Professional deformation in the labor process. What is professional deformation

One of the most common causes of professional deformation, according to experts, is the specifics of the immediate environment with which a professional specialist is forced to communicate, as well as the specifics of his activities.

Another no less important reason for professional deformation is the division of labor and the increasingly narrow specialization of professionals. Daily work, over the years, by solving typical problems improves not only professional knowledge, but also forms professional habits, stereotypes, determines the style of thinking and communication styles.

Along with the influence of the long-term implementation of a special professional activity on the peculiarity of the development of the personality of the subject of labor, which manifests itself in the majority of people involved in the profession (a variant of the general professional deformation of the personality, mental functions), an important role can also be played by the individual and personal characteristics of the subject of labor. Particular importance is attached to such qualities of individuality as: the rigidity of nervous processes, the tendency to form rigid stereotypes of behavior, the narrowness and supervalue of professional motivation, defects in moral education, relatively low intelligence, self-criticism, reflection.

In people who are prone to the formation of rigid stereotypes, thinking becomes less problematic over time, a person becomes more and more closed to new knowledge. The worldview of such a person is limited by the attitudes, values ​​and stereotypes of the circle of the profession, and also becomes narrowly professionally oriented.

E. I. Rogov believes that professional deformations can be caused by the peculiarities of the motivational sphere of the subject of labor, consisting in the subjective supersignificance of labor activity with its low functional and energy capabilities, as well as with relatively low intelligence.

Types of professional deformations

There are several classifications of types of professional personality deformation. E.I. Rogov identifies the following deformations. 1. General professional deformations that are typical for most people involved in this profession. They are due to the invariant features of the means of labor used, the object of labor, professional tasks, attitudes, habits, forms of communication. The more the object and means of labor are specialized, the more the dilettantism of the novice and the professional limitations of the worker immersed only in the profession are manifested to a greater extent. Representatives of the socionomic type of professions perceive, distinguish and adequately understand the peculiarities of the behavior of individuals to a much greater extent compared to professionals of the technonomic type. And even within the framework of one profession, for example, a teacher, one can single out typical “Russianists”, “athletes”, “mathematicians”;

2. Typological deformations formed by the fusion of personal characteristics and features of the functional structure of professional activity (this is how organizer teachers and subject teachers are distinguished among teachers, depending on the degree of their organizational abilities, leadership qualities, extroversion);

3. Individual deformations, caused primarily by a personal orientation, and not by the work performed by a person. The profession can probably create favorable conditions for the development of those personality traits, the prerequisites for which took place even before the start of professionalization. For example, elementary school teachers in their activities act as an organizer, leader, endowed with authority in relation to young children, often unable to protect themselves from unfair accusations, aggression. Among elementary school teachers, there are often people who remain in this profession because they have a strong need for power, suppression, and control over the activity of other people. If this need is not balanced by humanism, a high level of culture, self-criticism and self-control, such teachers turn out to be bright representatives of the professional deformation of the personality.

Zeer E.F. identifies the following classification of levels of professional deformation:

1. General professional deformations typical for workers in this profession. For example, for law enforcement officers - the syndrome of "asocial perception" (when everyone is perceived as a potential violator).

2. Special professional deformations arising in the process of specialization. For example, in the legal and human rights professions: the investigator has legal suspicion; an operative worker has actual aggressiveness; the lawyer has professional resourcefulness; the prosecutor has an indictment.

3. Professional-typological deformations caused by the imposition of individual psychological characteristics of a person on the psychological structure of professional activity. As a result, professionally and personally conditioned complexes are formed:

a) deformation of the professional orientation of the individual (distortion of the motives of activity, restructuring of value orientations, pessimism, skepticism towards innovations);

b) deformations that develop on the basis of any abilities - organizational, communicative, intellectual, etc. (superiority complex, hypertrophied level of claims, narcissism).

c) deformations caused by character traits (role expansion, lust for power, "official intervention", dominance, indifference).

4. Individual deformations due to the peculiarities of workers in various professions, when certain professionally important qualities, as well as undesirable qualities, develop extremely, which leads to the emergence of superqualities, or accentuations. For example: super-responsibility, labor fanaticism, professional enthusiasm, etc.

4. Manifestations and consequences of professional deformations

Manifestations of professional deformation take place in the external environment of professional activity, interaction with the object of activity, in intra-system communication, joint performance of official tasks with other employees, contacts with the manager, as well as in the environment of non-professional activity, it can even manifest itself in physical appearance.

Professional deformation has the greatest influence on the personal characteristics of representatives of those professions whose work is connected with people (officials, managers, personnel workers, teachers, psychologists). The extreme form of professional deformation of the personality is expressed in their formal, purely functional attitude towards people. A high level of professional deformation is also observed among medical workers, military personnel and intelligence officers.

According to the conclusions of psychologists, professional deformation of managers consists in psychological disorientation due to constant pressure on them, both external and internal factors. It is expressed in a high level of aggressiveness, inadequacy in the perception of people and situations, and finally, in the loss of a taste for life. All this gives rise to another common problem for many managers: the inability to effectively self-improve and develop.

The profession of an accountant has become synonymous with meticulousness and tediousness. The professional deformation of accountants is manifested in the constant desire for order, clear planning of everything and everything, pedantry, and dislike for change. In family life, this is expressed in a craving for maintaining cleanliness and order. Such meticulousness can sometimes irritate, but the family budget will always be in perfect order.

