Picture galleries of the world. Museums over the world - paintings collections online

The Louvre is a former royal palace, architectural monument and museum in the historic center of Paris. Since 1791, it has been transformed into a museum, which houses the richest collection of exhibits in Europe: from ancient and ancient Roman to late Western European works of art. The art gallery of the Louvre is especially rich in the rarest exhibits, which were constantly replenished with collections of monasteries, private individuals, as well as numerous trophies of the Napoleonic campaigns. → Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, USA) The Metropolitan Museum of Art has the world's richest collection of paintings and sculptures. The pride of the museum is the art gallery. Among the brilliant masterpieces of painting are paintings by Rubens, Velasquez, Titian, Monet, Renoir, Van Gogh and others. The photography department presents works by Walker Evans, Diane Arbus, Alfred Stieglitz. Each year, the museum publishes an "Annual Report" listing new acquisitions. → London National Gallery (UK) The London National Gallery (The National Gallery) is one of the world's best collections of Western European and English painting. Here are the masterpieces of Rembrandt, Michelangelo, Botticelli, Leonardo da Vinci. Exhibiting royal portraits, the art gallery presents only the works of the most famous masters of the 12th-19th centuries. → National Gallery of Art (Washington, USA) The National Gallery of Art is an art museum located in Washington DC (USA). The collection contains about one thousand two hundred paintings, where the works of the masters of Italy, France and America are most widely represented. In addition, it contains the world's best collection of Italian Renaissance paintings, Dutch and Spanish Baroque paintings. The US government donated twenty thousand drawings and watercolors to the gallery that depict the history of the development of American folk arts and crafts. → Ambrosiana Art Gallery (Milan, Italy) The Ambrosiana Art Gallery was founded in the early 17th century by Cardinal Federico Borromeo, cousin of St. Carla. The basis of the gallery was a collection of paintings already owned by the Borromean family. As a real connoisseur of beauty and a great connoisseur of painting, the cardinal conceived a grandiose project, which was embodied in a whole complex of cultural objects: the Pinakothek itself, the Ambrosian Library, which opened in 1609, and the Academy of Drawing, where young artists of the Counter-Reformation learned the secrets of fine art. → Brera Art Gallery (Milan, Italy) The Brera Art Gallery (Pinacoteca di Brera) is an art gallery founded in 1809 by Napoleon Bonaparte. Contains a large number of works of art "confiscated" from churches and monasteries throughout Europe. The works belong to the period from the 15th to the 20th centuries, and include paintings by such artists as Raphael, Caravaggio, Mantegna. In the courtyard there is a statue of Napoleon by Canova. → Dresden Art Gallery (Germany) The Dresden Art Gallery is one of the oldest museums in Europe, located in Germany. The gallery is famous all over the world for its collection of paintings by Italian and Dutch masters. It was opened in 1855, at that time the collection consisted of two thousand two hundred canvases. Over time, the collection was replenished with both contemporaries and classics of fine arts. As new items were acquired, the museum grew so much that in 1931 the painting had to be divided, and only works from the thirteenth to eighteenth centuries remained in the Dresden Gallery. → State Tretyakov Gallery (Moscow, Russia) The State Tretyakov Gallery was named in honor of Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov, who was distinguished by his passion for collecting, which appeared in him in the mid-50s of the eighteenth century. It was at this time that Pavel Mikhailovich bought the first exhibits that laid the foundation for the future museum. At that time, Tretyakov and his family moved to Lavrushinsky Lane, where the Tretyakov Gallery was founded. → Hermitage (St. Petersburg, Russia) The Hermitage is the best gallery in Russia representing world art, one of the most famous art museums in the world and, of course, the main attraction of St. Petersburg. The museum was founded in 1764 when Catherine the Great purchased a collection of 255 paintings from the German city of Berlin. Today, the State Hermitage has over 2.7 million exhibits and displays a variety of art and artifacts from around the world and throughout history (from Ancient Egypt to the early 20th century in Europe). The Hermitage collections include works by Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael, Titian, unique collections of Rembrandt and Rubens, many works by the French impressionists Renoir, Cezanne, Manet, Monet and Pizarro, numerous paintings by Van Gogh, Matisse, Gauguin and several sculptures by Rodin. The collection is huge and varied, it took a lot of time to create it, and it is an essential aspect for all those who are interested in art and history.

