Mysticism in the life of famous writers. Mysticism in the works of famous Russian writers

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fifteenth century

First literary works, which contained elements of the terrible and mystical, appeared as early as the 15th century. These include the old Russian story "legend about Dracula warlord ”, which was released in the 80s of this century. As notedYa. S. Lurie: legend about Dracula-vampire infiltrated Western Europe not directly from Romania, but through the Old Russian "Tale of Dracula» (80s of the XV century)


“There was a governor in the Muntian land, a Christian of the Greek faith, his name in Wallachian is Dracula, but in our opinion it is the Devil. He was so cruel and wise that, what is his name, such was his life.
"The Tale of Dracula Governor"

Now the genre of literature associated with mysticism is called horror.

nineteenth century

Anthony Pogorelsky « Lafertovskaya poppy plant”Written in 1825 was quite original. It was based on folk beliefs about the connections of people with otherworldly forces that give wealth and power, but lead to the death of a person. However, to demonological beliefs author is ironic.



A. Pogorelsky, "Lafertovskaya Makovnitsa".


Of no small importance in the development of the genre was the collection of works Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol « Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka”, published in the fall of 1831. Of the works included in the book, the work " May night, or drowned woman».



In 1835, the second book by the same author was published. Mirgorod", a special place in which the story deserves" Viy", which has been more than once filmed, including the basis of the film by the Italian film director Mario Bava « Satan's mask» 1960.

N.V. Gogol "Viy"



A.S. Pushkin "The Undertaker

AT 1841 gothic story is published as a separate book Ghoul» Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy. The story introduced into Russian literature the image vampire.


- Yes, she definitely was Sugrobina a few years ago, but now she is nothing but the most vile ghoul, who is only waiting for an opportunity to get enough of human blood. See how she looks at this poor girl; This is her own granddaughter. Listen to what the old woman says: she praises her and persuades her to come for two weeks to her dacha, to the very dacha you are talking about; but I assure you that it won't be three days before the poor thing dies. Doctors will say it is fever or inflammation in the lungs; but don't believe them!

A.K. Tolstoy "Ghoul"

« Ghoul family



A.K. Tolstoy "Ghoul Family"



I.S. Turgenev "Ghosts"

Soviet era

Normative poetics socialist realism excluded the supernatural from the arsenal literary means, and the first violations of this prohibition date back to the 60s, when the canon began to erode. At the same time, it was first published The Master and Margarita» Mikhail Bulgakov. Separate examples of the "terrible" are found in Soviet science fiction.

"The Master and Margarita"


Ivan was so struck by the behavior of the cat that he froze motionless at the grocery store on the corner and here for the second time, but much more strongly, was struck by the behavior of the conductor. She, as soon as she saw a cat climbing into a tram, shouted with anger, from which she even trembled:

Neither the conductor nor the passengers were struck by the very essence of the matter: not that the cat climbs into the tram, which would be half the trouble, but that he was going to pay!


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The first literary works that contained elements of the terrible and mystical appeared as early as the 15th century. These include the old Russian story "The Tale of Dracula", which was published in the 80s of this century.

"The Tale of Dracula Governor"

“There was a governor in the Muntian land, a Christian of the Greek faith, his name in Wallachian is Dracula, but in our opinion it is the Devil. He was so cruel and wise that, what is his name, such was his life."The Tale of Dracula Governor"

In literature, the genre is associated with the supernatural in literally the words; has a limited set of themed characters, borrowed, as a rule, from grassroots mythology different peoples: vampires, zombies, werewolves, ghosts, demons, etc.

Anthony Pogorelsky

The first in Russian literature fantasy story



poppy seed" was written in 1825.

- Father! it’s grandma’s black cat, ”Masha answered, forgetting herself and pointing to the guest who in a strange way he turned his head and looked at her tenderly, almost completely shutting his eyes.

- You've gone crazy! cried Onufrich with annoyance. - What cat? This is Mr. titular councillor, Aristarkh Faleleich Murlykin, who does you the honor and asks for your hand in marriage.

A. Pogorelsky, "Lafertovskaya poppy plant".

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

Of no small importance in the development of the genre was the collection of works by N.V. Gogol “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”, published in the autumn of 1831. Of the works included in the book, the work "May Night, or the Drowned Woman" most fully reflects the horror genre.

"- Witch? The old women invented that since that time all the drowned women went out into moonlit night in the pansky garden to bask in the month; and the centurion's daughter became chief over them. One night she saw her stepmother near the pond, attacked her and dragged her screaming into the water. But the witch was found here too: she turned under water into one of the drowned women and through that she got away from the whip of green reed, with which the drowned women wanted to beat her. Trust the grandmothers! They also say that the pannochka gathers drowned women every night and looks into each one's face one by one, trying to find out which of them is a witch; but still didn't know. »

N.V. Gogol "May night, or a drowned woman"

“Everything was visible, and one could even notice how the sorcerer, sitting in a pot, swept past them like a whirlwind; how the stars, gathered in a heap, played hide and seek; how a whole swarm of spirits swirled aside like a cloud; how the devil, dancing at the moon, took off his hat, seeing a blacksmith galloping on horseback; how a broom flying back flew, on which, apparently, a witch had just gone where she needed ... they met a lot more rubbish.

N.V. Gogol "The Night Before Christmas"

“Suddenly ... in the midst of silence ... the iron lid of the coffin burst with a crack and a dead man rose. It was even scarier than the first time. His teeth banged row upon row terribly, his lips twitched in convulsions, and, screeching wildly, spells rushed. The whirlwind rose through the church, icons fell to the ground, flew from top to bottom broken glass windows. The doors were torn off their hinges, and a myriad force of monsters flew into god's church. A terrible noise from the wings and from the scratching of the claws filled the whole church. Everything flew and rushed, looking everywhere for the philosopher.

