Brief information about the author t and repin. Ilya Repin - biography, information, personal life

Ilya Efimovich Repin(1844-1930) - Russian artist, painter, master of portraits, historical and everyday scenes. Memoirist, author of a number of essays that compiled the book of memoirs "Far Close". A teacher, he was a professor - head of the workshop (1894-1907) and rector (1898-1899) of the Academy of Arts, at the same time he taught at the school-workshop of Tenisheva; among his students - B. M. Kustodiev, I. E. Grabar, I. S. Kulikov, F. A. Malyavin, A. P. Ostroumova-Lebedeva, also gave private lessons to V. A. Serov.

In 1863 he entered the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg. At the Drawing School on the Exchange, Repin met I. N. Kramskoy, who became his mentor. He also studied with R.K. Zhukovsky. He studied successfully, in 1869 he was awarded a small gold medal for the painting "Job and his friends."

Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg

"Job and his friends" 1869

During his travels along the Volga in 1870 he painted a number of studies and sketches; according to some of them, he painted the painting “Barge Haulers on the Volga” for Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich, completed in 1873. This picture, depicting the hard work of haulers pulling a barge, made a strong impression on the public and critics.

"Barge haulers on the Volga" 1873

In 1872, for the program work "The Resurrection of the Daughter of Jairus", he received the Big gold medal and the right to 6 years of study in Italy and France, where he completed his art education.

"The Resurrection of the Daughter of Jairus"

Since 1873, Repin has been traveling abroad as a pensioner of the Academy, where leading figures old painting made a negative impression on him. In Paris, he writes "Paris Cafe" and the fabulous "Sadko"

"Paris Cafe"

Sadko is a Russian epic hero. retaining mythological features. According to the proponents' hypothesis historical school, the image of SADKO, goes back to the chronicle Novgorod merchant Sotko Sytinich.

Returns to Russia in the summer of 1876. In the autumn of the same year, the artist returned to his native Chuguev, and a year later he moved from there to Moscow. In 1878, while visiting Abramtsevo, Repin heard a story from a Ukrainian historian about how the Turkish sultan wrote to the Zaporozhian Cossacks and demanded obedience from them. The answer of the Cossacks was bold, bold, full of mockery of the Sultan. Repin was delighted with this message and immediately made a pencil sketch. After that, he constantly returned to this topic, working on the picture for more than ten years. It was completed only in 1891.

“The Cossacks write a letter Turkish sultan

In 1882 he moved to St. Petersburg, where he became an active member of the Association of Travelers. art exhibitions, to which he joined since 1874, becoming one of the leaders of the realistic school of painting. His paintings appear at the exhibitions of the partnership: "The Ruler Sofya Alekseevna in the Monastery" (1879), "The Religious Procession in the Kursk Province" (1883), "They Did Not Wait" (1884), "John the Terrible and his son Ivan" (1885).

"Ruler Sofya Alekseevna in the monastery" (1879)

"Religious procession in the Kursk province" (1883)

"They Didn't Wait" (1884)

"John the Terrible and his son Ivan" (1885)

In 1887 Repin divorced his wife. In the same year, he left the Association of Traveling Art Exhibitions. He did not like that the Wanderers closed in on themselves and did not accept new members, especially young ones.

In the same period, paintings were created: "Duel", "Poprischin" (1882), portraits of Franz Liszt and Mikhail Glinka (1887), as well as portraits of P. A. Strepetova, N. I. Pirogov, P. M. Tretyakov, and N. Kramskoy, I. S. Turgenev, V. M. Garshin, V. V. Samoilov, M. S. Shchepkin, Baroness Ikskul and many others.

“Portrait of Leo Tolstoy”

"Afanasy Fet"

"Portrait of D. I. Mendeleev"

"Dragonfly. Portrait of Vera Repina, the artist's daughter"

"Portrait of the composer Anton Grigorievich Rubinstein"

In 1901, the artist received a government order: to paint a solemn meeting of the State Council on the day of the centenary. The grandiose multi-figured canvas (35 sq. M.) “The ceremonial meeting of the State Council on May 7, 1901” (1901-1903, Russian Museum), in the performance of which B. M. Kustodiev and I. S. Kulikov took part, was written within two years . The ceremonial portrait depicts more than eighty people - dignitaries of the State Council, headed by the king and members of the royal house. Repin painted fifty etudes-portraits and sketches for the painting.

