How to draw a beautiful fox with a pencil. Easy ways to draw a fox with a pencil

If you do not know, we hasten to say that it is not as difficult as an inexperienced artist might think. Despite the fact that this forest hunter is cunning and resourceful, the lines of her body are smooth and flexible. It is enough to show a little perseverance, then you will be able to depict a cheat on a piece of paper.

Basically, all foxes look the same - short legs, a long body, a sharp muzzle with protruding ears and a bushy tail. Ours will be a great help for you, and you can easily draw a red fox.

Fox step by step drawing

Stage 1 - draw the silhouette of a fox

With light jerky lines draw a muzzle, slightly rounding it at the bottom. Then move on to the back. Go down a little to get a tail. Do not be afraid to make sharp movements with a pencil - in the process of drawing, all unnecessary details will be erased with an eraser.

Having drawn the tail, you can outline the area of ​​​​the neck, back of the body and paws. Don't forget to outline the belly with a thin, curved line, as shown in the first drawing.

Stage 2 - add details

Now you can start detailing your sketch. On the face you need to draw small pointed ears and go to the head itself. Draw a thin vertical line in the center, and then a small horizontal line in the center of this line.

In this area, the fox will have eyes. Draw a small circle for the animal's nose. The front paws must be made straight, but the hind legs are slightly curved. How to do this is shown in the figure. You can also draw a shirt-front on the chest of the animal - several lines, so that in the future we will not forget about this detail.

Stage 3 - remove extra lines

Erase from the sheet all unnecessary contour lines, leaving only a clear silhouette of a fox. Make eyes and nose rich. Ears are slightly rounded at the crown. Work on the paws and tail. It needs to be made more magnificent, and draw fur on the paws. This can be done with small strokes.

Stage 4 - adding wool, drawing eyes

This step is the penultimate one in our lesson. You just have to finish the eyes, nose and draw a small mouth. The entire body of the animal must be “covered” with wool using strokes. The figure clearly shows in which area to do this.

Stage 5 - final

So we come to the last step, which will help make our fox more realistic. Add more hair over the body, and also take time for the eyes. You need to draw small cilia and make the eyes darker. Don't forget about these small parts, like a mustache, claws on the paws, fluff on the top of the head and a black tip on the tail. That's all - the fox is ready!

Other phased drawing options

Option 1

Option 2

Everyone can draw a fox, the main thing is to study its photos on the Internet, or it’s better to visit the zoo and watch this red animal in its natural habitat. When drawing a fox, pay more attention to drawing its body. It is small, subtle. A distinctive feature inherent in all foxes is a large fluffy tail, thin paws in elegant dark “socks”, a pointed muzzle and large ears. Carefully study the lessons we have proposed and you will definitely be able to draw a fox.

Foxes live on all continents except Antarctica and take root perfectly in cities, towns and countryside. But despite all the knowledge that humanity has regarding these red pranksters, they invariably remain a mystery to us. Below are a few facts about these elusive beasts.

1. Single foxes.

Foxes are part of the canine family, which means they are related to wolves, jackals, and dogs. They are of medium size, their weight varies from 7 to 15 pounds, the muzzle of the foxes is pointed, the ears are quite large and set high on the head, the tail is fluffy and long. But unlike their relatives, foxes are not pack animals. While raising their young, they live in small fox families in deep underground burrows. Freed from their conjugal duties, foxes hunt and sleep alone.

2. Foxes have a lot in common with cats.

Like cats, foxes are most active after sunset, mostly at night. Due to the special vertical structure of the pupil, foxes can see objects perfectly even in dim light. Their hunting process is similar to that of a cat. Foxes persistently wait and grab their prey.

And that's just a minor resemblance. Like a cat, a fox has sensitive hairs and spikes on its tongue. She walks on her toes, which makes her walk elegant and light, in the manner of a cat. And what's more, foxes have the same retractable claws that allow them to climb the surface, climb the roofs of houses or trees. Some foxes even sleep in trees - just like cats do.

3. The red fox is the most common type of fox.

The red fox has the widest geographical distribution range. While its natural habitat is a mixed landscape of bush and forest, its flexible diet allows the fox to adapt to various environments a habitat. As a result, the range of the fox includes the entire Northern Hemisphere, from the Arctic Circle to North Africa, Central America and the Asian steppes. It is also common in Australia, where it is considered an invasive species.

4. Foxes use the earth's magnetic field.

Like a guided missile, the fox uses the earth's magnetic field to hunt. Other animals such as birds, sharks, turtles have this special "magnetic sense", but the fox is the first animal to use this sense to catch prey.

According to research, a fox can see the Earth's magnetic field as a "ring of shadow" in front of its eyes, which darkens when it turns its head to the north, magnetic side. When the shadow and sound of the victim join in 1 line, it means it's time to pounce.

5. Foxes are good parents.

Foxes breed once a year. From one to 11 cubs (on average six) appear in one litter, which are born blind and do not open their eyes until nine days have passed after birth. During this time, they stay with the mother fox in the hole while the father fox brings them food. They live with their parents until they are seven months old. The fox protects her cubs with amazing dedication. Not so long ago, a fox cub was caught in a trap in England. He survived because the fox brought him food every day for two weeks.

