The Chinese Way of Life (Chinese Book of Wisdom). Features of the diet of Chinese people

How is the average family in China doing today? Answer: everything, every year, is more European. The inhabitants of the Celestial Empire no longer face the tough question of survival and work for just one cup of rice, they are in demand for newly formed living conditions, new services and goods.

In China, men are allowed to marry at the age of 21, and women at the age of 18. But if young people given age are educated at a university, they are not recommended to formalize their marriage, but, thus, among Chinese youth today, study is the initial priority, and then a career. Chinese ladies are becoming more and more financially independent and self-reliant and want to see next to them the guys corresponding to them.

In various provinces of China, there is a difference between the average wage, 2500 yuan - now this is the national average. In addition to the mandatory salary, employees of enterprises receive bonuses every month for their personal contribution to modern labor process, and completely based on the results of the work of the entire company. A small salary (and this is an amount up to 1600 yuan) is not taxed at all. Pensions are now approximately comparable (but still slightly lower) to the wages of able-bodied citizens.

Mortgage lending is very popular among local residents. If the Chinese work constantly, then getting a mortgage loan is quite simple, and annual percentage in the loan term for 10 years is slightly more than 5%. In China, this process has been brought to "automaticity".

By driving the birth rate into certain limits, the government at the same time provides significant support to families, expenses directly related to childbirth are reimbursed to them in the amount of 70%, a woman is entitled to maternity leave for three months, and the father is allowed two weeks' leave if both spouses are over 24 years old.

The Chinese spend the most on education, mobile communication, transport, travel. As a rule, vacations for working Chinese fall during the winter months. At this time, you can go abroad, or you can, taking the necessary equipment, just travel around your own homeland.

It is very popular among the Chinese to follow a healthy lifestyle, locals people of all ages visit health sections, like hiking, actively traveling by bike and do not neglect massage. Such preferences are strongly welcomed by the provincial administrations, since healthy lifestyle life directly affects the health and working capacity of the entire nation.

Relatively moderate prices in local restaurants and cafes make it possible for the average Chinese family to go there quite often, and the usual home cooking food is no longer just a duty female hands. Dishes that require special culinary arts have traditionally been prepared by men in China over the years.

Overwhelming majority population of China, 94% of the inhabitants are Chinese, who call themselves Han (after the name of one of the ancient ruling dynasties of China). The remaining 6% of the population is made up of other peoples (Tibetans, Uighurs, Mongols, etc.).

Distinctive features of the Chinese are traditionally industriousness, organization, diligence and a special sense of the unity of man and nature: water, stone, wood, flowers, birds are always endowed with a symbolic meaning. For example, the dragon is the patron of mountains and rivers, the lord of the East. The tortoise is a symbol of longevity, its convex shell embodies Heaven, and its flat belly embodies the Earth.

Just as the Eurasian continent is influenced by its size, in the same way the size of China entails a variety of natural conditions. There is a sharp contrast between the West and the East of the country. The coastal regions and the Great Chinese Plain are densely populated: 1/10 of the country's territory is home to 4/5 of its population. In some places, the population density is about 1000 people per 1 km 2 (Fig. 206). In the western desert and highland regions - a hundred or more times lower.

The southeast of the country is one of the most densely populated areas in the world. Here, irrigated rice, tea and other heat-loving crops have been grown since ancient times on fertile soils (Fig. 207). It is here that the newest branches of industry, centers of trade and finance, such as Shanghai or Xianggang (Hong Kong), are concentrated. This area has become a showcase for China's progress, overtaking the Northeast.

The north-east of the country stands out for the extraction of the most important minerals, in particular coal and oil. The largest centers of ferrous metallurgy and mechanical engineering are located here. The western region still lags behind other regions of China in industrial development. It remains predominantly agricultural, poor and isolated. Basically, sheep, horses are bred here, in Tibet yaks. material from the site

AT countryside two out of every three Chinese citizens live. However, the number of citizens is growing rapidly. There are now more than four dozen million-plus cities alone. The high population density in villages and cities gives rise to many problems, including environmental ones. In recent decades, the government has taken harsh measures to make the family of three (parents and one child) the norm.