Due to overwork, Repin began to get sick, and then stopped acting. right hand but he learned to write with his left hand.

Solemn meeting of the State Council on May 7, 1901"

In 1899 Repin married Natalya Nordman and moved to live with her in the estate "Penates" in the village of Kuokkala in Finland. There he spent the last thirty years of his life. The village of Kuokkala after the October Revolution ended up abroad, as part of independent Finland.

The artist died on September 29, 1930 in Kuokkale, where he was buried in his favorite garden next to his house.

Political views

Repin he had a negative attitude towards Nicholas II, called him a "vile barbarian", "high-mindedness", dreamed "that this" abomination "will collapse." However, after the revolution, in 1918, he paints the painting "Cattle of Imperialism", a kind of continuation of the theme of barge haulers, where they look dirty, stupid and ugly. Repin himself said about this picture: “Cattle” is a deeply depraved creature: constantly in contact with the police, he assimilates her ability to prey like a wolf, to flatter, but quickly come to reprisal against his masters if they weaken ... "The attempts of the Soviet government to return Repin failed in the USSR, in private letters he claimed that while the Bolsheviks were in power, he did not want to have anything in common with Russia. last years Repin created a number of paintings on religious themes.

Ilya Repin, the future outstanding Russian painter, was born on August 5, 1844 in the small town of Chuguev, Kharkov region, in the family of a military settler. From the age of 13 he began to study painting in his hometown icon painter I. M. Bunakov. Ilya draws very, very well, the whole district orders works from him. What's a young man to do talented artist for further development? Of course, to go to St. Petersburg and enter the Academy of Arts. Ilya Repin moves to the city on the Neva and studies at the Drawing School on the Stock Exchange, where he meets I. N. Kramskoy, who becomes his mentor. In 1863, he fulfilled his cherished desire and entered the Academy of Arts, where he made serious progress from the very beginning of his studies. The practical experience acquired in Chuguev is having an effect. R.K. Zhukovsky was present among the teachers. In 1869 he received his first serious award - a small gold medal, for the painting "Job and his friends."

Repin Ilya Efimovich, self-portrait 1878

In 1870, he went on a trip along the Volga River, made sketches and sketches, on the basis of which he created the painting “Barge haulers on the Volga”, commissioned by Grand Duke V. Alexandrovich. The picture is a huge success, impresses with its expressiveness, elaboration of characters and amazing persuasiveness. The painting took three years to complete.

The artist's next award is the Big Gold Medal for the painting "The Resurrection of the Daughter of Jairus." In addition to the medal, Repin is entitled to six years of study abroad, in Italy and France. This stage is the final one in art education. The return to Russia, first to his native city, and a year later to Moscow, takes place in 1876.

In 1878, Repin heard a story from a Ukrainian historian about how the Turkish sultan wrote to the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks demanding obedience and recognition of his authority. The Cossacks, in their answer to the Sultan, perfectly trolled. Repin really liked this story, a pencil sketch was immediately made, but the work on the picture itself lasted for 10 years.

Cossacks write a letter to the Turkish Sultan

In 1882, the artist moved to St. Petersburg, where he became an active member of the Association of Traveling Art Exhibitions and, in fact, is the leader of the realistic school of painting. But in 1887 he leaves the partnership, as he considers it wrong that the Wanderers are fixated on themselves and do not want to see new members in their ranks. In the same year, he divorced his wife V. A. Shevtsova. This marriage gave him 4 children (a son and three daughters).

Then the pedagogical stage of life begins. In 1893 Repin became a full member of the Academy of Arts. In 1894-1907 he was a professor-head of the workshop, and in 1898-1899. - Rector of the Academy.

In 1899, Ilya Efimovich married N. B. Nordman for the second time, bought land plot in the village of Kuokkala (Finland), builds a manor and calls it "Penates". In this estate he spends his last 30 years of his life.

interesting Political Views Repin. He had a negative attitude towards the tsarist regime, but also Soviet authority did not please him. AT Soviet Union he did not want to return. Ilya Efimovich died on September 29, 1930 in his estate. All his life he has been doing what he loves - painting. Perhaps this is happiness.

Great realist. Repin's painting marked the rise of the Russian realistic school.

