Print beautiful pictures for home interior. How to make stylish paintings for the kitchen interior with your own hands from improvised materials

The modern market for decor and decorative elements is replete with its diversity. Made from the simplest and most affordable materials, craftsmen sell them on various resources. On their own, everyone can make absolutely any detail in order to emphasize the individuality of their home.

And paintings are no exception. You just need to show imagination and be patient. Well, if there is not enough inspiration, it can be gleaned from a photo of paintings with your own hands in literature or on the net.

Beginning of work

Start creating a canvas with inspiration. No need to copy the work of other masters. We advise you to focus and think about how you can emphasize the mood and dignity of your home. Write down all your ideas in a separate notebook. Consider a place for a future masterpiece.

You also need to decide in what style you will work. Based on it, prepare consumables. It could be:

  • any fabric, skin patches, as well as ribbons, lace, and so on;
  • dried flowers, shells;
  • paints and canvas;
  • paper, all kinds of clippings, photographs;
  • buttons.

In your work, you can use children's drawings and a lot of things that at first glance seem like rubbish. Review your “wealth” from time to time, and at some point you will feel that you are ready to create an exclusive canvas. After all best ideas paintings for decor with their own hands come spontaneously.


The use of paints is the easiest way to solve the problem. What kind of picture you can make with your own hands depends solely on your imagination.

In the arsenal can be used as normal watercolor paints, and gouache, acrylic or oil. The basis can be either ordinary paper or a professional canvas or board treated with a primer.

Using a stencil

If you have paints that are sprayable, you can create a unique masterpiece with a stencil. We advise you to take the highest density cardboard for the base. Suitable and good quality plywood. The background and pattern should be contrasting: a combination of a silver or golden background with a color pattern will be interesting.

And, it is worth noting that dry herbs and leaves can serve as interesting templates for creating paintings.

How to make a modular painting?

A painting is called modular, where a single composition is enclosed in several canvases. They can be the same or asymmetrical. In such paintings, there can be anything, from landscape to abstraction.

It will not be difficult to choose from what you can make a modular picture at home. Pick an image that you like. It needs to be enlarged in format and divided into parts (that is, cut). The printed paper or fabric is then fixed to a suitable substrate.

If you decide to paint a picture yourself, you should do it on a prepared canvas. In the case of using paper as the basis, we recommend using acrylic or a waterproof marker to write a masterpiece.

The modular picture will look good in any room. The main thing is that the theme matches.

Printing photos

Professional printers in photo workshops can print your chosen image on fabric, ceramic dishes and paper of any density and quality.

It is worth noting that in many, and in ours, in particular, instructions on how to make beautiful picture with their own hands, it is noted that the image should have a semantic load. For example, if you are working on a product for the kitchen, a still life would be appropriate.

You can make a modular combination from large format posters.

Using a scanner and printer, you can easily create a collage of your baby's drawings. Add more photo young artist and you will have a wonderful poster.

It remains only to place it in a frame that will match the general mood of the children's room. Old and new family photos combined in one poster will be a good decoration for a bedroom or living room.

fabric paintings

In master classes in the manufacture of paintings, there are often works from patches, ribbons, braid and lace. Works from such material are real masterpieces that belong to the patchwork style.

The most common technique for this direction is the application, the accommodation is the kitchen and the children's room.

Of the materials often used are those that hold their shape well. A combination of various textures and patterns, as well as decoration with cords and buttons and other accessories is allowed.

Button fabrics

Original decor items can be created from buttons by sewing them on or planting them on glue. Often, images of leaves on trees are made from buttons. They can also animate any outline. On the modern market You can choose accessories of various colors, shapes and from various materials.

Button paintings are ideally written in the interior of any room.

Please note that buttons can decorate the frame of the picture. In this way, you emphasize the exclusivity of the product.

Leather. Quilling. And much more

Now you can often find voluminous canvases. In this case, leather, cardboard, pasta, coffee and all kinds of cereals are used. Works are performed not only in the application technique. Now quilling and decoupage are gaining popularity.

And finally, it is important to note the following. To prevent the work you have created from becoming unusable in a short time, cover it with a transparent moisture-resistant varnish. For a more lasting effect, repeat the procedure 2-3 more times after the first layer dries.

