Comparison of the black and mediterranean seas. What is more useful Black or Azov Sea

Sea holidays are not just a way to change the situation and get a beautiful tan. The sea is a natural "medicine", the ability to combine business with pleasure: strengthen immunity, lose weight and even cope with a number of chronic diseases. Staying on any sea coast will have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and help with skin diseases. for a healthy holiday? ? In this article I want to analyze the pros and cons of some seaside resorts, emphasizing their specialization and giving advice and recommendations from experts.

- Black Sea

Main advantages: The Black Sea water is closest in composition to the microelement composition of human blood, so even people with diseases of the heart and blood vessels feel comfortable here. At a depth, the Black Sea is rich in hydrogen sulfide compounds, and they make water and air useful for the heart and blood vessels. Evpatoria is a great place for patients with rheumatism.

Negative sides. It can be too hot on the Black Sea coast in summer for people with hypertension and heart failure.

Specialization . Cardiovascular diseases, disorders of the musculoskeletal system, diseases of the feather system and respiratory organs.

Advice . For treatment, it is better to prefer the "foreign" Black Sea. If you choose Sochi, pay attention to the thermal hydrogen sulfide springs of Matsesta, which are especially useful for diseases of the central nervous system and the musculoskeletal system, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, and metabolic disorders.

- Sea of ​​Azov

Main pluses. The shallow and warm Sea of ​​Azov is unique in its microelement composition: 92 minerals from the Periodic Table are dissolved in it.

Negative sides. In the Sea of ​​Azov, the medical component of recreation is not developed.

Specialization . General strengthening of immunity, prevention of beriberi, osteoporosis and premature aging.

Advice . Sea of ​​Azov - perfect place for the first trip to the sea with a small child.

- Baltic Sea

Main payuses. Moderate climate and salubrious pine air.

Negative sides. The Baltic Sea is quite cold and dirty. in some places The best way his "uses" are air baths, unique in their mixture of coniferous and sea air.

Specialization . Respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, endocrine disorders, recovery from oncological diseases, chemotherapy, surgery, treatment of nervous disorders.

Advice . On vacation it is worth using not only healing properties the sea, but also other natural resources such as the famous Kemer mud in Latvia (practically the coast).

- The Dead Sea

Main pluses. The unique mineral composition of water, as well as healing mud Dead Sea(resorts of Jordan and Israel specialize in them); soft air due to constant bromine evaporation, which helps to endure even extreme heat without loss, intense bromide discharge, healing and for nervous system and for the respiratory tract. In addition, the vapor layer in the air significantly reduces the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, so you can spend more time in the Dead Sea in the sun. long time without fear of burns.

Negative sides. If you prefer an active marine holiday, the Dead Sea is absolutely not for you.

Specialization . The broadest: all diseases of the respiratory tract, including asthma, gynecology, endocrinology, treatment of skin diseases, including neuroendocrine, treatment of obesity, arthritis, arthrosis, osteoporosis, rehabilitation medicine, rejuvenation, treatment of cardiovascular diseases, sleep disorders, nervous disorders .

Advice . Best time to visit the Dead Sea - the velvet season or spring (February-April). And, of course, after "communication" with the salts of the Dead Sea, it is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the skin and apply a moisturizer.

Red sea

Main pluses. The water of the Red Sea is almost as saturated with minerals as the neighboring Dead Sea, but it is alive, that is, it contains many microorganisms, including algae. Literally after the first bath, puffiness disappears and lymph flow accelerates, and the skin receives a shock dose of useful minerals. In addition, the saturation of the air with bromine fumes here is only slightly inferior to the resorts of the Dead Sea.

Negative sides. The high salinity of the water, coupled with the summer heat, can be a contraindication for people with cardiovascular diseases. The high humidity of the air keeps the heat even after sunset.

Specialization . Respiratory diseases, infertility treatment, obesity.

