If the heart hurts on which side to sleep. Which side is better to sleep on for health: recommendations, contraindications and reviews. Which side is best for pregnant women to sleep on?

This is not a trivial question, as it seems at first glance. A person spends at least a third of his life in a state of sleep, there is a reason to think about sleep for those who care about their health. How much and how much a person slept depends not only on the mood in his day, but also on his working capacity, resistance to stress, susceptibility to negative impact surroundings and the environment. The importance of sleep cannot be overestimated. First of all, it is rest. "Tell me how you rested and I'll tell you what you are!". In a dream, not all organs rest and are inactive. Most often, during the day and in the evening, we load the stomach and brain, leaving them to work at night. At best, in the morning, an idea or a solution comes to mind that did not come up the day before. Lack of sleep threatens with reduced attention and reaction while driving, poor ability to formulate thoughts, and reaction speed.

Choosing a sleeping position

It is very important to choose the right position for sleeping. Or at least for the beginning of sleep, because the body in a dream itself decides how to position itself. Here you can only acquire some habit and learn to follow it.

On the stomach

If you have problems with your spine, have back pain, then doctors will advise you to sleep on your stomach. In this position, the intervertebral cartilages straighten more. A small pillow can be placed under the lower abdomen, the lower back will say “thank you”. If at the same time you want to sleep peacefully, then it is better not to eat three or four hours before bedtime.

A completely healthy person is not recommended to sleep on his stomach because of difficulty breathing. The posture on the stomach causes the neck to turn, pinching the blood vessels that feed the brain. Pregnant women should not sleep on their stomach at all, there will be high pressure on the fetus.

On the back

Sleeping on your back is advised to hypertensive patients and people with various heart diseases. This position promotes relaxation and normalizes blood circulation.

It is better to sleep on the back for easily excitable people, with outstretched legs and unfolded palms. In the same position, but with palms pressed to the bed - with diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract.

But on the back, nightmares are most often dreamed, and snoring is a common companion for lovers of this position. In addition, this position contributes to the compression of blood vessels to the spine.

On the right side

It is often argued which side is better for the heart. Some argue that on the left side the heart is down and has to pump blood higher, others argue that the position on the right side causes the heart to be "suspended", which is also not very useful.

The load on the heart on the right side is somewhat less, blood circulation is better regulated. This pose is considered the best for the prevention of vascular and heart diseases.

On the left side

You should not sleep on the left side of the "cores", because this gives an additional load on the heart. For those who suffer from insomnia, it is better to sleep not on the right, but on the left side.

Position on the left side best pose for pregnant women, and it is useful for both the mother and her unborn child. For greater comfort, you can cross your legs or lay a pillow between your legs. In this position, blood flow to the place where the child is located improves.


For several decades, experts and doctors have been arguing whether it is better to sleep with or without a pillow. Most often, opinions are in favor of pillows. But the choice of a pillow, its height, material and filler is far from an easy question.

The pillow should not be very high, while the neck is bent, the spine is tense, the vessels that feed the brain are pinched. Of course, if you are a hero and you have broad shoulders, then you need a pillow higher.

Too thin and low pillow - a very common cause of "wooden" neck in the morning. If you notice that you are always trying to "run" the arm of the pillow - this is a sign that it is not high enough.

If you sleep without a pillow on your back, the blood pressure in the vessels of the brain increases, on the side it's the same + osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae. Osteochondrosis is the result of sleeping on a soft pillow.

AT recent times it became simply not fashionable to sleep on feather pillow. Especially for people prone to allergies. Ticks are translated into and the more, the longer the period of operation. And this is sometimes calculated in our country for years, if not decades.

Doctors recommend orthopedic pillows, but with natural fillers. The most popular is buckwheat husk. Having bought such a pillow, you can quickly get used to it, choosing the height that is optimal for yourself, simply pouring excess husk.

Room temperature

Lowering the temperature at night in a room even by 1 degree has a beneficial effect on the immune system and increases not only the duration, but also the quality of life.

Sleeping at a normal room temperature of 20 degrees is not very conducive to a night's rest. Often in a room, especially during a heated period, the thermometer shows about 25. Here, a healthy normal person not getting enough sleep, as a result it is difficult to get up, the head is splitting, nightmares are dreamed.

Get used to sleeping with a light, almost weightless blanket so that the skin "breathes". The blanket does not have to be uniform, some areas of the body, especially the lower back, require more warmth during sleep.


