Newzz - current Ukrainian news from the network. The history of one educational institution: Colony named after

educate. institution for juvenile delinquents on the territory. Ukrainian SSR (1920-36). Organized as a colony for handicapped children by the Poltava province-narod (in the town of Trepke, 1920-24, and the former estate of the Trepke brothers in the village of Kovalevka, 1924-26). First hand. colonies - A. S. Makarenko (until 1928). Since 1921, on the initiative of Makarenko and his pupils, the colony was named after M. Gorky. In 1923-26 there was an experimental shkazat. the establishment of the People's Commissariat for Education of the Ukrainian SSR, in 1926 she was transferred to Kuryazh (near Kharkov). The pupils of the colony were children with negative social experience. Makarenko rejected the attitude towards them as "morally defective" individuals, emphasizing that in these cases it is not the children that are abnormal, but the relationship between the emerging personality and society.

The activity of the colony was based on the principles of combining education with production, labor (in workshops, farming) and self-service. used latest achievements in the field of agrochemistry. science and animal husbandry. X-in was profitable and switched to self-financing. Labor was regarded as ped. factor, ped. tasks prevailed over narrow economic ones. Bring up. activity was based on the principles of strict internal organization. relations, discipline, a combination of respect and trust in the colonists, will put on development. their character traits. On the experience of working in the colony, Makarenko created the main. provisions of the theory of children. collective, used new forms of organization of his life. The colony had its own constitution (not published), i.e. practically developed principles and rules that are binding on everyone - pupils and educators. The colonists were organized into permanent detachments of different ages with a council of detachment commanders, endowed with the authority of the highest household. organ. There was a system of consolidated detachments, general meeting. Cases of special misconduct by the colonists were examined by a comrades' court.

Bring up. work in the colony covered all aspects of children's lives. Traditions were created, holidays were solemnly celebrated. Pupils participated in games, performances, charades, were engaged in circles, an orchestra. There was a library. Particular attention was paid to the aesthetics of the environment, external. kind of colonists.

An educational institution for juvenile offenders on the territory of the Ukrainian SSR (1920-36), which was headed (until 1928) by A.S. Makarenko. Since 1921, on the initiative of Makarenko and pupils, the Colony was named after M. Gorky. Organized as a colony for handicapped children by the Poltava Gubnarobraz in the town of Trepka, near Poltava; since 1924 it was located in the former estate of the Trepke brothers with. Kovalevka; from 1926 - in the village. Courage near Kharkov. In 1923-26 it was a pilot institution of the People's Commissariat for Education of the Ukrainian SSR. Children with negative social experience were brought up in the Colony, among whom there were many former homeless children and orphans. Makarenko embodied in the practice of the Colony his ideas of creating children's team. His book "Pedagogical Poem" (parts 1-3, 1933-1935) is devoted to the history of the Colony.

(Bim-Bad B.M. Pedagogical encyclopedic Dictionary. - M., 2002. S. 123)

see also Makarenko, Anton Semyonovich

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After the collapse of the USSR, the processes of destruction of culture and education in our country went so rapidly that now, when dealing with young people, it is no longer possible to guarantee that they read Dumas' Three Musketeers. But that's only part of the problem. decline cultural level, the narrowing of the circle of interests, the lack of skills for joint activities lead to the fact that at first people cannot build teams, and then simply simply communicate with a neighbor.

How to solve the problem of building a team now? Moreover, in conditions when this construction should not turn into a long-term construction? In the USSR in the 20-30s of the XX century, this issue was resolved. Immediately after graduation civil war an important social experiment began in Russia - several children's communes were created: a commune for teenagers who ended up in correctional facilities (the Bolshevskaya commune), and communes for homeless children (the M. Gorky colony and the Dzerzhinsky commune). The creation of special institutions for homeless children was caused by the presence in the USSR a large number children left after the First World War and after the Civil War without parents: in 1922, there were about seven million juvenile vagrants in the country.

The first commune was established in 1921 in a labor colony for juvenile delinquents. The colony was located in a village near Poltava and was named after Maxim Gorky, who became one of the initiators of the fight against homelessness. The Gorky colony existed until 1926. For five years, through the efforts of its head, Anton Semenovich Makarenko, the principles of existence were developed in the colony, forever pulling children out of the nomadic flock of proto-social environment, into which they were thrown by the horrors of homelessness.

