Than the symbolic meaning of the title of the play. The meaning of the title of the play "The Cherry Orchard"

understand author's position in the last play P. Chekhov; to form in students a further understanding of the specifics of drama as a phenomenon of art, of the originality of the dramatic talent a. P. Chekhov; to master the concept of “symbol” at a new level for students in comparison with the concepts of “image” and “allegory”; promote spiritual development students, the formation moral values. textbook, text of the play, illustrations for the play, literary dictionary.

Predicted results: students know the content of the play being studied; formulate the problems raised by the author in the play; give their own assessment of the heroes; disclose ideological meaning plays; note the genre originality of Chekhov's drama; give examples; highlight in the text of the studied drama fragments containing psychological overtones. Form of conducting: lesson-conversation. DURING THE CLASSES I. Organizational stage II. Updating of basic knowledge Listening to several creative works (see the assignment of the previous lesson) Suggested answers Gaev.

Having become an employee in a bank, he will try to change his former life, he will start working. But the work will seem like a punishment to him (you need to get up early, carry out other people's assignments). He will not work long - they will kick him out for irresponsibility. After that, Gaev realizes his helplessness, realizes that he is not capable of anything, and sells the remaining things in order to buy a ticket to Paris.

But he doesn't have enough money. He will put everything on the line in billiards: if he loses, he will get drunk, shoot himself or hang himself. If he wins, he will go to Paris, where he will meet with Ranevskaya. By this time, she will have been completely robbed, and then her lover will leave, after which she will settle in a small apartment, for which very close "friends" will pay. When meeting with her brother, she will tell how they love her, and how she loves them; then blurs into a gentle smile, and then sobs, already sincere tears, from hopelessness (after all, work is so vulgar, sorry). Gaev will look at her life, remember what happened before.

Show him the past beautiful dream but very obscure. Think about the future, asking the question: “does it exist? Get drunk, shoot himself, or hang himself: “Doublet in the corner ... Croiset in the middle!

» Lopakhin. Yermolai Alekseevich will be fine. He cuts down a cherry orchard, gives the land for summer cottages and earns a fortune on it.

He will be proud that he has changed life, destroyed the past. Lopakhin will become an example of how a peasant, thanks to his industriousness and efficiency, managed to become a large landowner, began to manage his land no worse, and maybe even better than any landowner. Ermolai Alekseevich will be glad that he can destroy the past, but he will not understand what this can lead to.

He will begin to build the future in his dreams (and by that time there will be many such Lopakhins). But one day, before his death, he will have a dream about how a huge human giant will chop with an ax everything that comes to his hand until he clears the earth for the construction of the future. Then he will look and understand that there is no one to build, there is no one for anyone, and it is not known what needs to be built. The head will spin from the height, the giant-man will fall and see the roots washed with blood. III.

Setting the goal and objectives of the lesson. Motivation learning activities Teacher. According to K.

S. Stanislavsky, a. Chekhov once told him that he had found a wonderful name for the play - “The Cherry Orchard”: “From this I only understood that it was about something beautiful, dearly loved: the charm of the name was conveyed not in words, but in the very intonation of Anton Pavlovich’s voice ". a few days later, the Czechs announced to Stanislavsky: "Listen, not the Cherry, but the Cherry Orchard." “Anton Pavlovich continued to savor the title of the play, emphasizing the gentle ... “ё” in the word cherry, as if trying with its help to caress the former beautiful, but now unnecessary life, which he destroyed with tears in his play.

This time I understood the subtlety: - this is a business, commercial garden that generates income. such a garden is needed now.

But the "Cherry Orchard" does not bring income, it keeps in itself and in its blooming whiteness the poetry of the former aristocratic life. such a garden grows and blooms for a whim, for the eyes of spoiled aesthetes.

It is a pity to destroy it, but it is necessary, since the process economic development countries require it. The Cherry Orchard, which is both the background of the action and actor, and a comprehensive symbol, can be considered in three main aspects: a garden - an image and a character, a garden - time and a garden - a symbolic space. Animated and spiritualized (poeticized by A.P. Chekhov and idealized by the characters associated with him) the garden is, without a doubt, one of the characters in the play. It takes its place in the system of images.

