Presentation "theatrical professions". Presentation for the lesson (grade 1) on the topic: Extracurricular activities

What is theater? The word "theater" can be called any performance in front of any audience. As a rule, in the theater a group of actors perform various plays for the audience - comedies, tragedies or dramas. Theater is one of ancient species art. The word "theater" can be called any performance in front of any audience. As a rule, in the theater a group of actors perform various plays for the audience - comedies, tragedies or dramas. Theater is one of the oldest art forms.

HISTORY In Greek, "theater" means a place for performances. Translated from Greek, "theater" means a place for performances. During the ancient Greek religious festivities, the actors acted out. During the ancient Greek religious festivities, the actors played comedies and tragedies in front of the public. During the Renaissance in Europe Before the public, comedies and tragedies. During the Renaissance in Europe, professional acting troupes appeared. There were professional acting troupes.

HISTORY The first theaters were created exclusively for the amusement of aristocrats who patronized theatrical troupes and sometimes took part in the production of plays. However, by the XV-XVI centuries. performances began to attend and simple people. The first theaters were created exclusively for the amusement of aristocrats who patronized theatrical troupes and sometimes took part in the production of plays. However, by the XV-XVI centuries. performances began to attend and ordinary people.

Ancient Greek and Roman theatres. Ancient Greek and Roman playwrights wrote tragedies and comedies based on the plots of myths and legends. These plays were performed during the big holidays, many people gathered to watch the performance. Ancient Greek and Roman playwrights wrote tragedies and comedies based on the plots of myths and legends. These plays were performed during the big holidays, many people gathered to watch the performance.

Ancient Greek and Roman theatres. The actors wore masks symbolizing the characters actors. During the performance, the recitation of the actors alternated choral singing. AT Ancient Greece tragedies were more popular, and in Ancient Rome- comedies. Actors put on masks, symbolizing the characters of the characters. During the performance, the recitation of the actors was interspersed with choral singing. In ancient Greece, tragedies were more popular, and in ancient Rome, comedies.

Japanese theater The most popular in our time is the kabuki theater, in which actors in bright costumes perform melodramatic performances among lush scenery. The most popular in our time is the kabuki theater, in which actors in colorful costumes perform melodramatic performances among lush scenery.

European theater of the XVII-XVIII centuries. The golden age of the European theater came in the 17th-18th centuries. In the early 1660s, female actresses began to be accepted into English theater companies, and from then on, men stopped acting. female roles. The artificiality that reigned on the stage gave way to a more natural playing style. The golden age of the European theater came in the 17th-18th centuries. In the early 1660s, English theater companies began to accept female actresses, and from then on, men stopped playing female roles. The artificiality that reigned on the stage gave way to a more natural playing style. Born actor. Englishman David Garrick became famous as the best dramatic actor of the 18th century.

European theater XIX-XX centuries. In the early 1800s, performances became more realistic. Many playwrights, such as Henrik Ibsen, began to create plays based on conventional life situations. "Waiting for Godot" For this play, Samuel Beckett was called the founder of the theater of the absurd.

French theater Pantomime is theatrical performance, in which the meaning and content of what is happening is conveyed with the help of gestures, plasticity and facial expressions. Film actors of the early 20th century, such as Charlie Chaplin, used the technique of pantomime, since their characters were unable to speak. Mime plasticity is a way to convey the feelings and emotions of a character to the viewer.

Theatrical costumes Each theater has its own set of costumes, wigs, false beards and mustaches. Special staff takes care of the props and wardrobe. Costume designers take care of the preparation of the necessary dress for the performance, if necessary, clean and repair things. In large theaters with a diverse repertoire, the wardrobe may consist of hundreds of costumes.

Behind the scenes Behind the theater scenes are hidden sound and lighting equipment, a control panel for scenery and curtains, and stage mechanisms. During the performance, in a small room under the stage, there is a prompter who, if necessary, can tell the actor a forgotten line. The theater storerooms store scenery, props and costumes. Behind the stage are the actors' dressing rooms.

Lyudmila Polyukhova
Presentation "Introduction to the theater" for children middle group

Often we try to offer our children something that we did not have, something that reflects the latest technological achievements. progress: computer and electronic games, gaming consoles, interactive toys. But do our children need all this? Do these new activities contribute to their mental, spiritual and general mental development? There is no consensus on the dangers of newfangled toys, but the fact that there are benefits from many traditional games has long been known. So let's play with our children in theatre. But first, let's tell them about theater.

Theatre- this is an amazing place where performances are shown, music sounds, poetry is read, sing or dance. There you can laugh and cry, sometimes even have something to think about, something to be surprised at.

Theaters different are And what they just do not. Here performances will play for everyone, Drama, opera, ballet. Here on the stage you can meet different dolls and animals. Theatre very fond of children So let's go there soon!

I bring to your attention presentation"Introduction to theater" for middle group children.

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What are the theaters? The theater is a magical land where the child rejoices while playing, and in the game he learns the world!

Theater on a flannelograph Theater on a flannelgraph The flannelgraph is designed specifically for children not only to listen to a fairy tale, but also to see its heroes. When telling a fairy tale, we lay out the characters on the flannelgraph in the order in which they appear. In the same way, you can use a magnetic board and magnetic figures - heroes of fairy tales. Manufacturing technique: various pictures can be attached to the flannel using adhesive tape, velvet paper, or the same flannel.

