How to redirect the difficult transit of Uranus? The big change in love lies in the aspects of uranium.

The first way - Uranus is balanced by Saturn. Uranus is everything new, avant-garde, advanced. This is the future. Saturn is order, law, adherence to traditions, the past.

Uranus gives breakdowns, explosions, both in technology and the masses in the form of revolutions. To avoid breakdowns, it is necessary to replace old equipment in time, follow the rules of operation. Where there is strong law, power and order, there are no revolutions. Forethought is not redundant.

The second way is to redirect the energy of Uranus, i.e. slowly open the desired tap, release steam. For example, Uranus is directly connected with the cosmos - the muse Urania is heavenly. Passion for space, astronomy and astrology is the realization of Uranian energy. I have noticed more than once how people come to me to study astrology during strong transits of Uranus on their planets - the Sun, Jupiter. Most of them, having received astrological knowledge, at the end of the transit of Uranus, go on their way. They received knowledge about space, about stars and planets. Got developed. And at the same time redirected the energy of Uranus. This is just one example. I know people who, during the intense transits of Uranus across their Sun, became interested in the study of solar activity, scientific research on solar flares. And this gave a partial reset and a solution to situations. You can do a lot of other things to facilitate the transit of Uranus: technology, the Internet, aviation.

I offer you various ways to redirect the energy of Uranus as it passes through the houses of the horoscope.

When transiting Uranus through the 1st house of the horoscope, change your style of dress, hairstyle. Dress fashionably. Dye your hair a different color for you. Get a body tattoo. Experiment with your appearance. Become a different person in your outward expression.

Be open and friendly in communication.

When transiting Uranus through the 2nd house of the horoscope, take up new ways for you to heal the body. Everything unusual, not yet accepted in society, will suit you. New directions of yoga and oriental practices.

If you have an interest in Internet currency, in online financial systems, then do it. It will be beneficial for you to participate in financial projects aimed at the future, in projects related to advanced technologies and space. Invest with your team and friends. Look for new types of income.

When transiting Uranus through the 3rd house of the horoscope, it is recommended to upgrade the car, phone. Buy technical novelties for communication and domestic needs. Travel with friends in a group of like-minded people. Start learning something new, astronomy and astrology.

When Uranus moves through the 4th house of the horoscope, open the doors of your house to friends. At this time, it is advisable to arrange themed parties at home for people with whom you have common interests. Buy new household appliances for your home or just upgrade your home appliances. Renovate your home with cutting-edge style.

Mark the passage of Uranus through the 5th house of the horoscope with new hobbies. The nature of hobbies will determine the sign of the zodiac through which Uranus passes. For the coming years of the passage of Uranus in Taurus, hobbies for music and dancing, drawing and other forms of art are suitable. Floriculture and landscape design will help bring you pleasure and novelty in life. Play computer games and watch fantasy.

When Uranus passes through the 6th house of the horoscope, take up unusual methods of healing the body. Yoga and martial arts, new trends in health systems will do. Buy devices for diagnosing and improving health. Change your diet. Find yourself a new job online. Try new directions in your work.

The passage of Uranus through the 7th house of the horoscope will facilitate your openness to new friends and business partners. Try new forms of relationships with people. Let new people into your life, and if you are single, you will find yourself a life partner. Make your relationship easy and free.

Astrology and esoteric classes will help you redirect the complex transit of Uranus through the 8th house of the horoscope.

The financial side of life will change, and be prepared for changes in it. Engage in the study and implementation of new directions in investing, especially in new technologies, in Internet projects.

To facilitate the transit of Uranus through the 9th house of the horoscope, take care of your education, go to training courses, especially online. Long-distance group trips and trips to unusual places with friends will have a beneficial effect. Participate in public speaking on the Internet and other media.

The transit of Uranus through the 10th house of the horoscope will improve if you make changes to your work. Use the Internet and technical innovations in your work. Learn a new profession, change jobs. Change the design of the workplace.

When transiting Uranus through the 11th house of the horoscope, find yourself a suitable interest group. Make new friends. Passion for aviation and space, astrology and avant-garde trends in science and technology will help you redirect the energy of Uranus. Build the most fantastic plans for the future and at the same time positive ones for you - they will come true!

You will improve the passage of Uranus through the 12th house of the horoscope if you take part in charitable collective or Internet campaigns to help those in need. Healing and unusual methods of treatment are suitable for your recovery. Get creative: painting or music. Particularly suitable for the purposes of redirecting the energy of Uranus is creativity on a space theme or in the avant-garde style.

Peace and warmth in your hearts and homes! May the stars guide you on the right course in life!

The planet Uranus transits in Aries from May 27, 2010 to August 13, 2010, then from March 11, 2011 to May 16, 2018, and again from November 6, 2018 to March 7, 2019.

A full cycle of Uranus takes 84 years, i.e. the planet stays in each sign of the zodiac for approximately 7 years, including periods of retrograde movement. Transits of Uranus are often accompanied by changes and shocking events, radical shifts, periods of discovery, a sense of freedom, but also instability. Many people under the influence of Uranic energies become impatient, behave unpredictably, become unreliable.

Uranus in Aries is associated with manifestations of aggression and escalation of tension, both on a personal level and on a social level. His energy is expressed in riots and wars. In order to minimize undesirable manifestations, it is necessary to take preventive measures for protection, to act more reasonably than the aggressor. If we talk about an individual, then there is a desire to have greater freedom and independence. This must be done in moderation so that impulsive actions do not lead to devastating consequences.

The transit of Uranus brings unexpected opportunities that are amplified during those periods when the transit planet makes aspects to the planets and significant points of the natal chart. Particularly important are the aspects of Uranus to the luminaries (Sun and Moon) and personal planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars). Knowing the peculiarities of the manifestation of uranic influences, we can constructively use our chances and develop appropriate plans. Obviously, the position of Uranus in Aries on a personal level affects depending on the house through which it transits. Below is an interpretation of the transits of Uranus in Aries in the houses of an individual horoscope (natal chart).

