Plan abstract of traffic rules in difficult road conditions. Abstract of an open lesson on the rules of the road "Rules for Luntik

Summary of the lesson on the "Rules of the road."

Target: familiarization of students with traffic rules.

Tasks: to acquaint students with traffic rules when moving along the streets and roads;to develop the skills to follow the basic rules of behavior of students on the street, road, in order to prevent child road traffic injuries.

Equipment: presentation, traffic light, road signs.

During the classes

    Org. moment.

The city where

We live with you

It can rightfully be compared with the Primer.

ABC of the streets

Avenues, roads,

The city gives us a lesson all the time.

Here it is, the alphabet -

Above head:

Signs are posted along the pavement.

    opening speech teachers.

We will get acquainted with the signs and rules of the road.

Which one of you, going to school, crosses the street? Who already does it alone, without adults? Tell me how you cross the street. (Children's answers are heard.)

Why do you need to know the rules of the road? (Children's answers are heard.)

Do you know who is called the "Wizard Guard"? Solve the riddle.

I blink my eyes

Relentless day and night.

I help cars

And I can help you! (TRAFFIC LIGHT)

Tell us what you know about traffic light colors.

The red light tells us:

- Stop! Dangerous! The path is closed!

Yellow light - warning:

Wait for the signal to move.

Green light opened the way:

Guys can move.

    Main part

    Familiarization with the rules of crossing the road

What to do if the red signal flashes and you have already started the transition? (Children's guesses are heard.)

The correct answer is to go back to the sidewalk if you just started crossing the road. If you find yourself in the middle of the roadway, you must wait for the green signal, standing on the "island of safety" or on the center line, but you can not back away or rush in front of moving cars.

Yellow signal - warning. Start transition on yellow signalit is forbidden .

You can only cross the road when the traffic light is green. Of course, you have seen traffic lights on the roads that do not have a yellow signal. These are pedestrian traffic lights, their signals are obligatory only for pedestrians.

    Sign "Pedestrian crossing"

There is another pedestrian crossing sign. Guess where else you can cross the street.

Striped horse.

Her name is Zebra.

But not the one in the zoo

People are walking along it.

it footpath, a place where you can cross the road.

And who among you is attentive, who noticed - there is such a sign near the school? Where does it hang? Also, what signs did you see near the school? (Children tell and show these signs, explain their meaning.)

If you put your foot

On the road

Pay attention friend

Road sign - red circle,

Man walking in black

Crossed out with a red line.

And the road is like, but

It is forbidden to walk here!

Neither drive nor pass:

Road sign on the way.

    Sign " Pedestrian traffic forbidden"

Guys, do you always look around when crossing the road?

Before stepping on the road

Always look around: is the path dangerous?

Look to the left first

Right then, in the middle of the path.

    Memo of observance of traffic rules

    Cross the street only at intersections or where there is a “Crossing” sign and wide transverse stripes on the bridge. And only when the traffic light turns green.

    If there is no traffic light here, then, going out to carriageway, look first to the left - if any car is approaching. And when you get to the middle of the street, look to the right to see if a car is coming from there. And if it does, stop and wait for it to pass.

    Do not cross the street in front of moving traffic. Wait for it to pass.

    If there is a traffic light at the intersection, cross the street only when the light is green or when the “Go” signal is on.

    A car, bus or trolleybus standing at a stop should go around only from behind in order to see in time if another car is following it, the driver of which does not see you. But it's even better to wait until they leave, and you can see the whole street.


1. What traffic signals do you know?

2. Where should pedestrians walk?

3. Where should cars drive?

4. As indicated crosswalk?

5. Is it possible to play outside. Why?

6. Is it possible to cross the street with a yellow traffic light?

7. How to cross the street if there is no traffic light?

8. What are road signs used for?

9. Where can you ride bikes?

10. Why can't you play on the pavement?

11. Where can you cross the street?

12. When should I start crossing the street?

Let's sum up the poem "It is forbidden - it is allowed."

And avenues and boulevards -

Everywhere the streets are noisy.

Walk on the sidewalk

Only on the right side.

Here to play pranks, interfere with the people

For-pre-shcha-et-sya! (Chorus.)

Be a good pedestrian

Allowed! (Chorus.)

If you are on the tram

And the people around you

No pushing, no yawning

Move forward quickly.

Ride a hare, as you know,

For-pre-shcha-et-sya! (Chorus.)

Give way to the old lady -

Allowed! (Chorus.)

If you're just walking

Look ahead anyway.

Through a noisy intersection

Walk carefully.

Red light crossing

For-pre-shcha-et-sya! (Chorus.)

With green even for children

Allowed! (Chorus.)

    Additional material

Ditties about traffic rules

No matter how the driver slows down,

And the car keeps slipping

On wheels, like on skis -

Closer, closer, closer, closer!