Photo of paintings with your own hands

A beautiful, refined interior of an apartment is not only beautiful fashionable furniture, lamps and expensive finishing materials. Since ancient times, paintings have been one of the ways to decorate your own home. Pictures painted professional artists- it is modern, stylish, but do-it-yourself paintings for the interior are exactly the highlight that will give the design your soul and make it more lively and interesting. How to make a picture with your own hands on the wall with the least amount of time, effort, money and without special talent artist, we will tell in this article.

Where to begin?

If you decide to decorate the interior of your house with your own painting, then start by looking for a source of inspiration. Any ideas, even the most artsy, abstract or completely banal, will be useful to you in the creative process. Prepare a separate box or container in which you will put things to create a picture.

Dig into your hidden creative reserves and try your hand at different genres. For example, if sewing has always been your favorite pastime, then try making a picture out of fabric. Such products have always been at the height of fashion. If you like to embroider, then make a picture for the interior using embroidery. This will be the most in a simple way to make a picture on the wall. Start with something simpler, and later on you can create small work art.

Easy wall decor ideas

Making a picture of the wallpaper with your own hands is the simplest and most affordable solution for everyone, without exception, because after pasting the walls in your apartment with wallpaper, there are still unrealized surpluses of finishing material. Using fantasy and cutting wallpaper, you can glue the image of a fairy-tale castle, a hut on chicken legs, a sailboat on the wall of a children's room. How more species wallpaper you will use, the more interesting and colorful the picture will be.

You can also make an abstract picture of the wallpaper. To do this, you will need a sheet of hard cardboard of a suitable format and trimming wallpaper with the most spectacular patterns and textures. Insert the resulting masterpiece into a frame and hang it on the wall.

Important! The color scheme of the picture should be in harmony not only with the color of the wall, but also with other elements of the interior. Usually, an abstract wallpaper picture is hung in the center of a plain wall, as it can get lost against a colorful background.

Alternatively, you can frame pieces of wallpaper or use small candy boxes with borders for frames. original decoration suitable for the kitchen.

  • To fix the cut out elements on the wall, use PVA glue or the like.
  • If you plan to use several paintings from wallpaper in one room, then make them based on the same type of material so that similar elements are present in the decor.
  • Place the manufactured product in a conspicuous place - opposite the entrance to the room. Then it will immediately catch the eye and become the main element of the interior.

How to create your own wallpaper?

Bright and eye-catching photo wallpapers are still at the peak of popularity. If you do not like any of the images offered for sale, then you can order the printing of the selected photo, drawings, and paste over one wall with the material made or decorate the interior of the room around the entire perimeter.

To make a picture on the wall with your own hands using photo wallpaper, follow these steps.

Preparatory stage

Decide on the image that you want to see on the wall and prepare the materials necessary for the creative process.

To make a masterpiece you will need:

  • Printer.
  • Colored ink for printing drawings.
  • Photo wallpaper paper (thick).
  • High-quality glue with which you firmly stick the drawings to the wall.

Important! If you decide to make photo wallpapers from photographs, then they must have a high resolution. To adjust the resolution, use the programs BlowUP, Genuine fractals, Magnifier, etc. Poor quality pictures will be blurry and look unaesthetic, which means that the idea of ​​making a picture on the wall with your own hands will not be appreciated.

Print the wallpaper on a regular color printer using A4 paper. If you want to print pictures large sizes, then contact specialized companies that provide printing services on large-format sheets.

Creating a painting

You can use the standard way to print pictures and decorate the wall in the room with them, or you can use the following options:

  1. Create photo wallpaper from improvised means. Perhaps you have original pictures, as well as a large number of photos that you want to put on the wall. Using pictures and photographs, create a non-standard composition by sticking them on a wall or a separate part of it.
  2. If your photo wallpaper is high-resolution and the main colors of the wallpaper match the style of the room's color scheme, print the wallpaper in a large format and stick it all over the wall. Such a composition can be decorated with additional elements: lamps, neon lighting of the appropriate shade or framed with decorative strips, moldings.
  3. Above the bed or sofa, you can stick an image from the photo wallpaper and choose a suitable frame. Get the real picture.
  4. For the manufacture of three-dimensional picture, photowall-paper can be pasted on a wooden or other basis.
  5. To create a modular picture from photo wallpaper, visually divide the overall picture into several parts. This painting would look great indoors. modern style or hi-tech.

