Section “Auctions. Applying for participation in the auction What is happening with the roseltorg platform today

This is a procedure for registering a supplier, when EETP Roseltorg reviews the documents submitted for accreditation, checks their correctness, as well as the absence of founders in the register of unscrupulous suppliers.

Accreditation means that the supplier complies with legal requirements and can participate in electronic trading. Based on the results of a positive decision, the supplier is included in a special register. We have prepared instructions for accreditation on the Roseltorg electronic trading platform.

Terms of accreditation at the site Roseltorg

According to 44-FZ, the operator electronic trading is obliged to consider the supplier's applications and make a decision on approval or rejection of the application for accreditation within 5 working days. Accreditation at Roseltorg is no exception when it comes to public procurement under 44-FZ, and not registration on the commercial site of Roseltorg, where there are other requirements.

The accreditation period at the Roseltorg site is three years. However, in fact, it is 2 years and 9 months.

3 months before the expiration of the term, the participant loses the right to submit applications and is required to undergo accreditation at the Roseltorg site for a new term. You can find out the date of accreditation of the organization in the register of Roseltorg participants by TIN or company name.

Accelerated accreditation to Roseltorg

The actual time for consideration of accreditation at Roseltorg may be less than 5 business days. It depends on the site load. In summer, the decision can take 2-3 days, and in spring and autumn, when a lot of auctions are announced and accreditation peaks, it can take 5 working days.

If accreditation is needed for a specific auction, and there are less than 5 working days left before the submission of applications, urgent accreditation at Roseltorg will be required.

Accelerated accreditation to Roseltorg has advantages

  1. Fast accreditation within 1 hour to 1 day
  2. The procedure is performed by a tender support company
  3. There are no risks of being denied accreditation, missing important auctions and losing the chance to win a tender.

Accreditation to Roseltorg requires care in the preparation and execution of documents sent to the site. Documents must be valid (not expired) in the latest editions. Carefully check the dates and expiration dates of the documents, the availability of applications.

Documents must contain all pages, including front and back sides, containing information. Each sheet of the document must be well readable, all parts of the document are legible.

There should be no black stripes from a copier or light from a scanner that makes it difficult to read information.

It is not enough to have the right package of documents for accreditation. The most important thing is to correctly convert documents into electronic form.

At this stage, most of the errors and failures from the site. There are photos on the phone with fingers holding a document and against the background of a carpet. Pages oriented upside down and other indicators of frivolous attitude towards accreditation on the site.

Hoping for a chance is useless. Only you know that everything is in order with the documents. In the course of accreditation, Roseltorg evaluates precisely those electronic files that were provided by the participant.

In case of gaps and doubts, a 100% refusal follows.

List of documents for the Roseltorg site

  • Charter for legal entity, a copy of the passport for individual entrepreneurs and individual
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or EGRIP not older than 6 months (extract to electronic form, certified by an enhanced qualified EDS of the tax authority).
  • A document confirming the authority of the person to whom the electronic signature is issued to undergo accreditation (decision, order, power of attorney)
  • A document confirming the authority of the head of the organization
  • Decision on the approval of a major transaction based on the results of trading on the site

The scanned copy of the statement must contain the UNFS seal, i.e. if the document is bound and the seal is on the reverse side, do not forget to attach a scan of the back of the extract. If changes have been made to the Charter of the organization, they must be attached.

File Requirements

  • File size no more than 20 MB
  • Scan copy resolution 75-100dpi, set in the settings of the scanner or graphics program
  • It is recommended to place all scans of document pages in one file in Word format by saving graphics in the file
  • 11 file formats allowed
    • Document file formats: .doc, .docx, .rtf, .txt, .pdf
    • Graphic file formats: .jpg, .gif, .png
    • Archive file formats: .rar, .zip, .7z

Documents must have the seals of the organization (orders, powers of attorney), check for signatures and seals.

Accreditation process at Roseltorg

To submit documents for Roseltorg accreditation in electronic form, you will need an electronic signature issued in an accredited certification center. A regular electronic signature for reporting to the tax office or from a client bank will not work for these purposes.

Accreditation at the Roseltorg site begins with a section for Suppliers on home page sites. Select Accreditation from the menu second from the top.

