Healing icons of the Blessed Virgin. Famous miraculous icons depicting the Blessed Virgin Mary

The people have long distinguished between the "duties" of certain saints. The same with the images of the Faces of the Virgin. Each icon of the Mother of God meets the aspirations of those who pray.

Faces of the Virgin

I will tell you about those miraculous icons that I personally had to meet and whose power I experienced first hand.

As a child, my grandfather told me that the Lord has many helpers - holy and righteous elders, prophets and incorporeal forces. But the first help people receive from the Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ the Virgin Mary. We talked for a long time with him about how this world works. Grandfather Nikolai said that everything that surrounds us was created by the Lord, and we must thank Him for this.

Grandpa himself knew how to do wonderful things. He restored musical instruments and paintings. It was amusing to see how a broken violin was brought to him, and he revived it, breathed life into it, and after a while she again sang wonderful melodies, now laughing, now crying, and her soul became warm and peaceful. And everyone always thanked him!

Once they brought a wonderful picture on the blackboard. A beautiful woman with a child - as if someone swaddled them together in beautiful red clothes. I really wanted to take a closer look at her, and, placing a stool, I climbed onto the bookcase after her. I had to land on the floor along with books, one of which hit my knee painfully.

The grandfather who entered grinned into his beard and said: “You need to ask the Mother of God to add your mind.”

So I first got acquainted with the revered, today rare image "Increasing the Mind" or "Giver of the Mind".

This is an amazing image with an amazing story and mysterious iconography, which attracts everyone who has ever seen it. Appeared in Russia in the 16th century, this icon has its own ancient prototype. Helper, the Apostle Luke was not only an evangelist, but also painted icons. According to legend, he also created the sculpture of the Loreto Icon of the Mother of God, which later became the prototype of the “Increase of Mind” icon. Despite the fact that later it was established that the author of the statue was not the Apostle Luke, nevertheless, the creation of the image by him is undeniable until now: “Bless the gospel mysteries of the evangelist Apostle Luke, write the most pure face of Your image.”

In Russia, the first lists of the Loreto Icon of the Mother of God appeared after the return of the ambassadors of Prince Basil from Pope Clement VII, who sought to extend his influence to the Russian principalities. And already here he wrote a new image, which the people began to call "Addition of the mind."

They say that some unknown artist became interested in the corrected books of Patriarch Nikon, as a result of which he went crazy. When the illness receded, he prayed to the Most Holy Theotokos for forgiveness and asked for healing to be sent to him. They also say that the Most Holy Theotokos appeared to the artist several times, and he created Her image, after which the disease receded, reason and health returned.

The icon was painted in an unusual manner at that time. The Most Holy Theotokos and Jesus Christ are depicted wrapped in purple liturgical vestments. There are crowns on their heads, in the upper corners of the icon there are lamps, under the arch there is a starry sky. It is by the vestment that hides the figures of the Most Holy Theotokos and the Infant Christ that the icon resembles its prototype - the statue of Our Lady of Loreta. The architectural details in the form of an arch in the upper part of the image and lamps are the image of a richly decorated niche in which the sculptural image of Our Lady of Loreta is placed. Cherubim with outstretched wings are depicted under the feet of the Mother of God and above Her head.

Whether this was so or only a folk fiction is not known for certain, but the fact that many received help and admonition from this icon is more than enough evidence.

They ask the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "Addition of the Mind" for the admonition of the unreasonable, for successful studies, exams, calming the mad, healing ailments associated with the brain.

Personally, I believe that it was thanks to the prayer at this icon that I entered art school and connected myself with art for the rest of my life.

This icon is rare. In Kyiv, I know only one temple, where there is a list of the image of the Most Holy Theotokos "Addition of the Mind" - in the Church of the Nativity in Obolon.

Icon of the Mother of God "Joy or Consolation"

From the Vatopedi miraculous icon of the Mother of God "Joy or Consolation" many people received healing. Miracles are happening even now - through prayers at the exact lists of this image.

The history of the icon is as follows: the image of the Mother of God was originally painted in the form of a fresco. There was a custom when the monks, leaving the cathedral after prayer, kissed the icon, after which the abbot handed the keys to the monastery to the gatekeeper, so that he would open the gates of the monastery.

One day, the abbot heard from the icon a warning not to open the gate, but to stay in the monastery and defend himself from pirates. The elder looked at the icon and saw how the baby Jesus stretched out his hand to block the mouth of the Most Holy Theotokos, but She, taking the hand of Christ, repeated the same words. The monks did not dare to disobey the order of the Virgin, as a result, the monastery was saved from the invasion of pirates.

Since then, the monks of Vatopedi have maintained an unquenchable lamp in front of this miraculous icon. We see such a plot in the iconography of the image of the Most Holy Theotokos “Joy or Consolation”. The face of the Mother of God is filled with compassionate love and maternal tenderness, and the face of the little Christ, on the contrary, is severe and formidable.

Many testify that they cannot see enough of this marvelous, truly miraculous image, created by God, which gives peace and tranquility.

Before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Joy or Consolation”, they pray and ask for help in disasters, when enemies attack, for deliverance from illnesses and misfortunes, as well as for peace in conflict situations and in all life affairs.

The Most Holy Theotokos is asked to intercede before our Lord Jesus Christ and forgive human sins, save from troubles. They turn to Her when they have been innocently slandered, drawn into a scandalous situation, asked to strengthen their spirit and will, to help them cope with difficulties, survive and overcome the crisis.

Icon of the Mother of God "Joy or Consolation" - a list stored in the convent of the same name

An exact copy of the Vatopedi miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Joy or Consolation”, painted on Athos, was donated to the convent of the same name in the Kiev region.

Icon of the Mother of God "Three Hands"

In the Ioninsky Monastery in Kyiv there is a miraculous icon of the Mother of God "Three Hands". This image was painted in the middle of the 19th century by order of the Monk Jonah and was in his cell. The icon was with Elder Jonah both in the Nikolsky Monastery, and then in the Vydubetsky Monastery, and when the Ioninsky Monastery was built, it took its place on the right column of the temple.

Icon of the Mother of God "Three Hands" - a favorite image of the Monk Jonah of Kyiv

The image became famous for many cases of healing and miracles, he was especially revered by the elder Jonah.

Here is one of the most impressive cases. In 1918, when Kyiv several times passed from hand to hand between different political revolutionary forces, at a time when the government of Hetman Skoropadsky was in power, a terrible explosion occurred in the armory at the Menagerie, located in the immediate vicinity of the monastery. The ammunition depots of the entire South-Western Front of the times exploded.

It is now impossible to establish whether it was sabotage or simply carelessness in the storage of deadly materials. But during the explosion, many people were injured, a huge number of houses and buildings were destroyed. And the icon "Three Hands" warned the people of Kiev about the coming tragic event. On the eve of the explosion, during the evening service, both the brethren of the monastery and numerous parishioners saw the icon weeping. And only the next day, after the explosion, people understood what the Most Holy Theotokos was grieving about.

