Dates and causes of turmoil. Time of Troubles in Russia

The turmoil of the beginning of the 17th century, the prerequisites, the stages of which will be discussed below, is a historical period accompanied by natural disasters, deep socio-economic and state-political crises. The difficult situation in the country was aggravated by the Polish-Swedish intervention.

Troubles of the 17th century in Russia: causes

The crisis phenomena were caused by a number of factors. The first problems occurred, according to historians, due to the cessation and struggle between the tsarist government and the boyars. The latter sought to preserve and strengthen their political influence and increase their traditional privileges. The tsarist government, on the contrary, tried to limit these powers. The boyars, in addition, ignored the proposals of the Zemstvo. The role of representatives of this class is assessed by many researchers extremely negatively. Historians point out that the boyar claims turned into a direct struggle with the royal power. Their intrigues had an extremely negative impact on the position of the sovereign. It was this that created fertile ground on which the Time of Troubles arose in Russia. At the beginning of the 17th century, it was characterized only from an economic point of view. The situation in the country was very difficult. Subsequently, political and social problems joined this crisis.

Economic situation

Troubles in Russia at the beginning of the 17th century coincided with the aggressive campaigns of Grozny and the Livonian War. These measures demanded great effort from the productive forces. The ruin in Veliky Novgorod and the forced displacement of service people had an extremely negative impact on the economic situation. This is how the Time of Troubles began to brew in Russia. The beginning of the 17th century was also marked by widespread famine. In 1601-1603, thousands of small and large farms went bankrupt.

social tension

The unrest in Russia at the beginning of the 17th century was fueled by the rejection of the existing system by the masses of fugitive peasants, impoverished townspeople, city Cossacks and Cossack freemen, a large number of servicemen. The introduced oprichnina, according to some researchers, significantly undermined the respect and trust of the people in law and power.

First events

How did the Time of Troubles develop in Russia? The beginning of the 17th century, in short, coincided with a shift in power in ruling circles. The heir to Grozny, Fedor the First, did not have the necessary managerial abilities. The youngest son, Dmitry, was still a baby at that time. After the death of the heirs, the Rurik dynasty came to an end. The boyar families - the Godunovs and the Yuryevs - approached power. In 1598 Boris Godunov took the throne. Period from 1601 to 1603 were fruitless. Frosts did not stop even in summer, and in autumn, in September, it snowed. The outbreak of famine claimed about half a million people. Exhausted people went to Moscow, where they were given bread and money. But these measures only exacerbated the economic problems. The landowners were not able to feed the servants and serfs and drove them out. Left without food and shelter, people began to engage in robbery and robbery.

False Dmitry the First

Troubles in Russia at the beginning of the 17th century coincided with the spread of a rumor that Tsarevich Dmitry had survived. From this it followed that Boris Godunov was on the throne illegally. The impostor False Dmitry announced his origin to Adam Vishnevetsky, the Lithuanian prince. After that, he became friends with Jerzy Mniszek, a Polish magnate, and Ragoni, papal nuncio. At the beginning of 1604, False Dmitry 1 received an audience with the Polish king. Some time later, the impostor converted to Catholicism. The rights of False Dmitry were recognized by King Sigismund. The monarch allowed everyone to help the Russian Tsar.

Entry to Moscow

False Dmitry entered the city in 1605, on June 20th. The boyars, led by Belsky, publicly recognized him as the prince of Moscow and the rightful heir. During his reign, False Dmitry was guided by Poland and tried to carry out some reforms. However, not all boyars recognized the legitimacy of his reign. Almost immediately after the arrival of False Dmitry, Shuisky began to spread rumors about his imposture. In 1606, in mid-May, the opposition of the boyars took advantage of the actions of the population against the Polish adventurers who had come to Moscow for the wedding of False Dmitry, raised an uprising. During it, the impostor was killed. The coming to power of Shuisky, who represented the Suzdal branch of the Rurikovich, did not bring peace to the state. In the southern regions, a movement of "thieves" broke out from which went. Events of 1606-1607 describes R. G. Skrynnikov. "Russia at the beginning of the 17th century. Troubles" is a book created by him on the basis of a large amount of documentary material.

