What is the heroism of a common man. Composition on the topic “Heroism

War ... How much grief, fear, death it brings ... How will a person behave in a war? Will he be afraid or show heroism? Will he be able to overcome the most difficult circumstances? I think suggested Viktor Nekrasov text is about this.

The author raises an important, in my opinion, problem true heroism and poses a question to the reader: "What is the manifestation of heroism in war?" The writer takes us to conclusion: a person who sincerely loves his country will defend it even in the most difficult conditions.

This is undoubtedly the main idea of ​​the text.

Arguing on this topic, V. Nekrasov talks about a company of soldiers, in which, together with the commander, there were only three people. And these ordinary soldiers managed to beat off several enemy attacks a day! Moreover, none of them asked for help and called it only "it was difficult." The author has no doubt that true heroism is able to overcome any circumstances.It is difficult to disagree with the opinion of the Russian writer, even the most difficult trials cannot kill real selflessness in a person.

The problem raised by V. Nekrasov is relevant at all times and therefore cannot leave us indifferent. Many writers and poets addressed her. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy opposes the ostentatious courage of the military aristocracy with genuine heroism of that part of the officers who, together with the soldiers, did their patriotic work on the bastions of Sevastopol. The personification of this type of officers is in the story "Sevastopol in May" an unnamed naval officer. Brave people, true to their duty, are the Kozeltsov brothers in the third Sevastopol story. There were many such officers in Sevastopol. Their characteristic features were modesty, simplicity, courage, close connection with the soldier, concern for his needs. At the head of the soldiers they fought on the bastions, showing a high example of courage, sharing with their subordinates both the dugout, and the soldier's borscht, and the every minute danger of death.

In the epic novel War and Peace, Lev Nikolaevich described a similar situation, when a small battery of a simple soldier Tushin provided indispensable assistance to the Russian army during the war with the French. So Viktor Nekrasov notes that “people like Konakov, and with people like Konakov, are not afraid of the enemy. No!"

True heroism helps to save what is dear to you in any situation. This is precisely what is demonstrated by such historical examples as the exploits of Alexander Matrosov, Alexei Maresyev, Nikolai Gastello.

Thus, I believe that an ordinary person in the terrible conditions of war can show himself to be a true hero, capable of impossible things.

Courage, determination, courage, nobility, the ability to sacrifice oneself for the sake of another person or a significant idea - these are the main features inherent in a true hero. History knows many examples of how persistent and strong-willed people sacrificed themselves, taking deliberately desperate steps and accomplishing great feats. However, heroism can manifest itself not only on the battlefield or during global catastrophes. And in everyday life there is a place for a feat and a manifestation of the nobility of nature.

For example, a person who saves a drowning man or carries

A child from a burning house, at the risk of his own life, what is not an example of true heroism?

However, there is also the concept of imaginary heroism. Examples of this phenomenon include, say, the so-called exploits of terrorists who destroy hundreds of people for the sake of some idea. This is a vivid example of false, erroneous heroism, since not one ghostly goal is worth even a drop of innocently shed blood!

Radical young people engaged in real hooliganism, bordering on banditry, and boasting of their actions, can also be attributed to imaginary heroes.

After all, true heroism is always

It is aimed at the benefit of others and is done in the name of a noble goal.

In addition, there is another kind of heroism - this is the heroism of the spirit. It consists in the ability to maintain honor and dignity under any circumstances, to remain faithful and devoted to one's own principles and moral principles. Such heroes do not break under the influence of adverse external factors. Whatever happens, even in the face of mortal danger, they retain a human face, not sinking to betrayal, betrayal, deceit. Many examples of the heroism of the spirit can be found in the works of classical literature, and many of them can be found on the pages of historical chronicles.

You can not ignore and professional heroism. The military guarding peace in their native country, law enforcement officers who daily draw life for the sake of our peace of mind, volunteers, firefighters and rescuers, Red Cross employees, doctors and scientists, often exposing themselves to potential danger - all these are modern heroes who consciously chose their path at the same time as choice of profession.

Summing up, we can conclude that heroism is a much broader concept than it is commonly believed. A person capable of feat, risk and self-sacrifice for the sake of others is a real hero, regardless of the scope of his activity. So examples of heroism can be found not only in books, but also in the realities of our time.