And today the brethren of the monastery and the parishioners hope that the Mother of God, Who loves everyone, Who prays for those who need Her help, will have mercy on both Kyiv, the mother of Russian cities, and Ukraine, and will protect people faithful to the Lord from sorrows, and those hardest trials that fell to his lot will safely stop.

The miraculous icon of the Mother of God "Three Hands" was painted in the characteristic style of Ukrainian icon painting of the mid-19th century. If we examine it carefully, we will see that the so-called stamps with images of the heavenly patrons of the Monk Jonah and his parents are written on the margins. They are written very carefully, professionally and with love. This indicates that the icon was painted in one of the monastic icon-painting workshops in Kyiv. You can see the icon and venerate it in the same place where St. Jonah placed it a hundred years ago.

At the "Three Hands" in the Kiev Trinity Ioninsky Monastery

In general, the “Three-Handed” is one of the most famous and widely revered in the Orthodox world of Our Lady of the Hodegetria type. This is the shrine of the Serbian monastery Hilandar on Mount Athos. It differs from other similar icons in the left-sided image of the Infant Christ (sitting on the right hand of the Mother of God).

Several legends are connected with this image, telling about where the third hand appeared on the image of the Mother of God, and how the icon ended up on the Holy Mountain.

According to one of the legends, thanks to the prayer at this image, the protector and hymnographer John of Damascus healed his hand, cut off on the slander of enemies. In gratitude, he brought a silver statue of a healed hand as a gift to the miraculous icon, which was hung on the icon, for which it received the name "Three-Handed".

According to another legend, the icon painter twice erased the image of the third hand from it, and it appeared again and again on the board. And only then the Most Holy Theotokos appeared in a dream and ordered to leave the image unchanged, “for the sake of miracles, and not by nature.”

Despite the contradictions in the appearance of the image of the Mother of God "Three-Handed", the meaning of the unusual iconography is revealed when referring to the text of the troparion in honor of the icon. It says that the Mother of God holds the Divine Infant with both hands, and another hand symbolizes the cover and protection that She grants to those who pray: misfortunes and misfortunes faithfully to you who resort to you deliver.

The icon of the Mother of God "Three Hands" will protect from enemies that threaten the well-being in the house and everyone living in it. Before her, they pray for the healing and health of loved ones, for the cure of diseases of the hands, feet, eyes.

Through prayer before the "Three-Handed" melancholy and sorrowful thoughts recede. Also, this image of the Virgin is especially revered by those who are engaged in crafts.

Icon "Do not cry for me, Mati"

Soon we will all worship another wondrous icon. The Mother of God is depicted weeping over the Savior being laid in the tomb. Sometimes the image is called in Greek - "Pieta", but it is better known as "Do not cry for Me, Mati."

The icon belongs to the passionate and participates in worship only once a year. On, most often on Friday, it is laid out on a lectern.

The name is taken from the irmos of the ninth song of the canon on Holy Saturday: “Do not weep for Me, Mati, seeing in the tomb, but in the womb without a seed you conceived the Son, I will rise and be glorified, and I will exalt with glory unceasingly, like God, by faith and love of Thee magnifying." So Christ Himself comforts the Mother, telling Her about the coming Resurrection, through sorrow the news of.

The icon "Do not cry for Me, Mati" in the St. Nicholas Church

I recently came across a marvelous list of this particular iconographic plot in the St. Nicholas Church in the city of Vasilkov in the Kiev region. It was written back in the 1870s with the blessing of hegumen Nikon, who served in this church, and was donated by parishioners to the temple.

Before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Do not cry for Me, Mother,” they pray for the suffering, as well as for close relatives and children.

There are icons in the Orthodox world, the number of which is very small. And among them is the icon of the Mother of God "August".

Written in memory of the appearance of the Mother of God in 1914 to Russian soldiers before the Warsaw-Ivangorod operation (September 15 - October 26, 1914), the battle near the city of Augustow, Suwalki province of the Russian Empire (now the territory of Eastern Poland).

According to the stories of the soldiers, on the night of September 7-8, they saw the Mother of God with the baby Jesus Christ in the sky. The Mother of God pointed to the west with her hand. And the subsequent big battle near Augustovo was marked by a complete victory. Moreover, in this battle, not one of the witnesses of the phenomenon died. This message was published in the church and secular press and inspired the troops.

Since 1915, the first iconic images of this event have appeared. The Holy Synod considered the issue of the appearance of the Theotokos for about a year and a half and on March 31, 1916 decided: “The Holy Synod, having given praise and thanksgiving to the Lord God, who miraculously provides through the prayers of His Most Pure Mother, for all who turn to Him with zealous and sincere prayer, recognizes it necessary to capture the mentioned event of the appearance of the Mother of God in the memory of subsequent generations of the Russian people and therefore determines: to bless the celebration in the temples of God and the homes of believers of icons depicting the aforementioned appearance of the Mother of God to Russian soldiers ... "

Almost every icon is unique and, without exaggeration, one can say that it has great historical value, since, as a rule, it is associated with certain historical events. So this image of the Mother of God is akin to a popular popular print and an amateur primitive, which, by the way, never died in icon painting practice, and only at the beginning of the 20th century was recognized as a unique form of art. The result is a rare optimistic combination of high iconographic form and simple folk art.

I met this unique icon not far from Kyiv, in a pure white, praying rural church. Everything is simple, at home, without fuss and pretentiousness. The local rector, Father Gury, always welcomes everyone with joy - regardless of social origin and material well-being, and warm memories of these meetings still live in my memory for a long time.

At the "August" icon

So this time, the gray-haired veterans received a charge of vivacity and hope and returned to the capital with jokes and smiles on their faces, which contrasted strongly among the gray mass of the capital's people. More than once or twice, the Mother of God settled strife, showed miraculous power. So the veterans, scorched by the war, go to her to ask for help and intercession from the Lord for their relatives and friends, for the people, for the cessation of civil confrontation and the miraculous salvation of our sons.

The Mother of God is asked for admonition by those who are having problems in family relationships, who cannot find a way out of seemingly impasses in life.

Icon of the Mother of God "Quick to Hear"

The history of this icon is connected with one of the Athos monasteries, namely Dohiar, where the grace-giving power of this miraculous image was revealed. It is believed that the fresco, which served as a prototype for the icon, was painted as early as the 10th century under the founder of the Dochiar monastery, the Monk Neophyte. It was located in a niche of the outer wall, in front of the entrance to the monastery refectory.

In 1664, the refectory Nile, passing at night into the refectory with a burning torch, heard a voice from the icon: “From now on, do not approach here with a lit torch and do not smoke My image.” The monk was frightened at first, but then, deciding that this was a joke of one of the brethren, he soon forgot about this incident. After some time, when Nil passed by the icon in the evening, the same voice was heard: “Monk, unworthy of this name! How long have you so carelessly and so shamelessly smoked My image?!” After these words, the monk Nil was struck by blindness and relaxation of the body. The repentant monk fell on his knees before the icon and all night, until the arrival of the brethren, he prayed to the Blessed Virgin for forgiveness. When the monks found out about the miracle that had happened, they immediately lit the inextinguishable lamp and fell down with reverence before the miraculous icon.