N.V. Gogol "Viy"

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

"Undertaker"- A.S. Pushkin's story from the cycle "Tales of the late Ivan Petrovich Belkin", written in 1830 and published in 1831. Reading this story, we can be convinced that mysticism was not alien to Pushkin.

“The room was full of the dead. The moon through the windows illuminated their yellow and blue faces, sunken mouths, cloudy, half-closed eyes and protruding noses... Adrian recognized with horror in them the people who had been buried by his efforts, and in the guest who entered with him, the brigadier, buried during the torrential rain. All of them, ladies and men, surrounded the undertaker with bows and greetings, except for one poor man, recently buried for nothing, who, ashamed and ashamed of his rags, did not approach and stood humbly in the corner. The rest were all decently dressed: the dead in caps and ribbons, the dead officials in uniforms, but with unshaven beards, merchants in festive caftans.

A.S. Pushkin "The Undertaker

Alexey Konstantinovich Tolstoy

In 1841, the gothic story "Ghoul" by A.K. Tolstoy was published as a separate book. The story introduced the image of a vampire into Russian literature.

Yes, she was definitely Sugrobina a few years ago, but now she is nothing but the most vile ghoul, who is only waiting for an opportunity to get enough of human blood. See how she looks at this poor girl; This is her own granddaughter. Listen to what the old woman says: she praises her and persuades her to come for two weeks to her dacha, to the very dacha you are talking about; but I assure you that it won't be three days before the poor thing dies. Doctors will say it is fever or inflammation in the lungs; but don't believe them!

A.K. Tolstoy "Ghoul"

« Ghoul family"- a gothic short story by 21-year-old Count A.K. Tolstoy, written by him in 1839 on French also has a mystical character. It was first published in Russian in 1884 in the Russky Vestnik magazine. The story has a subtitle: "An unpublished excerpt from the notes of an unknown person."

- Ghouls are like an infection, - continued the hermit and crossed himself, - how many families in the village have suffered, how many have died out before last person, and you listen to me and spend the night in the monastery, otherwise, even if the ghouls don’t eat you in the village, you will still suffer such fear from them that you will turn gray before I call for matins. I,” he continued, “is only a poor monk, but the travelers themselves give so much from their generosity that I can take care of them. I have excellent cheese, raisins such that looking at it - saliva will flow, and several bottles of Tokay - no worse than what the holy patriarch himself deigns to drink.

A.K. Tolstoy "Ghoul Family"

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

"Ghosts"- the story of I.S. Turgenev, conceived by the writer in 1855, completed in 1863 and published in 1864.

“Yes, it was her, my night guest. As I approached her, the moon shone again. She seemed all over, as it were, woven from a translucent, milky fog - through her face I could see a branch gently swayed by the wind - only her hair and eyes were slightly blackened, and on one of the fingers of her folded hands a narrow ring shone with pale gold. I stopped in front of her and wanted to speak; but the voice died away in my chest, although I no longer felt any actual fear. Her eyes turned to me: their gaze expressed neither grief nor joy, but some kind of lifeless attention. I waited to see if she would utter a word, but she remained motionless and silent, and kept looking at me with her deathly gaze. I got scared again."

I.S. Turgenev "Ghosts"

Soviet era

The normative poetics of socialist realism excluded the supernatural from the arsenal of literary means, and the first violations of this prohibition date back to the 60s, when the canon began to erode. Separate examples of the "terrible" are found in Soviet science fiction.

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov

"The Master and Margarita"- a novel by M.A. Bulgakov, work on which began in the late 1920s and continued until the death of the writer. The first complete edition of the book in Russian was published in 1969.

“Ivan was so struck by the behavior of the cat that he froze motionless at the grocery store on the corner and then for the second time, but much more strongly, was struck by the behavior of the conductor. She, as soon as she saw a cat climbing into a tram, shouted with anger, from which she even trembled:

Cats can't! Not allowed with cats! Get out! Get down, or I'll call the police!

Neither the conductor nor the passengers were struck by the very essence of the matter: not that the cat climbs into the tram, which would be half the trouble, but that he was going to pay!”

M. Bulgakov, The Master and Margarita.

Take a dip in interesting world book, on its pages you can encounter the strange, unknown, mystical and even terrible, but breathtaking. Discover these works, expand the list of authors and works that have interested you in mysticism.

Mysticism in the works of famous Russian writers

fifteenth century

The first literary works that contained elements of the terrible and mystical appeared as early as the 15th century. These include the old Russian story "About Dracula the Governor", which was published in the 80s of this century. As noted: the legend of the vampire penetrated into Western Europe not directly from Romania, but through the Old Russian "" (80s of the XV century)


“There was a governor in the Muntian land, a Christian of the Greek faith, his name in Wallachian is Dracula, but in our opinion it is the Devil. He was so cruel and wise that, what is his name, such was his life.
"The Tale of Dracula Governor"

Now the genre of literature associated with mysticism is called horror. In literature, the genre is associated with the supernatural in the truest sense of the word; has a limited set of themed characters, borrowed, as a rule, from the grassroots mythology of different peoples: vampires, zombies, werewolves, ghosts, demons, etc.

nineteenth century

The first fantastic story in Russian literature "" was written in 1825 and was quite original. It was based on folk beliefs about the connections of people with otherworldly forces that give wealth and power, but lead to the death of a person. However, it is ironic.

- Father! it’s grandma’s black cat, ”Masha answered, forgetting herself and pointing to the guest, who in a strange way turned his head and looked at her touchingly, almost completely closing his eyes.

- You've gone crazy! cried Onufrich with annoyance. - What cat? This is Mr. titular councillor, Aristarkh Faleleich Murlykin, who does you the honor and asks for your hand in marriage.

A. Pogorelsky, "Lafertovskaya Makovnitsa".


Of no small importance in the development of the genre was the collection of works "", published in the autumn of 1831. Of the works included in the book, the work "" most fully reflects the horror genre.