Largest cities - Shanghai and Beijing. Over the past decades, they have changed beyond recognition. Skyscrapers, wide highways, new residential areas appeared in them. Historic districts retain their traditional appearance, such as the area of ​​hutons (narrow, tree-lined alleys) in the Old City of Beijing.

Questions about this item:

Chinese medicine as part of science Ancient China, was based on understanding the unity of the Universe and man, on the realization of the invisible connection between nature and the organism. Such knowledge was considered the highest wisdom, a revelation transmitted by Heaven. In this regard, Chinese medicine paid great attention to the prevention of diseases and the conduct of a correct, healthy lifestyle, in accordance with the principles established for man by the Universe.

The level of Chinese medicine in ancient times was truly high. In the arsenal of physicians of ancient China, there were about a hundred methods of non-drug exposure alone. According to the surviving palace chronicles and official documents of diplomatic correspondence, some emperors of the Celestial Empire lived to be 200 years old, and children were conceived at the age of 140 years. Of course, in the imperial palace there were great amount medical scientists who tirelessly monitored the health of the emperor, but still this may indicate high level Chinese medicine.

Unlike modern Western medicine, which does not pay due attention to the problems of prevention, Chinese medicine considered the issues of maintaining health and a healthy lifestyle as an important component of medical knowledge. famous saying says: "It's too late to dig a well when you're thirsty." In other words, in order to have health, it is necessary to lead a correct lifestyle and constantly strictly demand from yourself.

The human body in Chinese medicine was considered as a complex multi-level system, not limited only to the material component, therefore, the approach to treatment was also deeper, more fundamental. The physical body was considered only as a surface level, followed by the level of the system of meridians and energy channels, then - the emotional level. The determining factor was the human psyche, its spiritual component. In such a system, each higher level of the hierarchy influenced the lower one. Thus, in order to remove the symptoms and achieve visible well-being, it is possible to influence the physical body. However, in order to gain health, a person must change himself. He must achieve harmony with nature and find peace of mind.

The doctrine of the "golden mean" way to a healthy lifestyle

According to the ideas of ancient Chinese physicians, the disease originates in the mind. Therefore, the concept of a healthy lifestyle includes, first of all, correct thinking, awareness of the connection between the causes of phenomena and their consequences, the observance of moderation and the preservation of natural naturalness.

Chinese medicine about a healthy lifestyle. During the Zhou Dynasty, many Taoists went into seclusion high mountains to dedicate his life to finding ways to truth and achieve enlightenment of the mind.Photo: China Photos/Getty Images News In ancient China, people were distinguished by a calm temperament, restraint in habits and emotional addictions. This resulted in an internal peace of mind. This way of life of the Chinese was formed under the influence of the teachings of Confucianism and Taoism. These two teachings determined the development of all the sciences of ancient China and, in particular, Chinese medicine. Among other things, Confucianism and Taoism instilled ancient society concepts of the "golden mean" and the middle way, following which you can remain invincible. According to these ideas, a person should avoid extremes in all aspects and then he will be able to gain health.

On this occasion, the Taoist Ge Hong in the book "Nei Pian" outlined his understanding of the relationship between health and the observance of moderation. According to the scientist, the main causes that destroy human health are excessive emotions. For example, such as sadness, envy, greed, excessive joy, idleness, decrepitude, drunkenness. Reaching their limit, they will certainly lead to physical exhaustion and death. Therefore, one who strives for good health and long life should not listen and look, drink and eat, sit and exercise, talk and dress beyond measure.

Body improvement as part of a healthy lifestyle

The concept of the "golden mean" also applies to physical activity. Therefore, Chinese medicine recommends that a person perform a certain amount of physical work. In this case, Qi and blood can circulate freely, and the internal organs can work well. Prolonged physical inactivity leads to stagnation of Qi and blood, to the depletion of the functionality of the spleen and stomach, which leads to impotence, weakness of the limbs and apathy. Chinese medicine books say that "lying for a long time hurts Qi." Excessive physical fatigue can lead to Qi damage and various pathologies, but reasonable physical activity is certainly useful: training increases the circulation of vital substances and contributes to better absorption of food.