Manifestations of heroism

Heroism is valor, courage, courage, courage, determination, selflessness, the ability to accomplish a feat. The hero takes upon himself the solution of an exceptional task in terms of its scale and difficulties, assumes a greater measure of responsibility and duties than is imposed on people in ordinary conditions by generally accepted norms of behavior, overcomes special obstacles in this regard. A personal feat can play the role of an initiative, an example for many people and turn into mass heroism. A person performs heroic deeds because he considers it necessary. This is a kind of conscious choice in following one's duty as a citizen in a critical situation, even to the detriment of oneself and one's life. Over the centuries of heroic history, Russia has such a number of feats that no other state in the world has, there has not been and will not be such a number of Heroes of the Fatherland.

In different years, the Heroes of the Fatherland were called differently: People's Heroes, Knights of the Highest Orders, Knights of St. George, Heroes of the Soviet Union, Knights of the Order of Glory and Labor Glory, Heroes of Socialist Labor, Knights of the Orders of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation. Cavaliers of orders of modern Russia.

All of them are united, along with the common Motherland, by the most important factor - the origins of their heroism and courage, the origins of their exploits. Heroism and exploits, as the highest manifestation of patriotic feelings, have always been and remain the national treasure of our Fatherland.

What kind of miracle heroism is, it is difficult to answer for each his own. Why do some people who look no different from others, decide to save a person? After all, when you rush to help someone, you don’t think what they will say, you just rush to help ... It would seem that courage, selflessness and courage are such powerful foundations of heroism that even to the uninitiated it will seem that these pillars of personality are quite enough to commit feat. However, in reality, relying only on courage, selflessness and courage will turn out to be a waste of energy if thought does not come out in unity with these human factors. Loss of thought, and sacrifices in vain. An act then becomes a real embodiment of heroism, when under it there is a wide plateau of the meaning of life. We can recall many examples of heroism during the Great Patriotic War. Those who fought at the front were ordinary people who, in an extreme situation, rose to a heroic state. They were exactly the same people as you and me.

“To be always heroes” this slogan was vividly embodied in the immortal feat of the Panfilovites, which was accomplished by 28 fighters of the 316th division of General I.V. Panfilov. Defending the line at the Dubosekovo junction, this group, under the command of political instructor V.G. Klochkova on November 16 entered into single combat with 50 German tanks, accompanied by a large detachment of enemy machine gunners. Soviet soldiers fought with unparalleled courage and stamina. “Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat. Behind Moscow, ”the political instructor addressed the soldiers with such an appeal. And the soldiers fought to the death, 24 of them, including VG Klochkov, died the death of the brave, but the enemy did not pass here. A striking example that embodies the heroic spirit of our soldiers is the feat of a marine fighter, Komsomol member M.A. Panikahin. During an enemy attack on the outskirts of the Volga, he, engulfed in flames, rushed to meet a Nazi tank and set it on fire with a bottle of fuel. The hero burned down together with the enemy tank. Comrades compared his feat with the feat of Gorky's Danko: the light of the feat of the Soviet hero became a beacon to which other warrior heroes were equal. What fortitude was shown by those who did not hesitate to cover with their bodies the embrasure of the enemy bunker, which was spewing deadly fire! Private Alexander Matrosov was one of the first to accomplish such a feat. During the Great Patriotic War, Matrosov's feat was repeated by over 200 Soviet soldiers and officers! Of course, selflessness, contempt for death in the fight against the enemy does not necessarily entail the loss of life.

Moreover, often these qualities of Soviet soldiers help them mobilize all their spiritual and physical strength in order to find a way out of a difficult situation. Faith in the people, confidence in victory, in the name of which the Russian man goes to his death without fear of it, inspires the fighter, pours new strength into him. The whole world knows the iron steadfastness of our soldiers in the days of the heroic defense of Leningrad, Sevastopol, Kyiv, Odessa. The determination to fight the enemy to the end was a mass phenomenon and found its expression in the oaths of individual fighters and units. Here is one of these oaths taken by Soviet sailors during the days of the defense of Sevastopol: “For us, the slogan “Not a step back!” became the slogan of life. We are all, as one, unshakable. If among us there is a lurking coward or a traitor, then our hand will not falter - he will be destroyed.

Any person can be a hero, having such feelings as: compassion, love, mutual assistance, understanding and patience. And therefore, one can become a hero not only in war, but also in everyday life: saving a drowning man, preventing a fire or a terrorist act, standing up for the weak.