"- Witch? The old women invented that from that time on all the drowned women went out on a moonlit night to the master's garden to bask in the month; and the centurion's daughter became chief over them. One night she saw her stepmother near the pond, attacked her and dragged her screaming into the water. But the witch was found here too: she turned under water into one of the drowned women and through that she got away from the whip of green reed, with which the drowned women wanted to beat her. Trust the grandmothers! They also say that the pannochka gathers drowned women every night and looks into each one's face one by one, trying to find out which of them is a witch; but still didn't know. »

N.V. Gogol "May night, or a drowned woman"


“Everything was visible, and one could even notice how the sorcerer, sitting in a pot, swept past them like a whirlwind; how the stars, gathered in a heap, played hide and seek; how a whole swarm of spirits swirled aside like a cloud; how the devil, dancing at the moon, took off his hat, seeing a blacksmith galloping on horseback; how a broom flying back flew, on which, apparently, a witch had just gone where she needed ... they met a lot more rubbish.

N.V. Gogol "The Night Before Christmas"

“Suddenly ... in the midst of silence ... the iron lid of the coffin burst with a crack and a dead man rose. It was even scarier than the first time. His teeth banged row upon row terribly, his lips twitched in convulsions, and, screeching wildly, spells rushed. A whirlwind rose through the church, icons fell to the ground, broken windows flew from top to bottom. The doors were torn off the hinge, and an innumerable force of monsters flew into God's church. A terrible noise from the wings and from the scratching of the claws filled the whole church. Everything flew and rushed, looking everywhere for the philosopher.

N.V. Gogol "Viy"

"Undertaker"- A.S. Pushkin's story from the cycle "Tales of the late Ivan Petrovich Belkin", written in 1830 and published in 1831. Reading this story, we can be convinced that mysticism was not alien to Pushkin.


“The room was full of the dead. The moon through the windows illuminated their yellow and blue faces, sunken mouths, cloudy, half-closed eyes and protruding noses... Adrian recognized with horror in them the people who had been buried by his efforts, and in the guest who entered with him, the brigadier, buried during the torrential rain. All of them, ladies and men, surrounded the undertaker with bows and greetings, except for one poor man, recently buried for nothing, who, ashamed and ashamed of his rags, did not approach and stood humbly in the corner. The rest were all decently dressed: the dead in caps and ribbons, the dead officials in uniforms, but with unshaven beards, merchants in festive caftans.


- Yes, she definitely was Sugrobina a few years ago, but now she is nothing but the most vile ghoul, who is only waiting for an opportunity to get enough of human blood. See how she looks at this poor girl; This is her own granddaughter. Listen to what the old woman says: she praises her and persuades her to come for two weeks to her dacha, to the very dacha you are talking about; but I assure you that it won't be three days before the poor thing dies. Doctors will say it is fever or inflammation in the lungs; but don't believe them!

A.K. Tolstoy "Ghoul"

« Ghoul family”- a gothic short story by 21-year-old Count A.K. Tolstoy, written by him in 1839 in French, also has a mystical character. It was first published in Russian in 1884 in the Russky Vestnik magazine. The story has a subtitle: "An unpublished excerpt from the notes of an unknown person."


- Ghouls are like an infection, - continued the hermit and crossed himself, - how many families in the village have suffered, how many of them have died out to the last person, and you listen to me and spend the night in the monastery, otherwise, even if the ghouls don’t eat you in the village, you anyway, you will suffer such fear from them that you will turn gray before I ring for matins. I,” he continued, “is only a poor monk, but the travelers themselves give so much from their generosity that I can take care of them. I have excellent cheese, raisins such that looking at it - saliva will flow, and several bottles of Tokay - no worse than what the holy patriarch himself deigns to drink.

A.K. Tolstoy "Ghoul Family"

"Ghosts"- the story of I.S. Turgenev, conceived by the writer in 1855, completed in 1863 and published in 1864.


“Yes, it was her, my night guest. As I approached her, the moon shone again. She seemed all over, as it were, woven from a translucent, milky fog - through her face I could see a branch gently swayed by the wind - only her hair and eyes were slightly blackened, and on one of the fingers of her folded hands a narrow ring shone with pale gold. I stopped in front of her and wanted to speak; but the voice died away in my chest, although I no longer felt any actual fear. Her eyes turned to me: their gaze expressed neither grief nor joy, but some kind of lifeless attention. I waited to see if she would utter a word, but she remained motionless and silent, and kept looking at me with her deathly gaze. I got scared again."

I.S. Turgenev "Ghosts"

Soviet era

socialist realism excluded the supernatural from the arsenal of literary means, and the first violations of this prohibition date back to the 60s, when the canon began to erode. Then "" was first published. Separate examples of the "terrible" are found in Soviet science fiction.

"The Master and Margarita"- a novel by M.A. Bulgakov, work on which began in the late 1920s and continued until the death of the writer. The first complete edition of the book in Russian was published in 1969.


Ivan was so struck by the behavior of the cat that he froze motionless at the grocery store on the corner and here for the second time, but much more strongly, was struck by the behavior of the conductor. She, as soon as she saw a cat climbing into a tram, shouted with anger, from which she even trembled:

Cats can't! Not allowed with cats! Get out! Get down, or I'll call the police!

Neither the conductor nor the passengers were struck by the very essence of the matter: not that the cat climbs into the tram, which would be half the trouble, but that he was going to pay!

M. Bulgakov, The Master and Margarita.


Immerse yourself in the interesting world of the book, on its pages you may come across the strange, unknown, mystical and even terrible, but breathtaking. Discover these works, expand the list of authors and works that have interested you in mysticism.


Mystical works of Russian writers


Famous Russian poet. Author of a number of popular romances. From an old noble family. As a child, I received a wonderful home education. He began writing poetry at the age of ten. All his life he bowed to the poetry of A. S. Pushkin. In 1852 he entered the Imperial School of Law. Studied brilliantly. He began to appear in print in 1854, that is, from the age of 14. After graduating from the College, he served first in the Ministry of Justice, and then in the Ministry of the Interior. I have been very sick in recent years.