Uranus in Aries in the first house

Brings anxiety so that you act in unexpected ways, take steps that are not expected of you. Often actions are thoughtless, more on instincts and intuition. Characterized by the determination to go their own way, against the rules and foundations. At the same time, you are not worried about what others think. There are events (both positive and negative) that change self-esteem. Many begin to experiment with appearance: frequent image changes, unusual hair color, etc.

Uranus in Aries in the 2nd house

Promises changes in terms of finances and well-being. The nature of the changes will depend on whether the planet forms harmonious or tense aspects in the natal chart - possible sudden losses or profits. Some may give up material possessions in order to be free. Transit can mean unstable income or unstable financial flows. But the loss of stability often leads to growth in new areas, such as the awakening of natural talents or unconventional ways to make money. This is a favorable position for those who are engaged in innovative projects, digital technologies, doing business through the Internet, since all this is the responsibility of Uranus. Luck smiles unexpectedly when you are ready to abandon old ideas about life and focus on what is relevant now.

Uranus in Aries in the third house

You are seized by a restless desire to be in the center of the whirlpool of events, to be their instigator. The social circle is unstable and changes rapidly. Strange encounters can occur, with far-reaching consequences. The usual routine of everyday life becomes unbearable, and the search for new ideas can lead to a radical change in lifestyle. A favorable period for learning best practices in any area, putting it into practice and teaching others.

Uranus in Aries in the fourth house

In a broad sense, it means the loss of the old life base and the acquisition of a new one. You strive to gain independence from relatives and friends, to free yourself from family traditions. Various expressions are possible - from the desire to have a personal space at home (studio, office) to a complete break with the family. Planetary influence can push you to change your place of residence, move to another city or country. In some cases, there is a loss of housing or, conversely, obtaining one's own housing, real estate.

Uranus in Aries in the fifth house

Uranic energies awaken vitality and personal talents. The brilliance of personality becomes more noticeable to others, your creative impulses are absolutely original. In love, various choices appear, a love union is possible with an unusual partner or one that is not approved by society. Romantic adventures allow you to feel the release and new content of the image of "I". There are unforeseen turns in love and friendship, unexpected events involving children. Many have a sudden interest in new hobbies and passions.

Uranus in Aries in the 6th house

Anxiety and the desire for change lead to drastic changes in work and the rhythm of life. Possible expressions of planetary transit: change of job, opening your own business, transition to remote work. For some, odd jobs become a source of livelihood. There is an interest in healing, alternative medicine. By paying attention to health issues, you can open the connection of mind, soul and body, which will lead to the awakening of the personality.

Uranus in Aries 7th house

The need to live more freely comes, which is reflected in existing relationships. If a partner experiences desires similar to yours, you will go on an adventure together, but if he or she does not share your interests, then the future of the union is in question. In a couple, collisions, disputes, conflicts are possible, in some cases it comes to threats and physical aggression. The impact of the planet can push for a break in communication or divorce, but it can also bring partners to a new level of relationship. Uranus requires change, and planetary energy must be expressed in one way or another. In order for changes to occur in the desired direction, find ways to refresh relationships, introduce elements of novelty into them. You can stay in a relationship without sacrificing your independence.

Uranus in Aries in the 8th house

A power awakens that allows you to reject personal taboos and prohibitions. Amazing changes are taking place in the depths of the psyche, repressed emotions and hidden desires rise from the subconscious. Consciousness expands, you realize the true "I", as a result, the healing of the soul occurs. Your personality is subject to metamorphoses, which is reflected on the external level. You express yourself more boldly in love and erotica.

Uranus in Aries in the ninth house

You are seized by a desire to change places. Traveling expands consciousness, changes the picture of the world, expands your horizons. You gain broad knowledge based on direct experience. Personal philosophy undergoes significant changes. Perhaps a reflection of the impact of transit on the field of education, for example, you decide to continue your studies in another city or country. Good luck may be waiting for you in distant lands.

Uranus in Aries in the tenth house

You are driven by the desire to break free and stop blindly obeying authorities. You become the author and director of your own life. In life, sudden events happen that lead to changes in career goals, allow you to rethink your career and life mission in general. A planetary transit gives chances to rapidly climb the career ladder and take a prominent position in society, but for this you need to be brave in your professional field, to follow unbeaten paths. However, the opposite option is not excluded, when there is a loss of social status.

Uranus in Aries in the Eleventh House

You feel the urge to expand your life experience, to shake things up. By joining any social group, you will get inspiration, you will be able to realize your ideas at the public level. The circle of friends is changing, the former environment is being replaced by new, unusual people. Your ideas may deserve public recognition. Take a leadership role, experiment, start your own business. Good luck awaits you among people, in a society of like-minded people.

Uranus in Aries in the twelfth house

You feel vague urges that force you to take a fresh look at familiar reality. Most likely, these impulses were felt before, but were not realized by you. There comes an understanding of what threads fate is woven from. Intense experiences will awaken your fighting spirit, help you overcome stereotypes of behavior. Finally, you will stop being a victim and a martyr. Your personal life becomes part of a larger process. You are given a great chance to heal on a spiritual level with the help of a higher mind commanded by Uranus. Supernatural events, unexpected encounters with entities from other worlds are not ruled out. By showing courage, you are able to resist shadow influences, which will give you unshakable self-confidence. A good period for creative personalities, artists, musicians, poets - their creative impulses can give rise to a masterpiece.

Read more about the properties of the planet in the article

Surprises are coming...

Uranus is coming to visit you!You are waiting for a big change in love!

Are you looking for your happiness? Are you not married yet? Do you want to change your personal life?

