"We are good wizards!" A cycle of classes based on the work of S. Prokofieva "Machines of a fairy tale"

There were two girls in the world.

One girl was called Masha, and the other was Zoya.

Masha loved to do everything herself. She eats her own soup. She drinks milk from a cup. She puts the toys in the box herself.

But Zoya herself does not want to do anything and only says:

Oh, I don't want to! Oh, I can't! Oh, I won't!

All "oh" yes "oh"! So they began to call her not Zoika, but Oika.

Tale of the protruding tongue

Oika went into the forest, and the Bear cub met her.

Hello Oika! - said Little Bear.

And Oika stuck out her tongue and began to tease him.

It was a shame for the Bear cub. He cried and went behind a large bush.

I met Oika Hare.

Hello Oika! - said the Hare.

And Oika again stuck out her tongue and began to tease him.

It was a shame for the Hare. He cried and went behind a large bush.

Here sit under a large bush the Bear cub and the Hare, and both are crying. Leaves, like handkerchiefs, wipe the tears.

A bee flew in in a furry coat.

What happened? Who offended you? asked the Bee.

We said “hello” to Oika, and she showed us her tongue. We are very sorry. Here we are crying.

Can't be! Can't be! - Bee buzzed. Show me this girl!

There she sits under a birch.

The Bee flew to Oika and buzzed:

How are you, Oika?

And Oika showed her tongue too.

The Bee got angry and stung Oika right on the tongue. Oike hurts. Swollen tongue. Oika wants to close his mouth and cannot.

So Oika walked until the evening with her tongue hanging out. In the evening my father and mother came home from work. They anointed Oikin's tongue with bitter medicine. The tongue became small again, and Oika closed her mouth.

Since then, Oika has not shown her tongue to anyone else.

Tale about the rude word "Go away"

Masha and Oika built a house out of cubes.

The Mouse came running and said:

What a beautiful house! Can I live in it?

Oh, nasty little mouse! Get out of here!” Oika said in a rough voice.

The Mouse was offended and ran away.

Masha cried:

Why did you drive the Mouse away? The mouse is good.

Oh, and you go too, Masha! Oika said in a rough voice.

Masha was offended and left.

The sun peeked through the window.

Shame on you, Oika! - said the Sun. Masha is your friend. Is it okay to tell a friend to go away? Oika ran to the window and shouted to the Sun:

And you go!

The Sun said nothing and left the sky somewhere. It became dark. It's completely, completely dark.

Oika left the house and went along the path into the forest. It's also dark in the forest. Oika hears, someone is crying under a bush.

Who are you? Oika asked. - I can not see you.

I am Red Tail Squirrel, - Squirrel answered. - I got lost in the dark, I can not find my hollow. My mother is waiting for me there.

Oika walked and walked in the dark, almost fell into a deep ravine. Suddenly Oika hears, someone howls in the forest.

Oika saw, someone's green eyes flashed between the trees.

Oh who is it? Oika was scared.

And the green eyes are getting closer. Oika was surrounded on all sides.

It's us, the Gray Wolves! Wolves answered. - The night has come! The night has come! We will scour the forest and scare everyone!

Oh, now we're all gone! Oika cried. - It's all my fault. Oh, I will never say the rude word "go away" again!

The Sun heard her words and went up into the sky. It immediately became light and warm.

The Gray Wolves ran far beyond a deep ravine.

Oika is watching, and Masha is walking along the path. Oika rejoiced.

Oh, Masha, come to me! Let's build a new house for Mouse, even better. Let him live there.

The Tale of the Little Oak

Oika the capricious went to the forest. And in the forest mosquitoes: wow! Vz-z-z! ..

Oika pulled out a small oak tree from the ground, sat on a stump, and brushed off the mosquitoes.

Mosquitoes flew to their swamp.

I don't need you anymore, - said Oika and threw the oak tree on the ground.

Belchonok came running. I saw a torn oak tree and cried:

Why did you do it, Oika? If an oak tree grew, I would make a house for myself in it ...

Little Bear came running and also cried:

And I would lay on my back under it and rest ...

Birds cried in the forest

We would build nests on its branches ...

Masha came and also cried:

Why did you do it, Oika? Ddubok was so good, I always admired him.

Oika was surprised:

Oh, why are you all crying? After all, this is a very small oak tree. It has three leaves in total.

Here the Old Oak creaked angrily:

I was also so small. An oak tree would grow, it would become tall, mighty, like me!

Masha thought and said:

Let's dig a hole and plant an oak tree again. Here, in the middle of the clearing, there is a lot of sun here.

Oika ran home and brought a shovel. Masha took a shovel, dug a deep, wide hole.

Masha and Oika planted an oak tree in a hole.

Now we need to water the oak tree, - said Masha. - The oak tree withered completely, lowered the leaves.

Here came the Gray Cloud.

Well, hide under the trees, - said Gray Cloud. - Now I'm going to water a small oak tree with rain!

Rain splashed, wet the ground, wet a small oak tree.

Cap-cap-cap! drops rumbled.

The oak tree rejoiced, straightened up, lifted up the green leaves.

The Tale of Oika the Crybaby

Loves Oika-capricious to cry. A little something - and immediately in tears.

Oh, I don't want to! Oh, I won't! Oh, I've been offended!

Oika cried in the morning.

The Cockerel looked out the window and said:

Don't cry, Oika! In the morning I sing “ku-ka-re-ku”, and you cry, you prevent me from singing.

Oika cried during the day. Grasshopper climbed out of the grass and says:

Don't cry, Oika! All day I chirp in the grass, and you cry - and no one hears me.

Oika cried in the evening.

Frogs jumped from the pond.

Don't cry, Oika! say the frogs. - We like to croak in the evening, and you interfere with us.

Oika cried at night.

The Nightingale flew in from the garden and sat down at the window.

Don't cry, Oika! At night I sing beautiful songs, and you bother me.

When should I cry? - stomped Oika-capricious.

Came from the forest Bear cub, Hare and Squirrel. They stood by Oika under the window and began to ask:

Don't cry, Oika! Because of you, the Sun is upset, it goes behind a cloud.

Okay, Oika sighed. If so, I won't cry.