Apukhtin began to write prose only at the end of his life - in the early 90s of the XIX century. Moreover, he did not make any attempts to publish his stories, although Pavlik Dolsky's Diary and From the Archives of Countess D. differ in undoubted literary merits and are of great interest in our time.

The story "Between Death and Life" was written in 1892. main idea of the story - “there is no death, there is one endless life”, and the human soul, repeatedly returning to earth, according to the divine will, inhabits a new body chosen by the Lord God himself.

Alexey Apukhtin


C'est un samedi, a six

heures du matin, que je suis mort.

It was eight o'clock in the evening when the doctor put his ear to my heart, raised a small mirror to my lips, and, turning to my wife, said solemnly and quietly:

- Its end.

By these words, I guessed that I had died.

In fact, I died much earlier. For more than a thousand hours I lay motionless and could not utter a word, but occasionally I still continued to breathe. Throughout my illness, it seemed to me that I was chained with innumerable chains to some blank wall that tormented me. Little by little, the wall let me go, the suffering lessened, the chains loosened and broke. Within two last days some kind of narrow ribbon held me; now it broke off, and I felt a lightness that I had never experienced in my life.

An unimaginable turmoil began around me. My large office, into which I was transferred from the beginning of my illness, was filled with people who all at once whispered, started talking, and sobbed. The old housekeeper Yudishna even began to cry out in a voice that was not her own. My wife fell on my chest with a loud cry; she cried so much during my illness that I wondered where her tears still come from. Of all the voices, the senile, rattling voice of my valet Savely stood out. Even in my childhood, he was assigned to me by an uncle and did not leave me all my life, but now he was already so old that he lived almost without work. In the morning he gave me a dressing gown and shoes, and then all day long he drank birch for health and quarreled with the rest of the servants. My death did not upset him so much as hardened him, and at the same time gave him unprecedented importance. I heard how he ordered someone to go for my brother, reproached someone and ordered something.

My eyes were closed, but I saw and heard everything that was happening around me.

My brother came in, focused and haughty as always. My wife could not stand him, but she threw herself on his neck, and her sobs doubled.

“Enough, Zoya, stop it, because you won’t help with tears,” the brother said in an impassive and as if learned tone, “save yourself for the children, believe that he is better there.”

He pulled himself out of her arms with difficulty and sat her down on the couch.

- We must immediately make some orders ... Will you let me help you, Zoya?

“Ah, Andre, for God's sake, manage everything… How can I think of anything?

She began to cry again, and her brother sat down at his desk and called Semyon, the young, efficient barman, over to him.

- You will send this announcement to New Time, and then you will send for the undertaker; yes, you need to ask him if he knows a good psalmist?

“Your Excellency,” answered Semyon, bending down, “there is nothing to send for the undertaker, there are four of them here in the morning crowding at the entrance. Already we drove them, drove them, - they don’t go, and that’s all. Would you like to call them here?

No, I'll go up the stairs.

And the brother read aloud the announcement he had written:

- “Princess Zoya Borisovna Trubchevskaya with sincere regret announces the death of her husband, Prince Dmitry Alexandrovich Trubchevsky, which followed on February 20, at 8 pm, after a heavy and prolonged illness. Memorial services at 2 pm and 9 pm. Do you need anything else, Zoya?

- Yes, of course, nothing. But why did you write this terrible word: "regret"? Je ne puis pas souffrir ce mot. Mettez: With deep sorrow.

Brother corrected.

- I'm sending it to Novoye Vremya. Is that enough?

- Yes, of course, enough. You can also in the "Journal de S.-Pe (ters-bourg)".

- Okay, I'll write in French.

- All the same, they will transfer there.

Brother left. My wife came up to me, sank down on a chair that was standing near the bed, and looked at me for a long time with some kind of pleading, questioning look. In this silent look, I read much more love and grief than in sobs and cries. She recalled our common life, in which there were many all sorts of worries and storms. Now she blamed herself for everything and thought about what she should have done then. She was so thoughtful that she did not notice my brother, who had returned with the undertaker and had been standing by her side for several minutes, not wanting to disturb her thoughts. Seeing the undertaker, she screamed wildly and fainted. They took her to the bedroom.

“Be calm, Your Excellency,” said the undertaker, taking my measurements as unceremoniously as the tailors once did, “we have everything in store: both the cover and the chandeliers. After an hour, they can be transferred to the hall. And as for the coffin, do not hesitate to doubt: the deceased coffin will be such that even a living person can lie down in it.

The office started to fill up again. The governess brought the children.

Sonya threw herself at me and sobbed just like a mother, but little Kolya stubbornly stubbornly refused to come up to me and roared with fear. Nastasya, his wife's favorite maid, who married the bartender Semyon last year and was in last period pregnancy. She crossed herself in a sweeping way, she kept wanting to kneel, but her stomach got in the way, and she sobbed lazily.

“Listen, Nastya,” Semyon told her quietly, “do not bend down, no matter what happens. It would be better for you to go to your place: you prayed, and that's enough.

How can I not pray for him? - answered Nastasya in a slightly singsong voice and deliberately loudly so that everyone could hear her. - It was not a man, but an angel of God. Even today, just before my death, he remembered me and ordered that Sofya Frantsevna be inseparably with me.

Nikolai Gogol (1821-1852)

Nikolai Vasilyevich did a lot for the development of the Russian language, in addition, he managed to influence contemporary writers and descendants. Gogol's work is permeated with mysticism, religiosity, fantasy and mythology and folklore.

