Synopsis of the lesson of literature "Taras Bulba". The historical basis of the story

January 24, 2015

The main feature of a work of art on a historical theme is that the author organically combines in it a story about events that actually took place, with literary devices and author's fiction. In this regard, the story of N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba" is somewhat unusual: the historical events in it are not specified, moreover, when reading, it is sometimes quite difficult to determine at what time the actions unfold - in the 15th, 16th or 17th century. In addition, none of the heroes is a historical person, including Taras himself. Despite this, since the appearance of the work, it has been considered an epic story, sometimes called a novel. What is the strength and scale of "Taras Bulba"?

History of the creation of the story

The writer's appeal to the theme of the Cossacks was not accidental. A native of the Poltava province, from childhood he had heard a lot about the heroic deed of the people during the struggle against numerous external invaders. Later, when Gogol had already begun to write, such brave and devoted people as Taras Bulba were of particular interest to him. There were many of them in the Sich. Often, former serfs became Cossacks - they found a home and comrades here.

N.V. Gogol studied many sources devoted to this issue, including manuscripts of Ukrainian chronicles, historical studies of Beauplan and Myshetsky. Not satisfied with what he read (in his opinion, they contained meager information, which was not enough to understand the soul of the people), Gogol turned to folklore. Historical songs and thoughts dedicated to national heroes told about the peculiarities of the characters, customs and life of the Cossacks. They gave the writer excellent "live" material, which became an excellent addition to scientific sources, and some storylines in a revised form entered the story.

The historical basis of the story

"Taras Bulba" is a book about free people who inhabited the territory of the Dnieper region in the 16-17th centuries. Their center was the Zaporizhzhya Sich - its name is due to the fact that it was fortified on all sides by a fence of fallen trees - notches. It had its own way of life and management. Subjected to frequent attacks by the Poles, Turks, Lithuanians, the Cossacks had a very strong, well-trained army. They spent most of their time in battles and military campaigns, and the trophies obtained became the main means of subsistence. It is no coincidence that the description of Taras Bulba and the room in the house where his wife lived alone includes numerous signs of the host's camp life.

The year 1596 became fatal for the Ukrainian people, who at that time were under the rule of Lithuanians and Poles. The Commonwealth adopted a union about the unification under the authority of the Pope of Rome of two Christian religions: Orthodox and Catholic. The decision made further complicated the difficult relations between the Poles and the Cossacks, which resulted in open military confrontations. Gogol devoted his story to this period.

Image of the Zaporozhian Sich

The main school for the education of persistent, courageous warriors was a special way of life and management, and experienced Cossacks, who more than once showed their prowess in battle, became teachers. One of them was Colonel Taras Bulba. His biography is a story about the formation of a true patriot, for whom the interests and freedom of the fatherland are above all else.

Zaporizhzhya Sich resembled a large republic based on the principles of humanism and equality. Koshevoy was chosen by general decision, usually from among the most deserving. During the battle, the Cossacks had to obey him unconditionally, but in peacetime it was his duty to take care of the Cossacks.

In the Sich, everything was arranged to ensure the life and military campaigns of its inhabitants: all kinds of workshops and forges worked, and cattle were bred. Ostap and Andriy will see all this when Taras Bulba brings them here.

The history of the short existence of the Zaporozhye Republic showed a new way of organizing people's lives, based on brotherhood, unity and freedom, and not on the oppression of the weak by the strong.

The main school for the Cossack - military brotherhood

How the formation of young warriors took place can be judged by the example of the sons of Taras, Ostap and Andriy. They graduated from the bursa, after which their path lay in Zaporozhye. The father meets his sons after a long separation not with hugs and kisses, but with a test of their strength and dexterity on his fists.

The life of Taras Bulba was unpretentious, as evidenced by the feast in honor of the arrival of his sons (“bring ... the whole ram, the goat ... and more burners” - with these words the old Cossack addresses his wife) and sleep in the open air.

Ostap and Andriy did not even stay at home for a day, when they set off for the Sich, where the best camaraderie in the world and glorious deeds for their homeland and religion awaited them. Their father was convinced that only participation in military battles could become a real school for them.


Approaching the Sich, Taras and his sons saw a Cossack sleeping picturesquely in the middle of the road. He sprawled out like a lion and was admired by all. Wide trousers like the sea, proudly tossed forelock (he was certainly left on a shaved head), a good horse - this is what a real Cossack looked like. It is no coincidence that the protagonist of the story appeals to his sons with a call to immediately change their “demonic” clothes (they came from the bursa in it) to another one worthy of a Cossack. And they really immediately changed in morocco boots, wide trousers, scarlet Cossacks and mutton hats. The image was complemented by a Turkish pistol and a sharp saber. Admiration and pride were caused by the good fellows sitting on glorious stallions from the father.

The historical basis of the story "Taras Bulba" obliged the author to treat the Cossacks impartially. With all due respect to them and their valor, Gogol truthfully says that sometimes their behavior caused condemnation and misunderstanding. This referred to the riotous and drunken life that they led in between battles, excessive cruelty (for the murder of the criminal they buried him in the grave along with the victim alive) and low cultural level.

The power of camaraderie

The main advantage of the Cossacks was that at the moment of danger they could quickly mobilize and act as a single army against the enemy. Their selflessness, partisanism, courage and devotion to the common cause had no boundaries. In the story, Taras Bulba himself proved this more than once. The biography of other prominent warriors, including the experienced Tovkach, Kukubenko, Pavel Gubenko, Mosiy Shilo and the young Ostap, also emphasizes this.

Bulba said well about the unity and main purpose of the Cossacks in his speech on the eve of the decisive battle: “There are no ties holier than camaraderie!” His speech is an expression of great wisdom and holy faith that he and his brethren are defending a just cause. At a difficult moment, the words of Taras encourage the Cossacks, remind them of their sacred duty to protect their comrades, always remember the Orthodox faith and devotion to the motherland. The most terrible thing for the Cossack was betrayal: this was not forgiven to anyone. Taras kills his own son, having learned that because of his love for a beautiful Polish woman, he preferred personal interests to public ones. So the bonds of brotherhood were more important than blood. The fact that this fact corresponded to reality is evidenced by the historical basis of the story.