Journalists are often overly curious. Also, this profession involves working with a huge amount of information, so the professional deformation of journalists is sometimes expressed in superficiality - they are simply not used to "digging deep." Some experienced journalists like to draw attention to themselves, tell a lot and for a long time, and when communicating, they "pull the blanket over themselves", not allowing the interlocutor to insert even a couple of words.

The psychologist is a kind of "shoemaker without boots": he helps others, but often unable to help himself. The professional deformation of psychologists can be expressed in the desire to delve into other people's problems (often far-fetched) and bombard a person with advice, or in the desire to manipulate other people, because the psychologist is better than others familiar with the mechanisms of manipulation and often tries to confirm the theory in practice.

It is worth noting once again that professional deformation is not always a bad thing. Many useful professional qualities can and should be used in everyday life. But the negative manifestations of professional deformation should be fought.

A.K. Markova, based on a generalization of studies of violations of the professional development of the individual, identified the following consequences of professional deformations: a lag in professional development compared to age-related social norms (belated professional self-determination, inappropriate choice of profession); lack of formation of professional activity, necessary moral ideas, insufficient professionalism and qualifications, etc.; simplification of professional activity, motivational insufficiency, poor job satisfaction; value disorientation and loss of moral guidelines in work; mismatch of separate links of professional development; weakening of professional data (decrease in professional abilities, decrease in working capacity, etc.); loss of labor and professional skills, professionalism and qualifications, temporary disability, a sharp decrease in labor efficiency and job satisfaction; deviation from social and individual norms of professional development, manifestations of personality deformation (emotional exhaustion, the desire to manipulate people, deformation of professional consciousness, etc.); termination of professional development due to occupational disease, long-term or permanent disability. These and other deviations in professional development lead to deprofessionalization.

A large number of people have to deal with the concept of professional deformation of the personality. In itself, such a phenomenon will imply certain changes in the qualities that were inherent in a person. As a result, his character, behavior, way of communication, stereotypes and values ​​will change. All this will happen due to the work that a person does. Such changes occur after a sufficiently long occupation of one type of activity.

What happens as a result?

Professional deformation is complicated by the fact that a person begins to transfer working moments into everyday life. A mask that is worn by a person of a certain profession in the office or at the workplace will not be removed after the worker returns home. This means that a certain manner of behavior will be used not only at work, but also at home. As a result, very often such behavior will lead to conflict situations between households, causing a large number of misunderstandings.

Unfortunately, for many people, the deformation of the personality due to the profession is inevitable, since it directly indicates whether a person takes his work seriously. Many factors influence this.

Why is personality deformation a negative factor?

There are a whole list of reasons why the transfer of work moments and behavior to ordinary normal life can complicate communication between people in general. These include:

  • Minimization of personality restructuring.

A person has a certain style of work, a procedure. Because of getting used to his type of activity, he will not want to look for new ways to solve problems, he approaches existing tasks from the other side. Work habits become part of human behavior. For example, very often artists will be characterized by narcissism in everyday life. Accountants can check too carefully even those facts that do not matter to them. The military wants everything to be clearly according to the charter even at home.

  • Difficult relationships with close people begin to appear.

Firstly, this is due to the fact that a person does not know how to abstract from his work, bringing problems home. Secondly, relatives may not understand the changes in the behavior of a relative. The methods that will be applied by a person with personality deformation at home may be ineffective, in contrast to the influence on subordinates. As a result, the employee will not understand why the built and well-coordinated work system ceased to operate under certain conditions, what factors influenced this.

  • Deterioration in the quality of work performed.

In this case, the professional deformation of the personality will lead to the fact that the person will not only not develop, but will also try to treat his work more formally. As a result, the quality of the actions performed may suffer, which causes unpleasant moments not only for the employee himself, but also for subordinates, superiors, and customers. If a person occupies a sufficiently high position, then most often he begins to treat employees not as people, but as machines that perform certain functions and have the potential for further development.

  • The final step is human burnout.

This is also known as professional burnout. Due to the fact that a person is constantly, even at home and on vacation, immersed in his work, it soon becomes boring and uninteresting for him. Some neglect begins to appear, and after that the type of activity becomes generally irrelevant. Very often this sign is observed in those people who cannot grow up the career ladder, learn something new, grow as specialists.

What types can be divided into professional deformation of personality?

  • individual deformation.

This is the case when a certain type of activity will lead to a fairly rapid development of some specific qualities of a person. A vivid example is clearly expressed leadership qualities or excessive attentiveness. In the first case, if a woman encounters professional deformation, it will be difficult for her to get along with a man. Representatives of the stronger sex are used to being leaders, not followers. Accordingly, conflict will brew.

  • Typological.

In this case, there will be some combination of those features that a person has in his personal perception and the specifics of the profession.

  • General professional.

It is observed in people who are in the same direction of work or are engaged in one type of activity.

But, despite the type of personality deformation, each of them will adversely affect a person’s life. In the future, it will poison not only personal life, but also make the workflow itself less efficient.

What are the reasons for the professional deformation of personality?