The mystical in Nikolai Vasilyevich appeared in the very first books. "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka" is simply filled with otherworldly forces. But still, most of all evil spirits and darkness are on the pages of the story "Viy", in which Khoma Brut tries to resist the witch, ghouls and werewolves. However, the struggle of the bursak, who has been burying the panochka for three nights, goes to waste when he looks into the eyes of Viy - a monster from the underworld with heavy eyelids hiding a deadly look.

Gogol in his story uses motives Slavic mythology, beliefs and folklore about a terrible demon. The writer managed to create fairy story a work that is considered the standard of mystical literature. This experience a hundred years later will be used by Bulgakov.

Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821-1881)

Fedor Mikhailovich, along with Gogol, is considered one of the greatest mystic writers of the 19th century. However, the basis of his mysticism is of a completely different nature and has a different character - in Dostoevsky's work there is a confrontation between good and evil, Christ and Antichrist, divine and demonic principles, the search for and disclosure of the mystical nature of the Russian people and Orthodoxy. A number of researchers connect the presence of the "otherworldly" in the writer's work with epilepsy, which was considered by the ancients as a "sacred disease". Probably, it was the seizures that could serve as a “window” into another reality, where Dostoevsky drew his revelations.

Some heroes of Dostoevsky are also "obsessed" - they suffer from similar illnesses; Prince Myshkin and Alyosha Karamazov can be called such. But characters in other works are also tormented internal contradictions and searching within yourself divine beginning. Ivan Karamazov's conversation with the devil, Svidrigailov's nightmares about eternal life in the spider room. Dostoevsky reaches the pinnacle of religious and philosophical anthropological revelation in The Legend of the Grand Inquisitor, told by Ivan Karamazov. "Adolescent". Dostoevsky connects the mystery of man with the mystery of Christ.

Leonid Andreev (1871-1919)

Andreev worked on turn of XIX-XX centuries, during Silver Age. His works are close in spirit to the Symbolists, and he himself is often called the founder of Russian expressionism, but the writer himself did not belong to any circle of writers and poets.

The formation of Andreev as a writer undoubtedly took place under the influence of fashionable modernist trends (and social trends - revolutionary sentiments and a thirst for change), but he developed his own own style. Andreev's work combines the features of skepticism, religiosity and mysticism (the writer was seriously fond of spiritualism), all this is reflected in his novels, short stories and short stories - "The Life of Basil of Thebes", "Judas Iscariot", "The Resurrection of All the Dead", "Satan's Diary ".

So in the "Life of Basil of Thebes" rural pop trying to resurrect the dead - in the madness of the hero Andreev puts the desire to become a superman, to receive the energy of Christ. The act of resurrection is necessary for the transition from death to creativity, to infinite immortality. The other side of Andreev's mysticism is noticeable in "The Tale of the Seven Hanged Men" - starting from the symbolic number of those executed and ending with the terrible finale, where life goes on despite death.

By the way, the children followed in the footsteps of their father - three of his sons and a daughter became writers. Moreover, Daniil Leonidovich Andreev became a mystic writer already in the years of the USSR, the most significant work his novel "Rose of the World", which he himself called a religious and philosophical doctrine. Andreev managed to combine art and religion in one book, explain the existence of several earthly dimensions, the metahistory of Russia and its significance for creativity, and also give forecasts for the historical perspective.

Mikhail Bulgakov (1891-1940)

In the work of Mikhail Afansevich, the occult is no less than the fantastic and mythological. Researcher V.I. Losev called Bulgakov the most enigmatic writer of the 20th century, who was able to "penetrate the essence of ongoing events and foresee the future. His characters are forced to exist at the junction of two worlds, sometimes crossing the line that separates them. Like Gogol, Mikhail Afansevich combined invisible life with real life in his books.

Bulgakov's religious and philosophical overtones can be traced already in the 1920s, when the heroes of his stories open a conditional Pandora's box, releasing unknown forces into reality. Characters of the "Deviliad", " Fatal eggs”, “Heart of a Dog” try on the role of gods, opening doors to the world for the other world - they invent a magic ray that affects evolution, or create a man from a dog.

But most of all, religious philosophy and mysticism is permeated central novel Bulagokva - "The Master and Margarita". Is it worth retelling the story about the coming of Satan to Moscow with his amazing retinue and what happened next? demons are in charge in the capital ... In addition, the book has both biblical and historical overtones (the Master's novel about Yeshua and Pontius Pilate) and a serious satire on Soviet society, exposing his vices (for which representatives of this society are punished, although not by God).

Boris Pasternak (1890-1960)

Pasternak is not usually attributed to any current of the Silver Age, although he was friends with the Symbolists and at one time associated with the Futurists. Yet Pasternak, like Andreev, stands apart. The first poetic experiments of Boris Leonidovich date back to 1913, when the first book of his poems was published. Only after the publication of the collection "Twin in the Clouds" Pasternak called himself a "professional writer."

The apotheosis of Pasternak's work was the novel "Doctor Zhivago" - grandiose in its conception. The book covers the period of Russian-Soviet history for almost 50 years, told through the life of Yuri Zhivago, a doctor and poet. Dmitry Bykov in the biography of the writer notes that in a multi-layered in the narrative of the novel, which is quite realistic, one can also find a symbolic beginning - the work is based on own life Pasternak, but only the one he would like to live.

Despite all the realism, "Doctor Zhivago" is permeated with religious mysticism and Christian philosophy- and this is most clearly revealed in Yuri Zhivago's notebook of poems. Pasternak's mysticism is not similar to Gogol's or Bulgakov's, since there is no evil spirit as such in the novel (there are only analogies or metaphors), rather it echoes what can be seen in Andreev - a man and his fate, a superman or a grain of sand in the stream of history. But the verses are completely different, their lyrics contain a lot of Christian and biblical mythology, the lives of Mary Magdalene and Christ are reflected in reality filled with symbols and signs.

Vladimir Orlov (b. 1936)

Orlov came to literature from journalism. It is believed that in most cases such transitions are more successful than reverse ones. Vladimir Viktorovich confirms this hypothesis with all his work.