False Dmitry II

Nevertheless, rumors still circulated in the country about the miraculous salvation of the legitimate prince. In 1607, in the summer, a new impostor appeared in Starodub. Troubles in Russia at the beginning of the 17th century continued. By the end of 1608, he achieved the spread of his influence on Yaroslavl, Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, Vologda, Galich, Uglich, Kostroma, Vladimir. The impostor settled in the village of Tushino. Kazan, Veliky Novgorod, Smolensk, Kolomna, Novgorod, Pereyaslavl-Ryazansky remained faithful to the capital.

Seven Boyars

One of the key events that marked the Time of Troubles in Russia at the beginning of the 17th century was the coup. Shuisky, who was in power, was removed. The leadership of the country got a council of seven boyars - the Seven Boyars. As they recognized Vsevolod, the Polish prince. The population of many cities swore allegiance to False Dmitry 2. Among them were those who had recently opposed the impostor. The real threat from False Dmitry II forced the council of the boyars to let the Polish-Lithuanian detachments into Moscow. They were supposed to be able to overthrow the impostor. However, False Dmitry was warned about this and left the camp in a timely manner.


Troubles in Russia at the beginning of the 17th century continued. Began It contributed to the formation of militias. The first was commanded by a nobleman from Ryazan, Lyapunov. He was supported by supporters of False Dmitry II. Among them were Trubetskoy, Masalsky, Cherkassky and others. On the side of the militia was also the Cossack freemen, whose head was Ataman Zarutsky. The second movement began under the leadership of He invited Pozharsky as leader. In the spring, the camp of the First Militia near Moscow swore allegiance to False Dmitry the Third. Detachments of Minin and Pozharsky were unable to perform in the capital at a time when supporters of the impostor ruled there. In this regard, they made Yaroslavl their camp. At the end of August, the militia went to Moscow. As a result of a series of battles, the Kremlin was liberated, the Polish garrison that occupied it capitulated. Some time later, a new king was chosen. They became


Compare the Time of Troubles in Russia at the beginning of the 17th century in terms of its destructive power and the depth of the crisis in the country can, probably, only be compared with the state of the country during the period of the Tatar-Mongol invasion. This terrible period in the life of the state ended with huge territorial losses and economic decline. The Great Troubles of the early 17th century claimed a huge number of lives. Many cities, arable lands, villages were devastated. The population could not recover to its previous level for quite a long time. Many cities passed into the hands of the enemies and remained in their power for several subsequent decades. Significantly reduced the area of ​​cultivated land.

The Time of Troubles in Russia is a historical period that shook the state structure at its very foundations. He fell at the end of the 16th - beginning of the 17th centuries.

Three periods of trouble

The first period is called dynastic - at this stage, the pretenders fought for the Moscow throne until Vasily Shuisky ascended it, although his reign is also included in this historical era. The second period is social, when various social classes fought among themselves, and this struggle was used in their own interests by foreign governments. And the third - national - it continued until Mikhail Romanov ascended the Russian throne, and is closely connected with the struggle against foreign invaders. All these stages greatly influenced the further history of the state.

Board of Boris Godunov

In fact, this boyar began to rule Russia as early as 1584, when the son of Ivan the Terrible Fedor, who was completely incapable of state affairs, ascended the throne. But legally he was elected tsar only in 1598 after the death of Fyodor. He was appointed by the Zemsky Sobor.

Rice. 1. Boris Godunov.

Despite the fact that Godunov, who took the kingdom in a difficult period of social disaster and the difficult position of Russia in the international arena, was a good statesman, he did not inherit the throne, which made his rights to the throne doubtful.

The new king began and consistently continued the course of reforms aimed at improving the country's economy: merchants were exempted from paying taxes for two years, landowners - for a year. But this did not make the internal affairs of Russia easier - crop failure and famine of 1601-1603. caused mass mortality and an increase in the price of bread of unprecedented sizes. And the people blamed Godunov for everything. With the appearance in Poland of the “legitimate” heir to the throne, who allegedly was Tsarevich Dmitry, the situation became even more complicated.

The first period of turmoil

In fact, the beginning of the Time of Troubles in Russia was marked by the fact that False Dmitry penetrated into Russia with a small detachment, which was increasing against the backdrop of peasant riots. Quite quickly, the “prince” attracted the common people to his side, and after the death of Boris Godunov (1605), he was recognized by the boyars. Already on June 20, 1605, he entered Moscow and was placed in the kingdom, but he could not hold the throne. On May 17, 1606, False Dmitry was killed, and Vasily Shuisky sat on the throne. The power of this sovereign was formally limited by the Council, but the situation in the country did not improve.