The accreditation page at the Roseltorg site contains a large amount of information with many requirements, conditions, and links. An entire table is devoted technical requirements on setting up a computer and browser to work on the site.

An application for accreditation to Roseltorg is submitted through the Internet Explorer browser. It's not the most popular browser. There is such a joke that this browser is needed only for downloading other browsers. Now we can say that not only. It is also needed for registration on electronic trading platforms in Russia. The new Microsoft Edge browser is not recommended, as is the operating system. Windows system 10, for which it was created to replace the old Explorer.

If your electronic signature and browser are not configured to work on the site, then you will not be able to move forward. We recommend that you plan this setup in advance and allow time to spare.

Sometimes the setup process can take several hours or even more.

Next, you need to choose the legal form of the company and proceed to fill out the questionnaire.
When filling out the questionnaire, be extremely careful to fill in all the required fields. Please make sure you have attached all required files and signed them electronically.

Be sure to save your username and password from the site. In the future, it will be possible to enter the site using an electronic signature without entering a password, however, they will be useful to you in a year to bind a new electronic signature, otherwise you will not be able to enter your personal account.

After filling in all the fields of the application form, attach each document to the right place and sign the digital signature. Next, sign the application for accreditation with an electronic signature and send it to the site.

If an application for accreditation to Roseltorg has already been sent, it cannot be withdrawn or changed.

We'll have to wait for the site's decision. This is logical if we realize once again that an electronic signature replaces both the signature of the responsible person and the seal of the organization. A package of electronic documents has already arrived at the site via electronic communication channels, by analogy with a package of paper documents.

Roseltorg will send a confirmation letter to the specified e-mail. Until the email address is confirmed by the organization, the application is not considered.

Refusal of accreditation of Roseltorg

Now you know how to get accredited at the Roseltorg site. However, according to the statistics of the site itself, more than half of the suppliers are denied accreditation by Roseltorg. Errors are different. Since accreditation is carried out according to federal law 44-FZ, all formalities must be observed.

Most suppliers are accredited by Roseltorg 2-3 times.

Each time you have to wait again up to 5 days. The accreditation process stretches for 2-3 weeks. The terms of any auction announced on the site expire during this time.

In order not to take risks, contact specialists for whom accreditation at Roseltorg is a well-established routine process. You will spend a minimum of time and effort, you will be able to quickly obtain accreditation for Roseltorg.

To participate in the auction, you must register. For this, it is required to issue electronic application to participate in the auction within the period from the publication of the notice of the auction until the end date accepting applications specified in the notice.

To apply for participation in the auction, find the desired auction and click on the link "Apply for participation" in the line corresponding to the selected auction.

A page with forms for filling out the first part will open.

and the second part of the application for participation,

as well as the declaration

Fill in the form fields (fields marked with (*) are mandatory!) and attach the required documents. Files up to 20 MB in size are accepted in the following formats: .doc, .docx, .pdf, .txt, .rtf, .zip, .rar, .7z, .jpg, .gif, .png.

If, during publication, the customer established a requirement to hold an auction among SMEs, then in personal account participant in the second part of the application there is a section that allows you to declare belonging to the NSR. If this requirement is not specified, then there are no fields to confirm belonging to the NSR.

To confirm his/her membership in the SMP, the participant must activate the checkbox in the block "Declaration of the participant's affiliation with the SMP or socially oriented non-profit organizations(Art. 30 44-FZ)”. After activation, a field will be available for attaching a document confirming that the participant belongs to the SMP. This section is optional, the activation of the check-box and the attachment of the document is done by the participant at will.

If you need to suspend work on the application, save the application as a draft using the button "Save". To submit an application, please click on the button "Sign and Submit Application". The next step will open a form with the text of the application.

Click on the button to continue. "Sign and send". A dialog box with a list of ES certificates will open. Select the required certificate and click the button "OK". The application will be sent, a message about successful submission will appear.

Tomorrow I have an auction at the Roseltorg site. I went to check the account and decided to write a short guide on how to enter the auction room on the EETP. I think it will be useful for beginners to know that the link to the auction appears at a certain point.

We go to the website of the Unified Electronic Trading Platform, log in using the EDS. Important! If you log in with a password, we will not be able to place bets.