This means that soon this unique planet will burst into your life and turn everything upside down. Only such radical changes can break the stagnant water of life.

Now I will tell you what tools master Uranus uses.

Are you ready for a big change in love? Then let's go!

1. Merging with Venus

Traditionally, the planet Venus is responsible for love. When transiting Uranus connects with your love planet, there will inevitably be .

This will be an unexpected meeting that will swirl you around in a whirlwind of events. The main thing is not to get lost!

2. Seven-house explosion

When transiting Uranus enters the Seventh house of the horoscope, there is an explosion in the sphere of relationships. As is known, responsible for the opposite sex.

  • If you are not married, then you will definitely meet someone, and most likely, your future husband. This will be an unexpected acquaintance, which will very quickly lead to big changes in personal life and marriage.
  • If you are already married, whether officially or not, then there will be quarrels between the spouses. Both spouses can behave very unpredictably.

This period is often marked by divorce. Of all the reasons - cheating spouses are in the first place. Therefore, if you are not satisfied with how your spouse treats you, do not waste time. Meet new people and start relationships.

3. Pregnancy at a glance

The transit of Uranus through the Fifth House will bring a storm of emotions. The 5th sector of the horoscope is responsible for entertainment, personal life and children.

Numerous acquaintances with the opposite sex are very likely. But, I'm not sure that they can lead you to a future marriage. Therefore, if there is a desire to just relax, get distracted, then this is a very good time.

Remember to protect yourself from unexpected pregnancy if you are not confident in your partner.

With a good aspect of this planet in the natal chart, most likely you will be visited by love at first sight. Others can only envy such big changes in your life!

4. Where is he, your future….

Changes in relations with a partner will be brought by Uranus, having looked in transit to visit the ruler of the Seventh house of the horoscope.

By determining the house in which this ruler is located, you can even your future spouse.

5. Don't miss out!

Also, changes in relationships with a partner or new acquaintances bring Uranus in harmonious major aspects:

  • to Venus
  • to the ruler of the 7th house,
  • other elements of the 7th house of the horoscope.

These are trines and sextiles. Trines are more powerful, while sextiles only provide an opportunity for a big change in love.

Real life example:

The woman lived for many years in a guest marriage with a man. Despite the fact that such a relationship did not suit her, life did not provide her with other options.

Her friend had a lot of manly virtues, which are now so rarely seen in modern men. He gave her everything she needed in life, except for a stamp in her passport. For one reason - because he already had it there.

Howard Sasportas Lords of Fate - page #7/7

Uranus - Uranus

When considering aspects of Uranus to itself, one cannot pass by what is called the "Cycle of Uranus". It takes Uranus 84 years to describe a circle and return to its original position. During this whole period Uranus makes various aspects to its natal position.
The cycle of Uranus symbolizes the patterns of development that all people go through at certain periods of their lives. Gail Sheehy, in her book Transitions, called it the "Predictable Crises of Adulthood." We will look at all aspects, from sextile to conjunction, and see what crises are associated with them. In all cases, the areas of life that are primarily affected relate to the house where Uranus stands in the natal chart, the house where Uranus transits and the house on top of which Aquarius is located.

Transiting Uranus sextile natal Uranus.

Transiting Uranus makes a sextile to its natal position twice: the first time around the age of fourteen, the second time around the age of 70. We will begin with the first aspect, which coincides in time with the opposition of transiting Saturn to its natal position. Both of these aspects are included in the period of early adolescence - we are just beginning to leave the family care and enter the social sphere.
The end of childhood and the beginning of youth is like a second birth. Along with the aspect of Uranus, important shifts in physiology and psychology occur - puberty begins. Girls and boys develop secondary sexual characteristics, their social and cultural roles change. There comes a time when you need to stand on your feet in this world and find support not so much from your parents as in the outside world. During this period, we often look in the mirror to find our real "I", to understand who we really are and who we should become in the future. We can see ourselves as representing the coming historical period, challenging old values ​​and authorities. And yet we are trapped, in a kind of trap between physical maturity and social helplessness. Our body can perform all the functions of an adult, but no one wants to take us seriously, no one believes that we can play a productive role in society.
The liberating effect of transiting Uranus is that we can now work out the negative patterns of childhood. In youth, the problems of early childhood return on a new round. If, for example, we experienced a strong sense of insecurity in childhood, then these fears will reappear in youth, when we enter an unfamiliar world, relying on our own strength. But now, because we are older, we are able to understand ourselves and overcome the negative complexes that have tormented us since childhood. Growing up, we gain confidence in our own strength, which parents, consciously or not, undermined in early childhood.
Transiting Uranus sextiles natal Uranus again at around age 70. Gail Sheehy calls this time the "thinking seventies." According to her research, all happy and healthy seventy-year-olds have two things in common, which, by the way, reflect the positive use of the transit of Uranus: 1. they can do some work independently of others, which at the same time has social significance; 2. they are still planning for the future, at least 5 years ahead.
The first condition is Uranic because it implies belonging to a certain social stratum and at the same time a person remains independent and can devote himself to his special occupation. The second condition corresponds to Uranian foresight and the discovery of new possibilities. Even at 70, we are still able to change.
Old age is a time when we can do what we want to do, and not what others think we need to do. We've spent most of our lives chasing our outer goals, but now we can take a breather and focus on our inner goals. Now we can calmly think about everything we have done or not done, overestimate the importance of some of the foundations of our philosophy of life. Our obligations to the outside world are becoming less self-sufficient, we can now see what is meaningful to us personally. What are our individual needs and aspirations? What is the meaning of our existence? What exactly do we want to do with the remaining time? Transiting Uranus in sextile to its natal position makes it possible even for a seventy-year-old person to cleanse himself of the old and make room for the new.

