How to store boiled beef tongue. What is the use of beef tongue: composition, calorie content

Beef tongue is a versatile product, you can cook a lot of different dishes from it. Snacks, salads, hot dishes, you can even eat it instead of sausage with sandwiches. To make delicious beef tongue dishes delight you and your family, we will talk about the intricacies and nuances of its preparation.

Not every housewife takes up the preparation of beef tongue, but all because the process of cooking it at first glance may seem very complicated. You should not be afraid - even a novice cook can cook delicious beef tongue, and we will tell you how it is done.

For, as well as many other dishes - aspic, soups, pies, the tongue must first be boiled. Therefore, first of all, you should master the science of proper cooking of beef tongue.

So, before cooking, it is better to soak the tongue in water for at least half an hour, so that it is easier to clean it of dirt. After soaking with a knife, scrape off mucus, fat, dirt, blood from the tongue, leaving the skin clean, then rinse well under cold water.

Next, you need to pour cold water into the pan, bring it to a boil and put the tongue. The tongue expands as it cooks, so if it's large, it's best to cut it in half. Boil the tongue until the water boils again, remove the foam, cook for 15 minutes, then drain the water. Next, the tongue must be put back into boiling water and let it boil, then cook the tongue until tender. Immersion of the tongue in boiling rather than cold water will make it more juicy and tender.

The answer to the question of how much to cook beef tongue depends on the weight, size, age of the cow, as a rule, it is not less than 2 and not more than 4 hours. You can check the readiness as follows: after 2 hours of cooking, pierce the tongue with a fork - if clear juice stands out, it is ready, and if it is cloudy, boil the tongue again until the juice becomes transparent. So that the boiled tongue is not tough, salt it only at the end of cooking, along with salt, you can add bay leaves, peppercorns and peeled carrots to the water - this will make the tongue more fragrant.

After cooking, the finished tongue is removed from the liquid and transferred to a container with cold water for 2-3 minutes. A very important stage is the removal of the skin from the tongue, it is immersion in cold water that will make it easier to cope with this task.

Some housewives prefer to salt the tongue only after cleansing: for this, the finished peeled tongue is again put into the broth where it was boiled, everything is salted and seasoned, the tongue is cooked for about 15 more minutes. The resulting broth can be used for aspic. By the way, carrots, onions, spices and herbs are put into the broth peeled, but not chopped - whole, so the broth and tongue will turn out to be more fragrant. If you cook soup on this broth, then you need to use new, fresh roots for it, and those on which the broth was cooked should be thrown away.

With boiled beef tongue, you can cook a lot of dishes. By the way, this is a very useful, dietary and light product - it is recommended to eat it for pregnant and lactating women with anemia, after operations, and also give it to small children. A lot of snacks, salads, hot dishes are made from the tongue, and they simply eat it as cold cuts (cut the boiled tongue like a sausage, wrap it in foil and store it in the refrigerator).

Enjoy your meal!

Probably we all know that can be used in cooking in different ways. It can be an independent dish (both hot and cold), it can become the basis for many salads.

In any case, we will need boiled and we need to know how to cook it. That is why in this article we will talk about how to cook beef tongue. The process is generally simple, but quite long. The total boil time depends on the size of the tongue and the age of the cattle. Veal tongue, of course, is smaller in weight and age, and 2 hours is usually enough to cook it (the countdown begins after the moment of boiling!). The beef tongue will be “older”, and its mass is quite large (tongues weighing 700-800 grams, that is, less than 1 kilogram, usually come across a weight of an average tongue about a kilogram or more: 1.2-1.4 kg) - such languages ​​should be boiled for 3 hours. Add time for boiling and other manipulations and get ready to spend a total of 3-4 hours.

