What to read 2 younger group. Fairy tales for children of the younger group

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  • Details Published: 27.04.2014 19:37 Views: 28826

    An approximate list of literature for reading to children in the 2nd junior group.

    Russian folklore

    Songs, nursery rhymes, incantations. “Finger-boy ...”, “Hare, dance ...”, “Night has come ...”, “Forty, forty ...?,“ I’m going to my grandmother, to my grandfather ... ”,“ Tili-bom! Tili-bom!...”; “Like our cat ...”, “A squirrel is sitting on a cart ...”, “Ay, kachi-kachi-kachi”, “We lived with my grandmother ...”, “Chiki-chiki-chikalochki ...”, “Kisonka-murysenka ...”, “Dawn-dawn ...”; “Grass-ant ...”, “There are three chickens on the street ...”, “Shadow, shade, sweat ...”, “Ribushka hen ...”, “Rain, rain, more ...”, “ Ladybug..,", "Rainbow-arc...".

    Fairy tales."Kolobok", arr. K. Ushinsky; "Wolf and goats", arr. A. N. Tolstoy; "Cat, rooster and fox", arr. M. Bogolyubskaya; "Swan geese"; "Snow Maiden and the Fox"; “Goby - black barrel, white hooves”, arr. M. Bulatova; "The Fox and the Hare", arr. V. Dahl; “Fear has big eyes”, arr. M. Serova; "Teremok", arr. E. Charushina.

    Folklore of the peoples of the world

    Songs. "Ship", "Braves", "Little Fairies", "Three Trappers" English, arr. S. Marshak; "What a Rumble", trans. from Latvian. S. Marshak; "Buy a bow ...", trans. with shotl. N. Tokmakova; "Frog Talk", "Intractable Hoopoe", "Help!" per. from Czech. S. Marshak.

    Fairy tales. "Mitten", "Goat-Dereza" Ukrainian, arr. E. Blaginina; "Two Greedy Little Bears", Hung., Arr. A. Krasnova and V, Vazhdaeva; "Stubborn goats", Uzbek, arr. Sh. Sagdulla; “Visiting the sun”, trans., from Slovak. S. Mogilevskaya and L. Zorina; "Nanny Fox", trans. from Finnish. E. Soini; "The brave fellow", trans. from Bulgarian L. Gribovoy; "Puff", Belarusian, arr. N. Myalika; “Forest bear and naughty mouse”, Latvian, arr. Yu. Vanaga, trans. L. Voronkova; "The Rooster and the Fox", trans. with shotl. M, Klyagina-Kondratieva; "The Pig and the Kite", a tale of the peoples of Mozambique, trans. from Portuguese. Y. Chubkova.

    Works of poets and writers of Russia

    Poetry. K. Balmont. "Autumn"; A. Blok. "Bunny"; A. Koltsov. “The winds are blowing ...” (from the poem “Russian Song”); A. Pleshcheev. “Autumn has come ...”, “Spring” (abbreviated); A. Maikov. "Lullaby", "The Swallow Rushed..." (from modern Greek songs); Ah, Pushkin. “Wind, wind! You are mighty! ..”, “Our light, sun!.”, “Month, month ...” (from “The Tale of dead princess and. seven heroes"); C. Black. "Private", "About Katyusha"; S. Marshak. "Zoo", "Giraffe", "Zebras", "Polar Bears", "Ostrich", "Penguin", "Camel", "Where the Sparrow Dined" (from the cycle "Children in a Cage"); "Quiet Tale", "The Tale of the Smart Mouse"; K. Chukovsky. "Confusion", "The Stolen Sun", "Moidodyr", "Fly-Sokotuha", "Hedgehogs Laugh", "Christmas Tree", "Aibolit", "Wonder Tree", "Turtle"; S. Grodetsky, "Who is this?"; V. Berestov. "Hen with chickens", "Goby"; N. Zabolotsky. "How mice fought with a cat"; V. Mayakovsky. “What is good and what is bad?”, “Whatever the page is, then an elephant, then a lioness”; K. Balmont, "Mosquitoes-makariki"; P. Kosyakov. "All of her"; A. Barto, P. Barto. "Dirty girl"; S. Mikhalkov. "Song of friends"; E. Moshkovskaya. "Greedy"; I. Tokmakova. "Bear".

    Prose. K. Ushinsky. "Cockerel with family", "Ducks", "Vaska", "Lisa-Patrikeevna"; T. Alexandrova. "Bear cub Burik"; B. Zhitkov. “How we went to the zoo”, “How we arrived at the zoo”, “Zebra”, “Elephants”, “How the elephant bathed” (from the book “What I saw”); M. Zoshchenko. -Smart bird"; G. Tsyferov. "About friends", "When there are not enough toys" from the book "About a chicken, the sun and a bear cub"); K. Chukovsky. "So and not so"; D. Mamin-Sibiryak. "Tale about brave hare - long ears, oblique eyes, short tail»; L. Voronkova. "Masha-confused", " Snowing"(from the book" It's snowing "); N. Nosov "Steps"; D, Kharms. "Brave hedgehog"; L. Tolstoy. "The bird made a nest..."; "Tanya knew the letters..."; "Vari had a siskin, ..", "Spring has come ..."; W. Bianchi. "Bathing cubs"; Y. Dmitriev. "Blue hut"; S. Prokofiev. "Masha and Oika", "When You Can Cry", "The Tale of ill-mannered little mouse"(from the book" Fairy Tale Machines "); V. Suteev. "Three kittens"; A. N. Tolstoy. "Hedgehog", "Fox", "Cocks".

    Works of poets and writers from different countries

    Poetry . E. Vieru. "The Hedgehog and the Drum", trans. with mold. I. Akima; P. Voronko. "Cunning Hedgehog", trans. from Ukrainian S. Marshak; L. Mileva. "Swift Foot and Gray Clothes", trans. from Bulgarian M. Marinova; A. Milne. "Three Chanterelles", trans. from English. N. Slepakova; N. Zabila. "Pencil", trans. from Ukrainian 3. Alexandrova; S. Kapugikyan. "Who will rather finish drinking", "Masha does not cry" trans. with arm. T. Spendiarova; A. Bosev. "Rain", trans. from Bulgarian I. Maznina; "The Finch Sings", trans. from Bulgarian I. Tokmakova; M. Carem. "My cat", trans. from French M. Kudinova.

    Prose. D. Bisset. "The Frog in the Mirror", trans., from English. N. Shereshevskaya; L. Muur. "Little Raccoon and the One Who Sits in the Pond", trans. from English. O. Exemplary; Ch. Yancharsky. "Games", "Scooter" (from the book "The Adventures of the Ushastik Bear"), trans. from Polish. V. Prikhodko; E. Bekhlerova. "Cabbage Leaf", trans. from Polish. G. Lukin; A. Bosev. "Three", lane, from Bulgarian. V. Viktorova; B. Potter. "Uhti-Tukhti", trans. from English. O. Exemplary; Y. Chapek. “A Hard Day”, “Into the Forest”, “Yarinka Doll” (from the book “The Adventures of a Dog and a Kitty”), trans. . Czechs. G. Lukin; O. Alfaro. "Goat Hero", trans. from Spanish T. Davityants; O. Panku-Yash. "Goodnight, Dooku!", trans. from Romanian. M. Olsufieva, “Not only in kindergarten” (abbreviated), trans. from Romanian. T. Ivanova.

    Sample list for memorization

    "Finger-boy ...", "Like our cat ...", "Cucumber, cucumber ...", "Mice lead a round dance.,.", Rus. nar. songs; A. Barto. "Bear", "Ball", "Ship"; V. Berestov. "Petushki"; K. Chukovsky. "Christmas tree" (abbreviated); E. Ilyina. "Our Tree" (abbreviated); A. Pleshcheev. "Rural song"; N. Sakonskaya. "Where is my finger?"

