Plan outline for vocal work with children. Synopsis of an open lesson on pop vocal "concert activity as one of the methods of active learning"

Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution

"Gymnasium No. 2"

Tver region Ostashkov

Open Lesson Plan

vocal group "Impulse"

1-2 class

The initial stage of work on a new song.


additional education:


Angelica Vladimirovna


Conduct form: Learning a new song.

Lesson type : Combined.

The purpose of the lesson : Introduction to the song. Formation of students' interest in vocal creativity.



 to achieve pure unison as the basis for the development of harmonic hearing.

Educational :

 continuation of the formation of vocal and choral skills and abilities;

 development of harmonic hearing;

 development of musical susceptibility, that is, the ability to hear and listen, the ability to analyze, compare;

 expanding the musical horizons of students through the repertoire;

 development of imagination, thinking, memory.

Educational :

 to cultivate emotional responsiveness to music, the content of the text,

 to cultivate the desire to perform songs in independent activities,

 to cultivate a love for music, the need to communicate with art,

 fostering a respectful attitude to creative activity.

Formation of UUD

(universal learning activities)

Personal Skills:

The manifestation of educational and cognitive interest in the performance of tasks;

- the desire to realize their creative potential;

Orientation to the position of other people, different from one's own, respect for a different point of view.

Regulatory Skills:

The ability to learn and the ability to organize their activities;

Purposefulness and perseverance in achieving the goal;

Ability to control the process and results of their activities;

Evaluation of partnership results.

Cognitive Skills:

The ability to consciously and voluntarily build a speech statement;

Reflection of methods and conditions of action, control and evaluation of the process and results of activities;

Transferring the content and mood of musical material with the help of stage exposure, auditory control;

Selection of grounds and criteria for comparison, classification of objects;

Generalization of knowledge on the worked out repertoire.

Communication skills:

Ability to express one's thoughts, justify one's own opinion;

Ability to negotiate, find a common solution;

Ability to argue your proposal, convince and yield;

Ability to maintain a friendly attitude towards each other in a situation of conflict of interest;

Mutual control and mutual assistance in the course of the task:

- mastering the methods and principles of collective musical, creative and gaming activities.

Teaching methods:

 visual (auditory and visual);

 verbal (discussion of the nature of music, figurative comparisons, verbal evaluation of performance);

 practical - exercises, assignments;

 explanatory - illustrative in combination with reproductive (vocal illustrations in the voice of the teacher and reproduction of what the children heard).

Methodological techniques :

 creative tasks and questions that stimulate mental activity and create search situations;

 application of an individual approach, monitoring the development of students, group and individual survey;

 encouraging children to self-control and self-esteem in the process of singing;

 variability of tasks when repeating exercises and song material;

 representation "in the mind" of the first sound already on the breath;

 humor, approval, encouragement of students' success in order to stimulate their interest in classes, as a way to evoke positive emotions that increase children's performance.


    developmental education, interdisciplinary relations, art technology, health saving (breathing exercises according to the method of A.N. Strelnikova, hygienic and vibrational massages, speech therapy exercises (patter tongue twisters), articulatory gymnastics).

    elements of problem-based learning, simulation-game modeling of professional activities;

    performing technologies: the formation of singing culture, the formation of associative-figurative thinking.

Psychological conditions in the lesson:

 psychologically comfortable atmosphere. emotional satisfaction;

 personality-oriented communication, taking into account the level of musical development;

 taking into account individual characteristics;

 differentiated approach.

Equipment : piano (synthesizer), computer, sheet music, notes of exercises and chants, words of the songs being learned, presentation.

1. Organizational moment

Hello guys! I am glad to see you. Today we have guests, let's say hello to them.(Children greet)

So, are you ready to go?

We got into a circle.

Hug the neighbor on the right (left) ... They turned and smiled at each other.

What is the mood?


2. Setting the goal and objectives of the lesson.

Guys, have you noticed the changes in our class?

What is shown here? (forest, house, sun, water….railroad )

What would that mean? What is the road for? (To ride on it .)

What are we going to eat on it?(By train.)

Glue the locomotive on the board

It seems to me that something is missing here ... Caravans!(We glue trailers)

Do you know any songs about the railway, about wagons? (The blue wagon, The locomotive hummed and the wagons drove.)

I want to introduce you to one very interesting song.

(First, let's sit on the chairs.)

Your task is to determine the mood of the song. But, most importantly, come up with a name for it.

Listening to the video song

Song analysis:

What is the nature of the song? (Cheerful, kind )

What is the song about? (About miracles, about friendship )

What will we name our song?(White lambs, Choo-choo-choo, Locomotive Insect)


Let's compare our song and the picture on the board. (What common? Similar?)

Did you like the song? (Yes ) Do you want to learn it? (Yes )

So, what are we going to do today? (Learn a song)

But in order to sing it beautifully, what is needed for this?(You have to do a lot. Chanting, exercises, tongue twisters.)

- Those. we today….

3. Acquaintance with the features of singing breathing. Technique of art pedagogy.

And we are going to the meadow. How do you imagine the meadow?

(There are many herbs, beautiful flowers, no trees, many insects, butterflies, bees, bumblebees fly, bees buzz and grasshoppers chirp.)

What will we ride?(By train.)

How does the steam locomotive run? (Choo-choo, tu-tu)

Who wants to be a steam locomotive?

Wagons hooked up? Go!

(Choo-choo-choo. Tu-tu!!!)

We've arrived!



Close your eyes. Imagine a bright sun, a green meadow, wildflowers. Breathe in the scent of this meadow. Take a deep breath, and now exhale slowly. (This exercise stimulates the lungs.

Are you doing the exercise correctly?

( Singing position: The back is straight, the shoulders do not rise. When inhaling through the nose, the stomach expands; when exhaling through the mouth, the stomach shrinks. .)

To learn how to sing, you need to breathe correctly while singing.

(Show where it is, check with a friend) Work in pairs

"Our shoulders are motionless,

We breathe through our noses barely audibly.

Inhale - hold your breath

And take a deep breath."

2. "Palms"

Put your hands up to the sun. (Palms facing forward )

(Slowly at first!)

A short noisy breath through the nose - clench your palms into a fist. Immediately exhale freely through the nose or mouth. Unclench your fists.

3. « Catch a mosquito"

Here flew mosquito.

What sound does a mosquito make - "z-z"

Inhale deeply, silently, while exhaling with the sound z-z, we slowly join our hands to “catch a mosquito”, which annoyingly rings in front of you z-z (children practice the skill of exhalation).

But a breeze came up and the mosquitoes disappeared.

4. Listen, who is this? (cow, calf )

With a closed mouth, the sound "mm" on a triad. Let's sing.

5. Passed along the roadcar. What is the sound of the car? (“tr-r”, in high tessitura - “the car is going uphill”). Let's sing.