Transiting Uranus square natal Uranus

This aspect also happens twice in life: the first time in your early twenties and then in your 60s. And in full harmony with the nature of Uranus and the nature of the square, very serious changes take place in our values ​​and in our orientation during these periods.
While the first sextile of Uranus to its natal position marks the beginning of youth; the first square marks the end of adolescence and the beginning of adulthood. Around the age of 14, we feel the need for independence, but we are unlikely to be able to really start an independent life. We may clash with our parents in asserting our autonomy, but we almost certainly stay with them. When transiting Uranus makes a square to the natal, we are able to go further on the path to independence.
Probably the most common manifestation of the square is what Sheehy calls "pulling out the roots," or leaving the parental home. The intention to self-determine and separate ourselves from the family, which appeared in youth, becomes especially strong insistent, even if we do not become too rebellious, there are still serious changes in us. As never before, we strive to find our place among our peers, to identify ourselves in the sexual aspect. We, as never before, strive to do everything on our own, without looking back at the authorities. We are attracted to groups whose aspirations are fundamentally different from what our parents preach.
The second square of Uranus is also associated with separation, but this time we are not separating from the parental house, but we are separating the significant in our life from the secondary and optional. Now it's time to put everything we've got on a few of the most important things

Transiting Uranus Opposition Natal Uranus

Transiting Uranus comes into opposition to its natal position at the age of 38-45 years. Saturn also makes opposition to its natal position around the age of 42. In some cases, Neptune and Pluto square to their natal positions around the same time. Not surprisingly, the period from 38 to 45 years is considered one of the most important turning points in a person's life.
This phase of life has been dubbed the "mid-life crisis." Many films and performances are dedicated to her, academic textbooks on psychology and many astrological texts talk about her in detail. The essence of this crisis is that we take ourselves apart into bricks, and then put them back together, but in a new way. All aspects of our nature that were previously ignored or suppressed must now be studied and realized, the solution of the crisis increases the likelihood that the second half of life will succeed. Those who avoid self-critical analysis of their lives run the risk of facing more problems in the later period. The problems aren't going anywhere. They will hide until the time to fall on us with all their weight at the most unexpected moment. But it will be more difficult to cope with them at 50 or 60 years old than at 42 years old.
Even if we managed to realize our ideals, we now ask ourselves the question: "So what next?" Happiness and satisfaction, which seemed to always be with us, suddenly melts before our eyes. We need to review everything and change the course of our lives. We are drawn to try something new, to test ourselves in a new field.
Our youth is already over, the physical condition is no longer what it was at 21. No matter how close we get to our dream, a sense of loss and dissatisfaction begins to overwhelm us. We are forced to look for something to fill the void. Maybe a new partner will lead us out of the oppressive concern? Maybe if we work more, do housework, we won't have time to feel this emptiness? Maybe if we run three miles more in the morning, it will somehow help? All these tricks can help, but not for long, if we are trying to run away from problems now, these same problems will return a little later, but the pressure will be even stronger. If we do not undertake the necessary reforms, we create mental tension, and only a creative approach to the crisis can resolve it. As with any transformation, the first thing to do is to say goodbye to that familiar image of our Self, which should go into oblivion. The second step is to consider those aspects of the personality that until now have been closed to us. All hidden parts of the psyche must be integrated into a single whole. From now on, we must act in an unedited form: both bad and good must be present in our personality on an equal footing. During a mid-life crisis, parts of the personality that were previously ignored get a chance to emerge. For example, if for the first half of your life you were preoccupied with material matters, you were worried about ensuring a well-fed and comfortable existence, a midlife crisis will reveal to you the values ​​\u200b\u200bof a spiritual and esoteric nature. Conversely, if you spent all your youth in meditation, in an attempt to achieve nirvana or spiritual enlightenment, during the opposition of transiting Uranus to natal, you will suddenly feel an interest in making money and getting results in practical activities. Personality change during a mid-life crisis is usually associated with what has been termed in psychology "cross sex issues." This means that men find in themselves the qualities that are traditionally associated with the sphere of women's interests, and women pay attention, which is usually occupied by men.
Men who have devoted the first half of their lives to achieving success in the outside world begin to question the values ​​of this direction, spending more time with family, raising children. A man can develop the inner sphere that was previously closed to him. However, turning to the family is not always a natural way out of this situation. Sometimes he finds passion on the side and immersion in passion is a response to the increased needs of the inner sphere.
During a mid-life crisis, men's attention can be attracted to various creative manifestations. He may come to the conclusion that his work does not allow him to fully realize himself. He may revise his daily routine and devote more time to creative self-expression. In women, we sometimes see a transfer of attention from a partner and children to self-realization in the social sphere. Women seek recognition in the outside world. Her children have grown up and no longer need her care. What should she do with herself? Perhaps it is time to take decisive steps and try yourself in a new field.

