Complementing each other: compatibility of Cancer man and Aquarius woman. Building love relationships

Compatibility Cancer and Aquarius in love is ambiguous and complex. Of course, they can be happy in marriage, but these are rare cases. Both will need a lot of effort and patience, otherwise there will be no trace of the former feeling. Cancer and Aquarius need to respect each other even more than love.

Cancer man and Aquarius woman

This couple has a difficult compatibility, where the difference in interests and characters creates contradictions. The Cancer man wants deep feelings and emotional relationships, and the Aquarius woman is more inclined to seek an ideological union, friendship is closer to her than love, as her partner understands it.

The Cancer man is a very reliable person, he is attached to the traditional values ​​​​of family life. He is looking for a woman who will resemble his mother. He will appreciate the friendliness of the Aquarius woman, although in some ways she will seem cold and indifferent to him. The attraction between them can be very strong, but they have different aspirations in life that are difficult to combine. The Cancer man is cautious and does not like innovation, but she loves freedom and spontaneity. He can be bossy and will try to control his soulmate, but she does not want to follow someone else's instructions. The key to the success of this alliance will be joint business or financial interests. The creative ideas of Aquarius and the financial sense of Cancer can be a great combination.

Spouses Cancer and Aquarius quarrel a lot, because they are used to living in completely different ways. For a Cancer man, the house comes first, but his wife is not the best housewife, which will greatly upset him. He will have to take on a significant part of the household chores, but in his opinion it is the woman who should create comfort, so there will be claims from him.

The Aquarius wife after the wedding does not radically change her lifestyle and spends a lot of time at home. Her husband loves a quiet holiday in a family environment, but will often be left alone. For his wife, numerous girlfriends are of great importance, who, according to her husband, always appear out of place. If the spouses are determined to spend a day off together, and one of the wife's friends calls with another tear-jerking love story, the wife can change her plans at the moment and hurry with consolations. After this, the spouse can boycott her for several days, or even put her before a choice between his own person and active communication with the whole world.

There will also be quarrels about spending money. Cancer is not used to overspend, and his wife Aquarius does not consider it necessary to save and consult on expensive, but not practical acquisitions. In the heat of a quarrel, the husband will be accused of greed, and the wife of squandering. If spouses do not get tired of constant skirmishes for any reason, over time they can develop immunity to each other's claims. The marriage will be stronger in which the cancer man is much older than his wife.

According to the compatibility of Aquarius women and Cancer men, their family union is rarely harmonious and lasting. Both partners are so different that it is difficult for them to understand each other. The Cancer man always looks to the past, family values ​​and traditions are important for him, and other signs, lives in the future, strives for everything new and unknown.

The Cancer man is solid and lives by the rules, and even with all his desire he cannot understand the unpredictable, freedom-loving Aquarius woman. If at the beginning of a relationship they can be attracted by their differences and a sense of novelty, then over time, the sense of novelty is dulled, and misunderstanding only grows.

The Cancer man appreciates the family and strong, stable family relationships are important to him. And the Aquarius woman cannot give him this. She is burdened by the monotonous spending of evenings at home. She is just bored, but for a homebody Cancer - just right.

We can say that the Aquarius-Cancer couple has absolutely opposite views on life, home, family, life, and it is extremely difficult to find common ground. This family can exist only through constant compromises and a strong desire of both partners to live together.

Compatibility Aquarius Woman - Cancer Man - PROS

An ideal relationship between an Aquarius woman and a Cancer man can only be if they are united by something more than habit, psychological compatibility, or even love. For harmonious relationships, they need some kind of high idea with a deep meaning, which can connect people so different from each other. This may be a desire for a raw food diet, a passion for esotericism, vegetarianism, or some kind of innovative pedagogical idea. In general, it can be anything, only it connected both of them.

Another option for a harmonious relationship in an Aquarius-Cancer compatibility pair can be when an Aquarius woman and a Cancer man do not live together. For example, a Cancer man lives with his parents (and for him this is quite normal even in adulthood) or he already has a family. In this case, all claims about everyday life disappear by themselves, and the love of freedom of the Aquarius woman only attracts the Cancer man. such relationships, since she does not have to perform household duties, and communication with a Cancer man gives her pleasure, since she intuitively feels that he is much wiser than her.

