Presentation of the relief and minerals of the Urals. Minerals of the Chelyabinsk Region presentation for a lesson on the world around (Grade 4) on the topic

No. 1 "Guba Oksana Nikolaevna

slide 3

Where are these objects located?

1-r. Volga

2- Moscow

4- oz. Baikal

5- Volk. Klyuchevskaya Sopka

6- Yamantau

7- valley of geysers

8- Yakutsk

What object is left undefined?

slide 4

To determine where object number 6 is located, try to guess the riddle:

To a solemn cry

Add a consonant

To stretch the mountains

From North to South.

Slide 5

slide 6

Lesson topic:

PC of Russia: Ural. Features of nature

Slide 7

1. Show the originality of the natural region - the Urals.

2. To develop knowledge about cause-and-effect relationships in nature

1. Analyze the geographical position of the Ural Mountains

2. Explain the relationship between the location of landforms and minerals with the geological structure

3. Work with atlas maps and contour maps

1.Features of FGP Ural

2.Relief and its features

3. Minerals of the Urals

4. Climatic conditions of the Ural Mountains

Slide 8

Origin of the name - Ural

  • In ancient sources, the Urals are partly associated with the Riphean and more often with the Hyperborean mountains.
  • Russian pioneers called it Stone
  • Name Ural introduced
  • V. Tatishchev from the Mansi "ur" (mountain).
  • Slide 9

    On the map, determine the features of the geographical position of the Ural Mountains.

    slide 10

    Pattern control:

    • Stretched from north to south along the 60 meridian
    • On the border between Europe and Asia
    • On the border of the Russian and West Siberian Plains
    • On the border of the Volga and the Ob
    • On the border of temperate continental and continental climate type
    • Length from north to south 2000 km
  • Slide 11

    According to the map and the text of the textbook p. 184, determine the features of the formation of the Ural Mountains?

    Make a conclusion.

    slide 12

    The Urals are ancient mountains, Hercynian folding

    In the Mesozoic and the beginning of the Cenozoic, they were destroyed, and in the Cenozoic it rose again, but not to a great height.

    The mountains experienced blocky-vertical movements and became folded-blocky.

    Mountains consist of several chains parallel to each other.

    slide 13

    Folded-block structure of mountains

    Slide 14

    slide 15

    Describe the appearance of the Ural Mountains

    slide 16

    Slide 17

    Remains - separate elevated relief elements, preserved from destruction, in the form of separate arrays

    Slide 18

    weathering pillars

  • Slide 19

    Compare the relief of parts of the Urals

  • Slide 20

    Narodnaya - the highest point of the Urals

  • Slide 21

    Geographic profile of the Ural Mountains

    The Urals are asymmetric mountains, because the western slope is gentle, and the eastern one is steep.

    slide 22

    Minerals of the Urals

    • Iron ore
    • Gold
    • Salt
    • Potassium salt
    • copper ores
    • Coal
    • Asbestos
    • Chrome ores
    • Oil
  • slide 23

    Ilmensky mineralogical reserve

    It was created in order to preserve an exceptionally diverse complex of rocks and minerals, as well as flora and fauna.

    slide 24

    • January
    • Determine the average January t in the northern and southern parts of the Urals
    • Determine the average t .July in the northern and southern parts
  • slide 25

    Check yourselfFind mistakes in the text

    The Urals is one of the highest mountain systems in Russia.

    Formed in the Mesozoic era of folding. Mountains consist of several chains that stretch parallel to each other in the meridional direction. The highest point is the city of Narodnaya 2147 m. Volcanoes are located in the south of the mountain system.

    The Ural from north to south can be divided into 5 parts. The main wealth of the Urals is ores, but there are reserves of coal, oil, salt, asbestos, marble, etc.

    slide 26


    Physical map of Russia

    View all slides

    Ural. Minerals.


    Place of Birth

    Iron ores

    Magnitogorskoye, Vysokogorskoye, Kachkanarskoye, Bakalskoye, Khalilovskoye

    Non-ferrous metals

    Krasnouralskoye, Gayskoye





    Ural gems: amethyst, smoky topaz, emerald, sapphire, rock crystal, alexandride

    East slope

    Ornamental stones: jasper, marble, serpentine, malachite, pink eagle

    Potassium salts, rock salt, gypsum

    Verkhnekamskoe, Sol-Iletskoe, Usolskoe



    The peculiarity of the nature of the Urals.

    Nature of the Urals

    Nature of the Trans-Urals

    More precipitation falls, climate is humid

    There is little rainfall, the climate is dry

    Fir-spruce forests in the taiga

    There are deciduous forests

    Pine forests in the taiga

    In the steppes, a colorful carpet of forbs

    No broadleaf forests

    In the steppes, saline soils with sparse vegetation

    Characteristics of parts of the Urals


    Polar Ural

    1.Highest point

    2. Minerals

    Subpolar Urals

    Northern Ural

    3. Natural areas

    Middle Ural

    Southern Urals

    2. Using paragraph 33 of the textbook, fill in the table

    Characteristics of parts of the Urals 1. Put on the contour map parts of the Urals: Polar, Subpolar, Northern, Middle, Southern and their highest points.