Transiting Uranus in the houses of the horoscope

First house
When transiting Uranus crosses the Ascendant and enters the first house, it is like being born again. Our approach to all life's problems changes, sometimes our appearance, manner of bearing and dressing change. Uranus also helps to fully realize the qualities of the sign that occupies our first house. New, yet untested opportunities associated with the ascending sign open up. For example, a person with the Ascendant in Sagittarius, who has spent a lot of time traveling, may take up literature or philosophy.
Regardless of the sign of the Ascendant, under the influence of Uranus, we become easily excitable, restless, impatient. We jump out of bed in the middle of the night, overshadowed by amazing insights, ideas boil in our head, energy discharges pass through us, it is impossible to stop, external and internal stimuli do not give us a break.
Uranus gives us the opportunity to take a fresh look at the usual life circumstances, to feel the unknown abilities of our body, to free ourselves from cultural and social restrictions.
Not infrequently, this transit coincides in time with unexpected events that dramatically change the direction and purpose of our existence: leaving our parents, losing a loved one, marriage, having children, a new job, moving to another city.
Second house
The most frequent effect of this transit is a change in the financial situation and our attitude towards money and the world of matter in general. Our criteria for value are changing, we are putting new price tags on old things.
Often a large amount of money is unexpectedly dumped on us or we suffer damage. Usually, despite our attempts to maintain the financial status quo, external causes force us to experiment with money, look for new sources of income and leave what has already been tested by time. Many people under the influence of this transit seek to gain financial independence. They start their own business, leave a job where they cannot directly influence their income.
If in previous years we were not particularly interested in the issue of material support, now we are forced to deal with this issue in earnest. Conversely, if for us the most important thing was making money, now the focus of our attention is transferred to other things.
Transiting Uranus in the second house does not contribute to a prudent approach to the available forces and means. Huge and unreasonable waste of vital energy and material resources are likely.
third house
Everything we learn during this period has a strong influence on us. The lecture we heard; the book we read, even a simple conversation with a friend, can radically change the course of our thoughts, create a new center of attraction in our minds.
Our susceptibility to new ideas and mindsets circulating around us increases dramatically. The brain constantly generates bold ideas; insights follow one after another. As a rule, projects that come to mind are far from reality and are much ahead of their time. Uranus allows us to see glimpses of the future in the present. When we try to explain our concepts to friends, parents, teachers, most often we meet with misunderstanding; sometimes our ideas shock others
When transiting Uranus passes through the third house, changes can come into our lives through brothers, sisters and immediate family. A new project or study in which they are involved may also capture us. However, quarrels, breaks and partings can also take place. Some flexibility or willingness to compromise may be required. If we have identified too strongly with a brother, sister, or close relative, then developing our outlook on life will require breaking with them in order to reveal our own individuality.
The transit of Uranus through the 3rd house indicates a time when our mind or thinking becomes more powerful than usual and can be strongly influenced both by our own "Self" and by other people. During this period, we can constructively use our mental abilities and imagination by forming positive images.
fourth house
The passage of Uranus through the IC can feel like a surge of energy from the depths of our being. All the foundations of our personality are shaken, radical changes are coming in our lives. This is not the time to compromise and suppress your desires. On the contrary, we must make room for the manifestation of innermost aspirations. Usually during such periods, a person begins to act guided solely by his feelings. All innermost desires are torn out.
Those who refuse to recognize the right of their desires to be realized run the risk of sooner or later incurring the destructive power of Uranus. Since the fourth house governs all aspects of the hearth, it is very likely that the transit under consideration will repair or refurbish the apartment, rearrange furniture, replace obsolete equipment, windows, doors, and electrical wiring. Very often, Uranus "forces" to buy electronics, a computer, a food processor, etc.
At this time, external reasons may even force us to change our place of residence. In any case, we feel the instability of the home.
The transit of Uranus through the 4th house tends to have a strong impact on our relationship with our mother. We become able to separate ourselves from it and at the same time see it more clearly. However, with intense transits of hard planets to the Moon, problems with the mother cannot be avoided. If our individuality is too connected with the mother's, then at this moment we can rise up to designate our individuality more clearly. Transiting Uranus in the 4th house can also describe a time when our mother experiences changes in her own life.
The fourth house is also responsible for the fundamental psychological attitudes that originate in the traditions of the family and have a great influence on our behavior. When Uranus passes through the 4th house, all unconscious scenarios of our existence are realized by us.
5 house.
When Uranus enters the 5th house, we get a chance for a more complete self-disclosure. The main task of the 5th house is to realize that part of our essence that most fully reflects our unique individuality. Uranus intensifies all processes in the 5th house, forcing us to experiment with our image. If we hold back and are cautious, we are missing out on learning more about who we are and what we are capable of. This transit fills our lives with enthusiasm. We have new hobbies and interests. We experience constant impulses that excite us, forcing us to look for new entertainment. However, if we are too busy, we need to be careful: If we have been playing computer games all night or reading an interesting book on astrology, what about the work that we have to go to in the morning? In addition, not all hobbies during this period are harmless. It is very likely that your hobby will be fast driving or gambling with high stakes.
Those of us who are usually included in the artistic milieu can feel significant changes for the better, breakthroughs towards new achievements in this area. Or we can awaken a hitherto unrealized creative potential. If we get bored with the creative activities that are associated with our daily lives, we may want to experiment with various new techniques and means of realizing our inner potential. Some of these attempts may fail completely, but others may open up opportunities for self-realization that we never dreamed of. And we can't know that without trying.
