Roman Arkhipov biography personal life. Interview with Roman Arkhipov

December 12, 2011, 22:54

About the pseudonym and my first question will be: - Why did you decide to work under a pseudonym? Why not Roma Arkhipov, already known to us, but Troy Harley? Were there other options, or was this one “born” right away? Firstly, the American market is very different from the Russian one and Roman Arkhipov is not known to them, and then it is a combination of letters and sounds that is not pronounced for Americans at all :))) The name Troy was born immediately, and Harley was a joint idea of ​​my label JK Music Group and music producer Randy Jackson, it was he who considered the name Troy Harley successful for launching a new music brand in the American market. Roma (Troy) and Randy- How was the parting with the Chelsea group? How did the other members react to your decision to pursue a solo career? Do you keep in touch with the guys? One fine day, at the end of the project "Star Factory. Return", where we performed more than worthy, I realized that for the Chelsea group, this was the peak of their career. Thanks to this project, the public finally saw us for who we are. We managed to break the stereotype about boy band members who are sugary and non-singing. And if you look a little back at the “Star Factory” of 2006: on that project I tried, as they say, to give a little bit of rock, and I was allowed to do it. I sang with such monsters of rock as Scorpions, Gorky park, Gotthard and the material was selected for me appropriately. And although later I became part of the Chelsea group, no one could take away the dream of rock and roll from me :) For 5 years at Chelsea, I simultaneously worked on my own material. But only when I was at the peak of popularity, I realized that life is still not rubber, and if you try to start everything from scratch, then now is the time. At Chelsea, I couldn't develop anymore. Viktor Drobysh, knowing about my "disease" called Rock, let me go without any questions. As for the guys, we still communicate, especially with Arseniy, we have always been friendly. Having spent so many years together - in a star house, trains, planes, on tour - it's natural that we have a lot in common. - What is the most memorable moment at the "Factory"? Was it difficult to completely isolate yourself from friends and family and live with strangers under the guns of cameras? To be honest, it was difficult for the first two days, it just took time to get used to it. And then it was hard at the end, when the headaches started from the constant bright light, from which there was nowhere to hide. - In what style will you perform? And when can we expect the first English-language singles? It is also interesting to find out with whom you collaborate - who writes words and music for the English-language repertoire. I'm currently working with JK Music Group and Grammy Award-winning American Idol permanent judge Randy Jackson. I am very grateful to my producers, Yulia Kurbatova and Oleg Shmelev (JK Music Group), because it was they who, after my departure from Chelsea, believed in me and helped start a new life here in Los Angeles. Oleg, Troy, Randy and Julia I don't like to single out styles in music, I can only say one thing - it will be high-quality music, completely different, mostly of course rock, pop-rock. One of the singles was written by the likes of David Cook and John Shanks, mixed by Chris Lord Alge, we're working on the lyrics with Sarah West. If I start listing the regalia of these people, then a few articles will not be enough. Just type these names into google :))) I record in a studio with unrealistic creative energy - Henson Studios in Hollywood (this is where world hits by John Lennon, The Doors, Joe Cocker, Pink Floyd, Metallica, U2 and Bon Jovi were recorded). And I also work on some songs on my own together with my friend - guitarist Alexander Afanasov. In general, I was very lucky to work with incredibly talented people, such as photographer Brain Bowen Smith, designer Marina Toybina, vocal teacher Marlon Saunders and many others. Special thanks to my friend, photographer Roman Kadaria, he flew here from Moscow and we did several photo shoots with him in LA and Vegas. His work was very much to the taste of the Americans. The first single will be released in early 2012, at the same time a video will appear on American music channels. - How, in your opinion, is it really possible for a Russian singer to achieve real success abroad? Which of your Russian colleagues do you consider promising in terms of moving to the West? You can achieve success in any market, even in China, even in the US, but for this a lot of things must coincide. A huge number of people tried to start something here, but they did not succeed. This doesn't mean you shouldn't try. The most important thing in this, as my music producer Randy Jackson says, is to work very hard every day, study and again - work, work, work. What am I doing now. I can say one thing - the class of musicians here is much higher, the competition is much greater, most of the people are musically educated and perfectly understand when a person sings well, and when - badly, when a phonogram, and when live. Musicians here will not be judged for their hair or rhinestones. And money here does not solve issues, as is customary in Russia. There is a concept here - healthy competition. And since such people believed in me, then it makes sense to fight:) Roma, thank you very much for the interview. Finally, do you read Gossip? And, since New Year's moods are already in the air, despite the heightened interest in the political situation in the country, I'll ask - what can you wish the gossips in the coming year? Dear Gossips, I wish you the most important thing in the new year - a lot of Love for yourself and others, so that you and all your loved ones are healthy and happy. I wish you to be kinder to people, I understand. that sitting at a computer is very easy to humiliate and insult someone and you will not get anything for it, but do not forget that behind every photo that is published here is a living person who has parents, children, loved ones. Every time you print another nasty thing, stand in the place of this person, be kinder :) Updated on 12/12/11 23:05: I'm planning to interview Anna Sedokova about "Project Podium" soon. If you have burning questions - write in a personal