When you travel, there are many ways to plan your itinerary. But almost all include visits to museums. Museums are the perfect place for lovers of history and culture. Nowadays, the world's greatest museums offer a host of interactive and interesting experiences that can let you discover the secrets of history in your own unique way. This compilation contains 10 museums that are the most famous and recognizable sights in the world. You will be impressed by their appearance alone, not to mention what awaits inside.

1. Parisian Louvre

Without a doubt the most famous museum in the world, the Louvre was a medieval fortress and palace of the kings of France before it became a museum two centuries ago. Even the modernization of the square with the addition of a glass pyramid in its center does not take anything away from the historical charm of the Louvre Palace. The museum's collections, which range from the birth of great ancient civilizations to the first half of the 19th century, are among the most outstanding on the planet. You will find here the works of the most famous artists in history such as da Vinci and Rembrandt. The main attraction of the Louvre is Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa.

2. Hermitage, St. Petersburg

This gigantic museum has the largest collection of paintings in the world. It is a stunning place that illuminates the history of the world from the Stone Age to the present, and especially impressive is the Golden Room with its amazing gems. The Hermitage Museum is the most visited in Russia. It is scenically located along the waterfront area in the Center of St. Petersburg. This is a whole museum complex, which includes six different buildings of unique architectural design. Without a doubt, Emitage is one of the greatest museums in the world, an outstanding landmark of St. Petersburg.

3. British Museum in London

Here are collected millions of works of art from all over the world. The galleries of the British Museum are dedicated to Egypt, Greece, Roman civilization, Asia, Africa and medieval Europe, tracing human history and culture. It houses the Parthenon marble that once adorned the Parthenon in Athens. The museum attracts six million visitors every year. If you can't get to the Egyptian Museum, then you can view the largest and most comprehensive collection of ancient Egyptian artifacts outside of Cairo right here. Also impressive is the new reading room of the British Museum, which you can see in the photo below:

4. Egyptian Museum in Cairo

In the Egyptian Museum of Cairo you will find the most complete collection of Egyptian art in the world. Among the thousands of treasures are also famous exhibits from the tomb of Tutankhamun. In 1835, the Egyptian government established the "Egyptian Antiquities Service" in an attempt to stop the looting of archaeological sites and to organize an exhibition of the artifacts collected. The Egyptian Museum was built in 1900 and now houses over 120,000 objects from the prehistoric era to the Greco-Roman period, including the ancient sculptures of the Sphinx. If you are exploring the sights of Egypt, then you should not miss the Egyptian Museum of Cairo.

5. Uffizi Gallery in Florence

UNESCO estimates that 60% of the most popular artworks in the world are located in Italy, and more than half of them are located in Florence. The Uffizi Gallery in Florence will amaze you to the core. This is definitely one of the finest collections of paintings and sculptures on the planet, with works dating back to the Renaissance by masters such as da Vinci, Raphael, Michelangelo, Rembrandt, Caravaggio and many more. One of the main attractions here is the Birth of Venus Botticelli.

6. Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York

Created in 1870, the Metropolitan Museum of Art houses more than two million works of art from around the world, from antiquity to modern times. You will find everything from Islamic and European paintings to collections of weapons and armor. Although there are many other great museums in New York such as the Guggenheim, the Met is one of the most significant. This is truly one of the greatest museums in the world.

7. State Museum in Amsterdam

8. Vatican Museum

The impressive Vatican Museum contains 22 separate collections, ranging from Etruscan and Egyptian art to maps and contemporary religious art. Even if you are not religious, you will still be impressed by the sheer beauty and splendor of Michelangelo's dome and Bernini's spiral columns. The main values ​​here are the renovated Sistine Chapel and the Raphael Rooms.