Nil, in the hope of the great mercy of the Mother of God, remained near the icon and decided not to leave her until he received it. After a while, kneeling in front of the icon, he again heard a familiar voice: “Nile! your prayer is heard, you are forgiven, and sight is again given to your eyes. When you receive this mercy from Me, tell the brethren that I am their cover, industry and protection of their monastery dedicated to the Archangels. Let them and all Orthodox Christians turn to Me in need, and I will not leave anyone; I will intercede with all those who come running to Me with reverence, and the prayers of all will be fulfilled by the Son and My God, for the sake of My intercession before Him, so that from now on this icon of My will be called the Quick Acolyte, because I will show mercy and fulfillment of petitions to all those who flow to it. ".

In Russia, lists from the miraculous Athos icon "Quick to Hear" have always enjoyed great love. Many of them became famous for miracles.

As a sign of unity in Christ and prayerful communion between the Dohiarsky Archangel Monastery and the resurgent Archangelo-Mikhailovskaya Monastery on the Zverinets caves in Kyiv, an exact copy of this ancient miraculous icon was painted.

At the icon of the Mother of God "Quick Hearer" in the Archangel-Mikhailovsky Zverinetsky Monastery

First of all, in front of the icon of the Mother of God "Quick Acolyte" they pray for spiritual insight when a person is at a loss and does not know what to do, as well as in all cases when especially quick and effective help is needed.

The Most Holy Theotokos, through Her icon of the Quick Listener, grants help in curing various diseases, even oncological ones. Before Her in a holy way, they offer a prayer for children and for help in childbirth - about the birth of a healthy child, before various operations and performing especially important things.

More than once or twice I had to experience the miraculous help of the Most Holy Theotokos.

Somehow they asked me to shoot the interiors of the church of the Archangel-Mikhailovsky Zverinets monastery, where the very exact copy of the Athos icon “The Quick Hearer” is located. The temple itself is small, chamber; shooting conditions are such that you need to shoot with short-focus lenses and without additional lighting. Whoever tried, no one at that time did not succeed. They turned to me. And I just had an exacerbation of the disease of the spine - an old injury made itself felt after a serious accident. Yes, it was inconvenient for Bishop Jonah to refuse, and I, overcoming the pain, went.

Yes, that's bad luck: not a single lens captured the ceiling. Then I lay down on the floor and began to take pictures, lying on my back. Outside the window - winter, frost, there is no heat in the temple, and I’m lying on the concrete floor in one sweater and I don’t feel the cold at all ...

"Skoroposlushnitsa" in the Kiev Archangel-Mikhailovsky Zverinetsky Monastery

It took an hour and a half to shoot, and the photos turned out! Satisfied with my work, I returned home and only then did I feel that the pain in my back, which had been tormenting me for several months, had disappeared. Apparently, it was not in vain that the Most Pure Mother of God called me to Herself!

Glory to our God Jesus Christ and His Most Pure Mother, who cares about the entire human race, for her vigilant care for us sinners. May Her name be hallowed now and forever and forever and ever!

In the Russian Orthodox Church, the Mother of God has always been especially revered - as the patroness of Russia. The number of Mother of God icons in dozens. Some of them are more famous, others are less - for example, a copy of the Vladimir or Kazan icon is in almost every church, and not every Christian knows about the Azov or Bar icon.

The whole variety of icons of the Virgin is divided into three types - Eleusa, Hodegetria and Oranta.


The Greek word "eleusa" is translated into Russian as "tenderness" or "merciful". On such icons, the Mother of God is represented in touching union with the Divine Child, whom she holds in her arms. The faces of the mother and the baby Jesus are touching, and the halos are connected.

Such an image symbolizes the inseparable unity of the Earthly and Heavenly, the Creator and Creation, the infinite love of God for man.


On icons of the Hodegetria type, the Mother of God is also depicted waist-deep and with a baby in her arms, but the image differs from tenderness in greater severity.

The infant, sitting on the left hand of the Mother of God, does not press against her, but is somewhat removed from her. His left hand is raised in a blessing gesture, and his right hand rests on a scroll - the Law. The right hand of the Mother of God is directed to the baby, as if showing the believers the way to Him. Hence the name of the icon - Hodegetria, translated from Greek - Guide.


The Latin word "oranta" means "prayer". On such icons, the Mother of God is depicted in full growth, with her hands raised in prayer and most often without a baby. However, the image of the Divine Infant may be present in the bosom of the Mother of God, this is called the “Great Panagia (“All-Holy”). The half-length image of the Great Panagia is called the "Sign".

In this type of icons, the Mother of God appears as a holy intercessor, forever praying to God for indulgence towards people.

This classification is only a distant look at the huge variety of icons of the Theotokos. There are many images belonging to each of these types.

On some icons, the Mother of God is depicted surrounded by other biblical heroes - “The Virgin with the Prophets”, “The Virgin and the Blessed Virgins”.

The names of certain icons refer to some cities, but it is not that the icons were painted there. For example, the Vladimir icon, according to legend, was painted by the Evangelist Luke, was transferred from Jerusalem to Constantinople in 450, in the 12th century its copy was sent to Kyiv to Prince Yuri Dolgoruky, and later the son of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky took it to the north of Russia. The Mother of God herself appeared to the prince in a dream and ordered to leave the icon in the city of Vladimir, after which the icon was named Vladimir.

The Fedorov icon is famous for the fact that it was with it that the Kostroma clergy went out to meet the embassy, ​​which brought young Mikhail Romanov the news of his election to the kingdom. So, the icon became the patroness of the Romanov dynasty, and foreign princesses, marrying Russian tsars, received not only Orthodox names, but Fedorovna.

Many of the Mother of God icons are dedicated to special prayers. It is customary to pray in front of some icons in certain life situations, their names speak about this: “Joy to all who grieve”, “Recovery of the dead”, “In childbirth”.

It is impossible to tell about all the icons of the Mother of God - there are many of them, and behind each there is an important part of the Christian spiritual experience.

The icon of the Mother of God is one of the most revered icon-painting images among the Orthodox world. It is the image of the Most Holy Theotokos that has always been, is and will be the symbol of the intercessor and guardian of the Russian people. Is it enough remember the fact how the icon of the Kazan Mother of God, according to historical information, helped the Russian people win the Great Patriotic War. The troops entered the war with a highly raised icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, namely the Kazan Mother of God. The same thing happened during the Patriotic War of 1812. Since then, it has become customary that the image of the Mother of God has become the protector and patroness of the Russian land, and her icon has become a symbol of faith and hope for the salvation of all Orthodox people.

But, despite the indicated general meaning, there are several varieties of icons of the Virgin Mary and variations of their iconography, and each type has its own special meaning for the Orthodox believer. Below we will give the iconographic types of images of the Most Holy Theotokos and their dogmatic meaning.

