Symbol of the coming year on book pages. Rooster and dog Foreign author's tales about a rooster

(See interpretation: chicken)

A rooster in a dream is a fan for a woman, a rival for men and a competitor in business. Sometimes a dream about a rooster foreshadows a meeting with a snobby and conceited person, which will be unpleasant for you. Slaughtering him is a sign of a breakdown in affairs. Letting him out of the house is a harbinger of your child's imminent marriage. Fighting roosters in a dream are a sign of quarrels or strife.

Hearing a rooster crowing in a dream portends news that will indicate to you that the moment has come that you should not miss. See interpretation: cry.

It is also believed that a rooster in a dream warns of treason or deceit, as well as that the time has come for an important decision to be made. If in a dream you hear the cries of roosters, then you should avoid quarrels and showdowns that can harm you. Sometimes the cry of a rooster in a dream warns against mistakes or warns of betrayal.

If you dream that a rooster laid an egg, then pleasant surprises await you, which means the arrival of pleasant guests or receiving good news. Sometimes such a dream predicts an unexpected inheritance. See interpretation: feathers, an egg in which you pluck feathers from a rooster's tail portends misfortune.

To see the bright plumage of a rooster in a dream is a sign of the imminent joyful news of the arrival of a friend or lover whom you have not seen for a long time.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Extra-curricular literary reading for primary school students "Guess what fairy tale the Cockerel is from?"

Kondratyeva Alla Alekseevna, primary school teacher, MBOU "Zolotukhinskaya secondary school", Kursk region
Purpose: Literary quiz game is designed for children, preschool teachers, primary school teachers, class teachers, additional education teachers and parents. A variety of tasks and questions will help children remember and consolidate their knowledge of fairy tales about the cockerel, as well as bring them positive emotions from the lesson.
Target: strengthening in children previously acquired knowledge about favorite fairy tales.
1. Organize active leisure for students.
2. To draw the attention of children to literary creativity, raising an interest in reading.
3. Recall and consolidate children's knowledge about the names, authors and heroes of children's fairy tales, one of which is the Cockerel.

We all love fairy tales with the Cockerel, because we know him well; he is not cunning and not vindictive. In some fairy tales, the Rooster steps importantly, rescues a hare from trouble, sings songs, sweeps floors. In other fairy tales, the Rooster does not sit behind the stove, does not hide in the attic, does not hide in the far yard, but takes an active part in the events taking place in a particular fairy tale. Sometimes the Rooster is naive and simple-hearted, and gets into various difficult situations, sometimes he is bold and decisive.
For inquisitive children, I propose to remember, read excerpts from fairy tales about the cockerel and play the literary game “Guess what fairy tale the Cockerel is from?”

1. Many years ago there lived a miller in the world. And the miller had a donkey - a good donkey, smart and strong. The donkey worked for a long time at the mill, carried coolies with flour on his back, and now, finally, he grew old.
The owner sees: the donkey has weakened, is no longer suitable for work - and drove him out of the house ...

What is the name of this fairy tale? What pets are one of the main characters in this tale?(The tale of the Brothers Grimm "The Bremen Town Musicians", the main characters of which the Rooster, along with the Donkey, the Cat and the Dog, went to work as musicians in the city of Bremen).

A donkey walks - screams like a donkey, a dog walks - barks like a dog, a cat walks - meows like a cat.
They walked, they walked. They pass by one courtyard and see: a rooster is sitting on the gate and shouting at the top of its voice: “Ku-ka-re-ku.”
- What are you, cockerel, screaming? the donkey asks him.
- What happened to you? - asks his dog.
- Maybe someone offended you? - asks the cat.
“Ah,” says the rooster, “have pity on me, donkey, dog and cat!” Tomorrow my hosts will have guests. So my masters are going to kill me and cook soup out of me. What should I do?
The donkey answers him:
- Let's go, cockerel, with us to the city of Bremen and become street musicians there. Your voice is good, you will sing and play the balalaika, the cat will sing and play the violin, the dog will sing and beat the drum, and I will sing and play the guitar.