    Sakalova Elena
    Project "Week of Fairy Tales" (second junior group)

    2 junior group

    Theme of the first day "Beloved Day" fairy tales»

    Target: Draw the attention of children to the fact that fairy tales, many and they are all different

    Tasks: 1. Form children's interest in fairy tales

    2. Develop attention, imagination

    Motivational stage: A bear comes to visit the children and asks the children to remember fairy tales for him and his brothers

    Working with parents: Ask parents with children to look at books, select their favorites and bring them to the garden for an exhibition

    Problematic - activity stage:

    Games for the development of small motility: finger games Target: learn to pronounce words according to the text, develop fine motor skills fingers

    Reading fiction literature: L. N. Tolstoy "Three Bears"

    Target: Learn to perceive emotionally fairy tale, be attentive to the figurative word, memorize and emotionally expressively reproduce the words of the text

    Reader for little ones compiled by L. N. Eliseeva, Enlightenment 82, p. 132

    Musical and didactic games "Show who it is" Target: to form children's skills to relate music to characters fairy tales to learn to imitate the movements of children morning exercises with character fairy tales


    Outdoor games:

    "At the bear in the forest" Target: learn to run without bumping into each other

    "Geese-geese"Goal: consolidate words, learn to play by the rules

    Target: to teach children, when looking at their favorite books and illustrations, to rejoice at a meeting with a book, familiar characters; learn to communicate their impressions to peers

    Subject second day"Finger Theater Day"

    Target: Arouse children's interest in finger theater (bibabo)


    Motivational stage: A gingerbread man comes to visit, invites children on a journey through fairy tale

    Problematic - activity stage:

    Reading fiction literature:

    "Kolobok" (finger theatre) Target: recall fairy tale, educate children's interest in staging fairy tales to develop speech

    DI "From what fairy tale character» Target: develop memory, attention; educate children's interest in fiction

    Building games "Let's build houses for characters" Target: arouse interest in building games, develop fantasy, imagination

    finger games "Tabunok" "Visiting" Target: development of fine motor skills, speech Observation: "Theater on the site" Target: Make snow figures with children to form children's interest in playing.

    Outdoor games:

    "Roll the ball" Target: Learn to throw

    "Passing Balls" Target: to consolidate the skills of transferring objects, to develop orientation in space.

    Independent games with finger theater Target: to develop independence in children

    Topic of the third day "Day of the Russian Folk fairy tales»

    Target: Arouse children's interest in Russian folk fairy tale


    1. Form the ability to listen carefully

    fairy tale

    3. Develop children's speech

    Motivational stage: The book invites children to visit, find out what fairy tales are different

    Working with parents: Article "Finger Games"

    Problematic - activity stage:

    Educational situation "What are you fairy tales Target: to form children's interest in fairy tales, cause a desire to listen to them.

    Finger games: develop fine motor skills of fingers, learn to correlate words with actions

    Reading fiction literature: "Fox hare and rooster" Target: to teach children to perceive emotionally fairy tale memorize and expressively reproduce words

    “Consider books with Russian folk fairy tales» Target: introduce children to the world of beauty.

    Morning exercises with a character fairy tales

    "Consideration fabulous illustrations on the verandas» Target: remember from which fairy tales and who are the characters

    Outdoor games:

    "Cat and Mice" Target: Strengthen your running skills

    "The mother hen and the chicks" Target: to consolidate the skills of crawling and running Didactic games

    "Tell me what story" Target: learn to guess illustration fairy tales

    "Guess the Hero" Target: learn to guess the hero fairy tales based on his lines

    Theme of the fourth day "Day of the puppet theater"

    Target: Arouse children's interest in puppet theater


    1. To form the ability to carefully watch and listen to the characters

    2. Raise children's interest in the theater

    3. Develop children's creativity, imagination

    Motivational stage: The Masha doll comes to visit the children, invites them to look and talk about dolls

    Problematic - activity stage:

    Educational situation "Why do we need puppets" Target: consolidate children's knowledge about toys, what they are for

    Reading fiction literature: V. Berestov "Bear, bear, couch potato" Target: to teach children to emotionally perceive poems, to understand the content poetic texts feel the rhythm of poetic speech; encourage them to express their impressions in independent statements. Learn to act out a poem.

    Development of fine motor skills

    "Turnip", "Pancakes" "Economy" Target: development of fine motor skills of fingers, speech Morning exercises with a character

    Take the dolls to the site Target: teach children to play with dolls, create situations,

    Outdoor games:

    "The mother hen and the chicks" Target: to consolidate the skills of crawling, running.

    "Roll the ball" Target: consolidate rolling skills Didactic games

    "When does it happen?"

    Clarify children's knowledge about the seasons, their characteristic features.

    "More less"

    Exercise children in distinguishing and comparing the size of objects (more, less, same).

    Topic of the fifth day "Day fairy tales writers from different countries

    Target: Arouse children's interest in fairy tales different peoples and authors


    1. To form the ability to carefully watch and listen to the characters

    2. Raise children's interest in fairy tales

    3. Develop children's creativity, imagination

    Motivational stage: The teacher offers to get acquainted with the Ukrainian folk fairy tale. A cockerel comes to visit, asks the children what fairy tales they know where my character is.

    Problematic - activity stage:

    Educational situation "What are fairy tales Target: arouse children's interest in storytelling different fairy tales , learn to listen fairy tales writers from different countries

    Reading fiction literature:

    "Spikelet" (ukr.) Target: introduce children to the Ukrainian folk fairy tale, continue to teach children to emotionally perceive the content fairy tales, memorize actors and sequence of events.

    Flannelgraph \ table theater "Teremok" Target: to exercise children in storytelling with characters, consolidate the ability to pronounce the endings of words, develop the speech of children

    Plot - role-playing games

    "Bookshop" Target: introduce children to bookstore, clarify that Morning exercises with a character are sold there fairy tales

    Outdoor games:

    "Cuckoo" Target: develop attention, auditory perception

    "Bear" Target: Strengthen running skills, instill in children a desire to play Komi games.

    Looking at books and illustrations

    Target: continue to teach children to look at their favorite books and illustrations, to learn to enjoy meeting with a book, familiar characters; to consolidate the ability to communicate their impressions to peers

    The younger preschool age is the most favorable period comprehensive development child. At the age of 3-4, all mental processes actively develop in children: perception, attention, memory, thinking, imagination and speech. In the same period, the formation of the basic qualities of the personality takes place. Therefore, none of the children's ages requires such a variety of means and methods of development and education as the younger preschool.




    The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, good fellows lesson"- we know these words childhood.

    After all, a fairy tale not only entertains, but also unobtrusively educates, introduces the child to the world around him, good and evil. Thanks to the fairy tale, the child learns the world not only with the mind, but also with the heart. And not only cognizes, but also responds to the events and phenomena of the surrounding world, expresses his attitude to good and evil. The fairy tale activates the child's imagination, makes him empathize and internally contribute to the characters. As a result of this empathy, the child acquires not only new knowledge, but also, most importantly, a new emotional attitude to the environment: to people, objects, phenomena.

    From fairy tales, children draw a lot of knowledge: the first ideas about time and space, about the connection between man and nature, objective world. Fairy tales allow children for the first time to see good and evil, to be sensitive to other people's troubles and joys. After all, a fairy tale for a child is not just fiction, fantasy, it is a special reality of the world of feelings. Listening to fairy tales, children deeply sympathize with the characters, they have an inner impulse to assist, to help, to protect.

    As a rule, fairy tales carry a centuries-old folk wisdom. They are very accessible and intelligibly explain to children certain aspects of life. It is known that children who are constantly read fairy tales learn to speak and correctly formulate their thoughts much faster.

    Preventive works

    They will help give parents answers to children's questions (sometimes not even spoken)

    "What will happen if ... I will not wash, eat, obey ?."