You can become a hero for yourself when you do not succumb to persuasion to try drugs, smoking, alcohol - this is also a feat, not to succumb to the “weak” reason, but at the same time you will win your life, your future and make your own choice in your favor . And when you yourself can answer “no to evil”, then you can try to tell your friends about it - this is also a feat to express your opinion.

And if so, then everything in this life will change for the better!

In any case, everyone should become a hero for themselves, feel like a hero, try to be a hero. Then the people around you may begin to admire you. The main thing is to try hard! The main thing is to want!

The uniqueness of the Ministry of Internal Affairs among other public authorities lies in the fact that it is law enforcement agencies that more often than others have direct contact with citizens. The observance of law in the life of the country, order on the streets of cities, and sometimes peace in the houses and apartments of the citizens themselves depend on the work of police officers. In terms of the number of socially significant state functions provided, in terms of the degree of penetration into all sectors of society, only the Ministry of Health and Social Development or the Ministry of Education and Science can be compared with the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Today, many aspects of the daily life of citizens depend on the work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The internal affairs bodies are engaged in ensuring order on the streets, preventing and solving crimes, protecting and protecting private property, state and commercial facilities. The units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs fight for safety on the roads of the country, ensure the holding of mass events, day and night come to the aid of citizens in emergency situations. From the minister to the district police officer The Ministry of the Interior is guarding the interests of the citizen, the law and society.

As you know, a person is not born a patriot, endowed with patriotic consciousness, courage, heroism and courage, a sense of loyalty, the traditions of the state of which he is a citizen.

The heroism of employees of the internal affairs bodies is an organic unity, a fusion of labor and military heroism, since the conditions of service are such that it is difficult to draw a clear line between a labor feat and the manifestation of heroism, courage, courage of personnel for restoring constitutional order, disarming gangs, detaining an armed criminal , calming the hooligan crowd, stopping the movement of vehicles with a drunk driver at the wheel is, on the one hand, the usual official activity for special police units, operational staff, traffic police officers, and on the other hand, this is the accomplishment of a feat, a heroic deed.

The basis of heroism among employees of internal affairs bodies is loyalty to the Oath, pride in serving for the glory of the Fatherland, the readiness of personnel to perform official tasks in strict accordance with the Constitution and laws of the Russian Federation, to follow the glorious traditions of previous generations of internal affairs employees.

In modern conditions, we call patriots and service heroes those employees who do not leave active creative activity aimed at serving the people, society, the Motherland and which is realized in the impeccable performance of tasks to protect the constitutional rights of citizens, proper protection of public order and security, active aggressive fight against crime.

personal feat courage heroism

How often do we hear about some heroic deed of this or that person. Among us live people who are capable of actions that distinguish them from most people. A person can rush into a house on fire, where nothing can be seen because of the thick smoke. And all this will happen due to the fact that he will hear someone's voice coming from the house.

It should be noted that only a very brave and intelligent person is ready to take such a step, who at that moment will be able to concentrate on the poor fellow, who is in the paws of the flame, and not about himself and about his integrity and integrity. Every year there are a lot of cases when someone barely escapes drowning in the sea, lake or river. A simple stranger or one of the barely familiar people saves the victim. Only a brave, reasonable and humanistic person is able to react very quickly to an accident and rush to help. No one is immune from drowning, especially when it comes to saving another person. This is much more dangerous and serious than being alone in calm water.

This fact is yet another proof that there is very little person who is ready to take risks, to be ready to sacrifice their safety and life, if necessary, to save a stranger.

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What comes to mind when we talk about heroes, heroic deeds? In our usual understanding, heroism is a quality, a character trait, thanks to which ...

Heroism is a complex concept

By Masterweb

09.04.2018 14:00

What comes to mind when we talk about heroes, heroic deeds? In our usual understanding, heroism is a quality, a trait of character, thanks to which a person can accomplish a feat. In different historical periods, conditions, there may be an unexpected interpretation of this concept.

Heroism - what is it? Definitions from explanatory dictionaries

Since this concept is extensive, there are several interpretations of heroism.

According to Ushakov's explanatory dictionary:

Heroism is the ability to accomplish a feat. Examples: During the disaster, he showed true heroism. He is not heroic.