Arkhipov Roman Igorevich
Date of birth: 09.11.1984
Place of birth: Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod).
In 1991, at the age of seven, he moved with his parents to Moscow, where he lives to this day.

He graduated from Moscow school No. 534, while mastering the 11th grade program on his own, having passed the exams as an external student.

From the age of six he studied at the music school in the piano class.

After school, he dreamed of entering the law faculty at the FSB Academy, but did not pass for health reasons. He entered the Faculty of International Relations of the Moscow University for the Humanities and in June 2006 received a diploma in the specialty "Regional Studies".

During his student years, he lived and studied in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA for about a year.

Roman has been fond of rock music since childhood. Favorite bands and artists include Deep Purple, Van Halen, Bon Jovi, Bryan Adams, AC/DC, Nazareth, White Snake, Velvet Revolvers, Guns'n'Roses, Alice Cooper, Gotthard, Def Leppard, Ozzy Osbourne, Aerosmith, Maroon 5. Of the classics, he prefers Mozart, especially the late one.

Once at the "Star Factory", Roma said that he was going to bring "heavier notes" to the project. And this applies not only to the "factory" format - Roman is convinced that rock music should finally take its rightful place on the national stage. This is what he is going to devote his creative career to.

Roman learned the intricacies of show business from the age of six, having traveled all over the country in Tatyana Ovsienko's touring group, the director of which is his father. It is not surprising that, constantly rotating in a creative environment, communicating with singers and musicians, Roma himself studied music and sang a lot from childhood.

Breaking the voice at a transitional age, studying in high school and the hassle associated with preparing to enter the university, for some time pushed the dreams of the stage into the background. But at the age of 17, during a trip to America, Roman returned to music again.

Since then, the stage has become an integral part of his life. He works as a bass player at the concerts of Tatyana Ovsienko, starred in the video "Summer" for her duet with Viktor Saltykov. Being a member of the student council of the Faculty of International Relations of Moscow State University, he met the head of the creative group Tamara Alexandrovna Rusakova and became a regular participant in university concerts.

Realizing the need to gain experience on the professional stage, Roman takes part in the casting of the Star Factory project three times. And at the beginning of 2006, luck smiled at him on this path: he was among the "manufacturers" of the sixth convocation - Viktor Drobysh's wards.

The four months spent on the project became not only a landmark, but also an unusually productive period in Roman's creative career. At first, he did not look too confident against the background of his neighbors in the Star House, many of whom had considerable stage experience and special vocal education even before joining the project. However, thanks to his talent and hard work, he managed not only not to get lost in their background, but also to make a big qualitative breakthrough both in vocal terms and in terms of emancipation on stage, from concert to concert revealing himself from a new side and gaining professionalism.

There are four solo songs in his “factory” piggy bank - a record that not a single member of Factory-6 could beat, as well as duets with Vladimir Kuzmin (“Pier of Your Hope”) and Alexander Ivanov (“Dreams”), Sergey Trofimov ( “Wind in the Head”) and Oleg Gazmanov (“Rehearsal of Separation”), Valeria (“Black and White Color”) and Abraham Russo (“Through Love”), Andrei Sapunov (“The Ringing”) and Alexei Belov (“Tell Me Why »); with groups "Roots" ("25th floor"), "Earthlings" ("Borsalino"), "Tokyo" ("Who am I without you"), "City 312" ("Out of Access Area") and Gotthard ("Heaven" ). In addition, in many numbers, Roman played the guitar, participated in extras and backing vocals, and also sang as part of a group that later became known as Chelsea. One of the solo songs - "Me and You" - even before the end of the project, got into the rotation of "Russian Radio" and a number of other radio stations.