There are five types of images of the Mother of God visualized in iconography:


2. Eleusa(Tenderness);

3.Oranta, Panagia and Omen(Praying);

4. Panahranta and the All-Queen(All-merciful);

5. Agiosoritissa(Intercessor).

The first type - Guide

Hodigtria- the most common type of icon painting of the Mother of God, according to some reports, for the first time written by the Evangelist Luke. This type is usually depicted as follows: the Most Holy Theotokos is shown to the waist or, in the case of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God, to the shoulders, less often to her full height. A characteristic sign of its location is considered to be a slight tilt of the head towards her son Jesus Christ. The Mother of God holds him on her left hand, and points to him with her right hand. Jesus Christ, in his left hand, holds a scroll, less often a book, which symbolizes the image of Christ the Almighty.

Meaning of this type of icons - the mutual relationship of mother and son. But the semantic load in this case is not an expression of boundless love, as in other icons of saints, but an indication of Jesus Christ as the Almighty King. From a dogmatic point of view, this is the meaning of the appearance of the Heavenly King and Judge into the world and the indication of it by the Virgin Mary as the true Path for every believer. Therefore, this type of iconography is called the Guidebook.

The second type - tenderness

Eleusa is always depicted as follows: the Virgin Mary presses Jesus Christ to her cheek, thereby showing him her love, tenderness and compassion. In this type of image, there is no distance between the son and mother, which symbolizes boundless love and unity. And since the image of the Mother of God is a symbol and ideal of the human race (the Church on earth), and Jesus is a symbol of the Heavenly Church, this type of icon painting of the Most Holy Theotokoshas the meaning of the unity of heaven and earth, divine and human. Also, one of the main meanings is an expression of God's boundless love for people, since the love and compassion of the Virgin Mary depicted on the icon reminds us of his great sacrifice for the salvation of all mankind.

The third type - Prayer

There are three subspecies of this type of image of the Mother of God in icon painting -Oranta, Panagia and the Sign. The most popular is the Sign. The Virgin Mary is depicted waist-high or full-length with her arms raised, and Jesus Christ is depicted in the middle at the level of his mother's chest and his head is in a holy halo (medallion). The meaning of this subtype of icons is the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary about the birth of Jesus Christ, an omen of the Nativity of Christ and subsequent events that take place after it. This type of iconography of the Virgin Mary distinguishes it from other icons by its monumentality and symmetry in the image.

Fourth type - All-merciful

In this type of image, the Mother of God sits on a throne or throne, which symbolizes her royal greatness, and on her knees she holds the son of Jesus Christ. The meaning of this icon is the greatness of the Virgin Mary, as the all-merciful queen and intercessor of the earth.

Fifth type - Intercessor

In the fifth type of Agiosoritissa, the Mother of God is depicted without her son Jesus Christ. Her image is performed in full growth and turned to the right, and her hands are raised to God, one of which may contain a scroll with a prayer. The meaning of the icon is a prayer for the intercession of mankind by the Most Holy Theotokos before Jesus Christ.

So, we examined 5 types of icon painting of the Mother of God in the Orthodox tradition and their dogmatic meaning. But the people also have their own meanings attributed to each of them. We have already written about the power and miraculous icons, and the icons of the Mother of God are not an exception here, but rather, on the contrary, they are an indicator. Each of the presented types of icons has its own miraculous properties.

One of the few who is able to pray for icons is Marfa Ivanovna. Her ability to endow icons with great possibilities has long been beyond doubt. Perhaps no one can boast of such a huge number of saved destinies. It was she who first realized that each person needs an individual approach, which means that the prayer of the icon must be done individually for each person. The icons prayed by Marfa Ivanovna will serve as protection for very long years.

Consider the prayers of the icon of the Mother of God, as well as the most popular icons and signs associated with them.

Iconography of the Holy Mother of God

Images of the Virgin occupy an exceptional place in Christian iconography, testifying to Her significance in the life of the Church. The veneration of the Mother of God is based on the dogma of incarnation : “The indescribable word of the Father, from you, the Mother of God, I have described myself incarnate ...”, therefore, for the first time, Her image appears in such subjects as "The Nativity of Christ" and "The Adoration of the Magi". From here, other iconographic themes subsequently develop, reflecting the dogmatic, liturgical and historical aspects of the veneration of the Virgin. The dogmatic meaning of the image of the Mother of God is evidenced by Her image in the altar apses because She symbolizes the Church. History of the Church from the Prophet Moses before Christmas appears as an act of Providence about the birth of the One through whom the salvation of the world will be realized, therefore the image of the Mother of God occupies a central place in the prophetic row of the iconostasis. The development of the historical theme is the creation of the hagiographic cycles of the Virgin. The most important side of the veneration of the Mother of God, which is evidenced by many miraculous icons, is the belief in Her intercession for the human race "for all days." The main directions of veneration of the Mother of God manifested themselves in various forms. Temples are dedicated to her. Her images occupy the most important place in the system of temple decoration, largely determining its symbolism. The iconography of the Mother of God is distinguished by a variety of types; icons, objects of plastic art, incl. decorations of the Virgin images. Icons of the Mother of God and their liturgical veneration contributed to the formation of advanced liturgical rites, gave impetus to hymnographic creativity, created a whole layer of literature - legends about icons, which in turn was the source of further development of iconography.

Veneration of the Virgin developed primarily in Palestine. With the cities of Nazareth, Bethlehem and Jerusalem the most important events of the life of the Virgin were connected, Her relics and Her first icons were kept there. Temples in honor of the Annunciation and the Nativity of Christ were built in these memorable places. A significant center of veneration of the Virgin wasConstantinople , where the most ancient icons of the Theotokos and shrines were collected, churches were built in Her honor, and the city was conceived under the protection of the Blessed Virgin. AfterIII Ecumenical Council The veneration of the Mother of God became widespread throughout the Christian world. FROM VI in. Icons of the Mother of God play an important role in the veneration of the Mother of God.

Mother of God on the throne

The main types of images of the Mother of God were formed already in the pre-iconoclastic period, the earliest ones are in the muralsRoman catacombs : an image of a seated woman with a naked baby in her arms in the Velato cubicle of the Priscilla catacombs (2nd half of II century - 1st half. III c.) is interpreted as an image of the Mother of God; also in the catacombs of Priscilla, a fresco representing the Virgin on the throne in the scene "Adoration of the Magi" ( IV in.). The murals of the church played a decisive role in the formation of the iconographic type "The Virgin on the Throne"Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome (432-440), where for the first time in Christian art this image was presented in apse conche (not saved). The image of the Virgin on the throne, placed with 5th century in the conchs of the altar apses , replaced the images of Jesus Christ located there in an earlier era (the Cathedral of St. Euphrasian in Porec (Croatia ), 543-553; Church of Panagia Kanakarias Litrangomi (Cyprus), 2nd quarter. VI in.). Images of the Virgin with the Child on the throne are also found on the walls of the central nave basil ( Sant'Apollinare Nuovo in Ravenna, VI in.; vmch. Demetrius in Thessalonica VI in.; Felix and Adavkta in the catacombs of Priscilla in Rome, VI c.), on icons (for example, frommon-rya vmts. Catherine at Sinai, VI c.), as well as in works of small plastic arts (for example, the ampoules of Monza (the treasury of the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Monza in Italy), diptychs (Avorius, VI in., Mrs. museums in Berlin.