    1.Highest point

    Polar Ural

    Subpolar Urals

    Northern Ural


    G. Telpos-Iz

    Middle Ural

    Southern Urals

    G. Pavdinsky Stone

    G. Yamantau

    Characteristics of parts of the Urals


    Polar Ural

    2. Minerals

    Subpolar Urals

    Reserves of ores of iron, chromium, polymetals

    Northern Ural

    Iron, polymetallic ores

    Middle Ural

    Bauxite (Red Riding Hood), manganese and iron ore (Polunochnoe, Ivdel), brown coal (Karpinsk), Serov group of deposits of various ores

    Southern Urals

    Iron, copper, nickel, gold, coal

    Nickel, copper ores, uranium ores

    Characteristics of parts of the Urals


    Polar Ural

    3. Natural areas

    mountain deserts

    Subpolar Urals

    mountain tundra

    Northern Ural

    mountain deserts

    mountain tundra

    mountain tundra

    Middle Ural

    mountain tundra

    Subalpine belt (forest-meadow)

    Southern Urals

    Mountain taiga (coniferous forests)

    Mountain taiga (coniferous forests)

    Subalpine belt (forest-meadow)

    mountain tundra

    Subalpine belt (forest-meadow)

    Mountain taiga (coniferous forests)

    Mountain taiga (coniferous forests)

    Mountain forest-steppes and mountain deciduous forests

    Characteristics of parts of the Urals


    4. Flora and fauna

    Polar Ural

    Subpolar Urals

    Lichens, perennial herbs, creeping shrubs.

    Arctic foxes, lemings, snowy owl, reindeer, mountain hare, wolf, ermine, weasel.

    Northern Ural

    Middle Ural

    Sable, bear, chipmunk

    Dark coniferous spruce-fir forests,

    Southern Urals

    Dark coniferous spruce-fir taiga, larch, pine, mountain ash, bird cherry, viburnum, elderberry, honeysuckle

    Wolf, lynx, squirrel, chipmunk, marten, sable

    Pine, aspen, birch

    Squirrel, marten, polecat, woodpeckers, owls

    Ural. Geographical position. Relief and minerals. presentation compiled by: Sulina N.L. teacher of the 1st category MKOU secondary school 25 p. Svobrdny, Sverdlovsk region URAL When they talk about Russia, I see my blue Ural. Like girls, Barefoot pines Flee from the rocks under the clouds. In the meadows, On the carpeted expanses, Among the fruitful fields Blue lakes lie Like fragments of ancient seas. Richer than the colors of dawn, Lighter than the pattern of stars, Earthly fires of gems In the solemn twilight of the mountains. I absorbed all this with my heart, Having fallen in love with my land forever. But the main strength of the Urals is in the wonderful art of labor. I love the fire of creation In its harsh beauty, Martens and the domain of breathing And the wind of high speeds. Simple faces are dear to me And hands that melt metal. ... When they talk about Russia, I see my blue Urals. L. Tatyanicheva.

    The ancient authors called the Ural Mountains Riphean. "Stone belt of the Russian land", "Stone", "Earth belt" - this was the name of the Urals until the 18th century. The name "Ural" appears since the 18th century in the works of the famous Russian historian and geographer Vasily Nikitich Tatishchev.

    “For two hundred years, all of Russia plowed and sting, forged, dug and chopped with the products of the Ural factories. She wore Ural copper crosses on her chest, rode Ural axles, fired Ural steel rifles, baked pancakes in Ural frying pans, strummed Ural nickels in her pocket.

    Rice. The structure and minerals of the Urals. Conclusion: The Ural is a complex folded-blocky medium-altitude destroyed mountain structure of the Hercynian age, which underwent rejuvenation in the Neogene-Quaternary period. The Subpolar and Southern Urals experienced the greatest rejuvenation. The complex geological structure and geological history explain the richness of the Urals in minerals.

    URAL GRAPES Manor's house, bound with iron, Lace cast-iron fences. The owner commanded the stone cutter to cut grapes out of the stone: To make it look just like a real one, Like a bunch of sun-drenched grapes. Only the stone cutter, unfortunately, did not have a chance to see the grapes. What did he see? White blizzards, Peaked blue Taganay, Pines and frowning firs Sweet to the heart, But a harsh land. Not the fruits of flowering Ukraine And not the aroma of Crimean fruits, He knew only bitter mountain ash, Red, like a windy sunset. And the Ural master said to himself: Many troubles are always the same answer ... - He took not transparent tumpas, Not sea water aquamarine, But blood-red rubies And a thick, thoughtful pomegranate, He cut out a bunch of native mountain ash: Here you are, master, local grapes. The rods were the master's reward. But since then, it has become customary for the people to call the Ural grapes the Red rowan bunch. L. Tatyanicheva.

    Among the natural resources of the Urals, a prominent role belongs, of course, to the wealth of its bowels. Among the minerals, deposits of ore raw materials are of the greatest importance, however, many of them have been discovered for a long time and have been exploited for a long time, therefore they are largely depleted.

    The most "mineral" place in this area is Ilmeny, where more than 260 minerals and 70 rocks have been found. About 20 minerals were discovered here for the first time in the world. There are such precious stones as: sapphire, ruby, diamond, etc., semi-precious stones: amethyst, opal, topaz, granite, malachite, sun, moon and Arabic stone, rock crystal, etc.

    Emerald (or green stone) is one of the most famous gemstones, it has been known since ancient times and was used as an ornament. Emeralds were found on the eastern slope of the Ural Mountains near the Tokovaya River. The deposit was accidentally found by a peasant in 1830, noticing several green stones among the roots of a fallen tree.

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