Tale of the first berries

Masha and Oika made sand cakes. Masha makes Easter cakes herself. And Oika keeps asking:

Oh dad, help! Oh, dad, make me a cake!

Papa Oika helped. Oika began to tease Masha:

And my cookies are better! I have some big and good ones. And you have some bad and small ones.

The next day my dad left for work. A Forest Bird flew in from the forest. She has a stem in her beak. And on the stalk are two berries. The berries glow like red lanterns.

Whoever makes the cake better, I will give these berries to him! said the Forest Bird.

Masha quickly made an Easter cake out of sand. And Oika, no matter how hard she tried, nothing came of it.

The Forest Bird gave the berries to Masha.

Oika was distressed and wept.

And Masha tells her:

Don't cry, Oika! I will share with you. You see, there are two berries. One for you and one for me.

Tale of the pacifier

Masha went to bed and asked:

Mom, give me a pacifier! I won't sleep without a pacifier.

Then the night bird Owl flew into the room.

Wow! Wow! So big, but you suck on the pacifier. There are hares in the forest, squirrels smaller than you. They need a pacifier.

The Owl Machine grabbed a pacifier and carried it far, far away - across the field, across the road into the dense forest.

I won’t sleep without a pacifier,” said Masha, got dressed and ran after the Owl.

Masha ran to Zaichikha and asked:

Did the Owl fly here with my pacifier?

Arrived, - replies the Hare. - We just don't need your pacifier. We have hares without nipples sleeping.

Masha ran to the Bear:

Bear, did the Owl fly here?

She flew in, - the Bear answers, - but my cubs do not need nipples. They sleep like that.

Masha walked through the forest for a long time and saw: all the animals in the forest were sleeping without nipples. And the chicks in the nests, and the ants in the anthill.

Masha came to the river. Fish sleep in the water, frogs sleep near the shore - everyone sleeps without nipples.

Then the night bird Owl flew up to Masha.

Here's your pacifier. Masha, - says Owl. - Nobody wants her.

And I don't need it! Masha said.

Masha threw the pacifier and ran home - to sleep.

Tale of lazy feet

Oika does not like to walk by herself. Every now and then he asks:

Oh, dad, carry me! Oh, my legs are tired!

So Masha, Oika, Bear cub and Wolf cub went to the forest for berries. Picked up berries. It's time to go home already.

I won’t go myself,” says Oika. - My legs are tired. Let the Bear cub carry me.

Oika sat on a bear cub. There is a Little Bear, staggering. It's hard for him to carry Oyoka. Tired Little Bear.

I can't take it anymore, he says.

Then let the Wolf cub carry me, - says Oika. Oika village on Volchonka. There is a Wolf cub, staggering. It is hard for him to bear Oika. Tired Wolf.

I can't take it anymore, he says.

Then the Hedgehog ran out of the bushes:

Get on me, Oyoka, I'll take you home.

Oyka sat on the Ezhonok and how she screamed:

Ouch! Ouch! I better go myself!

The Little Bear and the Wolf cub laughed. Masha says:

How are you going? Because your legs are tired.

Not at all tired, - says Oika. - That's just what I said.

Fairy tale about magic feathers

Masha came to Oike the caprice. Oika sits at the table and draws a picture with colored pencils.

I also want to draw, - said Masha. Let's draw a picture together.

Ooh, here's something else I came up with! Oika replied angrily. - I don't want to draw with you. You see what a picture I got: beautiful, elegant. Oh, I won't give you my colored pencils!

I thought we were friends, - Masha was upset. - After all, I always give you all my toys.

And I won't give you anything! Oika said.

Suddenly, three birds flew in through the window. One bird is blue, another is red, and the third is green.

How greedy you are, Oika! Aren `t you ashamed! - said the birds.

The Red Bird waved its wing, a red feather fell.

Take my feather, Masha, - said the Red Bird.

Masha took a red feather and drew red apples and ripe strawberries.

The Blue Bird waved her wing and gave Masha a blue feather.

Masha took a blue feather and painted the sky blue-blue.

The Green Bird fluttered its wing. A green feather fell into Masha's hands.

Masha drew green grass and green leaves on an apple tree.

The sun peeked through the window.

Take, Masha, my golden ray! Sunny said. - You see, it is thin and straight, like a pencil. Draw them what you want!

Masha took a ray of sunshine and drew a golden path, and golden daisies in the flower bed. Daisies glow like small lanterns.

Oika looked at Mashin's drawing and wept.

Oh Masha! What a beautiful drawing you have. Never again will I be greedy! Hares and squirrels will come tomorrow, the Mouse will come running, the Forest Bird will fly. Everyone will say: your drawing is better than mine!

Don't cry, Oika, said Masha. Let's draw a picture together. And pencils, and multi-colored feathers. Our picture will be even more beautiful, even more elegant!

The story of the crow's nest

Oika-capricious does not want to wash his hair.

The Bear came to Oika.

Let me wash your head, Oika! - said Bear. - You even have twigs sticking out in your hair.

Oh, I don't want to wash my hair! Oh, I won't! Oika screamed.

Zaychiha came to Oika.

Let me wash your head, - suggested the Hare. “Your leaves are tangled in your hair.”

Oika Zaychikha drove away.

Came to Oika Belka.

Let me wash your head, Oika, - Belka began to persuade her. - You've got nutshells stuck in your hair.

But Oika and Belka drove away.

Then the Big Crow flew in with a little crow.

Here is a good place! croaked the Crow. - There are branches and leaves. I, Oika, have a nest on my head, I will live with my crow.

The Raven's kink has a nest on Oika's head. She settled down in it with a crow and still says:

Stop, Oika, don't move, or I'll peck in the forehead!

Oika stands, does not move, only tears run down her cheeks.

Crow got hungry, flew with a little crow to catch midges and mosquitoes.

Oika the capricious ran to Masha.

Oh, Masha, what should I do? Oika cried. - Oh, the Crow has built a nest on my head.

Let's go to the forest to the good Bear, - said Masha. - We must hurry before the Crow returns.

The girls ran to the bear's lair.

Oh, Bear, wash my head soon! - began to ask Oika.