Another common type of depiction of the Blessed Virgin is Oranta , where the Virgin is represented without the Child with her hands raised in prayer (for example, on ampoules from the treasury of the Bobbio Cathedral) (Italy), on the relief of the door of the Church of Santa Sabina in Rome, c. 430 , on a miniature from the Gospel of Ravvula, on the frescoes of the apse of the mon-rya st. Apollonia in Bauit (Egypt, VI century) and the chapel of San Venanzio in Rome (c. 642), as well as on the bottoms of glass vessels.


One of the most common is the image of the Virgin Hodegetria , named after the church in Constantinople, in which this revered icon was located. According to legend, it was written by an evangelist Luke and sent from Jerusalem to the imp. Evdokia . The earliest depiction of Hodegetria has been preserved in a miniature from the Gospel of Ravvula.. On icons of this type, the Mother of God holds the Child on her left hand, the right hand is extended to Him in prayer.

The miraculous image of the Virgin

During the period of iconoclastic persecution, he became widely knownmiraculous image of the Virgin , according to legend, appeared during the life of the Blessed Virgin on a pillar of the temple built by the apostles in the city of Lydda . The list from the miraculous image, brought from Palestine by Patriarch German, is revered as a miraculousLydda (Roman) Icon of the Mother of God (image of Hodegetria with the Child on her right hand).


He enjoyed special reverence inConstantinople image of the Virgin Nicopeia holding with both hands, like a shield, a medallion depicting the Christ Child. This image is first found on the seals of imp. Mauritius (582-602), whom, according to legend, the icon accompanied in wars. The establishment of the holiday is also associated with the emperor MauritiusDormition of the Virgin . Images of the Mother of God with an oval icon of Christ in her hands are known in the paintings of the monastery of St. Apollonia at Bauita and the Church of Santa Maria Antiqua in Rome ( VIII in.). In the East during this period, the image of the Virgin was widespread.Mammals (frescoes of the monasteries of St. Jeremiah in Saqqara ( V c.) and etc. Apollonius in Bowit), emphasizing the theme of motherhood and the incarnation of God.

The types of images of the Virgin that appeared in early Christian art were further disseminated and developed in the art of Byzantium, the Balkans, and Ancient Russia. Some iconographic representations have survived almost unchanged, for example, the image of the Virgin on the throne with the Christ Child sitting frontally on the Mother's lap, She holds Him with her right hand at the shoulder, and with her left hand at the leg. Such an image is most often presented in the conch of the altar apse (in the churches of St. Sophia of Constantinople, 876; in the catholicon Monastery of Osios Loukas in Phokis (Greece), 30s. XI in.; in the church of the George in Staro Nagorichino (Macedonia), 1317 - 1318 years; in the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin in the Ferapontov Monastery, 1502, etc.).

A repetition of the ancient model is the image in the altar of the church of St. Sophia in Ohrid (30s. XI c.) Mother of God Nicopeia , holding the image of the Infant in a medallion, at the same time, in the post-iconoclastic period, the type of the Mother of God Nicopeia (full-length) with the Infant depicted not in a medallion became widespread (for example, in the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin in Nicaea, 787 (not saved); in Hagia Sophia of Constantinople, 1118 ; in the Cathedral of the Gelati Monastery, c. 1130 ). The type of the Virgin with the image of the Child in the medallion is known in several versions: with the image in front of the chest, full-length Oranta, Blachernitissa (Great Panagia) (marble relief XII in. from the church of Santa Maria Mater Domini in Venice; Icon of the Mother of God with Prophet Moses and Patriarch Euthymius ( XIII c., monastery of the Catherine on Sinai), the Yaroslavl Oranta icon ( XII in., GTG); painting of the Church of the Savior on Nereditsa, 1199 (the image has not been preserved)), and a half-length image (in the Russian tradition it is known as “ The Omen ", for example. icon of the Mother of God from St. Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod, ca. 1160 ; Mosaic of the narthex of the monastery of Chora (Kahriye-Jami) in Constantinople, 1316 - 1321 ). Numerous iconographic variants gave the type Hodegetria , which includes such miraculous icons as Smolenskaya, Tikhvinskaya, Kazanskaya and others.

Post-iconoclastic period

In the post-iconoclastic period, images of the Virgin are spreading Eleusy (Gracious), Glycophyllus (Sweet kiss; in the Russian tradition tenderness ), also known as Blachernitissa (icon XII c., monastery of the Catherine on Sinai), where the Mother of God and the Child are depicted in mutual caress (fresco of the Church of Tokaly-kilise, Cappadocia ( X c.), Vladimirskaya, Tolgskaya, Donskaya icons of the Mother of God, etc.). This type of images emphasizes the theme of motherhood and the future suffering of the Divine Infant, which is most pronounced in Pelagonitisse - a miraculous image from the Pelagonia diocese in Macedonia. In Russian tradition, this icon was called " jumping "(fresco of the monastery of the Church of St. George in Staro Nagorichino (Macedonia), 1317 - 1318 ; icon from the Monastery of the Transfiguration in Zrze (Macedonia), XIV c.), since the Child on it is depicted escaping from the hands of the Virgin. The theme of Christ's suffering is also expressed in iconographyVirgin of the Passion , which is usually represented in the type Hodegetria (fresco of the Church of Panagia Arakos in Lagoudera) or Tenderness (Russian icon of the 13th century, TGOM; icon of the 15th in. (Byzantine Museum)), with angels on the sides who hold the instruments of passion.

Images of the Mother of God in prayer, in addition to the frontal position, can represent a figure in a 3/4 turn. Such images have been known since pre-iconoclastic times. The hands of the Virgin are prayerfully stretched out to Christ, for example, so in the images of the Mother of God Agiosoritissy (Chalkopratian) (mosaic in the Church of Martyr Demetrius in Thessalonica, VI in. (not preserved), miniature from the Christian topography of Kosma Indikoplova; icon 12 in. (Monastery of the Great Martyr Catherine in Sinai); icon from the Dormition Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin, XIV c.) and in the compositions of the Deesis, as well as the Mother of God paraclisis (Intercessor), holding in her hands a scroll with the text of a prayer addressed to Christ (mosaic of the Church of Martyr Demetrius, 7th century; Bogolyubskaya Icon of the Mother of God (Assumption Cathedral of the Knyaginin Monastery in Vladimir, ser. XII in.); icon from the cathedral in Spoleto (Italy); XII century, fresco of the Cathedral of the Mirozhsky Monastery in Pskov, XII in.; mosaic of the Martorana church in Palermo (Sicily), 12th century).

Often the names of certain iconographic types are identified with the epithets of the Theotokos or are toponyms indicating the place where the revered image is located (in the Russian tradition they received their name, which does not always literally convey the original), and can be found on icons of various renditions. The aforementioned icon of the Eleusa type from the monastery of the VMTs. Catherine at Sinai ( XII c.) is accompanied by the inscription " Blachernitissa ”, which is associated with the existence of a revered image of this type inBlachernae Church Constantinople. On a mosaic icon of the same type from the Byzantine Museum ( XII c.) written guarantor, intercessor or patroness; images of the Hodegetria may have the inscriptions " Eleusa "(Hilandar Monastery, Athos, XIV c.), “Beautiful” and “Savior” (both - XIV century, museum in Ohrid (Macedonia)); “Blessed” and “All-Tsaritsa” (both - XVI in., STSAM) and others; on the icon of the Mother of God Oranta with the image of the Child in front of her chest is inscribed "Guide" ( XV century?, TsAK MDA).

