Selection round of the marathon of talents.

Qualifying round city ​​family and creative project Talent Marathon-2017 "Moscow family: the path to success" was held yesterday at the Public Center "Mossovet" (Preobrazhenskaya sq., 12). It was attended by more than 180 children brought up in large families of the Eastern District, who presented 62 performances in different nominations.

Looking ahead, I will say that the jury highly appreciated the level of training of all the speakers, many performances without stretch were called professional. Now the judges will have a difficult stage of discussion and selection of the best, in their opinion, who will represent the district in the second stage.

The jury of the qualifying round are workers of culture and art with great creative experience. Among them are director-producer, general director of ANO "Wonder Childhood" Gulnara Zakusilo, producer, winner of the Moscow Mayor's Award "Best Young Specialist in the Sphere of Culture", head of the network vocal schools"Sirius" Evgeny Hristov, TV and radio presenter, theater and film actress, artistic director and director of Children's musical theater dreams of Nelly Rtveladze and choreographer, winner of numerous competitions, ballet dancer Philip Kirkorov Danko.

The qualifying round was opened by the dancers, followed by the reciters and musicians, the vocalists completed the program - 30 songs "for dessert"! The grandiose viewing of the talents of large families of the Eastern Administrative Okrug lasted for almost five hours. And they came from Kosino-Ukhtomsky, Veshnyakov, Novogireev, Bogorodsky, Northern Izmailov, Ivanovsky, Izmailovo, Sokolina Gora and other districts. The members of the jury were attentive to each performer and team, gave advice after the performance was shown, asked to repeat something, change something. And someone - to additionally sing, read or dance, sometimes even in a different genre or style ...

Four-year-old Ivan Duzheev from Golyanov read Konstantin Zhuravlev's poem "The Angry Dog" and completely captivated everyone present with his childish spontaneity and sincerity. Six-year-old Nastya Borzunova from Preobrazhensky danced a number called "Cloud" with amazing energy and enthusiasm, so much so that she, like a great artist, was encoreed, not letting go of the stage for a long time.

We are all sisters and brothers!

A funny thing happened during the show. The jury members, seeing the luxurious performances with many dancers, doubted that all the members of the team were from large families. They asked those who really grow up in families with large families to raise their hands. Of the more than a dozen standing on the stage, only two were not from large children! And for example, the singing family of the Streltsovs from Perov was represented by four sisters at once, in total, seven children are brought up in the family!

In a word, everyone successfully passed the district qualifying round and received certificates for this. But take on a second round full squad The talent marathon of the Eastern Administrative District, of course, is impossible. Yes, the jury will have a hard time, but it's their job.

And besides the wonderful casting participants, I would like to mention those who did not shine under the spotlights, but without whom such a large-scale event would not have gone so smoothly. These are representatives of the Council public organizations for work with large families of the Eastern Administrative District and volunteers of the Children and Youth Asset "Bogorodskaya Youth". Always ready to prompt, see off, show, dress up, cheer... Ekaterina Titova, Svetlana Medvedeva, Natalia Averkieva, Lera Azova, Elena Toporkova, Anna Sachkova, Tatiana Kukhno, Sergey Samsonov, Grigory Belitsky, Ekaterina and Kirill Tokarevs.

To be continued

The place and time of the second or city stage will be announced later, but it is known that it will be held in the format of a concert. And according to its results, the most talented ones will be invited to participate in the third stage of the project.

This will be a mastery phase scheduled for single platform for all participants of the marathon. Within 14 days in the summer camp, the guys will individually and in groups practice vocals, dances, learn acting skills and stage plastic. They will be recording on professional equipment in a recording studio. The result of the two-week course will be participation in a concert dedicated to Mother's Day, which will be held in the hall of the Kremlin Palace.

The founder of the Talent Marathon-2017 "Moscow Family: Path to Success" is the Department of Labor and social protection of the population of the city of Moscow and the NGO "Association of Large Families of the City of Moscow".