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Rice. 2. Vasily Shuisky.

The second period of turmoil

It is characterized by the performances of different social strata, but above all - the peasants led by Ivan Bolotnikov. His army advanced quite successfully across the country, but on June 30, 1606 they were defeated, and soon Bolotnikov himself was executed. The wave of uprisings subsided somewhat, thanks in part to the efforts of Vasily Shuisky to stabilize the situation. But in general, his efforts did not bring results - soon a second Ldezhmitry appeared, who received the nickname "Tush thief". He spoke out against Shuisky in January 1608, and already in July 1609, the boyars, who served both Shuisky and False Dmitry, swore allegiance to the Polish prince Vladislav and forcibly tonsured their sovereign as a monk. On June 20, 1609, the Poles entered Moscow. In December 1610, False Dmitry was killed, and the struggle for the throne continued.

Third Period of Troubles

The death of False Dmitry was a turning point - the Poles no longer had an actual pretext to be on the territory of Russia. They become interventionists, for the fight against which the first and second militia are assembled.

The first militia, which went to Moscow in April 1611, did not achieve much success, as it was disunited. But the second, created on the initiative of Kuzma Minin and headed by Prince Dmitry Pozharsky, was successful. These heroes liberated Moscow - it happened on October 26, 1612, when the Polish garrison capitulated. The actions of the people are the answer to the question why Russia survived the Time of Troubles.

Rice. 3. Minin and Pozharsky.

It was necessary to look for a new king, whose candidacy would suit all sectors of society. They became Mikhail Romanov - on February 21, 1613 he was elected by the Zemsky Sobor. The troubled times are over.

Chronology of the Troubles

The following table gives an idea of ​​what major events took place during the period of unrest. They are arranged chronologically by date.

What have we learned?

From the article on history for grade 10, we briefly learned about the Time of Troubles, examined the most important thing - what events took place during this period and what historical figures influenced the course of history. We learned that in the 17th century, the Time of Troubles ended with the ascension to the throne of the compromise Tsar Mikhail Romanov.

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After the death of Ivan the Terrible, the country plunged into real chaos. The heir to the throne, Fyodor Ivanovich, was not able to conduct political affairs in the country, and Tsarevich Dmitry was killed in infancy.

This period is called the Time of Troubles. For several decades, the country was torn apart by potential heirs to the throne, seeking to gain power by any means. And only with the coming to power of the Romanovs in 1613 did the Troubles begin to subside.

What uprisings took place at this time, and is it possible to highlight their key moments?

Rebellion period

Main actors

Results of the uprising


Boris Godunov

After the death of Fyodor Ivanovich, the Rurik dynasty came to an end, and a real war unfolded around the succession to the throne. From 1598, long days of crop failure began in the country, continuing until 1601. During this period, the first anti-feudal performances of serfs fall. Since Boris Godunov was not the true heir to the throne, his right to the throne was disputed in every possible way, and the appearance of False Dmitry I became the reason for the overthrow of Godunov.


False Dmitry I, Marina Mnishek, Vasily Shuisky

The people wanted to believe that the royal dynasty had not ceased, and therefore, when Grigory Otrepiev began to convince everyone that he was the true heir to the throne, the people believed it with pleasure. After the wedding with Marina Mnishek, the Poles began to rampage in the capital, after which the power of False Dmitry I began to weaken.

Led by Vasily Shuisky, the boyars raised a new uprising and overthrew the impostor.

Vasily Shuisky, False Dmitry II, Marina Mnishek

After the overthrow of False Dmitry I, Vasily Shusky seized power. After a series of vague reforms, the people began to grumble, as a result of which the belief was revived that Tsarevich Dmitry was alive. In 1607, False Dmitry II appeared, who tried to impose his power until 1610. Along the way, the widow of False Dmitry I Marina Mnishek also claimed the throne.

1606-1607 years

Ivan Bolotnikov, Vasily Shuisky.

Dissatisfied residents of the country rose up in revolt against the rule of Vasily Shuisky. Ivan Bolotnikov stood at the head of the uprising, but despite the successes at first, Bolotnikov's army was eventually defeated. Vasily Shuisky retained the right to rule the country until 1610

1610-1613 years

F. Mstislavsky, A. Golitsyn, A. Trubetskoy, I. Vorotynsky

After Shuisky suffered several serious defeats from the Poles in the Russian-Polish war, he was overthrown, and the Seven Boyars came to power. 7 representatives of the boyar families tried to establish their power by swearing allegiance to the Polish king Vladislav. The people did not like the prospect of serving the Poles, so many peasants began to join the army of Dzhedmitry II. Along the way, there were militias, after which the power of the Seven Boyars was overthrown.