It is necessary to consider the causes of professional deformation, which are identified by psychologists. These include:

  1. Long stay in one position. This option can also be called professional fatigue. A person is morally tired of doing the same actions and tasks for a long time.
  2. Performance starts to decline. This may be due to the fact that the employee is not satisfied with the position held, the area turns out to be uninteresting for him.
  3. Large overload, which is associated with a large amount of work. In this mode, a person simply starts to burn out, especially if he does not have the opportunity to relax, take a vacation, and no factors and arguments will affect the authorities.
  4. Perhaps a person does not see the point in his work. As a result, he tries to improve in this direction, but either he does not succeed, or he achieves certain results, but begins to move work to his personal life.

There could be many more reasons. Each of them will lie not only in the profession chosen by the person, but also in what personal qualities will atrophy.

If we talk about the fact that the professional deformation of a lawyer is also a fairly common deviation, then in this case the specialist will disrespect people who not only do not comply with the laws, but also do not know them. For some, these qualities will manifest themselves in the use of their position for personal gain. It rarely happens that a person of this profession is inactive at a time when he could really bring significant benefit to the people around him.

Practice shows that very often the professional deformation of a lawyer will be observed for the reason that a person has been working in this field for quite a long time and has seen a lot. Especially this problem will concern lawyers. These people are not surprised even by the most sophisticated crimes, after the commission of which it is necessary to prove the innocence of the suspect. Subsequently, this attitude created at work will be transferred to everyday life. So, knowing the causes of professional deformation, you can avoid mistakes.

What options for professional deformation can be in different industries?

The easiest way is to consider several options for the occurrence of such a problem in order to understand how in practice to calculate one of the unpleasant phenomena associated with work:

  1. If such a phenomenon is observed by a marketer, then most often in stores or on a TV screen, he will evaluate the product not as a consumer, but as a specialist in this field of activity. As a result, instead of resting, he will try to track whether the advertiser created the image of the product correctly? Is there a clearly defined marketing strategy for promoting this product?
  2. A sales manager can go so far that instead of being happy about his acquaintance’s trip to some country, he will ask how well some aviation companies work, how good the service was in a particular hotel.
  3. During the deformation of the personality, teachers will find fault with even the smallest mistakes that students make. Perhaps there will be shortcomings in the work that was done "excellently". It is possible that a strict attitude towards children, a dismissive attitude towards people who do not behave according to the rules of etiquette.
  4. If such a deviation overtakes the doctor, then even during the usual handshake with his acquaintance, he can try to feel the person’s pulse, look at the color of the skin of the face, and see how dilated the pupils are. It is possible that as a result, the doctor will try to give some advice to his friend, who does not need them at all.

Is it possible to avoid professional deformation of the personality during any activity?

In fact, it is possible, even for those people who are really fans of their work. By adhering to the rules below, you can avoid the troubles associated with this phenomenon. Such prevention of professional deformation will help many:

  • Try not to transfer work moments to your personal life.

What does it mean? After you get home, try to just turn off your work phone. At home you should rest, communicate with loved ones. Otherwise, you will transfer the difficulties and problems of your activities to your family, think about reporting, give comments to your subordinates. Undoubtedly, some people prepare for work at home, so it is possible to transfer some aspects to personal life. It is advisable to minimize this approach, because otherwise you simply will not have a clear separation between close people and colleagues or subordinates.

  • It is best to find a hobby that will contrast with work as much as possible.

What does it mean? If your job is sedentary, where there is a minimum of emotions, sign up for interesting, active and energetic dances. If at work there are a lot of movements, communication, energy is in full swing, then it is advisable to buy a subscription to yoga classes. In any case, try to make sure that your activity or hobby gives you maximum opportunities for relaxation and the ability to disconnect from work processes. After that, you will notice that it will be much easier to carry out the restructuring from work to home, from home to work. In addition, you can relax physically and mentally from the main activity.

  • Make stickers and notes at home, which will indicate the minimization of some work activities while communicating with the family.

In other words, you need good self-control and the opportunity to learn how to switch. At first, it will be quite difficult to do this, far from always people react to the comments of relatives and friends. But you need to listen to them. It is not normal if suddenly at 22:00 you remember that you have come up with a new version of the presentation. As a result, you can call your subordinates with an offer. Moreover, you should not immediately go to e-mail or Skype, try to spread this idea among your colleagues. Create factors that will not allow you to return to work at home.

  • Often, personality deformation will be associated not only with some personal qualities, but also with the image that you create at work, and then try to transfer to your life.

What is meant in this case? When meeting with acquaintances, you will try to create the appearance of a busy person, describe your excellent position. If you have a leadership position, then you will try to bring as much control as possible into relationships in the family. If the work is boring and monotonous, and at home you have a large number of things that are associated with movement and emotions, you will simply behave quietly and almost without movement.

Very often professional personality deformation can really play a negative role in the lives of many people. You need to learn to clearly distinguish between your personal life and work moments. Only in this way will there be a desire to go to work, and after it to return home. Otherwise, problems in the family will begin, rapid professional burnout. As a result - quarrels, scandals, decrease in work efficiency and efficiency. Remember that business is time, and fun is an hour. In no case should you confuse personal relationships with some work tasks.

Activities and leading to the formation of a specific professional type of personality.