6. And in the distance you can see the forest. Already at the edge of the forest we hear how it spreads through the forest"ay" (an exercise for a wide interval of an octave - from the chest resonance to the head one - we sing in several keys).

7. Somewhere sings his songcuckoo

("ku-ku" - we sing in several keys ).

Interested in the meadow?

8. And now we'll play"Mirror" showing each other different facial expressions (sad - lower lip forwardoffended - upper lip upfunny - the upper lip stretched in a smile, exposing the upper teeth, evil).

9. Let's remember patter : "From behind the forest, from behind the mountains, grandfather Yegor is coming."

And now with different emotional overtones: joy, sadness, admiration, surprise, etc.

10. Grandpa left on horseback. How does a horse chirp?"Clicked" tongue (high - low), depictinghorse.

Did you enjoy walking in our musical meadow?....

Then it's time to return to our song! Go!

(They cling to trailers, go and sit on chairs)

4. Learning a song. ( return method)

"Steam locomotive Bukashka"

Let's go back to our song. What is it called?

Listen to the words of the first verse and chorus.

Song learning. Work on dynamic shades in the song.

Children, what should be the diction in singing? (legible, understandable.)

How to pronounce the words in singing? (Clearly, clearly.)

What determines a clear, clear pronunciation? (From the active work of the articulatory organs (lips, tongue, soft palate, lower jaw, pharynx)

Performance of the song in its entirety to the soundtrack.

5. Conclusions. Reflection.

Our lesson has come to an end. Did you enjoy the activity? (Yes )

Finish the sentence:I especially enjoyed today...

- If you liked everything in the lesson, then put a smiling emoticon in our trailers.

If you think that something did not work out for you and you are not very satisfied with yourself - a sad emoticon.

6. Homework

Learn the lyrics by heart.

For a good mood candy!

Synopsis of an open lesson on vocals "Introduction to the educational program" for children 6-7 years old


Tanklaeva Svetlana Taimurazovna,

teacher of additional education

MBU DO "House of creativity" g. o. Vyksa

Quantity children: 7

Annotation on educational program, within which open class«» .

Given occupation is carried out according to the educational and thematic plan of the additional general educational(general developmental) programs artistic orientation "Children's Melodies" (Further - Program) . Program, designed for 3 years of study. Members programs children aged 7 to 17, lessons organized according to the age of the students.

Training on program introduces students to the art of music through singing, the most accessible to all children, an active type of musical activity. The training is based on the production of the voice, which includes myself:

Respiratory system training with a special gymnastics:BUT. N. Strelnikova;

Articulation gymnastics according to the methodology of V. V. Emelyanov,

Breathing exercises according to the method of B. S. Tolkachev.

Activation of diction - a set of exercises for the development of the articulatory apparatus; warming up the vocal cords rounding vocal sound and possession of it, as well as the sounding of natural resonators; the intonation-phonopedic method of developing the voice of V. V. Emelyanov.

Topic lessons: « Introduction to the educational program»

Description lessons and practical significance:

Elements of health-saving technologies are used;

Proposed on classes a set of exercises is universal, it can be used both in vocal children's groups, as well as in preschool educational institutions for musical development children and prevention of respiratory diseases.

Proposed abstract shows an example of the first vocal lessons for children 7 years old. It can be useful for music teachers, leaders vocal studios, teachers of additional education.

Number of students: 7 persons

Target: getting to know A program of unification through vocal exercises.


To acquaint students with breathing exercises, the development of pitch hearing, the development of the articulatory apparatus;

Develop musical perception, memory through playing techniques;

Generate motivation through game techniques

To teach focusing sound into resonators;

Teach the right vocal breathing

Methods and techniques used on lesson:

by source of knowledge:

Visual - personal display;

Verbal - comments, explanations (explanations of practical action, conversation;

Practical - exercises, practical tasks;

by the nature of cognitive activities: explanatory-illustrative, reproductive.

Technology: developing education, health saving;

Form of organization of educational lessons:journey game.

tricks: dialogue, communication of information, game.

Form of organization lessons: individual, group

Means of education:

Visual aids: cards to play "Music Dictionary", slides with the text of the tongue twister, with the lyrics of the song "Road of good» , with portraits of the composer Mark Minkov and the poet Yuri Entin, a seven-color flower made of paper with detachable petals.

Equipment: piano, chairs, multimedia equipment, laptop (a computer).

Plan lessons:

1. Introductory, organizational part (3 min):


goal setting lessons.

2. Main body (15 minutes):

introduction of educational material;

Generalization. Systematization and consolidation of the material.

3. Final part (2 minutes):

Summarizing lessons.

Stages classes Progress of the lesson

Organizational Educator:Hello, friends! I invite you to visit a wonderful country "Kingdom of Singing?"

Answers children.

teacher:To go to the country "Kingdom of Singing" we need to get to know each other. And the song will help us in this (The teacher sings his name, the child his).

teacher: Well done, you did a great job, guys, and on what we will go to the country "Kingdom of Singing"? (answers children)

teacher: For a magical journey, you need magical helpers - this is a fabulous screen, and an unusual train. We have a fabulous screen, we will create an extraordinary train ourselves - I will be a locomotive, and you you will be wagons. Let's line up now, join hands and try to hum like a real train.

The game "2 trains"

Purpose of the game: development of pitch hearing.

Result: development of the lungs, the ability to distinguish the pitch of a sound.

There were 2 trains - a large one and a small one.

Big says: "U!" (very low).

The little one can do it too speak: "U!" (very high).

big welcomes small: "U-U-U!" (3 times short, low,

The little one welcomes too big: "U-U-U" (3 times short, high). The big one wonders why he is so small? open mouth wide, it turns out "UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU no

"I'm not small!" - the little one was offended! "UUU" portamente! the same principle as with glissando, below open your mouth.

teacher: Well done, you're doing great!

The teacher puts on a railwayman's cap, takes a flag and a whistle. Children depict a train.

teacher:- But what is a journey without a cheerful song? To make the road more fun, I will sing a song, and you will try to remember simple words and sing along with me.

So, get ready. Go…


We're going, we're going, we're going

To distant lands

good neighbors,

happy friends

teacher: Guys, our guide to "Kingdom of Singing" there will be a seven-flower. Here he is! (a flower appears on the screen - a seven-flower without petals)

teacher: But why is he without helper petals? Without them, the song will not work out ... A misfortune happened - the Quiet Queen stole the singing petals.

And probably the music will no longer sound. Help petals - helpers collect!

But the Quiet Queen won't just give them up. She will give us certain tasks. And we will receive tasks at each station. Only then will the Silent Queen return them to us. Are you ready to fulfill them?

Answers children

teacher: Well, in order not to get tired during the trip, we need to stretch our shoulders.

Doing the exercise "Jacket". ("We put on a jacket"- we move the shoulders forward, and "Remove jacket"- we hold the shoulders back) repeat 2 p.