24 hours before the auction, a link will appear in the column: Operations: Bargaining. We click and go to the Auction Hall (on Roseltorg it is simply called: Auctions).

The image turned out to be long and narrow, enlarged for clarity.

If you entered before the time of the electronic auction, a warning window will appear and tell you how much time is left before the auction.

AT due time, in our case at 09.36 mv, the auction will begin. Please note that this site, unlike Sberbank AST, indicates local time.

10 minute rule

During the auction, follow the timer (time until the end ...), 10 minutes are given per step, if no one makes a step, the auction will end.

At Roseltorg, as well as at other federal sites under 44 fz, there is a regulation according to which, if none of the Participants takes a step, the Customer has the right to conclude a Contract with the first Participant who submitted the Application.

Example: You submit an Application for an auction, you learn from the Protocol of consideration of the first parts of applications that there are two of you. If you are the first to submit your Bid, you may not be in a hurry to make bids. If time runs out, you are already a winner.

Do you have any questions? Feel free to press

To work with auctions, use the "Auctions" section of the Main Menu.
The Auctions page will by default display a list of auctions that the organization has applied for.

The status of the auction will be displayed in the column of the same name. All auction operations (viewing auction notices, sending applications for participation, viewing protocols, etc.) are available in the "Operations" column. The most relevant transaction for each of the auctions will be highlighted in red.

Each line corresponding to the auction registry number is highlighted in color to indicate the status of the auction. In the sorting and display settings, you can enable the display of certain columns.

At the same time, the fixing of columns and search parameters set by the user is implemented. If the user has manually configured the display of certain elements of the personal account, then in case of shutting down in the system (leaving the personal account) and then logging in, as well as scrolling through the pages of the found procedures, viewing other sections of the personal account, the display of elements is not reset, the settings are saved.

To search for announced auctions on the desired topic, the EETP provides the following options:

  • To display only those auctions that are at a certain stage, select the auction status of interest from the drop-down list by clicking on the button "Display auctions by stages".

To find auctions that meet certain criteria, use the advanced search form in the "Auctions" tab of the Main Menu

Enter in the filter fields the values ​​by which you want to sort the list of auctions, then click the button "Search". The search is carried out by keywords, registry number, region, customer (Name / TIN), key dates, initial price and address of the place of delivery of goods (performance of work, provision of services). After entering the required parameters, click on the button "Search", the list of auctions is filtered.

To display all published auctions on the ETP, uncheck the box "My Applications" in the Advanced Search field of the same name and click the button "Search"(by default, auctions will be shown at the stage of accepting bids).

The following buttons are also available to the user in the "Advanced search" field:

  • "Clear Search"- automatically deletes all completed auction search parameters;
  • "Download results incsv"- generates an Excel-document containing information about all procedures for which the organization applied for participation.

When passing accreditation, the System prompts you to select the trading profiles you are interested in. To do this, in the process of filling out the accreditation form in the "Field of activity" field, click on the "Press to select" button and in the window that opens, select the fields of activity that interest you by checking the boxes. Based on the specifics of your business, you will receive email free notifications about new announced auctions according to the profile of the organization.

Law on contract system in the field of procurement has firmly entered not only the procurement life of state and municipal customers who apply the provisions of this regulatory legal act in practice, but also procurement participants, for whom the field of public procurement has become no less interesting and in demand. As you know, auctions in electronic form (hereinafter referred to as electronic auctions) conducted in accordance with the provisions of Federal Law No. - Federal Law No. 44), are the most popular ways to determine the supplier (contractor, performer), but at the same time, many potential procurement participants find themselves in predicament, because they do not fully know and do not understand the algorithm for participation in electronic auction.

In this article, we present step by step algorithm participation in this type of procurement. We hope that the above instruction on participation in the electronic auction will be useful for the interested circle of people.

Step 1: obtaining an electronic signature

The first thing you need to participate in an electronic auction is to have electronic signature(hereinafter - EP). Keys of enhanced ES, as well as certificates of verification keys electronic signatures, intended for use for the purposes of Federal Law No. 44, are created and issued by certification centers that have received accreditation on a contractual basis. For signing electronic documents, it is possible to use an enhanced unqualified electronic signature in accordance with paragraph 3 of part 1 of Art. 4 Federal Law No. 44.