When buying beef tongue, be aware of the size of your pans! As our experience shows, in order to cook one tongue weighing about a kilogram, you need a pan with a capacity of 4 liters, no less. To cook two languages ​​\u200b\u200bat once (if you are expecting a lot of guests), you need a 7-8 liter saucepan. If you bought a frozen tongue, remember that due to the large mass, it will take a long time to thaw, so it’s better to take it out of the freezer on the evening before the day you are going to cook it and leave it in a large bowl to defrost at room temperature for the whole night. So…


  • Beef or veal tongue
  • Carrots - 1 piece (large)
  • Onion - 1 head
  • Black peppercorns - 10-20 peas
  • Bay leaf - 1-2 pieces (small can be 3-4)
  • Salt (coarse grinding) - an incomplete tablespoon, exactly more than half a spoon per pan with a capacity of 4 liters


Tongue wash with cold water and put in a saucepan in cold water (water should completely cover the tongue).

Place on stove over high heat/fire. Without closing the lid, bring to a boil. Do not forget that shortly before boiling, foam forms on the surface of the water, which must be removed with a slotted spoon and discarded.

When the water comes to a boil, reduce the heat/heat to low and cover the pot with a lid. Don't add anything to the pot yet! After a few minutes, lifting the lid, make sure that the water in the pan is slowly boiling and “gurgling”, but at the same time it does not run away from under the lid closed again. And in this state of quiet boiling under a closed lid, leave the pan on the stove for 1.5 hours if you have a large beef tongue (or 1 hour if you bought a veal tongue).

After the specified time has passed (that is, in the middle of the total cooking time), peeled and coarsely chopped (cut carrots into 4-5 pieces) carrots should be added to the pan; whole peeled onion without cutting it; peppercorns, bay leaf, salt. If the tongue has surfaced and some part of it rises above the surface of the water, the tongue must be turned over so that it boils evenly.

Bring the water to a boil again, turn down the heat, cover the pan with a lid and, in a state of quiet boiling, leave it on the stove for another 1.5 hours (for veal tongue - for 1 hour).

When the right time has passed, we take out the tongue from the pan and transfer it to a large bowl (in truth, it would be more correct to call it a small basin in size!), Leave the pan on the stove for now. We put the bowl with the tongue in the sink under a stream of cold water, fill it with water and leave it there for 3-5 minutes. Then, without removing the tongue from the bowl of cold water, remove the skin from it. If before that you did everything right, then the skin, picked up at the edge with a knife, will be removed quite easily, like a sock or stocking.

After removing the skin, put the tongue back into the pan where it was cooked, bring it to a boil again and boil for another 5-10 minutes. Everything.

The next steps depend on how you are going to dispose of the language further.

Option 1. If you are going to serve immediately as a hot dish, remove the tongue from the broth onto a large plate or dish, cut it across into plump (1.5-2 cm) slices and bring it to the table. In this situation, the classic side dish is warmed canned with the addition of butter. You can serve warm peas on the table in a separate bowl, you can put it on a dish next to the slices of the tongue, we serve the oil on the table, of course, separately. You can make any other vegetable side dish. It is also good to serve grated horseradish or sour cream sauce with herbs to the boiled tongue. You can experiment with your other favorite sauces (the boiled tongue itself is very soft and tender, but the taste is bland enough that horseradish or sauce will add spice to it). If not everything was eaten, we put the cooled tongue in the refrigerator in a sealed container. The broth in which the tongue was boiled is not used in any case, so the broth will have to be poured out, carrots and onions will also be thrown out of it.

Option 2. If you want to do the same thing, but the next day or even the next day (and you almost certainly want this, because on the day the guests arrive, no normal housewife will agree to spend 3-4 hours preparing one hot dish), then we leave the tongue in the broth, let it cool and put the pan in the refrigerator. On the day the guests arrive at the right time (40-50 minutes before serving), put the pan on the stove, bring the broth to a boil and boil for 5-10 minutes (a tongue with a large mass needs time to warm up). We take out the tongue from the pan and then proceed according to the first option. Pour out the broth.

Option 3. The tongue is served on the table in the form of cold cuts of meat or will be used for salad. In this case, it is better to let the tongue cool in the broth, and not get it hot (by the way, you can also cook the tongue the day before). When it cools down, we take the tongue out of the broth and put it in the refrigerator in a sealed container (a plastic container with a lid or an enamel pan of the appropriate size will do). At the right time, we take out the tongue, cut it into thin slices and lay it on a plate (nobody canceled horseradish on the table!) As a cold appetizer, or roll the slices into rolls with some (for example, cheese-garlic) filling, or cut into cubes or straws for salad.


