Hidden opposition in literature. Antithesis as a means of expression in literary works

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The meaning of the word antithesis

antithesis in the crossword dictionary

Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Vladimir Dal


and. or antithesis m. Greek. rhetorician. opposite, opposite, for example: there was a colonel - there was a dead man. great person for small things.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


(te), antitheses, w. (Greek antithesis) (book).

    Opposite, opposite.

    Comparison of two opposing thoughts or images for greater strength and brightness of expression (lit.).

    Same as antithesis (philos.).

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova.


[te], -s, f.

    A stylistic figure based on a sharp opposition, opposition of images and concepts (special). Poetic a. "ice and fire" in "Eugene Onegin".

    trans. Opposition, opposition (book). A. dynamics and rest, activity and inaction. A. landscape and mood.

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


ANTITHESIS (from the Greek. antithesis - opposition) a stylistic figure, a comparison or opposition of contrasting concepts, positions, images ("I am a king, - I am a slave, - I am a worm, - I am a god!", G. Derzhavin).


(from the Greek antithesis ≈ opposition), in fiction, a stylistic figure, a juxtaposition of sharply contrasting or opposite concepts and images to enhance the impression. For example: “I am a king, ≈ I am a slave, ≈ I am a worm, ≈ I am a god” (G. R. Derzhavin) or in the titles ≈ “War and Peace” by L. N. Tolstoy, “Crime and Punishment” by F. M. Dostoevsky , "Deceit and love" by F. Schiller.



Antithesis, antithesis- rhetorical opposition, a stylistic figure of contrast in artistic or oratory speech, which consists in a sharp opposition of concepts, positions, images, states, interconnected by a common structure or internal meaning.

Examples of the use of the word antithesis in the literature.

Just like Chervinsky, the number and quality of objects have been changed, greatly muted antitheses and as a result of the lack of an anaphoric and weakened tone of the sonnet.

To do this, he used the baggage of metaphors, comparisons, antithesis and other adornments of classical rhetoric, and borrowed the tool of alliteration from his native poetry in order to give his prose a bright sound coloring.

And, no matter how hard Sydney tried to free his style from the influence of Lily, euphemisms in the form of alliterations, antithesis and other arabesques play a significant role in his novel: this was, in the conditions of those years, a requirement of the genre.

The phrase is built most of all with the help of antithesis, metaphors, alliterations, homonyms.

Apparently, it is no coincidence that the tendency of early philosophy to explain everything that exists through antithesis correlates with the antithetical and agonal structure of early society.

But the aphorism speaks not only of antithesis but also about the reunion of these opposites.

The formal poetic means here is assonance, linking the thesis and antithesis repetition of the same word, variation of words.

Nothing fits the rhetorical system of thought better than the elegiac distich with its hexametric thesis and iambic antithesis.

We spoke at one time about the peculiarities of the structure of the carnival image: it seeks to embrace and unite in itself both poles of becoming or both members. antitheses: birth - death, youth - old age, top - bottom, face - backside, praise - scolding, affirmation - denial, tragic - comic, etc.

Preliminary remarks to the definition of concepts Order: pattern, regularity Anti-order: randomness, chaos, entropy antitheses: order - chaos certainty - uncertainty Events in the macrocosm, where a person lives, obey certain laws.

I am also forced to refrain from discussing the above fact that the intermediate layer, or mesoblast, which is from the moment of its emergence in the full sense of the word internal, produces such structures that remain forever, unconditionally internal and have no communication with the outside world, unlike structures , developed from other two words: antithesis, which is of great importance.

Looking closely from this point of view at the fragmentary records of the Nikon Chronicle, we see in them antithesis pro-Varangian concept.

There is no traditional sonnet movement, no thesis, antitheses, synthesis.

One can name many phenomena that go against evolution: the inquisition, indulgence, scholasticism, asceticism, dogmatism, sectarianism, religious wars, Jesuism, monasteries - how antithesis life, etc.

One can name many phenomena that go against evolution: the inquisition, indulgence, scholasticism, asceticism, dogmatism, sectarianism, religious wars, Jesuitism, monasteries - how antithesis life, etc.

The basis of any literary work is composition, which is the arrangement of its individual parts in a certain sequence.