The symbolic epithets of the Virgin may be the name of a certain iconographic type. Such icons include, for example, the image of the Virgin " ”, located in the temple of the same name near Constantinople. The Mother of God is depicted waist-deep in a phiale (a bowl with a fountain), without the Child, with her hands raised in prayer (mosaic of the Chora Monastery in Constantinople; Church of St. Archangels in Lesnov (Macedonia), 1347-1348) or with the Child, Whom She holds with both hands (fresco of the monastery of St. Paul on Athos, 1423 ; Russian icon 1675, TsMiAR). Icons based on the literary epithets of the Mother of God, such as “Fade Color”,“ Blessed Womb ”,“ Recovery of the dead », « Joy to all who mourn », « The guarantor of sinners », « Burning bush », « Mountain unhandled », « Impassable Door" and etc.

Theotokos iconography based on liturgical texts

The richest source of iconography of the Theotokos are liturgical texts, primarily hymnographic ones. The heyday of this type of iconography falls on the con. XIII - XVI in. Lengthy poetic cycles dedicated to the Theotokos are illustrated, both the Akathist to the Theotokos and individual hymns, the central image of which is the Mother of God, for example, the stichera “What will we bring, Christ” (“Cathedral of Our Lady” is a fresco of the Church of the Savior of the Zica monastery (Serbia), XIII in.; fresco of the Church of Our Lady Peribleptos in Ohrid, 1295 ; icon of the end of the XIV - the beginning XV in., GTG); Decent Liturgy of St. Basil the Great "Rejoices in You" (icon of the end of the 15th century, State Tretyakov Gallery); fresco of the Nativity Cathedral of the Ferapontov Mon-rya, 1502 ); the verse “It is worthy to eat” (icon, Ser. XVI century, Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin), theotokos of the 1st hour “What shall we call Thee” (icon of the 17th century, TsMiAR). Among the liturgical images is also the “Praise of the Mother of God”, based on the hymn “From above, the prophets of Thee foreshadow” (icon XIV in. and a 15th century fresco. from the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin; icon XVI in., GRM). The theme of the icons is the events celebrated by the Church, associated with the veneration of the Mother of God and shrines, - “Protection of the Blessed. Mother of God" (mark of the western gate of the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin in Suzdal, XII century; icon of the 14th century, NGOMZ; icon XIV v., State Tretyakov Gallery), “The position of the robe of St. Mother of God" ( XV century, TsMiAR).

In addition to liturgical texts, the icons of the Mother of God may be based on historical narratives. For example, on the miraculousPskov-Pokrovskaya Icon of the Mother of God captured the events of the siege of Pskov by the troops of Stefan Batory in 1581 (originates from the Church of Intercession from Prolom, stolen during the Great Patriotic War, from 09/07/2001 in the Trinity Cathedral in Pskov).

life cycle

In close connection with the formation of iconographyfeasts of the Mother of God worth the development of the hagiographic cycle of the Virgin, at the heart of its images are apocryphal Protevangelium of James, Word of the Apostle John the Evangelist on the Dormition, the Word of St.John of Thessalonica and a number of other texts that tell about the events of the life of the Virgin from Her conception by the barren Anna to the Dormition. Separate images of apocryphal stories were already known in the pre-iconoclast period, for example, a plate with the scenes of the Annunciation and the Trial of Reproof by Water ( VI in., Pushkin Museum). In the painting of the Kyzylchukur church (Cappadocia; 850 - 860 ) the earliest hagiographic cycle of the Theotokos has been preserved, including 10 scenes from the Annunciation to Anna to the Entrance of the Theotokos into the temple. The same scenes are presented in miniatures Minology of Basil II c.), Savior on Nereditsa ( 1199 , frescoes not preserved), George in St. Ladoga (2nd half. XII c.) the hagiographic cycle of the Theotokos is in the altar. The proto-evangelical cycle may include compositions: the bringing of gifts by the righteous Joachim and Anna, the rejection of gifts, the lamentation of Joachim and Anna, the prayer of Anna, the prayer of Joachim, the testing of the scriptures, the gospel to Anna, the gospel to Joachim, the meeting of Joachim and Anna at the Golden Gate, the Nativity of the Blessed. Mother of God, caressing Mary, nourishing Mary, the first seven steps of St. Theotokos, offering to the elders, introduction to the temple, prayer for rods, handing Mary to Joseph, Joseph leads Mary to his house, the Annunciation at the well, the meeting of Mary and Elizabeth, Joseph's reproaches, Joseph's dream, the test of denunciation with water.

Iconography of the Mother of God images of the 13th - 14th centuries

In XIII - XIV centuries The hagiographic cycle of the Theotokos is expanded by the narration of the Assumption of the Mother of God, which includes scenes: farewell to the wives of Jerusalem, farewell to the apostles, the ascension of the Theotokos and the presentation of the belt, the transfer of the body of the Theotokos to the burial place, the angel cutting off the hands of the wicked Avfoniya, the apostles at the empty tomb of the Theotokos. One example of such a lengthy cycle is the painting of the Church of the Virgin Peribleptos (St. Clement) in Ohrid ( 1395 ). Scenes of the Protoevangelical and Assumption cycles occupy the middle register of the southern wall and the western wall (for example, in the church of Joachim and Anna (Kraleva) of the Studenica monastery (Serbia), 1314 ). In the church of Chora Monastery, 20 compositions of the Protoevangelical cycle are presented on the vaults and walls of the exonarthex.

Iconography of the Mother of God images of the 15th - 16th centuries

In the XV - XVI centuries in Russian art, icons of the Mother of God with life scenes in stamps are spreading. Similar images were known in Byzantine art (diptych of the 12th century, Berlin State Museum). On Russian icons, among the plots of the Assumption cycle, the following stand out: the Prayer of the Virgin on the Mount of Olives, the Annunciation of the Dead, the Position of the Robe and Belt of the Virgin ( XVI in., PGHG; "Vladimir icon with 64 hallmarks Legends of its miracles", XVII in., TsMiAR; Tikhvin icon, 16th century, Annunciation Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin; The Tikhvin icon from Balakhna with scenes of the siege of the monastery by the Swedes, 17th century, TsMiAR; Tikhvin icon with life and miracles in 99 hallmarks, 17th century, Dormition Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin; Kazan icon, 17th century, SIHM; Tolgskaya icon, 17th century.

