Children's books for 5 6 years. An indicative list of literature for reading to children according to the program of education and training in kindergarten, ed.

I keep it for myself! I share with you. Thanks to all!

Senior group. List of literature for children 5-6 years old.


Continue to develop interest in fiction. Learn to listen carefully and with interest to fairy tales, stories, poems. With the help of various techniques and specially organized pedagogical situations, to promote the formation of an emotional attitude to literary works. Encourage them to talk about their attitude to a particular act literary character. Help children understand the hidden motives of the behavior of the characters in the work. Continue to explain (based on the read work) the main genre features fairy tales, short stories, poems. Continue to cultivate sensitivity to artistic word; read passages with the most vivid, memorable descriptions, comparisons, epithets. Learn to listen to the rhythm and melody poetic text. To help expressively, with natural intonations to read poetry, to participate in reading the text by roles, in dramatizations. Continue reading books. Draw the attention of children to the design of the book, to the illustration. compare illustrations different artists to the same work. Tell children about your favorite children's books, find out their liking and preferences.

For reading to children

Russian folklore

“Like a thin ice...”, “Like a grandmother's goat...”,

“You, frost, frost, frost ...”, “Early, early in the morning ...”,

“I’m amusing the pegs ...”, “Nikolenka gander ...”,

"You knock on the oak tree, the blue siskin flies."


"Rooks-kirichi ...", " Ladybug...", "Swallow-swallow ...",

“You are already a little bird, you are a stray ...”, “Rain, rain, more fun.”

Russians folk tales.

"Hare-bouncer", "Fox and jug", arr. O. Kapitsa;

"Winged, hairy and oily", arr. I. Karnaukhova;

"The Frog Princess", "Sivka-Burka", arr. M. Bulatova;

"Finist-Clear Falcon", arr. A. Platonova;

"Havroshechka", arr. A. N. Tolstoy;

"Nikita Kozhemyaka" (from the collection of fairy tales by A. N. Afanasyev); " Boring Tales».

Works of poets and writers of Russia


V. Bryusov. "Lullaby";

I. Bunin. "First snow";

S. Gorodetsky. "Kitty";

S. Yesenin. "Birch", "Bird cherry";

A. Maikov. "Summer rain";

N. Nekrasov. " green noise"(abbreviated);

I. Nikitin. "Meeting of winter";

A. Pushkin. “The sky was already breathing in autumn ...” (from the novel in verse “Eugene Onegin”), “ Winter evening"(abbreviated);

A. Pleshcheev. "My garden";

A. K. Tolstoy. “Autumn, our whole poor garden is sprinkled ...” (abbreviated);

I. Turgenev. "Sparrow";

F. Tyutchev. “Winter is angry for a reason”;

A. Fet. "The cat sings, squinting his eyes ...";

M. Tsvetaeva. "At the bed";

C. Black. "Wolf";

I am Akim. "Greedy";

A. Barto. "Rope";

B. Zakhoder. "Dog's grief", "About catfish", "Pleasant meeting";

V. Levin. "Chest", "Horse";

S. Marshak. "Mail", "Poodle"; S. Marshak,

D. Kharms. "Funny siskins";

Y. Moritz. "House with a pipe";

R. Sef. "Council", "Endless Poems";

D. Kharms. "I've been running, running, running...";

M. Yasnov. "Peaceful Counting".


V. Dmitrieva. "Baby and the Bug" (chapters);

L. Tolstoy. "Lion and Dog", "Bone", "Jump";

C. Black. "Cat on a bicycle";

B. Almazov. "Humpback";

M. Borisova. "Do not offend Zhakonya";

A. Gaidar. "Chuk and Gek" (chapters);

S. Georgiev. "I saved Santa Claus";

V. Dragunsky. "Childhood Friend", "Top Down, Obliquely";

B. Zhitkov. "White House", "How I Caught Little Men";

Y. Kazakov. "Greedy Chick and cat Vaska";

M. Moskvina. "Baby";

N. Nosov. "Live hat";

L. Panteleev. "The Big Wash" (from "Tales of Belochka and Tamarochka"), "The letter" you ";

K. Paustovsky. "Cat-thief";

G. Snegirev. "Penguin Beach", "To the Sea", "Brave Penguin".

Folklore of the peoples of the world


“They washed buckwheat”, lit., arr. Yu. Grigorieva;