In nutrition, Chinese medicine also instructs to observe moderation. The five tastes of food should not be enhanced. Such a desire will lead to disruption of the internal organs. Too salty is bad for the heart, too spicy is bad for the liver, too sour is bad for the spleen, too bitter is bad for the lungs, and too much sweet is bad for the kidneys. Excessive food and gluttony will lead to obesity and disruption of Qi and blood circulation.

Speaking about a healthy lifestyle, one cannot fail to mention the numerous non-drug methods that are still used by the Chinese today. Helps keep the body healthy breathing exercises, martial practices, meditation, qigong and other methods that are the heritage of the science of ancient China. They, like herbal medicines, are also used to maintain health and prevent diseases.

Most of the methods of practice are related to the methods of perfecting the Tao system. During the Zhou Dynasty (circa 1100 - 221 BC), many Taoists retired to high mountains to devote their lives to finding ways to truth and achieve enlightenment of the mind. They gained peace of mind and lived for countless years practicing martial arts and doing meditation. Inhaling the high mountain air, saturated with qi and using herbs, they gained longevity. While much of the knowledge was passed down in secret, some cultivation methods are open and are now spreading throughout society.

Thus, Chinese medicine gives a person an awareness of the principle that diseases are easier to prevent than to cure. True health can only be obtained by following the principles of the universe and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Eating according to the principles of traditional Chinese medicine will help you improve your health and well-being. This form of nutrition is an effective tool that promotes growth. vitality, human performance, makes it possible to enjoy food and relaxation.

Is he a cook or a doctor?
Is this a pharmacy or a restaurant?
Fish, meat, vegetables, spring onions or leeks:
Gourmet meals drive pills and pills away
Healthy food is the cure for all diseases.

In China, nutrition is still one of the components of traditional medical treatment. It is natural for the Chinese to choose healthy foods every day. Men and women have basic knowledge about various diseases They know what signs of what disease warn and what benefits each of the traditional dishes contains.

Principles of nutrition in oriental medicine

A huge number of such dishes makes it possible to diversify food. The decision is made depending on the season, weather, needs - whether there is a warming or cooling dish, as some dishes are suitable only for certain climates and seasons. The Chinese select products according to age, body type and season, which gives good health, strength and resistance of the body to external pathogenic influences.

In complex treatment, the patient joins the treatment process and takes responsibility for his health by changing his lifestyle and starting to take care of nutrition. A traditional doctor in China and his patient understand each other, as they have the same understanding of illness and health, they know what life circumstances and eating habits are the cause of disease or promote recovery.

The patient, to the best of his ability, does everything to cope with the disease together with the doctor. And the doctor, in turn, not only prescribes treatment, but gives recommendations on the preparation of dishes containing medicinal herbs.

The requirements for changing eating habits among Europeans are more extensive - there is a relationship between malnutrition, habitual way of life and the ailments that result from it. If a European patient follows the recommendations of a traditional Chinese doctor, he has a reason to refuse bad habits, changing the mode of life and nutrition.

In ancient China, physicians were rewarded for their work as long as the patients they cared for remained healthy. If any disease manifested itself, the doctor stopped receiving payment.

Foresight is better than inattention to oneself, therefore it is important to recognize the first, sometimes imperceptible, signs of the disease as early as possible. On the one hand, it is difficult to identify an inconspicuous illness, on the other hand, it is often difficult for healthy people to realize that it is necessary to change habits before the onset of the disease in order to maintain long-term health.

As people get older, people begin to understand the importance of nutrition in maintaining and maintaining health. They are surprised to discover that healthy food for sick people doesn't have to be tasteless - the addition of aromatic, healthy herbs and seasonings can dramatically improve the flavor of a dish without the addition of salt or conventional frying. Following nutritional recommendations, speed up the healing process, delicious healthy meals evoke positive emotions, which contributes to the acceleration of recovery.

