Why did Fonvizin write an undergrowth. Composition on the topic: The meaning of the name of the comedy Undergrowth, Fonvizin

  1. When was the comedy "Undergrowth" written and how did the public react to its first production on September 24, 1782?
  2. The first production of the comedy could be regarded as a great success, but the reactionary part of the nobility greeted the play with bitterness, recognizing many of its vices in it: Fonvizin executed both the wild ignorance of the older generation and the superficial, external "European" "semi-education" of the youth. The playwright shows the plight of the peasantry and the corrupting influence of serfdom on young nobles.

  3. Prove that Prostakova and Skotinin are typical ignorant serf-owners. What common features do they have?
  4. What is the fault, and what is Mitrofan's trouble? Is the play's ending appropriate? Why did Fonvizin come up with such an ending?
  5. Of course, the ending of the play is far-fetched. With this ending, the author wanted to show the government of Catherine II the ways of transformation, limiting the power of the landowners over the peasants. He fought for the exposure of the existing evil, for the issuance of normal laws, for the gradual limitation of the power of the landowners over their serfs.

  6. Isn't the ending of the play an exaggeration, and the image of Mitrofan a parody?
  7. No. Mitrofan is a product of his era, serf relations, when the undergrowth of the nobility were not supposed to serve.

  8. What is the realism of comedy?
    1. In comedy, real people, not dry schemes, bearers of a certain quality, which was typical before classicism.
    2. The language of the heroes is individualized (the speech of Prostakova and Skotinin is rude, his ignorance is manifested in Mitrofan's language, Kuteikin's speech is full of obsolete words from church books, positive heroes use bookish language, which was characteristic of the upper nobility in the 18th century).
    3. Realism also had an effect in the formulation by the author of the most important problems of his time (limitation of the power of the landowners, the spread of education, the education of a true citizen, etc.).
  9. Are negative or positive characters drawn by Fonvizin more convincingly? Why?
  10. What are the artistic features of "Undergrowth"? What role does contrast play in composition?
  11. Does the comedy "Undergrowth" give reason to believe that D. I. Fonvizin, as Pushkin said about him, is "a bold ruler of satire, a friend of freedom"?
  12. What is the purpose of Pravdin on the Prostakova estate? What can be said about his social views?
  13. Pravdin is an official of the governorship, who thinks progressively in the spirit of the enlightenment ideology of the times of Catherine II. He declares that he fulfills his duties out of conviction, "according to the feat of his own heart." Going around the estates, he collects the facts of the cruel treatment of the landowners with the serfs and has the opportunity, due to his official position, to stop the arbitrariness in the estate of Prostakova, taking the management of the estate under guardianship. After living for three days in the Prostakovs' house, Pravdin, in a conversation with Milon, calls the landowner an innumerable fool, and his wife a wicked fury, "whose hellish disposition makes misfortune to their whole house."

  14. What reason does Pravdin have to hope to put an end to Prostakova's atrocities? Who can help him carry out his plan?
  15. Pravdin hopes to carry out this good deed, using the powers given to him by the governor, who, according to his way of thinking, “with ... jealousy helps ... suffering humanity”, thereby fulfilling “philanthropic types of supreme power.” Pravdin's reference to the Institution, which creates the image of such a well-intentioned governor, is interesting. It is to him that Pravdin turns for permission to take custody of the estates. Historically, the actions of Pravdin, a government official who carried out the will of the "higher authorities", had no confirmation in the Russian reality of that time. They reflected only the moods and aspirations of a certain part of the enlightened nobility, including the author of the comedy, and were perceived as suggestions to the government of a possible way to regulate relations between landlords and peasants. Therefore, the image of Pravdin is not real, but conditional, ideal.

  16. What phrase expresses the attitude of Fonvizin himself to Pravdin and the nature of his service?
  17. These are the words of Milo: "Happy are you, my friend, being able to alleviate the fate of the unfortunate."