Step 2: accreditation on electronic platforms

Electronic auctions are held at five federal electronic platforms. Therefore, after receiving the ES, the potential procurement participant must undergo accreditation on all five electronic platforms:
  • RTS-tender LLC, Moscow-;
  • OJSC United Electronic trading floor» (Roseltorg), Moscow-;
  • State Unitary Enterprise "Agency for State Order, Investment Activities and Interregional Relations of the Republic of Tatarstan", Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan -;
  • CJSC Sberbank - Automated trading system, Moscow-;
  • ZAO MICEX Electronic Trading Platform Goszakupki, Moscow-
It should be noted that on these electronic platforms, electronic auctions will be held at least until the end of 2015, while the Ministry economic development, according to preliminary data, it is planned to hold a competition in April 2015 to select new operators of electronic platforms where electronic auctions will be held in 2016-2020.

On time no more than five working days from the date of receipt of documents and information, the operator electronic platform is obliged to accredit the procurement participant or refuse to accredit this participant, as well as send him an appropriate notification of decision(part 4 of article 61 of the Federal Law No. 44).

Accreditation of the procurement participant on the electronic site is carried out for a period of for three years from the date of sending by the operator of the electronic platform to this participant a notification of the decision on his accreditation. For three months before the expiration date of the accreditation of the procurement participant, the operator of the electronic site sends the participant a notification. Accreditation for a new term takes place according to the rules established by Art. 61 FZ No. 44: not earlier than six months before the expiration date of the previously obtained accreditation.

Step 3: search for purchases

The search for electronic auctions is carried out on the official website Russian Federation on the Internet For the initial search for purchases, we recommend using the advanced search functionality, which makes it possible to find electronic auctions of the required subject, located on five electronic sites. To work on the website registration procurement participant need not. The information is in open access and provided is free.

If there is a 19-digit notification number (electronic auction), the search is carried out by entering the purchase number in the corresponding quick search field. Advanced search is optional in this case.

Step 4: submitting applications for participation in the electronic auction

Submission of applications for participation in an electronic auction is carried out through the functionality of the site of the electronic site, the address of which is indicated in the notice (for example,

Application deadlines vary depending on the purchase price:

exceeds 3 million rubles., then the application deadline is at least 15 calendar days (the exact deadline for submitting bids is indicated in the notice of procurement, it can be more than 15 days, but cannot be less than this period);

If the initial (maximum) contract price does not exceed 3 million rubles., then the application deadline is at least 7 calendar days(the exact deadline for submitting bids is indicated in the notice of procurement, it can be more than 7 days, but cannot be less than this period).

Before submitting an application for participation in an electronic auction, the participant must preliminarily transfer funds as security for the application in the amount established by the customer in the notice and documentation. Details for the transfer of funds can be viewed both in the public domain on the electronic platform and in the personal account of the procurement participant. The required amount of money should be transferred before the application to participate in the procurement, this transfer is a normal banking operation, the payment will be credited to the account opened by the participant at the time of accreditation on the electronic platform, within one banking day + working day.

Before submitting an application, the participant must carefully study the procurement documents, including the notice, procurement documentation, as well as the draft contract, and, based on the positive decision on participation, prepare an application.

If the procurement participant has questions on the procurement, he has the right to ask the customer no more than three requests for clarification the provisions of the documentation in relation to one auction using the functionality of the electronic site, while the customer is obliged to answer the question received within two days from the date of receipt of the request. At the same time, the questions received and clarifications of these requests are duplicated and posted on the website

The application for participation in the electronic auction consists of in two parts submitted in the form electronic document, both parts of the application are submitted simultaneously.

First part of the application should contain information specified in Part 3 of Art. 66 of the Federal Law No. 44. The specific content of the first part of the application depends on the object of the purchase, i.e. what is the subject of the purchase - the supply of goods, the performance of work, the provision of services.

1. When concluding a contract for the supply of goods:

a) agreement participant of such an auction for the supply of goods in the event that this participant offers for delivery goods in respect of which the documentation of such an auction contains indication of a trademark (its verbal designation) (if any), service mark (if any), trade name (if any), patents (if any), utility models (if any),industrial designs (if any),name of the country of origin of the goods, and (or) such participant offers for delivery a product that is equivalent to the product specified in this documentation, specific indicators of the product corresponding to the equivalence values ​​established by this documentation;

b) specific figures, corresponding to the values ​​established by the documentation of such an auction, and trademark indication the name of the country of origin of the goods.