Essentially, this complete system with many components that deepen the meaning of the written and allow you to make it more expressive. Among the elements, an important role is played by such techniques as thesis, synthesis and antithesis. What are these stylistic figures? Let's try to figure it out.

What is a thesis?

Thesis is a figure of thought, which in a concise form contains the main semantic load of the work. In other words, the thesis means main idea poems or prose, the main idea that the author wanted to express in his work.

In poetic speech, this figure is often found in the first line and is expressed in a capacious, emotional form that reveals the feelings of the author.

Together with the antithesis and synthesis, the thesis helps the poet to build a harmonious geometric figure works, that is, to form an idea, then bring another idea - the opposite of it, and in the end get something in between and often new.

A good example of antithesis is the first line in Pushkin's poem "K***". words "I remember wonderful moment» the author expressed the main idea of ​​his work, and in the following lines he revealed everything important points your wonderful memories.

What is meant by antithesis?

Antithesis - stylistic device, in which the author contrasts individual images, concepts, states with each other. All of them are interconnected by a single meaning or construction of the work, but thanks to the opposition, the writer manages to give brightness and persuasiveness to his creation.

By means of antithesis, he presents the reader with a certain "golden mean" that harmoniously reveals the creative idea. To enhance the expressiveness of the work, in most cases it is used as a comparison of contrasting concepts or shading central image others less visible.

Antithesis is found both in poems and in novels, short stories and other narratives. For example, in The Prince and the Pauper, Mark Twain contrasts need and poverty with well-being, and in the novel The Idiot, Dostoevsky reveals the tragedy of a pure and innocent person who has fallen into an immoral society and is mired in worldly fuss.

Often, the titles themselves indicate the antithetical structure of a story or novel - "Crime and Punishment", "War and Peace".

If we talk about poetic works, then a vivid example of such stylistic figures is Petrarch's sonnet “And there is no peace”, completely created on antitheses: "I am sighted - without eyes" , "I fear - I hope" , "I thirst for death - I pray to save" .

An important condition for any antithesis is the subordination of oppositions to the meaning that unites them, which is perfectly represented in the Russian proverb "Learning is light and ignorance is darkness" .

What is synthesis in literature?

Translated from the Greek word "synthesis" (σύνθεσις ) means "binding, folding". This term in the literature means the unification of disparate concepts or images into a single whole. Such a technique for the author is a great way to rethink mismatched concepts, and express the results of these rethinking in their creations.

Synthesis is invariably associated with analysis, in which the writer initially divides the work into elements, and then combines them according to his understanding and worldview. In the process of connection, he manages to learn something new, with different concepts and characteristics.

Synthesis is usually used in philosophical works. By the way, the chain "thesis - antithesis - synthesis" belongs to the philosopher Hegel, who managed to brilliantly reveal some synthetic formulas.

One example of synthesis is its expression "East and West are in everything" , where Hegel expressed his idea that every person on a subconscious level has a desire for binding, unification.

Antithesis (Greek antithesis - opposition) - a comparison of opposite objects, concepts, phenomena, as well as compositional components (characters, images, landscapes, artistic details etc.).

In their work, to enhance the imagery and expressiveness of speech, writers use special means called stylistic figures. Figure is an unusual construction of a sentence or a turn of speech, a special syntactic design of a phrase. One of the figurative means of expression speech is antithesis.

Refers to syntactic amplification figures. Antithesis example: "I swear on the first day of creation, I swear on its last day"(M.Yu. Lermontov); “They came together: wave and stone, Poetry and prose, ice and fire Not so different from each other”(A.S. Pushkin).

A whole work can be built on the use of antithesis. N. Zabolotsky has philosophical poem "Swan at the Zoo", in which the poet contrasts the small oasis of the zoo, where the beautiful White Swan, and a noisy metropolis with the screech of trams, the squeal of car tires and the rumble of the bridge.

A kind of antithesis is an oxymoron (Greek oxymoron - sharp stupidity) - a deliberate combination of opposite words in order to introduce a new concept (" dead Souls» - N.V. Gogol, "sad joy" - S.A. Yesenin, "wretched luxury" - N.A. Nekrasov).