  18. What socio-political and moral problems are discussed in the dialogues between Staro-Dum and Pravdin?
  19. Already in the phenomenon of the third act, that is, at the first meeting, Pravdin and Starodum discussed a number of important socio-political and moral problems discussed in the second half of the 18th century among the enlightened nobility: serving the state, true and imaginary services to society, education and upbringing of a citizen of the fatherland, honor and dignity of the individual, relations at court, etc.

  20. Why do you think Fonvizin calls his positive character the name Staro-dum?
  21. As in many dramatic works, Starodum is endowed with a conditional name that reflects the essence of his views and passions. He is a man of the old times, the time of Peter the Great's transformations of Russia, from where he drew his views, beliefs and moral rules from his youth.

  22. What time does Starodum remember and why? What attracts him in the past?
  23. The characteristic features of that time, according to Starodum, were the veneration of a person and his merits on merit to the fatherland, directness and sincerity. He received from his father, who served at the court of Peter the Great, a covenant in the form of a rule: "have a heart, have a soul, and you will be a man at all times." From there, Starodum also made another judgment adjoining this rule, which is also relevant in our times: without a soul, “the most enlightened smart girl is a miserable creature. An ignoramus without a soul is a beast.”

  24. How does Starodum feel about contemporary society?
  25. Starodum has a negative attitude towards contemporary society, although he believes that he got excited about resigning because he was bypassed by the rank in favor of the young careerist count. If earlier he knew how to control himself, then "he would have had the pleasure of serving the fatherland longer." Relations at court struck him with their insincerity, he figuratively compared the achievement of a courtier's career with driving: almost no one drives along the big straight road, and everyone goes around by a detour, hoping to get there as soon as possible. In the same figurative way, he speaks of rivalry, selfishness. Starodum contrasts the morals of the old time with distorted ideas about life values ​​in contemporary reality.

  26. Compare the thoughts of Starodum with the views expressed by Lomonosov and Derzhavin in the works known to you.
  27. Fonvizin's comedy continues the educational traditions of the Russian classicists Lomonosov and Derzhavin. The affirmation of the role of a strong state in the well-being of society, the upbringing and education of a true son of the fatherland, praise of the reforms of Peter I, the desire for selfless service are constantly heard in the odes of Lomonosov, strict observance of laws, sharp criticism of tyranny, bribe- we find in Derzhavin's transcription of the psalm "To Rulers and Judges". All these views are fully shared by Starodum.

  28. What is the purpose of Prostakova hiring teachers for Mitrofan?
  29. Not understanding the importance of education and being a complete "ignoramus without a soul", Prostakova nevertheless hires teachers for Mitrofan and believes that he is receiving a sufficient education. She understands that it’s already “another century”, that you won’t live like uncle Vavila Falaleevich, that society requires studies from noble children. The motherly heart of Prosta-kova suffers that the child can be exhausted from the lessons, and therefore she tries to finish the lesson as quickly as possible, finding fault with any objectionable phrase of the teacher. When the guests arrived, she asks Mitrofan to "learn at least for the sake of appearance" so that they can see what an educated and worthy groom he is for Sophia, who suddenly became a rich bride.

  30. How do you assess the mental abilities of a minor? What do you see in his remarks - stupidity or impudence?
  31. Spoiledness, laziness and arrogance, the hatred of education and educated people received from his mother and uncle dull Mitrofan's mental abilities and do not provide ground for their development. We cannot judge the natural abilities of the undergrowth. However, he is quick-witted in everyday terms: he prefers to sympathize with his mother, who in his dream is tired of beating the father, and not with his father, and also shows practical ingenuity in a number of other circumstances.

  32. Why does Mitrofan push away his mother and behave submissively with Pravdin?
  33. Under the influence of an ugly upbringing, Mitrofan did not develop any attachments, there is no love for people. Mother for him is just an intercessor, indulging him in everything, she creates for him a comfortable life that suits him. And when she loses power over people, she also loses her value for Mitrofan. Pronouncing his famous phrase: “Here are worthy fruits of malice,” Starodum also has in mind the results of Prostakova’s upbringing of her own son.