She lathered the bear with soap Oike's head. A hare poured water from a jug. The squirrel wiped his head with a clean towel.

And Masha Oike tied a beautiful bow.

A crow flew in with a little crow. She began to circle over Masha and Oika.

No, everyone’s heads are clean here, ”Crow said. - There's nowhere for me to make a nest here. I'll fly into the thicket, there's an owl's nest on the aspen.

Tale of the gray cloud

A gray cloud has arrived.

Cap-cap-cap! The rain pounded on the roof.

Cap-cap-cap! - the rain pounded on the yellow path.

Oika the capricious looked out the window and shouted:

Oh, why did you come here, Gray Cloud? Nobody called you. Oh, I want to walk! I want to run on the track! And you're bad, wet. Nobody wants you here!

The Gray Cloud was offended. She sighed sadly and flew away.

Suddenly Oika hears: the flowers under the window are crying, the grass on the lawn is crying, the white birch branches have lowered and become sad.

Jumped out of the grass Frog.

Why did you drive away the Gray Cloud, Oika? cried the Frog. Everyone wants to drink! Without rain, the grass will dry up. And I will ride off into the swamp, I will not live here.

Oika was scared. She began to call back the Gray Cloud. And the Gray Cloud has already flown away.

The wise Forest Bird sat on a branch and said:

Look, Oika, Wind-breeze! Only he will help you.

He will pick up the Gray Cloud and bring it back.

Oika ran into the forest. And towards her is the Brown Bear.

Oika asks:

Bear, did not the Wind-breeze fly here?

Flew, - answered the Bear. - Only he flew further, to a green meadow.

Oika ran to the green meadow. A horse is grazing in the meadow.

Horse, Horse, didn't the wind-breeze fly by here?

Flew to the forest lake.

Oika ran to the lake. White swans swim on the lake.

Swans, swans, didn't the wind-breeze fly by here? Oika asked.

There he is, Wind-breeze, - the swans answered, - he flies over the lake, plays in the reeds.

Oika began to ask:

Oh, Wind-breeze, bring back the Gray Cloud! Never again will I offend her - drive her away!

The Wind-breeze picked up the Gray Cloud and brought it back.

Cap-cap-cap! - the rain pounded on the roof, on the branches of a white birch. A White Mushroom peeped out of the grass - a round cap.

How long have I been waiting for the rain, - said the White Mushroom.

And the Frog jumps through the puddles and laughs:

How good! So funny!

Tale of a toy town

Oika the capricious scattered toys all over the room, but they didn’t want to clean it up.

Oh, I'm tired of you, toys! Oh, every day you clean and fold!

Oyka threw the dolls into the closet, the plush Dog under the table, and pushed the cubes under the bench with her feet.

Evening came. Oika lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

the dolls came off the closet. A plush dog ran out from under the table. A truck pulled out of the corner.

Oika does not love us. He offends us. He will leave her in the forest, the toys decided.

The dolls and the plush dog were loaded into the truck with cubes and dishes. They quietly opened the door and went straight into the forest along a narrow path.

The toys found a secluded clearing and built a beautiful town out of cubes.

The moon shines on them, and fireflies, like table lamps, burn. In the morning Masha went for a walk in the forest and came across a toy town.

They treated the dolls to Masha with tea. And they themselves sit sad, sad, The dog does not wag its tail.

Why are you all so sad? - asked Masha.

We miss Oika, - said the plush Dog. But we still won't go back to it. It's bad for us to live with her.

Oika woke up in the morning, but there were no toys. She looked for them, looked for them, found nothing. Only the collar of the plush dog is lying on the floor.

Oika sat on a chair - bored. Lying on the couch - bored.

Oyoka went to Masha. And Masha builds a high-high house for the Giraffe from cubes.

Oh, Masha, all the toys left me! Oika cried. - Without toys it's bad, boring! Oh what should I do now?

And I know where your toys are! Masha said. They now live in the forest.

Masha and Oika went to the clearing to the toy town.

Oh, forgive me, toys! Oika said. - I won't hurt you anymore. There I brought a collar for a plush dog.

The toys did not get angry at Oika. We loaded the cubes onto a truck and set off on our way back. The dog is running ahead, wagging its tail.

Since then, Oika no longer scatters toys, built a kennel for the plush Dog, and ties bows for dolls every day.

The Tale of How the Little Mouse Got into Trouble

The little Mouse went for a walk in the forest. The Forest Bird sits on a branch.

Don't go, Little Mouse, far into the forest, says the Forest Bird. - In the thicket of the forest there are pits and ravines. If you fall into a hole, you will fall.

The Mouse did not listen. He climbed into a dense thicket. There are no paths, no paths are visible, the forest stands like a wall. The Mouse walked, walked and fell into a large dark hole. The pit is deep, the Mouse cannot get out of it himself.

Save! Help! - shouted the Mouse.

Masha, Masha! Little Mouse fell into a deep hole!

Masha ran to the capricious Oika.

Oika! You have to save Mouse. He fell into a deep hole. He will disappear there!

Oh, Masha, what did you think! Oika says. - Oh, it's already night! Wolves howl in the forest. The forest is dark and scary.

We will not find a way in the forest.

Look out the window! Masha said.

Oika looked out the window and saw: it was as bright as day in the dense forest. Squirrels sit on the Christmas trees with candles. Along the path, hares jump with lanterns. Fireflies lit their fires in the grass.

The moon rose from behind the forest.

How embarrassing, Oika! Don't be a coward! Luna says. - I will shine for you, show the way!

Oika sighed, took Masha by the hand, and they left the house. The moon shines brightly, the path shines with silver.

In the wilderness, wolves howl, but they are afraid to go out onto the path. Lights and flashlights scare them. The girls approached the dark pit. Hares and squirrels are jumping around, but they don’t know how to help the Mouse. The little mouse at the bottom of the pit pressed his ears and cries.

Masha took off her belt, and Oika said to her:

Tie my shoe to the belt. And I'm still standing on one leg.

Masha lowered her shoe to the very bottom of the pit. The Mouse climbed into the shoe, firmly grabbed the laces and held on.

The girls pulled the Little Mouse out of the pit.

Thanks, Masha! Thank you Oika! - said the Mouse. “I would be lost here without you.