Dare! Create! Get ready!

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beef tongue refers to by-products of the first category. It is classified as a delicacy, as dishes prepared on its basis are tender and very tasty.

The structure of the tongue is a solid muscle, which is wrapped in a film with a rough surface (see photo). The weight of this offal varies and ranges from 800 to 2.5 kg.

On store shelves you can find fresh, smoked, frozen and salted beef tongue.

Beef and pork tongue - what is the difference and which is better?

For a very long time there has been a debate about how beef and pork tongue differ and which one is better. Let's try to understand this problem and find out which of these two products is much tastier and healthier. The characteristic of the beef tongue is as follows:

  • big size;
  • boiled for a long time;
  • used for cutting on the festive table;
  • delicate taste;
  • very expensive;
  • contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals.

But the pork tongue, on the contrary, is small in size and cooks relatively quickly. However, the taste of beef is still better. Pork, like beef tongue, is useful. However, the former, unlike the latter, does not contain such a mineral substance as zinc.

In addition, the difference between the two offal is that beef tongue has more cholesterol, while pork tongue has more fat, so it is much more caloric. By the way, many nutritionists recommend eating beef tongue because it is less high-calorie.

As you can see, it is difficult to say which tongue is better - pork or beef. Both offal are good in their own way, so each person chooses at his own discretion what to eat.

How to choose and store?

When buying a beef tongue in the market or in a store, it is very important to choose it correctly so that after cooking the taste and appearance of such a delicacy will not disappoint you. So that you can easily cope with the task, follow these guidelines:

  • The language must certainly have a stamp that the sanitary service puts. This indicates that the product has been checked by specialists and does not contain any viruses.
  • When choosing, evaluate the appearance of the product. The color of a fresh tongue should have a slight purple or pink tint. In the first case, it is a symbol of the fact that a lot of iron is included in the composition. If the beef tongue is colored light pink, then it has already been frozen. The presence of a gray color indicates that the product is already stale.
  • The aroma of a fresh tongue should be meaty, if you smell any foreign odors, you can be sure that the product is spoiled.
  • Use the standard test when choosing a meat product - press the offal with your finger. If the tongue is fresh, then it will be elastic and the resulting hole will quickly recover. If the depression remains, then the product was re-frozen.
  • It is also worth looking at the cut that stands out when the tongue is incised. The released liquid must be transparent, otherwise you can be sure of spoilage of the product. A large amount of juice indicates that the tongue has already been frozen. If you see blood, then the tongue has already deteriorated.

The benefits of beef tongue

The benefit of beef tongue lies in its chemical composition. This by-product is rich in proteins, which are important for muscle tissue. They are especially useful for people who are actively involved in sports.

In large quantities, the tongue contains iron, which improves the composition of the blood and the process of hematopoiesis. It should be included in the diet for anemia, as well as pregnant and lactating women.

The language should be used by people in the postoperative period.

The offal is rich in B vitamins, which are important for metabolism and for the normal functioning of the nervous system.

In large quantities, beef tongue contains zinc, which reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood, and it is also useful in the treatment of skin diseases.

The offal contains vitamin PP, which helps to cope with headaches and insomnia. There are other substances in it that are important for normal life.

It is also worth mentioning the low calorie content of beef tongue, so you can safely include it in your diet if you want to lose weight.

Beef tongue is allowed to be eaten by pregnant women, as well as nursing mothers. Offal can be boiled, stewed and baked. When breastfeeding, doctors advise starting to eat beef tongue only four months after giving birth. For the first time, the products need to be eaten quite a bit and during the day to monitor the well-being of the baby. If no allergic reaction is manifested, then the offal can continue to be eaten. Experts allow beef tongue to be consumed no more than twice a week and insist that the norm of the product eaten does not exceed two hundred grams.

For small children, it is recommended to start giving boiled beef tongue only after nine months. First you need to give a taste of half a teaspoon of mashed tongue, and then you can gradually increase the dose. However, if after the introduction of a new complementary food the child has an allergic reaction, it is worth giving up the by-product for a while and consult a doctor for advice.