Examples of antithesis in fiction

Let the moon shine - the night is dark.
May life bring happiness to people -
Spring in my soul of love
Will not change the stormy bad weather.
(A. Blok)

They came together: wave and stone,
Poetry and prose, ice and fire
Not so different from each other.
(A.S. Pushkin)

You are a prose writer - I am a poet,
You are rich, I am very poor
You are blush like a poppy color,
I'm like death, and thin and pale.
(A.S. Pushkin)

Our strength is truth
yours - laurel ringing.
Yours is censer smoke,
Ours is factory smoke.
Your power is a gold piece,
Ours is a red banner,
We will take,
let's borrow
and we will win.
(V. Mayakovsky)

All this would be funny
When would not be so sad.
(M. Lermontov)

What is called figurativeness (colorfulness of descriptions, liveliness of the image, its clarity) is by and large an integral feature of any art. And since literature is one of its types, the active use of expressive means is most fully manifested in it. This goal is also served by the use of various popular expressions, as well as a whole arsenal of stylistic devices.

Stylistic devices

In Russian there is whole line similar expressive means that help the author to enhance the imagery of the narrative. Before telling what an antithesis is, consider the most common of them.

There are also anaphora and epiphora, metonymy and synecdoche, comparison and epithet.

Antithesis as a stylistic device. Her definition

In language fiction or oratorical speech, a sharp opposition is often used, built on contrast. It is also used in relation to concepts and images, positions and states that are connected with each other by a common structure or internal meaning.

Let's define what an antithesis is. This is a stylistic figure that connects contrasting concepts. The word itself goes back to the Greek antithesis - opposition. This concept is so widespread that it is often not even noticed. Antithesis is widely used by poets and prose writers. Many literary works contain this technique even in their titles: "War and Peace", "The Prince and the Pauper", "Beauty and the Beast", "Crime and Punishment".

Many proverbs are built on the antithesis. For example, "the spool is small, but expensive."

Antithesis in literature

This stylistic device often serves to build not only phrases, but also individual parts and even the whole artwork- poems or plays. For example, Petrarch has a sonnet, which is a wonderful example of what an antithesis is, i.e. built purely on this approach. Here is just one stanza from that piece:

“I am sighted - without eyes, dumb - I emit screams;

And the thirst for death - I pray to save;

I hate myself - and I love everyone else;

Suffering - alive; with laughter I sob ... "

Very often this technique was used by A.S. Pushkin. Everyone known characteristic friendship between Onegin and Lensky: "wave and stone", "poetry and prose", "ice and fire" - nothing more than an antithesis. This is one of the brightest examples of the considered stylistic device in the literature.

Antithesis in the media

Turning to the language of newspapers and magazines, one cannot fail to see how popular this stylistic figure is in them. Journalists especially often use it in headlines, perhaps not even suspecting what an antithesis is as a rhetorical device. So, for example, such titles of articles sound very eloquent and bright: “The tail is the head of everything”, “The brilliance and poverty of our football”, “The rich janitor and the poor teacher”.

In the language of the press, the antithesis is also quite often used not only within the boundaries of a phrase, but within the framework of the entire semantic part of the text. Here she appears as compositional technique its construction. Antithesis is such a mastered technique in literature and the media that often one does not even remember its, so to speak, oratorical origin. But in ancient times it was used specifically to enhance the expressiveness of speech.


Due to its sharpness, flashiness, the antithesis in the works has the ability to create a noticeable contrast. Because of this, different writers treat this technique differently. Some show a categorically negative point of view, while others, on the contrary, exploit it mercilessly.

It is precisely because of the utmost clarity that the reception of antithesis is very popular not only in artistic and artistic journalism. literary style, but also in the declarative-political with an agitational tendency. This stylistic form is widely used in genres with a social bias, when it is necessary to clearly distinguish or compare, say, the life of different strata of society, different classes.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Writers are armed with a lot of tools that make it possible to make the narrative more expressive and vivid.

One of the most effective ways is the antithesis. Today we will just talk about what it is, according to what principles they are compiled, and along the way we will give a lot of examples from literature and poetry.

Definition - what is it

This term came into Russian from Ancient Greece, and the word "antithesis" itself is translated as " opposition».

Antithesis is a stylistic device that consists in opposing directly opposite images, properties or actions. Serves to enhance the expressiveness of speech and more accurate transmission of thoughts and feelings.