For salvation, there is an opportunity:

The best brake is caution.

Save your life

Don't run in front of the car!

We are girlfriends, girlfriends

We have eyes and ears

On the road we go

We all read and eat.

Dear friends,

Our last tip for you:

After all, the road is not a reading room

And not a place to talk.

We good athletes,

We love to play football

The pavement was turned

In our field-stadium.

To me, no doubt, the conclusion is clear,

That the pass is dangerous for life,

Not roads, but courtyards -

The place for such a game.

Everyone should know this

    You can not walk on the roadway, but you can only walk on the sidewalk, keeping to the right side.

    Cross the street at a walk in the places indicated by signs.

    On the regulated intersections wait for the green signal of the traffic light or the corresponding sign of the traffic controller and cross the street when the cross flow of traffic does not stop; At the same time, carefully observe the transport making the turn.

    Before you get off the sidewalk onto the carriageway of the street, make sure you are completely safe, first look to the left, and when you reach the middle of the street, to the right; skip oncoming traffic.

    Wait for a tram, trolleybus, bus only on specially designated landing sites, without interfering with traffic, and where there are none, on the sidewalk, without interfering with the movement of pedestrians.

    Do not play on the roadway, do not skate, sled, scooter on the pavement and sidewalks, do not cling to moving vehicles.

It is necessary to study and know the traffic rules in order not to endanger your life and not interfere with the traffic. It's just that there are no rules. each rule has its own meaning: why so, and not vice versa. Cars need a wide pavement - they themselves are large, and their speed is much greater than that of you and me. And for us pedestrians, the sidewalk is enough. Here we are completely safe. An experienced pedestrian will never walk on the pavement. He won’t even get off the sidewalk: it’s dangerous, and it’s a hindrance to drivers. And for those who have a bad memory, who do not know the rules very well, strong iron fences are placed in dangerous places. Sometimes they are dyed bright colors- to be more noticeable. Such barriers once again remind: not a step from the sidewalk!

Rules of the road

There are many in the world.

Everyone should learn them

We didn't bother

But the main of the rules of motion

Know how to table

Should be multiplications.

On the pavement - do not play,

Don't ride

If you want to stay healthy!

The pavement is seething in motion:

Cars are running, trams are hurrying.

Everyone be true to the rule -

Keep Right.

It should be easy to explain

Whether you are young or old:

Pavement - for transport,

For you - the sidewalk!

Walk across the street there, pedestrian

Where the sign shows you the transition!

Where do you need to cross the street?

Remember the simple rule:

With attention to the left, first look

And then look to the right.

    Rules of conduct on the street

    Know the basic rules of public and private transport.

    Don't forget how to cross the road in front of trams and trolleybuses.

    Cross the road only at the pedestrian crossing.

    Remember the colors of the traffic lights: red - stop, green - go.

    When crossing the road, do not talk to your friends, but look first to the left, then to the right.

    Do not play ball or outdoor games in places where traffic may suddenly appear.

    In ice or fog, be especially careful on the street!

    Cross the road yourself correctly and teach this to the younger ones, and if necessary, help the older ones to cross the street.

But our buses are not quite ordinary, they are geometric figures.

And now - the task: the girls do not sit in blue, and not round (yellow square), and the boys do not sit in yellow, and not square (blue circle). Did everyone take their seats on the buses?

Girls, what shape is your bus?

Boys, what shape is your bus?

What can you be called now?

A cultural passenger must know what is allowed and what is prohibited in transport. While we go, let's play speech game, be careful. I'll start a sentence - you'll finish:

Ride a hare, as you know ....

Make way for the old lady...

Pushing everyone, shouting ...

And quietly stand ... ....

Take ice cream on the bus...

Well, apples in a bag ... ....

Play ball at the bus stop...

Walk around the back of the bus….….

Well, in front, of course ... ..

Well done guys, you know the rules of cultural and safe behavior. So we arrived in Svetoforsk. Get off the bus. The city is unfamiliar, and in order not to get lost, we will use the map. I suggest choosing a card keeper using the spinning top. And Yana will help me with this. Let's see where we go. Our path lies on the street of Mysteries.

Here are different types transport. I will give you a riddle, if you guess it, an illustration of the transport will appear on the screen.


1. Does not fly, but buzzes

Beetle running down the street

And burn in the eyes of a beetle

Two brilliant lights. (slide number 4)

2. What a miracle - the blue house!

There are a lot of kids in it!

Feet, shoes - rubber

And it feeds on gasoline. (slide number 5)

3. Wears a trunk, not an elephant

But he is stronger than an elephant,

Hundreds of hands it replaces:

Without a shovel, but digging. (slide number 6)

4. They can be seen everywhere, they can be seen from the windows,

The street is moving at a fast pace.