Shadow Theater Here you need a screen made of translucent paper or white thin fabric attached to a frame, expressively carved black plane characters and a bright light source behind it, thanks to which the characters cast shadows on the screen. Very interesting images are obtained with the help of fingers. For example, you can make a goose, a hare, a barking dog, etc., or attach figures to sticks.

cone theater

origami theater

table theater

Toy theater. Industrial-made toys (plastic, soft, rubber) or hand-made (knitted, sewn from scraps) are grouped according to fairy tales. Such a theater is very close to children, as they play with similar toys every day. It can be played not only at the table, but also lying on the carpet. Walking theater Each doll has pockets for the index and middle fingers on the back of the legs. Thus, the doll "walks", repeating the movement of the fingers.

RIDING THEATER B-ba-bo puppet theater or Petrushki theater. The theater "Petrushka" is a theater whose puppets are worn on three fingers - like a glove. The movements of her head, arms, torso are carried out with the help of movements of the fingers, hands. Spoon Theatre. The simplest and most affordable spoon puppet theater for children. Spoon dolls anticipate acquaintance with riding dolls, being, as it were, a simplified version.

Finger Theatre. Finger puppets are the smallest puppet theater artists. These are dolls sewn from fabric, glued from paper, knitted from woolen threads. The child puts the dolls on his fingers, and he himself acts for the character depicted on the hand. You can play behind the screen or with direct contact.

Dolls on the gape. The simplest gapite is just a stick inserted into the toy. It should not be too thick and heavy, otherwise the actor will not be able to comfortably take it in his hand. The gapit should not be too short, but not too long.

Puppet Theatre. The puppeteer controls them in full view of the audience. The puppet is located next to the puppeteer, on the floor, and is set in motion with the help of a wag. Vaga is a cross, to which dolls are attached to the threads.

Other types of theater Clothespin theater Matchbox theater

By doing theater with children, you will make your children's life interesting and meaningful, fill it with vivid impressions and the joy of creativity. And most importantly, the skills acquired in theatrical games, children can use in everyday life.

In my presentation, I introduce children to the types of theater (puppet theater, shadow theater, etc.), theatrical professions, the rules of conduct in the theater, and also reinforce the concept of "circus" (who takes part in circus performance).



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Presentation on the topic: "The theater is a holiday!" Prepared by: teacher Kuzmina E.A.

This is one of the most famous theaters in the world - big theater which is located in the center of Moscow.

There are many types of theater Puppet show ballet theater

Drama Theater Opera House

Shadow play

Theatrical Professions Director Scriptwriter Prompter Make-Up Artist Lighting Costume Designer Set Designer Sound Engineers There are theater musicians, a theater tailor, stagehands, firefighters and many other different professions in the theater.

And there is also the most beloved by all children - the CIRCUS!

Participating in the circus show: Animal trainers



There is such a profession - a circus artist. Most famous representative this profession - Yuri Kuklachev.

How to behave in a theater or circus? Simple Rules etiquette.

The main rule is to arrive on time. You need to have time to calmly undress yourself and help a friend undress, straighten her hair in front of a mirror. When you hear the bell, you should go to the hall and take your seats. The first to sit down are those who sit in the middle of the row, the rest need to wait. You can not take other people's places! They come to the theater or circus beautifully dressed, because this is a holiday. During the performance, you can not eat, talk and spin around. At the end of the performance, thank the artists with applause. Always be a good audience!

"And the curtain trembles, And the light bulbs tremble - So loudly applauds Half a thousand guys." S.Ya.Marshak

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What is theater? This is the best, according to K.S. Stanislavsky, a means for communicating people, for understanding them innermost feelings. This is a miracle that can develop creative inclinations in a child, stimulating ...

This game situation develops children's active speech, consolidates mathematical knowledge, arouses interest in theatrical activities, encourages children to remember their favorite fairy tale ....

Performance at the Durov Theater
What is theater?
(from Greek (Greek)
Pantomime theater
Animal Theatre.
Compiled by: Seryogina L.A.
1 class.
And more masks
Theatre. Natalya
ancient theater
More masks
Bolshoi Theater in Moscow
Theatre - "
art collective
Theatre - "
art collective

The main character in the play
Making a mask

Slides captions:

Performance at the Durov Theater
What is theater?
(from Greek (Greek)
- a place for spectacles; spectacle), genus
Like other arts, T. is a form public consciousness, it is inseparable from the life of the people, its national history and culture.
Pantomime theater
Animal Theatre.
Compiled by: Seryogina L.A.
1 class.
And more masks
Puppet show. Puppets and puppeteers.
Theatre. Natalya
ancient theater
More masks
Bolshoi Theater in Moscow
Theatre - "
art collective
Theatre - "
art collective
- this is the result of the activity of many people, not only those who appear on the stage, but also those who sew costumes, make props, install lights, meet the audience. No wonder there is a definition of "theatrical workshop workers": a performance is both creativity and production.
Enhance emotional impact dramatic performance helps
. Sometimes it sounds not only during the action, but also in
- to keep the interest of the public.
The main character in the play
Making a mask

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