9. Prado Museum in Madrid

Although its collection is less impressive, the Prado is one of the most respected and visited museums in the world. The Prado Museum's greatest treasure is Spanish art, with works by Velasquez, Goya, Murillo, El Greco and many other celebrities. Although the museum specializes in paintings, it also houses a large number of drawings, coins, medals and decorative arts. The museum's neoclassical façade is typical of the city's 18th century architecture. Particular attention should be paid to the Three Graces of Rubens. It is one of the twenty most visited museums in the world.

10. National Museum of Archeology in Athens

The Archaeological Museum in Athens completes the selection with the greatest museums in the world. This is the right place to admire the masterpieces of ancient Greece.

November 8, 1793 was opened to the public, perhaps the most famous art museum in the world - the Louvre. Today we will talk about him and other of the greatest art collections that everyone should visit.

The most famous museum in France and one of the most popular museums in the world covers more than 106 thousand square meters in the heart of beautiful Paris. The Louvre as a museum first opened its doors to connoisseurs of beauty on November 8, 1793 - at that time there were two and a half thousand paintings in its collections. If you are visiting the Louvre for the first time, ignore the deceptive impression of incredible complexity that it gives: in fact, the museum exhibition is very rationally organized, and it is not difficult to understand it at all. In the three wings of the museum - Richelieu, Denon and Sully - there are 8 departments, interconnected by passages and halls. In the most popular, southern, part of the Louvre, called Denon, there are always a lot of visitors: masterpieces of world art, such as the Mona Lisa and many works by famous French painters of the 19th century, are kept here. You should not even try to get around the entire museum in one day - it is better to stop at one of the more than 6 thousand paintings created by recognized European masters of the 13th-19th centuries and enjoy the beauty of what you see.

At the villa of oil tycoon Paul Getty in Malibu, there has been a complex for more than one year that has become one of the largest and most sought-after art museums in the world. The villa was built from 16 tons of golden travertine, from which the mansion of the Roman emperor Troyan was erected, buried under the ashes of Vesuvius, and fountains and waterfalls rustle around it and luxurious gardens bloom. The museum's second branch, the more modern Getty Center, opened in 1997. It took as much as 1.3 billion dollars to create it: funds were spent not only on luxurious interiors, but also on the purchase of works of art at the most expensive and prestigious auctions in the world. All exhibits of the museum are placed in chronological order in 5 pavilions located on the territory of the Getty Center. The most famous masterpieces for which the museum's collection is famous are Van Gogh's "Irises", paintings by Titian, Tintoretto, Monet and Rubens, a statue of Cybele dating back to the first century AD, and Pontormo's "Portrait of a young man with a halberd".

The State Tretyakov Gallery, named after the famous Russian collector Pavel Tretyakov, boasts the best collection of paintings by Russian masters and creators of the Soviet period in the world. Thinking of founding a museum that would reflect the features of the Russian art school as vividly as possible, Pavel Mikhailovich spent a lot of money and effort selecting and acquiring paintings and icons. His taste was so impeccable that to get a picture that Tretyakov looked after for the collection was considered the pinnacle of social recognition. Museum exhibits of the Tretyakov Gallery belong to the period from the 10th to the 20th century AD. and cover all areas of painting of the Russian land, including icon painting and avant-garde. Numerous halls of the buildings included in the museum complex contain many recognized masterpieces by Perov, Bryullov, Vrubel, Shishkin and Savrasov, and the most controversial and popular exhibit is the famous Black Square by Malevich.

One of the oldest museums in Europe, founded in 1722, is located in the very center of the German city of Dresden. A separate building for the museum was built in 1855, when the collection of paintings by old masters was already about two thousand copies - it was specially designed to form a harmonious ensemble with the rest of the buildings of the Zwinger palace complex. As a result of the bombing of the city during World War II, the complex, and with it the art gallery, were almost completely destroyed. More than two hundred masterpieces were lost forever, but the most famous were saved. The restoration of the canvases lasted for 20 years, over which professionals from all over the world pored over, and the restoration of the Zwinger took about the same time. Today, the Dresden Art Gallery is a museum equipped with all modern devices. Its exposition presents fifteen works by Rembrandt, a dozen creations by Van Dyck, Titian's masterpieces "Caesar's Denarius", "Madonna with Family" and the beautiful work of Raphael's "Sistine Madonna", which art connoisseurs from all over the world come to see.