2. When concluding a contract for the performance of work, the provision of services documentation, as a rule, contains only an indication of the conditions for the performance of work, the provision of services. Accordingly, a participant wishing to perform work, provide services on the terms established in the documentation, must provide in the first part of the application only consent to perform such work, provide services.

3. When concluding a contract for the performance of work, the provision of services, for the performance, provision of which the goods are used:

BUT) agreement, under paragraph 2 h. 3 Article. 66 of Federal Law No. 44, including consent to the use of goods in respect of which the documentation of such an auction contains an indication of a trademark (its verbal designation) (if any), a service mark (if any), brand name(if any), patents (if any), utility models (if any), industrial designs (if any), name of the country of origin of the goods, or consent provided for in paragraph 2 of part 3 of Art. 66, trademark reference(its verbal designation) (if any), service mark (if any), trade name (if any), patents (if any), utility models (if any), industrial designs (if any), and, if a participant in such an auction offers for use a product that is equivalent to the product specified in the documentation, specific indicators of the product corresponding to the equivalence values ​​established by the documentation, provided that it contains an indication of the trademark (its verbal designation) (if any), service mark (if any) , trade name (if any), patents (if any), utility models (if any), industrial designs (if any), the name of the country of origin of the goods, as well as the requirement to indicate in the application for participation in such an auction for a trademark ( its verbal designation) (if any), service mark (if any), trade name (if any), patents (if any), utility models (if any) alicia), industrial designs (if any), the name of the country of origin of the goods;

b) agreement, under paragraph 2 h. 3 Article. 66 FZ No. 44, as well as specific indicators of the goods used, corresponding to the values ​​established by the documentation of such an auction, and trademark reference(its verbal designation) (if any), service mark (if any), trade name (if any), patents (if any), utility models (if any), industrial designs (if any), name of the country of origin of goods.

The law also provides that the first part of the application may contain a sketch, drawing, drawing, photograph or other image of the product.

Please note that the first part of the application does not contain information about the procurement participant: its name, TIN, information about the legal form, etc., therefore, the auction commission, when considering the first parts of applications, is as objective as possible, since it cannot see who exactly submitted this or that application. The first part of the application is decisive for the admission of participants to the submission of price proposals during the procedure for submitting price proposals.

Note: the consent provided in the first part of the application is provided through the functionality of the website of the electronic platform. It is not necessary to provide an additional file (document) with an agreement to fulfill the terms of the contract specified in the documentation.

We recommend when applying terms of reference, which is part of the first part of the application, indicate the specific indicators of the goods (in the case of a purchase for the supply of goods or for the performance of work / provision of services for which the material is used), that is, the exact functional and quality characteristics. The use of the wording “no more / no less”, “or”, “equivalent”, “analogue”, as well as intermediate characteristics, such as “from / to”, “from / to”, is fraught with the rejection of the first part of the application on the basis of paragraph 2 hours 4 tbsp. 67 of the Federal Law No. 44. In this case, when the technical documents (for example, a technical passport) for the supplied goods, the material do not allow specifying the specific parameters of the corresponding product, i.e., they contain range characteristics, it is allowed to indicate non-specific indicators in the first part of the application goods.

The second part of the application for participation in an electronic auction, unlike the first part, contains information about the procurement participant with a number of documents attached.

The second part of the application must contain the following information:

1) name, company name (if any), location, postal address (for a legal entity), last name, first name, patronymic (if any), passport data, place of residence (for an individual), contact phone number, identification number of the taxpayer of the auction participant or in accordance with the legislation of the relevant foreign state, an analogue of the taxpayer identification number of the auction participant (for a foreign person), the taxpayer identification number (if any) of the founders, members of the collegial executive body, the person acting as the sole executive body of the participant in such an auction.