Initially, professional deformation was associated with the spread of professional stereotypes developed by a person to other areas of his life, including out-of-professional behavior (behavior outside the profession) and communication.

For the first time, the term "professional deformation" was introduced by Pitirim Sorokin as a designation of the negative impact of professional activity on a person. Professional deformation was described in their works by such scientists as S. G. Gellerstein (1930), A. K. Markova (1996), E. F. Zeer (1999, 2003), S. P. Beznosov (2004), R. M. Granovskaya (2010), S. A. Druzhilov (2013).

Researchers single out professional deformation of personality, professional deformation of activity, professional deformation of labor behavior. The term "professional destruction" is also used to denote negative changes in professional activity (E.F. Zeer, S.A. Druzhilov)

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    Persons working with people are most susceptible to professional deformation, for example: law enforcement officers, military, leaders, deputies, officials, social workers, teachers, doctors, salespeople, psychologists themselves. For them, professional deformation can be expressed in a formal, functional attitude towards people. Both in the sphere of socionomic professions and in technical professions, professional deformations are expressed differently depending on the particular profession: for teachers - in authoritarianism and categorical judgments; psychologists, psychotherapists - in an effort to manipulate another person, to impose a certain picture of the world, not taking into account the motives and goals of the person himself; for programmers - in a tendency to look for errors in various life situations, a tendency to algorithmization.

    For managers, professional deformation can manifest itself as an increase in aggressiveness, inadequacy in the perception of people and situations, leading to a drop (or loss) in the ability to communicate effectively, self-improvement, development, up to a loss of taste for life.


    Particular cases, ways of manifestation of professional deformation are: administrative delight, emotional "burnout" syndrome, managerial erosion.

    There are several ways to systematize the manifestations of personality deformation [ ] :

    The reasons

    One of the most common causes of professional deformation, according to experts, is the specifics of the immediate environment with which a professional specialist is forced to communicate, as well as the specifics of his activities. Another no less important reason for professional deformation is the division of labor and the increasingly narrow specialization of professionals. Daily work, over the years, to solve typical problems not only improves professional knowledge, but also forms professional habits, stereotypes, determines the style of thinking and communication styles.

    In the psychological literature, there are three groups of factors leading to the emergence of professional deformation: factors due to the specifics of activity, factors of a personal property, and factors of a socio-psychological nature.

    Psychological mechanisms of professional deformations

    When considering professional deformations, one should proceed from the understanding that a professional is a person as a whole. Accordingly, all its levels (individual, personality, subject of activity and individuality) can be subjected to deforming changes in the process of long-term performance of professional activity. These destructive changes will manifest themselves in the professional activities, professional behavior(when entering and exiting professional activities), as well as in professional and non-professional communication.

    Professional deformation is considered as a "distortion" of psychological models of profession and activity, or their destructive construction.

    Professional destruction

    As a first approximation, one can speak of professional destructions as an extreme form of expressing professional deformations. But the differentiation (distinction) between the concepts of "professional deformation" and "professional destruction" is not in the degree of growth of negative manifestations. There are different psychological mechanisms at work here.

    With professional deformations are happening distortion, - structures of activity or personality traits of a professional.

    And with professional destruction occurs destruction(or destructive construction) - the structure of the executed activities(changing its focus to other goals and results) or personalities(its orientation to opposite values- labor and life) professional.


    1. The stereotype “the boss must be hard-skinned, firm, persistent” changes the structure of managerial interaction, transferring it to the mode of threat of punishment for misconduct, command communication.
    2. The stereotype "the boss is always right" negatively affects the independence of decisions and judgments of the employee, forms lack of initiative, expectation of orders and instructions from the management.
    3. The stereotype of dogmatic following of orders gives rise to the mindless execution of any order of the boss, often leads to intrapersonal conflicts if there is one's own opinion about the need to act differently.
    4. The stereotype of the "little man" leads to a decrease in professional self-esteem, the manifestation of conformism and the absence of one's own judgments on a particular service issue.
    5. The stereotype of "optimal" role behavior often acts as a mechanism for adaptive behavior to certain official situations and specific professional actions. Thus, threatening and aggressive behavior is seen as optimal for obtaining evidence from a suspect, etc.
    6. The stereotype of “finding the culprit” justifies all actions to find the culprit, punish him, etc. At the same time, the work to identify the true causes of inefficiency of activity goes into the background, and its shortcomings are not revealed.

    In general, non-professional usage, the term professional deformation is used in a weaker sense, pointing out (often with irony) only a certain influence of professional habits on people's behavior in private life, the transfer of specific professional stereotypes and attitudes to behavior outside of work.

    State educational institution of higher professional education

    Tula State Pedagogical University. L.N. Tolstoy

    Psychology faculty

    Discipline "Fundamentals of career guidance"


    on the topic



    3rd year student of group "A"

    Faculty of Psychology

    Petrova Svetlana Yurievna


    Zaenchik Vladimir Mikhailovich,

    PhD, professor


    Chapter 1. Personality and profession

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3. Levels of professional deformation. Vocational rehabilitation

    Chapter 4



    Labor is a way to achieve physical and moral health, a means of individual prosperity, a source of unlimited self-satisfaction and self-improvement. That is, work has a positive effect on the human psyche.