Now our backs are straight and we are ready to travel.

Let's get on the train and find them!

So, get ready. Go…

Children, together with the teacher, begin to move around the audience. Music sounds, the teacher sings song:

We're going, we're going, we're going

To distant lands

good neighbors,

Happy friends.

The train stops. On Screen Caption "Breath"

teacher: Probably, in order to return the first assistant, you need to learn how to breathe correctly. Breathing exercises will help us with this. So, A little bit of effort - you will develop breathing.

An exercise: inflated cat balloon (dog, mosquito)

Here comes the angry hedgehog (Children together with teacher: F f…f….f (should be clasping your chest)

teacher: Where is the nose you can’t understand (hedgehog curled up in a ball)

Children: f. f. f. f…. f. f. f. f. f

teacher:Here is a funny bee zzzzzzzzzzzz (circling their heads, watching the bee rise)

She flies high (Children with teacher:zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (sound helps with sore throat)

Sat down on our elbow zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Flew on the toe zzzzzzzzzzzz

The donkey scared the bee (Children together sEducator: iaiaiaia (strengthening the ligaments of the larynx, prevention of snoring)

To the whole forest he shouted iaiaiaiaia

Geese fly across the sky, geese buzz to the donkey (Children together with teacher: Gu-u-u-u, gu-u-u-u-u (Slowly go, raise the wings on the inhale, lower with the sound).


teacher:Guys! So we got acquainted with the first petal of a flower - a seven-flower. We will definitely meet with him, but for now we are going on a trip in search of new friends.

A cheerful train takes us on a journey.

"train"- vibration of the lips.

Like a dog the engine growls: "Stop"- He speaks.

"Motor growls"- sound vibration "R".

The train stops.

On the screen

Inscription "Dictation, articulation"

An exercise "Tongue Twisters"

Pronunciation of a tongue twister, start at a slow pace, then continue with acceleration.

"We ran across the coast"

“From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field” into voiceless consonants;

“Lazily caught salmon in the shallows”- to work the tip of the tongue. Let's talk 2 times in one breath.

Purpose of use: the development of the articulatory apparatus.

Result: distinct diction.

The trumpet sounds (phonogram).


The trumpeters are sounding the alarm - everyone is more likely to help.

We walked along the banks, met a turtle

Slowly, not knowing fear, the turtle sings to us.

"We ran across the coast"- drawn out

A little faster - a bug, a bug-spider.

We ran across the coast - restrainedly

Heard an alarm and a moth.

We ran across the coast "- soon, speeding up

The most hasty is the ant, even faster.

We ran across the coast" - quickly

A signal sounds, a Petal appears on the screen with the inscription "Dictation, articulation"

teacher: Here the second Petal of the seven-flower flower has returned to us. You are doing well, my friends!

Children, together with the teacher, begin to move around the audience. Music sounds, the teacher sings song:

We're going, we're going, we're going

To distant lands

good neighbors,

Happy friends.

train stops

On the screen

Inscription "Chanting"

teacher:Singing is a very important stage in the work of a singer in the Kingdom of Singing. We need to warm up the voice, prepare our throats for singing. To do this, we will perform several exercises. And, perhaps, some exercises will seem funny and funny to you, know that they are the most useful for developing your voice. Plus, they'll help us bring back the next helper!

3. Main stage

Story Exercise

Once upon a time there was a little horse. She loved to run. Like this. Kids fast "click" half smile tongue (high).

The horse lived with her mother - a kind and beautiful Horse. She walked like this. Children slowly "click" tongue, pursed lips (low).

And very often the Horse loved to run with her mother in a race. Alternate high - low, fast - slow "click" language.

But one day a strong wind blew. Active long breath through the mouth 4 times.

The horse approached its mother and asked: "Can I take a walk?" From the bottom sound "at" up to the top "about". "U" - "about"?

“Yes, where are you going? - Mom answered, - there is a strong wind on the street.. From the top "about" to the bottom "at". "O" - "at"?

But the horse did not obey and ran "Click" high.

Suddenly she saw a beautiful flower in the clearing. "Oh, how lovely"- thought the Horse, ran up to the flower and began to smell it. Inhale through the nose - light, silent, exhale - through the mouth with sound "a" slowly 4 times.

Only it was not a flower, but a beautiful butterfly. She fluttered and flew away. And the horse galloped on. "Click" high.

Suddenly the Horse heard a strange sound. long sound "sh - sh - sh".

"I'll come closer"- decided the Horse. "Click" high.

It was a big snake that was crawling on a tree, it scared the Horse very much. Sound "sh" short 4 times.

During walks The horse heard many unusual sounds. Here is a hedgehog. Sound "f" 4 times.

The grasshopper chirped. Sound "ts" 4 times.

The beetle flew by. Sound "and" lengthy.

Behind him is a mosquito. Sound "h" lengthy.

And the wind was blowing harder and harder. Prolonged exhalation.

The horse is cold. Sound "brr" 4 times.

And she ran home. "Click" high.

She came out to meet the Horse kind mother. "Click" low slow.

She began to warm the Horse. Silent exhalation on the palms through open mouth 4 times.

An exercise: #1 Mmm… (yawn)

Ex. No. 2 I-E-A-O-U (with slope)


Ex. #4 Trill lips…

Ex. №5 7 "Here I go up

Ex. №6 I sing, I sing well.


And now I will introduce you to a wonderful song from the TV movie "The Adventures of Little Muck". The music for this song was written by the contemporary composer Mark Minkov, and the lyrics were written by the poet Yuri Entin. I will not name the name of the song, I think you will tell me it yourself after listening to the song.

teacher:Performance of the song "Road of good»


What would you name the song?

What is good?

The children answer.


Yes, this is the best thing that happens in our life. For example: sun, spring, smile, mom, dad. Kindness is when people help each other.


The good man is the one who:

He loves people and is ready to help them in difficult times.

He loves nature and takes care of it.

Polite in communication, respectful to adults and younger

A kind person notices in others, first of all, the good.


Become a good wizard

Come on try

There is no need for special tricks here.

Understand and fulfill the desire of another

A pleasure, honestly.

Don't stand aside indifferent

When someone is in trouble.

You need to rush to the rescue

Any minute, always.

And if someone helps

Your kindness and your friendship

You are happy that the day was not lived in vain

You don't live in vain in the world.

Learning the melody of verse 1

teacher: Well done! Here we learned the melody of the song, the words. But in order for the audience to like our performance, you need to sing very expressively.

Let's analyze what is the mood in the music of the song? What sound should you sing?

The children answer.

teacher:Let's play a game "Choose the words".

We will split into 2 groups. I will give each group a card with a word that describes how the music sounds. For example: solemnly or gently ...

Your task is to approach the table one by one and choose a card with a word that matches the word of your group. For example

to the word describing Solemn music fit the words:

1. majestic

2. grandiose

3. victorious, etc.

to the word describing gentle music fit the words:

1. touching

3. kindly, etc.