Hares and squirrels are happy, and the Moon looks and smiles from above.

cold water story

Oika the capricious went to the river. The water in the river is clear. At the bottom there is golden sand and multi-colored pebbles. Masha bathes near the bank. He beats the water with his palms, laughs. Sprays fly in all directions.

Go swim, Oika! - calls Masha.

Oyka took off her shoes and walked barefoot to the water. She put her foot into the water and how she squealed:

Oh, what cold water! Oh, I won't swim!

Small fish swam to the shore.

What are you, Oika, the water is good, warm! - say the fish.

Here's another! I will listen to all kinds of fish! - angry

Oika. And threw a stone into the water.

The fish got upset, wagged their tails and went to the bottom. Ducklings emerged from the reeds.

Go swim, Oika! The sun warmed up the water. The water is warm and good.

Here's another! I will listen to all kinds of ducks! Get out of here, you stupid ducklings! Oika screamed.

The ducklings were offended and swam away into the reeds.

A green frog jumped out of the water. Sat on a round leaf.

What warm water! The sun warmed it to the very bottom. Let's swim: who is faster!

Oh, I don't want to swim! Oh, get out of here, Frog Frog! Oika screamed.

Then two large swans swam out from behind the bushes. Swans are beautiful, white as snow.

One swan swam up to Masha.

Sit on my back, Masha, says Lebed. - I'll ride you.

Masha sat on the Swan, wrapped her arms around his neck, and they swam down the river. River lilies and yellow water lilies sway on the water.

And I want to ride the Swan! Oika screamed and jumped into the water.

Oika sat on the second Swan, and they all sailed together past the island, where green willows lean over the water.

Oh how good! Oika rejoices. - Forgive me, fish, ducklings and Frog! Indeed, the water is only cold at first, but as you get used to it - warm, warm. I will swim every day!

Tale of a cunning trap

Oika the capricious came to Masha.

Oh, Masha, what a good carrot you have grown in your garden. Probably sweet.

Masha gave Oika the capricious three carrots.

Oika went to the forest. He walks along the path, nibbles on a sweet carrot: crunch-crunch!

And towards her the Hare.

Hello, Oika, treat me to a carrot.

Oh what do you want! Oika replied. - Oh, I only have three carrots. Oh, I'll eat them myself!

The Bunny was offended.

I always shared with you, Oika! And strawberries and blueberries. Now I'll tell everyone in the forest that you're Oyka-greedy!

Oh, bunny-knowing! Oika got angry. - Well, wait, you'll regret calling me a greedy man.

Oika took a shovel and dug a deep hole right on the path near the hare's house. She covered it with branches from above, fell asleep with leaves.

And she herself went to the Bear and said:

Oh, Bear, an evil and cunning beast roams our forest. I dug a hole in the path. A cunning beast will get there. He starts shouting that he is good. He starts calling himself by different names. Oh, just don't believe him, don't pull him out of the pit!

Then Oika went to Zaichikha and Belka. She also told them about the cunning evil beast.

Oh, if you pull him out of the hole, he will bite you!

Oika goes home satisfied that the Hare has outwitted her.

She stared at the titmouse birds and fell into the pit-trap herself.

Oh help! Oika screamed. - Oh, get me out. It's me, Oika!

All the animals gathered around the trap pit.

Look what a cunning beast got caught, - said the Bear. - He also calls himself Oika.

Let's not take it out! - said the hare.

It's an evil beast! Belka said. - We'll pull him out, and he'll bite us all.

Masha came to the forest.

Oh, get me out! - Oika cries in the pit. - Oh, it's dark and cold in here. Frogs jump on their legs.

She parted the branches, looked into the hole, and there Oika was sitting, crying.

The animals pulled Oika out of the pit.

Oh, forgive me, - said Oika, and tears drip from her eyes. - Oh, I will never again make a trap for another!

Tale of honest ears

Winter came. Snow covered all the paths in the forest.

Oika the capricious went for a walk. I got cold. Also, she lost her mittens. It blows on the fingers. Suddenly he sees - there is a hare's house under the very pine tree. Hare looked out of the window.

Oika, Oika, go to the house! Warm up by the stove, - called the Hare.

Oika entered the hare's house. Zaychikha sat her down on a bench closer to the stove.

Sit, Oika, warm yourself, - said the Hare. - And I'll go look for my little hare son. Look what a cold place in the forest. He will get cold, he will catch a cold.

The Hare threw a warm scarf of hare down over her shoulders and went to look for her son.

Looks Oyka - stands on the shelf of a jar of cherry jam. Oika really wanted to try sweet jam. Oika climbed onto a chair. I wanted to take a jar of jam, but my elbow touched the cup. The cup is beautiful, a carrot and a head of cabbage are drawn on it. The cup fell and broke.

Just then the Hare returned with a hare.

Who broke my cup? - the Hare was upset.

Oh, she broke herself, - said Oika. - This cup is very bad. She loves to fight. The cup took the spoon and began to beat the teapot. And the kettle got angry and pushed her. The cup fell off the shelf and broke.

Ah ah ah! The Forest Bird shook her head. She sat on a branch under the window and saw everything. - Come on, tell me, Oika, why are your ears red?

Oh, I don’t know, ”Oika whispered, and covered her ears with her hands.

I know, said the Forest Bird. - Because you're a liar, and your ears are honest. They are ashamed of you, so they blushed. Liars always have red ears.

Ouch! Oika screamed. - I don't want my ears to be red! I broke the cup!

It's good that she confessed, - the Hare smiled. - Sit down with us at the table. We will drink tea with cherry jam.

And I found your mittens, - said the Forest Bird. - Here they are, Oika, hold on. Lose no more. Winter has come, you will freeze your fingers.

Fairy tale about the magic basket

The good dwarf built a small house in a round meadow. In the meantime, he built and painted the house, soiled his blue cap and jacket.

I walked through the glade Oyka-capricious.

Hello Oika! Wash my cap and jacket, - asked the dwarf. - And for that I will give you a basket full of ripe raspberries.

Oh, okay, so be it, I’ll wash it, ”Oika reluctantly agreed.

Oika does not like to work. She washed her cap and jacket badly. Only dirt and paint smeared.