They carry a variety of goods -

Brick and iron, grain and watermelons. .

(slide number 7)

5. Rushing with a fiery arrow

A car rushes off into the distance.

And any fire will flood

Bold squad. (slide number 8)

6. I will turn with a long neck,

I will pick up a heavy load.

Where they order - I will put

I serve the man. .(slide number 9)

Guys, I suggest you play the game "Wonderful Box". The box contains vehicles that you need to divide into three groups: passenger, cargo and special. Everyone approaches, takes one typewriter and finds the right place for it. Let's see where our path now lies.

Street "Road Signs"

Game Find a Pair.

Guys, here we have road signs. Without conferring with each other, everyone should take the sign and find a partner for themselves, that is, a couple with the same picture.

Now consult with each other and decide who will talk about their sign.

Physical education minute : "Car"

On the street of our car, car -

Cars are tiny

Cars are big

Hey cars, full speed ahead

I am an exemplary pedestrian:

I don't like to rush

I will make way for you

Street "Trouble"

Here children are depicted who do not know the rules of the road and therefore troubles can happen to them.

What are the kids doing wrong? (slide number 10)

The sad Dunno comes in.

Dunno: Hello guys!

Guys, who came to us? And why are you so sad, unhappy.

Dunno: Today everyone scolds me, shouts. And I don't understand why?

Dunno, tell us guys what happened to you? Maybe we can help you with something?

Dunno: I left the house today and decided to play football, but there was no one in the yard. And I went outside. He threw the ball, and he rolled onto the road. Passers-by began to scold me, but I didn’t do anything like that? ..

Together with the children, Dunno analyzes the traffic situation.

Dunno: Then I wanted to cross the street, but the brakes of the cars screeched and the drivers started yelling at me. Why they screamed - I do not know ... .. (slide number 11)

Dunno: And when I got on the bus, I was generally punished and put next to the conductor. For what, I don't know. I didn't do anything but stand on the seat and stick my head out the window to look at the cars.

Dunno: Guys, I have another problem. Znayka gave me 2 tasks to complete, but I can’t do it. Help me please.

Task 1 - "Collect the colors." Arrange colored magnets so that in each row and in each column the colors do not match. Dunno divides the children - 3 children on one side of the easel, 3 on the other side.

Task 2 - "Find geometric shapes". Using the scheme to find the correct geometric shapes.

Dunno: Thank you guys. I now understand how to play these games.

- Dunno, soon you will go to grade 1 and if you don’t learn traffic rules, you will always get into ridiculous stories.

Dunno: I got it. I promise to learn the rules of the road

Guys, let's remind Dunno and his friends the rules of the road:

1. “You know the rules of the movement -

You can safely, friend, walk!

If you don't know, stay at home

Don't risk yourself!" ( slide number 12)

2. “To cross the street,

Remember the simple rule:

First to the left, my friend, look

Look to the right later."

(Slide number 13-14)

3. “Three eyes - three orders. Got up on the edge of the street. ... Three eyes - three fires. Very important for me"( slide number 15)

4. The most severe is red

The way is closed for everyone! ( slide number 16)

5. So that you can move smoothly.

Heed our advice:

Wait! You will see yellow soon

Light in the middle! (slide number 17)

6. And behind it is a green light

Flashes ahead.

He will say - there are no obstacles

Feel free to go on your way... (Slide number 18)

7. If there is no traffic light, a police officer regulates the traffic ( slide number 19)

8. “It is necessary to explain easily,

Whether you are young or old:

The road, my friend, is for transport,

For you - the sidewalk. ( slide number 20)

9. "Striped horse,

Her name is Zebra.

But not the one in the zoo, -

People all go along it. ( slide #21)

10. “The smallest road sign,

It's not just worth it.

Be careful children

Respect every sign.

Let's all say it together motto!

To live without knowing grief,

To run, swim and fly

You gotta traffic rules

Observe always and everywhere.

- Guys, to get to the next station, we need to cross the road correctly. What will help us cross the road correctly ...... ( slide #21)

"Garage Zone"

Guys, everyone went to their garage. You were passengers, pedestrians, now you are drivers. Put the car in the middle of the road (the car went up, left, down one cell, down, right one cell, right - garage)

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution No. 101 Lipetsk

Abstract of leisure according to the rules of the road using non-standard equipment
based on the plots of the game "FORT BOYARD" in preparatory group

Lipetsk 2016

Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the rules of the road; evoke a positive emotional response in children.

Materials and equipment: 8 keys - tips of various shapes; a poster with drawn silhouettes of keys; rope; paper balls with questions inside. Split signs: pedestrian crossing, underpass, bus stop, bike path, medical aid point. different keys; suitcase with a lock; easel with a poster "City Street"; glue; pictures depicting transport, people, traffic lights, signs.