"Friend for friend", Tajik., arr. N. Grebneva (abbreviated);

"Vesnyanka", Ukrainian, arr. G. Litvak;

"The House That Jack Built", "The Old Lady", English, trans. S. Marshak;

"Happy journey!", Dutch, arr. I. Tokmakova;

"Let's dance", Scottish, arr. I. Tokmakova.

Fairy tales.

"Cuckoo", Nenets, arr. K. Shavrova;

“How the Brothers Found the Father’s Treasure”, Mold., Arr. M. Bulatova;

"Forest Maiden", trans. from Czech. V. Petrova (from the collection of fairy tales by B. Nemtsova);

"Yellow Stork", Chinese, trans. F. Yarilina;

"About the little mouse who was a cat, a dog and a tiger", ind., trans. N. Khodzy;

"Wonderful stories about a hare named Lek", folk tales West Africa, per. O. Kustova and V. Andreev;

"Goldilocks", trans. from Czech. K. Paustovsky;

"Three golden hairs of Grandfather-Vseved", trans. from Czech. N. Arosyeva (from the collection of fairy tales by K. Ya. Erben).

Works of poets and writers from different countries


I. Bzhehva. "On the Horizon Islands", trans. from Polish. B. Zakhoder;

A. Milne. "The Ballad of the King's Sandwich", trans. from English. S. Marshak;

J. Reeves. "Noisy Bang", trans. from English. M. Boroditskaya;

Y. Tuvim. “A letter to all the children one by one is very important business", trans. from Polish. S. Mikhalkov;

W. Smith. "About the Flying Cow", trans. from English. B. Zakhoder;

D. Ciardi. "On Who Has Three Eyes", trans. from English. R. Sefa.

Literary tales.

R. Kipling. "Elephant", trans. from English. K. Chukovsky, poems in the lane. S. Marshak;

A. Lindgren. “Carlson, who lives on the roof, flew in again” (chapters, in abbreviated form), trans. from the Swedish L. Lungina;

X. Myakelya. "Mr. Au" (chapters), trans. from Finnish E. Uspensky;

O. Preusler. "Little Baba Yaga" (chapters), trans. with him. Y. Korintsa;

J. Rodari. "The Magic Drum" (from "Tales with Three Ends"), trans. from Italian. I. Konstantinova;

T. Jansson. "About the World's Last Dragon", trans. from the Swedish

L. Braude. "The Wizard's Hat" (chapter), trans. V. Smirnova.

To learn by heart

"Knock on the oak tree...", Rus. nar. song;

I. Belousov. "Spring Guest";

E. Blaginina. "Let's sit in silence";

G. Vieru. "Mother's Day", trans. with mold. I. Akima;

S. Gorodetsky. "Five little puppies";

M. Isakovsky. "Go beyond the seas-oceans";

M. Carem. "Peaceful counting rhyme", trans. from French V. Berestov;

A. Pushkin. “At the seashore, a green oak ...” (from the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”);

A. Pleshcheev. "Autumn has come...";

I. Surikov. "This is my village."

To read in faces

Y. Vladimirov. "Freaks";

S. Gorodetsky. "Kitty";

V. Orlov. "Tell me, little river...";

E. Uspensky. "Destruction". (we love this cartoon))))

Literary tales.