For most people, a solid and even semi-soft mattress is comfortable for sleeping, which is approximately equivalent to soft foam rubber 5-7 cm and 8-10 cm thick, respectively. The selection of the degree of softness of the mattress depends on the type of human structure, the flexibility of the spine and joints of the extremities, shoulder and pelvic girdle. There is only one recommendation - you need to listen to your feelings.

Which side should you sleep on? And only when the back and head begin to hurt, it becomes impossible to sleep, we wonder which side to sleep on, how to choose the right position for sleeping, and how to choose a pillow.

It is very important to choose the right position for sleeping. Or at least for the beginning of sleep, because the body in a dream itself decides how to position itself. For those who suffer from insomnia, it is better to sleep not on the right, but on the left side.

Complete rest and a sufficiently long refreshing sleep are possible only on a comfortable, moderately wide and long, not too warm bed. Bedding should be made of fabrics that allow air and water vapor to pass through well.

Prepare the bed not too soft, as in this case it is difficult to relax the muscles, and not too hard, since there is a strong pressure on the muscle and bone tissue. Pillows should be moderately soft, not overstuffed, with double inner pillowcases. Most best material for blankets - wool. A woolen blanket keeps out the cold well and is much better at ventilating the bed than other blankets. The bed must be kept clean and systematically cleaned of dust and other contaminants. Mattresses, pillows, blankets should be aired more often, knocked out in the open air and dried in the sun. During sleep, you should not cover your head with a blanket and bury your head in a pillow, as this makes it difficult to breathe.

With back pain, it is better to sleep not on a soft bed, but not on boards either. The bed should be semi-rigid so that the spine maintains physiological curves. To do this, put a shield on the entire width of the bed or sofa, and foam rubber 5-8 centimeters thick on top. Cover it with a woolen blanket and spread a sheet. When pain is felt in the leg, you can put a roller from a blanket under the knee joint - this will reduce the stretching of the sciatic nerve and relieve pain in the leg. When the back hurts, many prefer to sleep on their stomach (although sleeping on their stomach leads to difficulty breathing). To prevent the lower back from bending too much, which causes even more pain, place a small pillow under the lower abdomen. Side sleepers can sleep with one leg crossed over the other.

It is very difficult for patients with acute manifestations of osteochondrosis to get out of bed in the morning after sleep. Proceed as follows: first do a few simple exercises hands and feet, then, if you sleep on your back, turn on your stomach, lower one foot to the floor. Leaning on it with your hands, transfer your body weight to your knee and gradually get up without making sudden movements.

It is best for a healthy person to sleep on his back, since in this case the temperature of the subcortical structures of the brain, and, consequently, of the whole body, will be regulated during breathing by the body itself. Falling asleep on the back and gradually relaxing the whole body contributes to the normalization of blood circulation, while when falling asleep, for example, on the left side, a slight clamping of the heart occurs, and when falling asleep on the right side, the right lung and liver are clamped.

According to the teachings of yogis, the right nostril is connected with the Sun, and breathing with it leads to an increase in heat in the body; the left nostril is associated with the moon, and breathing through it leads to cooling. The right lung is functionally connected with the right nostril, and the left lung with the left. When falling asleep on the left side, the left lung will be clamped and therefore will not be able to fully function. The main part of the respiratory load in this case falls on the right lung and the right nostril associated with it, the breathing of which leads to overheating of the brain and the whole organism.

Based on this, in the normal state of the body, when it is hot, you should fall asleep on the right side, and when it is cold - on the left.
People suffering from heart disease should not fall asleep on their left side, as this creates an additional burden on the heart. The cores also need to control the position of the body during sleep, all with the same goal of reducing the load.

It is best for people suffering from hypertension to fall asleep on their back - the heart in this position is not subjected to additional stress. When falling asleep on the back, the body of a hypertensive person does not overheat and does not cool, as when falling asleep on the left or right side. From the body lying on the back, a layer of air between the blanket and the mattress gradually warms up, and the person, falling asleep, is, as it were, immersed in an air bath of pleasant, soothing temperature. Skin vessels on the surface of the body evenly expand, calm refreshing sleep occurs.