As a rule, people eat three times a day, and each meal can be another step towards health. Since we eat in any case, it means that we can do it with skill and health benefits. The argument that fast food (fast food from microwaved bags) saves time and costs less than good, quality foods can be countered by the argument that the disease will take longer and the treatment will be much more expensive.

Of course, high-quality natural food is more expensive than artificial food, with a lot of preservatives and artificial flavors, but it becomes part of us. Cases are already known when, due to circumstances, graves were opened, finding mummified remains there that did not decompose due to the large amount of preservatives in the body.

Changing the diet and foods consumed is not enough to improve health, sufficient physical activity and work with emotions are also crucial for improving health. Part of what we eat is harmful to health - antibiotic residues in meat, medicines in fish. Sluggish, deep-frozen foods fill people's refrigerators, microwaves and stomachs.

However, this does not mean that one should give up pleasures that are usually unhealthy: a bar of chocolate, a piece of cake, a cup of coffee or a piece of roasted meat from time to time will not do harm. You should not restrain yourself during the holidays, denying yourself small gastronomic pleasures, you do more harm to the body than allowing yourself to eat a delicious piece. Exceptions only confirm the rules, and holidays exist in order to relax, have fun, and eat deliciously.

In the middle of life, people begin to understand what is good and bad for the stomach, which interferes with restful sleep. After the age of 40, a person's reserves, given to him at birth, decrease by about 60%, and we are increasingly dependent on what we eat. You begin to notice that junk food causes more harm than in younger years. On the other hand, sometimes you can’t explain your ailments or are so used to them that you don’t notice the warnings.

Young people leading a healthy lifestyle at 40, 50, 60 and over enjoy life to the fullest. In younger years, the body is usually so strong that it takes a long time to cope with nutritional errors and sends out subtle warning signals. What he cannot get from food, he draws from reserves, as a result of which they are slowly consumed.

At the age of puberty, the body sometimes rebels, and then purulent acne gives out the true state of the colon: active work hormonal system and toxins in the digestive tract cause the so-called "damp heat", the end product of which is pus.

Emotional blockage and stress also cause this condition. Foods containing sugar, drinks and dairy products - primarily chocolate - cause a damp heat, but the absence of purulent acne is not a guarantee that there are no "hot wastes" of this type in the body.

Talk about age, death is not accepted in society, and we seem to forget that we must take care of old age in advance. The lack of what was drawn from the reserves in youth is felt in old age.

Loss needs to be compensated vital energy and strength with the help of healthy and high-quality food. The transition from health to illness is imperceptible. Industrialization, stress factors, frequent overloads of the nervous system have led to the fact that diseases have taken root in a person.

One US institute, citing the physician Weston Price, provided research results confirming that the consumption of processed foods can lead to diseases and genetic changes.

The situation can be improved if, with the help of healthy and nutritious food, the digestive tract is reorganized and digestion is activated so that the food is completely digested and becomes a constant source of strength and health.

Eating according to the principles of traditional Chinese medicine will help you improve your health and well-being. This form of nutrition is an effective tool that promotes the growth of vitality, human performance, makes it possible to enjoy food and relax.

In the United States, grilled meat was tested for the presence of substances in it, cancer causing. The results were surprising: Poultry, which was grilled without seasoning, contained a large amount of carcinogens. Content harmful substances decreased significantly if, before grilling, the meat was placed in a marinade from olive oil, cumin, lemon juice and other seasonings.

It is evident that people who have been cooking their own food for generations have been foresight in their food preparation. More examples: liver sausage with marjoram is tastier, because thanks to this seasoning, which contributes to better digestion of the product, it benefits our body. Red cabbage with cloves and bay leaves is better absorbed by the body due to the aroma created by these seasonings. The same action has cumin in white cabbage, horseradish in Viennese rump and clove powder in Swiss vermicelli. One glass of good red wine with dinner activates digestion thanks to the tannins found there.

All those tiny elements of our food that we think serve to enhance the taste or got into food completely by accident, are actually necessary for the digestive tract. If you want to learn more about this aspect of nutrition, then try natural and well-prepared traditional dishes and drinks. different countries and regions that are preserved and passed down through generations.