A. Pushkin. "The tale of Tsar Saltan, of his son (glorious and mighty hero Prince Gvidon Saltanovich and about beautiful princess Swans";

N. Teleshov. "Krupenichka";

T. Alexandrova. "Domovenok Kuzka" (chapters);

P. Bazhov. "Silver Hoof";

W. Bianchi. "Owl";

A. Volkov. "Wizard emerald city» (chapters);

B. Zakhoder. "Grey star";

V. Kataev. "Flower-seven-flower";

A. Mityaev. "The Tale of the Three Pirates";

L. Petrushevskaya. "The Cat Who Could Sing";

G. Sapgir. “How a frog was sold”, “Smeyantsy”, “Fables in faces”.

Many parents ask the question "What to read to a child of 6 years old?" I have compiled a list of books for a child of 6 years. The list got big. Of course, you don't have to read all the books. You need to listen to the interests of the child. For example, my children did not like fairy tales with fairies, wizards, flying carpets, etc. But they loved fairy tales about Dunno and Carlson. So choose!
1. Nikolay Nosov.
Stories, Adventures of Dunno and his friends (all parts).
2. Victor Dragunsky.
Denis' stories.
3. Jan Larry.
Extraordinary Adventures of Karik and Vali
4. Dick King-Smith.
Fairy tales about animals.
5. Andrey Uschev.
Smart dog Sonya
Once upon a time there were hedgehogs
Snowman school
Miracles in Dedmorozovka

33 cats
Smart dog Sonya
Miracles in Ded Morozovka
6. Sofya Prokofieva.
The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase
Patchwork and Cloud
While the clock is striking
Detective in a shoe
plush tiger adventure
7. Selma Lagerlöf
Wonderful journey of Niels with wild geese.
8. A. Volkov:
"The Wizard of Oz",
Oorfene Deuce and his Wooden Soldiers,
"Seven Underground Kings"
"The fiery god of the Marrans",
"Yellow Fog"
"The Mystery of the Abandoned Castle"
9. Astrid Lindgren
Kid and Carlson (3 parts),
The adventures of Emil from Lenneberga,
Emil and baby Ida,
Pippi Longstocking.
10. Alan M
"Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all" (all parts).
11. Jan-Olav Ekholm

Ludwig the Fourteenth and others.
12. Yuri Druzhkov
Adventures of Pencil and Samodelkin.
13. Anne-Catherine Westley.
Dad, mom, grandma, eight kids and a truck
A small gift from Anton.
14. Grigory Oster.
38 parrots,
Bad advice.
15. Lyman Baum.
The Wizard of Oz.
16. Alexei Tolstoy.
The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio.
17. Carlo Collodi.
The Adventures of Pinocchio.
18. Diana Sabitova.
Mouse Glyceria
Colored and striped days
19. Tove Janson.
All about Moomin
20. Tokmakova
Alya, Klyaksich and the letter "A"
Maybe Zero is not to blame?
M21. Sergey Georgiev
Fyfriki and bubriki
22. V. Bianchi:
“Forest were also fables”,
"Ant" and others.
23. Sergey Georgiev.
The main secret
Best friend,
sad tree
24. Lyubov Voronkova
Masha the confused
25. Lebedeva.
How Masha quarreled with a pillow,
The Adventure of the Cucumber Horse
26. G. H. Andersen "Tales":
"Ugly duck"
"The Snow Queen"
"The Steadfast Tin Soldier",
"Magic Hill"
"The King's New Outfit"
"Road Comrade"
"Princess on the Pea",
"The Swamp King's Daughter"
"Galoshes of happiness"
"Little Klaus and Big Klaus"
"Airplane Chest",
"Old house",
"Sausage Stick Soup"
"darning needle"
"Wild Swans" and others.
27. P. Ershov
The Little Humpbacked Horse.
28. R. Kipling "Tales".
29. Sergey Aksakov
The Scarlet Flower.
30. V. Kataev
31. Joel C. Harris:
Tales of Uncle Remus:
How to revive a fairy tale
Brer Fox and Brer Rabbit
32. Jan Ekholm
Tutta Karlsson the first and only,
Ludwig the Fourteenth, and others.
33. Brothers Grimm:
The Bremen Town Musicians,
pot of porridge,
Grandma Metelitsa,
Frog King or Iron Henry,
Thumb boy
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,
Bluebeard" and others.
34. J. Rodari:
Adventures of Cipollino,
Journey of the Blue Arrow
Tales on the phone
35. D. Kharms:
Poems for children,
Plikh and Plyukh.
36. V. Mayakovsky
What is good and what is bad.
37. E.T.A. Hoffman
The Nutcracker and the Mouse King.
38. E. Schwartz
A story about lost time.
39. Charles Perrault "Tales":
Puss in Boots,
Red Riding Hood,
Sleeping Beauty,
Cinderella, or the glass slipper.
40. Sasha Black
Diary Fox Mickey.
41. A. Balint
Dwarf Gnomych and Izyumka
42. L. Panteleev:
The letter "you"
Two frogs. and etc.
43. B. Zhitkov
What I saw, stories
44. V. Garshin
Frog traveler. and other fairy tales
45. K. Graham
Wind in the willows
46. ​​V. Chaplin
zoo pets
47. I. Babich
My familiar animals
48. V. Golyavkin
Notebooks in the rain
49. Yuri Sotnik
How I was independent
50. Mira Lobe
Town around - yes - around
51. Tomin Yuri:
A magician walked through the city
Carousels over the city
To these books, you can add encyclopedias and educational books by age. Maybe Zero is not to blame?