Oh, the soap stings your palms! Oh, the water in the stream is cold! Oika grumbled angrily.

Masha was walking through the clearing.

Hello, Masha, - said the dwarf. - Wash my cap and jacket. And for that I will give you a basket full of ripe raspberries.

Masha did her best. Well soaped cap and jacket. Then she rinsed them in a clear stream and hung them to dry on a rope between two birches.

The good dwarf took out two baskets from the house. Both are full of ripe raspberries. He gave one basket to Oika the capricious, the other to Masha.

The girls sat on a stump and began to eat raspberries.

Masha puts berry after berry in her mouth, but her basket is still full.

And Oika the capricious began to eat raspberries, the basket quickly emptied, you can already see the bottom.

Oh, I got a bad basket, - Oika got angry. - Oh, let's change!

Masha gave her basket to Oika, and she herself took the basket to Oika.

Masha eats, eats raspberries, she has already eaten her fill, but the basket is still full around the edge.

Oika ate a little, but the basket was already empty, not a single berry was left.

The good dwarf came out of the house and stood on the porch.

Remember, Oika, said the dwarf. - Diligent hands always have a full basket, while lazy hands always have an empty one!

Tale of a holey pocket

Oika the capricious has a birthday today. Masha came to Oika and gave her a big candy with a beautiful picture.

Oika put the candy in her pocket.

You have a hole in your pocket,” Masha said. - Take a needle and thread, sew up the hole.

Oh, I don't want to! Oh, I won't! - Oika-capricious got angry. - Oh, the hole is very small. I don't like needle and thread. Oh, I don't want to sew! I want to walk.

Masha and Oika went to the forest. They came to the hare's house.

I congratulate you, Oika, happy birthday, - said the Hare. - Here are two sweet carrots for you.

I put oyka and carrots in my pocket.

The girls met a red squirrel. Belka poured Oike into a pocket of large golden nuts.

The Brown Bear is walking towards.

I congratulate you, Oika, happy birthday, - said the Bear. - Here's a pot of honey for you.

Oika also put a pot of honey in her pocket.

Masha and Oika returned home. Oika looks, and her pocket is empty. The hole was small, but now it's big. All gifts fell out through the hole.

Look, Oika, - said Masha. - There is my candy with a beautiful picture on the grass.

Here came the Hare. She has two sweet carrots in her paw.

You lost my carrots, Oika, but I found them in a clearing!

Belka galloped along the branches.

Here are your nuts, Oika. I found them on the track.

The brown bear has arrived.

Here is a pot of honey. I found it under the tree.

Oh thank you all! Oika rejoiced. - Oh, now I will love a needle and thread! A small hole, but big trouble can happen.

They all entered the house, sat down at the table and began to drink tea.

Oops, my gifts are gone! Oika cried. - Oh, why didn't I sew up the hole while it was small!

Tale of the Red Lantern

A little gnome was walking through the forest late at night. He carried a red flashlight in his hand.

And in the clearing the animals are playing: squirrels, hares, cubs. They don't like playing in the dark. Either they will fly into each other, bump their foreheads, then they will stumble over a root.

The good dwarf took pity on them. He hung a red flashlight on a birch branch, and he himself went to his house in the thicket of the forest.

Here the fun began! The animals began to dance around the birch. Then they began to play hide-and-seek - they fled in different directions. And here Oika the capricious walks along the path. She saw a flashlight and said:

Oh what a nice flashlight! Oh, he'll be useful to me. Oh, the animals will do without a red flashlight!

Oika took a red flashlight, wrapped it in a scarf and took it to her home.

The animals returned to the clearing and cried:

Where is our red lantern?

The wise Forest Bird flew in and began to persuade them:

Do not Cry! Wipe away the tears with your paws. Go to sleep. And tomorrow I'll find out who took your red flashlight.

In the morning the Forest Bird flew to Masha and asked:

Masha, do you know where the red flashlight is?

No, I don't know, - Masha answered. - Maybe Oika knows. She was walking in the woods last night.

The wise Forest Bird flew to Oika the Caprice. I looked out the window. He sees that Oika has a red flashlight on the table, glowing.

Tell me, Oika, what is that red flashlight on your desk? asked the Forest Bird. - Isn't this the same flashlight that the good dwarf gave to the animals?

Oh, No! Oika said. - It's another red flashlight!

Come on, Oika, give me this red flashlight, - the Forest Bird said sternly. - If this is your flashlight, nothing bad will happen to you. And if this is someone else's flashlight, it will hurt your hands!

Oika was scared. Afraid to take a flashlight. She doesn't want him to burn her hands.

Oops, that's not my flashlight! Oika cried. - Oh, forgive me, Forest Bird! Oh, I will never take other people's things again.

The Forest Bird took the red lantern to the forest and again hung it on a birch branch.

Tale of the biggest hare in the world

There lived a Gray Wolf in the forest. He was very offended by hares.

Hares spent the whole day sitting under a bush crying.

One day the Hare-daddy said:

Let's go to the girl Oika. She has a rubber inflatable lion. We will inflate him. The Gray Wolf will see him and get scared.

Hares came to Oika-capricious.

Oh, I won't give you an inflatable lion! Oika screamed. - Oh, I really need him. I want to play with him!

Send hares to the girl Masha. Sad go, ears lowered.

Why are you so sad? - asks Masha.

The hares told her about their trouble.

I don't have a rubber lion. I have only a rubber hare, - said Masha. - We need to inflate him more so that he becomes the biggest hare in the world. Here we'll see what happens next.

The first to blow was a little hare. Blow-blow, and the rubber hare became big, like a dog.

Then the Hare began to blow. Dula-dula, and the rubber hare became big, like a lamb.

Then the Hare-father began to blow. Blow-blow, and the rubber hare became big, like a horse.

Then the Brown Bear began to blow. Dula-dula, and the rubber hare became as big as a house.

Masha was the last to blow. She blew, blew, and the rubber hare became as big as a mountain.

In the evening the Gray Wolf came to the clearing. He sees a hare sitting behind a bush. Big big. Above all trees. The Gray Cloud is swimming, clinging to his ears.

Scared Gray Wolf.