    A. Borto "Girl grimy",

    K. Chukovsky "Moydodyr", "Fedorino grief",

    M Vitkovskaya "About how the boy tempered his health",

    S. Mikholkov “About mimosa”, “About a girl who ate badly”, “Vaccination”,

    E. Uspensky “Children who eat poorly in kindergarten”

    N. Naydenova "Our towels",

    N Yasminov "Our towels",

    L. Voronkov "Masha the Confused".

    Books that form the personality of a child

    Fairy tales are an integral part child education. Reading fairy tales, parents form the basis of communication and behavior in the child. M. Prishvin, V. Bianchi, N Sladkov, D. Mamin-Sebiryak, P. Bozhov and others.

    Concepts of Mutual Aid(Works by N. Nosov, V. Dragunsky, A. Milne, S. Kozlov, etc.)

    Ideas about responsiveness(Stories by M. Zoshchenko, K. Ushinsky, L. Tolstoy, A. Tolstoy, V. Dragunsky, etc.)

    Relationships in the family

    V. Anne "Mom, dad, 8 children and a truck"

    P. Travers "Mary Popins"

    T. Mikheeva "Light Mountains"

    M. Bond "Paddington Bear", etc.

    Overcoming anxiety and fears

    Fairy tales “Fear has big eyes”, “Cat-voivode”, etc.

    A. Lindgren "There are no robbers in the forest"

    N. Nosov "Knock, knock, knock"

    S. Cherny "When there is no one at home"

    Y. Dragunsky "NOT bang, not bang"

    C. S. Lewis "The Chronicles of Narnia" and more.

    About sickness, loss and death

    Fairy tale "Tiny-hovroshechka",

    Fairy tale "Vasilisa the Beautiful", Yu

    M. Maurice "The Blue Bird",

    A. Platonov "Nikita", "Cow"

    Y. Ermolakev "House of brave cowards"

    Reminder for parents


    in a child's life

    was compiled by Balakina T.A.


    Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution"Kindergarten No. 11"


    "Fairy tales are always with us!"

    in the second junior group №03

    Completed by: Balakina T.A.

    2017-2018 academic year

    “Through a fairy tale, fantasy, game -

    through the unique children's creativity -

    the right way to a child's heart

    V. A. Sukhomlinsky

    Project passport.

    Project type: Our project is cognitive - speech, creative, artistic and aesthetic, group.

    Project participants:children 3-4 years old, teachers, parents of pupils.

    Subject: formation cognitive interest to Russian folk tales.

    By duration:short-term (1 week) from 03/26/2017 to 04/01/2017

    By nature of contacts:carried out within one age group, in contact with the family, inside the preschool.

    Project relevance:

    The younger preschool age is the most favorable period for the comprehensive development of the child. At the age of 3-4, all mental processes actively develop in children: perception, attention, memory, thinking, imagination and speech. In the same period, the formation of the basic qualities of the personality takes place. Therefore, none of the children's ages requires such a variety of means and methods of development and education as the younger preschool. One of the most effective means development and education of the child in early preschool age is the theater and theatrical games. The game is the leading activity of children preschool age, and the theater is one of the most democratic and accessible forms of art, which allows you to solve many actual problems pedagogy and psychology related to artistic and moral education, the development of the communicative qualities of the individual, the development of imagination, fantasy, initiative, etc.

    Objective of the project:

    Introduce children to Russian folk tales, instill love and interest in Russian folk art. To form the ability to recognize and name them by individual episodes and heroes.


    To form children's knowledge about Russian folk tales.

    Develop cognitive abilities child, curiosity, creative imagination, memory, fantasy.

    Familiarization of children with the means of artistic expression. To develop the ability to distinguish fairy-tale situations from real ones.

    Children understand the emotional state of the heroes of fairy tales and their own; - Involve children in the reproduction of images using various options; - To develop the ability to retell fairy tales.

    Lay the foundations of morality, educate moral values

    Arouse interest in fairy tales. -Involve children in the process of knowing good and evil, honesty and justice.

    Expected results:

    1. Children got acquainted with fairy tales.

    2. Children of the second younger group learned to recognize fairytale heroes by illustrations.

    3. During didactic games children consolidated knowledge of colors, quantity, counting.

    4. Children will take great pleasure in drama and puppet shows.

    5. Children will learn how to create in creative works display read.

    Stages of project implementation:

    Preparatory stage:

    Questioning of parents "The role of a fairy tale in the upbringing of children"

    Formulation of the goal and objectives, the content of the project;

    Discussion of the project with the participants, finding out the possibilities, means,

    Required for the implementation of the project, the definition of content

    activities of all project participants.

    Selection of methodical and didactic material.

    Compilation fiction.

    Drawing up notes of classes, conversations.

    Selection of proverbs, sayings, riddles on the topic of the project.

    Main stage:

    Project implementation.




    Informative- speech development



    Conversation "Who writes

    Fairy tales?"

    Conversation "Who came to

    We are in the house "

    Is a conversation necessary?

    Obey adults.

    Physical development

    motor activity

    P. / The game "Hares and the wolf".

    P. / The game "Geese".

    P. / The game "At the bear's

    pine forest"

    logarithmic exercise

    "Kitten naughty."

    Social communicative development

    Game activity

    D / game "Learn a fairy tale by


    D / game "Collect a fairy tale from


    Role-playing game "Hairdresser for Baba Yaga".

    Theatrical box - staging of the fairy tales "Turnip", "Ryaba Hen".

    Speech development


    Fairy tales "Turnip",

    Fairy tales "Masha and

    Bear", "Geese-swans",

    "Sister Alyonushka and

    Brother Ivanushka "" Cat

    Rooster and fox.


    "Three Bears"


    illustrations for Russian

    Folk tales.

    GCD for Speech Development

    "Fairytale box".

    Riddles by

    fairy tales

    Artistic and aesthetic development



    Color the hero of a fairy tale

    "Kolobok in the meadow"

    "Bowl for three


    Working with parents.

    Booklets "A fairy tale in the life of a child"

    Information for parents "The role of fairy tales in the upbringing of children."

    Visual-information cooperation "What and how to read at home to children"

    The final stage.

    Drawing competition "My favorite fairy-tale hero"

    Final event theatrical activity Teremok.

    Abstract of a modeling lesson in the younger group "Bowl for three bears"

    Target: to form the ability in children to sculpt objects of the same shape, but of different sizes.


    1. Fix the methods of rolling, flattening, deepening by pressing, aligning the edges with your fingers.

    2.Develop creative imagination.

    3. Enrich vocabulary children.

    Lesson progress

    You know, guys, this morning the postman-Mishka, who lives in our locker room, handed me a letter. This is a letter from the Toptygin family. They ask us to help. They urgently need bowls for the entire bear family. The letter even contains a drawing drawn by their son Mishutka. These are the bowls they would like. (Reviewing the drawing)

    Let's help the Toptygins?

    See what these bowls are?

    What is the difference?

    I suggest you mold plasticine bowls. How should plasticine be divided in order to fashion such bowls?

    We will roll three different lumps of plasticine. Show how you will do it. (Children show rolling lumps with their palms in the air). Then we flatten them with our palms and make a “dimple” in the middle, deepen them. The edges of the bowl should be even, neat. (Children show actions on the palm of their hand).

    And now let's take another look at the bowls drawn by Mishutka. See how beautiful they are? How can we decorate our bowls?

    I suggest you take a break and play a little.

    Physical education:

    For a long, long time we sculpted

    Our fingers are tired.

    Let them rest a little.

    And start sculpting again.

    Let's spread our hands together.

    And let's start sculpting again.

    Guys, you have to try. Bear-postman promised only very beautiful work send to the Toptygin family. What will you start with?

    Get to work.

    (Include audio recording).

    Having finished modeling, the children expose finished works are considering. They choose bowls that, in their opinion, should be sent to the Toptygins. Stacked in a pre-prepared postal boxobka and take it to Mishka the postman.

    Abstract of the lesson on the development of speech "Fairytale chest"

    Target : Develop children's interest in fairy tales and deepen knowledge about fairy tales.


    1. To form the ability to recognize fairy tales on assignment.

    2. Ensure the ability of children to guess riddles according to the content of fairy tales.

    3. To consolidate children's knowledge of Russian folk tales.

    4. Develop cognitive and speech activity. Expand the vocabulary of words.

    Preliminary work:

    Examining illustrations for fairy tales.