Yin-Yang principle in traditional Chinese food

Health, from the point of view of the Chinese, can be depicted on the basis of the dualistic principle of Yin-Yang.

Healthy Yang means the possession of life-giving power: on physical level such a person manages to do everything, he is energetic and dynamic. The body is protected from infections. Good stable digestion promotes the digestion of food, so the body receives enough nutrients. On a mental level, a sufficiently strong Yang means concentration, willpower, stimulus and motivation. Qi (energy) and heat, both Yang factors, ensure that all processes in the body proceed actively and correctly. In the sexual area, Yang is responsible for sexual desire, libido and potency.

Healthy Yin means blood, the ability to relax, full sleep, sound nervous system. H and on the mental level, Yin is responsible for restraint, calmness, and patience. Sensitivity, tenderness, endurance in sexual life are signs of strong Yin. The balance of Yang and Yin means health.

Parents pass on to their children the amount of vitality that is inherent in their genes. From the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine, heredity is based on the energy of Qi. The prudent attitude of the Chinese to a way of life where nutrition plays an important role, first of all, serves to strengthen and maintain health and care for old age.

The most important task is also the responsibility for future generations. Young man and woman take care of their future children by taking care of their own health. In this case, children will start life with good energy. The nutrition of future mothers during pregnancy presents a special opportunity to positively influence the health of the unborn child.

However, initially healthy parents will give birth to more healthy child, even if during pregnancy the mother did not eat optimally than unhealthy parents, even if the nutrition during pregnancy was complete and correct.

The reservoir for Qi energy is located in the region of the kidneys. Qi energy helps maintain body functions throughout life. Life expectancy and health status depend not only on heredity, which plays an important role, but also on how a person maintains his health during his life.

From birth, every person is given resources that need to be carefully guarded so as not to be used up ahead of time. In youth, few people pay attention to this moment. To the original Qi, inherited from parents, you need to add other energy received from food, water and air during a person's life. That's why proper nutrition and good products, Fresh air and pure water so important for maintaining human life, maintaining health and long life.

And in conclusion overview dietary principles of traditional Chinese medicine, here is one of classic recipes Chinese food- a traditional Chinese dish - Chinese rice porridge (konggi):

rice conga

Round White rice pour cold water in a ratio of 1:10 (100 g of rice per 1 liter of water) Cook in a wide 3-4 liter saucepan with a tightly closed lid for about 4 hours. Cook over high heat, then reduce heat to low. As soon as the conga begins to boil, cover the pot with a lid. It is important to use a large pot for cooking, as the rice foams and can be overcooked in a pot that is too small. Rice conga can be boiled in advance for 3-4 days.

Kongi is a very healthy and nutritious dish that harmonizes and increases heat in the body. Good for convalescence overweight, in order to cleanse the body, as an alternative to fasting treatment.

Kongi can be called the main recipe for the morning meal, since this dish is the main meal of the Chinese. Such popularity of the conga is surprising to Europeans, since we are not talking about some special taste or enjoyment. The word "kongi" is translated as "water rice" - rice that has been boiled for several hours in in large numbers water without salt or other seasonings, is unusual for a European who is accustomed to ham and buns with marmalade. However, natural rice kongha provides the body with more Qi and nutrients than other dishes, and at the same time does not require much energy for digestion. Kongi is an ideal basis for the dish, the Chinese themselves eat kong with dough balls filled with spicy meat. Also spices, boiled vegetables, herbs, seaweed are suitable for congas.published.

The article was prepared by Tatyana Zaitseva based on lectures by Alexander Nikolayevich Medvedev

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness - together we change the world! © econet

Hello, dear readers seekers of knowledge and truth!

What can tell about a people better than its traditions? Today we invite you to mentally travel to the Middle Kingdom and learn everything about Chinese customs and traditions.

The culture of China is considered one of the most ancient among the existing ones - it originated in the third millennium BC. Some customs have been miraculously preserved since then, others appeared with the development of civilization, when one imperial dynasty was replaced by another, and still others are changing now in the process of globalization of the whole world.