Players are greeted by Elder Fura:

I am glad to welcome you to Fort Boyard. Assignments will be difficult, but interesting. And all of them will be devoted to the rules of the road.

For each correct answer you get a key with a hint. At the end of the game, a surprise awaits you, it is in the chest, which you will open if you collect all the hint keys.

The first key - you will receive a hint from me by guessing my riddles.

One child goes to 2 tasks. The rest solve riddles.

Riddles of the elder Fur according to traffic rules:

All familiar stripes

Children know, adults know

Leads to the other side

Crosswalk. ("Crosswalk".)

Hey driver, be careful!

It's impossible to go fast

People know everything in the world:

Children go to this place. ("Children".)

By car here, friends,

Nobody can go

You can go, know, children,

Only by bike. ("Bicycle lane".)

And here, the guys are not laughing,

Nothing can be driven here.

Can only be done on your own

Only for pedestrians. ("Footpath".)

I didn't wash my hands on the road

Ate fruits, vegetables,

Got sick and see the item

medical assistance. ("Point of medical aid".)

What should I do?

What do i do?

I need to call urgently.

Both you and he should know -

There is a telephone in this place. ("Telephone".)

Get a hint key with the letter "B".

And now you are going for the rest of the keys - clues, and when you collect all the clues, I am waiting for you at my place.

Key Labyrinth.

A rope is tangled around the sports ladder, a key is hung on it. The task of the players is to hold the key through the "maze" and remove it.

Get a second key with the letter "E".

Everyone goes to 3 tasks.

3. "Clever and clever."

The balloon contains a note with a question. Each player must pop the balloon and answer the question on the note. Command hints are allowed.

What is the name of the people walking down the street? (pedestrians)

What part of the street should pedestrians walk on? (sidewalk, footpath, curb).

On which side of the sidewalk should pedestrians walk? (on the right).

Where should you cross the road? (at an intersection, a pedestrian crossing).

With whom to children preschool age can i cross the road? (with adults)

Where can children play? (in the yard on the playground).

Why not play on the road? (it is dangerous)

What do they say "chief commander on the road"? (traffic light).

What is a person who regulates traffic called? (adjuster)

What other assistants do drivers and pedestrians have? (road signs).

Where do passengers wait for the bus? (at the bus stop)

On which side do you need to bypass cars and buses? (behind).

Get a key with the letter "O".

4. "Banks".

One player from the team is looking for a kinder in jars with different fillers

(sand, grain, water, paste, etc.).

Get a key with the letter "O".

5. "Cut Signs"

In the envelope cut road signs. (5 signs: pedestrian crossing, underpass, bus stop; bike path; medical aid station.)

Collect signs and correctly name.

Get a key with the letter "T".

6. "Keys".

Keys are hung on the playground (on the uneven bars, on the stairs, on the gates, on the basketball hoops, on the benches.) The children must collect them and pick them up to the lock that opens the suitcase.

Get a key with the letter "R".

7. The game "You can - you can not."

The children stand up. And now let's play the game "It is possible - it is impossible" (we will determine the places for cycling). Children react: if possible, they turn the steering wheels, and if not, then they squat, clasping their knees with their hands.

At the bus stop ... (not allowed)

In the yard ... (possible)

At the stadium ... (possible)

On the roadway ... (not allowed)

In kindergarten ... (possible)

On the highway ... (not possible)

On the motorway ... (not possible)

In the clearing ... (possible)

On the lawn ... (possible)

Up the stairs ... (not possible)

On the sidewalk ... (possible)

And now we need to name the types of "transport" on which the fairy-tale heroes traveled.

1. What did Emelya ride to the king's palace? (Stove).

2. What is Leopold's cat's favorite mode of transport? (Bike).

3. What gift did the parents of Uncle Fyodor give to the postman Pechkin? (Bike).

4. What did the good fairy turn the pumpkin into for Cinderella? (carriage).

5. What did Aladdin fly? (Magic carpet).

6. What did Kai ride from the fairy tale? The Snow Queen"? (Sled).

7. Personal transport of Baba Yaga? (Mortar).

Get a key with the letter "C".

8. Relay "Street of our city".

Children are divided into two teams and stand at the start. Everyone takes one picture (road signs, transport, figures of people and, in accordance with the rules of the road, they stick it on the diagram).
Children one by one run to the finish line and stick pictures on the scheme "City Street" who is faster and more correct.
Get the last key with the letter "F".
Having collected all the keys, the children return to Elder Fura. In front of the old man on the table lies a poster with the silhouettes of keys. Children lay out the collected keys into silhouettes, a hidden word (traffic light) is obtained.
Elder Fura: Well, here we meet again. You turned out to be very smart, attentive and dexterous perfectly knowing the rules road traffic. What word did you guys get? (TRAFFIC LIGHT) Well done!!! For this, I give you the key to the chest.
The children use the key to open the chest. Inside, they find "gold bars" (gold-wrapped sweets).