The main New York museum, which has collected in its vaults one of the richest collections of art treasures in the world, was founded in 1870 by several public figures and representatives of the art world. The first exhibits of the museum were works of art that were previously in private collections. Today, as well as more than 100 years ago, the Metropolitan Museum exists at the expense of attracted funds from private investors, which are managed by the board of trustees. The most famous part of the museum, for which many visitors come here, is the section of American decorative art, which has more than 12 thousand works of masters of the 17th-20th centuries, which took as many as 25 rooms to accommodate. The main hall of the museum awaits connoisseurs of painting, where the works of the great creators of the Renaissance are collected: Botticelli, Titian, Raphael and Tintoretto, as well as famous representatives of the Dutch school. Until this year, the “chip” of the Metropolitan Museum was tin button badges that replaced tickets, but now they had to switch to a paper version - the entrance fee has become recommended, and not fixed, as before.

Hello dear guys! And to you, dear adults, also a big and warm hello!

Probably each of you at least once was in the museum. Every day around the world, thousands of tourists line up in long lines to see works of science and art, visit various exhibitions and then exchange their impressions of what they saw.

Many of the cultural attractions are known for their fame around the planet. Do you know those - those where any traveler would like to go?

I propose to recall the most famous museums in the world, scattered across different countries, so that when you are going on a long journey, you can plan a visit to them in your excursion program. Well, right now, so that you can talk about them in an interesting and exciting way in class.

So, the top ten of the most famous of the well-known, according to the ShkolaLa blog.

Lesson plan:

Paris Louvre

Once a medieval fortress, and then the residence of the French kings, it opened to visitors in 1793. 160106 square meters of the total area occupied, more than 400 thousand exhibits presented - all this is about the great and bewitching Louvre!

Its centrally located glass pyramid attracts about 9.5 million visitors every year and becomes a photographic attraction as one of the symbols of Paris. This is the place where one of the world's artistic mysteries is located - da Vinci's painting "Mona Lisa".

Today, the Louvre has seven huge departments, in which it is possible, as they say, to examine in detail the exhibition items in just a week, no less. Here are present:

  • department of applied arts;
  • halls of painting, graphics and sculpture;
  • the art of Ancient Egypt and the Ancient East;
  • Islamic and Greek departments;
  • Roman hall;
  • and culture of the Etruscan Empire.

Vatican Museums in Rome

The exhibition complex has 1,400 halls and 50,000 objects are located in them. Get ready to walk about 7 kilometers to see all the exhibits.

The heart of the Vatican Museum is the Sistine Chapel, a renaissance monument whose walls were painted by Michelangelo. You can reach it only by overcoming the entire museum corridor.

The construction of the Italian museum began as early as the 4th century - then the first stones of St. Peter's Church were laid, only in the 9th century did the walls appear, and by the 13th century they lined up in the papal Vatican residence. Every year, about 5 million visitors come here to see with their own eyes the treasures collected by Roman Catholics over several centuries.

British Museum in London

The exhibition center, which opened in 1759, has a rather complicated history, and there are dark spots in the description. It is called not only a museum of all civilizations, but also a repository of stolen masterpieces.

This is the place where the cultural objects of Egypt, Greece, Rome, Asia and Africa, as well as medieval Europe are located. Only now, many of the 8 million exhibits appeared in the British Museum in a far from honest way. So, the ancient Egyptian Rosetta stone, however, like some other assets from Egypt, came here after being taken from Napoleon's army.

From Greece, with the strange permission of the Turkish ruler, precious sculptural expositions were taken to London.

By the way, admission to the British Museum is absolutely free.