On what principles did life in the Gorky commune cost?

Children in the commune not only studied, but also worked. Both study and work were compulsory for everyone. First, the commune took up agriculture. Having achieved an increase in the wheat harvest, the commune also engaged in animal husbandry. And a theater was built on the proceeds, in which every week there were performances staged by the Communards for the villagers.

One of the main internal principles of the existence of the commune was the principle of self-government. All members of the commune were divided into detachments. These detachments were formed not according to the production or training principle - this was done in order to prevent the members of the detachment from concentrating on only one aspect of the life of the commune that was interesting to them. In addition, the group included children different ages which enabled the elders to teach the younger ones and ensured the continuity of generations.

Makarenko believed that the optimal number of people in the detachment was from 7 to 15 people. Each detachment had its own place in the dining room and its own sleeping place. The detachment commanders met once a week to resolve economic and organizational issues. In addition, meetings of all its members were regularly held in the commune.

In 1926, Makarenko decides to transfer the Gorky commune to the Kuryazhsky colony near Kharkov. This decision was due to the fact that the members of the commune wanted to learn working specialties, and the location of the commune - the absence of factories nearby - imposed a restriction on its further development. Courage was good because it had a power plant, a lot of land around, ready-made workshops (the colony was located in a monastery building).

But Makarenko's decision to move was still unexpected for the colonists, since the Kuryazh colony was in a dilapidated state. Plus, her teachers actually lost control over their pupils, and there were about three hundred of them.

Local authorities offered Makarenko to follow the path of gradual integration of one team into another. But Makarenko did not recognize any gradualism. He professed his own method - the "explosion method". Its essence was that a strong one-time effect was exerted on a person, designed to cause decisive changes in him. With the help of this method, the teacher managed not only to restore order in the Kuryazhskaya colony - he managed to do it in record time. A few months later, foreign delegations visited the colony, who studied the experience of its organization and were surprised at the well-established economy.

To clarify what is at stake when talking about the "explosive" impact, it is necessary to provide an explanation of Makarenko himself. “I call an explosion bringing the conflict to the last limit, to such a state when there is no longer any possibility for any evolution, for any litigation between the individual and society, when the question is posed point-blank - either to be a member of society or leave it”.

The "edge" in Makarenko's methodology raises the question by the team itself. Therefore, it is very important that the team was. And not just was, but was ready to rebuild the world and people falling into its orbit in accordance with its principles.

Makarenko had the backbone of such a team in the first settlement. And this backbone was able to influence the change in the situation in a new place - in Kuryazh, and then followed Makarenko to a new place - to the Dzerzhinsky commune formed by him in 1927.

In the Dzerzhinsky commune, the “explosion” method was used, in particular, at the moment when it was necessary to recruit new members to the commune. A small detachment of Communards advanced to the railway stations. Communards gathered homeless people who traveled by trains and directly offered them to go to work in the commune. If the homeless children agreed (and they, as a rule, agreed), then the ceremony of their acceptance immediately took place. The rite, the purpose of which was to surprise, shock, that is, to use the "explosion method".

As soon as the homeless child agreed to enter the community, the entire detachment of Communards approached him: smartly dressed guys, with a banner and an orchestra. In honor of the newly arrived member of the team, they lined up, played on musical instruments and all together solemnly marched to the commune.

Another shock awaited the new members of the commune. They were washed, dressed in new, clean clothes, and the old clothes were burned. How is this not an initiation rite? For a new member of the team, another life began, old life symbolically burned in the fire.

Here is how Ivan Tokarev, one of Makarenko's pupils, describes his impressions of the commune. “There are flower beds all around, asphalt paths, cleanliness and beauty. They cut our hair like a typewriter, washed it, burned our old clothes and gave us new, clean clothes: gaiters, half-breeches, and a skullcap. I look in the mirror - I like myself! It never occurred to anyone to run away from such a beautiful and well-fed life. But in order to live so beautifully, it was necessary to study and work ... Everyone who is older than thirteen years old worked, the younger ones did not, they were sent to the elders on parcels ”.

Makarenko attached great importance order, cleanliness and aesthetic side of life in the commune. In his opinion, the appearance, details, little things - all this created general style. And the team, Makarenko believed, must have a style. This is one of its essential properties.