    However, long-term performance of professional activity cannot be constantly accompanied by its improvement and continuous professional development of the individual. The conditions and nature of work in certain types of labor activity (especially in the professions "man - man") have a traumatic effect on the psyche. Periods of stabilization are inevitable. Professional fatigue appears, psychological barriers arise, the repertoire of ways to perform activities is depleted, professional skills and abilities are lost, and working capacity decreases.

    It can be stated that long-term performance of the same activity by established methods leads to the development of professionally undesirable qualities and professional maladjustment of specialists. That is, at the stage of professionalization in many types of professions, professional deformations develop.

    Chapter 1. Personality and profession

    The problem of the influence of the profession on the personality periodically arises in the focus of attention of researchers. In the works of many prominent psychologists, psychological questions about the connection between the category of activity and personality have been quite thoroughly investigated.

    An analysis of the literature shows that a professional role has a multifaceted effect on a person, making certain demands on a person, thereby transforming his entire appearance. Daily, over the years, solving typical problems not only improves professional knowledge, but also forms professional habits, a certain way of thinking and communication style.

    General education, professional knowledge and skills, general and special abilities, socially significant and professionally important qualities constitute the professional development potential of a specialist. Realization of the potential depends on many factors.

    Real life scenarios are very diverse. Depending on the ratio of the rates of various types of development, A.A. Bodaev identifies the following scenarios for the development of an adult.

    1.Individual development is far ahead of personal and professional development. This ratio reflects the weakly expressed development of a person as a person and as an employee. There are no interests, inclinations and abilities for any activity, professional readiness is not expressed, low level of working capacity.

    2.Personal development of a person is more intensive than individual and professional. This is manifested in a careful attitude to the environment, people, objects of material and spiritual culture, attachment to the family, etc. Physical health, professional achievements are in the background.

    .Professional development dominates over the other two "hypostases" of a person. The priority of professional values, total immersion in work are the features of the so-called workaholics.

    .Relative correspondence of the pace of individual, personal and professional development. This is the optimal ratio that determines the realization, "fulfillment" by a person of himself.

    When a person enters the space of labor activity, he directly encounters new conditions for him. There is an objective need for adaptation, which results in the assimilation of the norms and values ​​of the environment, as well as its transformation. As a result of the interaction between the individual and the profession, an active qualitative transformation of the individual's inner world takes place, which leads to a fundamentally new structure and way of life - creative self-realization in the profession, as well as personal and professional development.

    But, following the objective laws of development as such, it should be noted that the result of any development is both positive and negative consequences. The genesis of the human personality in professional activity can be considered both as development, enrichment, and as a belittling, degradation, deformed existence. On the one hand, a person improves in this type of activity, acquires certain skills, etc., on the other hand, various negative phenomena arise, which are combined in the concept of professional deformation.

    Chapter 2

    Professional deformations are a negative socio-psychological phenomenon, appearing in the form of various personal behavioral manifestations that have a destructive effect on the process and result of professional activity, on interaction with other participants in this process.

    The profession can gradually significantly change the character of a person. At the same time, the choice of profession is initially associated with the inclinations and attitudes of the individual. Therefore, when people of a certain profession have some common character traits, their specificity can be due not only to the secondary influence of a professional role, but also to the fact that it is chosen by people who initially have certain inclinations.

    It is very important to get an answer to the following question: how does professional deformation occur? In relation to ontogenesis, the main ways are known: maturation, learning, creativity of the subject himself. In this case, maturation will correspond to the spontaneous development of professional deformation, being in essence a continuation of individual development. An analogue of training will be the directed psychological impact of various people in order to reproduce the qualities and properties already known and required in the official activity. The creative activity of the subject of mental development in the aspect of professional deformation is manifested in the consciousness of new samples of psychological experience that contribute to the development of personality deformation. The formation of new aspects of mental experience is a contradictory process; it leads not only to progress in mental development, but also to the loss of some positive and the emergence of negative opportunities. A person develops a very specific mode of action, an idea, a logic of behavior. But the problem lies in the fact that in the process of action, activity, labor there is a logic of its own, which is not subject to either imagination or consciousness. The corrected idea of ​​the personality is embodied in something different from the original, and the behavior is sometimes radically different from the generally accepted one.

    The development of professional deformations contributes (Klimov B.S.):

    1.Change of motivation of labor activity.

    2.Emerging stereotypes of thinking, behavior and activity.

    .Emotional intensity of professional work (appears: irritability, anxiety, nervous breakdowns, etc.)

    .Monotony, monotony, rigidly structured nature of work.

    .Loss of prospects for professional growth.

    .Decrease in the level of intelligence of a specialist

    .Various accentuations of the character of the personality, woven into the fabric of the individual style of activity.

    .Age-related changes associated with aging:

    a) Social aging:

    · Motivation is being rebuilt;

    · Intellectual processes are weakening;

    · The emotional sphere changes;

    · There are maladaptive forms of behavior, etc.

    b) Moral and ethical aging:

    · Obsessive moralizing;

    · Skeptical attitude towards youth subculture;

    · Contrasting the present with the past;

    · Exaggeration of the merits of one's generation, etc.

    in) Professional aging:

    · Rejection of innovations;

    · The value of the experience of one's generation;

    · Difficulties in mastering new means of labor;

    · Decreasing the pace of professional functions, etc.