This is the biggest rabbit in the world! I can't deal with him. Look, he will swallow me himself!

Wolf tucked his tail and ran away from this forest forever.

Hares jumped out into the clearing and began to dance and have fun. Bear brought honey, Squirrel brought a whole basket of nuts.

Came to the clearing Oyka-capricious.

Oh, I won't be greedy anymore! Oh, take my inflatable lion,” Oika said softly. And she lowered her head, ashamed of her.

We don't need your lion! - said the hare. Well, we're not angry with you. Come and drink sweet tea with us.

Tale of hammer and nails

There was a good bridge across the river. Yes, that's the trouble - it's broken! Animals cannot cross the river, go into the forest. And time to collect nuts and berries.

The Mouse ran to Masha.

Masha, Masha! Give me a hammer and nails. I'll fix the bridge in no time.

I have a hammer, - answered Masha. - And nails - not a single thing. Go, Mouse, to Oika. She has a whole box of nails.

The Mouse ran to Oika the capricious.

Oika, give me nails, - asked the Mouse.

Oh, go away, little mouse! - shouted Oika-capricious. - Oh, I won't give you nails! They will suit me best.

All the animals were upset. They don't know what to do.

I have a carnation, but only one, - said the Hare. - One nail is not enough.

And I have two nails, - said Belka.

The Hedgehog found three carnations.

And the Bear found four carnations in the den.

The Mouse took the nails and the Machine's hammer. Repaired the bridge. The animals went to the forest for berries and nuts.

Then they called Masha. They all sat down in the meadow. Drink tea with berries. The squirrel gnaws all the nuts, puts the shells in a pile.

Tired of Oika sitting at home alone, she came to the clearing.

Oh, and give me tea with berries and nuts! Oika says.

And the animals were offended by Oika, they don’t want to treat her with tea.

Get out of here, Oika! - said the Mouse. - You didn't give us nails.

We won't be friends with you.

Then the Starling Starling flew into the clearing.

Help, Mouse, help me out, - said the Starling. - My house is broken, and look, it will fall!

I would be glad, - Mouse sighed. But I don't have a single carnation left.

Oh, and I have a whole box of carnations! Oika screamed.

Oika ran home for carnations. I gave the whole box to the Mouse.

Sit down with us to drink tea, Oika, - Bear smiled.

And Squirrel Oike gnawed the biggest nut.

Masha thought and said:

A hammer and cloves are friends, and everything works out well. And we should be friends, help each other.

A story about naughty hands and feet

Oika the capricious went to visit the Hare. The Hare sits at the table and eats soup from a blue plate.

Sit down, Oika, - says the Hare. - I'll give you soup. Oika ate a full bowl of soup.

Now let's wash the plates, - says the Hare. The reluctance of the lazy Oika to wash the plates.

I would wash my plate, says Oika. - Only now my hands do not want to wash it.

Are you not the master of your own hands? - the Hare was surprised.

No, I am not the mistress of my hands, - answered Oika. - They don't listen to me. My hands do whatever they want.

Well, sighed the Hare. - Then, Oika, go to the stream for water. I'll put the kettle on. We will drink tea with gingerbread.

The reluctance of the lazy Oika to go for water.

I would go for water,” says Oika. “But my legs don’t want to go.”

Are you not the owner of your feet? - the Hare was even more surprised.

No, I am not the mistress of my feet, - Oika shook her head. - They don't listen to me. My legs go where they want, they run there!

As soon as Oika said these words, this is what happened. Suddenly Oika jumps up from the bench. Jump-jump she ran to the door. And then Skok-Skok galloped down the steps of the porch. And then run along the path straight into the dense forest.

Oh oh! Oika screamed. - Where are you, my legs? Oh, I don't want to run into the forest!

And her legs do not obey. They run and run, straight along the overgrown path into the dark forest thicket.

And Oika's hands do not obey her either. That stinging nettle will be plucked. Then they climb into the hollow, and there the bees buzz, get angry.

The Hare galloped to the good girl Masha. He told Masha what a misfortune had happened to Oika.

We must catch up with Oika, - says Masha. - She will disappear alone in a dense forest!

Masha and the Hare run and hurry along the forest path.

Oika! Oika! Masha screamed. - Hurry up and say that you again want to become the mistress of your hands and feet!

Oh, I want, I want! Oika cried. - Oh, I will never be lazy again. I want to become the mistress of my hands and feet again!

As soon as Oika said these words, her legs immediately stopped, and her hands threw stinging nettles to the ground.

Oh how good! Oika rejoiced.

Come to me to drink tea with gingerbread, - the Hare invited everyone.

And I'll go for water, - said Oika. - And then I'll wash the cups.

Tale of shoes

Mom bought shoes for Oike the capricious. Blue, beautiful, with white laces. And Oika threw her shoes into a dark corner.

Oh, what long laces! Tie you up every morning. Untie you every evening. Oh, I don't want to! Oh, I won't!

Tired of the shoes lying around in the corner doing nothing.

Let's go look for a master, - said the right shoe. - Who will wear us? Who do we fit?

Let's go, - said the left shoe.

The shoes came out of the corner and they see: there is a Table on four legs in the middle of the room.

Hello Table! the shoes told him. - Put us on legs - and let's go run and jump!

No, - said the Table sadly, - I can't run and jump. I can only stand in the middle of the room.

The shoes went out into the yard and saw a striped cat.

What lovely long laces you have! purred the Cat softly. - They look like long, long mouse tails.

But then the shoes saw sharp claws protrude from soft paws. The shoes were very frightened. The right shoe ran to the right, the left shoe ran to the left.

And the Cat remained in place, because she did not know which way to run.

In the meadow, the shoes saw the Cow.

Hello Cow! - said the shoes. - Put us on your hooves - and let's go run and jump.

I have four hooves, and therefore I need four shoes, - the Cow shook her head. And besides, you're too small.

Suddenly the grass stirred, the flowers swayed, and the Already crawled out onto the path.

Hello Uh! - said the shoes. - How beautiful you are. You look like a long shoelace. And you still shine. Above us on your legs - and let's go run and jump!

Oh you fools! - Uzh laughed. - How can I put you on, because I have no legs at all

And again he crawled into the grass. Then a duck emerged from the reeds.