One of the "little things" that the commune paid special attention to was clothing. Teachers and students went to school in the best clothes. Makarenko noted: “I would stop at nothing, I would give every school a very beautiful uniform. It's a very good glue for the team.". In addition, Makarenko said: “The desire for beauty, firmly planted by nature in every person, is the best lever that can turn a person towards culture”.

But the team appeared not only due to concern for appearance and beautification of the surrounding area. The initiation rite involved internal changes. Primarily, new member collective left outside all his bad habits: swear, drink, spit, swear and so on. But these were only the most basic things. And I had to learn more complex things: strict rules of conduct were adopted in the commune, and discipline was close to military.

According to Makarenko, discipline was an essential quality of a well-mannered person. The rules of discipline in the commune were the same for everyone: both for teachers and for their pupils. Even the smallest deviations from general rules and requirements.

The members of the team, who strictly followed all the rules, as well as supported the observance of these rules by other members of the team, became the core of the team, the core on which the teachers relied, the core that made it possible to painlessly integrate new members into the team, introduce the principles of self-organization in the team. Since self-organization was based on the fact that a strong team set the norms of behavior and monitored how they were carried out.

In the commune, a situation developed in which members of the core of the commune were asked for misconduct much more strictly than with its ordinary members. Moreover, such a tough demand in the commune was not a burden, but a welcome recognition of your role, proof that you are treated as a responsible, conscious member of the team, as a person who is part of the core of the team. As a last resort, there was a practice of exclusion in the commune. But exceptions were very rare.

Makarenko's students showed that they are able to settle down in almost any conditions in the shortest possible time. Created in December 1927 near Kharkov, the new commune of Makarenko - the commune named after Felix Dzerzhinsky - was in poverty only for the first months. The available means of subsistence - voluntary contributions from the employees of the OGPU - were not enough. All members of the commune (60 people) were accommodated in one house. Already during the first year of the life of the commune, agricultural production was organized, which made it possible first to feed themselves, then to save some money and start thinking about production.

In 1928, when deciding what kind of production to organize in the commune, Makarenko settled on the fact that it was necessary to produce goods that were not on the Soviet market. Plus, it should be a production that will allow communards to master complex professions.

As a result, in the commune named after Dzerzhinsky, the Communards built the first power tool factory in the USSR, and a little later they created the production of cameras. The commune not only provided for all its needs, but also gave four and a half million rubles a year to the state budget.

Unfortunately, in July 1935, Makarenko was forced to leave this commune as well, just as he had previously left the commune in Kuryazh. He moved to Moscow and devoted a lot of time to writing books. In 1938, the commune named after Dzerzhinsky was reorganized into an industrial complex - the Kharkov Combine of the NKVD of the USSR named after Dzerzhinsky. And in April 1939, Makarenko died suddenly of a heart attack.

Makarenko's work with children caused both criticism and admiration in Russia and in the world. M. Gorky provided great support to Makarenko; L. Aragon, A. Barbusse and others wrote positively about his experience of working with children. Criticisms about the paramilitary education system Makarenko sounded from Lunacharsky, Krupskaya.

Makarenko considered one of his important achievements to be the fact that people accustomed to work came out of his communes. Makarenko noted: “My Gorkyites also grew up, scattered all over the Soviet world, it is now difficult for me to collect them even in my imagination. You will never catch engineer Zadorov, who has buried himself in one of the grandiose construction projects of Turkmenistan, you will not call the doctor of the Special Far Eastern Vershnev or the doctor in Yaroslavl Burun for a date. Even Nisinov and Zoren, what are the boys already, and they flew away from me, fluttering their wings, only their wings are now not the same, not the tender wings of my pedagogical sympathy, but the steel wings of Soviet airplanes ... "

The same important fact is also noted by the pupil of Makarenko Tokarev: “The director of the Makarenko Museum in Kremenchuk, Petr Lysenko, conducted a special study - he collected information about 241 graduates of the commune. They all became good people. You see, in the commune it was impossible to be a bad student or worker. Because of your "deuce" the whole squad suffered. In the evenings, the results of the day were summed up in the “loud club”, for your “deuce” or marriage in work, your comrades could ask you. They will say: because of you we less money we’ll earn money and now we won’t go on vacation ... That’s why everyone tried to study and work well”.