If we talk about mysticism in his works, then it is most clearly expressed in the novel that marked the beginning of the Ostankino Stories cycle, Violist Danilov. The book was published in the early 80s of the last century and tells about a demon on a contract. Vladimir Danilov manages to between work in the orchestra to attend other worlds, travel in time and space, communicate with various evil spirits. Mysticism is intertwined with the fantastic and musical, and a lot of attention is paid to music in the novel - and sometimes one gets the feeling that it sounds on the pages of a book.

Victor Pelevin (b. 1962)

The life and work of Viktor Pelevin are shrouded in mysticism, or hoax, if you like. He leads a reclusive life and rarely appears in public, and even less often gives interviews. But in any case, even these rare and mean words recorded by journalists are not inferior in strength and depth to the writer's novels.

Viktor Olegovich became interested in Eastern mysticism and Zen Buddhism while being an employee of the Science and Religion magazine. Pelevin was imbued with esoteric literature by translating the texts of Carlos Castaneda. Search for Mystery, otherworldly symbols in real world, theoretical and practical magic were part of everyday life at the turn of the 80-90s of the last century.

The writer's hobbies are reflected in his works - vivid examples of this are "Omon Ra", "The Sorcerer Ignat and People", "Chapaev and the Void", "The Sacred Book of the Werewolf", "Lower Tundra" and others. Reality in Pelevin's books eludes the reader, the worlds change places, and it is not clear in which dimension the character, the narrator, the reader is now. At the same time, Pelevin was often credited with creating his own religion, but back in 1997 he stopped gossip on this topic.

Text: Vladimir Bolotin

Russian newspaper

GBOU gymnasium No. 505

Krasnoselsky district

Research work

« Mysticism in the works of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

Completed by: Medova Kristina Olegovna

Head: Kryukova Tatyana Viktorovna


St. Petersburg

Targets and goals


    Find out if mysticism is really present in the works of N.V. Gogol?


    Get acquainted with the biography of the writer, with the works of the writer;

    To trace the history of the emergence of mystical motives in the work of N.V. Gogol

    To see the role of mystical motives in the writer's work


    Introduction. Gogol as the most mysterious figure in Russian literature.

    Main part.

    1. Path N.V. Gogol in literature

      Folk fiction in "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka".

2.1 The image of the devil in The Night Before Christmas.

2.2 Fantastic plot in "Terrible Revenge".

2.3 The mystical image of a cat in "May Night or the Drowned Woman" and in "Old World Landowners".

    1. Gogol's passion for mysticism and practical jokes.

      The mysterious death of a writer.

  1. Conclusion

    1. Bibliography.


Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol (1809 - 1852) -one of the most original Russian writers. His books are read all his life, each time in a new way. His word is perceived today as prophetic. Gogol is an exceptional person, tragic fate, a thinker who sought to unravel the historical fate of Russia.

It is impossible to overestimate the influence that Gogol had on the Russian, and indeed on world literature. Dostoevsky, speaking about himself and his literary contemporaries, said that they all came out of Gogol's "Overcoat".

Russian and foreign theater and cinema, finding new content in it.

There is no more mysterious figure in Russian literature than this great Russian writer.Undoubtedly, one of the reasons for the mystery of Gogol is mysticism in his work.

Problem question:Is mysticism really present in the works of N.V. Gogol?


    get acquainted with the biography of the writer, with the works of the writer;

    trace the history of the emergence of mystical motives in the work of N.V. Gogol

    see the role of mystical motives in the writer's work


Consider the features of mystical motives in the works of N.V. Gogol.

    Comparison of literary mystical images created by N.V. Gogol, with their folklore prototypes, revealing similarities;

    Consideration of the features of Gogol's mystical characters;

    The study of the reasons for the manifestation of mysticism in the studied works, their value for the plot and ideological content

An objectresearch: the work of N.V. Gogol

Subjectresearch: works by N.V. Gogol "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka".

To understand the meaning of mystical motives in the work of N.V. Gogol, it is necessary to trace their connections with the actual folk art, With objective reality that surrounded the writer, reveal the place of each of the two worlds in complete system each of the works in question.

In this work, mystical motives in the work of N.V. Gogol are studied from three points of view:

    From a folklore point of view, that is, mythological and folklore sources used by N.V. Gogol to create works;

    FROM literary point of vision, i.e., the specificity of mystical characters in Gogol's works, their difference from the original folklore prototypes is considered;

    From the point of view of their place in everyday reality, which also finds its place in Gogol's stories.

N. V. Gogol was born in the town of Velikie Sorochintsy, Mirgorod district, Poltava province. Gogol came from an old Little Russian family; in troubled times In Little Russia, some of his ancestors also molested the Polish gentry. Gogol's grandfather Afanasy Demyanovich Yanovsky (1738-early 19th century). He came from priests, graduated from the Kyiv Theological Academy, rose to the rank of second major and, having received hereditary nobility, came up with a mystical pedigree for himself, dating back to the mythical Cossack colonel Andre Gogol, who allegedly lived in the middle of the eighteenth century. He wrote in an official paper that "his ancestors, by the name of Gogol, of the Polish nation," although he himself was a real Little Russian, and others considered him the prototype of the hero of the "Old World Landowners." Great-grandfather, Yan Gogol, a pupil of the Kyiv Academy, "having gone to the Russian side", settled in the Poltava region, and the nickname "Gogol - Yanovsky" came from him. Gogol himself, apparently, did not know about the origin of this increase and subsequently rejected it, saying that the Poles invented it.

Very early, his mother began to bring Nikolai to church. She insisted that it is necessary to observe moral purity in the name of salvation. stories about a ladder that angels bring down from heaven, offering their hand to the soul of the deceased. On this ladder are seven measurements; the last seventh raises the immortal soul of man to the seventh heaven, to heavenly abodes. This one will then go through all Gogol's reflections on the fate and calling of a person to spiritual uplift and moral growth, to self-improvement.