    Mitrofan dutifully answers Pravdin's words about the service, because he felt the strength and power of Pravdin, in him he sees a master who cannot be disobeyed.

  34. What is the attitude of Fonvizin himself and his positive characters to the education of young nobles?
  35. The theme of education is one of the main themes of the comedy "Undergrowth". Concern for the fate of the younger generation never left Fonvizin as a writer and citizen. Creating the image of Mitrofan, he aimed not only to laugh at the undergrowth, to comically depict his “knowledge” in the sciences, his desire “I don’t want to study - I want to get married”, but also to show the tragic consequences of such an ugly upbringing. From Mitrofan grows "an ignoramus without a soul", a cruel feudal lord, a despot, belonging to the breed "which takes revenge with its fertility."

  36. Why is "Undergrowth" called a comedy? Do you agree with this definition of the play genre? Argument your opinion.
  37. Undoubtedly, The Undergrowth is a classic comedy. It contains a comedic intrigue associated with the failed matchmaking of Mitrofan and Skotinin to Sofya and the failed attempt to kidnap her. There are many comedic situations in the play, for example, Mitrofan's teaching and examination scenes, Skotinin's conversations about pigs. The comical image of the characters is combined with accusatory satire.

  38. Can The Undergrowth be called high comedy, and if so, why?
  39. Serious socio-political and moral problems are posed in The Undergrowth: the despotism of serfdom, the education and upbringing of the personality of a citizen of the fatherland, the state. This makes the play a high comedy.

  40. Name the plot lines of the play.
  41. Outwardly, the comedy is built on the traditional motif of matchmaking and the emerging struggle of suitors for the heroine. All three unities are observed in it - time, place, action. By the beginning of the events, the fate of the heroes in the Prostakova estate was determined as follows. Sophia and Milon, acquaintances from St. Petersburg, love each other. Uncle Milon, Count Cheston, favorably treats their love. On business, Milon travels to one of the provinces. At this time, Sophia's mother dies, and the girl is taken to her estate by a distant relative of Prostakov. This is an exposition, after which, some time later, events take place that we learn about from a comedy. The main action fits in one day and constitutes the final stage of the plot. Prostakova decides to marry Sofya to her brother Taras Skotinin, believing that due to poverty she is not of interest as a bride for her son. The plot comes with the receipt of a letter from Starodum, in which Sophia is declared a rich heiress. This changes Prostakova's plans, which leads to a conflict between her and her brother.

    Sophia prefers Milon. And then Prostakova decides to organize the abduction of Sophia and her wedding with Mitrofan. From the very dramatic end of the "matchmaking" Sophia is saved by the intervention of Milon, who beats the bride from Prostakova's people. This climactic scene prepares the denouement of the comedy. Comic heroes are put to shame. Prostakova was deprived of the rights to the peasants for the abuse of her power, her estate was taken into custody.

    Thus, the matchmaking of Skotinin, the receipt of Starodum’s Letter, the decision to marry Sophia Mitrofan, the attempt to kidnap Sophia, Prostakova’s intention to deal with the courtyards, “sort out” them “one by one” and find out “who let her out of her hands”, finally, the announcement The truth of the decree on taking custody of Prostakova's house and villages is the key scenes of the comedy storyline. material from the site

    Literary critic G. V. Mokvicheva sees two outcomes in comedy. One concerned the relationship between Mitrofan, Skotinin, Milon - Sophia, whose fate was determined by Starodum and Prostakova; the second one related to the fate of Prostakova as a malevolent landowner and mother. In the events of this denouement, the social and moral ideals of the author were revealed, and the ideological and moral orientation of the comedy as a whole was determined.

  42. What do you see as the conflict of the comedy "Undergrowth"?
  43. The main conflict of the comedy lies in the confrontation between the enlightenment-minded nobility and the cruel landowners-serfs on the problems of attitude towards the peasants, public service, upbringing and education of a citizen of the fatherland.