But it was, of course, not only about incentives: in wages or vacation trips. left the commune good people because Makarenko managed to educate them in a culture of work, in a culture of respect for their working profession, in a culture of internal composure. In a sense, he managed to create work collectives that Owen and Fourier once dreamed of.

History of one educational institution: Colony them. Gorky PREPARATION AND L A S T U D E N T K A 2 C U R S A I K N I T O. M O R A R L. HER

The Gorky colony is a labor colony for juvenile delinquents in the village of Kovalevka, near Poltava. A. S. Makarenko was the founder of the labor colony named after M. Gorky and worked in it from 1920 to 1928. Until May 15, 1926, the colony was located near Poltava, in Triby and Kovalevka, and from mid-May it moved to Kuryazh, near Kharkov. Therefore, pupils who lived only in Kuryazh often called themselves Kuryazh, and 120 colonists who came from Kovalevka liked to call themselves Gorky colonists.

Chronological table Maxim Gorky. (the chronological table is summarized) March 16 (28), 1868 - Maxim Gorky was born in Nizhny Novgorod, in the family of a carpenter 1876-1883 - studied at the Ilyinsky School, then at the Nizhny Novgorod Sloboda Kunavinsky Primary School, but did not finish the course. 1879 - mother died; the ruined grandfather gave the boy to serve in a shoe store. 1884 -1887 - Moved to Kazan, wanted to enter the university, but never became a student, continued self-education mainly in populist and Marxist circles. 1888-1892 - In search of work, he wandered around the Volga region, Ukraine, South Bessarabia, Crimea, and the Caucasus. Several times he was arrested for revolutionary propaganda among the workers. 1892 - In the Tiflis newspaper "Kavkaz" under the pseudonym M. Gorky, the first story was published - "Makar Chudra". 1895-1896 - The stories "Old Woman Izergil", Song about the Falcon, "Chelkash", "Konovalov" were written 1896 - marriage to Ekaterina Pavlovna Volzhina (they had 2 children - a daughter and a son) 1898 - A two-volume book "Essays and Stories" was published » .

Chronological table of Gorky 1899 - Moved to St. Petersburg. Acquaintance with L. N. Tolstoy, A. II. Chekhov. The story "Foma Gordeev" was published. 1902 - The play "At the Bottom" was created; elected honorary academician Russian Academy Sciences. 1905 - joined the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party 1906   - visited the USA to raise funds for underground struggle Bolsheviks. Fearing arrest in Russia, after traveling around America, Gorky settled in Italy, on the island of Capri, where he lived until 1913 - having fallen under an amnesty in connection with the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty, the writer returned to Russia. Started work on the story "Childhood" 1917-1918 - A series of articles "Untimely Thoughts" was written. 1921-1928 - unable to live and work in Russia, he leaves for Germany, then to Italy (Sorrento). Wrote the story "The Artamonov Case". 1928 - Return to the USSR. 1934 - Gorky holds the First All-Union Congress Soviet writers, delivers a keynote address.

In his experience, Makarenko successfully combined mental labor with physical labor, implementing one of the main provisions of Marxist pedagogy. Communards subsequently, as you know, four hours in the junior and five hours in the senior classes studied in general education school, and worked for four hours in production with the latest technical equipment. But, according to Makarenko, education was of decisive importance in the formation of the new man of the Stalin era; He talked and wrote about it a lot. Even in the colony named after A. M. Gorky, where A. S. Makarenko once worked, in the difficult post-revolutionary years there was a school consisting of six classes and a training group for workers' faculties. Makarenko in every possible way expanded the educational ideals of the pupils. It is also impossible not to mention the various sections and circles that existed in parallel with the main educational institutions. For girls, the doors of circles for embroidery, modeling (clay crafts) and drawing were opened. The boys mainly attended glider and technical circles that existed in the same factories and workshops where the colonists worked during the day. Classes were held in the evening, so none of the circle members interfered with work. Various sport sections(wrestling, boxing and swimming). The cavalry section stood out in particular, where they taught the basics of riding.