Taras Bulba - the best representative of the Cossacks

A colonel with a stern character, who went through a glorious military path. A glorious ataman and comrade who could support with an encouraging word and give good advice in difficult times. He had a burning hatred for the enemy who encroached on the Orthodox faith, and did not spare his own life for the sake of saving his homeland and his brothers in arms. Accustomed to a free life, he was content with a clean field and was absolutely unpretentious in everyday life. This is how Gogol portrays the main character. He spent his whole life in battles and always found himself in the most dangerous place. Weapons, a smoking pipe and the glorious horse of Taras Bulba were his main wealth. At the same time, he could joke and joke, he was satisfied with life. The hero, disappointed in his youngest son, felt great pride in Ostap. Risking his life, Bulba came to the place of execution to see him for the last time. And when Ostap, who endured deathly torment, called him at the last minute, he expressed his pride, approval and support not only to his son, but to his comrade-in-spirit, comrade-in-arms with one word that made the whole square shudder. Until the end of his life, Taras will grieve for his son and avenge his death. The experience will add to him cruelty and hatred for the enemy, but will not break his will and fortitude.

The story does not contain the usual description of Taras Bulba for the hero, since this is not so important. The main thing is that he has such qualities, thanks to which it was possible to survive in that cruel time.

Hyperbolization of Taras in the execution scene

The characterization of the hero is supplemented by a description of his death, which is largely absurd. The hero is captured, as he bends down to pick up the fallen pipe - even he does not want to give it to the damned enemy. Here Taras resembles a folk hero: a dozen or three people could hardly defeat him.

In the last scene, the author does not describe the pain from the fire that the hero experienced, but his anxiety for the fate of his brothers floating down the river. At the moment of death, he behaves with dignity, remaining true to the main principles of fellowship. Most importantly, he was sure that he had not lived his life in vain. This is exactly what a real Cossack was like.

The significance of the work today

The historical basis of the story "Taras Bulba" is the liberation struggle of the people against the invaders who encroached on their country and faith. Thanks to such strong-willed people as Taras Bulba, his son and comrades, it was possible to defend independence and freedom more than once.

The work of N.V. Gogol and his heroes have become a model of masculinity and patriotism for many, so it will never lose its relevance and significance.