Japanese National Museum in Tokyo

Dedicated to nature and science, it differs in that, along with the wonders of technology, there are stuffed animals, found remains of dinosaurs and their models.

Here, on the roof of a six-story building, you will find a botanical garden with sun umbrellas that automatically open when approached. There is a "forest hall" where you can wander among the rich flora.

In the global gallery you can follow the evolution of all life on Earth and get acquainted with modern technologies, and in the Japanese gallery you can learn historical facts about the land of the rising sun.

And this museum is also included in the list of famous places, because visitors can become scientists for a moment and personally conduct a series of experiments.

American Metropolitan

This museum is located in New York and is rightfully one of the most famous. Judge for yourself: Paleolithic artifacts are collected here, which are adjacent to modern exhibits from the field of pop art, there are cultural objects from Africa, the East and Europe, paintings from the 12th to the 19th centuries, musical instruments, weapons and clothing of the peoples of five continents.

The museum appeared thanks to a group of entrepreneurs, public figures and artists who donated their collections to it, and they were replenished with two million exhibition items. In general, there is something to see here!

The area of ​​the cultural heritage of America is divided by luxurious passages and stairs that combine buildings from different times with tall columns, fountains and stained glass windows. Moreover, its name has nothing to do with underground transport, but is derived from the word "metropolis", that is, "big city".

Madrid Prado Museum

The Spanish Cultural Center of Painting has collected more than 7,600 paintings, 1,000 sculptures, 8,000 drawings, 1,300 pieces of art under one roof. It got its name from the park of the same name in which it is located.

Although there are no elegant interiors and gilded staircases, the museum has a huge number of collections of paintings from different European schools: Spanish, Italian, German, British, most of which were collected by the church and representatives of the royal family.

By the way, there is a copy of the Mona Lisa in the Louvre, drawn by a student of Leonardo da Vinci.

Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam

The main state museum of Holland is located in an old palace with towers and relief sculptures and is divided into 200 rooms, where many masterpieces of Dutch and world art are located. The red brick building stands on the canal embankment and stretches for an entire block.

The main masterpiece of the Amsterdam Museum is Rembrandt's painting "The Night Watch".

There are also canvases by artists of the Golden Age. And the exhibition halls abound with various antique gizmos from antique furniture to porcelain tableware.

Petersburg Hermitage

Russia, too, can rightfully enter the list and boast of a museum heritage known throughout the world. The Russian cultural giant is famous for the world's largest collection of paintings. Here you can get acquainted with the history from the Stone Age to the present, and the Golden Room is a separate story, because the treasures of the Russian Empire and more are collected there!

The Hermitage originates from the collection of Empress Catherine II and, having subsequently expanded, today it is a museum complex of six buildings, where more than 3 million exhibits are presented.

Cairo Museum

This cultural site was until recently famous for its complete collection of Egyptian art, which contains thousands of treasures from the tombs of Tutankhamun.

Before the revolution in Egypt, the Cairo Museum had more than 120,000 ancient exhibits, including monumental sculptures of the Sphinx of the ancient period, tombs and mummies of Egyptian pharaohs, and jewelry of queens.

One can only hope that the Egyptian nation will be able to preserve its heritage.

Archaeological Museum in Athens

This is the largest cultural center in Greece, which houses exhibits from different eras, but the collections of ceramics and sculpture are on the list of the richest in the world.

The diverse collections of the museum include finds as far back as 6800 BC, including clay, stone and bone vessels, weapons, jewelry and tools.

Various museum items

Today we have compiled a list of ten famous museums in the world located in different countries, which are on everyone's lips. But there are museums in the world that few people know about, but which it would be worth knowing about, because they are very unusual. The video below shows some of them.

I hope the information presented in the article will help you in the development of your research projects.

Good luck with your studies!

Evgenia Klimkovich.

Information about the next updates of the museum collections will appear - follow the information on this page.

Academy Carrara 2019 , Uffizi: 2018 , National Museum in Stockholm: 2019 .