Comes from a family of a military settler. Peasants who worked on the land in peacetime were considered military settlers, but were called up for service if necessary. The artist himself spoke of military settlers as despised people who were in the position of slaves. During the years of the birth of Ilya Repin, the family was wealthy, but later it was in poverty. The boy had to earn money by writing icons and portraits. From 1854 to 1857 Repin studied at the school of military topographers. When the school was closed due to the abolition of military settlements, Repin began to study with the local icon painter I. Bunakov, and together with him painted churches in nearby villages.

In 1863, Repin in St. Petersburg, in order to enter the Academy of Arts. He is being trained at the drawing school of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, where he met the young, famous I.N. Kramskoy, with innovative views on art. Kramskoy introduced his student to an environment where the latest ethical and philosophical systems, social and economic problems countries. It was in the days when they canceled serfdom, free youth advocated revolutionary theories. All this shaped the work of Repin, the then views on the people, on the intelligentsia, on culture.

In 1864, the dream of a young artist came true, he passed the entrance exam and entered the Academy of Arts. Repin was an exemplary student. Deeply studied academic disciplines such as: drawing, perspective, anatomy.

In 1869, Repin received a small gold medal for the painting Job and His Friends. In 1871, for his graduation work "The Resurrection of the Daughter of Jairus" - a large gold medal.

Yes, on the one hand, Repin, according to the requirements of the academy, painted pictures on biblical themes, but on the other hand, at the same time he paints a picture that made him famous in Europe. These were "Barge haulers on the Volga" (1870-73), the picture was shown on international exhibition in Vienna.

Ilya Efimovich Repin married in February 1872 the daughter of the architect Vera Shevtsova. At the end of the same year, their daughter was born. Despite the fact that three more children were born in their family, family marriage was not happy. Vera left her husband after learning that he had other women in 1884.

From 1873 to 1876 Repin studied abroad in Europe. He was in Paris, visited Italy and England. The training took place at the expense of the Academy of Arts. In 1874, the first exhibition of the Impressionists took place in Paris. Repin was delighted with the color and light new painting but he found no social meaning in it.

After returning to Russia, Repin travels to his native place, Chuguevo, for a year, where he works on paintings, on several canvases at once, works slowly and thoughtfully.

In 1877, the Russian artist returned to Moscow, visiting the Abramtsevo estate near Moscow. famous philanthropist Sava Morozov. Acquainted with Pavel Tretyakov.

In 1882 Repin moved to Petersburg. At this time, he travels a lot around Russia, gaining new impressions. He was in Ukraine, in the Kursk province, in the Caucasus.

The life of Ilya Efimovich Repin was prosperous, he did not experience a lack of funds. In 1891-92 he organized personal exhibitions in Moscow and St. Petersburg, which enjoyed great success.

In September 1894, Repin became a professor at the Academy of Arts and began his pedagogical activity. Students doted on Repin and kept warm memories of him for the rest of their lives. Repin continued to paint, participated in public life countries. So he made a donation to help the starving with money received from the sale of the painting in 1896. He was critical of the tsarist regime, saying that the country was controlled by "a bunch of fools who are ready to bring Russia to the brink of the abyss."

In 1907 Professor Repin left the Academy.

In 1899, Repin bought an estate in the Finnish town of Kuokkala, near St. Petersburg. Here he lived with his second wife, writer Natalya Nordman-Severova. He named his estate Penates, in honor of the ancient Roman gods-guardians of the hearth. In 1917, after the October Revolution, Finland declared its independence, thus, Repin ended up in exile. However, in Soviet Russia he remained "his". In 1924-25, exhibitions were held in Moscow and Leningrad dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the artist. The Russian artist died in Penaty. In 1940, Kuokkala again went to Russia. Penates were turned into memorial museum. In 1944, the museum burned down during World War II. Restored in 1962. Kuokkala itself was renamed Repino in 1948.

Famous works of Repin Ilya Efimovich

Painting by I.E. Repin's "Sadko in the Underwater Kingdom" was painted by a Russian artist in 1876 and is in the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg. Actually, this picture was the order of the Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich. Repin made sketches in 1873 and finished it in Paris in 1876 during a three-day voyage. Thanks to this particular work of his, Repin became an academician of painting.