Important! For modular paintings, use landscapes or still lifes as images. Do not use portraits, as dividing a character into several parts is unacceptable.

  1. With the help of photo wallpaper, you can make a poster on the wall. The brighter and richer the image, the more interesting the picture will look.
  • Before you start printing images, decide what sizes of canvases are suitable for the interior of the wall. This is especially important if you plan to hang a picture on a limited surface.
  • If you have a free wall in the room, then a huge modular picture, consisting of a huge number of constituent parts. To make the composition look original, use canvases of different sizes, as well as the principle of asymmetry.
  • To make a picture on the wall with your own hands, take wood, thick cardboard, polystyrene, plastic and other sheet panels of various materials as the basis for modular images. Apply images to the base itself with glue. After complete drying, hang the composition on the wall.
  • To make the original photo wallpaper serve you as long as possible, use a special protective film or transparent varnish. This will protect the surface of the drawing from dust and damage.

We decorate the wall with finishing materials

A wall lined with wild stone, mosaic or decorative brick looks very impressive. You can complement the interior of the room with a false fireplace made of gypsum.

An interesting way to decorate a wall is to use decorative plaster. This design has many advantages:

  • Helps to hide small wall defects.
  • Lasts a long time.
  • Simply applied.
  • As a result, you can get a variety of relief.

With the help of decorative plaster on the wall, you can create geometric figures, various patterns. An interesting effect is obtained as a result of the use of plaster with a pearly sheen, as well as when using multi-colored plaster. Here, full scope for creativity opens up, thanks to which you can show your talent as an artist and make a very unusual picture on the wall with your own hands.

Using interior paint

One of beautiful ways wall decoration is painting. Even in ancient times, such decor was practiced in palaces and temples, and real masters decorated the walls with beautiful frescoes. The wall must be prepared for painting: puttied, primed. To create a contrasting wall, use water-based paints, and for artistic painting- acrylic.

We offer you some ideas:

  1. If a plain surface does not inspire you, then with the help of masking tape make it striped or plaid.
  2. By painting part of the wall with special multi-colored slate paints, you will turn it into a large notepad for writing.
  3. With the help of artistic painting, you can decorate the interior of a nursery, living room, bedroom. If artistic skills are completely absent, then in order to make a picture on the wall with your own hands, use stencils or vinyl stickers. Stickers, if necessary, are easily peeled off the wall, and their range is diverse.
  4. With the help of paints, you can make a panel. You will only need: a basis for drawing, paint and adhesive tape to distinguish between sectors on the basis. Using the tools, divide the picture into sectors and paint them with different colors.

Wall decoration with photographs, paintings and framed mirrors

Paintings and photographs fit into any style of interior - you just need to choose the right plot and baguette.

Important! There should not be too many pictures and photos, since each of them is a bright accent. Photos can be constantly changed, for example, after a joyful event in the family or after another trip. You can create both black and white compositions and color. It looks original, a large tree painted on the wall, and family photos on the branches. The apartment with family photos in the interior has a special charm and looks very cozy and hospitable.

Use the following tips when designing:

  • Do not hang pictures of the same size exactly in a row, as this looks ugly and rather boring. It is better to place a large photo in the center, and create a composition of small shots along the edges.
  • When choosing photos for the interior, consider the atmosphere of the room in which they will be located, for example, romantic photos are suitable for the bedroom, shared family photos for the living room, and cheerful, cheerful pictures for the nursery.
  • If you want to decorate the wall with a mirror, then choose an interesting frame for it, but remember that a large mirror can be placed in the living room, bedroom or hallway, and in the nursery a small mirror or no mirror at all is desirable.