Advice . For treatment, go to those resorts where coral reefs have been preserved - unique source minerals and trace elements. Popular places like Hurghada or Eilat will give you almost nothing in terms of recovery.

Mediterranean Sea

Main pluses. Developed resort and medical infrastructure.

Negative sides. Extreme heat in the traditional holiday season plus great amount tourists, which means a reduced quality of ecology.

Specialization . Most Mediterranean resorts specialize in respiratory diseases, including asthma and vegetative-vascular disorders.

Advice . Try to choose areas for treatment where the joys and benefits of both sea and thermal water will be available to you: for example, the Italian island of Ischia or the Djerba peninsula in Tunisia.


Main pluses. Temperate climate, high level resort medical service.

Negative sides. The Atlantic is also not always clean. However, the Normandy, Brittany coast in France and the area of ​​Bath and Scarborough in the UK are perfectly preserved.

Specialization . Restoration of the nervous system, postoperative recovery, rehabilitation medicine.

Advice . To improve your health, it is better to choose non-south Atlantic resorts - the Portuguese coast, Madeira, Canary Islands, where strong sun and at the same time the cold ocean, and the northwestern area, for example, resorts on both sides of the English Channel with a particularly mild climate.

Holidays on the Black and Azov Seas are popular among Russians and Ukrainians. Leisure on cozy beaches is available to almost every working person. On the banks of the Black and Sea of ​​Azov located a large number of resorts and recreation centers.

In most cases, when organizing a vacation on the Black Sea, people choose Anapa, Tuapse, Gelendzhik, Sochi and Crimea. Salt water and clean, well-groomed beaches attract many tourists from the most different corners earth. You can relax on the Sea of ​​Azov in Yeysk, Berdyansk, Taganrog, Novoazovsk, Urzuf and Yalta.

The general availability of a beach holiday puts a person in front of a choice, and in order to make it, you need to decide what is more useful for the Black or Azov Sea. After all, vacation does not happen so often and I would not want to spend it on meaningless weekdays.

Black and Azov Sea. Differences

  • The Black Sea coast is mostly pebbly and rocky, and to find a comfortable sand beach it's quite difficult here. On the Sea of ​​Azov, you can relax on the "golden" sands. In the main coast of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov, white-golden color due to small pieces of shells. It is most comfortable for children and adults to relax on the beaches of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov.
  • The water in the Black Sea is blue and very clear. In Azov, it is greenish, and this is especially noticeable in shallow water or after small storms. The water in the Black Sea is much clearer than in the Sea of ​​Azov.
  • The biggest advantage of the Sea of ​​Azov is therapeutic mud, which is not found in the Black Sea. It is for them that tourists from all over the world come to the sea.
  • The Sea of ​​Azov is considered the smallest in the world. Its average depth is about 7.5 meters. However, finding such a depth will be problematic - mostly shallow water. This has its advantages - it is comfortable to relax with children and, if necessary, you can learn to swim yourself. The Black Sea is quite deep and various water sports are common here.
  • The Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov warms up much faster than the Black Sea and this is due to its shallow depth. The beach season starts much earlier than on the Black Sea. Here you can comfortably relax in early June.
  • On the Black Sea, it is enough to find a secluded place - there are a lot of vacationers. They occupy almost the entire coast. Quite noisy and host active sporting events. There is no such turmoil in the Sea of ​​Azov.
  • The Sea of ​​Azov has fresh-salt water. Black is salty. Tourists who want to improve their health with the help of salty sea water choose the Black Sea.
  • The Black Sea never freezes, and the Sea of ​​Azov is covered with a thick layer of ice in winter.

When choosing the Black or Azov Sea, the priority should be given to safety in the first place. For families with children, it is best to choose the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov. Shallow water, attractions and a calm atmosphere will have a positive effect on the body.

If you like noisy companies, water sports, and you also need a sufficiently large depth, choose the Black Sea. There are quite comfortable, equipped beaches and a very large number of entertainment for young people and adults.

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