IV. Work on the topic of the lesson 1. Conversation ♦ As an image cherry orchard pervades all the actions of the play? ♦ Find descriptions of the cherry orchard in the author's stage directions. What mood do they create? ♦ can we say that the cherry orchard is the central character?

why? ♦ What is its symbolism?

♦ How are the heroes of the play connected with the image of the cherry orchard? ♦ “Ranevskaya - a garden in the past. Lopakhin - in the present. Petya Trofimov - in a wonderful future ”(Z. Paperny).

Try to explain how you understand this quote? 2. Teamwork over the concepts of "symbol" and "subtext" reference literature(Literary Dictionary) and based on previously studied material (Entry in notebooks.) Questions for an analytical conversation with a brief commentary ♦ What is the relationship between the concepts of a symbol and an allegory? (Translation of the image into an allegorical plan) ♦ What is fundamental difference these concepts? (The allegory's tendency to be unambiguous, the ambiguity of the symbol) ♦ Express the idea by inserting the words “symbol” and “allegory” into the sentence with gaps: “In<…

> (allegory)<…>the singular is drawn to visually show the generality, and in<…

> (symbol)<… >a clear picture illustrates some commonality ”(A.F. Losev). ♦ In this regard, remember the play a.

N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm". What is the symbolism of the central image in the title of the drama? (Thunderstorm as tyranny, as retribution, as liberation and as purification, "grace".

) ♦ Name the central image-symbol of the play a. P. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard" and give the maximum number of its interpretations, substantiating all interpretations. 3. Teacher's word Comment. the work of students consists in proving the theses given by the teacher, in selecting appropriate examples, in making concise, schematic notes in the course of the teacher's explanation.

Chekhov's definition of the genre of a play has symbolic overtones. The word "comedy" can be understood in the Balzac sense of the word: " human comedy". Comedy is a panorama of life. The generalized symbolic subtext is embedded in the system of images: ♦ all the main estates, three generations are represented; ♦ heroes are divided into “people of phrases” and “people of deeds”, they are singled out in the system of images “victims and predators, unfortunate and happy”; ♦ all heroes can be called "stupid" in one way or another. The play has a system of symbolic oppositions (dream - reality, happiness - trouble, past - future). In the speech of heroes there are traditional symbols, words-emblems.

(Trofimov: "We are going irresistibly towards a bright star.") The author's remarks sometimes translate the action into a conditional plan. (Petya bewitches Anya big words who are filled with faith in a wonderful future: “I foresee happiness ... I already see it ...” author's note it is no coincidence that Epikhodov is mentioned, who "plays the same sad song on the guitar." This is how the author's doubt about the validity of Petya's forebodings is manifested.

) Plot twists in the play a. P. Chekhov often acquire symbolic overtones. (The finale of the play. Guilt for tragic denouement The life of Firs is assigned to all the main characters of the play.

)V. Reflection. Summing up the lesson 1. summarizing conversation ♦ Define chronological framework the actions of the play. What is the peculiarity of the spatio-temporal organization of the "Cherry Orchard"? ♦ How is the theme of passing time revealed in the actions of the characters? ♦ What do you think internal conflict plays?

♦ A play is presented to you as a drama or comedy. P. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard"? ♦ Who is responsible for the death of the Cherry Orchard? ♦ How does Ranevskaya's environment, proximity to other characters of the play influence the reader's attitude to the drama of Lyubov Andreevna? ♦ What makes you regret and what hopes does The Cherry Orchard a. P.

Chekhov? ♦ What are your impressions of the work of a writer, playwright, just a person?

Has anything changed in your initial perception of his work and himself? 2. Final word teachers - The end of Chekhov's life came at the beginning of a new century, new era, new moods, aspirations and ideas. such is the inexorable law of life: he who was once young and full of energy, becomes old and decrepit, giving way to a new - young and strong life… Death and dying are followed by the birth of a new one, disappointment in life is replaced by hopes, the expectation of change. The play a.

P. Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard" reflects just such a critical era - the time when the old has already died, and the new has not yet been born, and now life stopped for a moment, calmed down ... Who knows, maybe this is the calm before the storm?