Wall decoration with fabric and embroidery paintings

We will offer you some interior design ideas if you are fond of embroidery and textile crafts:

  1. A composition of several paintings with different fabrics, but with a common shade of color in each of them, will look good. You can make such paintings on the wall with your own hands both from one piece of fabric, and from separate shreds.
  2. From fabric with a large pattern, you can make several paintings and place them in the form of one composition. In this case, the paintings must be made the same size and hung at a distance from each other. Such remoteness will give the composition a special charm.
  3. You can make a do-it-yourself picture on the wall of fabric, which repeats the element of the interior with its pattern.
  4. Pictures from scarves look interesting. Such decor would be appropriate in a children's room or if you decide to give preference to country styles, Provence.
  5. Fabric paintings look originally stretched on hard cardboard. There is another convenience for you personally in this - over time, the composition will not lose its shape and will look as attractive as when it was created.

Master class on creating paintings on the walls

If you can’t exactly determine for yourself what exactly you would like to do or it’s hard to combine materials, we offer a few ideas with step by step instructions. Surely this will help you make an original painting on the wall with your own hands.

Idea 1 - Abstract painting from blue turquoise tulle

To make a picture, you will need: canvas, scissors, glue and trimmings of colored tulle (chiffon or nylon ribbon).

Manufacturing scheme:

  1. Choose a fabric for a painting in related hues, such as turquoise or blue.
  2. Cut the tulle into strips of different widths.
  3. Apply the prepared strips to the canvas in random order, and then glue.
  4. Blot the remaining glue with a piece of cloth.
  5. Hide the ends of the strips reverse side canvas.
  6. Fasten them.

Idea 2 - Painting from natural material and gold paint

This do-it-yourself wall art is unique in that it does not require complex materials to create.

For creativity you will need:

  • thick cardboard or a piece of plywood;
  • cut of any plain fabric;
  • a tin of paint;
  • brush;
  • glue stick;
  • a branch of rowan or other tree;
  • gold paint in an aerosol.

Registration instructions:

  1. Cover thick cardboard with fabric.
  2. Paint it, for example, blue with a brush or sponge.
  3. While the paint dries, put the twig under a press for a couple of days to dry it.
  4. Glue the prepared branch to the fabric (there should be little glue).
  5. Aerosol gold paint apply to the entire surface of the canvas.
  6. Once the paint is dry, remove the twig.

Important! Using this method, you can make far from one picture on the wall with your own hands. Use paint of different colors and branches of different trees to make a whole plot composition from several elements.

Idea 3 - Fabric butterflies

Fabric butterflies will be a wonderful decoration for walls with drapery, other soft finishes, as well as walls with monotonous liquid wallpaper. For the manufacture of butterflies, both plain and colorful fabric are suitable. It is better to fix soft butterflies with PVA glue.

Important! It is better to make butterflies of different sizes, colors and configurations. Then the interior will definitely not look boring. And if you frame them in one or more places in a frame, the composition will look like complete picture on the wall, handmade.

Paintings for the interior from crafts

Can be attached to the wall various crafts from buttons, coffee beans, old newspapers. Let's take a look at some easy-to-follow ideas:

  • Old newspapers look original in frames. They can decorate one wall completely or, cutting it into small strips, sticking it on a sheet of paper, cut out any figure you like and decorate the wall with it. This solution would be especially appropriate if you are decorating a living room in a retro style.
  • You can use buttons to decorate the walls in your home. Take a fabric or a piece of wallpaper as a basis. Glue buttons of various colors and sizes. For the base, pick up a frame, and hang the made button picture on the wall. Of such small parts you can make a certain pattern or even lay out a whole thematic picture with several characters.
  • The kitchen can be decorated with a mosaic or a picture made from coffee beans. For the base, you can take a fabric or a piece of wallpaper, or you can immediately glue the grains on the wall, into a previously prepared glued frame.
  • You can decorate the wall with a panel in the form of scales. For manufacturing, you will need paper circles of the same size, spray paint, glue or a stapler, and for the base - chipboard or any other base. Cover the chipboard with circles and secure them with glue or a stapler. Then - using spray paint, paint all the circles in a golden color.