Uranus will circle the romantic umbrella of the 5th house. If we have lost existing connections or are not satisfied with them, Uranus will bring these feelings to the surface. At least we will find a way to breathe new life into our old relationships, we will find an opportunity to shake the usual frames of perception and feel something that came after it. We may meet someone who will allow us to feel the fullness of our emotional and sexual life again, or who will allow us to feel something that we have never felt before, to open a new chapter in our life. However, the transit of Uranus can bring unpleasant things. For example, our new romantic relationships may become the subject of general discussion or even condemnation; or he will push us to change the usual track, but when the goal is achieved, there will be a feeling of loss.
We may become interested in someone who is very different from those with whom we were associated before, or perhaps something new, unusual or even unpleasant in relation to ourselves will arise. During transits of Uranus, we may suddenly find ourselves acting in ways that are not consistent with our usual value system or with the line of behavior that we have followed in the past. Perhaps we will surprise not only others, but also ourselves. The fifth house - the house of creative expression - also describes our children and relationships with them. When Uranus passes the 5th house, our life can change dramatically because we can become parents for the first time. (This can sometimes happen unexpectedly. Sometimes even this will be difficult to come to terms with, since we did not plan to have children at that particular time). The existing relationship between us and our children may change in some way. The child may leave the home, or oppose the usual order, or even enter into a phase of confrontation. Cheers may require us to change the line of behavior that we used to adhere to in relation to our children. They can become more free or find their own way. The difficulty will be finding the right balance between allowing more autonomy and maintaining the necessary restrictions while remaining in a close relationship with the child.
6 house.
The advance of Uranus through this house may bring changes or resolution in the area of ​​work or health. If the job we have now is boring for us, or does not allow us to express ourselves sufficiently, Urah can make a drastic change in these circumstances. Not necessarily this will bring a radical change in the place of work or profession. We can take a fresh look at how we live, how we work, and how we earn a living. We may propose some new projects, take the initiative, change the usual schemes, or move to another department or division of the same institution. If innovation of this kind is impossible, then the most favorable time has come to find something else for yourself.
In any case, the movement of Uranus through the 6th house is associated with the opening of new vacancies that attract us, seem interesting and unusual to us. This is a good time to get some kind of training or training that will update our professional skills and knowledge. The transits of Uranus mean for us the emergence of adventurous ideas, the desire to experiment, although this may lead to the loss of the old job, before we find something to replace it, or before we get new skills or knowledge to fill new vacancies. We can get jobs that are somewhat unusual, "Uranic in nature", related to, for example, science, new technologies or computers. Some get jobs that involve close interaction with other people and require cooperation. Perhaps it will be a work that allows us to be more free to express our own style and creative nature.
The transit of Uranus through the 6th house can cause us to change jobs: we may be fired or made redundant, or the company that hired us may go bankrupt. Perhaps this will be just a case that will allow hidden goals to be realized in these circumstances. If we found our work boring and uninteresting, but did not dare to do anything to change the situation, then this external intervention (although it will affect our pride), but on the whole will be favorable and will push us to the necessary changes. If we have been too attached to or even identified with our work and consequently neglected other areas of our lives, getting fired or retiring will help us redress this imbalance. On the other hand, a sufficiently long period of unemployment can allow us to reassess our life priorities and understand whether work, and what kind of work, is a value for us.
The transit of Uranus through the 6th house has a serious impact on our health and attitude towards our body. There is an incentive to experiment with diet, to search for new systems of recovery. It is possible that some will become interested in healing, non-traditional methods of treatment. Since this house describes the relationship between the body and the psyche, emotional problems and psychological distress, which are expressed in diseases and ailments, therefore the state of our health will be related to our feelings and psyche. If we get sick during this period, then we need to change our lifestyle, take a fresh look at the guiding ideas.
seventh house
Entering the 7th house, Uranus marks a period of renewal in the sphere of relationships.
This is a good time to bring something new into your relationship with a loved one; refuse to follow the usual line of interaction, take the risk of doing something that you have never done before. If we have been too strongly attached to some person, in the coming period we can separate ourselves from such a person and understand what we ourselves are. Whether we are in a close relationship or not, we can meet a new person who is something out of the ordinary and has a stimulating effect on us. This person will introduce us to new ideas, new values, a new way of looking at the world. The new connection may also be of a sexual nature, although Uranus usually facilitates the meeting of two minds, it makes possible a fruitful intellectual interaction. Physical attraction may be present, but circumstances prevent, as a rule, from developing relationships at this level.
Many astrologers believe that entering the 7th house Uranus destroys relationships. This is not necessarily so. Uranus simply requires a review of existing relationships and provides opportunities for their renewal and improvement. BUT if our partnership is based on a sense of duty, fear of the unknown, economic calculation; then in the person of Uranus we will meet the worst enemy of our relations. Then he will definitely try to undermine the status quo. The descendant is usually associated with the hidden part of our nature. We most often identify with the Ascendant, and we look for the qualities of the Descendant in other people. The partner we attract tends to have the qualities of the sign occupying our 7th house. However, when Uranus enters the 7th house, we can discover the qualities of the Descendant in ourselves. Uranus awakens the hidden part of our being.
8th house
The desire to achieve the closest possible interaction with another person is one of our basic needs. While we are in infancy, our life depends on the love and attention of another person. Later, as adults, we are of course able to live independently, but still we are looking for love and partnership. The 7th house describes everything related to partnership quite fully. But the 8th house goes one step further and describes our behavior in intimate situations - this is what happens behind closed doors. The eighth house shows the nature of the energy self-deception between us and another person: what we give and what we receive in return. It can be money and material values, but it can also be different types of emotions and feelings that circulate in the person with whom we are closely connected. When Uranus enters the 8th house, drastic changes in this area are inevitable. The financial situation of our partner may seriously change. His or her business will suddenly fail. He or she may be made redundant. Of course, a sharp rise in business is not ruled out when our partner suddenly becomes rich. This transit can also mean the start of a new business partnership or a change in an existing business relationship.