Sadko - main character paintings - famous character Novgorod epics. From the epics of Sadko, the wealthy sovereign, who equipped the trading ships, they froze during a calm, and Sadko, by lot, sank to the bottom of the sea, as a sacrifice to the Sea King. Having seen a great many maritime miracles, Sadko marries, at the request of the Sea Tsar, the girl Chernava, having made a choice at the prompt of Mikola Ugodnik. The picture depicts the moment of choosing a bride.

Chernava is a modest girl, hidden in a corner, against the background of the beauties presented for marriage. Sadko stands at the bottom and admires the beauties floating past him. Kramskoy spoke about the unusually deep fantasy of this canvas. It is known from folklore that Sadko brought wealth gold fish, we see it in the background of the picture. Sadko is depicted in rich clothes with a harp.

Portrait of M.P. Mussorgsky (1881) is in Tretyakov Gallery, in Moscow. Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky (1839-1881) - a great Russian composer, author of the operas "Boris Godunov", "Khovanshchina". The fate of the composer is tragic, he suffered from alcoholism and in 1881 was placed in the hospital by close friends. At this time, from March 14 to March 17, Repin paints his portrait, and on March 28, Mussorgsky dies at the age of 42.

The portrait is absolutely realistic, it shows the state of the composer in physical and mental anguish, at the same time conveys the strength of the spirit of the person being portrayed. The portrait is unusually vital, incredibly similar and conveys the nature, character, the whole appearance of Mussorgsky, and yet it was written in just four sessions. Mussorgsky's sad look, but at the same time a face full of dignity, he courageously accepts what awaits him. Tousled hair, a hospital gown dramatize the picture. The nose indicates the composer's illness, which caused his death. And this does not hide Repin.

The painting "The procession in the Kursk province" was written by I.E. Repin in 1880-83 and is kept in the State Tretyakov Gallery. Kursk province at that time was famous for its religious processions, and Repin visited one of them. So he painted the picture, which was the final canvas in genre painting Repin. This picture, in fact, is an encyclopedia of Russian life, it depicts various textures virtuously and masterfully, the coloring is striking in the subtlety of color and shades. Repin was able to accurately notice the poses of the people depicted. Tretyakov bought the painting "The Procession in the Kursk Province", but said that there was not a single pleasant face on it. To which Repin, as a realist, replied: “Look at any crowd and say: are there many “pleasant” faces in it? ..”

In the middle of the procession, clutching the icon to her chest, the discharged landowner importantly “floats”, clearly realizing her superiority over others. Next to her marches a retired military man (somewhat caricatured), a smug contractor and a rude village headman, driving away with a stick ordinary people. On the right - smartly dressed peasants carry a lantern decorated with a ribbon - they are filled with all the seriousness of the situation, believers. A policeman on horseback swings a whip at a delinquent peasant. A priest in a ceremonial cassock walks, waving a censer. He is also serious, although it is noticeable that most of all in what is happening, he likes himself. In the foreground, a crippled hunchback almost "flies" forward, a devout believer in miraculous healing. He is driven aside by one of the tenths, who surrounded the procession with a chain. In the sketches, Repin depicted the face of a hunchback in torment and suffering. In the final version, it is spiritualized.

The painting “The Cossacks write a letter to the Turkish Sultan” was painted by I.Ya. Repin in 1878-91, it can be seen in the State Russian Museum, in St. Petersburg. For more than ten years, the Russian artist worked on this painting, making changes to the composition of the painting, refining it historical content. In 1676, furious at the Cossacks for the extermination of his 15,000th army, the Turkish Sultan Makhtud IV ordered them to surrender and become his subjects, threatening to destroy the Cossacks. To which he received a mocking letter. Repin captured the moment of writing the letter. This plot was written by Gogol in the story "Taras Bulba". Repin traveled to Ukraine twice to paint this canvas. He writes about the Cossacks as a people of freedom, equality and brotherhood.

On the right, clutching his sides, a mighty, resolute and straightforward Cossack in a white fur hat (Gogol's Taras Bulba) laughs uncontrollably. Gogolevsky Andrey smiles softly. Immediately wounded with a contemptuous, resolute look, a Cossack. A bare-chested Cossack with a strong "bull" neck in many ways symbolizes the "physical" and "moral" nature of the Zaporizhzhya freemen. The leader of the Cossacks bent over the letter. He looks with a sly burning look at his comrades, clearly enjoying the just "born" mocking phrase.