"The Cherry Orchard" by A.P. Chekhov: the meaning of the name and features of the genre

2. The meaning of the title of the play " The Cherry Orchard»

Konstantin Sergeevich Stanislavsky in his memoirs about A.P. Chekhov wrote: “Listen, I found a wonderful title for the play. Wonderful!” he announced, looking straight at me. "What?" - I got excited. “Vimshnovy Orchard” (with an emphasis on the letter “and”) - and he rolled into a joyful laugh. I did not understand the reason for his joy and did not find anything special in the title. However, in order not to upset Anton Pavlovich, I had to pretend that his discovery made an impression on me ... Instead of explaining, Anton Pavlovich began to repeat in different ways, with all sorts of intonations and sound coloring: “Chimish garden. Look, it's a wonderful name! Cherry garden. Cherry blossoms!” Several days or a week passed after this meeting... Once, during a performance, he came into my dressing room and sat down at my table with a solemn smile. “Listen, not the Cherry Tree, but the Cherry Orchard,” he announced and burst into laughter. At first I didn’t even understand what it was about, but Anton Pavlovich continued to savor the title of the play, emphasizing the gentle sound ё in the word “cherry”, as if trying with its help to caress the former beautiful, but now unnecessary life, which he with tears destroyed in his play. This time I understood the subtlety: The Cherry Orchard is a business, commercial, income-generating garden. Such a garden is needed now. But the "Cherry Orchard" does not bring income, it keeps in itself and in its blooming whiteness the poetry of the former aristocratic life. Such a garden grows and blooms for a whim, for the eyes of spoiled aesthetes. It is a pity to destroy it, but it is necessary, since the process of the country's economic development requires it.

The name of A.P. Chekhov's play "The Cherry Orchard" seems quite natural. The action takes place in an old noble estate. The house is surrounded by a large cherry orchard. Moreover, the development of the plot of the play is connected with this image - the estate is being sold for debts. However, the moment of the transfer of the estate to the new owner is preceded by a period of stupid trampling in the place of the former owners, who do not want to deal with their property in a businesslike manner, who do not even really understand why this is necessary, how to do it, despite detailed explanations Lopakhin, a successful representative of the emerging bourgeois class.

But the cherry orchard in the play has symbolic meaning. Thanks to the way the characters of the play relate to the garden, their sense of time, their perception of life is revealed. For Lyubov Ranevskaya, the garden is her past, happy childhood and bitter memory about a drowned son, whose death she perceives as a punishment for her reckless passion. All thoughts and feelings of Ranevskaya are connected with the past. She just can't understand that she needs to change her habits, since the circumstances are now different. She is not a rich lady, a landowner, but a ruined madcap who will soon have neither a family nest nor a cherry orchard if she does not take any decisive action.

For Lopakhin, a garden is, first of all, land, that is, an object that can be put into circulation. In other words, Lopakhin argues from the point of view of the priorities of the present time. A descendant of serfs, who has made his way into the people, argues sensibly and logically. The need to independently pave his own way in life taught this man to evaluate the practical usefulness of things: “Your estate is located only twenty miles from the city, Railway, and if the cherry orchard and the land along the river are divided into summer cottages and then leased out for summer cottages, then you will have at least twenty-five thousand a year income. The sentimental arguments of Ranevskaya and Gaev about the vulgarity of dachas, that the cherry orchard is a landmark of the province, irritate Lopakhin. In fact, everything they say has no practical value in the present, does not play a role in solving a specific problem - if no action is taken, the garden will be sold, Ranevskaya and Gaev will lose all rights to their family estate, and dispose of it will have other owners. Of course, Lopakhin's past is also connected with the cherry orchard. But what is the past? Here his “grandfather and father were slaves”, here he himself, “beaten, illiterate”, “ran barefoot in winter”. Not too bright memories are associated with a successful business person with a cherry orchard! Maybe that's why Lopakhin is so jubilant, having become the owner of the estate, why he talks with such joy about how he "grabs the cherry orchard with an ax"? Yes, according to the past, in which he was a nobody, he meant nothing in his own eyes and in the opinion of others, probably, any person would be happy to grab an ax just like that ...