What books to read for children 5-6 years old

Many parents wonder what to read to children at a particular age. There are a lot of opinions on this matter.
The task of an adult is to reveal to a child that extraordinary thing that a book carries in itself, that pleasure that immersion in reading brings. An adult, in order to attract a child to a book, must love literature himself, enjoy it as an art, understand the complexity, and be able to convey his feelings and experiences to children.
AT preschool age children get acquainted with Russian and world folklore in all its variety of genres - from lullabies, nursery rhymes, counting rhymes, teasers, riddles, proverbs to fairy tales and epics, from Russian and foreign classics. With works by V. A. Zhukovsky, A. S. Pushkin, P. G. Ershov, Ch. Perrault, the Brothers Grimm, H. K. Andersen, S. Ya. Marshak, K. I. Chukovsky, and many others.
It is no secret that today's children read little, preferring a book to watching television programs and videos, computer films. This sad reality should make parents think and try to somehow fix things.
Adults should pay attention to the child's age, level intellectual development, interest in what is read and, in this regard, select books to read. One should not strive to read everything: one must think, not about the quantity, but about the benefits of what is read and perceived.
Children need to read as much as possible more books. It is very important that he loves this activity. The book may be of interest to both boys and girls, the main thing is to find an option that the child will like.
Scientists have found that a child who is systematically read to accumulates rich vocabulary.
Reading with mom, the child actively develops imagination and memory.
It is reading that performs not only a cognitive, aesthetic, but also an educational function. Therefore, parents need to read books to their children from early childhood.
It is very important to draw the attention of children to the figurative language of fairy tales, stories, poems, attracting preschoolers to repeat the individual words, expressions, songs of characters that they remember.
By assimilating the content of a fairy tale, children learn to convey words different heroes repeat intonations. This lays the foundation for further self-development intonation expressiveness at an older age.
From the age of 5, a new stage begins in literary development child. Magical Russian folk tales with their wonderful fiction, fantasy, developed plot action, full of conflicts, obstacles, dramatic situations, various motives (treachery, miraculous help, opposition to evil and good forces and much more), with bright strong characters heroes. Russian folk tales (“Morozko”, “Sivkaburka”, “The Frog Princess”, “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”, and others). Open space for the feelings and thoughts of the child about complex world where good and evil forces collide in an irreconcilable struggle, where children are affirmed in the indispensable, inevitable victory of good over evil, they are surprised at miracles and mysteries and try to uncover and comprehend them. At an older age, the child acquires the ability to understand the text without the help of illustrations. Children are already able to understand in the book such events, which at one time were not in their own experience. The child develops the ability to perceive literary work in the unity of content and form, comprehend verbal image, treat it as an author's technique. There is also the ability not only to notice an expressive, vivid word, but also to realize its role in the text.
While reading, there may be a feeling of emotional closeness between an adult and a child, try not to destroy this magical feeling.
When reading to a child, do not be distracted by phone calls, household chores, conversations with other family members, then this process will bring pleasure to both you and your child.
How to read.
- In a quiet environment. Remove toys that might distract your child and turn off your computer and TV.
- Expressively and emotionally recite, carefully pronouncing all the sounds. Speak lower, higher, faster and slower - in general, in good faith entertain the baby.
- Show your baby pictures: it’s good if you have different variants images of the same creatures.
- Demonstrate to the child those actions that are mentioned in poems and nursery rhymes. Butt heads for a horned goat, stomp for a clubfoot bear and growl for a tiger.
- As soon as the baby gets tired of the book, stop reading and put it aside for a day.