Hello Duck! - shouted the shoes. - You have two paws. Put us on - and let's run and jump!

Most of all I like to swim, - said the Duck. - I would put you on, but in the water you will interfere with me.

At this time, a gray Sparrow descended onto the path.

Hello Sparrow! - shouted the shoes. You also have two paws. Put us on - and let's run and jump!

I like you very much,” Sparrow said. - But you're too big. If I put you on, I probably won't even be able to fly.

Shoes cried:

What do we do now? Where to go?

Suddenly they see: two bare feet are walking along the path. They don't run, they don't jump. Either they step on a bump, or they step on a sharp stone.

This is Oika the capricious one, - the right shoe saddened. Let's hide in the grass. All the same, Oika won't put us on.

Let's hide, - the left shoe sighed. - We don't need Oika.

The shoes hid in the thick grass, but Oika noticed them anyway.

Shoes, shoes! Oika screamed. - And I'm looking for you. You don't get angry with me. I feel very bad without you.

Oika put on her shoes, tied her shoelaces, and ran home quickly, quickly.

Into listened

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There were two girls in the world.

One girl was named Masha, and the other was Zoya. Masha loved to do everything herself. She eats her own soup. She drinks milk from a cup. She puts the toys in the box herself.

Zoya herself does not want to do anything and only says:

— Oh, I don't want to! Oh, I can't! Oh, I won't!

All "oh" yes "oh"! So they began to call her not Zoika, but Oika.

When can you cry?

Masha cried in the morning. The Cockerel looked out the window and said:

Don't cry, Masha! In the morning I sing “ku-ka-re-ku”, and you cry, you prevent me from singing.

Masha cried during the day. Grasshopper climbed out of the grass and says:

Masha cried in the evening.

Frogs jumped from the pond.

Don't cry, Masha! the frogs say. - We like to croak in the evening, and you interfere with us.

Masha cried at night. The Nightingale flew in from the garden and sat on the window:

Don't cry, Masha! At night I sing beautiful songs, and you bother me.

- When should I cry? Masha asked.

“Don’t you ever cry,” Mom said. “You are already a big girl.

The Tale of the Little Oak

Oika went to the forest. And in the forest mosquitoes: wow! Oyka pulled out a small oak tree from the ground, sits on a stump, brushes off mosquitoes. Mosquitoes flew to their swamp.

“I don’t need you anymore,” Oika said and threw the oak tree on the ground.

Belchonok came running. I saw a torn oak tree and cried:

“Why did you do it, Oika? If an oak tree grew, I would make a house for myself in it ...

Little Bear came running and also cried:

- And I would lie on my back under it and rest ... Birds cried in the forest:

- We would have built nests on its branches ... Masha came and also cried:

- I planted this oak tree myself ... Oika was surprised:

“Oh, why are you all crying? After all, this is a very small oak tree. There are only two leaves on it.

Here the old oak creaked angrily:

I was also so small. If an oak tree grew, it would become tall and powerful, like me.

Tale of the first berries

Masha and Oika made sand cakes. Masha makes Easter cakes herself. And Oika keeps asking:

- Oh, dad, help! Oh, dad, make me a cake!

Papa Oika helped. Oika began to tease Masha:

- And my cakes are better! I have some big and good ones. And you have some bad and small ones.

The next day my dad left for work. A Forest Bird flew in from the forest. She has a stem in her beak. And on the stalk are two berries. The berries glow like red lanterns.

“Whoever makes the cake better, I will give these berries to him!” said the Forest Bird.

Masha quickly made an Easter cake out of sand. And Oika, no matter how hard she tried, nothing came of it.

The Forest Bird gave the berries to Masha.

Oika was distressed and wept.

And Masha tells her:

Don't cry, Oika! I will share with you. You see, there are two berries. One is for you and the other is for me.

Tale of the protruding tongue

Oika went into the forest, and the Bear cub met her.

Hello, Oika! - said Little Bear.

And Oika stuck out her tongue and began to tease him. It was a shame for the Bear cub. He cried and went behind a large bush. I met Oika Hare.

Hello, Oika! - said the Hare.

And Oika again stuck out her tongue and began to tease him. It was a shame for the Hare. He cried and went behind a large bush.

Here sit under a large bush the Bear cub and the Hare, and both are crying. Leaves, like handkerchiefs, wipe the tears. A bee flew in in a furry coat.

- What happened? Who offended you? Bee asked.

- We said “hello” to Oika, and she showed us her tongue. We are very sorry. Here we are crying.

- It can't be! Can't be! - Bee buzzed. Show me this girl!

- There she sits under a birch. The Bee flew to Oika and buzzed:

“How are you, Oika?”

And Oika showed her tongue too. The Bee got angry and stung Oika right on the tongue. Oike hurts. Swollen tongue. Oika wants to close his mouth and cannot. So Oika walked until the evening with her tongue hanging out. In the evening my father and mother came home from work. They anointed Oikin's tongue with bitter medicine. The tongue became small again, and Oika closed her mouth. Since then, Oika has not shown her tongue to anyone else.

Tale of the pacifier

Masha went to bed and asked:

- Mom, give me a pacifier! I won't sleep without a pacifier.

Then the night bird Owl flew into the room.

— Wow! Wow! So big, but you suck on the pacifier. There are hares in the forest, squirrels smaller than you. They need a pacifier.

The Owl Machine grabbed a nipple and carried it far, far away - across the field, across the road into the dense forest.

“I won’t sleep without a pacifier,” said Masha, got dressed and ran after the Owl.

Masha ran to Zaichikha and asked:

- Didn't the Owl fly here with my pacifier?

- Arrived, - replies the Hare. “We just don’t need your pacifier. We have hares without nipples sleeping.

Masha ran to the Bear:

- Bear, did the Owl fly here?

- Arrived, - the Bear answers. “But my cubs don’t need nipples. They sleep like that.

Masha walked through the forest for a long time and saw: all the animals in the forest were sleeping without nipples. And the chicks in the nests, and the ants in the anthill. Masha came to the river. Fish sleep in the water, frogs sleep near the shore - everyone sleeps without nipples.