Paris is often called the cultural center of Europe, because the greatest museums of the world are concentrated here, such as the Rodin Museum, the Louvre, the Pablo Picasso Museum. However, this is not all that Paris can surprise its guests with. Here you can visit rather unusual, strange museums for a simple layman, for example, the Museum of Erotic Art, the Guimet Museum of Oriental Arts, the Army Museum. Each of them carries its own history and is the world's greatest cultural and historical heritage.

So, the top 6 most striking and famous art museums in Paris and all of France include:

❶ The Louvre, which occupies an honorable first place and is one of the brightest business cards of Paris. In this largest museum in the world, located in the palace of King Philip-August, from ancient times to the 19th century, a unique collection of masterpieces of world art was collected bit by bit. The area of ​​the museum is actually divided into three parts - galleries: "Sully", "Denon" and "Richelieu", each of which contains amazing exhibits. The oldest antique exhibits and the greatest collection of original French paintings are presented in the Sully Gallery. Italian paintings and great works of masters from the Etruscan and Greek periods are collected in the Denon Gallery. The Richelieu Gallery presents the latest works of Oriental and European art and is complemented by interesting French sculpture. To visit the Louvre, you need to set aside a few days to carefully familiarize yourself with the magnificent works of the greatest masters.

❷ The Jacquemart-André Museum, which is rightfully the second pearl of Paris. Here, in the former residence of the married couple Jacquemart-Andre, there is a large collection of the most striking and famous works, presented by Flemish, French and Italian masters of the Renaissance. The greatest masterpieces of Botticelli, Donatello, Rembrandt, Canavelli, Crivelli, Thomas Louchet, Francois Boucher, Hubert Robert and other outstanding masters inspire many modern painters, connoisseurs of art and ordinary tourists even now.

❸ The Pablo Picasso Museum, dedicated to the Spanish master who created his masterpieces in the 19th century. The great master, recognized as the best and most "expensive" painter in the world, left behind magnificent creations: paintings, sculptures, engravings, collages, drawings, ceramic objects that were collected in one place - the Sale mansion. All periods of Picasso's work, collected in a huge collection, create a colorful composition that leaves an indelible impression.

❹ Musée d'Orsay, which contains a unique collection of some kind of impressionism and post-impressionism. On three levels of the museum, founded in the building of the former railway station, you can see the works of such masters as Claude Monet, Pissarro, Renoir, Van Gogh and others. The collection is complemented by works of art created in the period from 1848 to 1914: sculptures, unique photographs , bright objects of architecture.

❺ The Museum of Montparnasse, which was founded in the former premises of the workshop of Maria Vasilyeva. Here is a collection of works by Edgar Stoebel and Maria Vasilyeva herself (a Russian artist). Currently (since the end of September 2013) the museum is temporarily closed by order of the mayor's office.

❻ The Salvador Dali Museum, the largest collection of works by this greatest Spanish artist, director, sculptor and writer. Here, in addition to 300 creations of the master, you can also hear his recordings: the voice of the creator accompanies visitors to the museum during the tour.

Text: Valery Shangaev

St. Petersburg, Palace Square, Hermitage. The Hermitage building itself is a magnificent architectural monument, and the collection of paintings gathered in it are masterpieces of world art. The museum has priceless artistic treasures created by many generations of unsurpassed masters: from the late Middle Ages to the present day. The Hermitage exhibits delightful examples of elegant Western European painting, magnificent works of artists from Flanders and Holland with their genuine sincerity, and sensually exciting canvases of the early Italian Renaissance.

An art gallery with paintings by Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Titian, Rembrandt, Rubens, Monet, Matisse is just the beginning of the list of masters whose works are presented in this amazing museum. It is very difficult to describe in words the impressions of visiting the Hermitage. A thoughtful and enthusiastic connoisseur of beauty will not have enough time to walk around the entire complex, consisting of 6 buildings, and enjoy all the exhibits.

Using the services of a guide, each tourist can purposefully visit those halls that contain the most attractive canvases for him.