  44. What do you think, is there a reasoner in the comedy (a hero expressing the thoughts of the author)? If so, who is in this role?
  45. Starodum and Pravdin reflect Fonvizin's positions on these issues. At the same time, they also perform certain plot functions.

  46. What scenes and faces are not directly related to the development of the plot, but are connected with the problem of comedy? What is their role?
  47. Comic scenes: Mitrofan trying on a new dress and discussing Trishka's work, Mitrofan's lessons, sister-brother quarrel, teachers' quarrel, comic dialogue during the exam. All of them create an idea of ​​the everyday, everyday life of an uncultured landlord family, the level of its demands, intra-family relations. They convince the viewer of the plausibility and vitality of what is happening on the stage.

    Dialogues of goodies about an enlightened monarch, about the dignity of a nobleman, marriage and family, about the upbringing of young nobles, about the fact that “it is illegal to oppress your own kind with slavery” is a presentation of Fonvizin’s positive program.

  48. Write out proverbs, sayings and aphorisms from the text of the comedy, reveal their role in characterizing the characters of the comedy, as well as the views of the playwright. What are the ways to include apt expressions in the speech of the characters?
  49. Live a century - learn a century (Not a century for you to learn) (Prostakova).

    The hour of God's will will come (The hour of my will has come) (Prostakova, Mitrofan).

    I found money, I didn’t share it with anyone (Pro-stakova).

    I don’t want to study - I want to get married (Mitrofan).

    For nothing, for nothing (Mitrofan).

    The sword does not cut a guilty head (Prostakov, justifying himself before Starodum).

    Five rubles a year, and five slaps a day (Eremeevna).

    We have a Russian proverb: “The dog barks, but the wind carries” (Tsifirkin).

    On my mind (Prostakova).

    I am a worm, not a man, a reproach to people (from the Psalter; Kuteikin).

    Here, some of the proverbs, rock sayings and aphorisms are written out, which

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Why is Fonvizin's comedy "Undergrowth", denouncing serfdom, called the comedy of education?

Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin's comedy "Undergrowth" was written in 1782. The 18th century in culture was marked by the Age of Enlightenment. It was a time when the value of art was reduced to its educational and moral role. Artists of that time undertook the hard work of awakening in a person the desire for the development and self-improvement of the individual. Classicism is one of the currents in which they worked. The purpose of literature, according to the classicists, was to influence the human mind in order to correct vices and cultivate virtue.

The main problems of the comedy "Undergrowth" are the problem of the cruel attitude of the landowners towards their peasants and the problem of educating the younger generation and the "wild ignorance of the old generation" (V. G. Belinsky). However, a comedy that denounces serfdom is called a comedy of education.

The reason for this is the close relationship between the first two problems. It is the problem of education and ignorance that causes the malevolence of the heroes of the play. Heartlessness, despotism, unwillingness to recognize the serfs any rights to equality with the "noble" characterizes the attitude of wild landowners to their people. One of Prostakova's most devoted serfs, mother Yeremeevna, has been serving her for forty years now, and receives as a reward for her service "five rubles a year and five slaps a day." D.I. Fonvizin sees the reason for the malevolence of his heroes in their ignorance, "in their own corruption." The father of Prostakova and Skotinin “did not know how to read and write,” their uncle Vavila Falaleich “did not want to hear from anyone” about her; “I didn’t read anything from birth” Skotinin Jr. Children inherited neglect of science from their fathers. “Without science, people live and lived,” learning is nonsense, the main thing is to be able to “make enough and keep enough” - this is what the worldly philosophy of the ignorant nobility boils down to. And in the hands of this nobility is the education of the younger generation of nobles.

The main idea of ​​the work is the question of true, ideal education. This question is raised against the background of Mitrofan's upbringing and the description of his teachers. “The deacon from Pokrov, Kuteikin, goes to him for a letter. Arithmetic is taught to him by one retired sergeant Tsyfirkin. He is taught in French and all sciences by the German Adam Adamych Vralman. But the boy's teachers did not teach anything, as they themselves were uneducated and lazy. In fact, it was just a tribute to fashion on the part of Mrs. Prostakova.