It is categorically not recommended to sleep on your stomach, as this makes breathing very difficult due to an increase in the load on the diaphragm.
A full stomach often causes restless sleep and nightmares. Therefore, you should not have a heavy dinner before bedtime. But even a hungry person falls asleep worse and sleeps more sensitively. Therefore, it is best to eat a light dinner without a lot of fat, meat, without stimulants. You do not need to drink a lot of liquid before going to bed, especially you should beware of strong tea and coffee. I do not recommend smoking before going to bed (especially in bed).

If you feel that the food has not been completely digested, you should fall asleep on your right side, since only in this case the food easily enters the duodenum from the stomach.
When falling asleep, put only one pillow under your head, but soft enough so that the bed does not press on your head and ears. It is impossible to put a pillow under the shoulders, as this disrupts the intra- and extracranial circulation, which can lead to an increase in blood pressure (which, in turn, causes hypertension), to anemia of the brain with simultaneous expansion of the vessels of the meninges and temporal arteries (a consequence of - migraine).

It is unacceptable for the head to hang from the pillow - again due to an increase in blood pressure. Do not put your hand under your head to avoid poor blood circulation and swelling. Remember that the flow of energy and blood circulation originate in the womb. Look at the position of the fetus: its arms and legs are crossed and are on the chest.

When falling asleep on the back, arms crossed on the chest, covering the torso at the level of the navel, contribute to an even distribution of energy in the falling asleep body and, as a result, normalize blood circulation. Falling asleep on your back with outstretched arms and spread legs contributes to the uniform flow of the energy of the surrounding space through the body. Falling asleep on the back with crossed arms contributes to a kind of vicious circle of energy, i.e. without exchanging it with the environment.

Falling asleep on the back with legs bent at the knees, when the arms are extended along the body, the palms are pressed to the hips, the fingers are slightly bent, helps to relax the leg veins, facilitates blood circulation and heart function. This pose can be taken when the legs are very tired.
When falling asleep in this position, the energy of the surrounding space will penetrate into the body mainly through the head and partially through the hands. Then it merges with energy human body, redistributed in the body and grounded through the legs. In this position, the balance of human energy and the energy of the surrounding space is established. A person in a calm, relaxed state merges with the harmony of the surrounding space, loses his weight, loses his sense of time, breaks away from the Earth - and then flights in a dream begin. Realizing himself as an imperishable particle of the Universe, a sleeping person merges with it and “floats” in the infinite space.

When a person is awake, his mind, thoughts are constantly busy: he must do this and that, catch the bus, answer the question, etc. In a dream, resting from worldly affairs, disconnecting from everyday worries, you are left alone with yourself. When falling asleep, the same thoughts continue to torment us for some time, but gradually they disappear. At this time, the body rests, and the brain sums up the day, rejecting everything unnecessary. At this time, there is a "repair" of sick and tired organs. And the help to these organs largely depends on what posture you take.

Falling asleep on your back with your legs pressed to your chest, you prevent varicose veins, and if you suffer from them, then slow down its development. The speed of blood flow in the dilated veins slows down, which further leads to the formation of blood clots in them. This position is recommended for people whose work is associated with a long stay on their feet: cooks, postmen, as well as those who are associated with heavy physical labor: blacksmiths, loaders.

Falling asleep on your back with one leg pressed to your chest (hands in the same position: palms pressed to the hips, fingers slightly bent), you also redistribute energy and regulate blood circulation.
The pose, lying on the back with the right leg pressed to the chest, redistributes the load during the work of the kidneys. The energy of the surrounding space penetrates through the head, partly through the fingers of the bent arms and through the outstretched left leg, and is partly grounded by the bent right leg. In this position, the load will be more on the left kidney, while the right one “rests” at this time. The change of the leg pressed to the chest contributes to the redistribution of the load between the right and left kidneys, which, in turn, contributes to the prevention of diseases associated with a violation of the excretion of salts, their retention in the blood and other tissues. The retention of salts in the tissues attracts water to them, which, saturating them, creates edema - a typical sign of kidney damage.

Falling asleep on your back with your leg pressed to your chest, you carry out a kind of internal massage of the kidneys, preventing the formation of stones in them.
When falling asleep on the back with the right leg bent, the “redistribution” of the load on the liver also occurs - at this time it rests a little: the production of bile, the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates slows down somewhat. When falling asleep on the back with the left leg bent, the work of the liver, on the contrary, increases: the flow of energy passes through the right leg and partially through right hand, respectively calling additional load in the distribution of energy, which, in turn, is reflected in blood circulation. Further, when energy balance is achieved during deep sleep and the energy is grounded with the left bent leg, blood circulation is leveled and, accordingly, the work of the liver is “restored”. But in the first minutes, when falling asleep with the left leg bent, the liver more intensively processes the substances necessary for a person, primarily those that remove poisons from the body. The body is subjected to a kind of "big wash". So falling asleep with alternate bending of one of the legs also conducts an “internal massage” of the liver.