    Chapter 3

    Vocational rehabilitation

    Already mastered technology, as it were, forces a person to relate in a strictly defined way to a variety of situations in life, to himself, to other people, to the world and being in general. The mastered professional and simply vital technological abilities absolutely unambiguously dictate to the individual the choice of precisely certain effective motives of behavior. We love to do what we can. The internalized technologies of activity also form our transformative attitude towards the world.

    Owning a certain technology of his work, a professional begins to consider it the only possible and correct one. He is ready, earning money, forever to reproduce already familiar ways of working, to involve only familiar means and procedures.

    Any profession initiates the formation of professional personality deformations. Socionomic professions of the “man-to-man” type are the most vulnerable. The nature, degree of severity of professional deformations depend on the nature, content of the activity, the prestige of the profession, work experience and individual psychological characteristics of the individual.

    Among workers in the social sphere, law enforcement agencies, doctors, teachers, managers, the following deformations are often found: authoritarianism, aggressiveness, conservatism, social hypocrisy, behavioral transfer, emotional indifference.

    There are 4 levels of professional deformation

    Deformation levelsManifestation of deformations 1. General professional(makes workers of the same profession recognizable, similar) Invariant personality traits: · Teachers have the “edifying” syndrome (the desire to teach, educate); · Lawyers have a syndrome of "asocial perception" (each person is perceived as a potential violator); · Managers have a syndrome of "permissiveness" (violation of professional and ethical standards) 1. Special professionalEach specialty has its own composition of deformations: · The prosecutor has an indictment; · The investigator has legal edification; · At the lawyer - legal resourcefulness; · The therapist has threatening diagnoses; · The surgeon is cynical. 2. Professional typological(features of temperament, abilities, character) Professional and personal complexes are formed: a) deformations of a professional orientation: · Distortion of activity motivation, · Restructuring of value orientations, · Pessimism, · Skeptical attitude towards innovations; b) deformations based on any abilities: · For example, intellectual, communicative - there is a complex of superiority, narcissism, etc.; c) deformation based on character traits: · For example, lust for power, dominance, etc. gives rise to indifference, etc. 3. Customized(features of the employee) As a result of the fusion of the personality with professionally important qualities, super qualities or accentuations develop: · Super-responsibility; · hyperactivity; · labor fanaticism.

    The consequences of all these deformations are:

    · Psychological tension, conflicts, crises;

    · Decrease in the productivity of the professional activity of the individual;

    · Dissatisfaction with life and social environment.

    With an increase in work experience, the syndrome of "emotional burnout" begins to affect, which leads to the appearance of emotional exhaustion, fatigue and anxiety. There is a deformation of the emotional sphere of the personality. Psychological discomfort provokes diseases and reduces satisfaction with professional activity.

    Thus, professional activity contributes to the formation of deformations - qualities that have a destructive effect on work and professional behavior. Professional deformation of the personality is a kind of occupational disease, they are inevitable, but for some it leads to a loss of qualification, others to indifference, others to groundless overestimation of self-esteem and aggressiveness, and most to the search for means of professional rehabilitation.

    What are the possible ways of vocational rehabilitation? Let's name the main ones:

    increasing socio-psychological competence and self-competence;

    diagnostics of professional deformations and development of individual strategies to overcome them;

    passing trainings for personal and professional growth;

    reflection of professional biography and development of alternative scenarios for further personal and professional growth;

    prevention of professional maladjustment of a novice specialist;

    mastering techniques, methods of self-regulation of the emotional-volitional sphere and self-correction of professional deformations;

    advanced training and transition to a new qualification category or to a new position.

    Chapter 4The phenomenon of mental burnout

    professional deformation personality mental

    One of the first domestic researchers who came to grips with the problem of burnout is Boyko V.V. In his opinion, emotional burnout is acquired in a person’s life. This "burnout" differs from various forms of emotional rigidity, which is determined by organic causes - the properties of the nervous system, the degree of mobility of emotions, psychosomatic disorders.

    V. V. Boyko defines emotional burnout as a mechanism of psychological defense developed by a person in the form of a complete or partial exclusion of emotions (lowering their energy) in response to psycho-traumatic effects.

    For him, burnout is an acquired stereotype of emotional, most often professional, behavior, partly a functional stereotype that allows a person to dose and economically spend energy resources.

    Thus, V.V. Boyko considers burnout itself to be constructive, and its consequences are dysfunctional, when “burnout” negatively affects the performance of professional activities and relationships with partners. At the same time, emotional burnout leads to professional deformation of the personality.

    Unlike professional deformation, mental burnout can be attributed to the case of a complete regression of professional development (the personality as a whole is destroyed, negatively affecting the efficiency of labor activity).

    Mental burnout is a syndrome that includes the following groups of symptoms:

    1.Emotional: feeling of emotional emptiness; vague feeling of restlessness and anxiety; feeling of disappointment; decrease in the level of enthusiasm; irritability; touchiness; indifference; impotence, etc.

    2.Psychosomatic: increased fatigue; feeling of exhaustion; frequent headaches; disorders of the gastrointestinal tract; lack of appetite and overeating, which leads to excess or lack of weight; sleep disturbance, insomnia, etc.