After the first players return, the second players enter the game, and so on.

Time to play 3 minutes.

The game "Choose the words"

Summing up the game.

Let's find the right words for our song (nobly, seriously, kindly and lightly)

Performance of the song (1.2.) (1.3.) (3.2.) (3.1.)

A signal sounds, a Petal appears on the screen with the inscription "Chanting"

Children, together with the teacher, begin to move around the audience. Music sounds, the teacher sings song:

We're going, we're going, we're going

To distant lands

good neighbors,

Happy friends.

train stops

First of all, every singer should take care of his voice:

Do not shout

Don't be angry

And there are special rules for singers.

For example, you should not eat 2 hours before singing lessons.

Repeat the rules of singing (ask children)

If you want to sit and sing

Don't sit like a bear

Straighten your back quickly

Keep your feet on the floor

A signal sounds, a Petal appears on the screen with the inscription "Voice Hygiene"

Hooray! Very soon, all the assistants of the singing Seven-Flower Flower will collected and the song will sound! We continue our journey!

Children, together with the teacher, begin to move around the audience. Music sounds, the teacher sings song:

We're going, we're going, we're going

To distant lands

good neighbors,

Happy friends.

train stops

On the screen

Inscription "Rhythm"

The game: "Rhythmic Echo".

The teacher slams simple rhythmic patterns. Children must repeat them exactly. Complication: the foot is injected, with both feet.

One, two, three, repeat! An adult sets a rhythmic phrase with claps, which the children repeat "sounding gestures": clapping, stomping, slapping, clicking, etc.

Da de di do do

Knee slaps

A signal sounds, a Petal appears on the screen with the inscription "Rhythm"

Guys, we have already completed 6 tasks of the Quiet Queen, the last one remains. Not tired? Then go ahead!

Children, together with the teacher, begin to move around the audience. Music sounds, the teacher sings song:

We're going, we're going, we're going

To distant lands

good neighbors,

Happy friends. train stops

On the screen

Inscription "Scene" "Microphone"

Well, guys, you and I arrived at one of the most important places in the country "Kingdom of Singing" - "SCENE". Everyone who gets here becomes a real artist. And the Microphone becomes a true friend to them. As with all friends, so with a microphone you need handle with care. Hold the microphone in one hand. 4 fingers should be placed at the top all together, and the big one at the bottom. The microphone should not cover your face and be located at a distance of 5-10 centimeters. The sound should fall into the middle of the microphone.

Throughout the story, the teacher demonstrates the correct handling the microphone.

teacher:Now we will try to sing a song with microphones. If we are attentive, then we will get a real performance of small artists.

The teacher distributes microphones to all children. Music sounds. Children, together with the teacher, sing a song "We're going, we're going, we're going to distant lands".

A signal sounds, a flower-seven-flower appears on the screen

teacher: This is the end of our journey today. But in the country "Kingdom of Singing" many, many more interesting things. Pursuing vocal creativity, you will be able to learn more and more about this country. Did you enjoy our adventures?

Answers children

teacher: And you know, Queen Quiet liked us so much that she gave us a gift.

The teacher takes out a music box. casket opens. Magical music sounds.

teacher:This box contains the Petals we were looking for! Take from the box a Petal of the same color as your mood on our lesson and attach to the seven-flower flower. If your mood is cheerful, let these petals be red or yellow, and if your mood is sad, then let these petals be blue or green.

Children take the petals and attach them to the semi-flower

teacher:Look, here's a guidebook Flower-seven-flower we got. Yes, from communication with music we have become a little more beautiful and kinder today. Bring these feelings into our world and it will become a better place! Today we paid attention to the development of the speech and vocal apparatus, worked on consonants in tongue twisters and chants, on the text of a new song.

homework: - For the next lesson, work out the 2nd verse in the same way, and learn the first one by heart.

You were wonderful fellow travelers, promise not to forget the road to the musical country "Kingdom of Singing". I am very glad that I met you today. Thank you very much. Until we meet again, friends!

List of used literature:

1. V. V. Emelyanov. "Phonopedic method of voice development".

2. O. V. Katser. "Game teaching methodology children singing» .

Material Description: The summary of the open vocal lesson I presented is designed to work with young children (5-7 years old). Theme of the lesson: "Magic massage". This material is offered to teachers of additional education and music directors in kindergartens.

Health is not everything, but everything without health is nothing


TOPIC: "Magic massage"

GOAL: To increase the adaptive capabilities of the child's body through familiarization with the types of massage used in vocal lessons.


Educational: to teach how to perform hygienic and vibrational massages.

Developing: to promote the development of singing skills using health-saving technologies, based on the age characteristics of children.

Educational: to form ideas about the protection of health, respect for oneself and for one's young body.

Healing: the creation of a system for the prevention and correction of children's health by teaching methods: breathing exercises according to the method of A.N. Strelnikova, hygienic and vibrational massages, vocal exercises, speech therapy exercises (patter tongue twisters), articulatory gymnastics, game.

Equipment, didactic material:

Piano, musical instruments, musical staff, headdresses with the name of notes, reproductions of fine art paintings, musical works of classical and modern direction.


1. Organizational moment.

2. Repetition of the material covered.

3. Learning a new topic.

4. Fixing a new topic.

5. Creative part.

6. Summing up the lesson.


1. Organizational moment (2 min.)

Teacher: Hello my friends! Have you all come today?

Children's answer (checking those present)

I am very glad to see you, and I hope you also came to class in a good mood. Moreover, today we have a very interesting topic with you: “Magic Massage” And so that nothing overshadows our lesson, I want to remind you what you need:

· be polite and careful in class;

Do not turn on or touch any equipment by yourself.

Do not insert pens, hairpins, paper clips or other foreign objects into the socket.

Do not use electrical appliances if the wire is damaged.

2. Review of the material covered (10 min.)

Teacher: Guys, please tell me the notes that you know.

(children's answer: do, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si). Correctly! And now we will get into a fairy tale with you, where each of you will be a note. I will be a note - TO, and you ...

Each child wears a headdress corresponding to a certain note.

Teacher: Well, you have already turned into notes. All notes live in a house - a stave. On the stage you see a musical staff. But it's empty. Each note has its place in the house, but which one? Well, show notes where your place is in the house.

Children take turns standing near the stave, and show where each note is located.

Teacher: Dear my notes! Remind, please, what is absolutely necessary for young vocalists to do in order to sing notes well.