Falling asleep on your back with your legs outstretched and your palms pressed against the bed allows you to ground energy through your hands. This posture is very good in the treatment of diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract. In fact, neither the right nor the left lung is clamped, and both function freely. Body temperature is regulated by the body itself. Respiration and blood circulation are closely interconnected and coordinated by special nerve centers of the medulla oblongata.

When a lung collapses (accumulation of air or gas between the shells that enclose the lungs), it is recommended to fall asleep in the same position, since this maintains a constant blood pressure, pulse rate and breathing, and the energy penetrating through the legs and head conducts "additional lung ventilation. With inflammation of the lungs, falling asleep on the back improves blood circulation and, again, "additional ventilation of the lungs."

Falling asleep on your back with legs stretched out and palms pressed to the bed calms the nervous system. The muscles are relaxed, the energy penetrating through the head and legs calms the body, relieves fatigue, irritability, regulates the nervous system of blood vessels, and palms pressed to the bed help to overcome discomfort and, as it were, create additional support in the event of a depressive state.

Falling asleep on your back with outstretched legs and turned palms contributes to the fact that energy penetrates the body through the head, and through the legs, and through the hands. In this position, the energy of the organism merges more quickly with the energy of the cosmos surrounding the body, and the person quickly loses the sensation of the physical body, acquiring a state of weightlessness in a dream. The pose is very useful for people suffering from insomnia. Typically, insomnia is associated with various diseases and first you need to cure the underlying disease, but still falling asleep in this position quickly relaxes and calms the nervous system to some extent. It is indicated for people who are nervous, highly excitable, when any excitement, even on an insignificant occasion, disturbs sleep.

Sleep on the right and left side contributes, as already noted, to an increase or decrease in temperature, but at the same time to a change in blood circulation, as well as a redistribution of the load on the organs.
Falling asleep on the left side is not recommended for heart and circulatory diseases, as well as for people suffering from insomnia. Falling asleep on the left side is used for diseases of the liver and right kidney.
When falling asleep on the left side with straight legs and arms extended along the body (fingers slightly bent), the energy penetrates through the head, legs and right arm. The pose is used when falling asleep in extreme cold to warm the body. In addition, falling asleep on the left side transfers the load on the right lung and, accordingly, affects blood circulation and the activity of the right hemisphere of the brain. Falling asleep in this position increases the metabolism in the body and somewhat activates the liver, since the main energy passes through the right half of the body. An additional load is created on the heart, and since the pulmonary arteries, which carry venous blood saturated with carbon dioxide, go from the heart to the lungs, with an additional load, the carbon dioxide content rises slightly.

The main source of energy formed during dissimilation and used by the body is the decomposition of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates, which enter the body mainly in the form of complex sugars (yes - and polysaccharides - sucrose, starch), are broken down under the action of enzymes into gastrointestinal tract into simple sugars - monosaccharides (glucose), which are absorbed into the blood and carried by it to various organs and tissues. Much of the glucose is deposited in the liver and converted to glycogen. The content of glucose in the blood varies depending on the state of the body. The regulation of carbohydrate metabolism is carried out by the central nervous system how by direct impact on the liver, and through the endocrine glands that produce hormones (mainly adrenaline and insulin). A significant part of the energy needed by the body for muscle work is covered by the oxidation of carbohydrates.

That is why, falling asleep on your left side (in the absence of the mentioned contraindications), you will feel an additional surge of strength after waking up. This posture is conducive to the assimilation of the difficult educational material because it activates the right hemisphere of the brain. With the help of the right hemisphere, we see what may be a figment of our imagination, what exists only in our mind, or we remember real things. Thanks to him, we understand symbols and metaphors, dream and come up with new combinations of ideas. This hemisphere gives work to intuition and inner vision - thanks to it, everything sometimes falls into place contrary to the laws of logic. This hemisphere operates in a subjective, relative mode, regardless of time. One of its main properties is the ability to create images. It can evoke an image and then "look" at it. These images can reflect information coming from the past, present and future.