However, the traditions of China still remain original, unique, and sometimes incomprehensible to us, representatives of the Western world.

But about everything in order - in the article below. And we will start, perhaps, with.

Family traditions

For this people, there is nothing more important and sacred than the family. it small world, which gives harmony, it is from here that life begins in big world, culture is instilled here and education is given.

According to Chinese law, young people from 22 years old and girls from 20 years old are allowed to marry.

The man is considered the head of the family. At the same time, family relationships are primarily built on respect and trust.

The husband makes decisions, provides for his household and does everything so that they do not need anything. The wife keeps happiness and warmth in the house, does not contradict her husband and listens to his opinion. Children, no matter how old they are - five or fifty, treat their parents with special reverence and gratitude.

Older people enjoy special respect in the family and in society as a whole. Traditions are adopted from them, their advice is followed. As a sign of special respect, they were always called "xiansheng", that is, "master." At any meal, the oldest man in the family starts eating first.

Elders do not cease to be respected even after death. The Chinese believe that the dead watch over them and are able to help them in life. That is why deceased relatives are often commemorated, and it is forbidden to talk about them in the past tense.

A great happiness in a Chinese family is the birth of a child. And if a son was born at the same time, this is a double happiness, because the boy is the successor of the family.

In the Middle Kingdom there is one veryunusual, even a funny tradition called "kuvada". The future father imitates the pain of contractions, childbirth, screams from imaginary agony and groans in order to better understand the condition of his wife.

Holidays and gifts

The Chinese, although they are considered hard workers, they also know a lot about rest. There are several holidays during which the whole country rests:

  • New Year - 01.01.
  • Chinese New Year- the first lunar day a year, most often celebrated in February, celebrate a week
  • Labor Day - 01.05.
  • Qingming is the day of remembrance of the dead, which is celebrated on the 108th lunar day after the winter solstice, 04-05.04.
  • China's founding day - 01.10., workers rest for a week
  • Dragon Boat Festival - the fifth day of the fifth lunar month
  • Tree planting day - 12.03.
  • Mid-Autumn Festival - fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month

Dragon Boat Festival in China

Some also celebrate International Women's Day - 08.03., Children's Day - 01.06., Youth Day - 04.05. and Army Day - 01.08.

In addition, Chinese people are accustomed to celebrating anniversaries, birthdays, weddings, the birth of babies, personal events such as housewarming, major purchases, and promotions.

It is considered one of the most beloved holidays. It symbolizes the arrival of the long-awaited spring. At this time, the Chinese rest for a whole week, the whole family visits their close relatives, go to visit distant ones, travel, arrange songs and dances, dance, make wishes and believe in a brighter future.

Another significant event in the life of a Chinese - this. Wedding planning is impossible without astrologers who check future newlyweds for compatibility and set a suitable wedding date.

Wedding in Chinait is forbiddenassign to an odd number. Even numbers are considered lucky here. The only exception is the number 4, which in Chinese is consonant with the word "death" and terrifies all residents.

The ceremony itself is celebrated magnificently: hundreds of guests are invited, the table is bursting with various treats and delicacies - at least twelve different dishes with fancy names.

The bride usually wears a luxurious red dress, which from time immemorial personified happiness, love, joy. And although in recent times European wedding fashion takes its toll, in the images of Chinese brides dressed in white dresses, any red accessory is sure to be present.

Birthday in China, although not on such a large scale, is still celebrated. The minimum program for a birthday person on this day is to eat traditional shoumen noodles, which promises him long years life and health.

The past of the country left an imprint in the present in the form of holidays associated with beliefs, spirits, otherworldly forces, superstitions. Therefore, ceremonies dedicated to the day of the moon, lanterns, dragons, water, flowers, kites are constantly held here. Such festivities are accompanied by special rituals, processions, fireworks.

Well, what is a holiday without gifts? The Chinese love to give and receive presents, which are more of a symbolic nature.

This is nothing more than an expression of respect and a wish happy life, so gifts here are most often inexpensive. If the gift is really distinguished by its price, then the giver can often even leave a price tag to emphasize his great gratitude and respect.