Often the plot of a separate icon was an episode from the legend of the miracles of another image of the Mother of God. For example, on Conversational icon depicts the miracle of the appearance of the Virgin to sexton George, the story of which is contained in the legend of the Tikhvin icon; the plot of the icon"Tenderness" Serafimo-Diveevskaya (cell room of St. Seraphim of Sarovsky ), which depicts the Mother of God without a Child with her arms crossed on her chest, with a halo surrounded by fiery tongues, “Bread Tender " (the name is given by St.Ambrose of Optina ), which depicts the appearance in the heavens of the Virgin, blessing the fields, found in the village of Kolomenskoye " Derzhavnaya ". The attitude of the Russian Church to the images of the Theotokos is deeply and accurately expressed in the words of the hymn of the Theotokos: “And until now, mercifully.”

What measure of grief and suffering can an earthly woman endure? Early orphanhood, life at the temple, suspicions of a spouse about treason - this is the beginning of the life path of the Most Holy Theotokos. The Virgin Mary endured a lot of grief and suffering... The bullying of the crowd over the Son, his martyrdom and long years of life without Him testify to the suffering of the Mother. Her sacrificial love and endless patience helped her rise to the highest spiritual level.

The icons of the Most Holy Theotokos seem to be shining and humble. Her experiences, hardships, sufferings were replaced by Heavenly glory and the joy of the reunion of the Mother with the Son. The miraculous icons of the Mother of God are revered in many cities and countries. They alleviate sorrow and bring faith, heal sickness and reward forgiveness. Prayers at the image of the Virgin help the soldiers on the battlefields, save them from enemies. At the same time, they give simple family joys and comfort in troubles.

Four types of icons of the Virgin

In the Orthodox calendar, many days are marked by the veneration of the miraculous icons of the Mother of God. Through her face, she does good deeds, changes the fate of people, saves the fallen. Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos differ from each other. There are 4 main types of such icons.

Hodegetria (translated from Greek - Guide). On the icon of this type, the Mother of God holds the Christ Child, pointing at him with her hand. Her eyes reflect the whole life of a Christian. The most famous images of this type are the Smolensk, Georgian and Kazan icons of the Most Holy Theotokos.

Eleusa (translated from Greek - Merciful). Here the Mother of God clung to the Baby, they embrace each other. This image is a symbol of the love of the Mother and the Son, their unity. The most famous icons of Eleus are Vladimirskaya, Donskoy Mother of God.

Oranta (translated from Greek - Sign). In the iconography of this view, the Mother of God raised her hands to heaven in a prayerful impulse. The baby has not yet been born, but is already present on the medallion, symbolizing the divine and human principles. The most famous icons are "Inexhaustible Chalice", "Yaroslavskaya Oranta".

The akathist view of the icon is a collective image. It is created in iconography under the impression of the gospel texts. This is more like an illustration of the actions of the Virgin, her participation in the fate of the Son. Bright icons of this type are “Unexpected Joy”, “Burning Bush”, “All creation rejoices over you”.

patronage of icons

Icons of the Mother of God in Russia were the most widespread. This explains such an abundance of images of the Mother of God. Her face is loved and revered by the people. She is considered a protector, comforter and intercessor. The image of the Mother of God carries love, forgiveness to all sinners and repentants.

They turn to the Holy Image in sorrows and illnesses, asking for protection from enemies and ill-wishers. Prayers before the icons of the Most Holy Theotokos help women during pregnancy, give easy childbirth and health to children. Men come for patronage and comfort. Each of the miraculous icons of the Virgin is able to help after sincere prayer.

Before the image of the "Recovery of the Lost" they pray for headaches, toothaches, for dying children, a blessed marriage, for aversion from alcohol addiction.

Before the icon of the Theodore Mother of God, they ask for relief from difficult childbirth. The Ostrabramskaya Mother of God will protect marriage from evil forces, make it prosperous. The “Burning Bush” will protect the house from fires. The icon “The Sign of the Most Holy Theotokos” protects against public troubles, protects from danger, helps mothers, and gives happiness to their children.

The image of the Vladimir Mother of God brought victory to the Russian troops over Tamerlane in 1395. They say that the miraculous icon frightened the enemy, and the hordes of the khan simply fled.

The image of the Don Mother of God helped on the day of the Battle of Kulikovo in 1380. And in 1558, Ivan the Terrible prayed for a long time before going to Kazan. The icon gave victory to the Russian troops and the capture of the city.

How to pray in front of the icon of the Virgin

There are many ready-made prayers that are read before the face of the Virgin. These are requests for help, glorification of the Mother during church holidays, Akathists. They are so simple that with constant reading they are easy to learn by heart.

There are prayers:

  • with hunger;
  • in sorrow and sickness;
  • in case of danger of drowning;
  • with injuries and pains;
  • with eye diseases and blindness;
  • when protecting the house from fire;
  • with diseases of hearing and deafness;
  • with cancer;
  • about the disease of drunkenness;
  • about the gift of patience;
  • to get rid of suicidal thoughts.

This is only a small part of the prayers with which the people turn to the image. Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos are considered miraculous for a reason. There are known facts when the image helped in the cure of serious illnesses, gave faith, patience.

The Mother of God is the protector and intercessor. If you approach the image with a pure heart, bright thoughts, then the reward will not keep you waiting. Prayers can be read at home, in front of the home iconostasis. Or in church, after the service. The formal pronunciation of the words of the text does not grant a miracle. Only sincere faith in the power of God will help the fulfillment of the request.

The clergy assure that if the text of the prayer is difficult to learn, then it can be read in written form. Or state the request in your own words. We should not forget that after the fulfillment of a desire, it is necessary to come to the icon and thank.

miraculous icons

The icon represents the connection between God and man. This is an opportunity to join the Grace and receive it. This is faith in a happy deliverance from torment and sinfulness. This is an understanding that only suffering can purify the soul, bring peace to the heart, teach patience and forgiveness.

The miraculous icon is the concentration of Divine power. Not all images have survived to this day. And not all icons, being miraculous, were recognized by the church administration. There must be undeniable facts of healing, evidence of power in order for the image to be officially recognized. Only after that the icon receives the status of miraculous. Basically, such testimonies tell about healing during an epidemic, about saving the state from enemies or curing various diseases.

Miraculous icons of the Most Holy Theotokos can be found in different cities and countries of the world. They come to them with requests, prayers, hopes. They are united by the power of an image that is capable of introducing a miracle into ordinary human life.

Icon "Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary"

Evidence of the Dormition (bodily transmigration) of the Theotokos can be found in various sources. However, Scripture does not say anything about this. Only the facts are known that during the VI Ecumenical Council it was decided to open the tomb. In it they saw only funeral clothes and a holy belt. The latter can still be found on the holy Mount Athos (Greece) in the monastery of Vatopedi.

Before her death, the Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Mother of God with the news that her life path would end in 3 days. Then the Lord will take her to himself. The funeral of the Theotokos took place in the Garden of Gethsemane. The sick, touching her bed, were healed. And 3 days after the funeral, the apostles did not find her body in the cave, only burial clothes remained there.

On August 28, the image of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos is celebrated. The icon is exhibited in churches in Moscow and Kyiv.

The image helps to cope with the fear of death. You can ask for strengthening faith, humility. Getting rid of diseases also grants the "Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos." The icon, among other things, helps to comprehend one's deeds, strengthen one's virtues, and worthily walk one's life path.