MEMO FOR PARENTS on traffic rules

Dear parents!

Many of you teach children to be independent. When teaching a child to be independent, many of you practice sending him to the store for necessary products or take a walk in your yard. But life experience the child is still small and therefore you need to systematically tell him about the vital -Rules of the road!

When teaching a child, an adult himself must clearly understand what needs to be taught, how to do it more effectively. And, most importantly, how well you teach your child, how you show him examples of correct behavior on the road, will save him all his life.

The assimilation of knowledge about the rules of the road should go in close connection with the development of skills that turn into the habit of correct behavior.

The main factor in teaching a child the rules of the road is the personal example of an adult. Remember that your baby learns from you when he wants to and when he does not think about it, so try to influence all his analyzers.

Give him the opportunity to see: show signs, cars, people observing traffic rules, give him the opportunity to speak (except for the situation when he is on the roadway), let him analyze traffic situations, remember the name of the signs.

Encourage your child to think. Feel, experience, ask questions:

"What would you do?"

"What can happen?"...

The health of your family, understanding and sensitivity to each other!

Advice for parents:

Your child is outside.

Joint work will help to consolidate the rules of the road in children kindergarten and families. Uniform requirements provide children with the education of strong skills of behavior on the street. In teaching children the rules of the road, the example of adults is important. Any minor violation committed by adults is a bad example for the child. Parents should pay great attention to children's compliance with the rules of behavior on the street. When crossing the road with a child, adults must hold his hand. It is necessary to explain to children that it is impossible to walk alone on the carriageway of the street, to teach them correctly, to respond to traffic lights, to walk calmly, without rushing. Parents can clarify with their children the name of the streets they are walking on, the purpose of meeting road signs, remember the rules for driving on the sidewalk and crossing the road.

To consolidate the program material, children are given homework assignments, which they perform under the guidance of adults. Parents should know that it is necessary to educate children in independence when moving on the street.

Watching their parents, children learn from a personal example how to cross the street correctly.

Road traffic injury prevention.

Parents should know:

A child learns the laws of the road, first of all, by the example of adults.

Assaults Vehicle occur at the moment the child crosses the roadway with his parents.

A large number of accidents occur due to the fault of the parents. When children, escaping from their hands, find themselves in front of nearby vehicles.

When crossing the road with a child, you should hold him firmly. Teaching children traffic rules should not be limited to calls to comply with them, but should also be visual.

Games are a good way to learn the rules of the road.

To prevent accidents, strict supervision by adults over children is important.

Parents should introduce their child to the rules of safe behavior with a bicycle on the street and strictly require their implementation.

Parents about road safety.

Dear parents!

Who among you does not want to see your child healthy and unharmed? And everyone thinks that his sensible kid will not be under the wheels of a car for sure. But avoiding this is sometimes not easy for a child. Injuries resulting from a collision with a non-child vehicle are especially severe.

A traffic accident is a tragedy, and in this case the “personal” experience of the child is unacceptable and must be replaced by the experience accumulated by society. Therefore, it is so important to teach children how to behave on the street, taking into account their psychological and physiological characteristics. The growth of the child is a serious obstacle to the overview of the environment: because of the standing vehicles, he cannot see what is happening on the road, and he himself is not visible to his parents. The child may not hear the sound of an approaching car or other signal due to his lack of constant attention.

We all learn the rules of the road in the "deciphered", i.e. perfect form. But in life we ​​often see something completely different. Pedestrians can run across the road at a red traffic light, and drivers sometimes do not disdain this: they can pass at the “red” one, they may not let a pedestrian pass at a pedestrian crossing.

Targets and goals:

1. To identify the level of readiness of preschoolers to solve traffic situations.

2. To consolidate the rules of the road, to teach how to apply the knowledge gained earlier in practical activities.

3. Activate the processes of thinking, attention and speech of children; cultivate ingenuity and resourcefulness.

4. Raise the need for children to be disciplined and attentive on the streets, careful and prudent.

Lesson progress:

There is a knock on the door, the postman enters and delivers a letter from the guys from junior group.

Educator: The guys from the younger group ask us to help solve the riddles. Let's help them? (Yes.)

Three colored circles

They flash one after another.

Glowing, blinking -

They help people.

(traffic light)

This horse does not eat oats

Instead of legs - two wheels.

Sit on horseback and ride it

Just better drive.


I am at any time of the year

And in any bad weather

Very fast at any hour

I'll take you underground.

Amazing wagon!

Judge for yourself:

Rails in the air, and he

Holds them with his hands.