    Puppet show.

    Material for the lesson:

    Wizard's letter.

    Chest with tasks.

    Illustrations for fairy tales.

    Puzzles depicting fairy tales.

    Lesson progress

    My name is storyteller. Guys, do you like to listen to fairy tales? …

    And what are fairy tales? .... (r. n. sk., which are composed by the people and copyright,

    that writers write

    How can one say about fairy tales if there is a miracle in fairy tales? (wonderful,

    there is good (good, there is magic?., wisdom?.

    Knock on the door. We received a letter from good wizard, he writes that the evil Baba Yaga stole all the fairy tales. What to do? Let's save

    fairy tales!

    Oh, look, there is a chest, and there is a note: I am reading, and you are listening.

    “If you complete all the tasks, then I will return the fairy tales to you! B. Ya.

    Well guys, let's get started! We open the chest.

    The child takes out task number 1

    "You have to guess the riddles and find the picture - the answer on the board."

    1. In this house without worries, animals lived, only now,

    The bear came to them and broke the animal house. (teremok)

    2. Buckets come to the house with water, the stove goes with itself ...

    What is a miracle, really? This is a fairy tale about (Emelya)

    3. From the ballroom of the king, the girl ran home,

    I lost my crystal shoe on the stairs (Cinderella)

    4. I went to visit my grandmother, she carried pies to her,

    grey Wolf followed her, deceived and swallowed .... (Little Red Riding Hood)

    Well done! Completed the task.

    The child gets task number 2.

    Get up quickly all around, we need to dance!


    There is a hut in the dark forest

    Standing backwards

    In that hut there is an old woman

    Baba Yaga lives!

    Crochet nose, big eyes

    Like coals are burning

    Wow, what an angry! Hair stands on end.

    (children perform movements)

    The child takes out a card with task number 3.

    Guys, look closely at the pictures. Which fairy tale is depicted here, and which is superfluous? (The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish., and one is from the fairy tale Masha and the Bear)

    Well done! Good.

    We open task number 4.

    It is necessary to divide into teams and make a fairy tale from split pictures (puzzles)!

    Children collect. And now you need to name the fairy tale that you got,

    and remember a few lines from this tale. (optional dramatization of the passage.)

    Well done! You did well on this one too! And all the fairy tales returned

    rescued from Baba Yaga.

    Everyone worked hard and the Storyteller gives you all gifts - coloring pages

    by fairy tales.

    Abstract of a drawing lesson in the younger group "Color the hero of the fairy tale" Gingerbread Man in the Glade "

    Target : learning the skill of drawing and accurately painting a circle.

    Tasks :

    1. Develop the ability to properly hold a pencil, carefully shade the shape;

    2. To instill an emotionally positive attitude towards drawing, a desire to make your work bright and beautiful.

    3. Continue to form the ability to draw a circle (kolobok, sun) with colored pencils in a certain place on the plot picture, draw elements (eyes, nose, mouth);

    Lesson progress

    Children you used to be small, but now you have grown up and become bigger. Today even guests came to us to look at you. Look at them, say hello.

    surprise moment

    Oh, look, here someone is hiding under a handkerchief! Do you want to know who is there? Then guess the riddle:

    Grandma kneaded

    No bun, no pancakes,

    How to put it on the table

    He left his grandmother.

    Who runs without legs?

    This is a round…

    Children: Kolobok.

    Main part

    That's right, look: a bun rolled up to us from a fairy tale! What is the name of this fairy tale? Well done! This is Russian folk tale"Kolobok".

    From whom did the bun run away?

    Where did he roll?

    And whom did Kolobok meet in the forest?

    What song did he sing?

    What animal did he meet last?

    What was the fox? (sly)

    Did she like the song?

    What did she ask Kolobok?

    Show your nose.

    See what kind of fox I have drawn. Let me draw a bun on her nose. What kind of pencil should I take? To make a bun, what figure should be drawn? See how I draw: I put a dot on the nose of the fox, from it I start to draw a circle upwards. From where the pencil ran away - it returned there! It turned out a circle. Now I will carefully paint over it, but I won’t run out of the edge! What else can be added to the kolobok? What kind of pencil do you need? With a black pencil I draw eyes, a nose and a mouth so that he can sing and smile. Do you like kolobok? Let's add some more sunshine. Let him see our cheerful kolobok. green pencil fit? Why? Of course, the sun is yellow and ... what shape? Round, yellow and what does he have? Lots of rays. Here's what! Like my drawing? Would you like to draw like this? Let's stretch our fingers first.

    Finger gymnastics "Kolobok"

    A fist, like a Gingerbread Man, we will squeeze it once,

    Well, and the fingers - little animals, have fun at the edge.

    This finger will be a bunny, he is a runaway in the forest,

    This finger is a gray wolf - a gray wolf clicks with its teeth,

    This finger is a brown bear, a clubfoot rascal,

    This one is a red fox, she is the beauty of the whole forest.

    The animals all live together, they sing songs loudly!

    We sit down at the tables. Sat nicely, the back is straight. What kind of pencil do we take? Show how you hold it correctly. What shape are we drawing?

    Independent work of children. Providing individual assistance.

    Children who completed the work quickly are invited to color the clouds or Christmas trees.

    Job Analysis

    Well done boys. Completed the task. Let's see what kind of koloboks we got.

    What kind of bun do you like, Vanya? Why? And you, Katya? Why? (ask a few children). And I really liked your koloboks. They are so round and ruddy. Did you work hard? Did you enjoy drawing? Let's clap ourselves!

    Synopsis of FEMP in the second junior group

    "Journey through the fairy tale" Gingerbread Man"



    To exercise children in comparing two groups of objects by means of an application, to learn to designate the results of the comparison with words equally, equally, how much, so much, more, less.

    To consolidate the concepts of many, one.
    - To consolidate the ability to distinguish and name geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle).
    - Exercise in the ability to highlight the main features of objects (shape, size, color);
    - Exercise in the ability to compare two objects in size, length, indicate the result of the comparison with the words big, small; long short.

    Exercise in the ability to distinguish spatial directions from oneself, and designate them with words: in front - behind, left - right.


    Develop visual attention; memory, logical thinking.

    Develop general motor skills, physical activity.

    Develop an emotional response.


    To cultivate responsiveness, kindness, interest in mathematics.

    Demo material:

    Toys: grandmother, hare, wolf, bear, fox, bun, fox house. Hares, carrots for flannelgraph. Chest, circle, square, triangle, 2 tracks of different lengths and colors.


    Geometric figures(circle, square, triangle) for each child, squares ("handkerchiefs") with curly cuts, flags

    Preliminary work:

    Reading fairy tales; D / games on FEMP and sensory development “How much, so much”, “Let's treat the animals”, “Find the same figure”, “What does the figure look like”, Lay out the picture”, “Spread out by length”, “Show the animals home”, “ Box of forms”, “Tell me which one”; guessing riddles about fairy-tale characters.

    Integration of educational areas:

    Cognitive development, speech development, social and communicative development, physical development.

    Lesson progress

    Educator: Look, children, how many guests we have today. Let's greet them with a rhyme:

    Hello hands, clap, clap, clap.

    Hello legs, top-top-top.

    Hello my nose, beep-beep-beep.

    Hello cheeks, plop plop plop.

    Hello my mouth, smack-smack-smack.

    Hello dear guests!

    Educator: Guys, do you like fairy tales? Do you want to get into a fairy tale right now? And what fairy tale we will fall into, you guess. Listen to the riddle:

    Straight from the shelf over the threshold

    The ruddy side ran away

    Our friend rolled away

    Who is this? (Kolobok)

    That's right, well done! And to get into a fairy tale, we need to close our eyes and say the magic words:

    Let's clap together, one, two, three.

    Fairy tale open the door for us!

    Educator: There lived a grandfather and a woman in a clearing by the river.

    And they loved very, very koloboks on sour cream.

    The grandmother kneaded the dough, she blinded the kolobok.