Compatibility Aquarius woman - Cancer man - MINUSES

The main problems in the compatibility of the Aquarius and Cancer zodiac signs lie on the surface. The Cancer man most of all does not like the reluctance of the Aquarius woman to devote herself completely to the family. He is burdened by the numerous friends of the Aquarius woman, and her friendliness and openness with everyone, while he is open only with close people. In addition, he is very jealous and cautious, so regular guests in his house cause him irritation.

And the Aquarius woman does not like the attempts of the Cancer man to put pressure on her and teach life. and emotional blackmail. These actions of his cause the opposite effect. The Aquarius woman is not good with feelings. Therefore, she will not compete in this with the Cancer man, but simply leave the family.

Horoscope Aquarius-Cancer - compatibility and harmony

According to the compatibility horoscope of Aquarius and Cancer, in order for their family to have harmony, the Aquarius woman should understand a simple thing: experiences. By the way, pay attention to the fact that the Cancer man has a well-developed intuition, and his receptivity allows him to see the depth and essence of things much better than yours. So listen more and talk less. This will bring tangible benefits to you and will cause respect from the Cancer man. Also try to talk less about your friends to him, better talk about himself. And yet, do not show him your independence, and, most importantly, your independence of thinking.

If you suddenly notice that the Cancer man began to put pressure on you, make scenes, be offended, act up, this is the first sign that he is jealous of you or not sure of your love. Do not be angry with him for this and do not rush to break the relationship. If this man is really dear to you, then find a way to prove it to him, calm him down, show that he has absolutely no reason to be jealous. But, do not succumb to provocations and do not give up your interests. After that, the Cancer man will want to subdue you completely. Therefore, look for compromises that would suit both of you.

How can an Aquarius woman conquer a Cancer man?

The Aquarius girl will immediately attract the attention of the Cancer guy with her sociability and sincere interest in all people. She will simply conquer the Cancer man by paying attention and interest to his reasoning and feelings. The Cancer man always strives for family life, so he will immediately begin to consider the Aquarius woman as a suitable candidate for the role of his wife. But, after rapprochement, he will immediately try to completely subjugate the Aquarius woman and instill in her his views on life. The Aquarius woman respects the opinions of others, but does not allow herself to be pressured. Therefore, both partners can note over time that the best period in their life was the initial one, when the relationship was just beginning.

However, this union can be quite happy if the spiritual side of life and the philosophical outlook on life are not alien to the Aquarius woman and the Cancer man. Then the spouses understand that on a spiritual level they perfectly complement each other and help to see new facets of events, and differences at the everyday level are just a payment for this.

Also “ideal” can be a relationship with a married Cancer man. In this case, he already has someone to educate, and he expects lightness and freedom from a love affair. And the freedom-loving and unobtrusive Aquarius woman is perfect for the role of a lover.

Aquarius woman and Cancer man compatibility in friendship

The friendship between an Aquarius woman and a Cancer man is more like a collaboration. They have a good relationship if there is a common goal and interests. For example, they can work together in the field of pedagogy, in art, in politics. But, no matter how close their relationship is, they still lack the warmth and emotions that usually connect real friends.

In other cases, when the Aquarius woman and the Cancer man live an ordinary life, they do not find mutual understanding. The Aquarius woman quickly gets tired of the isolation of the Cancer man. He keeps everything to himself and does not immediately trust people. It takes a Cancer man a long time to open up and start trusting, so this friendship falls apart even before the Cancer man considers the Aquarius woman his friend.

The physical attraction of the Aquarius woman and the Cancer man to each other is small, so their "halves" should not be afraid of betrayal.

Aquarius Woman and Cancer Man Compatibility in Business

The business union of an Aquarius woman and a Cancer man rarely brings tangible results. They have a completely different style of work, different interests and a different approach to business issues. Business cooperation is still possible when each of them is responsible for his "front" of work.

When an Aquarius woman and a Cancer man are colleagues or partners, nothing good will come of this cooperation. Despite the fact that each of them individually has many advantages, working together, they will only slow down the process.

When the Aquarius woman is the boss, and the Cancer man is the subordinate, it is a difficult combination, especially for the Aquarius woman. It is difficult for her to understand her subordinate, and she does not even know what language to speak with him. Due to the fact that the Aquarius woman is friendly to the needs of other people, such cooperation can last for some time. But, if the Cancer man does not strengthen his position with business achievements, he will soon "fall under the reduction."

When an Aquarius woman is a subordinate, and a Cancer man is a boss, this is a complex union. The Cancer boss is used to controlling everything to the smallest detail, and the Aquarius woman does not tolerate control over herself and over her work. If the Cancer boss perceives her behavior as disrespectful to herself, she will become very vindictive.