    .Violation of cognitive processes of activity: difficulty concentrating; rigidity and rigidity in thinking; focus on details; inability to make decisions, etc.

    .Dislike of professional activity: dislike for work; thoughts about changing jobs, professions, etc.

    .Violation of social ties: growing avoidance of contact with people; distancing from clients and colleagues; the desire for solitude; condemnation of the client, a cynical attitude towards him, etc.

    Burnout and job dissatisfaction have an impact on family relationships - the number of family conflicts is increasing.

    Mental burnout is more often observed in workers who work with people and provide them with assistance (insensitivity, inhumane attitude towards a client who comes for treatment, to receive social services).

    · Tensions between client and employee. The professional, dealing with human problems with a negative emotional charge, takes it upon himself;

    · High level of employee aspirations. Considering work highly significant, experiencing failures in achieving goals, and feeling incapable of making a significant contribution, burns out. Work, which was the meaning of life for the individual, causes him disappointment.

    · Incorrect organization of work: large volume, routine, narrowed area of ​​contacts with clients, lack of independence in work, etc.

    Burnout as an independent component is not reduced to stress, fatigue, depression.

    Significant influence is exerted by the individual characteristics of the individual:

    · Passive resistance tactics;

    · External "locus of control";

    · Low degree of personal endurance;



    So O. Lavrova emphasized the following:

    1.Burnout syndrome is a psychophysiological and mental exhaustion caused by interpersonal communication and work overload.

    2.Burnout affects all spheres of personality development, having a devastating effect.

    .The syndrome proceeds individually for each specialist, depending on the characteristics of his personality and professional activity.

    .The syndrome develops in stages, starting with dependence on work and ending with existential emptiness.

    .Since burnout deforms the entire personality of a specialist, the methods that prevent it should affect all areas of personality development.

    The presence of psychological burnout makes people look for different ways to overcome it.

    There are many ways to prevent burnout, we note only the following:

    1.Striving for personal growth.

    2.Expanding the horizons on the problem, i.e. awareness; creation of new projects.

    .Cultivation of other interests not related to the profession; reading literature for your pleasure.

    .A clear separation of personal life and professional activities.

    .Expanding your social contacts; having friends in other professions.

    .Rationalization of their professional activities; participation in seminars and conferences.

    .Hobbies that give pleasure.

    The methods of restoring mental health are very broad. Their choice is determined by the individual characteristics of the employee.

    The following are the most available.

    Autotraining . It is based on the technique of immersion and a relaxation state and self-hypnosis, due to which the skills of arbitrarily evoking a sensation of warmth, heaviness, peace, and relaxation are mastered. As a result, the main psychophysiological processes are normalized and activated.

    Relaxation. This is an arbitrary or involuntary state of rest, relaxation, associated with complete or partial muscle relaxation.

    Meditation. This is intense, penetrating reflection, immersion of the mind in the subject, idea and process, achieved by focusing on one object and eliminating all factors that scatter attention.

    Four conditions must be met.

    1.Calm diving, i.e. lack of external incentives.

    2.Comfortable posture, because muscle tension can interfere with the process.

    .The presence of an object of concentration.

    .Passive installation, i.e. one allows the meditative process to arise instead of controlling it.

    Bibliotherapy. Impact on a person through specially selected literature in order to normalize or optimize his psyche. This allows: a) through emotional experiences of their content, enrich your inner world, understand its complexity and uniqueness;

    b) understand and accept the inner world of the people around;

    c) stimulate the processes of pleasure, peace, relieve tension.


    The profession can significantly change the character of a person, leading to both positive and negative consequences. The difficulty of combating professional deformation lies in the fact that, as a rule, it is not recognized by the employee and its manifestations are detected by other people.

    Being engaged in labor activity, it is necessary to know and represent:

    · possible consequences of this phenomenon;

    · treat their shortcomings more objectively, trying to compensate for them;

    · to determine a new place of work taking into account their past professional experience and personal qualities.


    1. Beznosov S.P. professional deformation. St. Petersburg: Speech, 2004. - 272s.

    2. Volkov B.S. Fundamentals of vocational guidance. Moscow: Academic project: Mir Foundation, 2007. - 333p.

    Zeer E.F. Psychology of professions: textbook / 4th edition, revised and supplemented. - Moscow: Academic project: Mir Foundation, 2006. - 336 p.

    Zeer E.F. Psychological factors of professional deformation.

    Povoysky V.P. Collection of scientific works "Professional deformation and problems of professionalism". 2001, №2 /


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    According to statistics, a person devotes a fourth of his life to work. And this is a little bit 18 years out of 80. Therefore, the impact of the specifics of professional activity on the personality of an employee is very noticeable.

    Many people notice that the military, who are required to be smart and serious on duty, look like this in everyday life. And representatives of creative professions, for example, actors, are distinguished by impressionability and excessive emotionality. And that's not a problem. Trouble begins only when " man in uniform”begins to issue commands during a friendly conversation, and the actor passes off the fictional world of his next hero as reality. Such behavior indicates a professional deformation of the personality. Let's talk about this phenomenon in more detail.

    What is professional deformation of personality?

    Professional deformation of personality ( PEP) is a change in the structure of the personality that develops in the course of long-term performance of professional duties. In other words, this phenomenon means that the profession has taken root and strengthened in all spheres of human life.