Having decided on the style, you can begin to select materials for the future work:

  1. Paint and canvas.
  2. Cardboard, designer paper, magazine clippings, old photos.
  3. Textile, leather, ribbons, braid.
  4. Glass or crystals.
  5. Buttons.
  6. Dried flowers, shells.

Advice! Do not throw away old children's drawings, scraps of fabric, magazines, decorations– all this can become part of the picture. Keep them in a separate box, periodically reviewing and arranging among themselves.

We draw with paints

The easiest way to create an original painting for the interior with your own hands is to paint it. The theme is limited only by the imagination of the creator. Even in the absence artistic skills you can get a masterpiece: use abstract techniques, study master classes and photos of finished works.

oil, watercolor, acrylic paints will become faithful assistants in creating a picture for the interior. As a basis, you can use both a professional canvas and plain thick paper or a primed board.

Advice! Inspiration can be drawn from nature if there are picturesque places near the house. If you are not lucky with the place or the weather, feel free to draw your household, pets, fruit compositions - whatever. The accuracy of reproducing reality does not play any role, the main thing is to approach the process with a soul.

Modular paintings are suitable for almost any room: from cuisine before living room, but it is important to select appropriate images. If you don’t have time at all to create a masterpiece with your own hands, then we have for you good news- today you can buy them in any specialized store!

Photo printing

The technical side of the issue is taken over by a photo workshop, which can print a suitable image on almost any basis: canvas, paper, ceramics, etc. These can be ordinary posters with picture interesting places, people, ornaments.

Advice! The poster is not just a picture, it must carry a certain idea, match the interior, the theme of the room and the character of the owners of the house. AT recent times pin-up and retro posters gained particular popularity.

If the poster is large, you can divide the image into several segments and, when combined into a single canvas, beat the joints, making a similarity modular picture.

If there is a child in the house, then you can scan his drawings and, choosing the right ones in color, shape,. A photo of the artist himself can complement such a poster. It remains only to print the poster and place it in a frame that matches the color and style.

Collage of old and new family photos can be hung as a picture in the bedroom or living room, and posters with the image of the relevant paraphernalia, fruits, are suitable for the kitchen. Finally, it is worth noting that it is recommended to choose posters and panels for the kitchen in juicy and bright colors. color schemes, however, no one forbids you to go against the rules and create stylish ones.


From all kinds of shreds, fabrics with a beautiful ornament, ribbons, braid or lace, you can create real masterpieces in patchwork style with your own hands. Fabric paintings are most often made using the appliqué technique. Dense textiles with a discreet and inconspicuous ornament (stripes, polka dots, etc.) are taken as the basis, and the main elements are cut out of bright shreds.

Most often, kitchens and nurseries are decorated with textile works, since these rooms are characterized by a certain simplicity that is present in the application.

Advice! From felt, flannel and other fabrics that hold their shape well, you can cut fruits, animals, cars, houses. You can safely combine various textures and patterns on fabrics, use braid, decorative cord, buttons for decoration. For the living room, you can make a textile picture of wrinkled silk with abstract patterns.

From buttons

With their help, you can create original things by sewing or appliqué. Often this type of fittings is used to depict leaves on trees. Buttons can be originally glued inside any contour, for example, a silhouette butterflies or cats. In sewing stores, you can pick up details of various shapes, colors and materials and lay them out like a mosaic, according to a pre-prepared scheme. Such works of buttons will fit perfectly into the kitchen, however, they can be used for the living room and bedroom.

Advice! Buttons can be glued around the perimeter of the picture frame, giving it a personality.

Wallpaper and panels

Often after repair remain big chunks beautiful wallpapers that are useful for making unusual interior paintings.

  1. Framed wallpaper is the easiest option to create something like this. panel. A piece of the desired shape is cut out of the roll and placed in the frame. Moreover, the ornament may coincide with the pattern on the walls or differ from it. Such elements can go in a row of 2-3 pieces.
  2. To revive a boring canvas in a frame, golden paint and a stencil or small black and white photos, stylized antique. Such pictures from the wallpaper will fit perfectly into

Self-decoration of your home is a matter of honor for masters and craftswomen who prefer the original and unique interior. Modern trends in interior decoration dictate the use of relatively modest and concise items.