2. Name the author of the fairy tale in which the Rooster and the Dog became friends. Whom did they deceive together?(K.D. Ushinsky "Rooster and dog", Lisa's friends deceived)
An old man lived with an old woman, and they lived in great poverty. All they had was only a rooster and a dog, and even those they were poorly fed. So the dog says to the rooster:
-Come on, brother Petka, let's go to the forest: life here is bad for us.

3. What kind of grain is referred to in the fairy tale, in which, for the sake of salvation, the Cockerel Hen ran for milk, looked for grass, begged for a scythe, and got butter?
(About the bean seed in the fairy tale "The Cockerel and the Bean Seed")

The Cockerel and the Bean Seed is a Russian folk tale about a rooster who was in a hurry when he ate the grains. Hen had to constantly tell him to peck more slowly. As expected, the cockerel once choked on a bean seed, but the hen, his faithful friend, quickly ran to the mistress for help, she sent her to the cow, the cow to the owner, the owner to the blacksmith. The chicken went around everyone and the cockerel saved.

4. What is the name of the fairy tale in which the Rooster calls the fox "Princess Madam"? In this tale, the Rooster, with the help of flattering speeches, managed to slip away from the fox.
(Russian folk tale "The Fox and the Rooster" in the processing of A.N. Tolstoy)

-Hey, mother fox, princess-empress! People know you, merchants and boyars revere you, they sew fur coats from you and wear them on holidays. And my business is small: I live with one owner - I don’t serve two.
- Rooster thief! Do not build lyas! And she began to shake the rooster more.
Rooster again:
- Eh, mother-fox, princess-empress! Here I will live with you and serve you with faith and truth! You will bake prosvirs, and I will sell prosvirs and sing songs. Good glory will go about us ...
The fox loosened its claws. The rooster escaped and flew higher up the tree ...

5. What is the name of this tale of three friends?(Cockerel-golden comb)

The cat, Thrush and Cockerel lived together in the same house. The cat and Drozd went to the forest to cut firewood, and the Cockerel was left alone at home. Once the Fox managed to lure out the Cockerel, but his friends saved him. After a while, she again stole Cockerel, but the Cat and Drozd did not hear his cry for help ...

6. What was the name of the cockerel who cleaned the hut every day, swept the floor cleanly, sat on the perch, sang songs and waited for the cat? (The fairy tale "Cat, rooster and fox", Petya the rooster)

Listen, children: once upon a time there was an old man, he had a cat and a rooster. The old man went to the forest to work, the cat brought him food, and left the rooster to guard the house. At that time, the fox came:
- Cockerel, cockerel,
golden scallop,
Look out the window
I'll give you peas...
So the fox sang, sitting under the window. The rooster opened the window, stuck his head out and looked: who is singing here? And the fox grabbed him in his claws and carried him to his hut. The rooster crowed:
- The fox carried me, the rooster carried me for dark forests, for dense forests, along steep banks, along high mountains. Kot Kotofeevich, take me away!

7. In which fairy tale, under the rays of the spring sun, did the Fox's hut melt, and the Rooster with a scythe rescued the Bunny from trouble? ("The Fox, the Hare and the Rooster" or "The Hare's Hut")

8. What miracle object was found by a brave old man who crawled along a pea and reached the clouds?(Miracle-melenka in the fairy tale "Cockerel-golden comb and miracle-melenka")

There lived an old man and an old woman. They were eating peas once and dropped one pea on the floor. A pea rolled across the floor and rolled underground. How long, how short, lay there a pea, only suddenly began to grow. She grew and grew and grew to the floor.
The old woman saw and said:
- Old man, you need to cut through the floor: let the pea grow higher. When it grows up, we will pick peas in the hut.