(children's answers)

Teacher: That's right, do vocal exercises, breathing and speech gymnastics, and let's not forget about a series of exercises "The adventure of the tongue." To do this, we will carry out a special setting. Are we in a good mood? (children's answers)

Teacher: Sit comfortably, close your eyes (children sit on chairs in a semicircle). We are ready to work in the vocal class. Take a deep breath and exhale (children repeat this exercise 2-3 times). Open your eyes, take another deep breath and exhale. We begin our lesson with a group of exercises "The adventure of the tongue"

We raise the tongue to the nose and lower it to the chin (the lower part of the tongue is stretched, and the muscles of the lower jaw are strengthened), we repeat each exercise 10 times

We turn the tongue into a tube and inhale through the nose, and exhale through the tongue tube (exercise for the hardness of the form)

We lick the upper and lower lips clockwise, and then counterclockwise (an exercise for the mobility of the tongue)

Teacher: You guys are doing great. We continue our work and move on to the development and strengthening of the articulatory apparatus. And I have a question for you. What is it and why do we need it? (children's answer). You answered my question exactly right. We move on to the next set of exercises:

Pull the upper sponge down and return to its original position

Pull the lower sponge forward, and then hide under the upper sponge

We stretch our lips forward and make movements up and down, left and right

With elongated sponges we make circular movements in different directions

Exercise "Kiss"

We stretch the lips wide in a smile so that all the teeth are visible.

Exercise "Fish"

Exercise "Machine"

teacher: We have completed the first block of exercises and to move on to the next, I want you to relax as much as possible while sitting on your chairs. Closed eyes listened to the classic work of Claude Debussy "Moonlight" (children listen to music in silence).

Teacher: Let's continue with the vocal warm-up. Why do you need a vocal warm-up? Or maybe it’s not necessary to sing at every lesson? (answers of pupils). That's right guys. It is necessary to sing at every lesson, as the vocal cords grow stronger and grow. We acquire the skill of the correct pronunciation of the word in the song. Voice, like any musical instrument, requires proper tuning. Correctly delivered singing organizes the activity of the vocal apparatus, strengthens the vocal cords, and develops a pleasant timbre of voice. Correct posture affects even and deeper breathing. Singing develops coordination of voice and hearing, improves children's speech. Singing with movements forms a good posture, coordinates walking. Therefore, the manner of sound production plays a huge role in the positive orientation of the individual during singing: the sound is sent into space, the lips are stretched in a smile. The sound extracted from a smile becomes light, clear and free. As a result of the constant training of a smile, the qualities of the sound are transferred to the personality of the person. Soon the outer smile becomes an inner smile, and already singing people look at the world and at other people with a smile. Let's smile with you to each other and continue our lesson. We start with chants:

Exercise #1

On one note, we sing ma-e-i-o-u (ascending movement along chromatism)

Exercise #2

We sing along the syllables "I sing" on the sounds of T53 with a downward movement.

Exercise #3

According to the ascending and descending chromatic movement, we sing yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes.

Exercise number 4

We sing according to the syllables “The night shone” according to the sounds of T53 with a downward movement.

Exercise number 5

Sing "Here I go up, here I go down"

Exercise number 6

Do-re-do; do-re-mi-re-do; do-re-mi-fa-sol-fa-mi-re-do. The chant is sung up in chromaticism.

Exercise number 7

We sing along the syllables “We are going” on the sounds of T53 with a downward movement.

Exercise number 8

According to the sounds of T53, with an upward movement, we sing yes-de-dee-do-du; bra-bra-bri-bro-bru; for-ze-zi-zo-zu.

Teacher: We always complete the block of chants with tongue twisters. Why do we need shortcuts? (answers of pupils). Quite right. Tongue twisters liberate the speech apparatus.

Exercise number 9

We sing the tongue twister "Sasha walked along the highway and sucked dry."

Exercise number 10

We pronounce the tongue twister "The mouse washed the bear bump"

Exercise number 11

We pronounce the tongue twister “Tiger cub growled loudly rrrr.

3. Learning a new topic (20 min.)

teacher: We have repeated all the exercises familiar to you and are ready to start a new topic. And it's called "Magic Massage". Have you had a massage? (answers of pupils). You are absolutely right, massage is different, including for vocalists. Today we will get acquainted with hygienic and vibrational massages. These exercises are simple, but very necessary when practicing vocals. Are you ready for new exercises? (answers of pupils).

Hygiene massage exercises:

1. With the fingers of both hands we make light strokes, from the middle of the forehead to the temples.

2. With the fingers of both hands we make light strokes from the middle of the nose along the wings of the nose, along the maxillary sinuses up to the temples.

3. Relaxed lips (mouth slightly open). From the middle of the upper lip down to the corners, massage with the index fingers of both hands alternately. The lower lip is massaged in the same way, only upwards.

4. Chin - we perform active tangential movements to the right and left.

Teacher: We met with hygienic massage. And for the good work of the resonators, it is necessary for all vocalists to perform the following vibration massage exercises.

Vibration massage

1. Forehead - we perform light tapping with the highest sound "m".

2. Maxillary sinuses - we perform light tapping, lowering the pitch of the sound "m".

3. Upper lip - we perform light tapping, lowering the pitch of the sound "v".

4. Lower lip - we perform light tapping, lowering the pitch of the sound “z”.

5. Upper back and chest - we perform light tapping, lowering the pitch of the sound "m".

Teacher: Thanks a lot. Now remind me what exercises we haven't done today? (children's answers). Correctly. Breathing exercises. After all, we really need them before starting to practice vocals, because if you don’t take a breath before singing, the sound will not sound right. Now, we will perform breathing exercises. Make sure that your shoulders do not rise during inhalation. Remind me what rules to follow when doing these exercises (answers of pupils and doing the exercise together with the teacher “Pendulum”, “Pump”, “Cat”, “Rolls”).

4. Fixing a new topic (5 min.)

Unexpectedly for all the children, Shapoklyak enters the hall. Singing a song.

Teacher: Who are you? And what are you doing here?


Who helps people

He is wasting his time.

good deeds

You can't get famous


I am old Shapoklyak.

teacher: Why did you come to us?

Shapoklyak: Although I am an old woman, or rather a woman of respectful age, I also know how to sing and what needs to be done for this. Now I will tell you. Want to? (children's answers). So, listen to me carefully, and write in your notebooks. It is necessary to eat sweets before class, regularly skip classes. Breathe through your mouth...

Teacher: Shapoklyak, you are confusing something. The guys already know everything. How to maintain the hygiene of the vocal apparatus. Regularly attend all classes and with pleasure do all the exercises shown by the teacher. Really guys? Come on, tell old Shapoklyak what we learned in class today.

(children answer)

Shapoklyak: And really, you know a lot. Apparently my information is outdated. Guys, can you sing me some good song. Do you agree?

Children: Agree. We will sing you the song "Balloons in the air."

5. Creative part (4 min.)

Children sing a song: "Balloons in the air."

Shapoklyak: What good fellows you are. Now I know for sure that you can sing correctly, and now I can safely go home. But remember that my Rat - Lariska is watching you. Study well, perform, win competitions and maybe become real artists. Goodbye.

Shapoklyak leaves.