Falling asleep on the left side is favorable for patients with diabetes. Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease in which the metabolism of carbohydrates and water in the body is most disturbed. The essence of the disease lies in the insufficient absorption of carbohydrates by the cells from food, which is associated with a violation of the function of the pancreas and, in particular, with insufficient production of insulin by it. A lack of insulin leads to a violation of water metabolism, as a result of which the tissues do not retain water, dry out, and the water not absorbed by the tissues is released into in large numbers kidneys.

Falling asleep on the left side with bent legs helps to increase the impact of energy on the lower back. Until balance is established with the energy of the surrounding space, the energy of the body will be redistributed at the level of the kidneys, which will create an additional load on them. By sleeping in this position, you prevent the formation of kidney stones. During the redistribution of energy, the blood is squeezed out of the kidneys due to bent legs; as they are brought into a normal stretched position during sleep energy flow pours into the kidneys and flushes out everything that is deposited there. Bending one of the legs increases the load on one of the kidneys: the left - on the left, the right - on the right. Therefore, people who have stones in one of the kidneys are best to fall asleep on their side, pressing their right or left leg to their chest, respectively, leaving the other straight.

Falling asleep on the left side with bent legs also affects the liver. At this time, metabolism is enhanced in it, carried out with the participation of various enzymes, which are regulated both directly by the nervous system and with the participation of certain hormones (adrenaline, insulin, etc.). In the liver, the following is carried out: the synthesis of blood proteins (albumin, globulins, etc.) from amino acids supplied with the blood; synthesis of glycogen (animal starch) from simple carbohydrates (glucose, fructose, etc.); glycogen is deposited in the liver "in reserve" and in cases where the body needs increased energy consumption. At muscle work glycogen is converted to glucose, which enters the bloodstream. Therefore, in the upcoming difficult work associated with muscle load, as well as in the prevention of stagnant processes in the liver, I recommend falling asleep in this position.
Falling asleep on the right side is best in hot weather, as this causes some cooling of the body. The position on the right side - the dominance of the lunar breath (associated with the left mental channel) - according to dream yoga, promotes creative sleep. At the same time, the legs must be warm and slightly bent. The left hemisphere analyzes, calculates, notices time, makes plans, evaluates logically and consistently performs actions. It expresses thoughts in words, draws conclusions based on the laws of logic.

When falling asleep on the right side, there is a feeling of passivity, peace, constancy. Falling asleep on the right side is the best way to prevent many diseases.
Falling asleep on the right side with straight outstretched legs helps to overcome anxiety and feelings of sadness. When falling asleep in this position, the load on the heart is reduced, blood circulation is regulated, which is very important in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Falling asleep on the right side with bent legs facilitates the work of the stomach, more precisely, its left (wide) part. It makes up the body and fundus of the stomach; in its mucous membrane, the bulk of the digestive glands that secrete gastric juice are concentrated. The gastric phase of digestion takes place in it: the food mass is washed with gastric juice and crushed. When falling asleep with bent legs, the main energy will be redistributed at the level of the stomach and will have a beneficial effect on other digestive organs. Since the stomach is innervated by the vagus and sympathetic nerves, and the vagus nerve simultaneously innervates the liver, pancreas and other digestive organs, falling asleep in this position will be a kind of internal massage and prevention of diseased organs of the digestive tract.

Falling asleep on the right side with the right leg bent has an additional energy effect on the stomach, as the energy goes through the head, the left leg extended and straight left hand, but is restored at the level of the stomach and affects its left side by pressing the right leg to the chest.

When falling asleep on the right side with the left leg pressed and the right leg extended, the energy will "activate" the right side of the stomach. The role of the latter is the rhythmic evacuation of small portions of the digestive mass treated with gastric juice into the duodenum. In diseases of the duodenum, it is best to fall asleep in this position.

Falling asleep on the right side with the right leg bent is useful for cholelithiasis, the main cause of which is a violation of cholesterol metabolism and the normal composition of bile, and since the bulk of the digestive glands are concentrated in the right half of the body, additional stress causes extra work cholesterol metabolism and bile excretion.
Remember that the left side of the stomach is adjacent to the diaphragm, on which the heart is located on top, in the chest cavity. Overfilling the stomach before bed causes pressure on the heart and can interfere with its activity, which has special meaning with heart disease. Therefore, before going to bed, you should not overload the stomach.