9. Whom did the Rooster frighten in the fairy tale "Wintering of animals"?(Wolf with fox)

The fox led them (the animals) to the hut. The bear says to the wolf:
-Go ahead!
And the wolf cries:
- No, you're stronger than me, go ahead!
Okay, go bear; just at the door - the bull bowed its head and propped it with its horns against the wall. And the ram ran away, and how the bear bangs in the side and knocked him down. And the pig tears and tosses to shreds. And the goose flew up - it stings its eyes. And the rooster sits on the beam and cries:
- Give it here, give it here!
The wolf and the fox heard the cry to run!

10. For what forest gifts did the kochet and the chicken go to the forest in the Russian folk tale “The Kochet and the Chicken”)?(For nuts)

There lived a hen with a kochetka, and they went into the forest for nuts. We came to the hazel; the cockerel climbed onto a walnut tree to pick nuts, and left the chicken on the ground to pick up nuts: the cockerel throws, and the chicken picks up. Here he threw a nut, and hit the chicken in the eye, and knocked out the eye. The chicken went - crying. Here come the boyars and ask: “Chicken, chicken! Why are you crying?"
- "My kochetok knocked out an eye."
- “Kochet, kochetka! Why did you knock out the chicken's eye?"
- "The hazelnut of my trousers tore me."
- “Halnut, hazel! Why did you tear the yoke of your trousers?”
“The goats ate me.” - “Goats, goats! What did you eat nuts for?
- "The shepherds do not protect us."
“Shepherds, shepherds! Why don't you take care of the goats?
- "The hostess does not feed us pancakes."
“Mistress, mistress! Why don’t you feed pancakes to shepherds?”
- "My pig spilled my dough."
- "Pig, pig! What did you spill the dough on at the hostess?
- “A wolf took a pig from me”
. - “Wolf, wolf! Why did you take a piglet away from a pig?
- "I wanted to eat, God commanded me."

11. Fairy tale "Petukhan Kurykhanovich" - about who will outwit whom.
Who are the main characters in this tale?
(Old woman, two soldiers)
Once in a house where a rich village man lived, two soldiers asked to rest. The owner was not at home, and the hostess concealed a hearty meal from the guests. And she left for a while. And the servicemen found a rooster in a pot and hid it. The hostess returns - and begins to talk with the soldiers ...
12. Who protected the chickens in the fairy tale "Confessor Fox"?(Rooster)
One day the fox dragged himself through the forest of Neevsha all the long autumn night. At dawn she came to the village, went into the peasant's yard, and climbed onto the perch with the hens.
She had just crept up and wanted to grab one chicken, and the time had come for the rooster to sing: he flapped his wings, stamped his feet and screamed at the top of his lungs.

The fox flew from its perch so frightened that for three weeks he lay in a fever.
13. In what fairy tale
Cockerel with high knitting needles
Began to guard the king of the border?
(A S. Pushkin The Tale of the Golden Cockerel)

14. What is the name of this tale about a cockerel?("Cockerel with family").

A cockerel walks around the yard: a red comb on its head, a red beard under its nose. Petya's nose is a chisel, Petya's tail is a wheel, there are patterns on the tail, spurs on the legs. With his paws, Petya rakes a bunch, convenes hens with chickens:
- Cursed chickens! Busy hostesses! Spotted-ryabenkie! Black and white! Get together with the chickens, with the little guys: I have a grain in store for you!
Hens with chickens gathered, cackled; they didn’t share a grain - they fought.
Petya the Cockerel doesn’t like riots - now he has reconciled his family: that one for a crest, that one for a tuft, he ate a grain himself, flew up on the wattle fence, waved his wings, yelled at the top of his lungs:
- “Ku-ka-re-ku!”