    She put it in the oven and left it there.

    He came out ruddy, handsome and like the sun.

    He wanted to cool down a little and lay down on the window.

    But trouble happened to him

    The red-tailed fox dragged the bun.

    I think someone is coming. Yes, it's grandma! She is very worried that the fox dragged the bun. Guys, let's help grandma, find the kolobok and bring it home.

    Children: Yes, help!

    Educator: And who did the bun meet first on its way?

    Children: Bunny.

    Educator: This is where we'll go:

    To get us to the hare,

    You have to cross the puddles

    Raise your legs higher

    Walk through puddles.

    And here is the bunny! Let's say hello to him! And the rabbit has younger brothers hares. How many big hares?

    Children: One.

    Educator: How many little ones?

    Children: A lot.

    Educator: What color is the big rabbit?

    Children: White.

    Educator: And the little ones?

    Children: Grey.

    Educator: What are rabbit ears like? (Long). What about the tail? (Short). The hare asks us to feed the rabbits. What do bunnies like to eat? (Carrot). And here is the carrot. Let's give each bunny one carrot. (Children take turns giving carrots).

    Educator: How many bunnies? (A lot of). How many carrots? (Many) What more? (Equally, equally, how many rabbits, so many carrots). One hare wanted to take a walk and ran away. And now equally? (Not). What more?

    (Carrots). How can we make it equal again?

    (Return the bunny). And in another way? (Remove one carrot).

    Educator: We treated the rabbits. And it's time for us to move on. Goodbye bunnies. Whom did the gingerbread man meet in the forest second?

    Children: Wolf.

    Educator: We will go to him:

    On the track, on the track

    Our legs have gone.

    We walk along the path

    And we clap our hands

    Clap-clap-clap. They came.

    Educator: Hello wolf. Why are you sad.

    Wolf teacher:The cunning fox closed my chest, and I don't know how to open it.

    Educator: I know what to do! It is necessary to correctly name the keys and then the lock will open. Children name geometric shapes (Circle, square, triangle), their signs, color. The chest opens.

    Wolf teacher:Ouch! What did the fox do! She made holes in my handkerchiefs, And I wanted to give them to my friends!

    Educator: Guys, let's fix the handkerchiefs and put patches on them. (Geometric figures large and small).

    Children: Working with handouts.

    Well done, they did it and helped the wolf. Say goodbye to the wolf. Who did the bun meet third? (Bear). Let's go to the bear:

    Along forest paths

    Our feet are walking


    Our legs are wandering

    We walked, walked, walked

    They came to visit the bear.

    Hello bear! The bear is bored and he calls us to play. (Children take one flag each). You have to be very careful and do what the bear says.

    Bear caregiver:Put a flag on the back. Take the flag in your right hand. Put right. Where is the flag? Put on the left. Where is the flag? Put in front of you. Where is the flag? Take the checkbox left hand. In which hand is the flag? Lift up. Where is the flag? Drop down. Where is the flag? Pat yourself on the head right hand. Well done.

    Educator: We made the bear happy. Let's say goodbye to him! The bear told us that you can go to the fox's house along a long path. And there are two of them. Are the tracks the same length or different? (Various). Which one is longest? (short?) Let's go:

    Legs walked along the long path

    We walked for a long time, finally we came!

    And here is the fox's house. Let's knock, knock-knock-knock.

    Fox teacher:I hear, I hear. Who's come? (It's us guys!)

    Why did they come! (We want to return the bun to grandmother). I'll give you a kolobok if you complete my task. Held logic game"Guess what it is" with geometric shapes (ball, cube) Tasks for children:

    Take the red object, but not the ball.

    Take a blue object, but not a small one.

    Take a square object, but not a big one.

    Take a yellow object, but not a die, etc.

    Well done, children. I see that you are good children and have come a long way. So be it, I'll give you a kolobok.

    Educator: Thanks fox. Goodbye! And we have to go to grandma.

    We go, we go

    We are not in a hurry, we are not behind.

    We'll be visiting grandma soon.

    We'll bring her a bun.

    And here is the grandmother waiting for us. We return the kolobok to you, grandmother, and she says thank you to us. Let's tell grandma who we met in the forest? (Hare, wolf, bear, fox)

    How do we help bunnies? (They treated him with a carrot) A wolf? (They helped open the chest, sewed up handkerchiefs. What did they do with the bear? (Played with flags). Goodbye, grandmother. And it's time for us to return to the kindergarten. Let's say the magic words together:

    One, two, three, four, five,

    We returned to the garden again.

    Did you enjoy our fairy tale journey? (Answers of children). Most importantly, we did a lot of good deeds: we helped the animals and saved the bun from the fox. And you are all great!

    Mobile game "At the bear in the forest"

    Target : Teach children to alternately perform different functions (run away and catch).

    Game description : The bear's den is determined (at the end of the site) and the children's house on the other. Children go for a walk in the forest and perform movements according to the verse, which they say in chorus:

    At the bear in the forest

    Mushrooms, I take berries,

    The bear doesn't sleep

    And growls at us.

    As soon as the children have finished saying the poem, the bear gets up with a growl and catches the children, they run home.

    Mobile game "Hares and Wolf"

    Target: to develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal, exercise in running, jumping on both legs, squatting, catching.

    Game description: One of the players is appointed as a wolf, the rest depict hares. On one side of the site, hares mark their places with cones, pebbles, from which circles or squares are laid out. At the beginning of the game, the hares stand in their places. The wolf is at the opposite end of the site - in the ravine. The teacher says: “The bunnies are jumping, hop - hop - hop, onto a green meadow. They pinch the grass, listen to see if the wolf is coming. Hares jump out of the circles and scatter around the site. They jump on 2 legs, sit down, nibble grass and look around in search of a wolf. The teacher pronounces the word "Wolf", the wolf comes out of the ravine and runs after the hares, trying to catch and touch them. The hares run each to their own place, where the wolf can no longer overtake them. The wolf takes the caught hares into the ravine.

    Mobile game "Mousetrap"

    Target: to develop in children endurance, the ability to coordinate movements with words, dexterity. Exercise in running and squatting, building in a circle and walking in a circle.

    Game description : the players are divided into two unequal teams, the large one forms a circle - a “mousetrap”, the rest are mice. The words:

    Oh, how tired the mice are,

    Everyone ate, everyone ate.

    Beware the cheats

    We will get to you.

    Let's set up mousetraps

    Let's get everyone now!

    Then the children put their hands down, and the "mice" remaining in the circle stand in a circle and the mousetrap increases.

    Logarithmic exercises

    "Naughty Kitten"

    Target : develop a sense of rhythm, pace, fine motor skills, memory, attention, speech; evoke emotions of joy.

    Kitten calls mommy (rhythmically connect fingers)

    Meow meow meow.

    He didn’t drink milk (They cross their fingers, let go rhythmically)

    Little, little, little (thumbs up)

    Mom feeds milk (rhythmically stroked with the palm of one hand)

    Mur-mur-mur-mur-mur-mur (back of the other)

    Curl into a small ball (rhythmically rub fist on fist)

    Ur-ur-ur, ur-ur-ur.

    Reading literature contributes to the moral development of children and the correct perception of the world around them, forms attention and perseverance. It is important to select books by age, to explain to children the actions of the characters and the consequences of these actions.



    An approximate list of literature for reading to children in the 2nd junior group.

    Russian folklore

    Songs, nursery rhymes, incantations.“Finger-boy ...”, “Hare, dance ...”, “Night has come ...”, “Forty, forty ...?,“ I’m going to my grandmother, to my grandfather ... ”,“ Tili-bom! Tili-bom!...”; “Like our cat ...”, “A squirrel is sitting on a cart ...”, “Ay, kachi-kachi-kachi”, “We lived with my grandmother ...”, “Chiki-chiki-chikalochki ...”, “Kisonka-murysenka ...”, “Dawn-dawn ...”; “Grass-ant ...”, “There are three chickens on the street ...”, “Shadow, shade, sweat ...”, “Ribushka hen ...”, “Rain, rain, more ...”, “ Ladybug ..,", "Rainbow-arc ...".