NV Gogol The historical basis of the story "Taras Bulba" "Gogol does not write, but draws; his images breathe the living colors of reality. You see and hear them…” VG Belinsky Task: Ask a question to a passage of text 1. Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol was born in 1809 in the town of Velikie Sorochintsy, Poltava province. 2. His father, Vasily Afanasyevich, was an educated person, one of the first Ukrainian writers, the author of comedies from folk life. 3. In 1818, N.V. Gogol entered the Poltava district school, then the Nizhyn gymnasium of higher sciences. 4. In the 30s, the writer met Pushkin, Zhukovsky, 5. The historical story "Taras Bulba", the comedies "Marriage", "The Government Inspector" were events for the reading public. 6. In Taras Bulba, Gogol strives to maintain historical accuracy. 7. The production of The Inspector General evoked an indignant response from reactionary circles. “Now I see,” writes Gogol at this time, “what it means to be a comic writer. The slightest sign of truth - and not one person, but entire estates will rise up against you. 8. In Paris, he learns about the death of Pushkin. “No worse news could have been received from Russia,” he wrote. “All the pleasure of my life, all my highest pleasure, disappeared with him.” 9. N. V. Gogol's "Dead Souls" published in 1842, according to Herzen, "shook Russia." A large place in the poem is occupied by the author's thoughts about the fate of the Motherland. 10. In 1852, in a fit of morbid despair, he burns the manuscript of the second part of Dead Souls, and a few days after that he dies of exhaustion. 11. Gogol is a true master of language. The vivid speech of his works is sometimes poetically penetrating, when the writer draws Russian or Ukrainian nature ... then it is convex, visual, 12. He is a wonderful master of detail, detail, so accurately and successfully found that it vividly conveys the features of a given person or situation. We check. We evaluate. 1. Where and when was N.V. Gogol born 2. What did his father do? 3. Where did Gogol study? 4. When did he meet Pushkin and Zhukovsky? 5. What works did he write? 6. Does Gogol seek to maintain historical accuracy in the story "Taras Bulba?" 7. What response did the play The Inspector General receive from the reactionary public? 8. Where does Gogol learn about the death of A.S. Pushkin? 9. What does N.V. Gogol think about in the poem "Dead Souls"? 10. When and after what events did Gogol die? 11-12. What are the features of N.V. Gogol? Zaporizhzhya Sich The first written mention from 1489 of the creation of a fortified Cossack camp (Sich) in the lower reaches of the Dnieper was left by the Polish chronicler Martin Belsky. According to his story, in the summer the Cossacks were engaged in crafts along the Dnieper rapids (fishing, hunting, beekeeping), and in the winter they dispersed to the nearest cities (Kyiv, Cherkassy, ​​etc.), leaving several Cossacks armed with firearms and cannons in a safe place on the island in Kosh. Belsky's story about the Cossacks allows us to conclude that the unification of individual sichs into the Zaporozhian Sich probably took place somewhere in the 1530s. Researcher V. A. Golobutsky also refers to the same period of time the emergence of the first Sich. (Sometimes the word “palanka” was used to designate the fortification of the Sich.) Often with the word “Sich” (or instead of it), the word “Kosh” was used from the Tatar Kohsh - a consolidated flock of sheep, a thousand in a herd. (From this, obviously, the South Russian and Polish surnames were formed - Koshevoy, Kokhshansky, Koshirsky. Khortitsa fortress - the prototype of the Zaporizhzhya Sich because she was formed later in 1569?) did not provide any assistance in the construction of the fortress, it was built at the personal expense of Vishnevetsky. Being a relative of Ivan the Terrible, Dmitry Vishnevetsky turned to the Moscow kingdom for help. Based on this outpost, in 1556 he organized campaign of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, which was part of a major operation of the Moscow army, led by deacon Matvey Rzhevsky, against the Crimean Khanate.After an independent campaign was organized.As a result of the response of the Turkish and Crimean troops in 1557, the town of Vishnevetsky on Malaya Khortitsa was them after a long siege captured and destroyed Vishnevetsky himself with his Cossacks in 1558 transferred to the service of Tsar Ivan IV Vasilievich; he was granted "in the patrimony" the city of Belev (now in the Tula region) and lands in the vicinity of Moscow. The prince "for all this swore by the life-giving cross to serve the king all his life and pay good to his state." After the death of D. I. Vishnevetsky, the fortress was forgotten, but the Cossacks remembered the idea of ​​\u200b\u200brepelling the raids of the Crimeans in the lower reaches of the Dnieper. Soon this idea was revived - well-fortified military camps of the Cossacks appeared - the Zaporizhzhya Sich. Church of the Intercession of the Holy Mother of God, Khortytsya Island, Modern reconstruction In 1572, the Polish king Sigismund II August took 300 Cossacks into public service. This is how the new military unit “The Army of His Royal Grace Zaporozhye” was organized. In 1654, the Army of His Royal Grace Zaporozhye, having changed the oath to the king, passed, together with the lands controlled by him, to the service of the Moscow Tsar. A new state formation arose as part of the Moscow State - the Hetmanate. The Zaporizhzhya Grassroots Army also became a subject of the Muscovite tsar, who considered it an independent autonomous military force. The army of His Royal Majesty Zaporozhye was disbanded in 1775 by decree of Catherine the Great Letter of Sultan Mohammed IV to the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks In the early summer of 1663, the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire Mohammed IV turned to the Cossacks of the Zaporizhzhya Sich with a very pathetic letter. Outraged by the constant raids of the Cossacks on his possessions, the Sultan nevertheless showed himself to be an intelligent person, having managed to maintain restraint and self-control. I, the sultan and ruler of the Sublime Porte, the brother of the Sun and the Moon, the viceroy of Allah on Earth, the ruler of the kingdoms - Macedonian, Babylonian, Jerusalem, Greater and Lesser Egypt, the king of kings, the ruler of rulers, the incomparable knight, the invincible warrior, the owner of the tree of life , the relentless guardian of the tomb of Jesus Christ, the executor of the will of God himself, the hope and comforter of Muslims, the intimidator and great defender of Christians, I command you, Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, to surrender to me voluntarily and without any resistance and do not make me worry about your attacks. Painting by I. Repin "Cossacks write a letter to the Turkish Sultan", 1880-1891. With D. I. Yavoritsky, a portrait of a clerk was painted, behind him, with a pipe, ataman Ivan Sirko The answer of the Cossacks to Mohammed IV , Luciper's own secretary. What a hell of a face, if the naked asshole of Luciper himself is a secretary. What a hell of a face you are, if you don’t get a zhak їzhak with a naked asshole. The devil hangs, and yours is devoured. You won't, you son of a bitch won't. The devil hangs, and yours is devoured. You won’t be, you son of a bitch, you’re a sin, blue of a Christian mother under yourself, your mother is not blue of a Christian under you, we are not afraid of your mother, we are afraid of the earth, we will fight with the earth and water, forgive your mother. and we will fight with you with water, forgive your mother. Вавілонський ти кухар, Македонський колесник, Ієрусалимський Вавілонський ти кухар, Македонський колесник, Ієрусалимський бравирник, бравирник, Олександрійський козолуп, Великого і Малого Єгипта свинар, Олександрійський козолуп, Великого і Малого Єгипта свинар, Вірменська Вірменська злодиюка, Татарський сагайдак, Каменецький кат, у всього a villain, a Tatar sagaidak, a Kamenetsky kat, in the whole world and the light of the world and the light of the light, the grandson of the harp itself and our horseradish hook. blazen, the grandson of the gaspid and our horseradish hook. Pig's muzzle, Pig's muzzle, kobylyacha asshole, retail dog, non-baptismal forehead, kobilyacha asshole, retail dog, non-critical forehead, your motherfuck... From so to your motherfuck... From so to you the Cossacks squealed, pugavche. Don't you and the Cossacks yelled, shabby. You will not feed Christian pigs. Christian pigs to pasture. Now it’s over, because we don’t know the number, and Now it’s over, because we don’t know the number, and the calendar can’t be, - the month is in the sky, the calendar is not possible, - the month is in the sky, the year is down, and we have such a day, which is the year down, and such a day we have, like you have, for this kiss in the ass of us! you, for tse kiss us in the ass! Signed: cat otaman Ivan Sirko with all Zaporizhian kosh Signed: cat otaman Ivan Sirko with all Zaporizhsky kosh Bravirnik - bouncer Kozolup - bonfire goat Kolesnik - talker Sagaydak - cover for onions Kat - executioner Blazen - fool, idiot fulfillment of the following conditions: .he must be free and unmarried; .had to speak the “Cossack language” well; (in the 17th century, the language of the Dnieper Cossacks was called Rus or Cossack); .had to profess the Orthodox faith, know the symbols of faith and prayers; .should have undergone full training upon arrival in the Sich - to study the military orders (to learn "Sich knighthood"), and only after that he was enrolled in "tested comrades", which could happen no earlier than seven years later. From the end of the XV century. for three centuries, the lands hundreds of kilometers north of the Black Sea were a sparsely populated so-called Wild Field. They were controlled by (significant territory) the Crimean Khanate, subject to the Ottoman Empire; and the territories-localities (described above) were inhabited by a motley fugitive people, who in historical literature are usually called Zaporizhzhya Cossacks (in the broadest sense of this definition) That is, the possession of the Sich 3aporozhskaya covered the lands of modern Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions, partially  Kirovograd, Odessa, Nikolaev, Donetsk regions. The uprising led by Bogdan Khmelnitsky. In 1648, the Cossacks of the Nikitinsky Sich raised an uprising. Leader Bogdan Khmelnitsky, . The