15. What is the name of the fairy tale in which the Cockerel woke up the sun?("The Cockerel and the Sun")

A young cockerel met the sun every morning. He jumps on the fence, crows, and now a golden luminary has already appeared above the forest. And then, as always, he crowed, and instead of the sun, gray fog floated out from behind the forest.
"Where is the sun to be found?" - the cockerel stood, thought, put on his boots and went to the kitten.
- Do you know where the sun is? he asked the kitten.
- Meow, I forgot to wash my face today. Probably, the sun was offended and did not come, - the kitten meowed.
The cockerel did not believe the kitten, he went to the hare.
- Oh, oh, I forgot to water my cabbage today. That's why the sun didn't come, - the hare squeaked.
The cockerel did not believe the hare, he went to the frog.
- Wow-so? - croaked the frog. - It's all because of me. I forgot to my water lily "Good morning!" to tell.
The cockerel and the frog did not believe. Returned home. Sat down to drink tea with lollipops. And suddenly he remembered: “Yesterday I offended my mother, but I forgot to apologize.” And he just said:
- Mom, please forgive me!
This is where the sun came out.
No wonder it is said: "From a good deed in the world it becomes brighter, as if the sun has risen."

16. Who on the Rooster ran away from Carabas and Duremar?(Pinocchio)

17. From what word did the word "rooster" come from?(From the word "sing"; rooster - "singer")

I hope that all of you, both adults and children, will want to re-read these good tales about the cockerel once again, because the Cockerel is a symbol of 2017. May he become a good mentor and wise teacher for everyone this year! Thank you for your attention!

Once upon a time there was a cat, a thrush and a cockerel - a golden comb. They lived in the forest, in a hut. The cat and the thrush go to the forest to chop wood, and the cockerel is left alone.

Leave - severely punished:

- We will go far, and you stay housekeeping, but don't give a voice; When the fox comes, don't look out the window.

The fox found out that the cat and the thrush were not at home, ran to the hut, sat down under the window and sang:

—  Cockerel, cockerel,

golden scallop,

butter head,

silk beard,

Look out the window

I'll give you peas.

The cockerel put his head out the window. The fox grabbed him in her claws and carried him to her hole.

The rooster crowed:

— The fox carries me

For dark forests

For fast rivers

Over the high mountains...

Cat and thrush, save me!..

The cat and the thrush heard, rushed in pursuit and took the cockerel from the fox.

Another time, the cat and the thrush went into the forest to chop wood and again punished:

“Well, now, rooster, don’t look out the window, we’ll go even further, we won’t hear your voice.

They left, and the fox again ran to the hut and sang:

—  Cockerel, cockerel,

golden scallop,

butter head,

silk beard,

Look out the window

I'll give you peas.

— Guys ran,

Scattered the wheat

chickens are pecking,

Roosters are not allowed...

— Ko-ko-ko! How do they not give?

The fox grabbed him in her claws and carried him to her hole.

The rooster crowed:

— The fox carries me

For dark forests

For fast rivers

Over the high mountains...

Cat and thrush, save me!..

The cat and the thrush heard and gave chase. The cat runs, the thrush flies ... They caught up with the fox - the cat fights, the thrush pecks, and the cockerel was taken away.

For a long time, for a short time, the cat and the thrush again gathered in the forest to cut firewood. When leaving, they severely punish the cockerel:

— Don't listen to the fox, don't look out the window, we'll go even further, we won't hear your voice.

And the cat and the thrush went far into the forest to chop wood. And the fox is right there: she sat down under the window and sings:

—  Cockerel, cockerel,

golden scallop,

butter head,

silk beard,

Look out the window

I'll give you peas.

The cockerel sits silent. And the fox - again:

— Guys ran,

Scattered the wheat

chickens are pecking,

Roosters are not allowed...

The rooster keeps silent. And the fox - again:

— People fled,

Nuts were poured

The chickens are pecking

Roosters are not allowed...

Cockerel and put his head in the window:

— Ko-ko-ko! How do they not give?

The fox grabbed him tightly in her claws, carried him to her hole, beyond dark forests, over fast rivers, over high mountains ...

No matter how much the cockerel screamed or called, the cat and the thrush did not hear him. And when they returned home, the cockerel was gone.