    Fairy tales. "Kolobok", arr. K. Ushinsky; "Wolf and goats", arr. A. N. Tolstoy; "Cat, rooster and fox", arr. M. Bogolyubskaya; "Swan geese"; "Snow Maiden and the Fox"; “Goby - black barrel, white hooves”, arr. M. Bulatova; "The Fox and the Hare", arr. V. Dahl; “Fear has big eyes”, arr. M. Serova; "Teremok", arr. E. Charushina.

    Folklore of the peoples of the world

    Songs. "Ship", "Braves", "Little Fairies", "Three Trappers" English, arr. S. Marshak; "What a Rumble", trans. from Latvian. S. Marshak; "Buy a bow ...", trans. with shotl. N. Tokmakova; "Frog Talk", "Intractable Hoopoe", "Help!" per. from Czech. S. Marshak.

    Fairy tales. "Mitten", "Goat-Dereza" Ukrainian, arr. E. Blaginina; "Two Greedy Little Bears", Hung., Arr. A. Krasnova and V, Vazhdaeva; "Stubborn goats", Uzbek, arr. Sh. Sagdulla; “Visiting the sun”, trans., from Slovak. S. Mogilevskaya and L. Zorina; "Nanny Fox", trans. from Finnish. E. Soini; "The brave fellow", trans. from Bulgarian L. Gribovoy; "Puff", Belarusian, arr. N. Myalika; “Forest bear and naughty mouse”, Latvian, arr. Yu. Vanaga, trans. L. Voronkova; "The Rooster and the Fox", trans. with shotl. M, Klyagina-Kondratieva; "The Pig and the Kite", a tale of the peoples of Mozambique, trans. from Portuguese. Y. Chubkova.

    Works of poets and writers of Russia

    Poetry. K. Balmont. "Autumn"; A. Blok. "Bunny"; A. Koltsov. “The winds are blowing ...” (from the poem “Russian Song”); A. Pleshcheev. “Autumn has come ...”, “Spring” (abbreviated); A. Maikov. "Lullaby", "The Swallow Rushed..." (from modern Greek songs); Ah, Pushkin. “Wind, wind! You are mighty!..”, “Our light, sun!.”, “Month, month...” (from “The Tale of the Dead Princess and. Seven Bogatyrs”); C. Black. "Private", "About Katyusha"; S. Marshak. "Zoo", "Giraffe", "Zebras", "Polar Bears", "Ostrich", "Penguin", "Camel", "Where the Sparrow Dined" (from the cycle "Children in a Cage"); "Quiet Tale", "The Tale of the Smart Mouse"; K. Chukovsky. "Confusion", "The Stolen Sun", "Moidodyr", "Fly-Sokotuha", "Hedgehogs Laugh", "Christmas Tree", "Aibolit", "Wonder Tree", "Turtle"; S. Grodetsky, "Who is this?"; V. Berestov. "Hen with chickens", "Goby"; N. Zabolotsky. "How mice fought with a cat"; V. Mayakovsky. “What is good and what is bad?”, “Whatever the page is, then an elephant, then a lioness”; K. Balmont, "Mosquitoes-makariki"; P. Kosyakov. "All of her"; A. Barto, P. Barto. "Dirty girl"; S. Mikhalkov. "Song of friends"; E. Moshkovskaya. "Greedy"; I. Tokmakova. "Bear".

    Prose. K. Ushinsky. "Cockerel with family", "Ducks", "Vaska", "Lisa-Patrikeevna"; T. Alexandrova. "Bear cub Burik"; B. Zhitkov. “How we went to the zoo”, “How we arrived at the zoo”, “Zebra”, “Elephants”, “How the elephant bathed” (from the book “What I saw”); M. Zoshchenko. -Smart bird"; G. Tsyferov. "About friends", "When there are not enough toys" from the book "About a chicken, the sun and a bear cub"); K. Chukovsky. "So and not so"; D. Mamin-Sibiryak. "The Tale of the Brave Hare - long ears, slanting eyes, short tail"; L. Voronkova. "Masha the Confused", "It's Snowing" (from the book "It's Snowing"); N. Nosov "Steps"; D, Kharms. "Brave hedgehog"; L. Tolstoy. "The bird made a nest..."; "Tanya knew the letters..."; "Vari had a siskin, ..", "Spring has come ..."; W. Bianchi. "Bathing cubs"; Y. Dmitriev. "Blue hut"; S. Prokofiev. “Masha and Oika”, “When You Can Cry”, “The Tale of an Ill-mannered Mouse” (from the book “Machines of a Fairy Tale”); V. Suteev. "Three kittens"; A. N. Tolstoy. "Hedgehog", "Fox", "Cocks".

    Works of poets and writers from different countries

    Poetry. E. Vieru. "The Hedgehog and the Drum", trans. with mold. I. Akima; P. Voronko. "Cunning Hedgehog", trans. from Ukrainian S. Marshak; L. Mileva. "Swift Foot and Gray Clothes", trans. from Bulgarian M. Marinova; A. Milne. "Three Chanterelles", trans. from English. N. Slepakova; N. Zabila. "Pencil", trans. from Ukrainian 3. Alexandrova; S. Kapugikyan. "Who will rather finish drinking", "Masha does not cry" trans. with arm. T. Spendiarova; A. Bosev. "Rain", trans. from Bulgarian I. Maznina; "The Finch Sings", trans. from Bulgarian I. Tokmakova; M. Carem. "My cat", trans. from French M. Kudinova.

    Prose. D. Bisset. "The Frog in the Mirror", trans., from English. N. Shereshevskaya; L. Muur. "Little Raccoon and the One Who Sits in the Pond", trans. from English. O. Exemplary; Ch. Yancharsky. "Games", "Scooter" (from the book "The Adventures of the Ushastik Bear"), trans. from Polish. V. Prikhodko; E. Bekhlerova. "Cabbage Leaf", trans. from Polish. G. Lukin; A. Bosev. "Three", lane, from Bulgarian. V. Viktorova; B. Potter. "Uhti-Tukhti", trans. from English. O. Exemplary; Y. Chapek. “A Hard Day”, “Into the Forest”, “Yarinka Doll” (from the book “The Adventures of a Dog and a Kitty”), trans. . Czechs. G. Lukin; O. Alfaro. "Goat Hero", trans. from Spanish T. Davityants; O. Panku-Yash. "Goodnight, Dooku!", trans. from Romanian. M. Olsufieva, “Not only in kindergarten” (abbreviated), trans. from Romanian. T. Ivanova.

    Sample list for memorization

    "Finger-boy ...", "Like our cat ...", "Cucumber, cucumber ...", "Mice lead a round dance.,.", Rus. nar. songs; A. Barto. "Bear", "Ball", "Ship"; V. Berestov. "Petushki"; K. Chukovsky. "Christmas tree" (abbreviated); E. Ilyina. "Our Tree" (abbreviated); A. Pleshcheev. "Rural song"; N. Sakonskaya. "Where is my finger?"


    POEMS, STORIES, TALES for reading to children in summer period in the second junior group

    V. Berestov

    Happy summer

    Summer, summer is upon us!

    It became dry and warm.

    On the path Go straight Barefoot legs.

    The bees are circling

    Birds are flying.

    And Marina is having fun.

    I saw a rooster

    That's such a miracle! Ha ha ha!

    Amazing Rooster:

    Top - feathers, bottom - fluff!

    I saw a pig

    Smiling girl:

    Who runs away from the chicken

    Screams all over the street

    Instead of a ponytail, a hook

    Piglet instead of a nose



    What about the swivel hook?

    And Barbos,

    Red irec,

    Made her laugh to tears.

    He's not running after the cat

    And behind his own tail.

    A sly tail curls

    It is not given in the teeth.

    The dog hobbles sadly

    Because he is tired.

    The tail wags merrily:

    "Didn't get it! Didn't get it!"

    Summer, summer is upon us!