victorious campaign ended on December 23, 1648 with the solemn entry of the Cossacks into Kyiv. . However, in 1651, the rebels suffered a significant defeat from the Polish army in the Battle of Berestets. . In 1654, the Pereyaslav Rada was convened, announcing the transfer of the territories controlled by the rebels under the protectorate of Russia. A memorial sign to commemorate the first victories of Bogdan Khmelnitsky over the troops of the Commonwealth. Museum of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks on the island of Khortytsya. The struggle for the Zaporizhian Sich during the Northern War from 1700 to 1721. During the Great Northern War, after the transition of Hetman Mazepa to the side of Charles XII, letters from Peter I and Mazepa began to arrive in Zaporozhye. On October 30, 1708, the tsar wrote a letter to the ataman Konstantin Gordienko, in which he asked the Cossacks to be faithful to the oath to the Russian tsar and the Orthodox faith, for which he promised to “multiply” his mercy to them, which they had previously been deprived of because of Mazepa’s slander against them About the same Mazepa himself was also busy. He sent a “noble person” to the Sich with a station wagon and a letter to the grassroots army. In the universal, Mazepa announced that he had gone over to the side of the Swedish king in order to protect Ukraine from the tyranny of the Muscovite tsar, who had repeatedly told Mazepa about his desire to exterminate the Zaporozhian Cossacks. The hetman wrote that he knew for sure that the Muscovites, retreating before the Swedes, lured him to the Ukraine, but the king had no bad intentions regarding the Zaporizhian army; The Cossacks should take advantage of this most fortunate opportunity, overthrow the "yoke of Moscow" and become forever a free people. Tsar Peter I lost the diplomatic war. On March 27 (April 7), 1709, Kosh ataman Kost Gordienko and Hetman Mazepa signed an alliance treaty with King Charles XII. In this treaty, Zaporozhye joined the Hetman-Swedish alliance against Tsar Peter I. Mazepa Kost Gordienko troops under the command of Colonel Yakovlev in order to "destroy the entire nest of rebels to the ground." Colonel Yakovlev, who approached the Sich, in order to avoid bloodshed, tried to negotiate with the Cossacks in a “good way”, but knowing that the Kosh Sorochinsky with the Tatars could come to the aid of the besieged from the Crimea, he began to storm the Sich. The Cossacks managed to beat off the first assault, while Yakovlev lost up to three hundred soldiers and officers. The Cossacks even managed to capture a certain number of prisoners, whom they "shamefully and tyrannically" killed. Petr Ivanovich Yakovlev May 11, 1709, with the help of the Cossack colonel Ignat Galagan, who knew the system of defensive fortifications of the Sich, the fortress was taken, burned and completely destroyed. From the report to the Tsar: Elders and Cossacks were taken alive with 300 people, cannons, and a lot of ammunition was taken in that city ... And from the most notable thieves who were mentioned alive, I ordered to detain, and to execute the others according to their worthiness and execute the decree over the former Settlement, also destroy all their places, in order to uproot this treacherous nest. In order to weaken the impression made on the people by the extermination of the Sich Cossacks, the tsar issued a letter on May 26, in which he said that the reason for the destruction of the Sich was the betrayal of the Cossacks themselves, because they communicated with the enemies of Russia, the Swedes. Immediately, Peter ordered to seize, throw in prison and execute the Cossacks who had not abandoned their weapons. Tsar Peter I, until his death, did not allow the restoration of the Sich, although there were such attempts. On the territory controlled by the Ottoman Empire, the Cossacks tried to establish the Kamenskaya Sich (1709-1711). However, in 1711, Moscow troops and regiments of Hetman I. I. Skoropadsky attacked the fortress and destroyed it. After that, the Alyoshkovskaya Sich was founded (1711-1734), this time under the protectorate of the Crimean Khan, but it did not last long Ivan Ilyich Skoropadsky Only in 1733, when the war between Russia and Turkey began and the Crimean Khan ordered the Cossacks to move to the Russian border, General Weisbach, who organized the Ukrainian line of fortresses, presented them in the tract of Krasny Kut, 4 versts from the old Chertomlyk Sich, a letter of pardon from Empress Anna Ioannovna and acceptance into Russian citizenship; the Cossacks lived here until 1775. During the Russian-Turkish war of 1768−1774. 10 thousand Cossacks were assigned to the army of Rumyantsev. The Cossacks not only distinguished themselves in reconnaissance and raids, but also played an important role in the battles of Larga and Cahul. Pyotr Alexandrovich Rumyantsev Stefano Torelli. "Allegory for the victory of Catherine II over the Turks and Tatars." 1772. In January 1771, Catherine II awarded the ataman of the Zaporizhzhya army P. Kalnishevsky for his merits with a gold medal, "strewn with diamonds." Another 16 people from the highest ranks of the Zaporizhzhya army were awarded gold medals. The fate of the Cossacks was finally decided on August 3, 1775, by the signing by the Russian Empress Catherine II of the manifesto "On the destruction of the Zaporizhzhya Sich and on its inclusion in the Novorossiysk province" We wanted to announce this throughout Our Empire to to the general knowledge of Our all loyal subjects that the Sich of Zaporizhia has already been completely destroyed, with the extermination for the future of the very name of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks ... We considered ourselves now obligated before God, before Our Empire and before humanity itself to destroy the Sich of Zaporizhia, and in the name of the Kozakovskaya Sich borrowed. As a result, on June 4, Our Lieutenant-General Tekelliem with the troops entrusted to him from us occupied the Zaporizhzhya Sich in perfect order and complete silence, without any resistance from the Kozaks ... now there is no more Zaporozhian Sich in its political ugliness, however ... - Dan in Moscow, from the Nativity of Christ one thousand seven hundred and seventy-five years, August of the third day, and the State of Our quarter and ten years. [The reasons for the liquidation of the Sich. By the end of the 18th century, after numerous political and military victories of the Russian Empire over Turkey, the Kyuchuk-Kainarji peace treaty (1774) was concluded, according to which the Russian Empire received access to the Black Sea, the Dnieper defensive line was created,. The Crimean Khanate, which had terrorized the outskirts of Russia for several centuries, was annexed, the Catholic Commonwealth was on the verge of partition. . Between the grassroots Cossacks and the tsarist government, which had begun by this time to actively develop the lands of Novorossia, conflicts arose from time to time. So, the Cossacks repeatedly smashed the colonies of Serbian settlers in Tavria because of land disputes. . After the Pugachev uprising, in which the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks participated, the Russian government, fearing that the uprising would spread to Zaporozhye, decided to liquidate the Zaporizhzhya Sich. Ultimatum of General Tekeli on June 5, 1775, on Trinity week, the troops of Lieutenant General Peter Tekeli, together with the Wallachian and Hungarian regiments of Major General Fyodor Chobra, consisting of fifty regiments of cavalry pikemen, hussars, Donets and ten thousand infantry approached Zaporozhye at night. The Cossacks were celebrating green Christmas time, the sentries were sleeping, the Orlovsky infantry regiment with a squadron of cavalry passed unnoticed through the entire suburb and occupied the Novosechensky retrenchment without shots. The suddenness of the actions of the Russian troops demoralized the Cossacks. Tekeli read out an ultimatum, and Koschevoi Petr Kalnyshevsky received two hours to think. After a long discussion, the foremen, with the participation of the clergy, decided to surrender the Sich. After the liquidation of the Sich, the Cossacks were left to their fate, the former foremen were given nobility. The lower ranks were allowed to join the hussar and dragoon regiments. For the bloodless operation, Tekeli was awarded the Order of the Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky (Order of St. Alexander Nevsky) - the state award of the Russian Empire from 1725 to 1917. Established by Catherine II and became the third Russian order after the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called and the Women's Order of St. Catherine the Great Martyr. But Catherine did not forgive the three Cossacks for their previous insults. . Petr Kalnyshevsky, . Pavel Golovaty. Ivan Globa (clerk) was exiled to various monasteries for treason and going over to Turkey. Kalnyshevsky lived on Solovki until the age of 112, and even after the amnesty of Alexander I, he preferred to stay there. Globa also lived to a ripe old age in the Belozersky Monastery, the Solovetsky Monastery. By order of Empress Catherine II, Alexander Suvorov organized army units in southern Russia, and began to form a new army from the Cossacks of the former Sich and their descendants. This is how the "Army of Faithful Zaporozhians" appeared. On February 27, 1788, in a solemn ceremony, Suvorov personally handed over to the foremen Sidor Bely, Anton Golovaty and Zakhary Chepiga a white military banner, granted by Empress Catherine Anton Golovaty Sidor Bely Zakhary Chepiga The army of Faithful Zaporozhians, renamed in 1790 into the Black Sea Cossack army, participated in the Russian-Turkish war of 1787-1792. In 1828, the Transdanubian Cossacks, led by the koshev Yosip (Osip) Gladkiy, went over to the side of Russia and were personally pardoned by Emperor Nicholas I. The Azov Cossack Host (1828−1860) was formed from them. (Khopyorsky and Kuban) of the Caucasian linear army into the Kuban Cossack army, which has survived to the present (descendants of the heirs of the Cossacks; recovered after the abolition and long-term Soviet ban; some units and divisions of the Cossacks also acted during the Second World War). K.V. (security question) Why do you think N.V. Gogol turned to the history of the Zaporizhian Sich?  (Or formulate your question on the topic “History of the Zaporizhzhya Sich and the present”) Write down the answer in your notebook and get an assessment.