No less unique is the famous Palace of Versailles in Paris. The creation of the famous art gallery began under the French king Louis Philippe. It was by his decree that the Palace of Versailles was filled with magnificent examples of portraiture. Thanks to the art gallery founded by this king, today everyone can see beautiful portraits of those who are inextricably linked with French history. Images of kings and their favorites, queens of France and famous military leaders - the whole color of the French nobility is captured on the canvases of the great masters.

Speaking of France, it is impossible to remain silent about the visiting card of this country - the Louvre. Undoubtedly, this is the most eminent European museum, which has incorporated incredible treasures created over the centuries. The Louvre is the main attraction of the French, their pride. The combination of several styles in the architecture of the Louvre gives it an extraordinary romantic mystery. After all, the construction of the Louvre began with the construction of a defensive fortress, and much later, Renaissance architects completed the construction of the royal apartments, turning the fortress into a palace ensemble.

About two and a half thousand paintings are collected in the famous British National Gallery, which the British are no less proud of than the French - the Louvre. And they are rightfully proud. Located in the center of London on Trafalgar Square, the British Gallery has a collection of Western European paintings dating from the 13th century to the present day. Here are the canvases of the great German and Dutch masters, famous painters of England and France. All works are very conveniently exhibited in chronological order.

Madrid, one of the most beautiful European cities, also has its own "pearl". It is the Prado National Museum, located in an unusually beautiful building designed by Juan de Villanueva back in 1785. Today's collection includes more than 7,600 paintings and 8,000 drawings. This museum has the most complete, completely unique collection of works by the great Spanish masters. Here are the famous works of Francisco Goya, El Greco and Diego Velázquez. The Prado Museum is famous for its collection of the famous Dutchman Hieronymus Bosch. Museum staff very carefully and carefully carry out restoration work, which makes it possible to regularly replenish the vast collection of the Prado National Museum.

Text: Anna Kolisnichenko

The cost of tickets to museums in Europe varies greatly. There are both expensive and very cheap museums. As it turned out, there are museums that you can visit for free. The 14 most expensive and cheapest museums in Europe were identified. The list includes 7 most expensive museums, 5 cheap ones and 2 museums that can be visited for free.

Zurich and Amsterdam distinguished themselves by the high cost of tickets. So the Museum Buehrle in Zurich was in the lead, the visitor has to pay 20 euros when visiting. The museum is notable for its large collection of works by Emil Georg Bürl. But the works of art of the German artist are not complete, the museum has about 200 works by the Impressionists and Post-Impressionists of France. The famous "Waters" by Claude Monet and "Self-portrait" by Van Gogh are located in the Museum Buehrle.

The famous Vatican Museum was included in the rating. The ticket price for a tourist is 15 euros, but every last Sunday of the month, the museum can be visited for free. On Sundays, there are huge queues, but this does not stop tourists. The Vatican Museum consists of 1,400 rooms, including the Vatican Pinakothek, which presents 50,000 exhibits. The museum has a large number of paintings by masters of painting of the 11th-19th centuries. Including Raphael Santi and the incomparable Leonardo da Vinci.

Also, the researchers recognized the Hermitage on the Amstel as one of the most expensive. The museum is located in Amsterdam and is a branch of the Hermitage. As with the Vatican Museum, the entrance fee for visitors is 15 euros. The museum often hosts various exhibitions, often related to Russia.

The Vincent van Gogh Museum and the Rijksmuseum are also recognized as the most expensive. The Van Gogh Museum has the largest collection of paintings and drawings by the master. Moreover, the collection contains pictures drawn by Vincent as a child. The property of the Rijksmuseum are the canvases of the Dutch painting of the golden age. He is famous for paintings by Rembrandt, Ruisdael, Vermeer, Hoch. The pearl of the collection is "Night Watch". You can visit these museums by paying from 12.5 to 14 euros.

Paying about 15 euros, you can get into the Zurich Kunsthaus. His collection of paintings is considered the largest in Switzerland. It mainly presents paintings by Swiss artists before the 20th century. From the paintings of European masters of painting, you can see Edvard Munch.