Masterpiece I.E. Repin - painting "They didn't wait"

The widely known and recognized work of I.E. Repin "They Didn't Wait" was written in 1884-88, is in the State Tretyakov Gallery, in Moscow. The plot of this picture is the return home of an exiled revolutionary. Repin thought over the composition of the picture to the smallest detail. It seems to the viewer that he is in the room behind the shockedly frozen mother of the returned son. The viewer becomes a participant in what is happening. The picture interestingly solves the problem of the space of adjacent rooms and the intersecting views of its characters. Here Repin chose an asymmetric composition and marked the space with the help of floorboards; People are depicted in groups separated by space, side lighting is used. The returning revolutionary looks at his mother with an inquiring gaze, his thin face almost in shadow, which emphasizes the hollowness of his eyes. The plot of the “resurrection from the dead” is confirmed by the mourning clothes of the son and mother and, of course, the engraving from the painting dedicated to the passions of the Lord, hanging over the head of the revolutionary’s wife among the portraits. Repin portrayed children: the daughter, who does not remember her father, is frightened, and the boy is filled with joy and excitement. The views, gestures, poses of the characters in the picture are very expressive, but not unambiguous.

  • Refusal to confess

  • Barge Haulers on the Volga

Ilya Efimovich Repin is one of the most prominent founders of Russian art of the 19th century, who left for all mankind a wealth of picturesque and unique images that truly reflect various periods of Russian history.

Biography of Ilya Repin

Ilya was born in Chuguev (near Kharkov) on July 24, 1844. The training of painting in Repin's biography began at the age of thirteen.

And in 1863 he moved to St. Petersburg to study at the Academy of Arts. During his studies there, he showed himself excellently, receiving two gold medals for his paintings.

In 1870, he set off to travel along the Volga, in the meantime doing sketches and sketches. The idea of ​​the painting “Barge haulers on the Volga” was also born there. Then the artist moved to the Vitebsk province, acquired an estate there.

The artistic activity of those times in the biography of Ilya Repin is extremely fruitful. In addition to painting, he directed a workshop at the Academy of Arts.

Repin's travels in Europe influenced the artist's style. In 1874, Repin became a member of the association of the Wanderers, at whose exhibitions he presented his works.

The year 1893 in Repin's biography is marked by joining the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts as a full member.

The village in which Repin lived, after the October Revolution, found himself part of Finland. Repin died there in 1930.

Creativity Repin

Repin is one of the few Russian artists of the 19th century, in whose work the heroism of the Russian revolutionary movement. Repin had an unusually sensitive and attentive ability to see and depict on canvas various aspects of Russian social reality of that time.

The ability to notice the timid sprouts of a new phenomenon, or rather, even to feel them, to identify obscure, cloudy, exciting, gloomy, at first glance, hidden changes in the general course of events - all this was especially clearly reflected in Repin's line of work, dedicated to the bloody Russian revolutionary movement.

The first work on this topic was the mentioned sketch “On the Dirty Road”, written immediately after returning from Paris.

In 1878, the artist created the first version of the painting "The Arrest of the Propaganda", which, in fact, is a witty reminiscence of the scene "The Taking of Christ into Custody" from the New Testament. Obviously, dissatisfied with something in the picture, Repin once again returned to the same topic. From 1880 to 1892 he worked on a new version, more strict, restrained and expressive. The picture is completely finished compositionally and technically.

People started talking about Repin after the appearance in 1873 of his painting “Barge haulers on the Volga”, which caused a lot of controversy, negative reviews from the Academy, but was enthusiastically accepted by supporters of realistic art.

One of the pinnacles of the master's creativity and Russian painting II half In the 19th century, Repin's painting "The Religious Procession in the Kursk Province" was painted based on live observations from nature. He saw religious processions in his homeland, in Chuguev, in 1881 he traveled to the vicinity of Kursk, where every year in summer and autumn, the famous all over Russia religious processions from Kursk miraculous icon Mother of God. After a long and hard work on finding the right compositional and semantic solution, developing images in etudes, Repin wrote a large multi-figured composition, showing the solemn procession of hundreds of people of all ages and ranks, common people and "noble", civilians and military, laymen and clergy, imbued with general enthusiasm. Depicting the procession - a typical phenomenon old Russia, the artist at the same time showed a broad and multifaceted picture of the Russian life of his time with all its contradictions and social contrasts, in all its richness folk types and characters. Observation and brilliant painting skills helped Repin create a canvas that strikes with the vitality of the figures, the variety of clothes, the expressiveness of faces, postures, movements, gestures, and at the same time the grandeur, colorfulness and magnificence of the spectacle as a whole.