Note: Please note that the TIN of the founders (if any), the TIN of the members of the collegial executive body, the TIN of the sole executive body are indicated in the second part of the application. Failure to provide this information as part of the application is fraught with adverse consequences in the form of rejection of the second part of the application;

2) documents confirming the compliance of the participant auction requirements, established n. 1 h. 1 and h. 2 Article. 31 of Federal Law No. 44 (if there are such requirements in the auction documentation), or copies of these documents (for example, licenses for activities, certificate of a self-regulatory organization on the admission of a procurement participant to work, etc.), as well as declaration on the participant's compliance with the requirements established by paragraphs 3-9 of part 1 of Art. 31 FZ No. 44;

3) copies of documents confirming the conformity of the goods,
work or service to the requirements established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, if in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation the requirements for the product, work or service are established and the submission of these documents is provided for by the documentation on the electronic auction. At the same time, it is not allowed to require the submission of these documents if, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, they are transferred together with the goods;

4) a decision to approve or complete a major transaction or a copy this decision in the event that the requirement for the need for this decision is established federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and (or) constituent documents of a legal entity and for an auction participant, a contract being concluded or providing security for an application for participation in such an auction, security for the performance of a contract is a major transaction;

5) documents confirming the right of the auction participant to receive benefits in accordance with Art. 28 and Art. 29 Federal Law No. 44, or copies of these documents;

6) documents confirming the conformity of the auction participant and/or the goods, works or services offered by him to the conditions, prohibitions and restrictions set by the customer in accordance with Art. 14 Federal Law No. 44, or copies of these documents (certificate of origin of goods form ST-1 or an examination certificate issued by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in accordance with the Order of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation dated August 25, 2014 No. 64 "On the Regulation on the procedure for issuing certificates of origin of goods of the form ST-1 for the purposes of procurement for state and municipal needs and the Regulations on the procedure for issuing examination certificates for the purposes of procurement for state and municipal needs”);

7) Declaration of ownership auction participant to small businesses or socially oriented non-profit organizations in the event that the customer establishes a restriction under Part 3 of Art. 30 FZ No. 44.

The customer is not entitled to require the procurement participant to provide other documents and information, with the exception of those provided above.

The documents included in the second part of the application must be prepared in advance, executed in an appropriate manner, scan, and then attach to the website of the electronic platform when filling out the online form at the time of the formation of the application.

It is also recommended to apply for participation in the electronic auction in the last 2 days of receiving applications, since it is during this period that the customer cannot make changes to the notice and to the procurement documentation (part 6 of article 63 and part 6 of article 65 of Federal Law No. 44).

The procurement participant has the right to submit only one an application for participation in an electronic auction. In this case, the procurement participant has the right for feedback his application is not later than the date the deadline for submitting applications for participation in the auction. To do this, it is necessary to send a corresponding notification to the operator of the electronic site. The provisions of Federal Law No. 44 do not provide for any sanctions for withdrawing an application.

Possibility changes application is not provided for by law. If such a need arises, the change is carried out by withdrawing the application and submitting a new amended application.

In case of establishing inaccurate information, contained in the documents submitted by the participant of the electronic auction in accordance with Part 3 and Part 5 of Art. 66 of the Federal Law No. 44, the auction commission is obliged to remove such a participant from participation in the electronic auction at any stage of its conduct (part 6.1 of article 66 of the Federal Law No. 44).

Step 5: reviewing the first parts of applications

After the deadline for submitting bids, the auction commission checks all first parts of bids submitted for participation in the auction for compliance with the documentation requirements. The term for consideration of the first parts of applications cannot exceed 7 days from the date of the deadline for submission of applications (exact date the end of consideration of the first parts of applications is indicated in the notice of purchase).

Participant of the electronic auction not allowed to participate in it in the case (part 4 of article 67 of the Federal Law No. 44):

a) failure to provide information provided for in the first part of the application, or providing false information;

b) information inconsistencies, provided for by the first part of the application, the requirements of the documentation for such an auction.

Denial of admission to participation in an electronic auction on other grounds not allowed.

Based on the results of consideration of the first parts of the bids, the auction commission draws up a protocol for the consideration of the first parts of the bids. Information about the decision made regarding the first part of the application (on admission / refusal of admission) the participant learns from the notification, which will be sent to him by the operator of the electronic site within one hour from the moment of receipt.