With gastritis, beef tongue can be eaten only at the stage of remission, and boiled and in small quantities.

Beef tongue is very useful for increasing the level of hemoglobin in the blood. It is recommended to eat at least fifty grams of this offal daily.

After removal of the gallbladder, beef tongue is allowed to eat one and a half months after the operation. During the diet, you can cook boiled tongue in jelly.

Beef tongue is considered a dietary offal, so it can be eaten while losing weight. You just need to remember that during the diet, beef tongue is only allowed to cook. The daily intake should not exceed one hundred and fifty grams, while it is recommended to eat offal twice a week.

Below is a video about the beneficial properties of beef tongue.

Use in cooking

Beef tongue is one of the delicacies, on the basis of which you can cook real culinary masterpieces. In boiled form, it is cut into slices and served as a separate snack, and is also used as the basis for aspic. Beef tongue is also used to prepare various salads, appetizers, julienne, etc. This offal is best combined with pickled mushrooms, asparagus, pineapples and peas. For a variety of taste, you can use various sauces, for example, apple or pomegranate. You can also stew beef tongue with vegetables or, for example, in sour cream or wine. In addition, there are recipes where this offal is stuffed, baked, fried in breading and batter.

How to cook at home?

To cook beef tongue at home, first you need to prepare an offal. It is required to remove fat from the tongue, remove the hyoid bone, as well as muscle tissue. After that, thoroughly wash the beef tongue under running water to wash away the remnants of blood and mucus. Or you can do it in another way: lower the offal into water for about one hundred and eighty minutes. Now that the beef tongue is prepared, you can proceed to the cooking stage.

You can cook beef tongue soft and very tasty using an ordinary enameled pan or a slow cooker.

So, in order to cook beef tongue soft, you need to pour some water into an enamel saucepan and boil. As soon as the liquid boils, you need to lower your tongue into the container. It is also recommended to add lavrushka and black peppercorns. When the water boils again, remove the offal and bay leaf with pepper. Rinse the tongue and put it back into the container with the broth, bringing to a boil. When the broth boils, reduce the fire to a minimum. By the time the beef tongue is cooked in an enamel saucepan for at least three hours.

You can also cook delicious beef tongue in a slow cooker. Making an offal in a kitchen appliance does not differ much from cooking in an enamel pan. Initially, you need to prepare the language, as described above. Then the product must be put into the device and completely covered with water. Add chopped vegetables there (carrots with onions) and turn on the “Stew” mode. Cooking beef tongue in a slow cooker takes about three and a half hours. Fifteen minutes before the end of cooking, the broth must be salted.

You can quickly cook beef tongue in a pressure cooker. This will take no more than forty-five minutes. To do this, put the cleaned offal into the device, add fresh vegetables cut into several pieces (onion with carrots), add 2/3 tablespoon of salt, as well as spices to taste and completely fill the tongue with water. Close the pressure cooker and set the timer for forty-five minutes. At the end of cooking, the offal must be pierced with a knife. If the cutlery pierces the pulp well, then the tongue is cooked.

To clean the beef tongue after cooking, the offal must be removed from the broth, allowed to cool slightly, and then, starting from the tip of the tongue, gently pull the film. Where the film is difficult to remove, it must be cleaned with a knife. Other chefs say that in order to properly clean the beef tongue, the offal must be immediately dipped in very cold water for exactly sixty seconds after cooking. After that, the film from the tongue will be quite easy to remove.

After cooking, the cleaned boiled beef tongue should be stored in an airtight container to prevent the product from drying out. You can also wrap it in foil and refrigerate. The shelf life of the finished language is no more than two days. Boiled beef tongue can be frozen by first cutting it into portioned pieces. After defrosting, it is not recommended to re-freeze the offal.

How to cook delicious beef tongue?

You can cook a delicious beef tongue by steaming, frying or stewing in a pan, marinating, smoking or canning.