“... I no longer like the cherry orchard,” says Anya, Ranevskaya's daughter. But for Anya, as well as for her mother, childhood memories are connected with the garden. Anya loved the cherry orchard, despite the fact that her childhood impressions are far from being as cloudless as those of Ranevskaya. Anya was eleven years old when her father died, her mother became interested in another man, and soon her little brother Grisha drowned, after which Ranevskaya went abroad. Where did Anya live at that time? Ranevskaya says she was drawn to her daughter. From the conversation between Anya and Varya, it becomes clear that Anya only at the age of seventeen went to her mother in France, from where both returned to Russia together. It can be assumed that Anya lived in her native estate, with Varya. Despite the fact that Anya's entire past is connected with the cherry orchard, she parted with him without much longing or regret. Anya's dreams are directed to the future: "We will plant new garden, more luxurious than this ... ".

But one more semantic parallel can be found in Chekhov's play: the cherry orchard is Russia. “The whole of Russia is our garden,” Petya Trofimov says optimistically. The obsolete life of the nobility and the tenacity of business people - after all, these two poles of worldview are not just special case. This is indeed a feature of Russia at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries. In the society of that time, many projects were hovering over how to equip the country: someone recalled the past with a sigh, someone smartly and businesslike suggested “clean up, clean up”, that is, to carry out reforms that would put Russia on a par with the leading powers peace. But, as in the story with the cherry orchard, at the turn of the era in Russia there was no real force capable of positively influencing the fate of the country. However, the old cherry orchard was already doomed... .

Thus, it can be seen that the image of the cherry orchard has quite a symbolic meaning. He is one of central images works. Each hero relates to the garden in his own way: for some it is reminiscent of childhood, for some it is just a place to relax, and for some it is a means to earn money.

Encouraged by excellent performances in Art Theater"The Seagulls", "Uncle Vanya", "Three Sisters", as well as the huge success of these plays and vaudevilles in the capital and provincial theaters, Chekhov plans to create a new "funny play ...

"The Cherry Orchard" by A.P. Chekhov: the meaning of the name and features of the genre

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Chekhov's play "The Cherry Orchard" is a moral testament of a dying writer to his descendants. It was this (as shown in the play) that the author saw Russia. Its past, present and future. And in this depiction of Russian reality, one can see a deep symbolic meaning. We are presented with Russia of the past ( Ranevskaya and Gaev), present Russia (Lopakhin) and future Russia (Anya and Petya Trofimov) In this play, the author depicts the ordinary life of ordinary people. There are no bright events in it (except for the sale of the cherry orchard), and all the conversations are just conducted around the fate of the garden Usual life and the usual way of life of a noble estate is a passing nature. Heroes - nobles live more with memories of a bygone happy time, when the garden gave great amount cherries, they sold it, and stockpiled it, and boiled it. Now it’s not like that. They are trying to live as before in the bar - to arrange a ball, give the last money to a passerby, goof and mess around. But the old way of life is cracking and crumbling under the influence of a new life. Main character plays are a cherry orchard And this is also a symbol. A symbol of beauty, grandeur, tranquility and former greatness and prosperity And the main conflict of the work is connected with the attitude of the characters to the cherry orchard. The garden is both an allegory, and a dream, and regret ... Chekhov himself loved gardens, and planted a lot of them in his short life. For him, a garden is a whole living world. It is interesting that there is no big external conflict between the characters, He was replaced by the drama of the experiences of the characters in the play. (This is one of the writer's tricks) He wanted life to go on as it goes. We rarely arrange big conflicts and scandals in life. So it is here. The whole conflict lies in how the characters relate to the fate of the cherry orchard. And here the interests of the outgoing noble way of life and the emerging new - bourgeois way of life are implicitly arguing (conflicting). The nobles are Ranevskaya and her brother Gaev. , and Gaev, as they gossip, ate a fortune on candy. Their behavior speaks of worthlessness, frivolity and carelessness. And words disagree with deeds. They talk about saving the garden, about how they lived well among this beauty. But they do not accept Lopakhin's sincere advice for the real salvation of the garden, which is so dear to them. False arrogance does not allow them to rent the garden to summer residents. It’s better to let it disappear. he robbed and deceived her. Another participant in the hidden conflict, Yermolai Lopakhin, failing to convince the owners of the garden who are nice and dear to him, unexpectedly buys the garden at the auction. ikt is allowed. But Lopakhin is the temporary owner of the garden. He is kind, generous, but uncouth, poorly educated. His internal conflict (which, by the way, every hero has) is in external well-being and internal low self-esteem. And yet the conflict is resolved - the bourgeoisie triumphs. Although there is an indication in the play that there are other contenders for the garden. It is Anya and Petya Trofimov (the younger generation), according to Chekhov, who are able to turn Russia into a garden (So they say: "All Russia is our garden) But these heroes are lifeless and weak. Petya is a reasoner (he can only issue slogans) He does not serve anywhere, although he is proud and swaggering ... The symbol of the senselessness of the "eternal student" are galoshes, which he is looking for at the end of the play. They are also not needed, like he. Chekhov does not claim this. But, having honestly shown this "revolutionary", he debunks him. play. He was guessed by a genius ny Chekhov. This is Yash's servant, who did not deign to see his mother. The future Sharikovs and Shvonders are in him ... Thus, we can conclude that the author in the play "V.s" created a symbolic picture of Rossi and her representatives at the beginning of the 20 century, terrible century and unfair.