Then the night bird Owl flew up to Masha.

“Here’s your nipple, Masha,” says the Owl. “No one wants her.

And I don't need it! Masha said.

Masha threw the pacifier and ran home to sleep.

Sofia Leonidovna PROKOFIEVA


Masha and Oika
There were two girls in the world.
One girl was called Masha, and the other was Zoya. Masha loved to do everything herself. She eats her own soup. She drinks milk from a cup. She puts the toys in the box herself.
Zoya herself does not want to do anything and only says:
- Oh, I don't want to! Oh, I can't! Oh, I won't!
All "oh" yes "oh"! So they began to call her not Zoika, but Oika.

* * *
When can you cry?
Masha cried in the morning. The Cockerel looked out the window and said:
- Don't cry, Masha! In the morning I sing "ku-ka-re-ku", and you cry, you prevent me from singing.
Masha cried during the day. Grasshopper climbed out of the grass and says:
- Don't cry, Masha! All day I chirp in the grass, and you cry - and no one hears me.
Masha cried in the evening.
Frogs jumped from the pond.
- Do not Cry. Masha! say the frogs. - We like to croak in the evening, and you interfere with us.
Masha cried at night. The Nightingale flew in from the garden and sat down at the window.
- Don't cry, Masha! At night I sing beautiful songs, and you bother me.
- When should I cry? - asked Masha.
“Don’t you ever cry,” Mom said. - You're a big girl now.

* * *
Tale of the first berries
Masha and Oika made sand cakes. Masha makes Easter cakes herself. And Oika keeps asking:
- Oh, dad, help! Oh, dad, make me a cake!
Papa Oika helped. Oika began to tease Masha:
- And my cakes are better! I have some big and good ones. And you have some bad and small ones.
The next day my dad left for work. A Forest Bird flew in from the forest. She has a stem in her beak. And on the stalk are two berries. The berries glow like red lanterns.
- Whoever makes the Easter cake better, I will give these berries to him! - said the Forest Bird.
Masha quickly made an Easter cake out of sand. And Oika, no matter how hard she tried, nothing came of it.
The Forest Bird gave the berries to Masha.
Oika was distressed and wept.
And Masha tells her:
- Don't cry, Oika! I will share with you. You see, there are two berries. One is for you and the other is for me.

* * *
The Tale of the Little Oak
Oika went to the forest. And in the forest mosquitoes: wow! Oyka pulled out a small oak tree from the ground, sits on a stump, brushes off mosquitoes. Mosquitoes flew to their swamp.
“I don’t need you anymore,” Oika said and threw the oak tree on the ground.
Belchonok came running. I saw a torn oak tree and cried:
- Why did you do it, Oika? If an oak tree grew, I would make myself a house in it ...
Little Bear came running and also cried:
- And I would lie under him on my back and rest ...
Birds cried in the forest
- We would build nests on its branches ...
Masha came and also cried:
- I planted this oak tree myself ...
Oika was surprised:
- Oh, why are you all crying? After all, this is a very small oak tree. There are only two leaves on it.
Here the old oak creaked angrily:
I was also so small. If an oak tree grew, it would become tall and powerful, like me.

* * *
Tale of the protruding tongue
Oika went into the forest, and the Bear cub met her.
- Hello, Oika! - said Little Bear.
And Oika stuck out her tongue and began to tease him. It was a shame for the Bear cub. He cried and went behind a large bush. I met Oika Hare.
- Hello, Oika! - said the Hare.
And Oika again stuck out her tongue and began to tease him. It was a shame for the Hare. He cried and went behind a large bush.
Here sit under a large bush the Bear cub and the Hare, and both are crying. Leaves, like handkerchiefs, wipe the tears. A bee flew in in a furry coat.
- What happened? Who offended you? asked the Bee.
- We said "hello" to Oika, and she showed us her tongue. We are very sorry. Here we are crying.
- It can't be! Can't be! - Bee buzzed. Show me this girl!
- There she sits under a birch.
The Bee flew to Oika and buzzed:
- How are you, Oika?
And Oika showed her tongue too. The Bee got angry and stung Oika right on the tongue. Oike hurts. Swollen tongue. Oika wants to close his mouth and cannot.
So Oika walked until the evening with her tongue hanging out. In the evening my father and mother came home from work. They anointed Oikin's tongue with bitter medicine. The tongue became small again, and Oika closed her mouth.
Since then, Oika has not shown her tongue to anyone else.

* * *
Tale of the pacifier
Masha went to bed and asked:
- Mom, give me a pacifier! I won't sleep without a pacifier.
Then the night bird Owl flew into the room.
- Wow! Wow! So big, but you suck on the pacifier. There are hares in the forest, squirrels smaller than you. They need a pacifier.
The Owl Machine grabbed a pacifier and carried it far, far away - across the field, across the road into the dense forest.
“I won’t sleep without a pacifier,” said Masha, got dressed and ran after the Owl.
Masha ran to Zaichikha and asked:
- Did the Owl fly here with my pacifier?
- Arrived, - replies the Hare. - We just don't need your pacifier. We have hares without nipples sleeping.
Masha ran to the Bear:
- Bear, did the Owl fly here?
- Arrived, - the Bear answers. - But my cubs don't need nipples. They sleep like that.
Masha walked through the forest for a long time and saw: all the animals in the forest were sleeping without nipples. And the chicks in the nests, and the ants in the anthill. Masha came to the river. Fish sleep in the water, frogs sleep near the shore - everyone sleeps without nipples.
Then the night bird Owl flew up to Masha.
- Here's your pacifier. Masha, - says Owl. - Nobody wants her.
And I don't need it! Masha said.
Masha threw the pacifier and ran home - to sleep.

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Animal husbandry is a branch of agriculture that specializes in breeding domestic animals. The main purpose of the industry is...
Market share of a company How to calculate a company's market share in practice? This question is often asked by beginner marketers. However,...
First mode (wave) The first wave (1785-1835) formed a technological mode based on new technologies in textile...
§one. General data Recall: sentences are divided into two-part, the grammatical basis of which consists of two main members - ...
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia gives the following definition of the concept of a dialect (from the Greek diblektos - conversation, dialect, dialect) - this is ...