No matter what Roman sang at the "Factory" - pop or chanson - he did not try to copy the manner and style of popular performers, remaining true to his idea to introduce "heavier notes" into the format of the project. However, to the greatest extent, he managed to reveal himself in rock-format numbers. Already his first rock duet with the Swiss band Gotthard for the song "Heaven" brought Roman recognition from the audience of Channel One and MTV. For eight weeks, the duo occupied the first line of the MusicBox charts, for which Roman was awarded a personalized disc. The Gotthard musicians themselves were so pleased with the result that they invited Roman to repeat their joint performance at the Tochka club, and also presented him with one of their songs (“Lift U Up”), which he performed on the factory stage as a second solo number.
After such success, the leader of the Gorky Park group, Alexei Belov, drew attention to the young rock performer, who wrote the compositions “I Will Not Forget” and “Forgive” especially for Roman. With the latter, Roman left the Star Factory just before the final. But this departure was not a defeat! “But rock is still alive!” - he said in his farewell speech, confirming that he managed to accomplish his plan - to break the pop format of the project. This is confirmed by the songs of the Gotthard group, with which it was Roman Arkhipov (and not the finalists of the project) who closed the final concert at the Olimpiysky.

After the end of the project, Roman, like other "manufacturers", signs a contract with the production center of Viktor Drobysh and goes on the Star Factory - 6 tour as a member of the Chelsea group. In addition to him, the team includes Arseny Borodin, Denis Petrov and Alexei Korzin. The group quickly gains popularity, their songs occupy the top of the charts. The fateful year of 2006 "Chelsea" is completed in the title of "best group of the year", having in their luggage the "Golden Gramophone" for the song "Alien Bride", the video for the song "The Most Beloved" and the debut album, which included their songs from the time of the "Star Factory" ”, including the first solo number of the novel “Me and you”.

Currently, the group is active in concert, working on a new album, collaborating with popular Russian performers (in particular, with Philip Kirkorov).

However, despite the success of the group, Roman still dreams of a solo career and plans to create his own rock project.

He loves to travel very much. For the first time abroad, he was in 1995 in the United Arab Emirates. This was followed by Greece (Crete), Israel (Tel Aviv, Jerusalem), Italy (Venice, Verona), Egypt, Cyprus (Aionapa), Vietnam. For about a year, Roma lived in the USA (Las Vegas), where he studied and worked part-time in a Russian restaurant. From other countries and cities, she dreams of visiting Paris and South Africa. But to the question “Where would you like to live?” replies firmly: “It’s good to have a rest abroad, go there for a short period of time, but I want to live in Moscow. Well, I basically live here.”

Studying English and Spanish.

In addition to keyboards, he plays bass guitar. According to eyewitnesses, he mastered the drum kit in one night, keeping the dacha village awake until morning.

Favorite animal is the scorpion.

Of the sports prefers tennis. If he has free time, he visits the gym. Dreams of mastering snowboarding or skiing.

Favorite colors are black, white and purple.

He prefers expensive and beautiful branded clothes, although he can turn a jacket purchased on the market into a work of hand-made art by sewing scorpions on it. He likes to combine sports and classic cut clothes with extravagant elements in a rocker style: a long black raincoat, leather pants, metal bracelets and rings on his hands, massive buckles, rock and roll inscriptions. But sometimes it's just unrecognizable! Once, in his 2nd year, Roma, dressed in blue trousers, a women's jacket and with a cigar in his hands, stood in the company of two classmates in front of the Prague Embassy, ​​holding a blue bag from one of them. Men walked past them with an exclamation: “Oooh, girls!”, To which Roma replied indignantly: “What girls!?”.

From birth, Roman is blond with curly hair and categorically does not agree to cut them! Although, there were times when the teenager Roma shaved baldly.

Likes to work in Photoshop. For a while, this hobby even turned into a job.

Roman is a very sociable person, he likes to communicate with a variety of people. He maintains friendly relations with Tatyana Ovsienko and Olga Kormukhina, Alexei Belov and Alexander Erokhin (drummer of Lube), musicians of the Gotthard and Nazareth groups, as well as with many other colleagues in the shop.