Stages of team development At the first stage, there is no team yet, and the teacher at this time plays the role of a dictator, making demands on the students. On the second stage, an active group of the most active pupils appears, supporting the teacher's undertakings and his requirements for pupils. Third - self-government bodies are formed, the team becomes able to solve a wide variety of educational, economic, cultural and other issues, the requirements go to an individual pupil from the whole team

A. S. Makarenko attached great importance to the primary team, considering it "an instrument of touching the personality." In fact, in it the children most closely communicate with each other, constantly act together, participate in the implementation of the common goals of the entire team and enter into common system relationships characteristic of the community. The second structural unit of the team can be called a consolidated detachment. A. S. Makarenko was afraid to bring up a caste of commanders. He wanted everyone to be able to both lead and obey. The consolidated detachment was formed for a separate case. An ordinary member of the primary team became the commander of the combined detachment. This made it possible to involve the most backward and disorganized, to bring the teenager out of a state of passivity.

The third structural unit of the team at A. S. Makarenko was the pupil himself. But it must be said that here the title was conferred: pupil, communard, communard-dzerzhinets. That is, the title was assigned according to the degree of belonging of each teenager to the team. The fourth structural unit of the team are self-government bodies. First, this is a general meeting. none significant decision not accepted without assembly. daily life led by the Council of Commanders.

Makarenko covered in detail such issues as the meaning of fairy tales for children early age, guidance for children's reading, children's visits to the theater, cinema, etc. great place in the life of children, he assigned aesthetic education. A. S. Makarenko is an innovative teacher who enriched Soviet pedagogy with valuable pedagogical ideas, methods and techniques (a system of perspective lines, the principle of parallel action, the style and tone of the teacher, etc.). He gave a new interpretation to a number of pedagogical issues and developed in detail the problems put forward earlier, but not sufficiently developed before him by Soviet pedagogy (education in a team, family education and etc.). Makarenko was a teacher who successfully applied dialectical materialistic principles in the theory and practice of education. The guiding principle of all pedagogical activity was devotion to the socialist motherland and Communist Party. Anton Semyonovich Makarenko died suddenly at the station. Golitsyno Belarusian-Baltic railway in a suburban train. He died of severe heart disease at the age of 51. He was buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy Cemetery.

The founder of the labor colony named after Maxim Gorkov was A.S. Makarenko. He worked in the colony from 1920 to 1928.

The colony named after Maxim Gorkov was located near Poltava, in Triby and Kovalevka until May 15, 1926. But from May 15, she changes her location and moves near Kharkov, to Kuryazh. That is why the inmates of the colony who lived in Kuryazh called themselves Kuryazh. However, the pupils of the colony who moved from Kovalevka (there were 120 of them) called themselves colonists - Gorky.

But the “conquest of Kuryazh” contributed to the creation of a single team. Anton Semenovich at the end of 1927 took over the leadership of the commune named after Fyodor Dzerzhinsky. There were transferred about sixty colonists - Gorky. They then formed the so-called core of the commune.

The meeting with Maxim Gorky was a wonderful and unforgettable meeting for all the colonists. M. Gorky was not only their friend, but also a respected teacher.

A. S. Makarenko set himself the following task: to create a strong, indestructible, able-bodied and responsible team of the pupils of the commune. It was this team that was supposed to become an educating force. But, according to Anton Semenovich, such an able-bodied and indestructible team could only be created with the help of socially useful labor. It was by working, A. S. Makarenko believed, that new public relations between people.

Therefore, A. S. Makarenko began his educational work in the colony with the creation of this very team.

Educational work

Gradually, Anton Semenovich attracted the pupils of the colony to socially useful work. So, he set various tasks for each pupil separately and for a group of pupils, for the asset as a whole, set a personal example, won the respect of the pupils. The colonists worked not only in gardens and fields, but also guarded the road from robbers, protected the state forest from cutting down. These works undoubtedly brought excellent results in the formation of morality among pupils. This is how the former homeless children were brought up.

Anton Semenovich staffed the library in the colony from the very first days of its life. Books, individual and collective reading became an indispensable means of educating the colonists. It took important place in their lives and, of course, had a great educational effect. In particular, the colonists liked to read the works of Maxim Gorkov "In People", "My Universities", "Childhood".

There were several units in the colony. At the head of each of the detachments were commanders who made up the Council of Commanders. It was on him that he relied in his educational work A. S. Makarenko, as well as in the very organization of labor of the inmates of the colony.