    All personality traits are distorted:

    • character;
    • behavior and mode of communication;
    • motivation;
    • perception stereotypes;
    • value scale.

    Everything that happens around, any events, everyday or important, a person who has suffered from professional deformation will perceive only through the prism of his competence, like a pro.

    There are many examples of this. Psychologists begin to diagnose and type everyone and everyone, philologists - to distribute comments and mercilessly fight for the purity of the speech of others.

    Relatives and friends suffer the most from this condition. It becomes difficult to spend a joint weekend, not to mention just living together and leading a life. It is especially difficult for children. Learn the world around you, play pranks and grow up under the strict guidance of a professionally deformed dad-investigator andmothers-teachers are very hard. And, perhaps, the saddest thing is that such people are poorly aware of the fact of personality deformation. After all, not everyone is able to admit to himself that your sincere zeal and desire for success, your immersion in the profession makes the life of your loved ones unbearable and interferes with yourself.

    However, a high level of professionalism should not be perceived as a factor provoking PEP. A person can remain a pro without transferring his high qualifications to everyday life and preserving the original qualities of his personality.

    Differences between manifestations of professionalism and personality deformation

    Doctor of Psychology, Professor of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen - Evgeny Pavlovich Ilyin in his work “Work and personality [Workaholism, perfectionism, laziness]” quotes his colleague, professor of psychological sciences, colonel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Beznosova S. P., who gives an example of differences in the manifestation of professional qualities from PEP.

    He writes that under the influence of professional activities, railway transport dispatchers develop the skill to perform their duties as accurately as possible, without even making the slightest mistakes. And telephonists have to develop the reaction speed to the maximum. Traffic inspectors are gradually "honing their eyes" to determine the speed of movement and errors of drivers during maneuvers, and passport officers - to falsify documents ...

    Further, E. P. Ilyin writes that when a new personality trait is formed under the influence of professional duties ( how it happens on the example of telephone operators and dispatchers), we can talk about PDL. But when a passport officer or traffic inspector learns to differentiate any objects or situations, here we are already talking about the development of professional skills.

    Pros and cons of professional personality deformation

    First, let's talk about the cons. Let's take professional managers as an example. Against the background of PDL, they may develop:

    • Administrative delight. A state in which a person is excessively carried away by the process of administration and revels in power, which usually ends in administrative arbitrariness and abuse.
    • « Corruption by power" or another name for "administrative erosion". This phenomenon from the point of view of psychology lies in the fact that as a result of a long stay in power, the effectiveness of the leader's activity is significantly reduced. Moreover, the decisions that this subject of power makes are becoming more and more irrational. Such leaders suffer from egocentrism, and the whole essence of their activity is reduced only to maintaining and expanding their powers. Their thirst for power can be compared to drug addiction, while talking about any public benefit is not even necessary.

    Similar problems are faced not only by top managers, but also by managers, regardless of their leadership style.

    Another common case of PDD is burnout syndrome. This is a specific type of PEP in people whose professional duties force them to associate closely with people. This is a problem for many professions.

    The term itself emotional burnout» ( burnout) was proposed by psychiatrist Freidenberg (USA) back in 1974. That is, this problem has been studied for more than a dozen years.

    The burnout syndrome is characterized by the following manifestations:

    • a gradually increasing feeling of emotional exhaustion, exhaustion and indifference (a person can no longer immerse himself in work as enthusiastically as it was before);
    • dehumanization (he develops a negative attitude or impatience towards clients and colleagues);
    • an obsessive sense of lack of professional skill.

    According to the famous psychologist M. Burisha strong dependence on work in the end ends in complete despair and existential emptiness.

    From the foregoing, we can conclude that the professional deformation of the personality is not only not useful, but also dangerous for the person himself. Since emotional exhaustion leads not only to psychological problems, but also seriously undermines his physical health.

    Is it curable?

    As the heroine of the film by G. I. Gaidai said: “And you will be cured ... and you will be cured too .... and I will be cured…”

    In fact, it will not be possible to completely exclude the development of professional deformation of the personality, but any person is able to control this process. Even if he has already rushed headlong into the maelstrom of the working routine, if he constantly thinks about his duties and tasks, it is necessary to find the strength in himself to say: “Stop”!

    Need to start:

    • Learn to separate work from other areas of life. We leave all work problems at work.
    • Look after yourself. Relatives and friends are not your subordinates, so down with the commanding tone, criticism and moralizing. Take a closer look at yourself and be moderately self-critical.
    • Look for a hobby. Hobby should be cardinally opposite to profession. You are a teacher - play football, a lawyer - how do you like pottery?
    • Give the “palm” at home if you are a leader, and subordinates should try to take responsibility for leadership in the family.

    A good preventive measure for the leaders themselves and companies is regular rotation. Many organizations predetermine the maximum length of time a manager can serve. After this period, the position is taken by a new manager, full of enthusiasm, innovative and creative ideas.

    Summarizing: a person vitally needs versatile development. He has a gift that allows him to turn into a butterfly from a caterpillar more than once. If, having become a pro, he believes that this is the pinnacle of his evolutionarymission, then he becomes an impersonal effective cog in the system. Each sphere of human life requires its own knowledge and skills, and you have to start again from scratch, which, you see, is very interesting!

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