And one more thing: when choosing a position for falling asleep, remember that the stomach performs an important function of adapting food to internal environment body - its warming, grinding, destruction of pathogenic microbes, protection from harmful and toxic substances.

The fact that sleep is simply necessary for human health, doctors do not get tired of repeating. So, everyone knows that you need to sleep at least 7 hours a day for an adult. But even this, it turns out, is not enough. It is also important to rest properly at night. So, which side is better to sleep on and what you need to know and remember about when you are going to relax with health benefits - this will be discussed further.

Why is sleep position so important?

Recently, experts have begun to say that it is very important not only to have enough time to rest at night. You also need to do it right. Many will be surprised: what does this mean? So, doctors answer that a lot depends on only one posture of night sleep, namely:

  • Work digestive system first of all.
  • state of immunity.
  • The appearance of the skin, especially the face.

It should be noted that, in fact, there are a lot of sleeping positions: on the back, on the stomach, but on one and the other side. People even manage to sleep in a ball, curled up in a very small ball.

Sleeping position on the back

Before you figure out which side is better to sleep on, it must be said that the representatives of the stronger sex are very fond of resting on their backs at night. But can it be done? What do doctors say about this state of affairs?

  1. This position makes breathing very difficult. That is why people who like to sleep on their backs often snore, which interferes with the sleep of others. But this is not the worst. A dangerous dream on the back is specifically for those who suffer from asthma or sleep apnea. After all, temporary pauses in breathing that occur in this case are considered very harmful.
  2. The second point that doctors talked about recently is that sleeping on your back leads to a decrease in the oxygen content in the blood, which significantly increases the risk of respiratory diseases. This became known as a result of previous studies.

Sleeping position on the right side

So which side is better to sleep on: on the right or on the left? Need to figure it out. What do experts say about night rest exactly on the right side?

  • It's not very good for the digestive system. After all, gastric juice in this case may not be in the stomach, but in the esophagus. Here you can answer the question “on which side is it better to sleep with heartburn?”. Definitely not on the right.
  • In this case, the work of the lymphatic system becomes a little less intense, that is, the removal of toxins from the body slows down.
  • Doctors say that sleeping on the right side is best in hot weather. After all, in this case, there is a natural cooling of the body.
  • It is very useful to rest at night on the right side of the body for those who suffer from gallstone disease.
  • On which side is it better to sleep for those who are in a state of constant anxiety? It's on the right. Researches of experts testify to it.

Sleeping position on the left side

What can be said about the position for sleeping on the left side? So, generally speaking, it is more useful. But only if we are talking about a healthy person.

  • In this case, the gastric juice is, as it were, in a bowl, that is, in the cavity of only the stomach.
  • The lymphatic system works without delay, toxins are removed from the body in a normal way.
  • This is a very useful posture for those people who suffer from diabetes. Or those patients who have problems in the liver. In this case, the anatomical feature of the body comes into play.

Sleep without nightmares

Sometimes people ask experts which side is better to sleep on after eating. So, doctors say that the best posture for this is rest on the right side of the body. And all because in this case, the processes of digestion of food will be in the active phase, and it will be easier for food to go to the duodenum. "What's with the nightmares?" - many will be surprised. Everything is simple. Often, if a person with a full stomach, especially if fatty or fried foods were consumed before going to bed, this is fraught with nightmares and night terrors. But you also need to remember that you should not go on a night's rest in a state of hunger. In this case, the dream will be sensitive, weak. And as a result, the body will not be able to fully relax.

About the sleep of cores and hypertensive patients

On which side is it better to sleep for the heart, that is, for those who suffer from hypertension and other "heart" problems? So, doctors say that in this case, the ideal position would be to sleep on your back. This helps the circulatory system work properly. Resting on the left side is not very good in this case. After all, the heart in this position is a little pinched, which causes an additional load on this body. If you fall asleep on your stomach, in this case, the respiratory system functions a little incorrectly, due to which the blood cannot be fully saturated with oxygen. Which, again, is not very useful for the cores.

Insomnia and trouble falling asleep

What is the best way to fall asleep for those who suffer from insomnia? People with such a problem, as well as excitable individuals, are best to lie on their backs. In this case, it is important to turn the palms up. This pose helps to completely calm down and relax as much as possible. And this is the first step on the way to high-quality and fast falling asleep.