Steamed beef tongue is prepared according to this recipe. Cut the food foil into large pieces and sprinkle with Italian herbs seasoning on top. Now cut the raw peeled beef tongue into small pieces and put on pieces of foil. Then each tongue medallion should be sprinkled with lemon juice, salt to taste, wrapped in foil and put in a double boiler. Beef tongue is steamed for at least an hour and a half. When the offal is cooked, it needs to be cleaned.

Before frying the beef tongue in a pan, the product should be boiled. The cooking process is the same as described above. After that, the boiled beef tongue must be cleaned, cut into small strips, roll in flour, then in an egg, and then in breadcrumbs. Next, put two tablespoons of melted bacon into a heated pan and fry the pieces of beef tongue until golden brown.

To put out the beef tongue, you need to wash the offal, put it in a saucepan, completely fill it with water and boil. As soon as the liquid boils, it is necessary to add carrots and onions to the tongue (no need to cut, just peel) and boil the ingredients until tender. Twenty minutes before the end of cooking, throw two laurels, six peas of black pepper and three teaspoons of salt into the broth. Then the boiled beef tongue must be cleaned of the film and again lowered into the broth. When the offal has cooled, cut into small pieces and fry in a pan, adding about thirty grams of butter. Now, in another container, it is necessary to stew the diced onion until soft, adding a little broth in which the tongue was boiled. Then pour the stewed onion to the fried beef tongue, add two teaspoons of tomato paste, a teaspoon of flour (previously mixed in a small amount of broth), about two hundred milliliters of broth and a teaspoon of dried basil. Stewed beef tongue is cooked for no more than ten minutes.

Beef tongue can be cooked in the oven. Wash the offal thoroughly, put it in a saucepan, completely fill it with water and boil for about five minutes. Then remove the film from the tongue. Grease beef offal with soy sauce and sunflower oil. Put on a baking sheet covered with foil, rub the beef tongue on top with this mixture: finely chop five garlic cloves and mix with two tablespoons of suneli hops, and add salt and pepper to taste. Now the edges of the foil need to be fastened. Place the baking sheet in the oven, preheating it to two hundred degrees. Beef tongue baked in the oven will be ready in one hour and thirty minutes.

You can also cook beef tongue in the microwave. To do this, rinse the offal, put it in a special container for the device, then put a peeled onion there, in which you need to make several cuts and put a clove bud and a chopped bay leaf there. Now pour two hundred milliliters of white wine into a separate container, add salt and pepper to taste, stirring well. Next, you need to pour the beef tongue with wine, cover the container with the contents with a lid and send it to the microwave for five minutes, choosing the maximum power. After that, switch the power to medium mode by setting the timer for forty minutes. When the beef tongue is ready, the product should be cooled, peeled, cut into small pieces and put on a plate. The liquid in which the tongue was prepared must be filtered with gauze, and then pour half a glass of cream into it, stirring thoroughly. Pour the prepared sauce on top of the beef tongue.

To make beef tongue Grilled, the offal must first be boiled, then cleaned and cut into portioned slices. Before frying the product, the beef tongue needs to be marinated. To do this, you need a decoction in which the tongue was previously boiled. Add salt, ground black pepper, chopped garlic, red pepper and ground smoked paprika there according to your preference. Dip the beef tongue into the prepared marinade for about one hour. After that, fry the offal on the grill.

Very tasty beef tongue, fried on the grill. First, boil the beef offal, then peel and cut into pieces. Now you need to make a marinade for the beef tongue. Pour fifty milliliters of olive oil into a container, put two lemon slices, add salt and season to your taste. Dip the pieces of beef tongue into the resulting marinade for about an hour. While the product is marinating, you need to cut the bell pepper, two tomatoes and onion into rings. After putting on the skewer alternately pieces of beef tongue with chopped vegetables and fry on the grill until cooked.

Many cooks recommend hot smoked beef tongue. It is necessary to clean the raw offal and rinse thoroughly. After that, rub the tongue liberally with salt and spices, as well as a mixture of dried and ground vegetables, which includes celery, garlic, carrots, lavrushka, onion, black pepper and parsley. Put the offal in a container, cover with a lid and leave to marinate for forty-eight hours. After the pickling stage, the tongue should be boiled by lowering the product into bubbling water for one hundred and twenty minutes. Then put the cooled boiled beef tongue on a special grill for the smokehouse and smoke for at least sixty minutes.