Cancer and Aquarius, very different from each other, demonstrate compatibility, albeit the most successful, but quite interesting. In such an alliance, both partners are in for a lot of surprises and surprises. Their first meeting may occur under very unusual circumstances. Representatives of signs can perfectly communicate with each other, without thinking about a joint future. At the same time, it will seem to them that such an alliance will last for a long time. However, time tends to make adjustments. Relationships will gradually begin to break down. If lovers do not make efforts to save them, then everything can end in a break.

1. Psychological compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac.

2. Aquarius woman, Cancer man in love.

3. The intimacy of Cancer and Aquarius.

4. Aquarius woman and Cancer man - are spouses suitable?

Psychological compatibility of zodiac signs. Cancer man, Aquarius woman in a relationship

Such an alliance is very difficult, both partners have to overcome many serious trials. As a rule, the man suffers more from these relationships. He initially had an erroneous opinion about his chosen one. After a while, Aquarius begins to control, manipulate Cancer.

Aquarius woman and Cancer man build love relationships very intriguingly, we can say that their union is rather mysterious, unusual and curious:

Aquarius is naturally endowed with self-confidence, strong will, besides, she knows how to keep her mouth shut.

Such a woman is wounded by life, and therefore the Cancer man begins to take care of the chosen one, patronize and protect her.

For a girl, such a gentleman always remains a mystery, but that's exactly what she likes.

· Sometimes Cancer gets tired of living in his little world, he opens up to his soulmate, counting on her care and support.

This is where the similarity ends. Partners perceive the same phenomena and events in completely different ways. A woman often thinks in pictures, and her chosen one - in images. That is, he has a developed imagination, which causes frequent mood swings. The picture is a very real, detailed object. Cancer reacts strongly to changes in the lunar cycle, while Aquarius is guided only by personal preferences. A man is used to trusting emotions and feelings, and his partner is controlled by thoughts. It is thanks to so many differences that the union “man Cancer - woman Aquarius” looks very intriguing.

Such a partner cannot be called a reliable support. His mood depends on feelings and emotions, which sometimes lie so deep in the soul that even Cancer himself does not know why he behaves one way or another in a particular situation. A woman perceives her boyfriend as a natural phenomenon that needs to be felt and understood.

Is it good compatibility? Aquarius woman, Cancer man in love

Such a woman is sure that the past does not matter. She will try to wean her partner from living in the past, to return him to reality. On this basis, conflicts often arise between lovers. After all, it will seem to Cancer that the girl simply does not understand this vulnerable, sensitive soul. In principle, he is right, since Aquarius really does not differ in tact, intuition and sensitivity.

Initially, the Cancer man really likes the mystery of the Aquarius woman. She is also attracted by his shyness, modesty, lack of independence and masculine mentality. It will seem to a woman that the gentleman is very cute and funny. Not knowing how things really are, she will be sure that Cancer is just as shy in intimate life. However, he surprises her greatly. After all, in bed he is a real knight. Sexual pressure, willingness to experiment will amaze and please the partner, because she herself is a liberated person. That is why sexual compatibility "man Cancer - woman Aquarius" is filled with harmony.

When it comes to everyday life, the situation is much worse. Such a woman loves order and cleanliness. She will be unpleasantly surprised by the carelessness and sloppiness of the gentleman. He used to throw clothes, candy wrappers and other items around the house. Cancer calls such chaos a creative disorder. In addition, he likes to litter the apartment with all sorts of unnecessary things. He simply believes that without them it is impossible to achieve spiritual harmony. Naturally, this will unnerve and annoy Aquarius. When a woman begins to get rid of garbage, Cancer will consider her heartless.

Sometimes the compatibility of Cancer and Aquarius in a relationship helps to keep a woman's optimism and sense of humor. But often partners have to look for compromises in order to save the union. They need to learn to listen to the second half, not to make the same mistakes. At one point, it may seem to a spouse that life with Cancer has become monotonous, insipid and monotonous, because he does not like the fuss, hype, unnecessary movements. He is quite satisfied with quiet evenings at home. A sociable, cheerful wife will insist on going out, attending various events. A man will resist such pressure. Aquarius will find a way out of the situation in a house party. Such a decision will anger Cancer, but he will try to endure it.