The cat and the thrush ran in the tracks of the foxes. The cat is running, the thrush is flying... They ran to the fox hole. The cat set up the guseltsy and let's play:

- Rubbish, nonsense, hussels,

Golden strings...

Is Lisafya-kuma still at home,

Is it in your warm nest?

The fox listened, listened and thinks:

"Let me see - who plays the harp so well, sings sweetly."

I took it and climbed out of the hole. The cat and the thrush grabbed her - and let's beat and beat. They beat and beat her until she carried her legs off.

They took a cockerel, put it in a basket and brought it home.

And since then they began to live and be, and now they live.

A.S. Pushkin

The Tale of the Golden Cockerel

Somewhere, in the distant kingdom,
In the thirtieth state,
Once upon a time there was a glorious king Dadon.
From a young age he was formidable
And the neighbors every now and then
Inflicted grievances boldly;
But under old age I wanted
Take a break from military affairs
And make yourself calm.
Here the neighbors disturb
Became an old king
Doing terrible harm to him.
So that the ends of their possessions
Protect from attacks
He should have kept
Numerous army.
The governors did not doze off,
But they didn't make it.
They used to wait from the south, look -
An army is climbing from the east!
They will do it here - dashing guests
They come from the sea... Out of anger
Indus wept King Dadon,
Indus also forgot sleep.
What is life in such anxiety!
Here he is asking for help
Turned to the sage
Stargazer and eunuch.
He sends a messenger after him with a bow.
Here is the wise man before Dadon
Became and took out of the bag
Golden cockerel.
“Plant you this bird, -
He said to the king, - on the knitting needle;
My golden cockerel
Your faithful watchman will be:
As long as everything is peaceful,
So he will sit quietly;
But only a little from the side
Expect war for you
Or the raid of the force of war,
Or another uninvited misfortune
Instantly then my cockerel
Raise the comb
Scream and freak out
And it will turn back to that place.”
The king of the eunuch thanks
He promises mountains of gold.
“For such a favor, -
He says in admiration,
Your first will
I will perform as mine.”
Cockerel with high knitting needles
He began to guard his borders.
A little danger where visible
Faithful watchman as from a dream
Moves, shakes,
Will turn to that side
And shouts: “Kiri-ku-ku.
Reign lying on your side!”
And the neighbors calmed down
Don't dare to fight anymore.
Such is their king Dadon
He fought back from all sides!
A year, another passes peacefully;
The rooster sits quietly.
One day King Dadon
Awakened by a terrible noise:
“You are our king! father of the people! -
The governor proclaims. -
Sovereign! wake up! trouble!” -
“What is it, gentlemen? -
Says Dadon, yawning, -
Eh?.. Who is there?.. What’s the trouble?”
Warlord says:
“The cockerel cries again;
Fear and noise throughout the capital.”
The king to the window, - en on the spoke,
He sees a cockerel beating
Turning to the east.
There is nothing to delay: “Hurry!
People, get on the horse! Hey, come on!”
The king sends an army to the east,
The eldest son leads him.
The rooster calmed down
The noise subsided, and the king forgot himself.
It's been eight days
But there is no news from the army;
Was it, was it not a battle, -
No report to Dadon.
The cockerel cries again;
The king calls out to another army;
He is now the smaller son
Sends to the rescue of a big one.
The cockerel is quiet again.
No news from them again!
Again eight days pass;
People spend their days in fear;
The cockerel cries again;
The king calls the third army