The theme of the idyllicly beautiful "noble nests" that are fading into the past is found in the works of different representatives Russian culture. Turgenev and Bunin addressed her in literature, in fine arts- Borisov-Musatov. But only Chekhov managed to create such a capacious, generalized image as the garden he described became.

The extraordinary beauty of the blossoming cherry orchard is already mentioned at the very beginning of the play. One of its owners, Gaev, reports that the garden is mentioned even in " encyclopedic dictionary". For Lyubov Andreevna Ranevskaya, the cherry orchard is associated with memories of a bygone youth, of a time when she was so serenely happy. At the same time, the cherry orchard is also the economic basis of the estate, once associated with the suffering of the serfs.

"All Russia is our garden"

Gradually it becomes obvious that the cherry orchard for Chekhov is the embodiment of all of Russia, which found itself at a historical turning point. Throughout the entire action of the play, the question is decided: who will become the owner of the cherry orchard? Will Ranevskaya and Gaev be able to keep it as representatives of the old noble culture, or will it fall into the hands of Lopakhin, a capitalist of a new formation, who sees in him only a source of income?

Ranevskaya and Gaev love their estate and the cherry orchard, but they are completely unadapted to life and cannot change anything. The only person who is trying to help them save the estate, which is being sold for debts, is the rich merchant Yermolai Lopakhin, whose father and grandfather were serfs. But Lopakhin does not notice the beauty of the cherry orchard. He proposes to cut it down and rent out the vacant plots to summer residents. Ultimately, it is Lopakhin who becomes the owner of the garden, and at the end of the play, the sound of an ax is heard ruthlessly cutting down cherry trees.

Among the characters Chekhov's play there are also representatives younger generation- this is the daughter of Ranevskaya Anya and the "eternal student" Petya Trofimov. They are full of energy and, but they do not care about the fate of the cherry orchard. They are driven by other, abstract ideas about the transformation of the world and the happiness of all mankind. However, for beautiful phrases Petya Trofimov, as well as Gaev's pompous rantings, is not worth any specific activity.

The title of Chekhov's play is filled with symbolism. The Cherry Orchard is the whole of Russia in a turning point. The author thinks about what fate awaits her in the future.

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  • Compositions based on Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard"

Usually, the genre of a work can be easily determined when reading. Difficulties arise when the author himself gives his creation an assessment that does not fit with the impression made on the reader. An example is the play by A.P. Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard", which the author called a comedy.

Can The Cherry Orchard be called a tragedy?

Most of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov's contemporaries perceived The Cherry Orchard as tragic work. How, then, to understand the author of the play himself, who called this work a comedy and even a farce? Is it possible to unequivocally state that the sensational at one time can be unambiguously attributed to a particular genre?