Development of a lesson in literature for grade 7.

Topic : The historical and folklore basis of the story of N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba".


    Educational : to introduce students to the historical basis of the story "Taras Bulba"; to give an idea of ​​the difference between the historical truth and the artistic tasks of the writer, to show the relevance and modernity of this topic, using technical means in the lesson;

    Educational : the ability to rely on the laws of the genre in the process of comprehending the author's intention; elaborately substantiate judgments, select arguments to confirm one's own position; development of analytical communication skills of students;

    Educational: education of culture of speech, culture of feelings; respect for Russian literature, cultures of other peoples.

    Corrective: development of monologue and dialogic speech, stability of attention, observation, ability to switch, entry into activity, expansion of the range of ideas about the surrounding life, development of the emotional sphere (music, listening to text performed by actors, etc.)

During the classes.

So here it is - Sech! This is the nest from which those proud and strong, like lions, fly out! This is where the will and the Cossacks spill over to the whole Ukraine!

I. Organization of students for the lesson. Performing complex exercises (relaxation, quietly playing music).

    Relax, don't stress.

    Gently, slowly, straighten your back without effort.

    Close your eyes, gently closing your eyelids without squeezing them.

    With your eyes closed, look straight ahead. It is easy to hold the head, without tension and effort.

    Do not strain your neck, perform slight tilts of the head: forward to the chest - 3 times, throw back - 3 times, to the right shoulder - 3 times, to the left shoulder - 3 times.

    Shoulders are down, arms and legs are relaxed.

Now we need to relieve fatigue, tension. And most importantly, try not to think about anything, so that our lesson goes in a new way for each of us, calmly, interestingly, without boredom and fatigue.

II. Preparation for the perception of the topic.

Today we are conducting an unusual lesson, integrated, in which two academic subjects will interact: literature and history. We will conduct it on the material of N.V. Gogol's story "Taras Bulba". You were given an advanced task: to collect material about the historical and folklore sources of the story.

We divided the class into groups (tablets on the desks:historians, ethnographers, literary critics ). Vocabulary work:An ethnographer is a specialist in ethnography. Ethnography is a science that studies the features of life, customs, culture of a people.

Have each group formulate goals.

III. Work on new material and implementation of individual tasks.

Communication of the goals of each group.

Historians: our goal is to characterize the era of the period of the middle of the 17th century, to tell about the historical basis of the story "Taras Bulba".

Ethnographers: we will talk about the life, rituals and customs of people who lived in that distant time.

Literary critics: our goal is to show how this era is reflected in a work of art.

We will help answer your questions.

(Questions pop up on the screen)

    Why did the writer turn to such ancient times? How and why did Gogol use historical events in his story?(historians)

    What time do the events depicted by Gogol in the story "Taras Bulba" belong to? Did they really happen?(historians)

    Who are the Cossacks? Why are they called Cossacks?(ethnographers)

    What are the customs and laws of the Zaporozhian Sich?(ethnographers)

    What artistic means does N.V. Gogol use when depicting the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks?(literary scholars)

    Is there any similarity between Taras Bulba, the Cossacks and the heroes of epics? ?(literary scholars)

Student messages.


