How to draw a green oak by the seaside step by step with a pencil. Coloring page by the seaside Sketch of a drawing by the seaside green oak

Ilmira Grigorievskaya

Target: to learn to understand a work of art, to be able to choose from several acquaintances fairy tale character, plot for your drawing.

Place the drawing on the entire sheet, highlight the main thing with color, shape. Strengthen the ability to distinguish and correctly use colors. Carry out all steps in sequence. Bring the work to completion. Be able to evaluate your work and the work of your comrades. Cultivate aesthetic perception.

preliminary work: getting to know fairy tales A. FROM. Pushkin. Drawing characters from fairy tales A. FROM. Pushkin and Russian folk tales. Examining illustrations for fairy tales watching cartoons. Arranging an exhibition of drawings fairy tales A. FROM. Pushkin(work children, parents and caregivers).

Material: watercolors, brushes, simple pencils, jars of water, napkins, paper, flannelgraph, sample drawings, an envelope with riddles.

Lesson progress

caregiver: Guys, say hello to the guests. Now let's sit down and listen carefully. Now we have a lesson drawing.

Today I invite you to take a trip to an amazing country that is not on any map of the world, where peace, goodness, beauty reign and where the impossible becomes possible. Even death recedes if true friends come to the rescue. You guessed it, of course, that I suggest you take a trip to the country fairy tales.

fairy tale either one person can compose - then it is called the author's, or the people passing it from mouth to mouth. Such fairy tale is called folk. We also know folk fairy tales and copyright.

Now I will show you a portrait of one of the greatest Russian poets, and you will tell me his name.

Portrait display and response children

This year the whole country celebrates 214 years since the birth of the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin. Everyone knows him, although he lived a long time. And they know him because he wrote many poems and fairy tales which both adults and children love to read. Throughout the year we talked about the life and work of this remarkable poet, read all of his fairy tales and memorized the lines we loved from these fairy tales, painted some episodes from fairy tales which you liked the most.

Yes, guys, this morning, when I was going to work, the postman handed me a large envelope and asked me to open it at the lesson on drawing in your group. Let's see who sent it and what is written there.

What a strange return address. Listen and tell me:

At Lukomorya oak green,

Golden chain on an oak tree

And day and night the cat is a scientist

Everything goes around in circles.

So, it turns out that this is a cat - the scientist sent us this envelope. Who came up with this cat?

Answers children

Now let's open it and see what is in this envelope. Here lies the letter.

"Hello children! Since I myself will not be able to come to you, I am sending you my portrait. It is not simple, but magical. The cat that drawn on it - it's me. I will look at you and see how you play, live, work in your group. I send you riddles and really want to know if you can guess from which fairy tales these lines, and more drawings for these fairy tales.

1) The wind walks on the sea

And the boat is pushing.

He runs in waves

On swollen sails.

2) Lived old man with his old woman

By the blue sea.

The old man was fishing with a net,

BUT the old woman spun her yarn.

3) Once upon a time there was a pop

Thick forehead…

4) And the girl

Shamakhan queen,

All shining like the dawn

Quietly met the king

5) My light, mirror, say

Yes tell the whole truth:

Am I the sweetest in the world,

All blush and whiter.

Children guess fairy tales and post pictures for them.

And here is what else the cat writes - scientist:

“I want the children to make their own drawings on these fairy tales sent them to me Lukomorye and I will choose the best ones and put them in a new book.”

Children give consent draw their drawings and choose a theme.


Think, children, what episode from Fairy tales are better, define the background, color. You can use simple pencils and paints. If a you will to use these instruments correctly, they will become great helpers for you, as well as the music that will sound in class.

Turn on recorder.

Pay attention while working children on the stand where drawings based on fairy tales advise on the best methods to use.

At the end of the work, do an analysis of the work together with the children. Determine which of the drawings they would place in a future book.

/ Tales of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin / Ruslan and Lyudmila / At Lukomorye

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Lukomorye coloring page

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At Lukomorye - download and print the coloring page. Near the seaside, the oak is green; a golden chain on that oak: day and night the scientist cat keeps walking around the chain, goes to the right - it starts the song, to the left - it tells a fairy tale. There are miracles: a goblin wanders there, a mermaid sits on the branches, there a stupa with Baba Yaga walks, wanders by itself

Related projects: fairy tales for children

False teeth are now fashionably called implants
In fact, any prosthesis is a replacement for lost or missing human organs. This is a whole area of ​​medical supplies that are built into a living organism. Implants or, as they write incorrectly, implants are often used not only as substitutes for lost organs, but also as some kind of identification chips. So, for example, it has now become fashionable to implant such chips in pets. It is not uncommon for rare or endangered species to have microchips embedded to track their migration.

A tree drawn by children usually consists of three parts: a trunk, branches and foliage. In order for the tree to be recognized in the picture, two of its components are enough. There are no leaves in the winter landscape, and in the summer the branches are often hidden behind dense foliage. Easiest draw an oak tree with a pencil- mighty, sprawling, with a rich crown. But one oak is probably not enough, so let's add an acorn to it.

How to draw an oak step by step

Four steps - and an oak appears on a white page. Two more - an acorn falls nearby. Check with your child! This picture will succeed on the first try.

  • The trunk of a large tree. It will not be even, much less symmetrical: in nature, oaks take on very bizarre shapes. As it turns out for the child to make contours on paper, so be it.

  • From above, the trunk passes into branches. Outline them with a large arc in the middle and two checkmarks along the edges. Now any viewer can discern a tree in the picture, even though it is not finished yet.

  • Small "curls" limit the crown. In height, the crown is equal to the trunk or more than it (we are depicting an old tree).

  • Draw the branches with the same wavy lines. A hollow for a squirrel would also be appropriate, but for now we will not complicate the task for a young artist.

  • The oak is ready. If the baby doesn't know yet how to draw an acorn, please him with the opportunity to do it in a jiffy. Once - a hat and the fruit itself. Two - a small spine and dashes on the hat.

When the child can draw an oak step by step, offer to illustrate the poem by M. Katsev “Do not be sad, oak tree.” Or make a picture for an excerpt from Pushkin's poem (the one where the Lukomorye is).

This children's master class also help to make blanks for the application. Only it is created illogically. How do we usually act? We glue the trunk, branches, and then we “dress” the tree in leaves. But in the case of oak, the opposite is better: first, we cut out the lush hair from green velvet paper, and then we impose a brown trunk with three or four “horns” at the top. The crown may remain monophonic, but it will be more interesting to supplement it with oak leaves cut out by a figured hole punch. This tool is safe for kids and greatly expands their creativity.

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