6. Summing up the lesson (4 min.)

Teacher: Well, it's time for us to return from the fairy tale.

The teacher removes hats from children.

teacher: I'm very proud of you guys. Our lesson is coming to an end. I hope you learned a lot today and enjoyed the lesson. If this is true, attach smiling notes to our stave, and if not, then sad ones.

Children attach notes.

Teacher: Thanks guys. Until the next lesson.

Used Books.

1. Dubrovskaya S. V. The famous breathing exercises of Strelnikova. - M.: RIPOL classic, 2008.

3. Zhavinina O., Zats L. Musical education: searches and finds // Art at school. - 2003. - No. 5.

4. Morozov V. P. Art of resonant singing. Fundamentals of resonance theory and technology. - M., 2002.

5. Psychotherapeutic encyclopedia. - St. Petersburg: PETER, 2000.

6. Razumov A. N., Ponomarenko V. A., Piskunov V. A. Health of a healthy person. - M., 1996.

Budget educational institution

Additional education for children

Center for Extracurricular Activities

Municipal formation Dinskoy district

Abstract of an open lesson

in the vocal studio

2nd year of study

"Where Music Lives"


Teacher of additional education

Korzh Tatyana Alexandrovna

Village Dinskaya 2012

Explanatory note

to an open lesson in the vocal studio "Mood"

3rd year of study

My teaching experience is 16 years. 12 of them I work in the system of additional education. I think that during this time I have gained a lot of experience. The modern teacher of additional education faces tasks not only in the educational process. Today, a teacher of additional education should be an active participant in teachers' councils, a skilled organizer of a creative team, be able to work with parents, and be a propagandist of pedagogical ideas.

Of the many open classes I conducted, this lesson was not chosen by chance.

Firstly: this lesson was held within the framework of the methodical week. Date April 20210, i.e. the lesson was held relatively recently in the group of the 3rd year of study. These guys continue to do interesting and favorite things.

Secondly, for example, in this lesson, I tried to present the possibilities of choral singing classes as a means of implementing health-saving technologies.

In my teaching practice, the method of art pedagogy is widely represented, which allows me to reveal my pupils' creative abilities.

And my program has several directions and sections. The most voluminous is the vocal and choral work. Here, of course, the staging of the voice, its protection is paramount. And you can't do without a creative approach. When learning training exercises, I use the method of vocal therapy. This lesson clearly presents breathing exercises according to the system of A.N. Strelnikova.

One of the stages of the lesson is exercises aimed at training and stimulating the physiological processes of the children's body. Music is the rhythmic stimulus here. It is important to note that this is a wonderful tool for correcting children with problems of rhythm and coordination of movements. Such elements in the lesson enable the children to become confident and independent.

The purpose of this lesson is to teach how to reveal the emotional mood in the performed works.

Since modern children are inactive, they are often deprived of communication with their peers, they are passionate about computer games, watching TV. And the consequence of all this is slurred speech, lack of coordination of movements, isolation, vulnerability. All these negative facts cannot have a positive effect on the formation of a healthy, happy, enthusiastic child!

I believe that the open lesson I presented is a vivid example of promoting a healthy lifestyle. And well-structured stages of the lesson allow students to create and reveal a musical image through movements.

To achieve this goal, I have identified the main objectives of the lesson:

    The educational task is to instill a sense of responsibility, empathy for the common cause.

    The teaching task is to teach new stage movements to create an image.

    The developing task is to develop and deepen knowledge in the field of art.

All goals and objectives set during the lesson were achieved.


The date: 12.04.2012

Topic:"Where Music Lives"

"Non-traditional forms of education in the vocal-choir studio" Mood "

Target: Testing and consolidation of knowledge. Practical use of musical literacy, skills, vocal and choral singing, knowledge of world artistic culture.

Tasks: educational - expanding and consolidating knowledge about the national

and world culture, stimulating interest in art, literature

developing - development of creative abilities: the ability to evaluate, reflect, analyze musical works

educational - the formation of artistic taste, love for the art of music, education of the listener.

Lesson form: - travel.

Lesson progress:

Teacher: Guys! Today we have an unusual lesson, we will go on an interesting journey! Do you want to travel?

Teacher: Then go ahead, we are waiting for interesting meetings with the art of music. So, go where the music lives! Our journey will not be easy, in order to get into all sections you need to have a stock of knowledge with you, because. we will meet encrypted words on the way, guessing and explaining is our main task. Only then can we continue on our journey. Can you handle it?

Teacher: Well, then go ahead!

The guys approach the instrument. There is an encrypted word on the piano cover, you need to enter the missing letters. The oldest musical instrument

Teacher: Well done! I think we can move on. (Children approach the stage). I suggest you go by car! The song “Dad bought a car” sounds. Music by A. Pugacheva, lyrics by Y. Entin

(There is a corner of the old master on the stage. On the table among the chips are musical instruments - a violin and a flute)

Teacher: Guys! What kind of place looks like a workshop where musical instruments are made. We can hear how one of them sounds only by solving the riddle: (what instrument did the legendary Orpheus play?, and you need to remember the ancient name of this instrument)

As soon as the children have guessed the name, a musician appears on the stage. He is holding a flute in his hands. Hearing

Teacher: Let's listen to what melody Orpheus played for his beloved. Listen and tell me what feelings this music awakens in your heart? What does the music say?

(Sounds Z.V. Gluck "Melody") piano - Korzh T.A., flute - Dubovik L.P.

Teacher: I'm ready to hear your impressions.

Children: This music is very exciting, sensitive, smooth, but at the same time very sad.

Teacher: Right, do you all remember how this story ended?

Children: When Orpheus began to lead Eurydice from the kingdom of darkness, he did not fulfill the main condition - not to look back. Orpheus's heart was overwhelmed with feelings, he looked back and Eurydice melted away for him forever ... But the music that the composer Z.V. Gluck brought to us remained, he wrote the first opera "Orpheus".

Teacher: I want to draw your attention to the fact that human hands can create wonderful instruments, but do you think that only hands are involved in creating music? How is music born?

Children: Of course, a musician creates sounds in his heart, and then transfers them to a sheet of music, and then performs them on a musical instrument.

Teacher: That's right, I ask you all to remember the expression "Music born from the heart."

(the teacher leads the children to a new stand).

On the stand there are paintings in 3 colors: red, blue, yellow.

Teacher: Guys! Have we turned off the path? What is the connection between music and painting? After all, the picture can neither sing nor talk? Let's guess the word: What does the artist use to convey the mood in his work, picture? /Paints/

Teacher: Let's look at our exhibition and analyze the colors of the artists. What colors do artists use when they want to depict the sea? /blue, blue/ And tell me, is the sea yellow, golden? / It happens if it reflects the moon path /

And what color will be more if we draw autumn? /yellow/

Teacher: That's right, the choice of one color or another depends on the perception of a person, on the mood, the inner world of the artist.