Intimacy between Cancer and Aquarius

If the stars successfully converge and circumstances develop, Cancer man, Aquarius woman will find compatibility in bed quite harmonious. This young lady is naturally very proud, and therefore will not take the first step towards intimacy. But she will not be able to withstand the pressure of the impatient Cancer. In the sexual relationship of such partners, it is difficult to identify the leader. Her natural femininity does not allow her to be an initiator, although the determination and willpower of Aquarius would be quite enough to take a leading position.

If partners correctly combine their best qualities, they will be able to achieve harmony in their personal lives. Both will be quite happy with the roles that they got. Aquarius will become an obedient lover, will give her partner pleasure with her caresses. And he will win her heart with his desire and endless pressure.

Love compatibility signs. Aquarius woman and Cancer man - are spouses suitable?

Such partners may well move to the next stage of the relationship. Only for this they need to overcome all the difficulties. Cancer should become less shy, and Aquarius should calm their ardor and not look for new adventures. It is marriage that will help to understand how different they are. Everyone will try to pull the blanket over to their side. A man longs for home comfort, quiet family evenings, and a woman cannot imagine life without communication. Dissimilar Aquarius woman, Cancer man will find compatibility in marriage only when they learn to find compromises.

Only mutual help will help to achieve harmony in relationships. Cancer must learn to understand the chosen one, allow her to meet with friends more often. She should try to establish a home, arrange family evenings, pamper her husband with delicious food. In this case, lovers will find a common language. The birth of joint children will help spouses get closer, as in a couple.

Are Cancer and Aquarius able to maintain compatibility in a love relationship for a long time?

In order for the Cancer man and the Aquarius woman to find compromises in love, they first need to change themselves. The girl must stop constantly patronizing the chosen one, provide him with freedom, come to terms with his rather strange desires. After all, if something does not suit him, he will not endure, but simply pack his bags and evaporate. Even a stamp in the passport will not be able to keep Cancer.

In fact, a woman is able to demonstrate good compatibility between Cancer and Aquarius. The main thing is that both should be in a good mood. Then they will joke and have fun. If partners understand each other's character traits, they will be able to achieve happiness and harmony. A man must love himself so as not to look for confirmation of love from others. A woman must understand that life is impossible without emotions. Despite the fact that Cancer, Aquarius, the compatibility of signs is very strange, they are able to build a successful union.

Aquarius loves to play tricks on others, and a loved one is no exception. However, Cancer does not have a good sense of humor, and therefore may not understand jokes. He does not endure ultimatums and restrictions, does not like it when something starts to go wrong. If the spouse tries to put pressure on the chosen one, he will show perseverance, which will offend his beloved. Fortunately, both signs are easygoing. Thanks to this, Cancer and Aquarius often manage not to lose compatibility in love during a quarrel. Even after a strong scandal, the partners quickly calm down and begin to do more important things.

When the Cancer man and the Aquarius woman overcome the crisis line, their compatibility will improve, the relationship will become easy. It is always interesting with such a wife, because she is a wonderful companion, it is good to travel with her and even just walk. Cancer is able to fill even an ordinary day with bright colors, because he has a developed imagination. This will help lovers come to terms with their dissimilarity.

They belong to the Elements - antagonists. The calm flow of Water is associated with the nature of "amphibians" who prefer not to move through life on the crest of a wave, but to move confidently along the bottom. Aquarians are fast as the wind. Emotional people create obstacles for themselves by rash actions and involve others in the epicenter of the tornado. To balance different energies, Cancer man and Aquarius woman intuitively drawn to each other.

Aquarius girl Cancer guy - compatibility

The Aquarius woman behaves in a completely different way. She is talkative, open, not able to worry for a long time, reproach herself. At the same time, she is smart, consistent, knows how to analyze, cannot live without adventures, and is curious. It is easy to learn, but knowledge is superficial, grabs at a few things, however, enthusiasm quickly passes.

An active, self-confident young lady believes that her devotion must be earned. In relation to the partner is impatient, capricious, demanding. A caring mother will not work out with her, although she knows how important home dinners, attention to a person, and a manifestation of interest in business are to a partner. This is enough for quiet periods in a relationship to be replaced by shake-ups from the chosen one. The idealization of women in Cancers is in the subcortex. Despite his admiration for his companion, he is often annoyed by her behavior, imperfect manners, a word spoken at the wrong time, a superficial kiss at parting sometimes causes a scandal.