Most simple examples Antitheses can be found in folk proverbs:

Learning is light and ignorance is darkness
The smart one teaches, the fool gets bored
The quieter you go, the further you'll get
Easy to make friends, hard to part
The rich feast on weekdays, and the poor mourn on holidays

in literary works can be presented in several ways:
  1. Contrasting two heroes or images, (see);
  2. Contrasting various objects, states or phenomena;
  3. Contrasting different qualities of one character or object;
  4. Contrasting the properties of two different objects.

Examples of antitheses in prose literature

Built on antithesis even the names some famous works:

War and Peace (Tolstoy)
The Prince and the Pauper (Twain)
Crime and Punishment (Dostoevsky)
Fathers and sons (Turgenev)
Wolves and sheep (Ostrovsky)
Angels and Demons (Dan Brown)

But in these works, the opposition is not only in the names, but also in content. So, Leo Tolstoy throughout the novel constantly compares the two poles - peace and enmity, good and evil. This manifests itself both in the course of the narrative, when the author alternates scenes of peaceful life and battles, and in the character of some heroes, for example, Napoleon and Kutuzov or Helen and Natasha.

But Dostoevsky uses other methods. He "places the antitheses" inside one character. This is most clearly manifested in Raskolnikov, who before the crime was a good man, and then became a murderer, and his ideals and manners of behavior changed accordingly.

And finally, Turgenev uses the conflict of generations and their views on life as an antithesis.

Examples in poetry

Unlike prose, oppositions in poetry are more direct. They do not hide "between the lines", they do not need to be thought out - everything is on the surface. For example, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in "Eugene Onegin" describes the relationship between Onegin and Lensky:

They came together: wave and stone,
Poetry and prose, ice and fire
Not so different from each other.

And Lermontov has lines that have long become "winged":

All this would be funny
When would not be so sad.

Marina Tsvetaeva often used antitheses in her works:

The rich fell in love with the poor,
The scientist fell in love - stupid,
I fell in love with ruddy - pale,
Loved the good - the bad:
Golden - copper half.

Due to the sharpness of comparison of various objects, the antithesis was widely used in the poetry of the early 20th century.

For example, Vladimir Mayakovsky. He built whole works on this technique, opposing the values ​​of the tsarist regime and the Bolsheviks, the rulers and the working class.

Our strength is truth
yours - laurel ringing.
Yours is censer smoke,
ours is factory smoke.
Your power is a gold piece,
ours is a red banner.
We will take,
let's borrow
and we will win.

This is an excerpt from the poem "Kyiv". And, as you can see, it is clearly declarative and could even serve as a political slogan or material for propaganda programs.

Antithesis in politics

It was not in vain that we mentioned Mayakovsky and the fact that the antithesis can declare something. Indeed, this technique is often used to create political slogans. Most prime example probably refers to the beginning Soviet period. Remember the main words of the "Internationale":

Who was nobody, he will become everything!

And in the Manifesto Communist Party one could come across such an example of antithesis:

The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They will gain the whole world.

Antithesis is also widely used in modern slogans. Suffice it to recall the popular call before any election: "Vote or lose."

Antithesis in media and advertising

Beautiful contrasts are very fond of using and journalists. Most often you can see them in the headlines newspaper articles:

Shine and poverty of Russian football
A poor teacher and a rich janitor
Unseemly deeds under a plausible pretext
Sins of the righteous
Beam of light in the dark realm

It has long been proven that a person, opening a newspaper or magazine, does not read everything in a row, but first of all runs his eyes over the headlines.

And he is looking for the phrase that will hook him, and only then he begins to read the article itself. And here is the antithesis - one of those tricks that help to capture attention, which they definitely use.

Comparison of opposites is often used by advertisers. With this technique, they create short, but memorable slogans.

We work, you relax (Indesit technique)
In the cold - warm, in the heat - cool (air conditioners "Samsung")
Easy to turn on, hard to stop (unlimited internet)

And even more often you can find slogans based on the opposition "minimum - maximum". For example, "minimum calories, maximum pleasure" (Coca-Cola light), "minimum space, maximum possibilities" ( mobile phone), "minimum labor, maximum effect"(washing powder).

Instead of a conclusion

By the way, thanks to the antithesis, another trick appeared -. That's what they call set expressions which use words with completely opposite meanings. For example, "hot ice", "terribly beautiful", "living corpse", "bitter joy". You can read more about this on another page of our site.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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