He does not like to discuss his personal life. It is only known that he is not married. As far as possible, he takes part in raising his younger brother Nikita, the German shepherd Alice, an angry cat and two squirrels.

Roman was born on November 9, 1984 in the city of Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod). In 1991 he moved to Moscow with his parents. He lived in the USA for about a year, where he studied and worked part-time in a Russian restaurant.

From early childhood, he studied music. Graduated from music school, piano class. In the field of show business, Roman was at the age of six, traveled all over the country in the touring group of Tatiana Ovsienko, produced by his father, Igor Viktorovich. Roman also starred in the video "Summer" for the duet of Tatyana Ovsienko with Viktor Saltykov.

As a schoolboy at the age of 9, he fell in love with rock music when he first heard the hit "Machine Head" from Deep Purple. From that moment on, he dreamed of recording something similar on the Russian music scene. At the age of 21, he became a member of the Star Factory-6 project, where he had the good fortune to sing a duet with the greatest rock bands such as the Scorpions, Gorky Park, Gotthard. Gotthard also helped Roman record some of his latest compositions.

In June 2006, Roman graduated from the Faculty of International Relations of the Moscow University for the Humanities with a degree in Regional Studies. True, initially Roman was going to enter the Academy of the FSB. To do this, he took preparatory courses and prepared for the physical education exam - every morning he ran 15 km, but did not pass the medical examination.

Roman plays keyboards and bass guitar. Now he is the soloist and main rock component of the Russian boy band Chelsea. At the same time, he writes rock music. In March 2010, he shot a video for the song "Demons and Angels". On his 25th birthday, Roman organized a solo rock concert for friends and relatives in one of the clubs in Moscow. There were his father, mother, younger brother Nikita, grandmother, Chelsea bandmates, as well as many of his friends.

Favorite Bands: Deep Purple, Whitesnake, Nickelback, AC/DC, Nazareth, Bryan Adams, Aerosmith, Gotthard, Skillet. Hobbies: snowboarding, wakeboarding. Likes sports cars. Favorite food: Rare steak. Dream: to become an international rock star. Motto: Rock On.

  • He starred in the film "Reel the Fishing Rods."
  • Roman received the Order "For the Revival of Russia in the 21st Century" from the Government of Moscow.
  • The song "Heaven", performed by Roman with the Gotthard group at the "Star Factory", was in the lead for 8 weeks in the interactive chart of the "Music box" TV channel, for which Roman received an honorary diploma. In addition, the well-known label "Ayren" presented Arkhipov with a commemorative disc for the same song.
  • Roman has been fond of tennis since childhood, his idols are Yevgeny Kafelnikov and Marat Safin.
  • He auditioned for the fourth and fifth seasons of Star Factory and only made it to Star Factory 6, where he brought in a bit of rock.

A charming musician with a luxurious mane of blond hair, Roman Arkhipov has been known to music lovers since his work as part of the Chelsea group. For several years he has been an independent artist who is developing a solo career.

  • Date of birth: November 9, 1984
  • Place of birth: Nizhny Novgorod (Gorky)
  • Zodiac sign: Scorpio
  • Height: 181 cm.
  • Weight: 65 kg.

Roman had no chance not to try himself in the musical field. He was born in the family of producer Igor Arkhipov, who worked with Tatyana Ovsienko. The guy grew up behind the scenes of the best shows in the country, learning in practice how to be an artist. Even before the creation of the Chelsea group, Roman was the opening act for Ovsienko. He also managed to study in the USA and graduated from the Moscow University for the Humanities with a degree in regional studies.


The real fame came to the guy after participating in the Star Factory project. In the sixth season, he teamed up with a number of musicians in a group called Chelsea fans. He worked in the team from 2006 to 2011, gaining an army of loyal fans.

Concerts for the group were arranged by Arkhipov's father, and Viktor Drobysh was their producer. With such support, the guys easily conquered the charts, gathered full houses, and even managed to receive the Golden Gramophone award.

Roman, who as a child could not study at a music school, independently mastered the bass guitar and piano. The Chelsea band sang in the style of pop music, and he dreamed of becoming a rocker. Parting with the team passed in a friendly atmosphere, Roman hopes one day to go on tour with the group. But the main emphasis is on the development of a solo career. And he writes songs in English.