6. Most little fox weighs 3 pounds.

This is a fox - Fenech. Its size is approximately equal to the size of a kitten. Fenech has elongated ears and a cream fur coat. It lives in the Sahara Desert where it sleeps during the day to protect itself from the scorching heat. Its ears not only allow it to hear its prey, they also radiate body heat, which helps keep the fox thermoregulated. Its paws are covered with fur, which allows the fox to walk on hot sand like people wear snowshoes.

7. Foxes are playful.

Foxes are known for their friendliness and curiosity. They play among themselves as well as with other animals like cats and dogs. They love balls, which they often steal from golf courses.

Despite the fact that foxes are wild animals, their relationship with humans goes the other way. In 2011, researchers dug up a grave in a 16,500-year-old cemetery in Jordan to find the remains of a man and his pet fox. It was 4000 years before the first a famous person and the dog were buried together.

The animal that is loved and feared is the fox. She has fluffy red hair and graceful manners, which captivates. In fairy tales, the fox is considered the sister of the wolf because of similar external features, and is also characterized as cunning and cruel. Whether this is true or fiction remains to be seen.

Tools and materials:

  1. Paper;
  2. Simple pencil;
  3. Black pen;
  4. Colored pencils (beige, orange, brown, two shades of green).

We draw a fox in stages:

Step one. We draw a small circle. It will become the base of the head. After we add the silhouette of the fox's nose;

Step two. Draw an ear parallel to the nose;

Step three. Let's add the chest of the animal and depict the wool on it;

Step four. Now let's draw the back of the fox. It will be slightly curved;

Step five. Adding the front paws. Due to the lateral position of the body, one paw will be slightly smaller than the other, because it is further away;

Step six. At this stage, add the hind legs and fluffy tail;

Step seven. Erase the circle with an eraser. After that, draw the nose, mouth and eye of the fox;

Step eight. Draw a contour with a black pen;

Step nine. Draw the front part (from nose to chest) and the tip of the tail in beige;

Step ten. With an orange pencil, we stroke the rest of the fox's fur. With a black pen, add a thickening of the outline in some places;

The fox is found quite often, it lives both in Russian forests and in other countries, for example, in England. Since ancient times, painters who perfectly knew how to draw a fox depicted this beautiful animal on their canvases. The fact is that earlier fox hunting was a favorite pastime of rich aristocrats. To make a fox drawn with a pencil look more or less realistic, it should, of course, be colored. For this purpose, bright felt-tip pens, colored pencils or some paints are well suited.
Before you draw a fox in stages, you need to prepare the following stationery:
one). Pencil;
2). black pen;
3). Eraser;
four). sheet of paper;
5). Colour pencils.

Having prepared all those things that are listed a little higher, you can proceed to solving the problem of how to draw a fox with a pencil in stages:
1. First, make a schematic sketch, indicating the main details of the drawing. Draw the head of the fox in the form of a circle, and its body in the form of a rectangle. With light lines, connect the circle with the rectangle, thus outlining the neck;
2. Draw the front of the muzzle to the head, as well as fairly large protruding ears;
3. Draw an eye on the face of the fox, and also draw the mouth and nose of the fox. Draw the outlines of the neck of the animal. Please note that the fox's neck seems to be quite thick due to the unusually lush and thick coat;
4. Draw the back and front legs to the body. Remember that the front legs are straight, while the hind legs have a characteristic curve. Draw the fur on the body of the fox;
5. Draw a rather long and massive tail to the body of the animal. Draw light lines snowdrifts along which the fox walks;
6. Using a pen, carefully outline the sketch of the fox;
7. Using an eraser, carefully remove all pencil lines to prepare the image for coloring;
8. Now you understand how to draw a fox with a pencil. But in order to finish the drawing, it needs to be carefully painted. Shade the inside of the ears pink and paint the nose black. gray pencil lightly stroke the white part of the muzzle, breast, belly and tip of the fox's tail. Color the fox's fur with orange and red-brown colors. Then darken some areas with a black pencil, especially the muzzle, ears and paws;
9. Paint over the eye of the fox with a brown pencil. With blue and purple pencils, slightly tint the snowdrifts.
The fox drawing is ready! Now you know how to draw a fox and you can easily teach it to your kid!

Our video tutorial "How to draw a fox"! Happy viewing and see you at next lesson drawing!

Sooner or later, your child will begin to show Creative skills and maybe he wants to draw. Or maybe at school they will ask you to draw some kind of picture? Or art lessons? To make sure that the child is prepared for all the difficulties of drawing, you need to teach him yourself.

So, your child is already pulling your hand and asking you to help him draw a fluffy red-haired animal, but you yourself never graduated from art classes, but skipped art lessons. But we will tell you how to draw a fox in stages with a pencil for children.

First of all, reference lines will help the child draw a fox with a pencil. Our chanterelle will start with… a banana!

We need fruit in order to immediately create for ourselves reference line nose, because the fox has it upturned. Now you can draw the round outline of the muzzle, the triangles of the ears and the oval of the body. Try to keep all proportions. When drawing these outlines, you do not need to press hard on the pencil, they are only auxiliary.

We draw the outlines of the paws, making them slightly curved, because in animals the paws are not at all straight. We finish the tail. If the fox is interested, then raise it higher, but if it is upset, you can lower it.

Now it's time to revive our red beauty. We draw the outlines of the fur on the muzzle, tail, paws and ears.

The most difficult thing is to round off all the lines, finally creating the outlines of the fox. Here the child will need your help, because the process is quite difficult.

It's time to erase auxiliary lines and pick up colored pencils.

Here is the red-haired beauty!

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