Money and material possessions, however, are not the only things people can share. Once a woman came to my reception at the moment when Uranus was passing through her 8th house. During this period, her husband - an actor - was out of work and spent much more time at home than usual. He became nervous, restless, it became impossible to agree with him - I did not even suspect these qualities of his. The transit of Uranus through her 8th house reflected changes in her husband's condition and caused problems that tested their relationship. The eighth house is that area of ​​our birth chart in which we learn to merge most fully with another personality - when our "I" dies and "We" is born. The sexual act is the physical expression of the union of two human beings. When Uranus passes through the 8th house, we get the opportunity to most fully open up to other people. For example, if we had sexual problems, Uranus will help to solve them and throw off the shackles of prejudice. Married people can breathe new life into their sexual relationships. Whatever the situation, we can meet someone who will expand our sexual experience.
As you know, the 8th house is directly related to death. When Uranus passes through the 8th house, our attention is drawn to the tragic brevity of life, for example due to the death of someone close. We are fully aware of our mortality and can develop a new attitude towards our life values. We may also be drawn to the study of the philosophy of karma and reincarnation in order to understand the hidden laws and forces that govern life. Bearing in mind the eccentricity of Uranus, it is necessary to be on the alert and not allow it to cross known boundaries.
9 house.
In the 9th house, we are looking for the meaning of life and those values ​​that we can rely on when making daily choices. When Uranus enters this house, our outlook on life, religious beliefs and philosophies can change radically. A deeply believing Christian may question some of the basic doctrines of his religion, experiencing a crisis of faith for the first time in his life, which may manifest itself in a Uranian protest against the authority of the church. But an inveterate atheist can discover God, experience unexpected mystical revelations and insights. One way or another, our belief system will experience the pressure of new ideas that can seriously change existing beliefs and worldviews. It can happen unexpectedly: in the middle of the night we jump out of bed, struck by an unusual dream or vision; we can be influenced by a randomly read book, a lecture heard somewhere, and a conversation with a friend, which can make revolutionary changes in our thinking, consciousness, and faith. An unexpected event or meeting with an unusual person can shake our convictions, swirl us in a whirlwind of new ideas, and although we can no longer see the world as before, we can (as Blake says) "see the world in a grain of sand." Changes in philosophy of life are unlikely to come easy for us. When our belief system changes, our value system will change as well. And when the system of values ​​changes, the nature of our life choice changes, the whole system of building our life changes. Therefore, the transit of Uranus through the 9th house can lead to radical changes in all life.
Higher education is the arc of the 9th house and will also be affected. I have met many clients who changed direction from their studies during such a transit: some left the sciences and began to study the arts or changed their interests in the natural sciences to the humanities, while others, on the contrary, began to study the exact sciences, leaving the arts. We can start as a philosophy student and end up as a computer network specialist. Under the influence of a uranium transit, we can take a course of study in an unconventional way. We can protest about the training regime and various disciplinary issues. Here, a struggle for reforming the education system as a whole is also likely.
Another thing ruled by the 9th house is travel. Incredible adventures await us on trips when Uranus enters the 9th house. We can buy a week-long tour to some distant country and stay there to live. Our travel plans may suddenly be interrupted. We can go to one place and arrive in another. In any case, we return from the trip a completely different person.
tenth house
While Uranus was moving through the 9th house, our views and philosophy of life were changing. The fruits of these changes become apparent when Uranus enters the 10th house. The new worldview requires us to change social roles. New values ​​are sometimes incompatible with old work. An inner voice urges us to try ourselves in a new area that is more in line with our true interests.
Some will start their own business at this time. Others rush into ventures that are risky and unusual. Someone will suddenly receive an invitation to do something new. In general, if a client with Uranus moving in the 10th house starts talking about his desire to change jobs, I will not argue with him and dissuade him. However, it may not be superfluous to consider some compromise possibilities. It is possible, for example, to free up some space for a new interest within the existing work. You can talk to the boss about changing the working hours, in particular, to give you more freedom.
If we ourselves do not realize the need for change, these changes will fall on us and force us to find a new job. The reason may be major social shifts, when entire industries fall into a critical situation.
Sometimes a person with Uranus in the 10th house can himself be an agent of revolutionary changes in society. Through it, uranium energies can initiate radical changes in society.
Whatever house Uranus is in, everywhere a person seeks to discard traditional restrictions. In the 10th house, this is expressed in the need to break down social restrictions, to challenge traditional values ​​and class prejudices.
Relationships with parents are another thing that comes under pressure from Uranus when it passes through the 10th house. At this time, it is likely that we will rebel against the dominance of one or both parents. If until now we have not dared to declare our own views in full voice in their presence, now Uranus provokes us to a sharp confrontation. In any case, we will take a fresh look at relationships with parents and, perhaps, discover a new way of fruitful interaction with them. Serious changes can occur in the lives of the parents themselves, which will indirectly affect us.
Eleventh house
Our aspirations, ideals and expectations regarding belonging to any social group or contribution to the development of society will undergo a profound change during the period when Uranus moves through the 11th house.
We may discover new organizations or groups that have not been of interest to us so far. We can join such groups, actively participate in humanitarian programs or radical political movements. We are in for trouble and conflict if these groups take too extremist a position.
Quite often, the initial enthusiasm from meeting a new approach to life, an unusual current of thought passes after a month or 2 and we are overcome by dissatisfaction and disappointment. And the members of the group, in turn, begin to accuse us of eccentricity and anarchism.
It is very likely that during this period profound changes will take place in the area of ​​friendships. We will make new friends, and contacts with old ones will cease.
The birth of children is another element of the 11th house, which can manifest itself during the period when Uranus moves through this house. If our children are already big, then perhaps the transit will be associated with their achievements or our hopes for their special life path .......