And leads her to the east, -
Himself, not knowing whether to be of any use.
Troops march day and night;
They become uncomfortable.
No battle, no camp,
No grave mound
Tsar Dadon does not meet.
"What a miracle?" he thinks.
This is the eighth day already,
The king leads the army to the mountains
And between high mountains
He sees a silk tent.
All in silence wonderful
Around the tent; in a narrow gorge
The beaten army lies.
King Dadon hurries to the tent...
What a terrible picture!
Before him are his two sons
Without helmets and without armor
Both are dead
The sword plunged into each other.
Their horses roam in the middle of the meadow
On trampled grass,
On the blood ant...
The king howled: “Oh, children, children!
Woe is me! caught in the net
Both of our falcons!
Woe! my death has come.
Everyone howled for Dadon,
Moaned with a heavy groan
The depth of the valleys, and the heart of the mountains
Shocked. Suddenly a tent
It opened up... and the girl,
Shamakhan queen,
All shining like the dawn
Quietly met the king.
Like a bird of the night before the sun,
The king fell silent, looking into her eyes,
And he forgot in front of her
Death of both sons.
And she is in front of Dadon
Smiled - and with a bow
She took him by the hand
And she took her to her tent.
There she put him at the table,
She treated me with every kind of food;
laid to rest
On a brocade bed
And then, exactly one week,
Submit to her unconditionally
bewitched, enraptured,
Dadon feasted with her.
Finally on the way back
With your military strength
And with a young girl
The king went home.
Rumor ran before him,
Fact and fiction divulged.
Under the capital, near the gates,
The people greeted them with noise, -
Everyone runs after the chariot
For Dadon and the queen;
Welcome to Dadon...
Suddenly he saw in the crowd
In a white Sarachin hat,
All like a gray swan,
His old friend, the eunuch.
"BUT! great, my father, -
The king said to him, - what do you say?
Come closer! What do you order?” -
- Tsar! - the sage answers, -
Finally, let's figure it out
Do you remember? for my service
Promised me as a friend
My first will
You perform as your own.
Give me a girl. -
Queen of Shamakhan... -
The king was extremely surprised.
"What you? he said to the old man,
Or has the demon got into you?
Or are you out of your mind?
What did you take into your head?
Of course I promised
But everything has a limit!
And why do you want a girl?
Come on, do you know who I am?
Ask you from me
Though the treasury, even the rank of boyar,
Even a horse from the royal stable,
At least half my kingdom."
- I don't want anything!
Give me a girl
Shamakhan queen, -
The sage speaks in response.
The king spat: “So dashing: no!
You won't get anything.
You yourself, a sinner, torment yourself;
Get out, whole for now;
Pull the old man away!”
The old man wanted to argue
But with others it is costly to quarrel;
The king seized him with a rod
On the forehead; he fell down,
And the spirit is out. - The whole capital
shuddered; and the girl -
Hee hee hee! yes ha ha ha!
Not afraid to know sin.
The king, although he was greatly alarmed,
He chuckled softly at her.
Here he enters the city ...
Suddenly there was a slight sound
And in the eyes of the whole capital
The cockerel fluttered off the needle;
Flew to the chariot
And sat on the crown of the king,
Startled, pecked at the crown
And soared... and at the same time
Dadon fell from the chariot -
He gasped once, and he died.
And the queen suddenly disappeared,
It was like it didn't happen at all.
The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it!
Good fellows lesson.