Do-it-yourself modular paintings are just such minimalist types of jewelry. Their simple geometric shape, the absence of frames, glass and other unnecessary details, allows you to create them yourself.

What are modular paintings

As the name implies, these decorative elements consist of several separate parts (modules) that are united by a common artistic idea and placed on the wall in a certain order.

As a rule, do-it-yourself modular paintings from photo wallpapers or other materials, like factory products, have a certain thickness. That is, they form a three-dimensional composition. The depth of individual modules can be the same (most often) or different. In the second case, the difference in volume allows you to create the effect of a three-dimensional image.

Do-it-yourself modular paintings: types

As the main material for creating such a decor, you can use:

  • wallpaper (regular or photo wallpaper);
  • Photo;
  • colored paper;
  • the cloth;
  • canvas.

Really original are products painted by hand on paper or canvas. However, the ease of making modular paintings opens up great opportunities even for those who are far from the world of creativity. When using ready-made painted materials, the main necessary skill can be called the accuracy of a home master.

The arrangement of elements can be linear, diagonal or abstract. The shape of the modules is given completely different: square, round, arbitrary. True, the simplest for making a house still remains rectangular.

How to place finished products

When thinking about how to make a modular picture with your own hands, you should think about its placement in advance. As a rule, empty sections of walls above sofas, along stairs or between doorways need decoration and filling.

The diagram below shows various options arrangement of elements of modular paintings, which will also be useful to those who plan the placement a large number photographs or panels.

Paintings on canvas

Do-it-yourself modular paintings, created as an alternative to original canvases, imply the use of quality materials and specific technology. Canvas serves as the basis for applying the decorative layer.

Artist stores stock a wide range of different blanks, including a sturdy wooden stretcher with a canvas stretched over it. The assortment of such stores often depends on the demand for such products, so find materials in provincial towns can be problematic. The way out is to search and buy everything you need in online stores.

The selected drawing is applied to the finished base using any available technique (oil, pastel). Such modular paintings, made by hand, are a real work of art.

In the event that the image cannot be drawn, it can be applied to the canvas using a special printer. For this task, a ready-made base with a stretcher will not work. You will need to purchase separately a canvas and a mount for it. Canvas printing is a fairly common service that many printers offer.

An important point: before you make a modular picture with your own hands, you should carefully plan the location and boundaries of each of its elements. The printed canvas must be stretched on a stretcher, which means that each element of the composition must be printed separately with a sufficient margin of clean canvas around the edges.

Use of improvised materials

Unlike the previous method, do-it-yourself modular paintings from wallpaper are much easier to make. As a decorative material, you can use any wallpaper you like, a drawing printed in a printing house, family photos, portraits of your favorite film artists or decoupage cards.

For such paintings, you will also need a stretcher with chipboard or plywood. You can buy it or make it yourself. color image is drawn, cut and attached to the flat base of the subframe. For fixing, use special glue, double-sided tape or a construction stapler. The disadvantage of using liquid glue is the softening and deformation of the paper, so you should experiment in advance on an unnecessary fragment and choose the right material.

Before you make a modular picture with your own hands from photo wallpaper, you need to make sure that the finished elements are correctly matched on the wall and create a single plot. Therefore, cutting wallpaper should be carried out taking into account allowances for hem. An alternative would be to glue the end of the subframe with another material. In this case, the area of ​​the picture is the same as the surface area of ​​the subframe.

Do-it-yourself modular painting: master class

A fairly popular material for the manufacture of modular paintings is fabric. Its color can be any, at the discretion of the owner of the house. To work, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • stretcher;
  • decorative fabric;
  • scissors;
  • meter or tape measure;
  • glue or construction stapler;
  • additional elements (fasteners for hanging, tape for end processing, decor).

For cutting fabric, it is better to make a pattern according to the size of each fragment. Cut parts with hem allowances should be carefully, especially when it comes to material with geometric pattern. If you allow a bias, it will be very noticeable, you will have to redo it.

The beauty of using fabric is that you do not have to try to match the edges of the future modular picture. This greatly simplifies the work.