January-June 1611 - First militia

September-October - Second militia.

K. Minin, D. Pozharsky, Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov

First, the militia flared up in Ryazan, but there they were able to quickly suppress it. After a wave of discontent moved to Nizhny Novgorod, where Minin and Pozharsky stood at the head of the militia. Their militia was more successful, and the invaders even managed to capture the capital. However, already in October 1613, the interventionists were driven out of Moscow, and after the Zemsky Sobor of 1613, the power of the Romanovs was established in Russia.

As a result of several decades of the Time of Troubles, the situation in the country was worse than ever. Internal uprisings weakened the state, making Ancient Russia a tasty morsel for foreign invaders. The establishment of the power of a new royal family was inevitable, and after a long debate, the Romanovs were in power.

Ahead of the country was 300 years under the rule of the Romanovs, technological progress and the Age of Enlightenment. All this would have been impossible if the Troubles had not been suppressed in time, and the disputes for the throne would have continued.

Russian history. Time of Troubles Morozova Lyudmila Evgenievna

When did the Troubles begin?

When did the Troubles begin?

There is no consensus among researchers about when the Troubles began. Some believe that its beginning was the death of Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich, the last representative of the dynasty of Moscow princes. After that, a dynastic crisis broke out with leapfrog on the throne and chaos in the country. It ended only with the election to the kingdom of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov, who became the founder of a new royal dynasty. Others believe that the real Time of Troubles began only in the autumn of 1604, when a small detachment of False Dmitry I invaded the territory of the Russian state and hostilities began.

However, most of the authors - contemporaries of the Time of Troubles believed that the accession of Fyodor Ivanovich in 1584 could be considered its beginning. It is from this year that the following works begin: “A Tale of How to Take Revenge”, “A Tale of How to Delight”, “The Tale of Grishka Otrepyev”, “The Tale of Katyrev Rostovsky" in two editions, "The Tale of Shakhovsky", "The Tale of Fyodor Ivanovich", "The Tale" by Avraamy Palitsyn, "Another Legend", "The New Chronicler", etc.

Only the author of the "Time of Days and Tsars" clerk I. Timofeev tried to find the causes of the Troubles in the reign of Ivan the Terrible. His opinion obviously influenced the historian S.F. Platonov, who decided that it was this tsar who provoked what happened in the Russian state at the beginning of the 17th century with an unreasonable policy. Therefore, Timofeev's work should be considered in more detail.

"Vremennik" is one of the most striking and original works about the Troubles. He came to us in a single list, repeatedly corrected. To understand the content of this work, it is necessary to refer to the biography of its author.

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The period of Russian history from autumn 1598 to 1618 is called the Time of Troubles. During these years, the country was torn apart by a civil war, and neighbors - the Commonwealth and Sweden - torn away from Russia the lands on its western and northwestern borders. Russian statehood was on the verge of its existence - during the years of unrest, it practically collapsed. Impostors appeared, several kings and governments existed at the same time, supported by various parts of the country, and the central government, in fact, disappeared.

The reasons for the turmoil were the aggravation of social, estate, dynastic and international relations at the end of the reign of Ivan IV and under his successors.

· Dynastic crisis - in 1591, Tsarevich Dmitry, the last of the Rurikids, dies in Uglich.

· The election of a new tsar at the Zemsky Sobor - Godunov's accession to the throne of Moscow tsars seemed illegal to many, the consequence - the appearance of rumors that Boris Godunov killed Dmitry, or Tsarevich Dmitry is alive and will soon begin the fight.

· Growing dissatisfaction among the peasant population of the country - the abolition of St. George's Day in 1593, the introduction in 1597 of lesson years - the term for the investigation of fugitive peasants.

· Famine of 1601-1603. => an increase in the number of robbers, economic disorganization (people blame the king, punishment for the murder of Dmitry).

· Oprichnina.

· Intervention of foreign states (Poland, Sweden, England, etc. regarding land issues, territory, etc.) - intervention.