Cockerel and bean seed

The cockerel was rummaging around in the yard and found a bean seed. I wanted to swallow, but choked. He choked and fell, and lies, does not breathe!
The hen saw, ran up to him and asked:
- Ko-ko-ko! Cockerel, cockerel, why are you lying, not breathing?
The rooster answers:
- Bobby choked ... Go to the cow, ask for butter - beans to swallow ...

The hen ran to the cow:
- Ko-ko-ko! Cow-cow, give me butter - the little fellow is lying, not breathing, choking on his bob!
cow says:
- Mu-u, go to the mowers, ask for hay!

The chicken ran to the mowers:
- Ko-ko-ko! Mower-mowers, give me hay! Hay - to the cow, the cow will give me butter, butter - a cockerel. The cockerel is lying, not breathing, he choked on his bob!
Kosari says:
- Go to the oven, ask for rolls!

The chicken ran to the oven:
- Ko-ko-ko! Pecheya-pecheya, give me rolls! Kalachi - mowers, mowers will give hay, hay - to a cow, a cow will give butter, butter - a cockerel. The cockerel is lying, not breathing, he choked on his bob!
Pechea says:
- Go to the lumberjacks! Ask for firewood!

The chicken ran to the woodcutters:
- Ko-ko-ko! Lumberjacks, lumberjacks, give me firewood! Firewood - baker, baker will give kalachi, kalachi - to mowers, mowers will give hay, hay - to a cow, a cow will give butter, butter - a cockerel. The cockerel is lying, not breathing, he choked on his bob!
- Go to the blacksmith, ask for an ax, there is nothing to chop!

The hen ran to the blacksmith:
- Ko-ko-ko! Blacksmith, blacksmith, give me an ax, an ax - to the woodcutters, woodcutters will give firewood, firewood - a baker, a baker will give kalachi, kalachi - mowers, mowers will give hay, hay - a cow, a cow will give butter, butter - a cockerel. The cockerel is lying, not breathing, he choked on his bob!
- Go into the forest, light the coals, - says the blacksmith.

The hen went into the forest, lit the coals, brought the coals to the blacksmith. The blacksmith gave an axe. She brought an ax to the woodcutters, the woodcutters gave firewood. She brought firewood for the oven, the baker gave rolls.

The hen brought the kalachi to the mowers, the mowers gave hay. She brought hay to the cow, the cow gave butter.

Brought chicken butter cockerel. The cockerel swallowed the oil and swallowed the bean.
Jumped up and sang:
- Cuckoo-oo-oo-oo!

Once a rooster jumped onto the roof of the house and wanted to see the whole world from there. He craned his neck, turned his head back and forth, but saw nothing - the mountain that stood in front of the house closed the horizon for him.
- Doggie-jan, do you happen to know what is over there, behind the mountain? - the rooster asked the dog lying in the yard.
"I don't know," replied the dog.
Our whole life will pass, and we will never know anything. Let's go and see the world!
The dog agreed.
They packed up and hit the road. They walked and walked and reached the forest. And by this time the sun had already set behind the tops of the trees, and twilight had come. The rooster and the dog settled down for the night in the forest: the dog is under a bush, and the rooster is on a branch of a large tree.
When dawn came, the rooster crowed:
- Ku-ka-re-ku!
The fox heard this: "Aha! Someone is crowing here - it's good! I must have a wonderful breakfast!" she thought, and hurried to the tree on which the rooster sat.
- Good morning, cockerel-jan! What are you doing there so early? the fox asks.
- We travel. We want to see the world, - the rooster answers.
- Oh, what a great idea! It's such a smart idea to travel to see the world! exclaimed the fox in admiration. – The fact is that I also have the same dream. But I don’t have a friend with whom I could go on a journey. And can I go with you.
“Yes, I don’t mind,” says the rooster. Only, now, I'll ask my friend what he thinks about it. Wait a minute, I'll find out now.
- Where is your friend?
- Yes, here he is - under a bush, by a tree.
"His buddy must be another rooster. That's good: breakfast is already there, so there will also be lunch!" - the fox thought happily and rushed into the bushes.
Suddenly, seeing a dog there, she was so frightened that she rushed to run away at full speed.
- Hey, fox-jan! Don't rush like that, be patient a little, we're already on our way too. Also me, a friend is called! - a rooster shouted merrily after her from a tree branch