Uranus, transiting through the Ascendant, Meridian, planetary constellations or their aspects in the radix, creates for this person a period of sudden turns and transformations, changes, surprises and surprises. During this period, there is no stagnation. Transiting Uranus creates only spontaneous turbulence and swiftness, irascibility, ardor and impetuosity.

What do the transits of Uranus bring to different houses of the horoscope

Uranus destroys and builds again, eliminates everything obsolete, old and creates all the opportunities to overcome difficulties in new living conditions, on a completely new basis. The transit of Uranus can be predicted with convincing accuracy for many years to come.

Accurately and aptly passes its transit through the opposition to its own place and aspects of both quadratures in the radix about 21 and 42 years of each person's life. These years are turning points in the individual development of each person, periods of fractures and rearrangements of the highest rank, which come into life with amazing force of influence, especially when Uranus has a constellation in the angular houses of the radix or is itself strongly aspected by other planets.

Transiting Uranus never gives rest, stability, confidence and stagnation. Its principle consists of short-term, barely visible, barely felt and barely noticeable preparations and the preparation of some kind of incident and event, which then suddenly, like lightning, flashes in the clear sky.

The remaining simultaneous transiting planets often develop their actions only through Uranus, which results in a whole chain reaction that strongly affects the course or outcome of already occurring events. The true tendencies of such a transit are learned much later.

The action of Uranus, bringing an instant break with successive changes, changes and permutations, at first does not yet make it possible to know in which direction the new life path will go, because Uranus moves extremely slowly across the celestial sphere.

During a complete revolution, it crosses the planets or their aspects no more than three times. For the first time, he makes a turning point in a person’s life, at the second time this break is already being discharged, and at the third transit, all events are already ready and completed, and they are already floating in the stream established according to cosmic laws.

Transiting Uranus in the houses of the horoscope

Consider what the transits of Uranus from 1 to 6 houses mean in astrological science:

Transit of Uranus in 1 House of the horoscope

In (+) unexpected abilities, new problems, joins in new affairs, perceives the environment in a new way, it becomes more interesting for a person to live. There is a desire to experiment on yourself to change your appearance.

In (-) the person becomes a thoughtless adventurer with irresponsible and unpredictable behavior. There is a desire to turn something over in his life, he does not get tired and does not satisfy, he becomes pretentious, unbalanced, prone to "eccentricities". There may be strabismus, insomnia.

Transit of Uranus in the 2nd House of the horoscope

B (+) new ways of making money, success in business and financial transactions, successful and unexpected acquisitions. Improving health in an unconventional way.

B (-) material losses from thoughtless spending of money or theft and robbery. There may be a dissolution of marriage if it was fragile.

Transit of Uranus in the 3rd House of the horoscope

In (+) a good period for learning, especially non-traditional: unusual sources of information, and the information itself gives intuitive insight. Successful trips, help from relatives. Interest in the occult (including astrology).

B (-) bad with education, quarrels with relatives, breaking business contacts, dangers and failures in travel (traffic accidents).

Transit of Uranus in the 4th House of the horoscope

In (+) parents become friends, and their home is unexpectedly interesting, gains freedom and independence in their own home. Successful exchanges of apartments or buying a house, a summer residence. Possibility of occult insight.

In (-) the desire for excessive freedom leads to a break with parents and close relatives, to vagrancy, and even to a break with the homeland and emigration. Coups in the house are possible: accident, fire, major repairs. Danger from electricity. The house can become "like a passage yard." Electrical appliances break, lights go out.

Transit of Uranus in the 5th house of the horoscope

In (+) unexpected creative successes, like flashes of insight, renewal of love relationships and freedom in relationships with children, or new children or grandchildren. A bright period of life is creative and romantic.

In (-) creative failures, rupture of relations with children and lovers, no freedom: illegitimate children, forced to alimony. For women, the risk of miscarriages or difficult childbirth. propensity for prostitution.

Transit of Uranus in the 6th house of the horoscope

B (+) moves to a new job or gets unexpected freedom at work gets out of control, works part-time. Successful inventions or discoveries in the service plan. Work related to business trips or occult research (in meditation, astrology) uses occult methods of treatment.

B (-) suddenly leaves work or working conditions change dramatically for the worse, conflicts appear, old ties with colleagues collapse. Risk of occupational injury. May suddenly become ill.

Consider what the transits of Uranus from the 7th to the 12th houses mean in astrological science:

Transit of Uranus in the 7th house of the horoscope

B (+) rise in public popularity, victory over open opponents, successful agreements with business partners. When passing through the Descendant, a successful sudden marriage or gaining freedom in marriage, the help of a spouse.

B (-) rupture of business and marital relations, or a sudden marriage, short-lived and unstable. Bad public reputation, many open opponents, danger of a lawsuit with a bad outcome.

Transit of Uranus in the 8th house of the horoscope

In (+) risky extreme situations change life for the better. Parapsychological abilities, occult insights appear, salvation from danger comes at the right time, ties with low people are broken, especially with a criminal past. Unexpected legacy. sexual activity. Gets the knowledge that he wants and even that he does not want.

B (-) unexpected turns of fate for the worse: dangers, failures, disasters. Danger of violence, suicide, instant death from electric shock, lightning, falling from a height, danger from machines and equipment, from black magic.

Transit of Uranus in the 9th house of the horoscope

B (+) intuitive insight in the field of occultism, religion, philosophy, (astrology), destroys old spiritual traditions and acquires new spiritual values, more often with the help of a teacher. Good luck on long trips and connections with foreigners and people from afar, interest in foreign cultures.

In (-) a bad period for spiritual development, for the study of the occult sciences (astrology), conflicts with teachers are possible. Failures and conflicts on long journeys, discrediting ties with foreigners. Emigration or vagrancy.

Transit of Uranus in the 10th house of the horoscope

In (+) unexpected promotion through the use of an unusual situation. Leaps unconventional path of elevation and professional development. More often this is facilitated by special, unusual circumstances, social upheavals.

B (-) drop in prestige, demotion or loss of job, power. He loses the prospect of professional growth and promotion, there is no clear life goal: he destroyed the old one, he did not create a new one. Loneliness, non-recognition, unrealistic, unrealistic plans that end in failure.

Transit of Uranus in the 11th house of the horoscope

In (+) the circle of friends is updated, unexpected help from them. Reforms in public life: original social activities, spiritual freedom, classes in occult groups.

B (-) break with friends, lonely in dangerous situations, no prospects for the future, uncertainty, no one to rely on, eccentricity in behavior.

Transit of Uranus Uranus in the 12th house of the horoscope

In (+) intuition and clairvoyance abilities develop, many secrets of life are revealed. Involved in secret activities, secret research, receiving help and support from secret friends. Interest in reincarnation and life after death.

In (-) everything secret becomes clear, friends can turn out to be secret enemies. Feeling of loneliness, expectation of danger, vulnerability of the psyche, suspiciousness, suspicion, fears. Becomes forgetful, distracted, loses things. Danger of isolation in prison, hospital, almshouse.

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