Does not fly, but buzzes

The beetle runs down the street.

And they burn in the eyes of a beetle,

Two brilliant lights.

Educator: Well done boys. What were the riddles about?

Children: About transport and traffic lights.

Educator: That's right guys. On the road, a traffic light helps to follow the rules of the road, and what else helps our safe movement on the roads?

Children: Road signs.

Educator: Road signs - best friends pedestrians and drivers. They talk about what you can and cannot do on the road.

On the way guys - the road,

Transport travels fast, a lot.

No traffic light nearby

The road sign will give advice.

So let's get out

Gather signs quickly!

Each child receives a road sign cut into pieces. Children begin to collect their sign. When all the signs are collected, the children name their signs and explain what they are for.

Educator: And we continue. And now it's time to find out how well you know the rules of the road. Guys, stand in a circle. I will throw the ball and ask a question, and you answer the question and return the ball.

1. Who is walking on the sidewalk? (a pedestrian)

2. Where are people waiting for transport? (at the bus stop)

3. Who is called the "driver?" (A person driving a vehicle.)

4. How is a pedestrian crossing marked on the road? (Special markings - "zebra".)

5. What is the name of the intersection of two roads? (crossroad)

6. Why can't you suddenly appear in front of a nearby vehicle? (Because the vehicles will not be able to stop immediately.)

7. What is the difference between a transport traffic light and a pedestrian one? (The traffic light has three signals - red, yellow, green, and the pedestrian two - red and green.)

8. Who should get off the bus first - an adult or you? (Adult always gets out of any vehicle first, then the child.)

9. How should you walk around the bus correctly, in front or behind? (We have to wait until he leaves.)

10. Can children play near the road?

Physical education "Cars".

Wake up, stretch.

Tilt the head down, hands behind the head, elbows down.

Hands up and to the sides, raise your head - bend over - take a deep breath.

We start the engine.

Legs apart, arms to the sides. Turning the body to the left and right with rotational movements of the hands in front of the chest.

Checking the seat belts.

Legs apart, arms along the body. Tilts left-right, armsslide along the body.

We check the brakes.

Hands behind the back, rotational movements of the foot of the left-right leg alternately.

Walking in place, running.

The game"It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!"

Educator: I will read out the questions and if you agree with the statement, then unanimously say the phrase “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!”, If you do not agree, be silent. And now I will check you:

Which of you goes forward only where there is a pedestrian?

Who walks into the garden every day like a merry gang?

Who always goes forward with his mouth wide open?

Who lets cars through, does everyone follow the traffic rules?

Who walks indiscriminately at traffic lights?

Who always gives way to the elders in a cramped tram?

Who will cross the road only where the crossing is?

Who kicks the merry ball on the road in front of the house?

To get some air in the trolley bus,

Who stuck his head and torso out the window?

Does anyone know that a red light means there is no move?

Who runs ahead so fast that they don't see a traffic light?

Does anyone know that the green light means the way is open?

Who is merrily chasing a ball near the roadway?

Who helps the traffic police, monitors the order?

caregiver: Well done, guys, coped with the game. Children, pedestrians have assistants when crossing the street. Name them.

Children: traffic light and traffic controller.

Educator: Now I suggest you become traffic inspectors. Each child is given a card depicting a traffic situation (an image of some kind of violation), the child must comment on the image.

Possible situations:

1. The boy runs out onto the roadway, chasing the ball.

2. The boy runs across the road in the wrong place, because his attention was attracted by friends on the other side of the road.

3. Girls in the back seat of a car are traveling without wearing seat belts. In addition, they interfere with the driver.

4. The car has not yet parked and stopped, and the boy is already in a hurry to get out, and onto the roadway.

5. The boy crosses the road at a pedestrian crossing, but in front of a nearby vehicle.

6. The girl crosses the road, bypassing the bus in front.

7. Children run out onto the roadway because of the bushes.

8. A boy and a girl are rollerblading on the roadway.

9. A boy makes a land crossing on a bicycle.

10. The girl is walking along the sidewalk past the arch from which the car leaves. The driver does not see the girl and may hit a young pedestrian.

Educator: Guys, I have prepared an unfinished drawing for you - a diagram depicting the intersection of two roads. There are no road signs and no traffic lights in the picture. Help pedestrians and drivers by pasting the necessary signs.

The children are doing the task.

Educator: What good fellows you guys are! You know the rules of the road well. Try to be extremely careful on the road so as not to cause trouble either to yourself or to people close to you.

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Class hour "Always remember the rules of the road, so that trouble does not happen to you!"


    to acquaint with the history of the emergence of traffic rules;

    repeat traffic rules for pedestrians, road signs;

    develop the ability to independently use the acquired knowledge in everyday life.