Singing the work.

Teacher: And now I ask you to go to your places, we will try to work on our work: music. R. Pauls sl. Aspasia "Lullaby". It was not in vain that we were talking now about paintings, paints, and what the musician uses to convey the mood of the work.

Children: Sound.

Teacher: Right. The musician can also give the sound different shades.

The guys perform according to the score


1. Working with scores

Perform only violas up to the number 4.

The teacher uses musical terms in dealing with children: unison, piano, forte, sound science.

Teacher: Now tell me, if you were artists, and you would have paints now, what colors were most present in your work?

Children: Blue, gold.

Teacher: Now we will perform these works, but we will give the sound exactly these color shades.

Children rise to the stage and perform the piece in its entirety

Teacher: Thank you, today our trip has confirmed that without the knowledge of musical literacy, respect for art, we would simply not be interested. But our journey and meetings with music did not end. I think that we can safely continue to travel through this wonderful country. It is always sad to say goodbye, in memory of this day I give you these little notes, let them merge with the sounds of your heart and fill it with kindness and love. We visited with you, in the workshop of the old master, listened to how a real flute sounds, talked about paintings, colors and of course performed our works. I'm very satisfied, and you?

Teacher: I say goodbye to you!

List of used literature

1. Selevko G.K. Modern educational technologies / G.K. Selevko. - M., 2007.

2. Slastenin V.A. Pedagogy: Proc. allowance for students. higher ped. textbook institutions / V.A. Slastenin, I.F. Isaev, E.N. Shiyanov. – M.: Academy, 2009.

Breathing exercises - an introductory part of an open lesson

"Where Music Lives"

Creative tasks - draw music!

Saranskaya Daria Antonovna
Educational institution: MOU Lyceum No. 11 of the Voroshilovsky district of Volgograd
Brief job description:

Publication date: 2017-08-07 Abstract of a vocal lesson (guidelines for a teacher) Saranskaya Daria Antonovna This outline of the lesson is intended to help the teacher in organizing the lesson.

View Publication Certificate

The lesson is conducted according to the Vocaletto educational program of the 1st year of study. This lesson is intended for the consistent formation of singing and performing skills.

The training session is designed for 2 academic hours with the Vocaletto vocal ensemble (10 people) of the 1st year of study. The age of students is 7-17 years. Recruitment to the association is carried out on the basis of desire.

Lesson objectives:

1. the formation of students performing vocal skills and abilities.

2.creating an environment in which the student experiences feeling

performance freedom and creative comfort.


  1. development of singing skills (meaning sustainable singing

breath on support, evenness of sound throughout the entire range of the voice,accurate intonation, melodiousness, melodiousness of voice, clear and distinct diction, correct articulation).

  1. stable intonation of monophonic singing

4.sound recording and microphone skills

Teaching methods: explanatory-illustrative, reproductive, practical

Form of organization of the training session: individual, group

Equipment: piano, music center, microphone, piano, CDs, phonograms minus, plus performance "About Jam", "Three Wishes", "Lyceum", handout - lyrics

Stages and timing of the lesson

1 lesson - 1 hour 30 minutes

I.Organizational stage . Checking readiness for work. Correct singing position - 2 min;

II.Preparatory stage : gymnastics of the articulatory apparatus, phonetic exercises, breathing exercises, vocal-intonation exercises - 14 min

III.Stage of learning new knowledge - learning the chant of the canon - 12 min

IV.Main Stage— work on the repertoire (work on

sound formation, sound science, over the purity of intonation, over expressive singing, over two-voice).

1. Singing songs "About jam", "Three wishes" accompanied by

piano and a capella - 8 min

2. Work with soloists.- 4 min

3. Singing songs to the soundtrack "minus" - 8 minutes

4. Singing songs with a microphone - 8 min.

Dynamic pause - between songs 10 minutes for rest-relaxation,

Physical education minute

5. Work on the movements in the song "About jam" - 5 minutes

6. Repetition of the song "Lyceum" - 5 minutes

V . Reflective stage: self-assessment of children about their performance,

Emotional state - 2 min

VI. Final stage: singing songs from beginning to end under

Phonogram with movements. Summing up, mistakes and successes

Each student - 10 minutes

VII. The final stage: homework, message about the next

Classes - 2 min

I. Organizational stage :

- meeting children;

- checking attendees;

- Correct singing position: stand straight, chest is free, shoulders are deployed and lowered down, good emphasis on both legs, hands are free. Keep your head straight. A strong lifting of the head leads to tension in the anterior muscles of the neck and binds the larynx. The face must be free from grimaces. A smile on your face creates a feeling of elation, necessary for the lesson.

preparatory exercises.

II . Preparatory stage: Before singing, prepare your vocal apparatus. We start each lesson with articulation and breathing exercises, intonation and phonetic exercises. What is the articulatory apparatus? ( tongue, lips, hard and soft palate, lower jaw.)

Articulation gymnastics

Gymnastics of the tongue

Lightly bite the tip of your tongue with your teeth four times. Stick out your tongue to failure, lightly biting the tip of the tongue in succession.

Bite your tongue alternately with your right and left sides with my teeth, as if chewing it.

Make a circular motion with your tonguebetween lips and teeth with closed mouth. The same in oppositionpositive direction.

- Put your tongue on your upper lip, lower lip, right on the left cheek, on the left cheek, trying, as it were, to pierce them through.

Lip gymnastics:

Bite your lower lip, upper lip, pull your cheeks in andbite their inner surface with your side teeth.

Intonation and phonetic exercises.

1. Starting position: the mouth is open as much as possible with jaw movements forward down. The exercise consists in a strong, active pronunciation of consonants in the following sequence: W, S, F, K, T. P, B, D, G. V, Z, Zh. Each sound is pronounced four times.

2. The sequence of vowels: A, E, I, O, U.

3. The starting position is the same as in exercise 1.
The main element of the exercise is a sliding ascending and descending intonation with a sharp transition from the chest to the falsetto register and from the falsetto to the chest with a characteristic fracture of the voice.

O~o, o~o, o~a.

Tongue Twisters:

1. The bull is stupid, the bull is stupid, the bull’s white lip was stupid.

2. How 22 Egorki lived on a hill on a hill. One Yegorka, two Yegorkas, etc.

Breathing exercises.

- How does the process of singing begin? ( with inhalation)

Where do we send air when we inhale? in the stomach). The body is free, the shoulders are lowered.

1. Inflate the balloon (inhale through the nose, fix the breath, exhale on the CCC, the air comes out, the balloon remains.)

2. A short breath into the stomach, a short exhalation to “shoo”, “quiet”.

3. Riding a motorcycle (arms extended forward, inhalation - counter-moving hands, backtack, exhalation on RRRRRRR).

4. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms at shoulder level, bent at the elbow parallel to each other. We connect the elbows inhale, elbows to the sides, bartack, body down. Exhale on "Ha".