In addition, beef tongue can preserve for the winter. Place the cleaned and washed product in a deep enameled container, completely fill with water and boil for two hours. Then put the carrot, onion, garlic, parsley root, peppercorns, bay leaf into the broth and boil again for two hours. After removing the beef tongue from the broth, remove the film and return the product back to the broth, and then boil for about ten minutes. At the end of cooking, cut the by-product into pieces, distribute in glass jars, pour in broth, cover with lids and boil in a water bath for about thirty minutes, and then preserve.

How and with what to serve?

Cooked beef tongue can be served both hot and cold. It is great for serving with potatoes, rice, cheese and vegetables (stewed cabbage, eggplant).

If you serve the offal as a separate appetizer, you will need sauce, horseradish or mustard for it. Sauce for beef tongue can be apple, sour cream or creamy mushroom.

To do applesauce, you need to take two ripe apples, wash, peel, remove the seeds and cut the fruit into small slices. Now melt a tablespoon of butter in a saucepan, put chopped onion (it will take about fifty grams) and fry until the onion becomes transparent. Next, put the apples in a saucepan, pour in two tablespoons of water and simmer over low heat until the fruits become softer. Then the apple-onion mixture should be chopped with a blender, then add a teaspoon of curry, salt and pepper to your taste, pour in one hundred and fifty milliliters of twenty percent cream and simmer for a few more minutes.

For cooking creamy mushroom sauce it is necessary to melt about fifty grams of butter in a frying pan, put fifty grams of chopped onion and fry until transparent. Then put one hundred grams of chopped champignons into the pan and fry until all the moisture disappears. Then add chopped garlic clove, salt, pepper, five grams of flour, a glass of enough heavy cream and simmer over low heat until the sauce becomes thicker.

Sour cream sauce is prepared very easily and quickly. In a small bowl, put about one hundred and fifty grams of sour cream (preferably fatter), about seventy grams of pickled cucumbers, which need to be finely diced, thirty grams of chopped green olives, three chopped green onion feathers, pour in a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, salt and pepper to taste. When all the ingredients are combined in one container, the sauce should be thoroughly mixed.

Harm of beef tongue and contraindications

Harm beef tongue can bring in the presence of individual intolerance to the product. It is contraindicated to eat this offal in large quantities, as this can cause problems with the liver and kidneys. It is worth limiting the use of people in old age. You need to eat your tongue carefully if you have problems with the thyroid gland, as well as with bronchial asthma and allergic rhinitis. It is also worth considering that if various antibiotics and hormones were used when growing an animal, the tongue will only harm the body.

With high cholesterol, pancreatitis, experts do not allow the use of beef tongue.

Knowing how to preserve beef tongue, you can regularly prepare delicious dishes from it and enjoy them at any time. This versatile and affordable product has an incredibly useful composition. Eating only 100 g of beef tongue daily, you can provide your body with valuable protein and a daily dose of vitamin B12, while consuming only 173 kcal. On sale you can find both ready-made and raw beef tongue (their shelf life, of course, is different). The boiled tongue is used for snacks, pastry fillings, hot dishes and salads, and is simply eaten with bread. More complex dishes are prepared from frozen beef tongue or buy fresh offal. The main thing is to choose a quality language, because how much beef tongue is stored in the freezer or refrigerator depends on the degree of freshness. It should be elastic, have a pink tint, a pleasant smell and the seal of a veterinarian. And now let's take a closer look at how to properly store it.

The most important thing about beef tongue storage

    Raw tongue should not be kept in the refrigerator for more than a day.

    Beef tongue will keep in the freezer for 8-10 months.

    The boiled tongue must be carefully isolated from foreign odors in the refrigerator.

How to store raw beef tongue

It is very important to know how much beef tongue can be stored in one form or another, because this product is for real delicacies.

Before storing the beef tongue in the refrigerator fresh, it must be wrapped in cling film, paper or a plastic bag, or better, placed in an airtight food container.