An impressionable, passionate, enthusiastic person, he was responsive to many burning problems of public life, involved in social and artistic thought his time.

The 1880s is the time when the artist's talent flourished. In 1885, the painting "Ivan the Terrible and his son Ivan on November 16, 1581" was created, marking highest point his creative passion and skill.

Repin's work is distinguished by extraordinary fruitfulness, and he painted many canvases at the same time. One work had not yet been completed, as another and a third were being created.

Cossacks write a letter to the Turkish Sultan Ivan the Terrible and his son Ivan November 16, 1581 Procession in the Kursk province

Repin is an outstanding master of portrait art. His portraits of representatives of different classes - common people and the aristocracy, the intelligentsia and the royal dignitaries - a kind of chronicle of the whole era of Russia in the faces.

He was one of the artists who enthusiastically responded to the idea of ​​the founder of the Tretyakov Gallery, P.M. Tretyakov, to create portraits of prominent Russian people.

Repin often portrayed his loved ones. portraits eldest daughter Vera - "Dragonfly", "Autumn Bouquet" and Nadia's daughters - "In the Sun" are written with great warmth and grace. High pictorial perfection is inherent in the painting "Rest". Depicting his wife, who fell asleep in an armchair, the artist created a surprisingly harmonious female image.

In the late 1870s, Repin began to work on a painting from the history Zaporozhian Sich mid-seventeenth century - "The Cossacks write a letter to the Turkish Sultan." historical tradition about how the Cossacks - free Cossacks, responded to the order of the Turkish Sultan Mahmud IV voluntarily to surrender with a daring letter, served as a powerful creative impulse for Repin, who spent his childhood and youth in Ukraine and knew well folk culture. As a result, Repin created a large significant work, in which the idea of ​​the freedom of the people, their independence, the proud Cossack character and their desperate spirit were revealed with exceptional expression. The Cossacks, collectively composing a response to the Turkish sultan, are represented by Repin as a strong unanimous brotherhood in all its strength and solidarity. An energetic powerful brush created bright, colorful images of the Cossacks, their infectious laughter, cheerfulness and prowess are perfectly conveyed.

In 1899, in the holiday village of Kuokkala, on the Karelian Isthmus, Repin bought an estate, which he called "Penates", where he finally moved in 1903.

In 1918, the Penaty estate ended up in Finland, and Repin was thus cut off from Russia. In spite of difficult conditions and the difficult environment, the artist continued to live by art. The last picture, on which he worked was “Gopak. Dance of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, dedicated to memory his favorite composer M.P. Mussorgsky.

Ilya Repin created truly realistic canvases, which are still a golden fund art galleries. Repin is called a mystical artist. We bring to your attention five unexplained facts associated with the canvases of the painter.

First fact. It is known that due to constant overwork in famous painter began to hurt, and then the right hand completely refused. For a while, Repin stopped creating and fell into depression. According to the mystical version, the artist's hand stopped working after he painted the painting "John the Terrible and his son Ivan" in 1885. Mystics connect these two facts from the artist's biography with the fact that the painting he painted was cursed. Like, Repin reflected in the picture non-existent historical event and because of this he was cursed. However, later Ilya Efimovich learned to paint with his left hand.

Another mystical fact associated with this painting occurred with the icon painter Abram Balashov. When he saw Repin's painting "John the Terrible and his son Ivan", he attacked the painting and cut it with a knife. After that, the icon painter was sent to a psychiatric hospital. Meanwhile, when this picture was exhibited in the Tretyakov Gallery, many of the spectators began to sob, others were put into a stupor, and some even had hysterical fits. Skeptics attribute these facts to the fact that the picture is written very realistically. Even the blood, which is painted on the canvas a lot, is perceived as real.