Since then, Gogol constantly lived "under the terror of the afterlife retribution."

The boy's imagination was influenced in childhood by the beliefs held by the people in brownies, witches, watermen and mermaids. mysterious world Folk demonology was absorbed by Gogol's impressionable soul from childhood.

His inner world Gogol was very complex and contradictory. He never opened up to anyone in his aspirations, plans - everyday and even more so - creative. He liked to mislead friends and. Any successful hoax gave him the greatest joy.

In all the smallest events of life, he saw God's will. A rude shout in the classroom, a bad mark, a runny nose was considered by him as supernatural attention. He was tormented by inexplicable forebodings that forced him to obey the Divine will.

Gogol's inclinations were already fully determined in the Nizhyn gymnasium. There he was called Mysterious Carlo - after one of the characters in Walter Scott's novel "The Black Dwarf".

By the end of his stay at the gymnasium, he dreams of a wide social activities, which, however, he does not see at all in the literary field; no doubt, under the influence of everything around him, he thinks to come forward and benefit society in a service for which in fact he was completely incapable.

At the end of December 1828 Gogol ended up in Petersburg.

Ideas about Petersburg changed the appearance of Nikolai Gogol to such an extent that he turned from an untidy schoolboy into a real dandy. Without well-tailored clothes, he could not achieve, as it seemed to him, social prosperity.

Petersburg seemed to him a place where people enjoy all the material and spiritual benefits, but suddenly instead of all this a dirty, uncomfortable room, worries about how to have a cheap lunch.

Gogol tried to find his vocation in acting, pedagogical work, and in the meantime, the idea of ​​writing was growing stronger in his mind.

Constantly communicating with friends, he did not open up to them in his intentions and did not want to take their advice. None of them knew about his plans to publish Gantz. All this was explained not by his timidity, but by the desire to assume some kind of mystery.

Critics noticed the author's abilities, but considered this work immature; it did not attract readers. Gogol was so shocked by the failure that he bought up all the unsold copies of the book in stores and burned them. This was the beginning of acts of self-immolation, which Gogol repeated more than once and completed with the destruction of the second volume of Dead Souls.

The failure of the poem was associated with another feature of behavior, which later also turned out to be constant for Gogol: having experienced a shock, he rushed out of Russia to the German seaside city of Lübeck.

In his letters to his mother, he writes about the reasons for his departure, each time coming up with new excuses. First, he explained his departure by the need to treat a severe scrofulous rash that appeared on his face and hands, then he said that God had shown him the way to a foreign land, then by meeting a woman. As a result, Maria Gogol brought together two stories - about illness and about love passion and concluded that her son had contracted a venereal disease. This conclusion plunged Gogol into horror. Just as the hero of his poem, Gogol, fled to be face to face alone with himself, he fled from himself, from the discord of his lofty dreams with practical life.

Gogol did not stay long in a foreign land. Later, his own prudence made him change his mind and, after a two-month absence, return to St. Petersburg.

Gradually, Gogol begins to be convinced that it is literary creativity is his main calling. Gogol begins to write again, devoting all his leisure time to this work. Until the end of his life, Gogol did not admit to anyone that V. Alov was his pseudonym.

Gogol finds his way and succeeds. Before Gogol opened the door to favorites literary society: he meets V. A. Zhukovsky, P. A. Pletnev, and in May 1831. at a party at the latter's, he was introduced to Pushkin.

Already after his arrival in St. Petersburg, he begins to ask his relatives: to regularly send him information and materials about the customs and mores of "our Little Russians."

Thus, one of the incarnations of Gogol's demon lies in the phenomenon of "immortal human vulgarity." This vulgarity is “beginning and unfinished, which pretends to be beginningless and endless”, it denies God and is identified with universal evil.

As in the previous works of Gogol, great place in the story "Terrible Revenge" occupies a fantastic plot. The bloody atrocities of the evil sorcerer-traitor from this story are terrible, but inevitable retribution will overtake him at the appointed hour.

"Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka"

The first part of "Evenings" was published in September 1831. It included four stories: "Sorochinsky Fair", "Evening on the Eve of Ivan Kupala", "May Night" and "The Lost Letter". Six months, in early March 1832, appeared and the second part ("The Night Before Christmas", "Terrible Revenge", "Ivan Fedorovich Shponka and His Aunt", "The Enchanted Place").

The world that opened up in "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka" had little in common with that reality in which Gogol lived. It was a fun, joyful, happy world poetic tale

The stories seem to be woven from Ukrainian fairy tales, songs, stories.

The story "The Night Before Christmas" begins with the fact that the witch flies out of the chimney on a broomstick and hides the stars in her sleeve, and the devil steals the Moon and, burning himself, hides it in his pocket. The witch is the mother of the blacksmith Vakula, she knows how to "enchant sedate Cossacks to herself." A person not only is not afraid of "evil spirits", he makes her serve himself. The devil, although he came directly from Hell, is not so terrible: riding on the devil, Vakula flies to Petersburg to bring the wayward beauty Oksana the same slippers as the queen herself.

In the early cycles (“Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”, “Mirgorod”), the devil has real typological features. He has a “narrow, constantly spinning and sniffing everything that comes across, muzzle, ending, like our pigs, with a round snout”, “a sharp and long tail”. This is a petty demon, meaningful in folklore traditions.

Gogol's devil is “an underdeveloped hypostasis of the unclean; a shaking, frail imp; a devil from a breed of small devils that seem to our drunkards "

Fantasy "Petersburg Tales"

In 1836, The Inspector General premiered at the Alexandrinsky Theater in St. Petersburg. But soon Gogol again goes abroad. Leaves unexpectedly for his acquaintances and friends. It turned out that Gogol had made the decision to leave even before the premiere of The Inspector General, and this act is not so easy to explain. Gogol had been abroad since 1836. to 1848. He traveled almost all of Western Europe, lived the longest in his beloved Italy - a total of about four and a half years. Gogol moved along mediterranean sea, and before the final return to Russia, he made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, to the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem.