Sleep position during pregnancy

Be sure to also tell about which side is better for pregnant women to sleep on. After all, bearing a baby is an important and crucial period when you need to carefully monitor not only your own health, but even such nuances as sleeping position. So, it should be noted that the tips here will vary depending on the period of gestation of the crumbs.

  1. Until about the 12th week of pregnancy, a girl can sleep in a way that suits her. It won't affect the baby in any way.
  2. Starting from the 12th week, the belly of the expectant mother begins to gradually grow. So it is best to avoid sleeping on your stomach. Also harmful is the posture on the back. After all, it leads to compression of the spine and impaired blood circulation.

At the same time, it is worth remembering that if the expectant mother has problems with blood pressure drops, then she should abandon the posture on her back from the very beginning of bearing a child.

Ideal sleeping position for pregnant women

Unfortunately, for a period of 6 months (second and third trimester), the expectant mother will have to give up any other position, except on her side. But which side of the body is best to give preference to? Answering the question about which side is better to sleep during pregnancy, doctors say: the most healthy sleep is on the left side. In this case, there is no squeezing of internal organs, blood flows better to the placenta, swelling decreases and pain in the back and pelvis disappears. If a woman is pregnant with twins, then it is sleep on the left side that is for her. In this case, the load on the kidneys and the heart is less, which is very, very important.

Some say that you need to sleep on your right side, others - on your left. Although, more of those who say that on the right.


There are many opinions about how best to sleep, and the debate about which position is the best has not subsided so far. Let's look at all the main sleeping positions and point out the pros and cons of each.

Sleep on your back

Most doctors agree that sleeping on your back is the healthiest. In this position, the thermoregulation of the body is best carried out, blood circulation is normalized. This pose is especially recommended for people suffering from hypertension.

Sleeping on your back with legs elevated (roller or pillow) prevents the development of varicose veins. This pose is recommended for people whose work is associated with a long stay on their feet.

But it should be remembered that prolonged lying on the back contributes to the compression of the vessels that feed the spine. Also in this position, nightmares often occur. Pregnant women should not sleep on their backs, as this position can cause back pain, exacerbate hemorrhoids, make it difficult to breathe, blood circulation, and even lower blood pressure. It will be uncomfortable to sleep on your back for people suffering from snoring.

Sleep on the left side

Sleep on the left side is recommended for diseases of the liver and right kidney, as well as for diabetes. Sleeping on the left side will be the best for a pregnant woman and her unborn baby. In this position, not only blood flow to the fetus improves, but also the work of the kidneys, which helps to reduce swelling of the legs and arms. For greater comfort, you can cross your legs or lay a pillow between your legs.

Sleep on right side

Sleeping on the right side is the best way to prevent many diseases. In this position, the load on the heart is reduced and blood circulation is well regulated. Falling asleep on the right side with straight outstretched legs helps to overcome anxiety.

It is recommended to sleep on the right side if you have eaten before going to bed and cannot fall asleep for a long time. In this position, food passes easily into the duodenum. In diseases of the duodenum itself, it is best to fall asleep on the right side with the left leg pressed and the right leg extended. If you have gallstone disease, bend your right leg.

However, it should be remembered that when falling asleep on the right side, the right lung and liver are clamped.

Sleep on your stomach

When there are back problems, many prefer to sleep on their stomach, although this is not very good - this creates a lot of pressure on the diaphragm, which makes it difficult to breathe. For this reason, it is not recommended to sleep on the stomach for hypertensive patients.

In addition, in this position, you have to turn your head strongly to the side, which compresses the blood vessels that feed the brain. It is simply dangerous for pregnant women to sleep on their stomachs - the pressure on the fetus will be too strong.

If you have a need to sleep on your stomach, then it is advisable to put a pillow under your lower abdomen and make sure that the last meal is no later than 4 hours before bedtime. If, after a heavy meal, you constantly go to bed on your stomach (or on your back), then this can contribute to the development of gastritis.

In general, you need to sleep in a way that is comfortable. Each person himself chooses by trial and error those postures that are most comfortable for him and during sleep, consciously or unconsciously changes them.

Earlier we wrote about healthy sleep and its role in human life. And today we decided to approach this issue, but from the opposite side. Try to remember if it happens that you woke up and your back hurts, your arms hurt, or you just feel uncomfortable. And why? One of the reasons may simply be the wrong position in which you were during sleep.