According to Fonvizin, an important part of education is not only the development of the mind, but also moral feelings. Reflections on true education are expressed by the reasoning hero Starodum in a conversation with Sophia. He discusses this topic globally, seeing the sources of education problems in the authorities themselves: “The ideal sovereign first of all needs enlightened subjects and he himself must take care of his morality, think about good education.” Fonvizin fought for the flourishing of education in Russia and believed that the nobles brought up in strict civil rules would be worthy leaders of the country.

The theme of education in comedy is directly related to the most important problems of the 18th century. Fonvizin believed that an ideal upbringing could contribute to the spread of morality and human relations, the humanity of the landowners towards the peasants.

And in this sense, the comedy "Undergrowth" for Fonvizin's contemporaries was instructive and instructive, was a real "leader" in education.

"Undergrowth" is the most famous work of Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin. The play appeared in the 18th century and was of a social and public nature. Since it attaches great importance to any names and titles, and the author did not choose them by chance, the word "undergrowth" also has its own connotation. Under Peter I, underage children were called noble children who had not reached the age of majority and who had not entered the public service. There is an assumption that it was after the book of D. I. Fonvizin that this word became a household word and acquired a second meaning - a stupid young man and a dropout. And even the name Mitrofan began to personify the younger generation, mired in stupidity and ignorance.

Mitrofan is the son of the landowners Prostakovs. The young man's mother herself is quite ignorant and stupid, while possessing a despotic and malevolent character. Instead of learning at least something and teaching her son, she often boasts of her ignorance, saying that she, as a true noblewoman, did not stop being able to read. In her opinion, happiness lies not in enlightenment, but in greed and power over serfs. Prostakov is distinguished by boundless love for her son. He is allowed everything: to insult and humiliate the people around him, not to study, to sit at home doing nothing and not go to work. She hires literacy, arithmetic and French teachers for Mitrofan. However, this is not done to enlighten the young man, but in order to keep up with other nobles. Therefore, Mitrofan does not particularly strain his mind and can do nothing at all in the lessons. As a result, he has been studying for several years, and still cannot connect two words in a sentence, or do the simplest mathematical exercises. Through his behavior and speech, the author tries to show all the features of the underdevelopment and bad manners of a minor. Mitrofan has complete moral degradation. He is not only stupid and lazy, but also does not know how to respect the work and dignity of others. So, for example, he is often rude to his nanny and nurse Yeremeevna, who feeds him, clothes him from childhood, and protects him from all evil. It is obvious that he adopted all the negative qualities of his mother, as evidenced by the name given to him by the author. After all, Mitrofan is an ancient Greek male name, meaning "manifested by the mother." All that is known about the father of the young man is that he does not dare to object to his wife in anything and resignedly fulfills all her orders. In such an atmosphere, the despotic, ruthless and self-serving character of Mitrofan is formed. For example, having learned that their distant relative Sophia has a rich dowry, he is not averse to marrying her and, at the behest of his mother, is even ready to steal the girl. However, when their plan fails, and the estate is taken away from Prostakova, he calmly turns away from his mother and tells her to leave him alone. One of the wise characters in the play, Starodum, says that she is reaping the fruits of her upbringing.

The relevance of the title of the play is evident in the last scenes. When the civil servant Pravdin announces that it is time for Mitrofan to serve, Starodum notes that there will be no sense from him to the fatherland. In the person of the underage Mitrofan, the author shows the moral decay of the noble society of the 18th century and wants the readers, recognizing their children in the young man, to try to correct them and take up their upbringing in a timely manner. With a happy ending, he emphasizes the victory of common sense over stupidity and ignorance.