Arkhipov lives in Los Angeles, sometimes coming to Moscow. There, with local producers, he works on the international project R.O.M.A.N, dreams of becoming an artist known to the Western public.

Personal life

Like many pop artists, Arkhipov does not particularly like to talk about his personal life. He was the boyfriend of actress Daria Reznikova. He was credited with an affair with movie star Ekaterina Klimova. Roman met with model Daria Styrova.

While the vocalist's family is made up of mom, dad and pets. He is not married and has no children. An enviable bachelor attracts many women, but is in no hurry to settle down. Career for a fair-haired guy is in the first place.

The artist's main hobbies are related to sports and tourism. Except for the passion for music, he likes to travel around Europe, Asia, Africa. And among the sports disciplines, he appreciates snowboarding, tennis and wakeboarding.

The love of rock affects the personal style of the singer. He loves heavy raincoats, leather pants and metal bracelets, like the stars from the world of hard rock. Roman had golden curls from birth. Now they help him create the desired image and he does not plan to ever cut his hair short.

Twelve years ago, the sixth season of the popular musical show "Star Factory" started on the country's television screens. Among the participants stood out a curly blond with a hoarse voice, clearly gravitating towards rock. And this is in a "pop" project! The young rocker's name was Roman Arkhipov. Later, viewers will see him in How is Roman's career now, and what is he currently doing?


The future soloist of the Chelsea group, Roman Arkhipov, was lucky enough to be born not in the simplest family. His father, Igor, or Gosha - as he is affectionately called in a musical get-together, is far from the last person in it: in the nineties he was known for being engaged in concert activities of pop performers - for example, Tatyana Ovsienko. Much later, he continued to do the same, promoting the Chelsea group. However, let's not get ahead of ourselves. None of this happened yet on that gloomy cold day on November 9, 1984, when Roma, the first son in the family, was born. This happy event for the Arkhipov couple took place in the city of Gorky - now Nizhny Novgorod, since it was there that the Arkhipovs lived at that time.

From infancy, Roma was surrounded by music. And in Nizhny Novgorod, and in Sochi, where the Arkhipovs moved literally shortly after the birth of their son, and even more so in Moscow, where the father moved the family in the year when Roma was seven years old. He went to the first class already in the capital. And even before the ordinary school, six-year-old Roman began studying piano at a music school. And he didn’t leave her later, as many children do, unable to withstand the loads, but brought what he started to the end. This manifested the stubborn nature of Roman Arkhipov - this is how he lives his whole life, achieving his plan.

First steps in the musical field

In Moscow, Roma's father began to closely organize concerts of the then very popular Tatyana Ovsienko. Tatyana - and not only she - often visited the Arkhipovs at home, they constantly played music, someone was singing ... Roman was slowly boiling in this cauldron, and it is not at all surprising that he decided to take up music. Moreover, the boy showed a good voice.

Roman Arkhipov did not take his first steps on the musical Olympus in those days by himself - with the help of his father. Rather, with the help of Tatyana Ovsienko, he went on tour with the artist and her team. And then a transitional age came, and the boy's voice broke.

Student life and return to music

When there was a breakdown of the voice, Roman, what to hide, abandoned the music. By this time, he knew how to play not only the piano - he also mastered the bass guitar, because this instrument was more suitable for the rocker that Roman saw himself as. From childhood, he fell in love with rock, is faithful to it to this day - and it is not surprising that it was in this genre that he dreamed of developing. However, he dropped everything, switching to studies. It was time for graduation. Roma completed his graduation class as an external student - and went to study in the United States for a year. It was then that he realized: the voice returned. And along with the voice, the desire to sing returned again, and the ability to slowly compose songs himself appeared. Roman Arkhipov (pictured) came to Moscow with the firm intention of devoting his life to music.

Nevertheless, the young man went to receive education at Moscow State University at the Faculty of International Relations (he graduated from it in the summer of 2006). In parallel with his studies, Roma studied music, realizing that he needed some kind of opportunity to try his hand at the big stage. And such an opportunity presented itself: Roman passed the casting for the sixth season of the Star Factory project.