Recommended literature for children 5-7 years old:
Russian folk tales:Zayushkin's hut. The man and the bear. Fox and crane. Hare-boast. Tails. Fox and jug. Crane and heron. Fox with a rock. Cat and fox. The wolf and the seven Young goats. Cockerel - Golden Scallop. Masha and the Bear. Brave sheep. fox-sister and grey Wolf. Tale about ruff. Zimovye. Polkan and the bear. Fox and goat.
Author's tales:S.T. Aksakov "The Scarlet Flower", P.P. Bazhov "Silver Hoof", fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin, A.N. Tolstoy "The Adventures of Pinocchio", Nosov "The Adventures of Dunno". Poems by A. Barto, B. Zakhoder, S. Marshak, K. Chukovsky, V. Zhukovsky.
Works about nature:Mamin-Sibiryak " gray neck”, A. Nekrasov “Grandfather Mazai and hares”.
Works by foreign authors:Mark Twain "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer", Y. Olesha "Three Fat Men" R. Tolkien "The Hobbit or There and Back Again".

Used Books.
1. Gurovich M. M. The child and the book. - Detstvo-press, 2004. 2. Vygotsky L. S. Imagination and creativity in childhood. - St. Petersburg, 1997.
3. Kudryavtsev V. Imagination of a child: nature and development: -Psychological journal. -2001.
4. Sinitsyna E. I. Smart Tales./ E. I. Sinitsyna - M.: List, 1999.

How to teach poetry.

We easily remember what we emotionally “experienced”. With intellectual memory, the situation is more complicated.

Learning by heart is always difficult. Most importantly, there is no guarantee that after some time what you have learned will not fly out of your head. You can, however, try to combine these two types of memory. For example, to turn the memorization of poems into an interesting and useful for development emotional sphere child play.

And succeed in life

Here are some tips, following which you will help your child easily "survive" and remember the content of the poetic text.

Tip #1

Read the chosen poem aloud several times in a row, each time with a different intonation and mood. After each reading, invite the child to independently determine the mood of what they heard.

Tell us that moods are different: solemn, cheerful, joyful, mischievous, humorous, sad, sad, angry, threatening, whiny, anxious.

With this method of work, the poems are remembered in their entirety after several repetitions.

Tip #2

Reading a poem in "different keys" can be used both to reinforce the newly learned text, and to repeat any other text known to the child.

The poem is read line by line and in turn. You start by setting the mood that the child must pick up in order to continue reading. Each time you change the mood, and the child intonation follows you.

Read aloud R. Sef's poem "The Miracle". Ask the children for each line to choose funny face with the appropriate mood and designate it with the same number as the line number.

1. Have you seen a miracle yet?

2. Never seen a miracle?

3. That's the trouble - I did not see a miracle!

So go and have a look.

4. You will see just a miracle

Amazing Miracle:

Where the store "Dishes"

Near house number three,

Through the asphalt at the crossroads

The birch breaks through.

Hello, friends!

We have on the street wondeful weather- I want to walk, ride a bike and roller-skate, climb trees and slides. And I'll tell you about what we have read for the long autumn-winter period and what, in general, can be read to a child of 5-6 years. :)

At this age, many children are already reading on their own. It's a pity that some moms and dads then stop reading. After all, he already knows how! The logic is usually like this: I will stop reading, he will want and he will “stretch” himself. But I still think that this is not the age and not the thing when you can throw it into the water and either swim up and learn to swim, or you're out of luck ...