It should be noted that the minutes of consideration of the first parts of the application not posted on the site in case to participate in the electronic auction more than one application allowed. This is due to the fact that information on the number of bidders eligible to submit bids is closed.

If only 1 application was submitted for participation in the electronic auction or the commission decided to refuse admission to the auction, for example, 4 out of 5 participants, then in this case the electronic auction is recognized as failed and in accordance with paragraph 3 of part 1 of Art. . 71, paragraph 3, part 2, art. 71 FZ No. 44, the auction commission within 3 working days forms protocol for consideration of a single application. It should be understood that the recognition of the purchase as failed on the above grounds does not relieve the customer of the obligation to conclude a contract with sole member auction. The procedure for submitting price proposals in this case will not be carried out. The contract, in case of recognition of compliance with the requirements, will be concluded with a single participant in the manner specified in paragraph 25 of part 1 of Art. 93 of the Federal Law No. 44, i.e., on the terms provided for in the procurement documentation, at the initial price indicated in the notice.

Step 6: participation in the electronic auction

Admitted participants on the day and at the hour specified in the notice and auction documentation, take part in the submission of price proposals. You should pay attention to the start time of the electronic auction, which is indicated on the electronic site and on the website In the case of different time zones, the electronic auction is held according to Moscow time, indicated on the website of the electronic platform.

Quotations are submitted within "auction steps", which is 0,5-5 % the initial (maximum) price of the contract. The procurement participant independently determines for himself the procedure for reducing the contract price at each specific point in time.

Submission of price proposals is carried out in the main and in the reserve time of the electronic auction. Price offers are submitted anonymously, without specifying the name of the organization of the procurement participant.

After each submission price offer the electronic auction is extended for 10 minutes. Each submitted offer is signed by ES. The duration of the electronic auction is determined by the number of price proposals submitted.

Based on the results of the bidding procedure, the operator generates a protocol for conducting an electronic auction within 30 minutes from the end of the auction.

If the electronic auction is declared invalid on the grounds provided for in Part 20 of Art. 68 of Federal Law No. 44, due to the fact that within 10 minutes after the start of such an auction, none of its participants submitted an offer on the price of the contract, the operator of the electronic site within 1 hour after posting the protocol on the electronic site is obliged to send the specified protocol to the customer and the second parts of applications for participation in such an auction, filed by its participants, as well as documents of participants in such an auction, provided for in paragraphs 2-6 and 8 of Part 2 of Art. 61 FZ No. 44.

Step 7: consideration of the second parts of applications

The final step in the electronic auction procedure is consideration of the second parts of applications and summing up.

The auction commission considers the second parts of applications for participation in the electronic auction in terms of their compliance with the requirements established by the documentation, and makes a decision on the compliance or non-compliance of the application. To make a decision, the auction commission also considers the documents provided by the procurement participant at the time of accreditation on the electronic site.

The bidder needs to check relevance of accreditation documents posted on the electronic site (for example, documents confirming the authority of the head). If at the time of filing the application the term of office of the head has expired, then the second part of the application of the procurement participant will be rejected during the consideration of applications on the basis of paragraph 1 of part 6 of Art. 69 Federal Law No. 44. Replacement of documents (the current version) at the stage of consideration of the application, unfortunately, does not cancel the possibility of rejecting the second part of the application due to this reason, since the operator sends to the customer second parts submitted applications of procurement participants with accreditation documents in the edition in which they were placed on the site at the time of application.

The total term for consideration of the second parts of applications for participation in the electronic auction cannot exceed 3 working days from the date of placement on the electronic site of the protocol of the electronic auction.

An application for participation in an electronic auction is recognized as not meeting the requirements and is subject to rejection in accordance with Part 6 of Art. 69 FZ No. 44 in case of:

a) non-submission of documents and information provided by the documentation, the presence in these documents of unreliable information on the date and time of the deadline for filing applications;

b) non-compliance of the auction participants with the requirements, established h. 1, h. 1.1 and h. 2 (if any) Art. 31 FZ No. 44.

After consideration of the second parts of the bids, the auction commission draws up debriefing protocol electronic auction.

Minutes of debriefing signs members of the auction commission and the customer (authorized body) who participated in the consideration of applications no later than 1 business day following the date of signing the protocol, and is placed by the customer on the electronic site.