In the comedy "Undergrowth" D.I. Fonvizin poses one of the most important problems of society: the upbringing and education of the younger generation. The play caricaturely depicts the "educational process" in the Prostakov family of landowners. Satirically depicting the manners of the local nobles, showing their complete ignorance in how they prepare children for life and work in society, the writer sought to condemn this approach to education. Mitrofan's mother is forced (besides her main concern - about the nutrition of her son) to demonstrate the fulfillment of the decree on the education of noble children, although she would never, of her own free will, force her beloved child to "useless teaching".

The author satirically depicts Mitrofan's lessons in mathematics, geography, and the Russian language. His teachers were the deacon Kuteikin, the retired sergeant Tsyfirkin and the German Vralman, who were not far from the landowners who hired them. During the “arithmetic” lesson, when the teacher suggested solving the division problem, the mother advises her son not to share with anyone, not to give anything, but to take everything for himself. And geography, according to Prostakova, the gentleman does not need, because there are cabbies who will take you where you need to go.

The “exam” scene, in which Mitrofan showed all his knowledge, is imbued with a special comic. He sought to convince the "commission" how "he had gone far" in studying, for example, the Russian language. And therefore he sincerely assured that the word "door" can be both a noun and an adjective, depending on the location. Mitrofan achieved such results thanks to his mother, who indulged her lazy son in everything, who was used to doing only what he liked: eat, sleep, climb the dovecote and see from everyone around him unquestioning obedience, the fulfillment of his desires. Studies were not included in the circle of interests.

In the conditions that are displayed in the comedy, children could not differ much from their parents, since ignorant people are not able to instill in their offspring a craving for knowledge, the desire to become educated and intelligent citizens who would consciously prepare to serve the Fatherland. Mitrofan's father and mother cannot even read, and the uncle "had never read anything": "God ... delivered this boredom." The vital interests of these landowners are extremely narrowed: satisfaction of needs, passion for profit, the desire to arrange a marriage of convenience, and not for love (due to Sophia's dowry, Skotinin would like to "buy more pigs"). They have no concept of duty and honor, but the desire to rule is immensely developed. Prostakova is rude, cruel, inhuman towards the serfs. "Cattle, thieves' mug" and other curses are a reward, and the payment for labor was "five cuffs a day and five rubles a year." Mitrofan, who has been taught cruel treatment of serfs since childhood, will become the same master. He considers teachers as servants, wanting them to obey his lordly will.

Mrs. Prostakova is mentally "too simple" and "not trained in delicacy." He solves all issues with swearing and fists. Her brother, Skotinin, belongs to that group of people who, in their image and likeness, are close to animals. For example, Skotinin says: “Mitrofan loves pigs because he is my nephew. But why am I so addicted to pigs? Mr. Prostakov replies to this statement: "And here there is some similarity." Indeed, the son of the Prostakovs Mitrofan is in many ways similar to his mother and uncle. For example, he does not feel the desire for knowledge, but he eats a lot, and at the age of sixteen he is quite overweight. The mother tells the tailor that her child is of "delicate build." Nanny Eremeevna reports Mitrofan's needs: "I deigned to eat five buns before breakfast."

The purpose of D.I. Fonvizin was not only ridiculing, exposing the customs of the local nobility, but also a satirical depiction of the current order in society, in the state. Despotism destroys humanity in man. The writer substantiates his conclusions about the need to abolish serfdom by showing how some landlords understood the “Decree on the Liberty of the Nobility” in their own way, and other royal decrees supporting the serf-owners. The features of the life and way of life of the local nobles are that they take licentiousness of morals for virtue, as they have unlimited power, and therefore rudeness, lawlessness, and immorality flourished in their society.

The comedy "Undergrowth" is aimed at exposing the vices of society. Satirically depicting the mores of the landlords, their "methods of education", Fonvizin reached conclusions about what people should not be like, how children should not be raised so that new "mitrofanushki" would not appear among the nobles. The life principles of Mitrofan are directly opposite to the convictions of an enlightened person. The author of the work created not a positive, but a negative image. He wanted to show "evil morality worthy of the fruits", therefore, he displayed the worst aspects of landowner life, the malevolence of the serfs, and also highlighted the vices of educating the younger generation.