A common problem: the child can read, but does not read and asks the parents. On the one hand, the child does not like to read because of the low reading speed, on the other hand, in order to increase the speed, one must read. Contradiction. But, by the way, it is solved quite easily. TRIZ methods. It is necessary to separate these two processes in time: There is a time when the child reads by himself, and there is a time when his parents read to him.

Gleb has been reading for a long time. I have already read several fat books with little fairy tales and stories. I wrote about our first books. But now the interests of the child lie much further than the possibilities. I want to read or listen to 10-15 pages, but you can only read one! Yes and font in books that are truly captivating, baby is small Definitely not for preschoolers or even first graders.

But important not only keep reading, but also know what to read to your child. You can often hear the complaints of parents “the child used to love when they read to him, but now somehow not very much.” And it turns out that the Adventures of Dunno and the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm are still being read to him. (These are wonderful books, but the library still needs to be updated and the repertoire constantly expanded.) Books should “grow” with the child or at some point they will get bored, like a pyramid and a roly-poly.

I'll tell you about some of the books we have read in the last 6-8 months. Of course, this is not all - there were many more New Year's stories, encyclopedias, ordinary fairy tales, educational stories.

I read this book when I was in 3rd grade. We lived in the village and more than once dug up a bear when we planted potatoes; fought aphids on apple trees; collected Colorado beetles from the leaves. That's why This book made a huge impression on me. After all, I saw all these insects, held them in my hands, and now they were told about them, and even in such an unusual form.

For Gleb, it was a “doubly” new world. A city child does not even see an ant so often. Literally after each chapter, we looked for the mentioned insects on the street, if possible, or at least for photographs in encyclopedias.

And of course, this book is just for this age: exciting, dynamic, educational. It's hard to imagine better.

“This universe is full of things that need to be
to crack, that is, to investigate in terms of their bitability, and
also, perhaps, gluttony; full of mysterious
places to produce entertaining experiences for
clarifying the question of where it is best to make puddles.”

Someone may say that these are “strange tales” or “an amateur”. It seemed to me that this almost philosophical tales that ask deep questions to think about eternity. And do not think that there are “too adult topics”, and children need something simpler. This is not true. Over many things that the child would not have thought about for a long time, he begins to think now. His understanding of the world and people is expanding at lightning speed. Much faster and more efficient than reading the same encyclopedias.

And of course, for everyone who wants, but does not know how to develop a sense of humor in children- I warmly recommend. There is something funny or ironic in almost every line.

A story about a doctor who has magic pills to cure cowardice and sadness. And these pills, along with the suitcase in which they lay, are “lost” and a series of adventures and “strange” events begins.

I think this is one of those books where baby can't get away, and somewhere deep, deep is formed solid foundationreading is an incomparable pleasure. Unfortunately, this foundation does not appear on its own - playing games on the ipad or watching cartoons can easily take its place.

This year we have read a lot of history books. It all started last summer legends of the flying dutchman. We read this book with Gleb in 7 days while we were on a water-kayaking trip. And then it started: king arthur and knights round table, Iliad, Odyssey, twelve labors of Hercules. Of course, they did not read in a row. After each book, you need a good break: you get tired of the language and style of narration.

But I am glad that in the classroom theater studio Gleb can “show” (depict with gestures or body movements) King Arthur. But often children easily show “cars”, “luntik” and fall into a stupor when they hear the task to show the knight of the Round Table.

The story of a red-haired boy who lived quietly in a village near Leningrad, and then was forced to move with his mother to the other side the globe- to Kamchatka.

This is not a fairy tale and adventure novel, and not historical tale , and at first it seems - will not hook modern child, who does not understand what it is to cut your hair with cologne, or why meet with a sailor, and what, in general, this sailor is remarkable for. But Gleb loved it(maybe because he also wants to meet, but only with the driver :))). And there was a lot to discuss: and about Soviet Union, and about travel, and just about the lives of other people.