The answer can be found in the definitions of different genres of literature. It is believed that the tragedy can be characterized by the following features: it is distinguished by a special state of the situation and the inner world of the characters, it is characterized by torment and an insoluble conflict between the main character and the world around him. Very often, a tragedy is crowned with a deplorable one, for example, tragic death hero or the complete collapse of his ideals.

In this sense, Chekhov's play cannot be considered a tragedy in pure. The characters are not fit for the role. tragic characters, although they inner world complex and contradictory. However, in the play, when describing the characters, their thoughts and actions, a slight irony slips in every now and then, with which Chekhov refers to their shortcomings. The general state of the world in which the plays are, of course, can be called a turning point, but there is nothing tragic in it.

Comedy with a touch of drama

Researchers of Chekhov's work agree that most of his comedies are ambiguous and original. For example, the play "The Seagull", which was also classified as a comedy, is more like a drama, which deals with the broken destinies of people. Sometimes one gets the feeling that Chekhov deliberately misleads his reader.

It can be assumed that the writer, calling his plays comedies, put a different meaning into this genre. Perhaps this is an ironic attitude to the flow human destinies, which is filled with the desire not to make the audience laugh, but to make them think. As a result, the reader and viewer could determine their own position in relation to the action of the play, which at times contradicted the declared genre.

From this point of view, The Cherry Orchard is a work with a double bottom. It can be called a play with a two-sided emotional coloring. Memories of tragic pages heroes are intertwined here with pronounced farcical ones, for example, with Epikhodov’s annoying blunders or Gaev’s inappropriate remarks, which really look comical against the background unfolding around the cherry orchard, which has become a symbol of the past noble Russia.

Writing essays on work of art ends the system of lessons on the creativity of any outstanding writer. The last play by A.P. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard" is studied in grade 10 high school. With this work, the author, as it were, summed up the stable theme of Russian literature of the second half of XIX century - the fate of noble nests. The author's intention of the work is difficult for schoolchildren to perceive, and even more difficult for them is the creation of an essay.


Start your essay with brief analysis read the text of the play. To do this, answer the following questions in writing:
What is the genre originality of the play "The Cherry Orchard"?
What are the differences in the organization of the plot of the play from the traditional drama?
How is the theme of passing time revealed in the actions of the characters?
What techniques does Chekhov use in creating the characters of his heroes?
By what means is subtext created in the work?
What kind of symbols can be found in the play?

Match the received material with the proposed essay topics. Think about which one you understand best and be able to express your thoughts.

After choosing a topic, start drawing up a detailed plan. The recorded material will help you to head each point of the plan and "build" the logic of reasoning.

Before you start writing an essay, identify the main idea of ​​your creative work. Disclosure of the chosen topic should lead to its presentation in the conclusion. Definition main idea necessary in order not to lose the "thread" of reasoning from the beginning speech work until its completion. For example, revealing the topic “Genre originality of Chekhov’s play” may lead you to the following idea: “ characteristic feature Chekhov's work is a close interweaving of dramatic and comic principles, therefore, next to the tragedy of the characters' experiences, frivolous vaudeville and rude farce actively coexist.

Compositional construction Essays are traditional: introduction, main body, conclusion. The absence of one of the structural elements is considered as an error and is taken into account when scoring.

State in the introductory part general information about the problem that, in your opinion, is behind the chosen topic. For example, at the beginning of an essay on the topic “Techniques for creating characters in Chekhov’s play,” you can talk about the author’s innovation in organizing dramatic action and his refusal to divide characters into main and secondary.

Sources for writing the main part can be your written answers and critical articles famous literary scholars. Avoid a detailed retelling of the plot of the work, a presentation of information that is not related to the topic. If you write, for example, about the concept of "comic" in the play "The Cherry Orchard", note its manifestation in the work: consider the characters of Epikhodov, Simeonov-Pishchik; analyze the technique of parodic reduction of plot moves in the scenes of the fatal auction and Charlotte's tricks; bring in

1. The Cherry Orchard as a scene and the basis of the plot of the play.
2. The meaning of the cherry orchard in the present, past and future of the characters in the play.
3. Comparison of the cherry orchard with Russia.