However Cancer and Aquarius Sign Compatibility helps to alleviate the situation. After another scandal, she can make concessions, but after the truce everything will be as before. Only she forgets that sentimental Cancer loves to reminisce and remember all the sins at the right time. The guy is scrupulous in financial matters. Thrifty, but not stingy, knows how to save. The frivolous attitude of the lady of the heart to money brings him out of balance. Knowing her wastefulness, she limits her means, and this is already a topic for scandal.

Love Compatibility Cancer and Aquarius perfect. Passion, at the stage of falling in love, overshadow other problems. People can part from a showdown, scenes of jealousy, but not from boredom in bed. With the coincidence of goals, interests, an innocent intrigue often ends in marriage. The union of people of different character is taken for granted. If they are over 30, the lady will appreciate the man's homeliness, stability, adjusts to his frequency. At a young age, the couple's future is uncertain. It all depends on the endurance of the partner, the desire of the lady to be with him. Despite this, he appreciates the comfort of home, a measured life, and at one moment he can leave.

Union of different elements

Aquarius man Cancer woman they usually get acquainted under strange circumstances: one needs to forget about the novel, the other needs to annoy the partner. A harmless affair is transformed into feelings and people learn to coexist in the same space. At first, it seems to them that love is above petty troubles. high Aquarius Man and Cancer Woman Compatibility eliminates most of the problems.

Over time, the exactingness of the partner begins to annoy. Due to the lack of a tablecloth on the table, an untidy house can cause a scandal, although he himself is not distinguished by innate accuracy. If at first the roughness is smoothed out with a joke, passion in bed, later the relationship is built on the division of male and female responsibility. Attempts to adjust the "water" woman for themselves are often unsuccessful.

About life, love, sex in a couple, where the woman is Cancer

Cancer woman is bright, emotional, with a mobile psyche, delicate taste. A sharp change of moods, desires does not allow the partner to tune in to her wave. She does not tolerate criticism, scandals, but paired with Aquarius, relationships are often clarified in high tones. The inability to adhere to one position interferes with her in a relationship. It is easier for her to agree than to refuse or avoid direct answers. You don’t need to look for a reason, just ask about money or tell your partner what to do. He will not tolerate encroachment on personal space and wallet.

Love Compatibility Cancer and Aquarius allows people to find compromises. Dominant in the natal chart, Uranus considers the Moon Maiden sexual. With age, passions subside, but a woman knows that her husband is not like everyone else. Instead of material gifts, she receives flowers from someone else's flower bed, timely compliments. If two people want to be happy, they will be harmonious.

The emotionality of partners sometimes makes the union of Cancer and Aquarius very strong, passions do not fade away, they are not replaced by boredom. But at the same time, they are also capable of destroying everything if the showdown is too stormy, and jealousy is excessive.

Cancer looks to the past and preserves traditions, Aquarius is all in the future and more than other signs is interested in reforms. Therefore, successful relationships between them are rare. But even if their romance does not last long, it leaves a big mark on the lives of both partners.

Aquarius-Cancer compatibility: how to seduce a Cancer man?

The Aquarius woman is sociable and keenly interested in people. Therefore, at the first stage of the relationship, she will conquer Cancer with attention to him and interest in his affairs. She will be serious about his reasoning, respect his experiences, pay tribute to the depth of his nature. All this is very pleasant to Cancer, and he will consider Aquarius as a possible life partner. But after rapprochement, he will try to command Aquarius and try to instill in her his views on life. This will be his big mistake. The Aquarius woman sympathizes with people with a variety of principles and lifestyles, but does not allow pressure on herself and does not adopt their attitude to life from others. So the best period in a relationship with a Cancer man can no doubt be considered the initial stage of a relationship. Another thing is if Aquarius is interested in a married Cancer man. He already has someone to educate. He is a conservative and patriarch in the family, and from the novel on the side he expects freedom and lightness. Here, the freedom-loving and unobtrusive Aquarius woman will be exactly the one who is perfect for him. There is a third version of this union, and it is he who has every chance of becoming a long and happy one. Both Cancer and Aquarius are not alien to the spiritual life, esoteric, philosophical view of the world. They may be adherents of any mystical or philosophical movement. Such a couple understands that their differences at the everyday level are the payment for the fact that on the spiritual plane they complement each other and help each other to see new facets of truth.

What does an ideal couple look like: Aquarius woman - Cancer man?