    It became dry and warm.

    On the path Go straight Barefoot legs!

    B. Zhitkov

    Brave duckling

    Every morning the hostess took out the ducklings full plate chopped eggs. She put the plate near the bush, and she left.

    As soon as the ducklings ran up to the plate, a large dragonfly flew out of the garden and began to circle above them.

    She chirped so terribly that frightened ducklings ran away and hid in the grass. They were afraid that the dragonfly would bite them all.

    And the evil dragonfly sat on the plate, tasted the food and then flew away.

    After that, the ducklings did not approach the plate for a whole day. They were afraid that the dragonfly would fly again.

    In the evening, the hostess cleaned the plate and said: “Our ducklings must be sick, they don’t eat anything.”

    She did not know that the ducklings went to bed hungry every night.

    Once, their neighbor, a little duckling Alyosha, came to visit the ducklings.

    When the ducklings told him about the dragonfly, he began to laugh.

    Well, brave men! - he said. - I alone will drive this dragonfly away. Here you will see tomorrow.

    You boast, - said the ducklings. - Tomorrow you will be the first to get scared and run.

    The next morning the hostess, as always, put a plate of chopped eggs on the ground and left.

    Well, look, - said the brave Alyosha, - now I will fight with your dragonfly.

    As soon as he said this, a dragonfly suddenly buzzed.

    Right on top, she flew onto the plate.

    The ducklings wanted to run away, but Alyosha was not afraid.

    No sooner had the dragonfly landed on the plate than Alyosha grabbed it by the wing with his beak. She pulled away with force and flew away with a broken wing.

    Since then, she never flew into the garden and the ducklings ate their fill every day. They not only ate themselves, but also treated the brave Alyosha for saving them from the dragonfly.

    N. Pavlova


    The sun is shining. A strawberry ripened in the clearing.

    A mosquito saw her and squeaked: “The berry is ripe: red, fragrant!”

    Heard a mosquito bird, flew to the clearing.

    Wants to eat strawberries.

    The mouse heard a mosquito, ran to the clearing.

    Wants to eat strawberries.

    Heard a mosquito frog, jumped into the clearing.

    Wants to eat strawberries.

    I heard a mosquito snake, crawled into the clearing.

    Wants to eat strawberries.

    A cloud ran into the sun. A mosquito saw her and squeaked: “It will rain: wet, cold!”

    Heard a mosquito bird, rather - on a tree.

    Heard a mosquito mouse, rather - in a mink.

    I heard a mosquito frog, rather - under the leaf.

    I heard a mosquito snake, rather - under the root.

    And the strawberry berry bathes in the rain and rejoices that no one has touched it.

    G. Snegirev


    One boy, his name was Prosha, did not like to go to Kindergarten. Mom takes him to kindergarten in the morning, and Prosha asks:

    Why are you leading me?

    Mom says:

    Because you alone will get lost!

    No, I won't get lost!

    No, you'll get lost!

    Prosha argued with his mother every day. One morning his mother says to him:

    Go alone to kindergarten!

    Prosha was delighted and went alone, without his mother. And my mother walked along the other side of the street and looked - where will he go? Prosha did not see his mother. He walked a little down the street, stopped and looked out the window. He loved to look into other people's windows.

    There was a dog in that window. She saw Prosha and began to bark. And Prosha was not at all afraid of the dog. True, he was afraid, but a little: he knew that the dog was behind glass!

    Prosha became more and more brave. First, he showed the dog his tongue, and then he began to throw pebbles. The dog was angry with him. She wanted to bite him, but the glass wouldn't let her in. Someone called the dog. She wagged her tail and jumped into the room.

    Prosha stood at the window and waited. And suddenly he sees the door opens - this dog comes out and with it a girl. She took her on a chain for a walk.

    Prosha wanted to run - his legs do not move from fear. I wanted to scream - I can't either!

    And the dog saw Ask and how it growls, bared its teeth!

    The girl holds the dog with all her might and shouts: Please:

    Run! Run!

    Prosha covered his face with his hands and roared:

    I won't do it again! I won't tease?

    Then Prosha's mother came up, took him in her arms, and they quickly went to the nursery.

    Travkin tail

    (Eskimo tale)

    In the spring, when the sun warmed the tundra and green leaves appeared on the bushes, a small ermine went on its first hunt. He sniffed the pebbles around the hole, chewed on the moss - no, it was not tasty - and ran into the tundra.

    Suddenly he sees a hole in the ground. And someone's tail sticks out of the hole.

    This mouse fell asleep in a mink and forgot to remove its tail.

    Ermine grabbed the tail with his teeth and asks:

    Tail, whose are you?

    I am Travkin's tail.

    And I'll eat you!

    But you won’t eat it, - said the tail, - stoats eat birds and evrazhek, but they don’t eat grass.

    Let them not eat, - said the ermine, - but I will eat!

    All the animals in the tundra will laugh at you, says the tail.

    Well, let them laugh, - said the ermine, - but I'll eat you anyway. “If I do not deceive this fool, I am lost,” thought the mouse. “No, not

    Give in!" And she said

    Well, eat me, ermine - just first tear your tail off the ground, otherwise it stuck to you.

    Is my tail stuck? - the little ermine was frightened. - It can't be!

    But look! - said Travkin's tail.

    The ermine looked back and unclenched his teeth.

    And the mouse hastily put its tail into a hole and sits there, chuckling at the stupid ermine.

    Travkin tail, where are you? - called the ermine.

    But the ponytail did not answer him.

    A little ermine looked into a mouse hole - no tail! Looked over the bump - no tail! No tail anywhere! Only the sun shines and the blades of grass sway in the wind.

    And so ended the first hunt of the little ermine.

    (Retelling by V. Glotser and G. Snegirev.)

    3. Alexandrova


    To us on a long wet leg Rain jumps along the path.

    In a puddle - look, look! -

    He blows bubbles...

    Here's our watermelon -

    Great tasting!

    Even the nose and cheeks All in watermelon juice.

    O. Vysotskaya


    The sun dropped a golden ray.

    The dandelion has grown

    First, young.

    It has a wonderful golden color.

    He big sun Small portrait.

    M. Poznanskaya


    In the meadow by that path

    What runs to us right into the house,

    A flower grew on a long stem -

    White with a yellow eye.

    I wanted to pick a flower

    Raised her hand to him

    And the bee flew off the flower And buzzes, buzzes - "Do not touch!"

    Little raccoon and the one who sits in the pond

    Once Mama Enotiha said:

    Today the moon will be full and bright. Little Raccoon, can you alone go to the fast-flowing stream and fetch crayfish for supper?

    Well, yes, of course, - answered Little Raccoon. - I will catch you such crayfish as you have never eaten before.

    Little Raccoon was small but brave.

    At night the moon rose, big and bright.

    It's time, Little Raccoon, - said mom. - Go until you get to the pond. You will see a large tree that is thrown across the pond. Follow it

    To the other side. Exactly this the best place for catching crabs.

    By the light of the moon, Little Raccoon set off.

    He was so happy! So proud!

    Here he is -

    Went into the woods all alone

    First time in life!

    At first he walked slowly

    Soon Little Raccoon entered the dense, dense forest.

    Not far from the pond, he saw the Fat Rabbit.

    Fat Rabbit was sleeping. He opened one eye and jumped up.

    Oh, you scared me! - he said. - Where are you going all alone, Little Raccoon?

    I'm going to a fast stream! - said Little Raccoon proudly. - It's on the other side of the pond.

    Oo-ooh! - said the Fat Rabbit. - Aren't you afraid of Him?

    Whom should I be afraid of? - asked Little Raccoon

    The one who sits in the pond, - said the Fat Rabbit. - I'm afraid of Him!

    Well, I'm not afraid! - said Little Raccoon and went on.

    And finally, Little Raccoon saw a large tree that was thrown across the pond.

    Here I need to cross. - Little Raccoon said to himself. - And there, on the other side, I will catch crayfish.

    Little Raccoon began to cross the tree to the other side of the pond.