The subframe can be wood or foam. When choosing the second option, it is worth abandoning the use of glue, since it will be almost impossible to achieve uniform gluing of the fabric.

Sequence of work

The cut fragments are placed on the surface of the stretcher and fixed with temporary fasteners at several points (pins or thin nails). Then the workpiece should be turned over, allowances should be made on the wrong side and sequentially attached to the stretcher. You should start with the long sides, then move on to the short ones. Lastly, fold and fix the corners.

Excessive stretching of the canvas must be avoided, as this will lead to deformation of the pattern. If desired, the ends can be processed with tape, and decorative elements can be attached to the front surface of the picture.

Last of all, loops are nailed from the inside and then the pictures are hung on the wall.

Probably, paintings are one of the oldest accessories for decorating your own home. The question of how to make paintings with your own hands can cause logical bewilderment - of course, draw, but what else? But let's say you can't draw. Or you know how - but are not yet ready to present your work to the public, even at home.

But even in this case you have full right call yourself an artist! After all, there are many ways to make a picture on your own - turn to arts and crafts, sculpt a masterpiece in a graphic editor, cut an annual subscription of your favorite magazine into collages. Or indulge in spontaneous painting and throw paint at the canvas from a distance of several meters. Or maybe frame dried flowers or bags of sugar taken from a cafe?

There are more possibilities than you might think! We will please you - in the article we will talk about how to push your creative limits, and not about how to drive yourself deeper into them. Our goal is not to get an "A" in drawing, but to express our character through interior decoration.

  • Look for ideas
  • Accumulate impressions
  • Try new things

  • Embroidery
  • Application picture
  • Silhouettes on canvas
  • Patterned silhouettes

  • Landscape
  • Abstraction
  • geometric patterns

"Where to begin?"

Are you planning to make a picture with your own hands? We will try to suggest you some simple and original options. Maybe you will bring to life some idea that you like the most.

"Search for Ideas"

  • Are you ready to give the room a charismatic face? If yes, then start looking for sources of inspiration everywhere. Creativity is a constant search, observation and irrepressible curiosity. To make a breakthrough in interior design, you first need to make a breakthrough inside your head. Do not discard even the craziest ideas, because the original vision is what we need.

"To accumulate impressions"

  • If you have already joined the ranks of supporters of the do-it-yourself philosophy, you will soon begin to notice how you scan the apartment with your eyes in search of unnecessary gizmos that can be turned into a work of art. Throwing garbage will also turn into torture for you - a true hand-maker must fight to the last for every beautiful piece of paper. Jokes aside, but you will have to bring a separate box or basket for treasures. Who knows what feats she will inspire you to do sooner or later.

"Try new things"

  • Even if you draw beautifully, no one has canceled the creative stupor. Besides, suddenly it's time to try yourself in a new genre? The interior design options that we have proposed belong specifically to the “try” category. That is, they will not take a lot of time and effort from you. If you understand that the topic resonates with you the most, you can always dive deeper into it. In the meantime, let's taste the life-giving nectar of the artist, a concentrate of inspiration and creative power!

"Fabric Paintings"

If you are into creating and sewing is your hobby, forget about throwing away the leftover fabric or putting it on rags! Textile paintings for interior decoration are the latest fashion now. And apparently they are not going to lose their status.


  • Without much difficulty, such an element of decor will be created by lovers of minimalist jewelry and flashy accessories. The former can simply stretch the fabric on a wooden stretcher, the latter can find openwork frames in vintage style.

  • Some do not know how to approach embroidery, complex multi-color schemes are intimidating, and therefore, they are put off for later. But in order to make pleasant masterpieces for interior decoration, you do not need to raise the bar high and embroider the scene of the Battle of Borodino. See how delicate flower stalks can look, embroidered on a rough canvas and placed on the wall right in the hoop!


  • Look, any embroidery is very easy to combine with applique, and work in a more flexible genre that allows you to create images that will decorate not only country-style interiors. DIY interior paintings, consisting of several parts, always look interesting - try your hand at this, what if it works out?