Stages of Troubles:

Stage 1.1598-1606

Boris Godunov on the throne. The establishment of the patriarchate, the change in the nature of domestic and foreign policy (the development of the southern lands, Siberia, the return of the western lands, a truce with Poland). An economic struggle is taking place and a political one is escalating.

1603 - announcement in Poland of False Dmitry 1, support by the Poles.

1604-1605 - the death of Boris Godunov, his son, Fyodor Borisovich, becomes king. False Dmitry solemnly enters Moscow and is married to the kingdom.

1605 – reforms of False Dmitry 1:

Tax cuts;

Cancellation for 10 years of taxes in the poorest lands.

1606 – False Dmitry exposed and killed (Vasily Shuisky). Boyars and Vasily Shuisky did not want to expose Grigory Otrepyev, because they wanted to blackmail him. Grigory is a servant of Fyodor Nikitich, who later becomes patriarch (Filaret), and his son Mikhail Romanov becomes king.

Stage 2.1606-1610.

By decision of Red Square, Vasily Shuisky (a very deceitful person) becomes king, took an oath before his subjects to resolve all matters with the boyars (signed a letter of cross-kissing - a promise not to violate the rights of the boyars). Shuisky was not loved by the people: he was bloodless, unpleasant appearance. At this time, about 30 impostors are announced, and one of them - False Dmitry 2 - rules from Tushino, dual power arises in Russia.

Shuisky summons Swedish troops to overthrow False Dmitry 2 - intervention.

1606-1607 – Bolotnikov uprising (peasant war against the government).

1609 - Poland sends troops to take Russian lands, they rob the population, riots intensify.

1610 - Poles in the capital. Boyars (with the support of Poland) overthrow Vasily Shuisky (to the monastery). False Dmitry 2 was killed, boyar rule begins ( Seven Boyars).

Stage 3.1611-1613.

A large territory of Russia is occupied, there is no tsar.

1611 – led by Prokopy Lyapunov, the First Militia was formed. Pozharsky's detachment broke through to Moscow, but a fire started. The detachment was defeated, Pozharsky was wounded. The Poles hid in Kitay-gorod and the Kremlin. The militia became a camp near Moscow. The Council of the whole earth was created - a provisional government. Discord among the leaders, Lyapunov was killed, his supporters left the camp, the militia poses no threat, and the leader has no power.

Autumn 1611- on the initiative of Minin, the Second Militia was formed. The Council of the whole earth was created - the second provisional government. Zarutsky is against, sends a detachment to prevent the inhabitants of Nizhny Novgorod from entering Yaroslavl, the killer to Porazhsky. The plan fails, Zarutsky leaves for the southern lands of the country, capturing Marina Mnishek and her son. The second militia annexes the counties, collects the tax for the maintenance of the Second militia, the representatives of the counties are part of the Council of the whole land. In August 1612, the militia approached the capital, Trubetskoy joined Pozharsky.

1613- Zemsky Sobor in January. Candidates for the throne: Polish prince Vladislav, Swedish king Karl-Philip, son of False Dmitry 2, M.F. Romanov. In February, a new tsar, Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov (son of Patriarch Filaret), was elected.

Stage 4. 1613-1618.

Massacre with Zarutsky, restoring order in the north.

1617 - The end of the war with Sweden - the Stolbovsky peace, according to which the Swedes return Novgorod, but a number of fortresses on the s-w retreat of Sweden, Russia lost access to the sea.

1617 - Vladislav's speech to Moscow, in the autumn of 1618 in Moscow. Pozharsky threw them away.

1618 - Deulino truce for 14.5 years. Smolensk, Chernigov, Novgorod-Seversk lands were ceded to the Commonwealth, and Vladislav does not renounce his claim to the Russian throne.


Large territorial losses for Russia. Smolensk was lost for many decades; western and a significant part of eastern Karelia captured by the Swedes. Not reconciled to national and religious oppression, almost the entire Orthodox population, both Russians and Karelians, will leave these territories. Russia lost access to the Gulf of Finland. The Swedes left Novgorod only in 1617, only a few hundred inhabitants remained in the completely devastated city.

· Russia still defended its independence.

· Time of Troubles led to a deep economic decline. In a number of areas, by the 20-40s of the 17th century, the population was below the level of the 16th century.

· The total death toll is equal to one third of the population.

The emergence of a new royal dynasty. They had to solve three main problems - the restoration of the unity of the territories, the state mechanism and the economy.

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