5. Exercise to activate the work of the anterior wall of the abdomen to the sounds "k" and "g".

The attention of the teacher should be directed to:

-muscle freedom

-correct posture;

- the ability to take a breath and expediently distribute the exhalation;

— operation of the resonator system;

- general intelligibility of speech;

rhythmic precision.

Vocal and intonation exercises.

Goals of vocal-intonation exercises:

To form the skill of maintaining a tone at the same height with the same volume or with different nuances, which trains singing breathing
form the correct articulation of a particular vowel sound
achieve certainty in the attack of the sound
clarify intonation at the moment of sound attack
line up in unison

All exercises are performed in ascending and descending chromatic sequence (in the range la m - fa 2)

1. Singing with your mouth closed contributes to the alignment of timbre sound, auditory tuning. The exercise is sung with slightly open teeth (the mouth is closed), a high palate, a feeling of sound in the upper resonator, to the sonorous consonant sound "M". (ex. 1) When there is a slight vibration and a slight tickling of the lips.

2. Smoothing registers. (Lip vibrate, then RRRR)

Follow the freedom of the lips and smooth filled sound when moving to

head register. The slower the vibration speed, the better.

3. Practicing a soft but accurate sound attack. This will

contribute to the performance of legato exercises on one note.

4. Exercise based on triad sounds. Breath support.

Purpose: to expand the sound range in order to equalize the register sounding of voices and to activate the work of the anterior abdominal wall.

2. Exercise for the development of voice mobility and work on diction.

Follow the clear pronunciation of syllables, the jerky work of the diaphragm, the larynx remains in the middle position and does not rise with the sound. The tip of the tongue touches the two upper front teeth.

III. The stage of assimilation of new knowledge - learning the chant of the canon "In the field of a birch"

The first acquaintance with the two-voice should begin with the singing of the canons. This is the most interesting and accessible form of polyphony for children. What is canon? Canon in Greek means "rule, order". A musical canon is a song performed in a particular way. All performers of the canon sing the same melody with the same text, entering in turn. The one who started singing first and finishes first. Canon singing became very popular in the 16th and 17th centuries, and now the canon is gaining a new run of popularity among young performers due to the fact that it clearly demonstrates the performer's singing technique.

Stages of work on the canon:

1) speech declamation. Invite the children to recite the first

line all together. Recite again, and the teacher recites the canon. Divide the ensemble into two groups, the second group is now in place of the teacher.

2) Having mastered the performance of the rhythmic canon, you can begin to sing.

To begin with, sing the melody of the canon to everyone together with the teacher:

Bring to a clean unison a-cappella. After the melody is learned, the children perform the 1st voice, and the teacher - the 2nd.

Then divide the children into 2 groups. All sing a-cappella, in r dynamics, listen to each other, vertical. Remind children: “First I listen, then I sing.” Pay attention to the exact introduction of voices, the ability to keep the pace from beginning to end.

Appendix No. 1

Main part.

Work on the repertoire.

Work on the songs "Three Wishes" and "About Jam".

Stage 1 . Singing songs with piano accompaniment and a capella. Work on the purity of intonation, clear pronunciation of words, endings, on the correct sound science, on unison.

The song "Three Wishes" has a complex dotted rhythm, it is important that each of the students learn it. Simultaneous removal and entry of votes on the hand of the teacher. Consonant sounds are pronounced easily, clearly, clearly and energetically. Pay attention to singing narrow vowels, avoid flat sounds. Needed whenteach students to clearly pronounce consonants at the end of words, follow the clear pronunciation of consonants in the middle of words at a fast pace.

Particular attention is paid to the work on two-voice in the song "About jam" - pure intonation. The main task is to teach students to listen to each other, to hear both voices, and not just their own. First, each party is worked out separately, then the votes are combined.

Stage 2. Work with soloists in the song "Carousel of Melodies". This song contains solo episodes.

Much attention is paid to work on intonation and work on sound formation, since each student has his own voice timbre and his own shortcomings. This applies to the vowels "A" and "E".

The basis of any singing is vowel sounds. From the correct sound formation of vowelssits the beauty of timbre. For students of the 1st and 2nd year of school age, the timbre is uneven, which causescaught mainly by the "variegation" of vowels. Sound quality is achievedthrough maintaining a high sound (position) on all sounds of the singing range on the.

The condition for competent sound production is a correctly open mouth, a freely lowering jaw, active lips that clearly articulate eachsound. At the initial stage, you should mainly pay attention to the fact thatthe student inhaled correctly, distributing the exhalation to the end of the word or a smallphrases, did not take a breath in the middle of a word.

10 minutes rest

Facial massage

- Go all over your face with a tapping cone massagebent fingers. The blows must be strong enoughnym, so that the face "lights up".

- Massage your jaw-temporal joints with your fingers.Make a downward circular motion with the lower jaw.: Make a circular motion forward with the lower jaw - right-back-left-forward.

Back massage.

Free time

Stage 3. Singing songs to the soundtrack. The songs are sung at a faster pace, in a clear rhythm.

Stage 4. Singing songs with a microphone.

Stage 5. Work on the movements in the song "Slush"

stage 6. Repeat of the song "New Day"

IV. Reflective stage: self-assessment of children about their performance, emotional state

- What did you especially remember in the lesson and what did you like ...

V. Final stage: Sing songs from beginning to end to a soundtrack with movements. Summing up the results, mistakes and successes of each student

What new concepts did you learn in class?

— Meanings of the concept of canon.

VI. The final stage: homework, message about the next lesson


Gerasimova I."Vocal and choral education of children" Samara 2001

Gontarenko N.B. Solo singing. Secrets of vocal mastery. —

Rostov-on-Don, 2006

Methodical development. Samara, 1997

Dmitriev L.B. Fundamentals of vocal pedagogy. M., 1968.

Erokhin I.A. Working with aspiring singers Methodical development. -Samara, 1999

I.Isaeva"Variety singing. Express course for the development of vocal abilities "

Ogorodnikov D.E.. Musical and singing education of children in a secondary school. - M .: Muzyka, 1972

Romanova L.V. School of pop vocals. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Lan"; Publishing house "PLANET OF MUSIC" 2007.

Stulova G.P. Theory and practice of working with children's choir. Moscow 2002

Seth Riggs How to become a star. -M, 2004.

, . .
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Animal husbandry is a branch of agriculture that specializes in breeding domestic animals. The main purpose of the industry is...
Market share of a company How to calculate a company's market share in practice? This question is often asked by beginner marketers. However,...
The first mode (wave) The first wave (1785-1835) formed a technological mode based on new technologies in textile...
§one. General data Recall: sentences are divided into two-part, the grammatical basis of which consists of two main members - ...
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia gives the following definition of the concept of a dialect (from the Greek diblektos - conversation, dialect, dialect) - this is ...