    Interest in Ukrainian history arose from Gogol in 1833-1834. He was going to write a scientific work on the history of Ukraine. This work was not created, but the materials related to the life of the Cossacks were used by the writer in his work on "Taras Bulba" and the topics that were developed in the story were outlined: the theme of the struggle of the Ukrainian people with enemies, the dream of a just social order, the image of people's life , theme of liberty, freedom. For the story "Taras Bulba" Gogol used essays on the history, life and customs of the Ukrainian Cossacks, relied on folklore ... But Gogol used Ukrainian songs even more for this story. The whole story is imbued with the spirit of these songs, its style is completely songlike, and the text directly asks to be transcribed into epic verse. I think turning to the past helped to understand what is happening in the present and predict the future.

    The events depicted by Gogol date back to the time of the liberation movement in UkraineXV- XVIIcenturies. The Polish gentry, the Turks, capturing and selling people into captivity, the Tatar hordes - the Ukrainian Cossacks fought with all of them. Defense of national dependence, state independence was often inseparable from the struggle for faith, for the establishment of the Orthodox Church.

Mongol invasion of the middleXIIIcentury led to the final collapse of the old Kievan Rus. The lands in the east were under the yoke of the Horde khans, and the lands in the west were under the rule of the Lithuanian princes, and partly became part of the Polish kingdom. In 1569, Lithuania and Poland united to form the Commonwealth. In 1596, in the city of Brest-Litovsk, a union (association) of the Orthodox and Catholic churches was concluded, according to which the Orthodox population of the Commonwealth was to recognize the supreme authority of the Pope. However, a significant part of the Ukrainian population did not want to go for it. The persecution of those who refused to accept the union began. So by the endXVIcentury, the mass of the Ukrainian population began to perceive the Polish Catholic gentry as their main enemy. In Ukraine, one after another, uprisings began to break out. The main force in them were UkrainianCossacks. Find in the text of chapter 1 of the story the features of historical time. What is the lexical range that conveys the atmosphere of the time and the situation that determines the fate of people? (p. 70). (verbs: was devastated, scorched, enveloped in flames, etc., epithets: primitive Russia (indomitable, wide)). Page 176.

Conclusion: it was a time of historical catastrophe, changing the past way of life, forming new qualities of a person's character.

Taras was one of the indigenous, old colonels: he was all created for abusive anxiety and was distinguished by the rude directness of his temper. Then the influence of Poland was already beginning to appear on the Russian nobility. Many adopted already Polish customs, started luxury, magnificent servants. Taras didn't like it. He loved the simple life of the Cossacks and quarreled with those of his comrades who were inclined towards the Warsaw side, calling them serfs of the Polish lords. Restless forever, he considered himself the legitimate defender of Orthodoxy. Arbitrarily entered the villages, where they only complained about the harassment of tenants and the increase in new duties on smoke (from each hut).

Visual gymnastics.


    Cossacks then they called free people who lived in the steppe and did not obey the state and its laws. Some Cossacks lived along the southern borders of the Muscovite state (on the Don and Yaik rivers), others settled on the southern borders of what was then Poland (on the Dnieper River). The Zaporizhian Sich was the center of the Dnieper Cossacks. It was called so because it was located behind the impenetrable Dnieper rapids and was surrounded by notches (fortifications made of fallen trees). A “Cossack republic” was formed here.Features of the life and character of the Cossacks are already shown in the first chapter. . How Bulba himself chose the best decorations for his children (P. 178-179), interior and everyday details: description of Bulba's room (P. 173: “weapons are in the most visible place, and expensive glass and metal products are located in the third -fourth row of shelves. Everything in the room is connected with the anxious, nomadic life of the owner. Conclusion: The need to always be on guard, ready to go on a campaign at any moment. He considers military affairs to be the main thing, in peacetime he fell in love with revelry), "sleeping in the yard" (open space acts as a means of depicting a hero-hero in epic traditions; the motive of will accompanies the narrative throughout the development of the action: the steppe (landscape) (nature acts as a means of depicting a broad Russian character: “green-golden ocean”, “virgin emptiness”, “ immeasurable waves of plants ", etc.; whip, unprotected by anything, the main events take place in open space, dislike for closed space, settled way of life), the physical appearance of the Cossacks ("hefty", "lion", "knights"), revelry, dancing).

    The Cossacks themselves chose and removed their chieftains themselves, did not recognize the orders of the Polish king and independently made campaigns against the Crimean Tatars and Turkey, returning the prisoners captured by the Krymchaks to their homeland and bringing rich booty. Military service in the Sich is not coercion, but voluntary service to one's fatherland. The most important thing for them is a sense of camaraderie. The Sich punishes severely for violation of its laws, the laws of a free people (for theft, for non-payment of a debt, for murder). The usual state of Zaporozhye is continuous battles. The Cossacks instantly go from frenzied revelry, gaiety to a readiness to fight not for life, but for death.(Chapter 3).

    The anthem of the Russian Cossacks sounds.

Literary critics:

    Gogol set himself tasks not so much historical as epic, which is why Taras Bulba is not a historical story, but a heroic epic.

Masterfully depicting the life of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks and the Cossacks themselves, Gogol uses such an artistic means asartistic detail - detail interior, landscape, appearance of the hero, his speech, which helps to better understand the image or idea of ​​the work. I also drew attention to the accuracy, concreteness of the image of natural phenomena, the variety of colors, the music of the steppe.

Visual and expressive means: epithets, comparisons, metaphors, personification, hyperbole (examples). Hyperbole is a trope typical of the epic genre. The author makes extensive use of hyperbole to enhance the impression, to sharpen the image. The powerful, strong characters depicted by Gogol correspond to the characters of epic folk heroes.

The artist I. Repin also agreed with Gogol. Repin worked on this painting for more than 13 years and did not love any of his paintings as much as he did "Zaporozhtsev". Compare: N.V. Gogol worked on the story for 9 years. What does it say? What is the consonance of a long work on the works of the artist and the writer. This suggests that both artists attached great importance to their works. Both the writer Gogol and the artist Repin depicted in them their people, which they were proud of and captured, saw in the Cossacks courageous and cheerful people, their ancestors and like-minded people.What is the similarity between Repin's painting and Gogol's story in the depiction of the Zaporozhian Cossacks?