The Council of Commanders decided and discussed the organization of everyday life and the educational process, as well as cultural and educational work, the management of the colony, the admission of new members, and much, much more.

The People's Commissariat of Education of Ukraine noted the successes of the educational work of the colony. And in honor of the fifth anniversary of the birth of the colony, A. S. Makarenko was awarded the title of “Red Hero of Labor”, well, and the employees and workers of the colony were awarded gifts.

Learning activities

A. S. Makarenko paid great attention to the education of pupils. He made sure that the colonists received solid knowledge, since he believed that knowledge determines the path of a person in life. But the team of educators did not lag behind in its development. The team could already solve the tasks set for itself, which required discipline and organization. This was of particular importance before moving to the Kuryazhsky colony, since about four hundred children lived in the premises.

In 1921, the colony was named after M. Gorkov. M. Gorky was interested in the life of the colony, corresponding with Anton Semenovich, as well as with pupils, while appreciating the results of their work.

The colonists valued their lives and clearly understood that the life of the collective, which was created by A. S. Makarenko, was aimed at the formation of a new person. And he certainly succeeded. This could be seen by looking at the graduates of this team. They were filled with the spirit of optimism, camaraderie, humanism and respect for each other. It was through respect and trust that Anton Semenovich brought up readiness for defense and work in his pupils.

In connection with a large number homeless children (from 4.5 to 7 million people), who appeared after the First World War, the October Revolution and the subsequent Civil War in Russia, a number of measures were taken by the state and the public to eliminate this phenomenon not only by criminal prosecution, but also by resocialization ( return to the culture of society), including through the creation of colonies for the re-education of juvenile delinquents.

However, in these colonies there was a weak state provision. Lacked organizational - methodological support, material - technical and food. This led to malnutrition of pupils and educators. However, this also had a plus: since there was a lack of methodological and organizational control, the most gifted leaders of this colony had greater freedom in educational and pedagogical creativity.

An example of such freedom is the transformation of a colony into communes, in other words, the transformation of settlements into communities of people who are connected by a common cause, into communities.

The most famous of them were the Red Dawns commune of I.V. Ionin near Leningrad, the Bolshevskaya labor commune (1924-1937) of M. S. Pogrebinsky. In essence, the activities and many finds of S. T. Shatsky (the colony was called “Cheerful Life”) echoes the best experience and achievements of the mentioned communal colonies (although this institution was not created by the state and for the “cheerful life” of ordinary children, not homeless children) .

The colony near Poltava was created on behalf of the Poltava Governor Anton Semenovich Makarenko in 1920.

However, the most diverse assessments and responses were caused by the activities and innovations of Anton Semenovich. So, there were both positive (the experience of the colony was called the best of all the colonies visited by the author, in the brochure by M. I. Litvina), and negative feedback (for example, in “ Pedagogical poem"It was said that the system of teaching A. S. Makarenko is not a Soviet system).

The chief makarenologist Professor G. Hilling, who lived in Germany, collected whole line evidence that the continuation of Makarenko's activities in these conditions until 1928. very markedly contributed to the head of the NKVD of Ukraine Vsevolod Apollonovich Balitsky (1893 - 1937).

However, after the sharply critical accusations of Makarenko’s approaches by N. K. Krupskaya from the rostrum of the next congress of the Komsomol in May 1928, pedagogical officials put Makarenko before a choice: to abandon a number of his principles in educational work or leave the colony. He chooses to leave the colony and completely transfers to the previously created (in 1927) in the NKVD system the Commune named after. F.E. Dzerzhinsky, where before that he worked part-time.

The new administration of the colony Gorky made efforts to ensure that Makarenko's approaches were no longer applied there. A number of Makarenko's closest associates either went with him to the Commune (for example, V.N. Tersky), or returned to their previous activities (for example, N.E. Fere took up agricultural science: first he went on a scientific expedition, later he defended his thesis on agricultural engineering, worked as a teacher, was appointed head of the department of operation of the machine and tractor fleet of the Moscow State Agroengineering University named after V. P. Goryachkin.

Colony them. Gorky from that time on as a model for education in scientific literature not mentioned, and after some time (including in connection with the general reduction in the number of homeless children), she was completely redirected to work with juvenile delinquents, acquired high fence with barbed wire, changed its name and so on.

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