Olga Isupova

Photo: Council of Public Organizations for Work with Large Families of the East Administrative Okrug

The Talent Marathon for Large Families of the City of Moscow 2015 has come to an end: November 5 at concert hall"Orchestrion" passed the final concert.

It was attended by 32 performers and teams in the nominations " vocal genre”,“ Life in Motion ”,“ Steps to the Stars ”,“ Music of Verse and Words ”,“ Original Genre ”.

Opening the concert, Natalya Karpovich, Chairman of the Association of Large Families of the City of Moscow, said:

- Those with many children are the most talented, the best, the most beautiful people in Moscow. I never get tired of repeating this and every time I admire you, I confess my love for you, because you have something to learn. There are the most important people in the hall, without whom not a single artist would have taken place on this stage - these are mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers. Every day we see what extraordinary talented families and children. It should be noted that this marathon of talents was not easy for us: we had to choose the best from thousands. At the same time, the level of training of all participants was very high. I am sure that next year even more families will take part in the Marathon, and we will be even stronger and more friendly.

The marathon started in February 2015. It was held in all administrative districts of Moscow. More than 3,000 people took part in it.

Large families were invited to participate in the project, regardless of the age of the participants. It was attended by both individual performers and prefabricated family groups united in one team. The participation of members of large families in the team was allowed, provided that the members of large families should be at least 50%.

Marathon of talents and creative teams with the participation of children from large families in Moscow, organized by the Association of Large Families of Moscow and the event-producing agency KEYEVENT LLC. Held with the support of the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the city of Moscow.

The objectives of the competition were to help in the disclosure and increase creativity young talents from large families, the formation of Marathon participants' skills to participate in joint programs on a citywide scale, encouraging the creativity of project participants and stimulating the development of talents, attracting the attention of a professional jury to young talents from large families in order to further their promotion in professional career ladder and attracting the attention of Moscow residents, as well as authorities state power and local government to the lives of children from large families.

The finalists were:

  • Ensemble "Masks" (SWAO) with "Waltz of Flowers" (nomination "Life in motion")
  • Ensemble of spoon-carriers of the Shmykov-Kuznetsov family (SZAO) with the dance "Lady" (nomination "Original genre")
  • Arkhipov Ivan (CJSC) with a poem by Robert Rozhdestvensky "Please be weaker" (nomination "Music of verse and words")
  • Ensemble "Razdolie" (SVAO) with the song "Near the river" (nomination "Vocal genre")
  • Vorobieva Maria, Spiridonova Taisiya (TsAO) with "Dance with elements of WUSHU" (nomination "Original genre")
  • Starovoitov Ivan (SVAO) with the work "About Arkady Parovozov" (nomination "Music of verse and words")
  • Kondratyeva Ariadna (CJSC) with the dance "Doll" (nomination "Life in motion")
  • Ershov Alen (SVAO) with the song "My Metro" (nomination "Vocal genre")
  • Alexander Pushkin (SAO) with E.Blaginina's poem "Window Window" (nomination "Music of Verse and Word")
  • Soloists choreographic studio"Voyage" Yulia and Diana Simoshin (CJSC) with the production of "Fox Alice" (nomination "Life in motion")
  • Ulyana Artemenko (SZAO) with the song "Under the golden moon" (nomination "Vocal genre")
  • Mikhail Vasiliev (SVAO) with the work "Daisies in the head" (nomination "Music of verse and words")
  • Portenier Anna (CJSC) with the dance “How I was waiting for you” (nomination “Life in motion”)
  • Maxim Kukharsky (SZAO) with the song "I love you" (nomination "Vocal genre" * out of competition)
  • Daniel Barbakadze (SZAO) with tricks (Original Genre nomination)
  • Evangelina Sarycheva (SZAO) performed "Libertango" by composer Astor Piazzolla on saxophone (nomination "Original genre")
  • Vladimir Dengin (VAO) with the work “Dedication to Mom” (nomination “Music of verse and words * out of competition”)
  • Voronets Kristina and A. Shvychko (YuAO) with the song "Mama" (nomination "Vocal genre")
  • The Next team (South-Eastern Administrative District) with the work “Clean Ponds” (nomination “Original Genre”)
  • Aisha Rakayeva (South Administrative District) with the production of "Mother" (nomination "Life in motion")
  • Tatyana Utkina (SZAO) with the song "Talk to me mom" (nomination "Vocal genre")
  • Collective ethnic dance"Desta" under the leadership of Anastasia Yuryevna Titova (TiNAO) with dance composition"Angel Wings" (nomination "Life in motion")
  • Shamil Aksanov (SVAO) with the song "Moscow Evenings" (nomination "Vocal genre")
  • Radmila Ovchinnikova (SZAO) with R. Gamzatov's poem "Mother" (nomination "Music of verse and words")
  • Dance group "Karusel" (South-Eastern Administrative District) with the dance " Wooden Toys"(nomination" Life in motion ")
  • Klimova Alena (SAO) with the poem "Our grandmother walks" (nomination "Music of verse and words")
  • Theater of plasticity and dance "RED" (CJSC) with the dance "Russian dance" (nomination "Life in motion")
  • Polina Gnidina, Marina Shumskaya, Yulia Shumskaya (SZAO) with acrobatic dance"Kalinka" (nomination "Original genre")
  • Exemplary choreographic ensemble"Freckles" (only children from large families, SZAO) with a sailor dance "Yablochko" (nomination "Life in motion")
  • Ensemble "Sounding drops" (TiNAO) with the song "The sun will wake up" (nomination "Vocal genre")
  • Valery Sukharev (South Eastern Administrative District) with "Jim's Song" (nomination "Vocal Genre")
  • Ensemble of guslars "Merry Chimes" (SZAO) with "The Tale of the Russian Land" (nomination "Original genre")