In the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, "heroism" is:

The heroic fulfillment of actions of outstanding social significance, meeting the interests of the masses of the people, the advanced classes and requiring personal courage, steadfastness, readiness for self-sacrifice from a person. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push(());

Ozhegov gives the following definition:

Heroism - courage, determination and self-sacrifice in a critical situation.

Thus, compiling the definitions, we can say that heroism is the actions performed by people of their own free will to comply with the interests of people and humanity.

Types of heroism

Depending on the act performed and the surrounding conditions, several types can be distinguished.

Of course, this division is very conditional. If we consider each individual case of heroism, then we can determine what a person sacrificed to a greater extent in the name of an idea, to save human lives, overcoming himself.

So, physical heroism. This is, first of all, the risk of one's own life, health for the sake of lofty goals.

moral heroism

Of course, high moral qualities are the basis of any heroic deed. However, this division refers to heroism in relation to oneself, for example, the struggle with one's own phobias or contrary to established norms (a fighter for justice).

On the scale of interpersonal relationships, and one person in particular, overcoming oneself is a very important, and perhaps a turning point that can completely change a person's life.

Since "heroism" is a word that can be applied both in global and local, and in moral aspects, the actions that are assigned the glory of "heroic" are not only combat.

Duality of the concept

The nature of heroism is actually complex and contradictory: what may be a heroic deed for one person may become a tragedy for another. How to evaluate the actions of a person who courageously and masterfully performs a task, shooting down a dozen enemy aircraft and constantly being at gunpoint, risking his life? At first glance, this is heroism. And if you add that this man is a Luftwaffe pilot?

It is necessary to separate the right goals from the wrong ones: the exploits of Hercules were also once perceived as heroic deeds. It is likely that saving human lives is a universal value. It is important to be able to determine the goal - for the sake of which a heroic deed is performed.

It is worth distinguishing imaginary heroism - a relatively new concept, which means an action that for one of the warring parties is regarded as a feat, and for the other, it may turn into death and destruction.

Examples of heroism in history

A large number of heroic deeds have been preserved in the history of mankind. There have always been people who were willing to sacrifice themselves to save children/women/animals/the wounded and anyone else who can't take care of themselves. In any military operations or emergency situations there is a place for a feat. That is why so many heroes are awarded posthumously.

The heroism of people knows no bounds. Often this manifested itself during the Great Patriotic War: countless people showed heroism, defending the Russian land. So, everyone knows the heroic deed of 28 Panfilov’s men: on the eve of the new year 1942, the German army expected to victoriously capture Moscow. However, 28 people under the command of Vasily Klochkov stood in their way.

Four hours of fierce battle ended with the fact that the soldiers fought back: they destroyed 18 tanks and repelled several German attacks. Almost everyone died. Heroes were awarded: posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

A vivid manifestation of heroism is the act of the pilot Gastello: having the opportunity to eject, he preferred to die, while inflicting serious damage on the enemy.

The partisans, actually being in the rear, conveyed a lot of important information. Unfortunately, many died: everyone knows the stories about Lenya Golikov, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya and Matvey Kuzmin. Neither age nor gender affect a person's decision about behavior in a critical situation - only moral qualities.

And there are a lot of similar examples: more than eleven thousand people received the title of Heroes.

Examples in literature

In works of art there are many examples of heroes who have accomplished a feat. A separate layer is occupied by military stories, stories, novels: "The Tale of a Real Man", "The Fate of a Man", "Vasily Terkin", "Matryona Dvor" and much more.

The true heroism of the central figures is able to convey all the tragedy of the situation, the complexity of the choice and the courage of the person.

Gorky Danko is traditionally remembered, tearing out his own heart, trying to light the way. As well as "Taras Bulba", "Ilya Muromets" and Stirlitz.

Heroic deeds of ordinary people

Do not forget that catastrophes and critical situations occur every day in the world. And the most ordinary people are ready to help their neighbor, sacrifice themselves for the sake of another person.

For example, Dr. Lisa, well-known in narrow circles, organized assistance to the most needy. And even after her death, this business continues to live.

Swimming champion - Karapetyan Shavarsh, who saved 20 bangs from a sinking trolleybus. Sergey Sotnikov, whose preventive actions saved the lives of people flying in the plane.

As we can see, heroism is a complex term that implies an ambiguous interpretation.

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