"The Sign of the Most Holy Theotokos"

This name of the image is associated with the events of 1170. Troops besieged Veliky Novgorod. The townspeople prayed unceasingly for salvation. The Archbishop of Novgorod, while asking for help, heard the command of the Mother of God to raise her icon to the city walls. The face was taken to the wall, turned to the enemy troops. One of the arrows hit the image. The miraculous icon turned away from the attackers, depriving them of light and Grace. She turned to the besieged, granting them the miracle of salvation. At the same moment, confusion occurred in the camp of the enemy, fear seized them, and the enemies were defeated.

  • Velikiy Novgorod;
  • Moscow;
  • St. Petersburg;
  • Barnaul;
  • Moore;
  • Belgorod;
  • Severodvinsk;
  • Nizhny Tagil;
  • Kursk.

The miraculous icon "The Sign of the Most Holy Theotokos" protects soldiers and the population in military conflicts. Helps travelers, reconciles the warring. Saves from diseases during epidemics, heals with eye diseases, blindness.

Annunciation is good news. Archangel Gabriel informs the Virgin Mary that Grace visited her. She will give birth to the Son of God and call him Jesus. The feast day of this miraculous icon falls on April 7th.

There is a legend according to which on the wall of one of the Kremlin towers during the reign of Ivan the Terrible there was the appearance of the icon of the Annunciation. It was in this tower that the unjustly accused governor was imprisoned. He prayed and asked for a miracle. In confirmation of his innocence, there was the appearance of the face of the Mother of God.

The icon of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos survived a fire in 1737. Then the Church of the Annunciation and the Tsar Bell burned down. But the icon remained untouched by the flames. It can be found in the temples of such cities:

  • Moscow;
  • St. Petersburg;
  • Pereslavl-Zalessky;
  • Nizhny Novgorod;
  • Kazan.

They pray to the miraculous icon for deliverance from imprisonment and unjust attacks, for the healing of spiritual and bodily diseases, for sorrows and temptations.

According to legend, this image was painted by the Apostle Luke. Allegedly, during the life of the Virgin, with her blessing, Luke created from 3 to 70 faces of the Mother.

The Virgin Mary had four inheritances - Iberia (Georgia), Athos, Kievan Rus, Diveevo monastery. There she was supposed to carry the word of God and sermons. The Mother of God did not manage to visit everywhere during her lifetime. But even after her death, she participated in the spread of the Christian faith with signs and visions.

The Iberian Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “The Goalkeeper” is a symbol of the protection of all true believers. She appears as an intercessor, guardian, comforter in all troubles and misfortunes.

The Iberian icon of the Most Holy Theotokos is in the churches of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara, Rostov-on-Don, Orel. There is it in the churches of Novgorod, Kursk, Pskov, Tambov regions. The days of celebration fall on February 25, October 26 and on Tuesday of Bright Week.

There are many written and oral testimonies of healing after prayer. The icon helps to find the strength in oneself for repentance, purification. Sinners come to her in search of a righteous path, with requests for protection and consolation. The icon relieves from bodily and mental illnesses. Before her, you can pray for the preservation of the house from fires, floods and other disasters.

The icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary "The Goalkeeper" leaves riddles to this day. In 1981, a Greek monk created an image copied from the original. The icon turned out to be myrrh-streaming. It was brought to Montreal (Canada) in 1982 by Joseph Muñoz Cortes. After akathists, prayers before the image, severe, incurable diseases (leukemia, paralysis) were healed. The icon brought people back to spiritual life, delivered them from unbelief. In 1997, the keeper of the image of Cortes was killed. The icon has disappeared.

"Tenderness of the Most Holy Theotokos"

There are several well-known miraculous icons "Tenderness". Many lists have been made from them, which do not lose their fertile power.

The Smolensk icon "Tenderness of the Most Holy Theotokos" appeared in 1103. Polish invaders besieged the city. For 20 whole months, with the help of the miraculous image, the Smolensk troops held Smolensk, did not surrender it to the enemies.

The Pskov-Pechora Icon is famous for its miraculous healings. In the annals of Pskov and Veliky Novgorod, evidence dated 1524 has been preserved.

The Serafimo-Diveevo icon "Tenderness of the Most Holy Theotokos" was in the cell of the holy elder Seraphim of Sarov until his death. After that, several lists were made, which later also turned out to be miraculous. With oil from the lamp burning in front of the icon, the elder of Sarov anointed the sick, and they were cured.

The Novgorod icon "Tenderness" in 1337 hovered in the air above the church doors. Tears dripped from her eyes. Later that year, a pestilence began in the city. The townspeople prayed to the holy image to intercede for them. Soon the disease receded.

Prayer before the icon helps in troubles and misfortunes. Eliminates temptations, saves marriage. Gives pregnancy and easy childbirth. This image is considered feminine and helps in many illnesses and sorrows. Relieves eye diseases, blindness. Almost all the miraculous images of the Virgin are able to heal bodily and mental illnesses after prayers and Akathists.

"Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary"

Prophecies about the birth of the Virgin, who will become the mother of the Messiah, are already heard in the Old Testament. She came from an ancient family, which included many high priests, patriarchs, kings. Jokaim and Anna, the parents of the Mother of God, had no children for a long time. They earnestly prayed for a child to be born into the family. After 50 years of marriage, they were given the happy news of the conception and birth of the Queen of Heaven.

The icon "Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary" tells of a joyful event. The birth and the whole subsequent life of Mary are imbued with faith, calmness, patience. No wonder she is considered an intercessor, comforter of all Christians and lost souls. The day of celebration is September 21st.

Often the icon of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos gave desperate parents a long-awaited child. Any prayer before the image is able to calm, heal the soul from insults and injustice. Especially effective are requests for lost souls, the return of faith, cleansing from sins, and the granting of spiritual and moral foundations. Prayers for children, family reunification, elimination of grievances and quarrels between spouses will also be heard.

The meaning of the icon

Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos personify the unity of God and man. As a simple woman, she gave birth to the Savior, as the Holy Virgin Mary stood next to him in Heaven. This is a combination of higher spirituality and understanding of human weaknesses. The image of the Mother of God is a collective image of a mother who knows how to forgive her children, stand up for them, understand them. Therefore, there are so many icons, prayers, holidays, memorable dates dedicated to the Mother of God.

Priests teach that there is no greater suffering on earth than to stand by and see the death of one's own child. The Most Holy Theotokos passed through the torments of sacrifice to spiritual transformation. The icon, whose meaning lies not in external brilliance, but in internal virtues, teaches the laity a lot...

The Mother of God spent her whole life in humility and patience. She lost her parents early. She married a widower whose sons did not love her, did not believe in Divine Grace. Her meekness and suffering became an amazing combination of earthly spirituality and heavenly holiness.

Formal reading of prayers, indifferent church attendance will not give the favor of the Virgin. Only by repentance, a pure heart, sincere love can one achieve the intercession of the Virgin.

The miraculous icons of the Most Holy Theotokos teach humanity, the ability to remain virtuous in all life situations. With humility endure difficulties, trials and know that even in sin you can repent and regain Grace.

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