Preparatory work: reading books on the rules of the road, learning poems on this topic, preparing messages on the history of the emergence of traffic rules, preparing scenes for staging, decorating a class, making traffic lights, making a presentation.

Decor: interactive whiteboard, posters, children's drawings on the rules of the road, traffic light model, road signs, road model.

Progress class hour.

1. Introductory speech of the teacher.

Dramatization of an excerpt from the book "The ABC of Pedestrians".

Teacher. “All people, both big and small, as soon as they leave the house on the street. Immediately become pedestrians. Is it easy to be a pedestrian?

Student. What is easier! He stepped with his left foot, stepped with his right, left-right, left-right. Only and everything.

Teacher. Walking is really not difficult. Through the room, through the park, along the forest path. But the street is not a park, and the highway is not a path.

A real pedestrian is one who calmly walks through a noisy city and along a quiet road, who does not shy away from cars, motorcycles and buses. A real pedestrian himself never interferes with cars and will never get under a car himself. And how to learn all this?

Cars drive according to strict rules. Every driver knows these rules by heart. Drivers study at driving schools, go to lessons, take exams: do they remember everything?

There are also rules for pedestrians. If you don’t know, you will never become a good pedestrian.” I invite you to a lesson at the Pedestrian School, where we will get acquainted with the history of the road and repeat the rules of pedestrians. ( Attachment 1 , slide number 1)

2. The course of the class hour. Lesson in the school of pedestrians.

1) History of appearance and development roads.

Teacher. Guess what it is?

The beginning is a note, then a deer decoration.
And together - a place of lively movement. (road)

Teacher. A road is an artificial structure specially adapted for the movement of vehicles and pedestrians. But how did she come about?

Student messages.

    It was a very long time ago. People lived then in impenetrable forests. They raised cattle, hunted, collected honey, fished. It was hard to get through dense forests but it was necessary. And people began to cut passages in the forests. They began to be called "Putins".

    Putins connected with each other settlements, they became known as roads. There are many roads in our country. Driving through all of them is like making a trip to the moon and back twice.

Teacher. What do you think is the main quality of the road? (opinions children)

Teacher. It's width and coverage. We really like it when the road is wide and smooth. But what was she like before?

Children's messages.(Slide #2)

    Once upon a time, when there were no cars at all and the only means of transportation were horse carts, so that passers-by and carriages would not get stuck in the mud, the roads began to be covered with a hard surface. In Russia, the first roads were made of round logs laid in rows. Can you imagine how it was shaking on this road?

    The main Moscow streets, it was decided pave stone in 1692. By royal decree, no one was allowed into the city until they handed over to the guards three stones, no less than a goose egg.

    The first road in Russia appeared in 1722 (almost three hundred years ago). By order of Tsar Peter I, it was laid between Moscow and St. Petersburg. The road was covered with gravel.

Teacher. Now the roads are covered with asphalt. But why are roads sometimes called "pavement" in our time? (children's answers)(Slide #3)

Teacher. Roads run from city to city, from village to village. They run across the plains, cross rivers, make their way through dense forests, wind along the slopes of mountains, as if covering the earth with cobwebs. The road to the city will approach, houses with wide streets will part before it.

(Slide number 4) Consider the streets of the city, parts of the road.

Teacher. All roads consist of two parts: the carriageway and the sidewalk.

Children's messages.(Slide number 5)

    Previously, there were no sidewalks on the streets. Every year there were more and more crews, and the number of accidents grew. In 1782, a new theater building was built in Paris. Moved through the streets a large number of carriages and pedestrians. Carriages pushed, crushed people. And instead of the theater, people ended up in the hospital.

    Then the city authorities divided the road between carriages and pedestrians. People began to walk along the sidewalk, and in order to prevent carriages or sleighs from driving on the sidewalk, it was raised above the roadway.

Teacher.(Slide number 6) Pavement - translated from French means "road for pedestrians." Now sidewalks are in all cities and villages. This part of the street belongs entirely to the people. On busy streets, sidewalks are separated from the carriageway by brightly colored fences. Sidewalks are arranged higher than the roadway, so that in the rain water drains from them faster, so that cars do not accidentally drive onto the sidewalk and do not touch passers-by, in order to protect pedestrians and protect them from traffic. In our time it is difficult to imagine that you can do without the sidewalk.

Generalization. (Slide number 7)

2) Staging situations. (groups of children show sketches, and students correct the situation).

Teacher. Imagine that our class is a street. Here is the sidewalk, here is the roadway, and the guys are walking along the sidewalk.

Scene number 1. The kids are coming cheerful company talking loudly and waving their hands.
Scene number 2. The boys are playing ball on the sidewalk.
Scene number 3. One girl, walking along the sidewalk, jumps over the rope, and the other balances on the edge of the sidewalk.