The canvas "Cossacks writing a letter to the Turkish Sultan" - one of the most significant historical works of Repin - was written in 1878-1891. The picture describes a historical fact when, in response to the proposal of the Turkish Sultan Mahmud IV to go to his service, the Cossacks compose a message full of mocking mockery and a daring challenge.

Despite its dynamism, the composition of the canvas is very balanced. In the foreground of the canvas, we see Zaporozhye Cossacks gathered at a hastily knocked together table to write their message. The painter "cuts off" some of the figures, allowing the viewer to mentally "push" the frame of the canvas. In the background, against the backdrop of a wide steppe, a tent city, bonfires ...

There is no main character in the picture; a huge number of Cossacks are represented here. Each image is colorful in its own way, each has exceptional expressiveness and individuality, and each is like a real hero and as if descended from the pages of Gogol's Taras Bulba. The accessories are superbly written - weapons, costumes, pipes, flasks for wine, Ukrainian bandura ... And how much ingenuity, folk humor, taste are in the plot and in the compositional solution of the picture!

The Cossacks huddled together around the table, composing their message. The smiling clerk, slyly squinting, scribbles bold words on a sheet of paper that his comrades suggest to him. Passions boil, emotions literally splash out on the viewer. And the canvas sparkles with unbridled joy, laughter is heard far across the steppe - from a thin giggle to thunderous laughter. In this casual communication of the Cossacks on the eve of the battle - the prowess and heroic spirit of the Cossacks, their independence, solidarity and the great strength of camaraderie.

In "The Cossacks" the artist depicts the people in all their greatness, strength, invincibility and affirms the democratic ideals of freedom, universal brotherhood, equality.

IV. Reflection. What new have you learned?

What makes people so different? Why do bright, strong and beautiful people live in one time, and small, insignificant people in another? The harsh era described by Gogol in the story put forward the corresponding heroes - strong, courageous, selfless, warlike people who despised warmth and comfort, accustomed to free Cossack life, to fierce battles, battles. These people consider comradeship and brotherhood based on faith and patriotism to be the main value in human relations. It is in the past that Gogol sees spiritually free and powerful people. But can they be real? This is a question the writer asks himself and the reader. Showing what people were like, Gogol inspires us with the idea: the heroes of the Zaporozhian Sich are a high ideal, but every person who lives later has enough worthy qualities to get closer to this ideal. So, this is a work about the past, present and future. That is why many works about this era are now forgotten, and the story "Taras Bulba" has become one of the classic works of Russian literature.

The historical basis of the story of N. V. Gogol "Taras Bulba".
N.V. Gogol's story "Taras Bulba" reflects the main events of the 16th century: in Ukraine at that time, Polish gentry - "pans" became large landowners, who introduced Polish laws in their lands and planted "their faith" - Catholicism.
The bulk of the population of Ukraine professed Orthodoxy and did not want to convert to Catholicism: apostasy has always been considered a terrible sin by the Russian people. In addition, the arrival of the Polish lords on the Ukrainian lands was accompanied by a deterioration in the life of the people: the peasants were deprived of the best land plots that had belonged to their families for centuries, many were simply driven off their land or resettled on unsuitable for agriculture, infertile lands. Large taxes were imposed on free peasants in order to force them to sell their land to a large landowner.
A “quiet” expansion of foreign territory began: everything Ukrainian, everything national was persecuted, the language, way of life and customs of the Polish people were planted. Some Ukrainian landowners adopted the customs and way of life of the Poles, but the people resisted desperately, resisted Polonization as best they could (Poland in Latin sounds like Polonia) and, if possible, waged an open struggle against the new owners and the new faith.

Expansion (lat. expansio) - expansion, expansion of boundaries or influence beyond the original limits, for example. trade expansion - the capture of new markets. — (Newest
dictionary of foreign words and expressions. — M.: AST; Minsk: Harvest, 2002. - P. 933.)

In order to somehow “pull” the Ukrainian people to their side, the Polish and Ukrainian landlords, under the leadership of the Roman Catholic Church, came up with a “unia” - an “agreement” between the Orthodox and Catholics, in fact a new version of the Christian religion - Uniatism. Many church rites in Uniatism outwardly resembled the ritual side of Orthodoxy, but in fact Uniatism was and remains an offshoot of the Roman Catholic Church with its dogmas and ideas about how a Christian should live.
Ukrainians opposed the encroachment on the faith and moral foundations of their people in
XVI-XVII centuries, the fictional hero Taras Bulba is also fighting against the "damned pans", "poles".
The story of N.V. Gogol describes Zaporizhzhya Sich is a real historical object, originated in Ukraine in the Middle Ages: often the peasants of the western and middle regions of Ukraine, fleeing the Polish oppression, went to the east, many settled in the lower reaches of the Dnieper. Here, at the Dnieper rapids, on the island of Khortitsa, a large fortified camp of Cossacks and runaway peasants from Great Russia arose. (After the construction of the Dneproges in the 1940s, the island of Khortitsa, like part of the rapids, went under water.) They began to be called Zaporizhzhya Cossacks.
Zaporizhzhya Cossacks usually surrounded their camps with fences - fences made of cut down trees, pointed upwards. From the Ukrainian word sich, (in Russian - notch), the largest camp on Khortytsia got its name - Zaporizhzhya Sich.
The Cossacks is a conditional name, since there was no permanent population in the Zaporizhzhya Sich: as a rule, in the spring the bulk of the Cossacks gathered in the Sich, united in kurens - a kind of detachment that lived in one hut (kuren - hut), elected their kuren chieftain. For better management of such a combined population, kurens were united in camps, or kosh, which were headed by kosh chieftains. All the affairs of the Sich were decided at a general meeting - a council.
Many Cossacks were engaged in cattle breeding, hunting or various crafts, less often - agriculture. More often they went on long trips to Poland or the Crimea, to Turkish cities or Tatar settlements on the Black Sea coast. It is not worth idealizing the Cossacks: their campaigns were predatory, in the spirit of the Middle Ages.
However, by the end of the 16th century, the oppression of Poland became unbearable for the population of all Ukraine, so the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, fugitive peasants and the population of the enslaved regions actively opposed the expansion of the Poles: they attacked Polish lands, burned crops and cities, drove away Polish landowners and “put them in their place” their landlords.
This went on for almost a hundred years. In the second half of the 17th century, Ukraine voluntarily joined the Muscovite state (1654). Now a strong Orthodox state protected the interests of its citizens, most of whom were
Ukrainians - related to the Russian people.