However, some things are absolutely not worth giving to the Chinese, because according to the rules of their culture, such gifts carry a negative connotation and are most often associated with death or infidelity:

  • watch;
  • scissors;
  • knives;
  • flowers;
  • sandals;
  • scarves;
  • something in the amount of four pieces, green, symbolizing treason, and black and white flowers meaning mourning.

Gifts must be given and received with both hands. If someone is presented with a present, he should take it with a sincere smile. It is worth opening the gift later, without prying eyes, unless, of course, the giver has asked otherwise.

Good Manners in Chinese

Earlier in China, people greeted each other by putting their palms together and bowing deeply. This made it clear to the interlocutor that the person had pure intentions and no weapons. Now they are often limited to a slight bow or tilt of the head.

When meeting foreigners, the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire are accustomed to shaking hands in the European manner. Moreover, as many note, the Chinese handshake is soft, long - this is how they express their goodwill.

Collectivism is very developed in this country. It's dictated difficult conditions environment in antiquity, when it was impossible to survive alone. The main crop grown in China is rice, and it can only be cultivated and harvested by a large team.

The inhabitants of ancient China collect rice

The Chinese are used to being a team and coping with difficulties together. Therefore, do not be surprised if your new Chinese acquaintance, for example, offers you to carry your suitcase together.

Appeals in society are also respectful - only very close people, friends, usually call each other by name. In a work team, a rank is added to the surname, on the street - the words "master" or "madam".

At parting, the Chinese instruct each other “man man zu”, that is, “go slowly,” and instead of wishes for a pleasant appetite, they say: man man chi, that is, “eat slowly.”

Respect for elders has not been canceled even outside the home. Young people help the elderly, give them places on public transport, do not speak or be rude when they teach them.

AT Chinese society touching, hugging and kissing in public is not accepted. It is also considered bad manners:

  • whistle;
  • wink;
  • to point with a finger;
  • waving too much;
  • gesticulate excessively;
  • cross your arms or legs;
  • be late;
  • boast;
  • sit on the table
  • look closely into the eyes.

When communicating with the Chinese, you need to be prepared that they will not be able to give a categorical refusal. They will say “maybe,” “maybe,” “I’ll think about it,” “I’m busy,” even when they initially know the answer is no.

Visiting the Chinese

Receiving guests for the people of China is a big event, to which they treat with all importance. In general, these people are very hospitable, so there may even be new acquaintances and foreigners among those invited. However, to show respect to the owners, you need to know a few rules.

Before going on a visit, you should take care of a small gift - it can be a bottle of good alcohol, a souvenir brought from your native land, a fruit basket. But do not give expensive souvenirs - then the family will feel embarrassed, not knowing how to thank you. Also, do not praise too much any item from the interior of the house - the owners will certainly want to give it to you.

Unlike the Japanese, the majority of the Chinese do not take off their shoes in all rooms and sit on chairs. The table for guests is laid luxurious, it is replete with various goodies. In order not to offend the owners, you should try at least a piece of each dish.

Leave some food on the plate to prove that you are full - otherwise the treats will pile on and pile on. Instead of a thousand compliments to the hostess, loud smacking while eating, champing and even burping are practiced here - for the Chinese, this is in the order of things, because how could it be otherwise when it is so tasty.

Before going to visit the Chinese, it would be good to learn how to eatchopsticksThe owners will appreciate it.

The final stage of the feast is the tea ceremony, which helps the Chinese to find peace and harmony in any incomprehensible situation. You are lucky if you were honored to participate in the ceremony.

This is a whole ritual: relaxing music plays, fragrant tea is brewed in a special way and poured into small beautiful cups, and the room is filled with special comfort.

The tea ceremony is held on various occasions: when receiving guests, during a wedding, as a sign of reconciliation, just for relaxation. At the same time, the varieties of tea are striking in their diversity.


Thank you very much for your attention, dear readers! We hope that our virtual immersion in the culture of China was successful, and you felt unity with this amazing people.

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