You can see photos from the final concert in our groups in in social networks "In contact with" , "Classmates" and Facebook

The city family and creative project "Marathon of Talents-2018" is held for families with many children in Moscow from February 1 to May 17, 2018. This is a chance to realize the main dream of any artist - to get on the main stage of the country. Top performers will traditionally perform at the State Kremlin Palace at a celebration in honor of Mother's Day on the same stage with pop stars.

Over the three years of the project's existence, over 10,000 people have participated in the selections-castings. More than a thousand of them performed in the Kremlin. Project Manager Gulnara Zakusilo I am sure that “no one, neither a child nor an adult, is limited in his abilities. Everyone can express themselves, everyone can start singing, dancing and fulfilling themselves in a different way at any age.”

For many, participation in the marathon determined the choice of profession - the most talented easily enter music and theater universities, continue concert activity. The choir of large families in Moscow, formed as part of the 2017 marathon, now exists as a separate project, its participants tour with pop stars and go to the country's largest venues on their own.

“For the first time I performed in the Kremlin, I sang with Anastasia Makeeva,” shared Natasha Pochinkova, the winner of the 2017 Talent Marathon. - I am happy, because this performance in the Kremlin is what we all have been working towards for so long, this is the first, important step for me in climbing the professional stage. I am very grateful for this experience. I became more collected, I had a goal - to enter School of Music. And I got a second family - these are the guys who participated in the talent marathon. This is the best thing that has happened to me in the last five years."

– district qualifying round; is held in each district of Moscow from February 1 to March 30, 2018 in the form of screenings-castings of creative performances on the theme "Children of the XXI century" in the following genres:

stage word,


original genre,

instrumental genre,

KVN genre,

family theatre.

– at the second stage, all participants, regardless of the level of performance, will take the stage concert venues cities. The winners of the first stage will participate in master classes from representatives domestic show business, cultural and art workers, engage with teachers, create with their help concert numbers for the gala concert of the Marathon.

- at the third stage, the participants will prepare for a gala concert dedicated to International Day families. Based on the results of the gala concert, stage performances and participants will be selected for the concert dedicated to Mother's Day at the State Kremlin Palace in the fall of 2018.

The organizer of the "Marathon of Talents" is the Association of Large Families of the City of Moscow.

You can register for participation on the website of the Talent Marathon

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