I talked a little about this book in an article about unexpected children's thinking. . This book is a storehouse of all kinds of TRIZ questions and problems. In general, the three naxitrals are very resourceful, and your child can become the same just by watching them and trying to help in every “difficult” task.

I cannot openly recommend all the stories in this book. On the one hand, it is interesting that the main character, already an adult dad who talks about his childhood, has a lot of pressing childhood problems. Anyway, Gleb “found” a lot of his problems: touchiness, selectivity in food. And awareness of the problem, even through the main character, is a reason to work on oneself, sometimes even unconsciously. Maybe, of course, Gleb simply “outgrew”, but, to my happiness, after some time after reading the book, we stopped hearing: “I was offended by you!”. But some of the author's conclusions and the straight-forward morality of some of the stories repelled me. But this again gave a lot of reasons for discussion - which in itself is good.

I did not know about such an author - Vangeli Spiridon Stepanovich, nor about the book, of course. But gladly plunged into the unfamiliar world of the Moldovan village. I will not tire of repeating: it is important for children not only and not so much to know wild animals, modes of transport, rivers in Africa, the capitals of Europe, or count to n-twenty. These are the books, which tells about such an unusual, completely different life, starting from food, ending with the daily routine and views on the meaning of being, really broaden your understanding of the world.

I left a book double feeling. On the one hand, Gleb understood the feelings of the boy - our grandmothers also live far away, they come 1-2 times a year for 5-10 days. On the other hand, it begins to seem that the boy has a “strange” relationship with his parents. They seem to lack something, and now the poor boy makes up for this lack of fantasies on a tree or communicating with an elderly neighbor. The more loving adults around the child, the better.. But still, if have loving parents, there can be no such urgent need for a “caring adult”.

But, in any case, an interesting, calm, reverent story.

like this great summer list I got it. Now you know, What to read to a child of 5-6 years.
Good luck with your book selection and happy reading!

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    I found an inaccuracy in the article: the book "Sunny Boy" - you give an illustration of the Book for parents raising special children by the author O. Stepanova, but apparently you mean this book author S Sakhorov.

    Ksenia Nesyutina


    My children love books. My son has been able to read for three years, but we still continue to read together. It's like a tradition or even a ritual before going to bed. Sometimes only I read, sometimes it takes turns with him, then we discuss what we read together. Last summer we started reading a series of books about the adventures of Pencil and Samodelkin, both my eight-year-old son and my five-year-old daughter like these books. Let's all laugh together.


    That's right, Ksenia, we must continue to read)) My daughter is 11 years old, and we very often read to each other and sometimes distribute dialogues according to roles. You can have a lot of fun while reading together))
    For some reason, “Coupling” didn’t go with us, maybe they took up this book too late.


    Kseniya, interesting review. We, too, have now started reading The Adventures of Gugutse, and we recently finished another book by the same author, Chubo from the Village of Turturik. I really liked these books, they are so unusual. There are such non-trivial decisions, such turns of events are unpredictable. I agree, such books teach you to think outside the box, expand the scope, break patterns.
    We are not yet five years old, but I keep a note of many of the books from your review, at home there is already a whole shelf for growth. While there is something to read for our age.
    And from Dunno we have only read “The Adventures of Dunno and his friends” so far, but we haven’t got to the Sunny City and the Moon yet, although we read a lot. And what, at the age of five, it is no longer interesting for children?

    Ksenia Nesyutina

    Dunno on the Moon - you can read at 8-10 and it will be interesting. We started a year ago, but it seems like it was too early. I meant that dunno is enough popular work and parents fall into the trap of rereading it and rereading it. Many more try to remember books from their own childhood - this is wonderful, but when I read with my children, I understand how much I missed in my childhood! This is me to the fact that sometimes you just need to look interesting books. Maybe you just didn’t read them, but your child will be a little more lucky)

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