No more than 1 day - that's how much this offal can be stored. You can significantly extend the shelf life of beef tongue by placing it in the freezer.

Up to 8 weeks is the period for how long beef tongue is stored in an old-style freezer. But in the modern one, in the presence of a temperature of 18 ° C and the No frost system, it can lie for 6-8 months.

You can pre-divide it into portioned pieces, since you can defrost and cook it several times. In this case, the beef tongue should be wrapped in cling film or placed in a plastic container.

How to store boiled beef tongue

Before storing boiled beef tongue in the refrigerator, it must be cooled. There it can be not much longer than fresh - up to 48 hours. You can wrap it in foil or place it in a food container with a tight lid. Beef tongue after cooking will easily absorb third-party odors, which is completely undesirable for its subsequent use.

Do not forget about the freezer - as one of the ways to store boiled beef tongue after cooking.

After cooking, it is cooled and divided into portions in order to defrost exactly as much as needed each time.

Boiled beef tongue is not subject to re-freezing!

Beef tongue is a delicacy product for various culinary traditions, belongs to category I offal, contains many useful substances, like. By structure - a solid muscle, covered with a rather rigid rough shell. A beef tongue usually weighs between 800 g and 2.5 kg. Its flesh is tender, tasty and nutritious. A well-cooked tongue tastes good and, since this product contains almost no connective tissue, is well absorbed. From the tongue, you can cook many different, quite exquisite dishes that will wonderfully decorate the festive table. Usually, before cooking, the tongue is soaked in cold water, then boiled with the addition of onions, carrots, roots, salt and dry spices. The addition of various seasonings gives both the meat and the broth a piquant taste and pleasant aroma.

How long does it take to cook beef tongue?

Usually the tongue is boiled for several hours. Veal tongue is boiled for 2 hours. If the tongue is from an adult animal, they cook for 3 hours, and sometimes longer. If you could not determine the approximate age of the animal and do not know how many hours to cook the beef tongue, try to determine its readiness by piercing it with a fork. If it pierces easily, then it is ready. It is important not to digest, otherwise the taste of meat immediately becomes worse. As soon as the tongue becomes soft, it is transferred to a container with cold water, cooled and peeled off. Then you can proceed according to the instructions of a specific recipe. For example, the tongue can be cut into thin slices and used for making snacks or aspic. From the boiled tongue, you can fantasize various salads by replacing sausage or meat with pieces of boiled tongue.

Some Tips

When buying a tongue, you should make sure that it is free of connective and sublingual muscle tissue, larynx, hyoid bone, lymph nodes, mucus, blood and fat. If the purchased product does not quite meet these requirements, then you need to remove all unnecessary, and then carefully scrape with a knife and rinse your tongue with cold water (preferably running). Now it can be soaked. It is best to do this in the evening, and cook the next day.

Often, tongues are sold fresh-frozen and frozen - so, of course, it is more convenient to transport and store them. Naturally, such a product should cost less than fresh.

First, we defrost the product - this process can be combined with soaking: just put the frozen tongue in a container of cold water in the evening. The next morning you can clean it, rinse and start boiling. It should be noted that the pan must be of sufficient size, since this product increases in size during cooking.

So, the preliminary manipulations with the beef tongue are completed, now we are cooking.


  • soaked, peeled and washed beef tongue (it doesn’t matter if the original product is fresh or frozen) - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • parsley root - 1-2 pieces;
  • peas of different varieties - 5-8 pcs.;
  • carnation - 3 inflorescences;
  • bay leaf - 5 pcs.;
  • salt.

You can add any other spices and aromatic herbs (parsley, dill and others) to your taste.


We put the beef tongue in a pot of boiling water, add the roots, carrots and onions (we do everything as when cooking beef). We add spices and salt 15-20 minutes before readiness, bay leaf - 10 minutes. You can add garlic and various herbs 5 minutes before the end of the process. Place the finished tongue in cold water, cool, carefully remove the skin, starting from the thin end. If you do not immediately proceed to cooking dishes from the tongue, it is better to leave it in the broth in which it was cooked (strained, of course).

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