Which side is better to sleep on

It turns out that sleeping “correctly” is a whole science, few people think about such subtleties. But in vain! Today you will find out what the poses in a dream are talking about. After all, scientists have long proven that the sleeping position plays a role in a person's rest. Guess which one is the best? Is this the fetal position or, speaking plain language when we lie on our side. At the same time, we note right away that it is impossible to unambiguously answer which side it is better to sleep on.

To begin with, listen to your body, it will tell you how it is better and more convenient for it. If you sleep “correctly”, then in the morning you will feel great and you won’t find any breakage or other sores.

Sleep positions

Scientists have conducted many different experiments, thanks to which it is possible to identify the main recommended sleeping positions, as well as their features. Let's look at them in more detail.

Sleep on right side

In this position, it is important to sleep in hot weather. summer nights or during fever and fever. The fact is that lying on your right side, your body cools best. In this case, the legs should be kept warm and slightly bent. And this pose also helps to ease the work of the stomach, "remove from the soul" anxiety and sadness.

Sleep on the left side

Sleeping on the left side is useful in the presence of diabetes or various liver diseases. But in the presence of heart disease, impaired blood circulation and insomnia, such a pose is contraindicated!

Sleep on your stomach

This position is recommended for problems with the spine and for some back pain. The fact is that this pose helps to straighten the intervertebral cartilage. Place a small pillow in the lower abdomen to protect your lower back.

It is also not recommended to eat at least 3 hours before bedtime. We add that sleeping on the stomach is contraindicated for pregnant women (high pressure on the fetus)! And in this position, there will be difficulty breathing, neck numbness and stress on the blood vessels that feed the brain cells.

Sleep on your back

If you do not have heart, lung or blood pressure problems, then it is better to get rid of the habit of sleeping on your back. First, according to scientists, nightmares will often occur. And secondly, there is a squeezing of the vessels to the spine. Finally, remember to snore!

What to do with bad sleep?

If you sleep poorly or have any health problems, you may also find a clue to the correct sleeping position.

Let’s take a look at some common causes of sleep deprivation.

Frequent nightmares

If you wake up from nightmares at night, this does not mean that you have seen enough of "horror films"! There are other reasons, one of which is overeating. So remember that it is undesirable to eat at night, but at the same time, do not go to bed hungry. The fact is that a hungry person suffers from insomnia, and when he falls asleep, he can wake up from any rustle. If you still have to go to bed on a full stomach, and this happens during the holidays, and when you come late from guests, try to fall asleep lying on your right side, because we have already said that this position of the body helps the stomach work.


Many people suffer from this disease. Doctors advise such people to fall asleep lying on their backs with outstretched legs. It is very important that the palms are turned up. The body calms down and relaxes, allowing a person to fall asleep quickly and soundly.

Varicose veins and leg pain

In this case, the correct sleeping position is lying on your back, and keep your legs bent at the knees. Stretch your arms along the body, bend your fingers slightly and touch your hips with your palms. Representatives of oriental medicine assure that in such a position a person merges with the Universe into a single whole. Be that as it may, it has been proven that the legs in this position “gain strength”. In addition, the work of the heart muscle and blood circulation in general is optimized!

Bronchitis and other respiratory ailments

Dry cough at night prevents sleep. Try to sleep on your back with your legs stretched out and your hands palms down. In this position, your lungs will be able to function best and your muscles will be relaxed.

Back pain

With back problems, it is especially difficult to choose a position during sleep. However, many people mistakenly think that sleeping on your stomach is better. Consider the fact that lying on your back, the lower back bends, causing additional pain or discomfort. If you have a small pillow, try placing it under your lower abdomen. And for those who still try to sleep lying on their side, we advise you to throw one leg over the other to lower the pain threshold.

Heart and blood pressure problems

Hypertensive patients (high blood pressure) and people with a weak heart are best to sleep lying on their backs. In this position, nothing interferes with normal blood circulation. If you sleep on your left side, then the heart muscle is clamped and it works in “load mode”.

Summing up

Now you understand that there is no “perfect” sleeping position. It is up to you to decide which side to sleep on, based on the characteristics of the body and health in general. And for a healthy sleep, you should know how to choose the right one. bed sheets, pillow, mattress and even a bed.

And one more thing: cats in a dream.

Personally, my opinion is that all the same, when you fall asleep, you will roll over into a position that is convenient for you. Simply, having health problems, you can lie in the desired position during the day, for example, when watching a movie or just relaxing.

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