"Silhouettes on Canvas"

  • The following photo confirms what unexpected discoveries a simple silhouette work can make! We use simple form- so we complicate the textures, common sense tells us. To repeat this picture at home, you will need:

In order to imitate the texture of wood, cover the canvas with an even layer of dark brown paint, and then gradually add strokes of ocher and red to it. Do not be zealous with the density of the coating, it is the "striping" of the picture that will give it a resemblance to the original. The image of a branch and birds can be found on the Internet, print and cut out a stencil from paper, according to which a textile version is cut out. Wait for the paint to dry completely (several hours) and carefully stick the fabric onto the canvas.

"Patterned Silhouettes"

  • The possibilities of such a silhouette application are endless. You can create DIY interior paintings on any theme: elegant for the living room, delicious fruits for the kitchen, cute animals or for the children's room. For example, look at the photo below - making this wonderful giraffe is not difficult. The main thing is to find a suitable bright fabric.

"Taking on the colors"

Want to draw? Ever dreamed of having your own wall art at home? Do not be shy and do not put off inspiration for later. Get paints with brushes, and let's go create ...


  • If you are not one of the timid and are prone to expressive gestures, or if you understand that it won’t get worse, splash out your emotions on the wall in literally the words. Yes, very brave, but you have a chance to get not only a unique experience, but also an amazing wall. Brighter colors - and go!


  • Each of us has a favorite color that we can look at endlessly. Or the interior greedily asks to complement it with a shade of sea wave or piercing purple. If you carefully look at the photos of designer interiors, you might notice that it is abstract canvases that often play the role of color support. Shall we do the same? We take:

We mentally break the host into several parts and begin to make a color stretch from dark to light. Don't try to get perfect transitions! You can always make the right places darker or lighter by adding paint or water. Acrylic is easy to work with. But it requires speed, as it dries quickly. In a word, to make a picture for the interior with your own hands, as in the next photo, it will take you no more than an hour. All that remains is to choose a frame for the newly-made masterpiece, or leave it in a slightly unfinished form.

"Geometric Patterns"

  • Remember, in the article about we talked about the bedside table, unusual pattern on which it turned out thanks to the masking tape? This picture was created in the same way. Places that should remain white are sketched in with a pencil, and then covered with tape. This technique provides perfectly smooth edges. To get paint streaks in some places, blot the still wet work with a cloth or foam sponge.

"Making a Collage"

Collage is a godsend for those who want to create something absolutely fashionable, bright and eye-catching. Moreover, the creative process itself may not be monotonous, but very impulsive. You can think over the composition and paste the collage on a piece of drawing paper. Or you can buy a large cork board and start collecting your wish card. Such a pattern can always be quickly replayed, so beginners can stop at the second option without fear.

"Photo printing"

If you are thinking of making a picture with your own hands in a more difficult genre- It is better to turn to the services of printing workshops. Only in this way you can get high-quality prints on any surface. For example, on book pages as in the illustration below. At first glance, it seems that the drawing is applied with black ink, but in reality, it is good photo. This is especially true if you are interested in a genre of miniature that you cannot depict yourself.

"Paintings from natural materials"

Of course, a very special comfort in our home is brought by natural natural materials, minimal processing, and all kinds of crafts from them. Making paintings out of them with your own hands is not only fast, but also very pleasant. In addition, in this way you can bring your interior closer to an eco-friendly style.

They brought shells, pebbles and stars from the sea - and don't know what to do with them? Do not rush to pour into a vase, better stock up:

  1. a set of deep photo frames - determine the depth depending on the size of the shells,
  2. colored blue or blue cardboard,
  3. scissors,
  4. superglue.

The next task is clear without words. As you may have guessed, we cut out squares from cardboard according to the size of the frame. Then we glue the shells on them and insert them inside. Voila - marine painting born with your own hands! If the shades of blue in this room do not suit anything, then you can replace them with any other color.

"Frame without a picture"

Well, if nothing comes to your mind at all - decorate the interior with a picture that does not exist! Yes, yes, oddly enough, frames without pictures have come into fashion again. Decorate it prettier - and go! You can find dozens of frames different size and shapes, and then cover them with paint of the same color, or create one massive and noticeable. To design a frame like in the next photo, you will have to learn how to create - so read our article on this insanely relevant topic.

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