Rooster and peacock

Kalmyk fairy tale

In distant, gray times lived neighbors: a rooster and a peacock. The rooster was handsome and well-dressed. Its golden feathers, dazzlingly shining, shimmered under the sun's rays. All the birds envied the rooster. Many of them, sitting in the trees, plaintively sang: why don't they have such a beautiful outfit as a rooster's? The rooster was important and proud. He spoke to no one but the peacock. He walked with an important gait and also importantly pecked grains.
The rooster was friends with the peacock. Whether he was condescending to the peacock because his outfit was poor, whether he was friends with him because they were close neighbors, I don’t know, but they lived together.
Once a peacock was going to a distant land to visit. The peacock was sad that his outfit was too poor. With envy, he looked at the rooster and thought: “How lucky I would be if I had such a beautiful outfit like a rooster. What I have? Nothing but miserable feathers. How can I appear in a foreign land in such a miserable form! No, I'm ashamed to seem like a stranger in this form. Why not turn to the rooster? I'd rather ask him for his outfit. Will he refuse me?
And the peacock turned to the rooster with this request, promising to return by the next morning.
The rooster thought and said:
“What am I going to do if you don’t show up at dawn tomorrow?”
Peacock replied:
“If I don’t come by dawn, then you shout, I will definitely come to your call.” But if I am not in the morning, then cry at noon, and if I do not appear at noon, then cry in the evening. By evening, of course, I will.
The rooster believed the peacock, took off his beautiful outfit and gave it to him, and dressed himself in peacock feathers. In a beautiful dress of a rooster, the peacock became the most beautiful bird. Joyful and proud, he went to distant lands.
Day passed. The night has passed. A peacock rooster is waiting. But there is no peacock. The rooster was worried. The rooster could not stand it, shouted:
— Ku-ka-re-ku!
And again, again, but there is no peacock. The rooster was sad. Waiting for noon. It's noon. The rooster crows again. No peacock. Looking forward to the evening. Evening has come. Again the rooster crows, calls the peacock, but the peacock has gone cold.
And so the peacock disappeared, and with it the beautiful outfit of the rooster.
Since then, every day, the roosters three times - in the morning, at noon and in the evening - call the peacock, which carried away their former beautiful outfit.

Once a huge Rooster came to the Elephant and shouted loudly:
- Ku-ka-re-ku! The elephant was surprised:
- Why are you pissed off.
And the Rooster rakes rubbish with his paws, pecks at the grains and no, no, yes, he will scream again.
- Cook-re-coo!
He looked, looked the Elephant at the Rooster and asks:
Who eats more, you or me?
- I'll eat more! - the Rooster answered bravely. They began to argue. Argued, argued and let's eat. The elephant ate, ate, and fell asleep.
He woke up, he sees - the Rooster is still pecking at the grain. The elephant started eating again. Ate-ate - fell asleep again.
The Elephant woke up, sees the evening is approaching, and the Rooster continues tirelessly pecking at the grain - Quickly, quickly pecks and again:
- Ku-ka-re-ku!
“How greedy he is! The elephant was surprised. “I have never seen such a voracious animal.”
And the Rooster put on airs that he won the dispute.

An old man lived with an old woman, and they lived in great poverty. All they had was a rooster and a dog, and they didn’t feed them well. So the dog says to the rooster:
- Come on, brother Petka, let's go to the forest: life here is bad for us.
“Let’s go,” says the rooster, “it won’t get worse.”
So they went where their eyes look. Wandered all day; it began to get dark - it's time for the night to pester. They went off the road into the forest and chose a large hollow tree. The rooster flew up on the bough, the dog climbed into the hollow and fell asleep.
In the morning, just as the dawn began to break, the rooster crowed: “Ku-ku-re-ku!” The fox heard the rooster; she wanted to eat rooster meat. So she went up to the tree and began to praise the rooster:
- Here is a cock so a cock! I have never seen such a bird: and what beautiful feathers, and what a red crest, and what a sonorous voice! Fly to me, handsome.
- And for what business? - asks the rooster.
- Let's go to visit me: today I have a housewarming party, and a lot of peas are in store for you.
- Well, - says the rooster, - but I can’t go alone: ​​my comrade is with me.
“What happiness has come! - thought the fox. “There will be two roosters instead of one.”
- Where is your friend? she asks. - I'll invite him over.
“He spends the night there, in a hollow,” replies the rooster.
The fox rushed into the hollow, and her dog by the muzzle - tsap! .. Caught and tore the fox.

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