Winner electronic auction is recognized as an auction participant who offered the lowest contract price and request whose participation complies with requirements documentation.

Step 8: conclusion of a contract based on the results of an electronic auction

According to the results of the electronic auction, the contract is concluded with the winner of the auction (Article 70 of the Federal Law No. 44), and in other cases - with another participant in the auction, whose application in accordance with Art. 69 of the Federal Law No. 44 is recognized as complying with the requirements established by the documentation. The electronic auction contract is concluded in electronic form on an electronic platform (as opposed to other competitive procurement, where the contract is concluded in writing).

within 5 days from the date of placement in a single information system(hereinafter referred to as the UIS) (before the UIS is put into operation - on the website of the electronic site) the customer places the protocol in the UIS draft contract without his signature, which includes (part 2 of article 70 of the Federal Law No. 44):

  • the price of the contract offered by the participant of the electronic auction with whom the contract is concluded;
  • information about the product (trademark and (or) specific indicators of the product) specified in the winner's application.
within 5 days from the date of placement by the customer on the electronic site of the draft contract (part 3 of article 70 of the Federal Law No. 44) the winner of the electronic auction places a draft contract on the electronic platform, signed ES, as well as a document confirming provision of performance security(a scanned copy of a bank guarantee or payment order with a bank mark confirming the transfer of funds). The regulated period for signing the contract by the participant is indicated on the website of the electronic platform.

If, during the auction, the price of the contract reduced by 25% or more from the initial price specified in the notice, the winner of the auction provides security for the performance of the contract in an amount exceeding 1.5 times the amount of the performance security specified in the documentation, or information confirming good faith participant on the date of filing the application, as well as the rationale for the price of the contract in the event of a contract for the supply of goods necessary for normal life support (Article 37 of the Federal Law No. 44).

Failure to provide these documents serves as a reason for recognizing the procurement participant as having evaded the conclusion of the contract.

In case of disagreement on the draft contract, the winner places on the electronic platform protocol of disagreements, signed EP. At the same time, the winner of the auction, with whom the contract is concluded, indicates comments on the provisions of the draft contract in the protocol of disagreements.

It should be understood that the protocol of disagreements does not give the winner of the purchase the right to change the terms of the contract (we remind you that the first part of the application contains an agreement to fulfill the terms of the contract specified in the documentation, and the draft contract, in turn, is an integral part of the documentation). From practice: a protocol of disagreements is drawn up in the event that the customer incorrectly indicated in the contract, for example, the details of the purchase winner, and also made a mistake when forming the specification (terms of reference) for the contract, for example, incorrectly transferred information from the application to the contract.

Sending a protocol of disagreements to the customer after the statutory period (that is, after 13 days) or failure to sign the contract by the winner of the auction, as well as failure to provide security for the performance of the contract (including in accordance with Article 37 of Federal Law No. 44) is fraught for such a participant a number of adverse effects. Firstly, the customer is obliged to transfer information about the participant who evaded the conclusion of the contract to the territorial department of the Federal Antimonopoly Service for inclusion in register of unscrupulous suppliers. Secondly, the procurement participant who evaded the conclusion of the contract, loses cash in the amount of the bid security listed for participation in this procurement. Thirdly, the customer has the right to apply to the court with a claim for damages caused by the evasion of such a participant from concluding a contract, in the part not covered by the amount of the application security.

During 3 working days from the date of posting on the website of the electronic platform of the draft contract (part 6 of article 70 of the Federal Law No. 44), signed by the ES, and providing such a winner with the contract performance security the customer is obliged to sign the contract with his ES.

The contract is considered concluded from the moment the contract signed by the parties is posted on the website of the electronic platform.

The contract can be made not earlier than 10 days from the date of posting the protocol of summing up.

Chepenko Natalya Petrovna,
Economist, NOU MTsPK "Orientir"


Do you have questions about how to participate in the electronic auction? You can on this topic to ECDP specialists.

In accordance with Art. 1229 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, clause 3, part 1, art. 1274 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the use of this material or its constituent parts in order to post it on other sites allowed only with the written permission of the copyright holder .

We remind you that the use of the result of intellectual activity, if such use is carried out without the consent of the copyright holder, is illegal and entails liability established by Civil Code RF and other regulatory legal acts.

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