Historical and folklore foundations of the story.

Lesson topic: Historical and folklore foundations of the story.

Lesson Objectives:

1) educational: to form an idea of ​​​​Gogol among students, to find the main idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe story, to reveal the historical conditions that developed the harsh and powerful character of Taras Bulba and his contemporaries;

2) developing: development of analytical thinking, the ability to give a reasoned answer to the teacher's question; formation of skills in the analysis of an epic work;

3) nurturing: education of love for the Fatherland.

Lesson type: introductory lesson

Intra-subject communications: with Russian history of the 17th century.

Equipment: multimedia presentation

Methods and techniques of work: reproductive method (teacher's word, oral survey), heuristic method (frontal survey, analytical conversation)


I. Organizing moment (2min)

II. Explaining new material (15 min)

  • teacher's word
Occupying an advantageous position on the trade routes between the Baltic and Black Seas, West and East, Russia has long served as a bait for the aggressive thoughts of its neighbors. For many centuries, Russian lands were subjected to devastating raids by Tatars and Turks, Lithuanian and Polish conquerors. In the XIV century, part of the original lands of Kievan Rus was captured by the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and later by the Commonwealth. The Polish authorities tried to conquer and Polish the Ukrainian people. The Polish administration was planted everywhere. It grossly violated the national dignity of the people, insulted their faith, culture and customs. Polish gentry flooded Ukraine, "like a black gloom," according to a folk song. In 1588, the so-called "land cadastre" was introduced, which secured the right to own land only for the gentry and took away this right from the peasants. Huge possessions of Polish magnates were formed in Ukraine. They seized the lands along with the people who lived on them. The peasants fiercely resisted the panshchina and fled to the south of Ukraine, to the Zaporozhye region, which in the 16th century became the center of the Cossack freemen. Here, in the lower reaches of the Dnieper, flocked all those who "have not become accustomed to slave service." THIS IS THE COSSACKS ORIGIN.

The mighty Zaporozhian Sich soon became a kind of outpost on the southern and southeastern borders of Ukraine. On their light "seagulls", the Cossacks boldly crossed the sea and "sharpal" the shores of the Ottoman Empire and twice approached its capital - Istanbul. They kept the Tatars and Turks at bay, who had previously plundered Ukrainian lands with impunity.

The chronicler Grabyanka cites a curious saying of the “Turkish soltan”: “When the surrounding pansties rise up against me, I sleep on my ears, and I only hear about the Cossacks” .

The history of Ukraine at the end of the 16th and the beginning of the 17th century was marked by many powerful uprisings that nominated such prominent figures as Hetman Kosynskyi, Nalivaiko, Loboda, Gunya, Ostranitsa.

The last name attracted Gogol's special attention. OSTRITSA is mentioned in "Taras Bulba". He led the "countless Cossack force" of eight twelve thousand regiments, under the banner of which stood those who arrived from the lower reaches of the Dnieper to its upper reaches. And in this mighty rati, writes Gogol, Taras Bulba led the most selective regiment. Opage was to become the hero of Gogol's unfinished historical novel Hetman.

A remarkable period of the national liberation struggle of Ukraine was connected with the name of Ostrany. Several powerful blows that Ostrazhina inflicted on Nikolai Pototsky were one of the most terrible defeats suffered by the Poles from the Cossacks to Bogdan Khmelnitsky. Fearing complete defeat, the nobility spoke of the peace, which they themselves subsequently violated by treacherously killing Hetman Ostranitsa and his entourage.

The fight continued. The Sich did not lay down their arms. It remained, in Gogol's clear word, "a willful Republic", from which "will and Cossacks poured over the whole Ukraine."

“Combining generosity and disinterestedness with a cunning and sharp mind, the Cossacks passionately love freedom; they prefer death to slavery, and in order to defend their independence they often rebel against their oppressors - the Poles; in Ukraine, seven or eight years do not pass without a riot,- so wrote a foreign observer who lived more than seventeen years in Ukraine, in the Polish service, as a senior artillery capital and royal engineer, a Frenchman by nationality, Guillaume le Vasseur de Beauplan. Far from being an impartial witness, he managed to correctly notice the intensity of the struggle waged by the Ukrainian people against their oppressors.



  • What historical events formed the basis of the story?

  • What is the time period of the events described in the story?

  • What is the role of the author's extended historical digression?
IIIQuestions for the first chapter (20 min)

  • Find in the first chapter the features of historical time, recreated by the author on the basis of documentary sources. ( Students read an excerpt from the words "... a difficult 15th century on a nomadic corner of Russia ..." to the words "In a word, the Russian character here received a mighty, wide scope, a hefty appearance")

  • What vocabulary does the author use to convey the atmosphere of the time and the situation that determine the fate of the Russian people? (Verbal sequences are used: was devastated, burned, enveloped in flames, etc.; epithets: primitive Russia, indomitable, wide, etc.)

  • Pay attention to unfamiliar words, determine their meanings: union, council, magnate, gentry, senate, cornet, armored man, kuren, ataman, esaul, zhupan, retinue, kazakin, etc.

  • Why, in your opinion, does the author allow a widespread distraction on a historical topic? ( It is important for the writer to emphasize that the struggle of the Cossacks is for national independence, for the establishment of the Orthodox Church, against the fact that men, women, and children are taken captive and sold into slavery.)

  • Is there a similarity between Taras Bulba and the heroes of epics? How do they manifest themselves? Where do you see the differences?

  • Find fragments in the text where Taras and other Cossacks are depicted as epic heroes, where their historical belonging to their time and place is emphasized.
IVHomework information (3 min) 1. Read the story to the end.
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