"Factory on the First"

The appearance of Roman Arkhipov on such a show was surprising because Roma was a little "out of shape". The project involved the performance of pop music, Roma gravitated toward rock and openly stated that he would reshape the format of this TV show. However, he partially succeeded in the latter: he sang in duets with artists of a more “heavy” orientation, such as Olga Kormukhina, Gorky Park, Nikolai Noskov, as well as foreign groups Scorpions and Gotthard.

Roman Arkhipov did not reach the final - he dropped out of the project before him, the very last one. However, he found his listener, was remembered by the audience, and also found three good friends on the project, with whom he joined the new Chelsea boy band.

In the Chelsea group

The producer of the new team was Viktor Drobysh, the concert director was Roman's father Igor. Arkhipov Jr. stayed in the team for five years. During this time, the guys released two albums, shot several videos, traveled half the country with concerts, became the "Best Group" and received the Golden Gramophone award.

Roman gained experience and decided to try himself as a separate creative unit. In June 2011, after the band's fifth anniversary, Roman Arkhipov left Chelsea. Nevertheless, he still maintains friendly relations with the guys and, as he admitted in a recent interview, he dreams of “shaking the old days” some summer and traveling with Chelsea with concerts. Perhaps someday this will happen.

Solo career. States

Roman Arkhipov decided to promote his songs no less - in the West. And so he moved to Los Angeles. And so he lives to this day - in two houses, then running into Moscow, then returning to the States. In America, he collaborates with eminent producers and musicians who have worked with world-famous artists. Roman also records his songs in English.

Initially, Arkhipov tried to make himself known to Western listeners under the pseudonym Troy Harley - he decided that for a foreign ear it sounds more harmonious. However, he subsequently abandoned this idea and last year created the R.O.M.A.N.


Last fall, Roma returned to Russia in order to take part in the musical show "Success", which started on the STS channel. In this project, Roman took an honorable second place. In his own words, he was offered to participate in the project, and this offer was a complete surprise for the musician.

In an interview, Roman admitted that at first it was not easy for him to put himself under the round-the-clock sights of television cameras again, in addition, he was embarrassed by a certain inequality: compared to many other participants in the show, Roma had quite a lot of performance experience. In the end, however, ambition took over.

Family and personal life of Roman

Despite the fact that Roma is already a "grown up boy", he is not yet married. His family is father Igor, mother Svetlana, younger brother Nikita and dog Bradley, with whom Roma does not part even in America.

As for Arkhipov's personal life, there is not much information here. His girlfriends - and Roman is quite loving - the musician tries to hide. Five years ago, there was a rather loud scandal associated with the names of Roman Arkhipov and Ekaterina Klimova, a famous actress, wife (at that time) of actor Igor Petrenko. The couple was spotted kissing and hugging at a party in the States. This was followed by a divorce of actors, although Arkhipov claimed that that girl was just like Catherine.

Later, the artist met with a Ukrainian model named Daria. Whether his heart is free now is not known for certain.

Frankly speaking about Roman

You always want to “touch the star”, learn more about famous people, feel that they are, in general, the same as you. The following facts about the life and hobbies of Roman Arkhipov may help someone get a little closer to him.

  • In his teenage years, he shaved baldly on a dare, and this was his only separation from his curly golden hair.
  • Roman is a Scorpio by the sign of the zodiac, and he loves scorpions very much.
  • Roma's father by primary education is a civil engineer.
  • Roman wrote songs for six films.
  • Arkhipov shot three clips for Olga Buzova.
  • The musician is a believer.
  • Member of the Grammy Academy.
  • Before going to study international relations, he was going to enter the Faculty of Law at the FSB. However, there was a very strict selection for health, and Roman could not pass the medical commission. Since childhood, he had a rather weak vestibular apparatus.

  • In Sochi, Roman has his own apartment overlooking Krasnaya Polyana.
  • With his younger brother Nikita, Roman has a big age difference - as much as twenty years.
  • I auditioned for the "Star Factory" three times before I was able to pass the casting.
  • Among Roman's favorite musical performers are entirely foreign rock bands, but among them one classical representative, Mozart, also wormed his way.
  • While studying in the United States during his student days, Roman worked part-time at a Russian restaurant.
  • In his free time, the artist reads a lot. Remarque and Paulo Coelho are his favorite writers.
  • Roma can speak English and Spanish.

This is the biography of the singer Roman Arkhipov at the moment. And ahead of Roma - many more victories and accomplishments.

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