The landowner Prostakova raised her son in her own image and likeness (as her parents once raised her) and instilled in him the qualities that she considered necessary, so Mitrofan at the age of sixteen had already set goals and priorities for himself, and they are as follows:
- does not want to study;
- work or service does not appeal, it is better to drive pigeons on a dovecote;
- food for him has become the most important of the pleasures, and daily overeating is the norm;
- greed, greed, stinginess - qualities that help achieve complete well-being;
- rudeness, cruelty and inhumanity - the necessary principles of the landowner-serf;
- deceit, intrigue, deceit, fraud - the usual means in the struggle for one's own interests;
- the ability to adapt, that is, to please the authorities and to show lawlessness with people without rights, is one of the conditions for a free life.

For each of these "principles" in the comedy "Undergrowth" there are examples. The author wanted to ridicule, denounce the low morals of many landowners, therefore, in creating images, he used such techniques as satire, irony, and hyperbole. For example, Mitrofan complains to his mother that he was starved to death: “I haven’t eaten anything since morning, only five buns,” and last night “didn’t have dinner at all - only three slices of corned beef, and five or six hearth (buns).” Also, with sarcasm and hostility, the author reports about Mitrofan's "craving for knowledge", who is going to arrange a "task" for the old nanny because she asks him to learn a little. And he agrees to go to the lessons only if the conditions set by him are fulfilled: “... so that this is the last time and so that today there will be an agreement” (about marriage).

Mrs. Prostakova shamelessly lies to Pravdin that her son "does not get up for days because of the book." And Mitrofan enjoys permissiveness, the blind love of his mother, he has learned well how to achieve the fulfillment of his desires. This undergrowth is self-willed, rude, cruel, not only in relation to the nanny or other serfs, but even in relation to the mother, for whom he is the main joy. “Yes, get off, mother, how imposed!” - the son pushes away his mother when she tries to find support from him.

Starodum’s conclusion, made at the end of the play (“Here are the worthy fruits of evil-mindedness!”), Returns viewers and readers to the previous facts that explain and clearly show how characters like the immature Mitrofan and his mother are formed in society.

The decision of Pravdin to send Mitrofanushka to the service of the noble son is accepted unquestioningly. But a question arises, to which there is no answer in the comedy, although it is implied: “Can Mitrofan be useful in the service of the Fatherland?” Of course not. For this, D.I. Fonvizin created his comedy to show the public what “undergrowths” are brought up by the landowners and in whose hands the future of Russia may turn out to be.

Before Fonvizin wrote the comedy "Undergrowth", this word was used to refer to a person who had not reached the age of majority (at that time he was 21 years old). The name of the work does not directly refer to Mitrofanushka, the main character of the comedy, but rather covers a whole generation of that time.

The main themes of this comedy were the problems of noble education and the morality of the nobles of that time.

So what is the main idea contained by Fonvizin in the title and content of this work? And she is simple. The author wanted to tell the reader that the underage will remain so uneducated and stupid until the end of his life, and this applies not only to a particular hero. Mitrofanushka is a satirical image with which the author makes fun of the young nobles of that time. Nowadays, the name of the protagonist of this comedy has become a household name and a synonym for the words ignoramus, fool and ignoramus.

With a literal translation of the name "Mitrofan", the phrase "revealing his mother" is obtained, which directly refers to the content of the comedy "Undergrowth". The author tried with all his might to show us a "sissy" who grew up surrounded by ignoramuses and fools. Fonvizin emphasizes that the boy is not stupid and capable, but does not want to use his mind for learning and doing homework. From this follows the secondary theme of this comedy: even if a young nobleman is endowed with intelligence, a desire to learn and develop, then these traits will be destroyed by the parents and teachers of a small nobleman. Fonvizin says that noble children should be brought up as citizens of their country and its future leaders, and not as freeloaders and ignoramuses.