If you have met a happy couple of Cancer man and Aquarius woman, you can be sure that they are united by something more than habit, psychological compatibility or even feelings. Surely there is some idea that connects such dissimilar people. Perhaps this is a family of innovative teachers, psychologists, esotericists, vegetarians, and fishing enthusiasts. In a word, they can be interested in anything, as long as it is a sphere in which there is a deep, philosophical meaning. Without involvement in the Great Idea, the unions of Cancer and Aquarius are short-lived. The second option for a happy union is if Aquarius and Cancer do not live together. When Cancer has a family or lives with his parents (which happens even in adulthood), the man leaves all claims about the arrangement of life and family relations in his house, and relations with Aquarius attract him with freedom. And what does Aquarius get from such a union? Aquarius is attracted by the deep emotionality of Cancer, she understands that Cancer is somewhat wiser than her and therefore willingly communicates with him, while maintaining freedom from domestic duties.

What are the difficulties in the union of an Aquarius woman and a Cancer man?

Most of all, Cancer is offended by the reluctance of Aquarius to limit his world to the boundaries of home and family and replace his interests with the interests of the family (more precisely, Cancer himself). Cancer would like his companion to be interested in life, home, household, and Cancer was an indisputable authority for her. The jealous and cautious Cancer man is hard on Aquarius' many friends and open lifestyle. It is unpleasant for him that Aquarius is friendly with many, while he himself is open only with loved ones, who can be counted on the fingers. For its part, Aquarius is unpleasant to Cancer's attempts to put pressure on her and teach life. Cancer uses emotional blackmail, manipulates Aquarius. Since she is not a master of manipulation, and in general she is poorly versed in feelings, she will not compete with Cancer, but simply break off relations one day and leave.

If you are Aquarius, and you have the courage to build a relationship with Cancer, try not to show him your independence, first of all - independence of thought. Please note that Cancer's intuition and receptivity helps him see some things deeper than you can. Appreciate this and in the Cancer society express your opinions less and listen more. Such behavior and Cancer will dispose to you, and will benefit you. Tell him less about your friends and strangers in general, talk more about himself. If you feel that Cancer is putting pressure on you, making scenes, being offended, being capricious, do not rush to break off relations with him. The reason for this behavior is that he is jealous and not confident in you. Find a way to show him that he remains the most important and beloved person, that you value the relationship with him and that he has no reason to be jealous. Do not succumb to provocations, do not give up your interests in order to calm Cancer: he does not accept half measures, he will want to subjugate you completely. You need to find a compromise, assuring Cancer of your love and at the same time maintaining your life values.

Aquarius woman and Cancer man compatibility at work

These signs are poorly compatible in work, because they have a different style of work, different interests, different approaches to business issues. They rarely cooperate successfully - as a rule, if each is responsible for his own area of ​​\u200b\u200bwork.

Compatibility of Aquarius woman and Cancer man - colleagues or partners

The boss who created a working group from a Cancer man and an Aquarius woman will act unwisely. Each of them has wonderful advantages, but together they will slow each other down. The business partnership of these signs will also not last long.

When the Aquarius woman is the boss, and the Cancer man is the subordinate

It is difficult for the Aquarius boss to work with Cancer. She does not understand him and does not know what language to speak to him. For some time, the union will be based on her benevolence and attention to the needs of Cancer, but if it is not strengthened by business achievements, it will wither and stop.

When the Aquarius woman is a subordinate, and the Cancer man is the boss

This is a complex union. The Aquarius woman does not like control over herself, including at work, and Cancer meticulously controls everything. If he perceives her desire for freedom as a disrespect for himself, he will become very vindictive.

Aquarius woman and Cancer man compatibility in friendship

This is a good friendly couple when they have a common goal, common interests, and, of course, important ones that stand above household chores. For example, friendly couples of Aquarius and Cancer are known, working together in the field of pedagogy, in art and in the political field. True, their friendship still lacks the warmth and emotions that usually bind friends, their relationship is more like cooperation. If both Aquarius and Cancer live with ordinary cares and adhere to the traditional life path, there is nothing for them to do together. The Aquarius woman will quickly get tired of the isolation of Cancer, she does not understand why to be friends, if at the same time keep everything in herself. But Cancer needs a lot more time to start trusting. Therefore, friendships are often destroyed even before Cancer considers Aquarius his friend. Their "halves" need not be afraid of betrayal - the attraction of the Aquarius woman and the Cancer man to each other is not so strong as to push them towards each other.

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