Teacher. (makes a conclusion) What are the rules to remember when you walk on the sidewalk? (children's answers)

3) History traffic light.

Teacher. As you can see from the history of the road, back in ancient times it became necessary to divide the road into two parts. But how is it now possible to cross from one side of the street to the other? How to cross the bridge? We need a commander who will stop cars and let pedestrians through. And then

Got up from the edge of the street in a long boot
Three-eyed scarecrow on one leg.
Where the cars move
Where the paths converge.
Help people cross the street.

What is this "three-eyed scarecrow"? (children's answers)

Teacher. Previously, it was called "semaphore", translated from Greek - it means the bearer of light.

Children's messages.(Slide number 8)

    Traffic lights originate from semaphores, which were used on railways and had two colors - red and green. Such a semaphore was installed on the streets of London more than a hundred years ago. But in order to avoid collisions, some time interval between green and red signals was needed. And then people came up with the color yellow.

    In our country, the first traffic light appeared on the streets of Moscow in 1929. It was a circle divided into three sectors: red, yellow and green. In a circle, as on a clock face, the arrow moved. Such a traffic light was controlled by a traffic controller specially introduced to it. But for several years now, such a traffic light has been replaced with an electric one, which still operates today.

Teacher.(Slide number 9) What traffic lights do you know? ( children's answers: car, pedestrian, co sound signals)

Teacher. And who knows why these colors were chosen?

Red is the color of danger. It is clearly visible both during the day and at night, both in fog and in rain.

Green color- sharply different from red. They cannot be confused.

Yellow- intermediate, he calls to be attentive.

The student, using a traffic light model, reads excerpts from poems.

He is both polite and strict.
He is known throughout the world.
He is on the wide street
The most important commander.

He has colored eyes
Not eyes, but three lights!
He took turns by them
Looks down at me.

If the red light is on -
So your path is closed!
If the yellow light is on -
"Get ready!" - He speaks.
And the green light is on
The path ahead is open to you!

Jump across the road
You are always on the streets
And advise and help
Talking colors.

The work of traffic lights (Slide number 10)

Game "Traffic Light": red - stop, yellow - clap your hands, green - go.

4). Road signs.

Teacher.(Slide number 11) But not only the traffic light helps us to cross the road.

I really need it on the way
Where is the road to cross?
He will tell you "what" and "how"
Call him….. road sign.

Go across the street there is a pedestrian
where the sign indicated to you .... Transition

This kind of sign
he is guarding the pedestrian.
Let's go together
we make our way to this place. (crosswalk)

If you put your foot
On the road
Pay attention friend
Road sign - red circle,
Man walking in black
Crossed out with a red line.
And the road seems to be, but it is forbidden to walk here!
(sign "Pedestrian traffic is prohibited")

Teacher. Where is this sign placed?

What is a zebra in the middle of the road
Every time lies under our feet?
So that you suddenly don’t get into the hospital,
you just need to go through it.
If you guess, then you are ready to go
This is a pedestrian ... .. (crossing)

To cross the bridge.
Look to the left, no car?
Then go to the middle.
Then look to the left
No car - move on!

Role play: How do we cross the street?(children show the work of traffic lights, and drivers and pedestrians follow the established rules)

5) Analysis of situations from pictures.

Teacher. Did the guys do the right thing? (analysis of situations from pictures - slides No. 12, 13, 14)

6) Test survey according to the rules of pedestrians.

Teacher. After all, you and I are conducting a lesson not in a simple school, but in a school of pedestrians. Let's do an exam. Prepared their "traffic lights". If you agree with me, then show the green light, if not, the red one.

    Walk along the sidewalk, keeping to the right.

    On the yellow signal of the traffic light, you can cross the carriageway of the street, as the transport is stopped.

    If the traffic light is red. And the car is far away, then you can quickly cross the road.

    You can talk while crossing the road.

    If I see a slow moving vehicle, I will boldly run across the road.

    Even if the transport is moving slowly, I will still wait until it passes.

    I'll only cross the road if it's on fire ….(show signal color)

3. Summary of the lesson. (Slide number 15)

Teacher. Let's summarize the lesson at the Pedestrian School.

Why did the rules of the road appear?

What does it take to become a real pedestrian?

Why do you need to be a real pedestrian?

What is the most important thing you learned today in the school of pedestrians?

Out on the street
Prepare in advance
Politeness and restraint
And most importantly - attention.
Walking carefully
Follow the street
And only where possible
Pass her!
You can't walk around yawning!
Can't count crows!

On the road - everything is silent!
The mouth was locked!
On the road, it's clear
Talking is dangerous!

I hope that you will always remember the rules of pedestrians and will always follow them.

Goodbye. I look forward to seeing you at the next lesson at the Pedestrian School.

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