Third fact. All Repin's sitters died after painting the canvas. Many of them - not by their death. So, Mussorgsky, Pisemsky, Pirogov, actor Mercy d'Argento became the "victims" of the artist. Fyodor Tyutchev died as soon as Repin began to paint his portrait. Meanwhile, even absolutely healthy men died after being models for the painting "Barge Haulers on the Volga".

Fourth fact. Inexplicable but the fact. Repin's paintings influenced the general political events in the country. So, after the artist in 1903 painted the painting “The Ceremonial Meeting State Council”, the officials who were depicted on the canvas died during the first Russian revolution of 1905. And as soon as Ilya Efimovich painted a portrait of Prime Minister Stolypin, the sitter was shot dead in Kyiv.

Fifth fact. Another mystical case, which affected the health of the artist happened to him in his hometown of Chuguev. There he painted the painting "The Man with the Evil Eye". The sitter for the portrait was distant relative Repin, Ivan Radov, goldsmith. This man was known in the city as a sorcerer. After Ilya Efimovich painted a portrait of Radov, he, not yet an old and quite healthy man, fell ill. “I picked up a damned fever in the village,” Repin complained to friends, “Perhaps my illness is connected with this sorcerer. I myself experienced the strength of this man, moreover, twice.


  • Repin I. E., Kramskoy I. N. Correspondence. 1873-1885 / Letters prepared. for publication and notes. to them comp. T. A. Dyadkovskaya; [Foreword. L. Tarasova]. - Moscow; Leningrad: Art M.: type. "Cr. printer", 1949. - 208 p. - (Letters of I. E. Repin). - 5000 copies.
  • Repin I. E., Bazilevsky V. I. Ilya Efimovich Repin, Viktor Ivanovich Bazilevsky Correspondence (1918-1929) / Federal arch. agency, Russian state. archive lit. and arts; prepared : T. M. Goryaeva, E. V. Kirilina, O. V. Turbina .. - St. Petersburg, M .: Mir, RGALI, 2012. - 380 p. - 3000 copies. - ISBN 5-98846-061-5, 978-5-98846-061-9.
  • Repin I. E., Shcheglov I. Naive questions. From adj. portrait Ivan Shcheglov, fig. I.E. Repin, autobiography. notes and bibliography. decree. / Ivan Shcheglov. - St. Petersburg: A. G. Alekseva, 1903. - 188 p.
  • Repin I.E. Letters to E.P. Tarkhanova-Antokolskaya and I.R. Tarkhanov / Ed. ed. K. I. Chukovsky; Intro. article and notes I. A. Brodsky and Ya. D. Leshchinsky. - L.: Art. type of. art. "Owls. printer", 1937. - 116 p.
  • Repin I.E. Far close. Ed. and with preface. K. Chukovsky. M-L., "Art", 1937, - 624 p.
  • Repin I.E. Far close. Ed. and with entry. article [Repin as a writer] K. Chukovsky. M.-L., "Art", 1944 - 528 p., 3,000 copies.
  • Repin I. E. Far close / Ed. and with entry. the article [About the book "Far Close"] by K. Chukovsky; [Comment. A. F. Korostin and L. Chukovskaya]. - 3rd ed., Rev. and additional .. - Moscow; Leningrad: Art, 1949. - 555 p.
  • Repin I. E., Chukovsky K. I. Ilya Repin, Korney Chukovsky. Correspondence, 1906-1929 / Introduction. Art. G. S. Churak; prepared text and public E. Ts. Chukovskaya and G. S. Churak; comments E. G. Levenfish and G. S. Churak. - M.: New Literary Review, 2006. - 352 p. - 2000 copies. - ISBN 5-86793-436-5.
  • Repin I. E., Tretyakov P. M. Letters of I. E. Repin. Correspondence with P. M. Tretyakov. 1873-1898 / Letters prepared. to print and to them compiled by employees of the State. Tretyakov. galleries M. N. Grigorieva and A. N. Shchekotova; Foreword A. Zamoshkina. - Moscow; Leningrad: Art, 1946. - 226 p. - (Proceedings of the State Tretyakov Gallery).
  • Repin I. E. Ilya Efimovich Repin. - St. Petersburg: Expedition for the procurement of state. papers, 1894. - T. VIII. - 28 s. - (Russian artists).
  • Repin I. E. Barge haulers on the Volga (Memoirs). - Moscow; Leningrad: Art, 1944. - 124 p.
  • Repin I.E. Letters to writers and literary figures. 1880-1929. Prep. for publication and notes. comp. O. I. Gaponova / Ed. A. I. Leonova; Intro. article by N. Mashkovtsev .. - M .: type. gas. Moscow. truth”, 1950. - 268 p.

