note that coming to visit without an invitation is not accepted.

The inhabitants of the south are especially hospitable, although they are less well off. They sometimes invite you into the house and sit at the table completely stranger. Americans can feel free to ask rather personal questions, be prepared for this.

Southerners are extremely religious. They attend church regularly and never miss Sunday sermons. It's better not to joke about religion if you're in the southern states.

In America, people meeting for the first time use the polite form of greeting "Good afternoon", "How are you?". Close acquaintances exchange friendly “Hello!”. TO unmarried girl in America, you should address "Miss", and to married - "Mrs." The accepted address for a man is “Mr” or “Doctor” (if Dr. is written on the business card in front of the surname). When they want to express special respect and respect, they use "sir" or "madam".

Just like in Russia, in America, when meeting and getting to know each other, they use a handshake. In business communication, this is common among both men and women. But kissing in America is not at all appropriate. At business greeting American, older and occupying more high position, the first will extend a hand to the woman. We must answer the same. Handshakes are appropriate only at the beginning of the meeting. At the end of it, you can say goodbye like this: “I was glad (a) to see you” or “All the best, I hope to see you soon.”

American behavior

Americans are friendly, open, sociable people, and even at business meetings they do not create an official atmosphere. They quickly switch to address by name, like to joke. But despite the seemingly easy communication, Americans demand punctuality from themselves and those around them.

The American culture of behavior, of course, differs from the Russian one. For example, an American can easily afford to cross his legs or put his foot on a chair or table. Americans often invite colleagues and partners to visit them. As a gift, you can grab flowers, wine or a souvenir from your country. Be careful, in America there is a law on bribes. Therefore, you should not give a gift that is too expensive, so that it is not regarded as a bribe. However, it is quite normal to invite a partner to a restaurant, to a vacation in the country or even to a resort.


In negotiations, they focus on exactly the issue that needs to be resolved. The Americans pay attention not only to the problem itself, but also to its details, and discuss ways of solving it. Therefore, they take various meetings and negotiations seriously and try to discuss many proposals during them.

The Americans are trying to finish what they started as soon as possible, so as not to put it off until tomorrow. They follow the rule “the sooner you do the work, the sooner you get paid”. Getting the job done quickly is the key to success. American businessmen are assertive, they like to hurry their partners.

Americans adhere to the following rule: each future success depends on the past!

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