For a long time he waited in vain, but suddenly he received the image of the Savior from the preacher Innocent. This fulfillment of his desire seemed to him miraculous and was interpreted by him as a command from above to go to Jerusalem and, having cleansed himself with a prayer at the tomb of the Lord, ask God's blessing on the conceived literary work.

In March 1837 Gogol was in Rome. As Gogol said about his beloved Rome: “It seemed to me that I saw my homeland, which I had not been to for several years, but in which only my thoughts lived. But no, it’s not that: not my homeland, but the homeland of my soul, I saw where my soul lived before me, before I was born into the world.

The city made a charming impression on him. The nature of Italy delighted, fascinated him. Under the life-giving rays of the Italian sun, Gogol's health was strengthened, although he never considered himself completely healthy. Friends made fun of his suspiciousness, but back in Petersburg he said quite seriously that the doctors did not understand his illness, that his stomach was not arranged at all like that of all people, and this caused him suffering that others did not understand.

Gogol's passion for practical jokes and hoaxes.

But it was in Rome that the weak body of the poet could not stand it. nervous tension accompanying the enhanced creative activity. He caught the strongest swamp fever. An acute, painful illness almost brought him to the grave and left traces for a long time, both on the physical and on mental state his. Her seizures were accompanied by nervous suffering, weakness, and low spirits.

Gogol with early years was distinguished by suspiciousness, always attached great importance to his ill health.

Serious thoughts, which the proximity of the grave leads us to, seized him and did not leave him until the end of his life.

Several times he had to endure serious illnesses, which still increased his religious mood; in his circle he found a favorable ground for the development of religious exaltation - he adopted a prophetic tone, self-confidently instructed his friends and, in the end, came to the conclusion that what he had done so far was unworthy of that high purpose to which he now considered himself called.

“A wonderful creation is being created and is taking place in my soul,” he wrote in 1841, “and now my eyes are full of grateful tears more than once.

This mystical, solemn view of his work was expressed by Gogol to very few of his acquaintances. For the rest, he was the same pleasant, although somewhat silent conversationalist, a subtle observer, a humorous narrator.


Writer's death mystery

The tragic end of Gogol was accelerated by conversations with a fanatical priest, Matvey Konstantinovsky, Gogol's confessor, in recent months writer's life.

Instead of calming and encouraging a suffering person, he pushed him, who was looking for spiritual support, further towards mysticism. This fateful meeting ended the crisis.

In the circle of close friends, he was still cheerful and playful, willingly read his own and other people's works, sang Little Russian songs with his "goat", as he himself called it, and listened with pleasure when they were sung well. By spring, he planned to leave for several months in his native Vasilyevka, in order to strengthen his strength there, and promised his friend Danilevsky to bring a completely finished volume of Dead Souls.

In 1850, Nadezhda Nikolaevna Sheremeteva died, she was a close friend of Gogol, they met on the basis of piety and became very close. This death strengthened in Gogol the desire to reunite with her soul in heaven and hastened his martyrdom.

To the natural sorrow of the loss loved one he was mingled with horror at the open grave. He was seized by that excruciating "fear of death", which he had experienced more than once before.

His tragic death - a kind of suicide, when the writer deliberately starved himself to death - was caused by the realization of the impossibility of reconciling aesthetics and morality.

Three days later, the count again came to Gogol and found him sad.

February 21, he passed away. The news of Gogol's death struck all his friends, who until the last days did not believe in terrible forebodings. His body, as an honorary member of the Moscow University, was transferred to the university church, where it remained until the very funeral.

The funeral was attended by: the Moscow governor-general Zakrevsky, the trustee of the Moscow educational district Nazimov, professors, university students and the mass of the public. The professors carried the coffin out of the church, and the students carried it in their arms all the way to the Danilov Monastery, where it was lowered into the ground next to the grave of a friend, the poet Yazykov.


The very circumstances of Gogol's death give mystical horror the last page of "Viya". Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol - one of the most mysterious, enigmatic Russian writers, a man of deep faith, Orthodox, was no stranger to mysticism and believed that the devil led people after him, forcing them to commit evil deeds. Well, his Ukrainian compatriots lived for centuries according to the principle: “Love God, but don’t anger the devil either.”

Died great writer, and with him, the work that he created for so long, with such love, perished. Was this work the fruit of a fully developed artistic creativity or the embodiment in images of those ideas that are expressed in "Selected places of correspondence with friends" - this is the secret that he took with him to the grave.

“He died a victim of a lack of his nature, and the image of an ascetic burning his compositions is the last that he left from his whole strange, so extraordinary life. “Vengeance is mine, and I will repay,” as if these words are heard from the crackle of a fireplace, into which a brilliant madman throws his brilliant and criminal slander on human nature.

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, who could not stand it and looked openly at the outrages that were happening around, was buried according to all church canons in the courtyard of the St. Danilevsky Monastery.


"Nikolay Gogol". Henri Troyat, M., "Eksmo", 2004

Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka. N.V. Gogol. Lectures - L .: 1962.

The art of detail: observation and analysis: about Gogol's work. / E. Dobin. L.: "Owls. writer".

About the nationality of N.V. Gogol. - Kyiv, ed. Kyiv. University, 1973.

N.V. Gogol and Russian literature XIX century: Interuniversity. Sat. scientific tr. - L.: LGGI, 1989. - 131p.

Life and work of N.V. Gogol: Materials for an exhibition in school. and children's bib-ke. - M.: Det.lit., 1980.

Sokolov B.V. Deciphered Gogol. Viy. Taras Bulba. Auditor. Dead Souls. - M.: Yauza, Eksmo, 2007. - 352 p.

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