Ilya Efimovich Repin (1844-1930) - one of the most famous Russian artists, professor at the Academy of Arts, founder of Russian realism in painting. He has Ukrainian origin, was born in Chuguev (Kharkov province) on August 5, 1844. Motives associated with home country frequently appeared in his work. FROM young age the painter honed his skills, made every effort to improve his creative skills. Later, he began to share his knowledge and experience. Thanks to this talented teacher, the world saw such creators as Kustodiev, Serov, Kulikov and Grabar.

Passion for art

It was hard to predict what ordinary boy from the family of a military settler can become the greatest painter. Only his mother, Tatyana Stepanovna, noticed her son's talent in time when he helped her decorate eggs before Easter. However, the parents did not have money for drawing lessons, so Ilyusha was sent to the school of topography. Soon after it educational institution closed, and the schoolboy went to the workshop of the icon painter Bunakov. Thanks to him, already at the age of 15, Repin began to participate in the painting of churches, acquired many useful skills in his field.

From 1859 to 1863 Ilya traveled to towns and villages, decorating churches and receiving an insignificant financial reward for this. Soon he saved up a hundred rubles and went to St. Petersburg to enter art school. From 1864 he studied at an institution owned by the Society for the Encouragement of the Arts. After graduation, the young man was able to become a student at the Academy of Arts on the second attempt. Repin's mentor was I. N. Kramskoy.

For eight years, the artist managed to win the respect of teachers and classmates, later Ilya even began to manage his own workshop at the academy. He also received several gold medals. For example, in 1869 he was awarded for the drawing "Job and his friends."

In 1870, a year before graduating from the academy, he began working on the first large-scale canvas entitled "Barge Haulers on the Volga". The painting was commissioned by Prince Vladimir during a trip along the Volga, it made a splash in the international community. In 1872, another work of art, The Resurrection of the Daughter of Jairus, appeared, which also brought the author a medal. Repin presented him as thesis, and she was recognized as the best for the entire existence of the academy.

Frequent moves

After graduating from the Academy of Arts, the young man received money to improve his skills abroad. In 1872 he acquired an estate in the Vitebsk province, and then went on a trip to Europe. For three years he traveled to France, Spain and Italy, met with the greatest painters from different cities. In Paris, Ilya painted the painting "Sadko", which brought him the post of academician. There he met his idol - the artist Manet.

Repin became famous in 1872 thanks to the group portrait Slavic Composers. It featured 22 musicians from different countries, including from Russia, Poland and the Czech Republic.

In 1874, Ilya Efimovich entered the community of the Wanderers, regularly exhibited his creations at their exhibitions.

After returning from France, the painter visited his native Chuguev, and then settled in Moscow. There he wrote famous painting"Princess Sophia", devoted a lot of time to teaching. Also at this time, art connoisseurs saw a portrait of M. Mussorgsky, this work was highly appreciated by critics.

In 1893 the artist became a member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. Until 1900 he lived in this wonderful city, it was there that best paintings Repin. Among them are "Ivan the Terrible and his son", "They did not wait", "Cossacks" and "Jubilee meeting of the State Council" (ordered by Alexander III).

After the October Revolution, Repin's native village became part of Finland. In 1918 the painter was deprived of the right to visit Russia because of the war. In 1926 he received an invitation to return, but declined due to health problems. The artist spent the last years in Finland, he died on September 29, 1930. Before last day Ilya Efimovich worked, remained in a cheerful mood.

Personal life

Repin met his first wife back in 1869. Then he was just beginning to get involved in portraits. Vera Shevtsova, his friend's sister, was the artist's first model. Three years later they got married. In marriage, daughters Vera, Nadezhda and Tatyana were born, as well as a son, Yuri. After 15 years life together The couple decided to divorce.

Repin's second wife was Natalia Nordman. Together they lived in Penaty (Finland). Many did not like the woman, especially often she was criticized by the artist's friend Korney Chukovsky. In 1914 she died, and Ilya was never able to marry again.

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