The researchers did not bypass the multi-level Center Pompidou, located in Paris. It houses the National Museum and presents such authors as Modigliani, Matisse, Pollock, Dali, Brandt, Kandinsky. Entering the cultural center, the visitor will part with 12 euros, but in addition to the painting museum, he will also be able to visit the library, the Design Center, cinema halls and more.

According to the results of a mini-study, there are many inexpensive but famous museums in Europe. Entrance for tourists to these vaults is from 8 to 10 euros. The Louvre is recognized as the best in this category. It also included the Madrid Prado, the Hermitage, the Musée d'Orsay in Paris and the Uffizi Gallery in Florence.

But whatever the price of visiting museums, the most profitable were and remain museums, where admission is free. The researchers noted two such museums, both located in London. These are the most famous museums Tate Modern and the British Museum. The Tate Modern presents a large amount of "fresh" art, as well as the work of classics - Pierre Bonnard, Claude Monet, Salvador Dali, Jackson Polloco and many other authors. The British Museum is famous for ancient Roman and Greek relics, but in addition to them, contains works by Michelangelo, Rembrandt, Raphael and Leonardo da Vinci.

Text: Yana Pelevina

Hundreds of thousands of tourists come to Amsterdam every year to visit exhibitions and museums. Along with museums such as the Van Gogh Museum and the Anne Frank House, the city has many unusual exhibits. We will talk about the ten most unique of them in our article.

❶ Hemp Museum. This is the most popular cannabis museum in the world. Its owner, Ben Dronkers, has collected many items related to this plant. Here you can see a large collection of pipes for smoking. In the working greenhouse, visitors can see what growing hemp looks like. The shop at the museum sells the seeds of the plant.

❷ Tattoo Museum. In 2011, a museum dedicated to tattoos was opened in Amsterdam. The exposition tells about the history of drawing on the body in different countries. The collection includes different regions: Africa, Asia, America, Oceania. Here you can also learn about the meaning of tattoos for representatives of various subcultures and professions: sailors, prisoners, soldiers, thieves, bikers. Tattoo admirers hold meetings and seminars in the club at the museum.

❸ Cat Museum. This museum was created by the Dutchman William Meyer, who decided in this way to preserve the memory of his cat Tom. The museum displays books, posters, paintings and sculptures related to cats. The exposition occupies two floors of a three-story building, on the third floor of which the owner lives.

❹ Museum of Torture. In order to better recreate the frightening atmosphere of medieval justice, the museum's rooms are dimly lit and painted in dark tones. Here you can see the devices that were used for torture in different countries.

❺ Vrolik Museum. This museum has a collection of abnormal embryos, skulls and bones, making it a popular place for medical students. The scientist Gerardus Vrolik began to collect such a collection in the 18th century, and the museum bears his name.

❻ Sex Museum. Each room of this museum is dedicated to individuals whose sexual side of life is of interest. These are the Marquis de Sade, Oscar Wilde, the Marquis de Pompadour, Rudolf Valentino, Mata Hari and others. The atmosphere in the museum is very pleasant - visitors have the opportunity to enjoy the exposition with good music.

❼ Museum of the Dead. This museum will tell about the attitude towards death in different times, the funeral traditions of different religions, and unusual funerals.

❽ Museum of Erotica. Three floors of the building are dedicated to all kinds of erotic trivia and souvenirs. Here you can see Snow White and dwarfs in explicit poses, paintings depicting erotic scenes and purchase various contraceptives.

❾ Floating house-museum. This attraction demonstrates how you can turn a barge into a comfortable place to live. Since 1914, the ship was used for the transport of goods, later it was converted. There are 4 cabins, kitchen, living room, bathroom and children's play area. The barge does not stand still, but runs around Amsterdam, stopping at places popular among tourists.

❿ Fluorescent Museum. This is the only museum of its kind in the world that was opened in 1999. On the ground floor of the museum there is an art gallery where you can buy glow-in-the-dark paintings. There is also a collection of luminous minerals brought from different countries, and sculptures made from them.

Text: Lidia Volkova

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