The name of A.P. Chekhov's play "The Cherry Orchard" seems quite natural. The action takes place in an old noble estate. The house is surrounded by a large cherry orchard. Moreover, the development of the plot of the play is connected with this image - the estate is being sold for debts. However, the moment of the transfer of the estate to the new owner is preceded by a period of stupid trampling in the place of the former owners, who do not want to deal with their property in a businesslike manner, who do not even really understand why this is necessary, how to do it, despite the detailed explanations of Lopakhin, a successful representative of the emerging bourgeois class.

But the cherry orchard in the play also has a symbolic meaning. Thanks to the way the characters of the play relate to the garden, their sense of time, their perception of life is revealed. For Lyubov Ranevskaya, the garden is her past, happy childhood and the bitter memory of her drowned son, whose death she perceives as a punishment for her reckless passion. All thoughts and feelings Rane-| vskoy connected with the past. She just can't understand that she needs to change her habits, since the circumstances are now different. She is not a rich lady, a landowner, but a ruined madcap who will soon have neither a family nest nor a cherry orchard if she does not take any decisive action.

For Lopakhin, a garden is, first of all, land, that is, an object that can be put into circulation. In other words, Lopakhin argues from the point of view of the priorities of the present time. A descendant of serfs, who has made his way into the people, argues sensibly and logically. The need to independently pave his own way in life taught this person to evaluate the practical usefulness of things: “Your estate is only twenty miles from the city, a railway passed nearby, and if the cherry orchard and the land along the river are divided into summer cottages and then rented out for summer cottages then you will have at least twenty-five thousand a year income. The sentimental arguments of Ranevskaya and Gaev about the vulgarity of dachas, that the cherry orchard is a landmark of the province, irritate Lopakhin. In fact, everything they say has no practical value in the present, does not play a role in solving a specific problem - if no action is taken, the garden will be sold, Ranevskaya and Gaev will lose all rights to their family estate, and dispose of in it will have other owners. Of course, Lopakhin's past is also connected with the cherry orchard. But what is the past? Here his “grandfather and father were slaves”, here he himself, “beaten, illiterate”, “ran barefoot in winter”. Not too bright memories are associated with a successful business person with a cherry orchard! Maybe that's why Lopakhin is so jubilant, having become the owner of the estate, why he talks with such joy about how he "grabs the cherry orchard with an ax"? Yes, according to the past, in which he was a nobody, he meant nothing in his own eyes and in the opinion of others, probably, any person would be happy to grab an ax just like that ...

“... I no longer like the cherry orchard,” says Anya, Ranevskaya's daughter. But for Anya, as well as for her mother, childhood memories are connected with the garden. Anya loved the cherry orchard, despite the fact that her childhood impressions are far from being as cloudless as those of Ranevskaya. Anya was eleven years old when her father died, her mother became interested in another man, and soon her little brother Grisha drowned, after which Ranevskaya went abroad. Where did Anya live at that time? Ranevskaya says she was drawn to her daughter. From the conversation between Anya and Varya, it becomes clear that Anya only at the age of seventeen went to her mother in France, from where both returned to Russia together. It can be assumed that Anya lived in her native estate, with Varya. Despite the fact that Anya's entire past is connected with the cherry orchard, she parted with him without much longing or regret. Anya's dreams are directed to the future: "We will plant a new garden, more luxurious than this ...".

But one more semantic parallel can be found in Chekhov's play: the cherry orchard is Russia. “The whole of Russia is our garden,” Petya Trofimov says optimistically. The obsolete life of the nobility and the tenacity of business people - after all, these two poles of the worldview are not just a special case. This is indeed a feature of Russia at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. In the society of that time, many projects were hovering over how to equip the country: someone recalled the past with a sigh, someone smartly and businesslike suggested “clean up, clean up”, that is, to carry out reforms that would put Russia on a par with the leading powers peace. But, as in the story with the cherry orchard, at the turn of the era in Russia there was no real force capable of positively influencing the fate of the country. However, the old cherry orchard was already doomed...

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