Summing up, we can say that the title of the comedy describes and characterizes not specifically a boy named Mitrofanushka, but a whole generation of young nobles of that time. But who is to blame? How to deal with it? After reading the work, it becomes clear that the environment and the environment in which noble children grew up are to blame, and the solution to this problem requires a lot of time. Such “Undergrowths” are also found in the 21st century, which emphasizes the relevance of this work today.

The meaning of the name, in my opinion, is quite clear. The main character - Mitrofanushka - is an undergrowth. This means that he has not grown to the desired (normal) level.

He is the son of a rich, greedy and vicious lady, and she sees her only joy in her son. She spoiled him terribly. He is very capricious, harmful.

Mitrofan eats a lot - all sorts of pies, and after that he feels bad, but everyone pities him and justifies him. Everyone is scolded for him: servants, teachers ... he is very stupid. I mean, hard to learn. For three years he did not learn to read or count. But he says that he simply does not want to study, but already wants to get married.

Mommy calls him a child of delicate build. He is on such a diet, in the air, waved so that not a single caftan fits.

That is, he seemed to have grown in body, but did not grow up in mind until adulthood. He behaves worse than a child! Now at the nanny, who loves him so much, screams and swears, then she calls for help. Only his uncle with his fists, like Mitrofanushka, yells at him: "Mother, protect!" (He is the nanny.)

And he also tells his mother that so be it, he will show his knowledge, although they are not there. The guy thinks that the hour of his will has come. I do what I want! Cool, but early.

From his mother, only she was accused of cruelty and the like, he immediately refuses. This is a terrible blow for her! She is ready to even kill for him, but he does not love her, he spits on her.

About the priest, he, in general, says that he is rubbish. No respect!

I would not be friends with such a guy. He has no friends there. He will betray and deceive. Hopefully, after all this history, he took up his mind.

At the very end of the work, I decided that it was good if he was just an undergrowth. Now, if he learned everything, became polite, then he could become such a terrible villain. He could fool everyone! So it’s very good that he is so lazy and harmful. Everyone immediately sees who is in front of them!

He did not grow up to be a good person, but he did not grow up to become a truly bad person either.

What is the meaning of the name of the comedy Undergrowth?

The comedy of D. Fonvizin has a very “speaking” and symbolic name, but in order to understand its main meaning, you need to know at what time the work was written.

In 1714, a decree was issued in Russia on the obligatory entry of nobles into the service on the condition that they receive a proper education. The king understood that not everyone would have a desire to strain their minds, and introduced the concept of "undergrowth", i.e. a person without education. Underage people were not allowed to marry, as they were considered irresponsible people, not ready for adulthood.

The key role in the comedy is assigned to the underage Mitrofan, who does not want to learn anything, despite the fact that his parents hired teachers for him. And where does such a desire come from in him, because his mother is proud of her ignorance, emphasizing that she, a noblewoman, does not need a letter! Yes, and the teachers were hired not for the good purpose of giving the son knowledge, but rather because it was “befitting” to do so. No wonder he didn't learn so much in years.

Considering science useless and tedious, Mitrofan appreciates more the lessons from the coachman Vralman, who teaches the rules of secular life. The main thing is to surround yourself with similar people, who also do not strive for education and enlightenment, appreciating only a superficial gloss of light. Mitrofan became a collective image of the young nobility, those same undergrowths of that time - immature, apathetic, ignorant, putting the state and position above honor and dignity. When his mother, who had lost her power, needed his support, he only coldly pushed her away, throwing a cruel “get off”. Indeed, "malice is a worthy fruit." Despite his actual age, he is just a child, spoiled by his mother and shielded from all adversity from childhood. He really "didn't grow up" either before marriage or before service. At the end of the work, Pravdin rightly noted that there would be no use for the country from such an employee.

The writer attached great importance to the upbringing of young people, noting that only a proper education and cultural level can make them worthy statesmen. The name of the comedy soon became a household name and went to the people: from now on, all ignoramuses and lazy people will be called "undersized" and "mitrofanushki". Moreover, all the problems consecrated by Fonvizin in 1781 are relevant to this day.

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