    He was brave, but why did he meet this Fat Rabbit! He didn't want to think about who was sitting in the pond, but he couldn't help himself.

    He stopped and looked.

    Someone was sitting in the pond!

    It was he! Sat there and looked at Raccoon by the moonlight.

    He made a face.

    The one in the pond also made a face. What kind of face was that!

    Little Raccoon turned back and ran as fast as he could. He ran past Fat Rabbit so fast that he got scared again.

    Little Raccoon wanted to bring home crayfish. So he took the stone and went back to the pond.

    Maybe He has already left! - Little Raccoon said to himself.

    No, He didn't leave.

    He was sitting in the pond.

    Little Raccoon did not show that he was afraid.

    He raised the stone high.

    The one who was sitting in the pond also raised the stone high.

    Oh, what a big stone it was!

    Little Raccoon was brave, but he was small. He ran as fast as he could.

    Little Raccoon wanted to bring home crayfish. And so he took a stick and went back to the pond.

    Maybe He managed to get away, - Little Raccoon said to himself.

    No, He didn't leave!

    Little Raccoon didn't wait. He raised his big stick and threatened

    But Togo, in the pond, also had a stick. Big, big stick! And he threatened Little Raccoon with that stick.

    Little Raccoon dropped his stick and ran.

    Without stopping, all the way to the house.

    Little Raccoon told his mother all about the One who sits in the pond.

    Oh mother, - he said, - I so wanted to go alone for crayfish! I so wanted to bring them home for dinner!

    And you will bring! - said Mama Raccoon. - I'll tell you what, Little Raccoon. Come back, but this time...

    Don't make faces

    Don't take a stone with you

    Don't bring sticks!

    What should I do?” Little Raccoon asked.

    Just smile! - said Mama Raccoon. - Go and smile at the One who is sitting in the pond.

    And nothing else?” Little Raccoon asked. “Are you sure?

    That's all, - said my mother. - I'm sure.

    Little Raccoon was brave, and Mom was sure of it.

    And he went back to the pond.

    Maybe Op is gone at last! - Little Raccoon said to himself.

    No, he didn't.

    He was still sitting in the pond.

    Little Raccoon forced himself to stop.

    Then he forced himself to look into the water.

    Then he forced himself to smile at the One who was sitting in the pond.

    And the One who was sitting in the pond smiled back!

    Little Raccoon was so delighted that he began to laugh. And it seemed to him that the One who was sitting in the pond was laughing, just like raccoons do when they are having fun.

    He wants to be friends with me! - Little Raccoon said to himself. - And now I can go to the other side.

    And he ran up the tree.

    There, on the bank of a fast-flowing stream, Little Raccoon began to catch crayfish.

    Soon I got as many crayfish as I could carry.

    He ran back up the tree across the pond.

    This time, Little Raccoon waved to the One sitting in the pond.

    He waved his hand back at him.

    Little Raccoon ran home as fast as he could, holding his crayfish tightly.

    Yes! Never before had neither he nor his mother eaten such delicious crayfish. That's what Mama Raccoon said.

    Now I can go there all alone, whenever you want! - said Little Raccoon. - I am no longer afraid of the One who sits in the pond.

    I know, - said Mama Raccoon.

    He is not bad at all, The one who sits in the pond! - said Little Raccoon.

    I know, - said Mama Raccoon.

    Little Raccoon looked at his mother.

    Tell me, he said. Who is sitting in the pond?

    Mom Raccoon laughed.

    And then she told him.

    (Translated from English by O. Obraztsova.)

    Ch. Yancharsky

    Adventures and travels of Mishka Ushastika


    It was a toy store. Teddy bears stood and sat on a shelf in the store.

    Among them was one Mishka, who had been sitting on a shelf for a very long time. Other bears quickly fell into childish hands. Smiling, they left the store with the children. And no one asked about this Mishka. Maybe because he was standing in the corner.

    The mouse was sad. He also wanted to play with children. And from chagrin, he even dropped one ear.

    It doesn't matter! - the bear cub consoled himself. - Now, if a fairy tale flies into one ear, it will not fly out of the other.

    And then one day Mishka found a red umbrella on the shelf. The bear took the umbrella and boldly jumped down. Then he left the store and went out into the street. At first, Mishka was a little scared: there were both people and cars on the street. But soon he saw two children - Zoya and Jacek. And immediately ceased to be afraid. The children smiled at Mishka.

    Who are you looking for, Mishka? - they asked.

    I am looking for children.

    So come with us.

    Good! - the bear cub was delighted.

    And they went together.


    There was a yard in front of Zoya and Jacek's house. In the yard lived the little dog Chernushka and the red-feathered Cockerel.

    The bear went out for a walk. Blackie immediately ran up to him. And after her, the Cockerel.

    Hello! - said the bear cub.

    Hello! - answered Nigella and Cockerel, - We saw how you came here with Zosia and Yacek. Why do you have a droopy ear?

    Mishka told why his ear drooped.

    Do not grieve, - the Cockerel consoled him, - otherwise something else will fall on you. We will call you Ushastik, Mishka Ushastik. Okay?

    The teddy bear liked it very much. He clapped his hands and shouted:

    Now I'm Mishka Ushastik! Now I'm Mishka Ushastik!

    And now, Ushastik, we will show you Bunny.

    The bunny nibbled on the grass.

    First Mishka saw long ears. And then a funny moving muzzle. The bunny was frightened by Mishka and ... disappeared behind the fence.

    He soon returned. He was ashamed.

    You needn't have been afraid. Bunny, - said Chernushka. - We will introduce you to our new friend. His name is Mishka Ushastik.

    Ushastik looked at the fluffy rabbit ears and sadly thought about his own, sagging.

    And then the Bunny said to Mishka:

    What a beautiful drooping ear you have...

    AND I WILL GROW UP It rained at night.

    Ushastik looked around and noticed that everything had grown up after the rain. Radishes in the garden, grass and burdock...

    And Mishka began to jump and somersault on the lawn. He did not notice how a cloud appeared and blocked the sun. gushed heavy rain. Ushastik jumped to his feet and was about to run home.

    But suddenly it occurred to him: It's raining and everything will grow again. So, I, too, will grow up after the rain. I wish I could become like the Big Bear...” A bear cub stood up in the middle of the lawn.

    Kvoh-kvoh, kva-kva, - he heard nearby.

    "It's a frog," thought Ushastik. "It also seems to want to grow up..."

    But the May rain ends quickly.

    The sun smiled, the birds chirped, the droplets sparkled on the grass. The bear stood on tiptoe and shouted:

    Zoo! Zoo! And I've grown a little!

    Kwa-kva! - the frog laughed. - What a funny Bear you are! You have not grown at all, but only got wet.


    The children are already sleeping, but Mishka Ushastik is not sleeping. “Now I’ll fall asleep,” he thinks, “but first I’ll eat a nut.”

    Suddenly the nut fell out of Mishka's paw. Rolled under the closet.

    The bear jumped off the bed. He wants to get a nut with his paw, but he cannot reach it. He lay down on the floor and called:

    Come out, nut, from under the closet!

    I won’t go out,” the nut squeaked, “because I feel good and have fun here.

    That's the thing, - Ushastik was surprised. - Why is it fun under the closet?

    Because here is Jacek's old pencil, a button from Zoya's apron and a pink eraser. We tell each other different stories and laugh.

    Mishka Ushastik would also gladly crawl under the closet, but he won’t squeeze through - he’s a bit fat.

    Nut, - he asks, - let's laugh together and tell different stories. Come out from under the closet.

    Hazelnut consulted with a button, a pencil and an eraser in a whisper. And then all four went out, singing a song:

    We are a button and an eraser

    Nut and pencil.

    Ushastik found us all,

    Merry Bear is ours!

    Until late at night they talked with Mishka Ushastik. And when the children woke up early in the morning, they were very surprised:

    Where did this pencil come from, which we lost a long time ago? And here is the old button! And eraser, eraser!

    (Retelling from Polish by V. Prikhodko)

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