Nezlobin goes to STS. "Patriot" Svetlakov: the inconvenient truth about the actor

Sergei Svetlakov is switching from TNT to STS, the Vedomosti newspaper wrote about this, citing an "employee of a large media company", a little later, in an interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta, this information was confirmed by the general director of the STS-Media holding Vyacheslav Murugov. For us, this means that, most likely, we will no longer see Sergei Svetlakov in the jury of the "DANCES" project.

Sergey Svetlakov has been on the panel of judges of the popular dance project since the very first season, although he does not participate in every episode. Despite the fact that the artist himself is not closely associated with dance and the industry, his audience immediately received very warmly. For many, it was Svetlakov who became the "voice of the people", who, side by side with professional choreographers and mentors in the panel of judges, always boldly expressed his opinion and defended the favorites of the public. Of course, the audience of the show "DANCES" also fell in love with Svetlakov for his sparkling jokes.

Today, the portal site has made a selection of the most interesting and funny statements by Sergei Svetlakov for all seasons of the project.

Season 1 Issue 11
"I'm always for Orthodox hip-hop, which is with God's help."
About Adam: "I'm rooting for Nicholas II, Nicholas, go ahead!"

Season 1 Issue 12
“Egor turned gray for this number, but I only saw it on the hands.”

Season 1 Issue 14
Sergey Svetlakov is the author of many sayings about the participants:
"Klenin lived, Klenin is alive, Klenin will live!"

Season 1. issue 15

Svetlakov did not forget to hook the mentors:
“Yegor still could not resist and joined the fight for 3 million”

Season 1 Issue 17
“Santa Claus sees everything. He will send you to dance with Baskov.

Season 1 Issue 18

More than once Svetlakov came up with new terms:
“It was a chic thing!”
"If I'm not mistaken, it was bachucha!"
“At first I thought that a new clip of Aguzarova had begun”
“I want to be happy for our viewers, who six months ago, looking at the screen, would have said: “Oh, look what they are doing.”, And now they are already saying: “Oh, zyr, this is contemporary!”

Season 1 Issue 19
“Even outwardly calm Miguel, I see that this male black tear is already breaking out of him. If anything, don’t worry, you cry, then we will sell it like oil.”

Season 2 Issue 1

After the performance of the dancer on the pole and enthusiastic statements about the participant from Miguel:
"The main thing is not to go far into this matter. Otherwise it will begin ... Every Saturday we will go to Chelyabinsk together with the boys and watch how other boys dance."

Season 2 Issue 8

Season 3. Issue 16
“I honestly can't look at this book. Do you know what I was thinking when this book came out? Well, this is how much saliva is needed to read it to the end.

“I like these balloons that have come down. There should be more of them by one, one went to the microphone for Laysan, otherwise there would be even more brilliance.

Season 3 Issue 18

There were jokes on the verge of a foul:
“A rare person in our country and in show business who dances against the background of his own image. Before that, there was only Kirkorov, and now there is also Baina.

“Today, every number is some kind of psychedelic. Did they bring you something to the base?”

Season 3 issue 19
"This is the first time that bun dough has been kneaded by the buns themselves."

Season 3 Issue 20
"You are a dance organized crime group!"

Season 3. Issue 22
Keiko Lee's solo performance field: “Thank you for making this season even more original and different, thanks to your dancing, and thanks to ... yes, even thanks to the scandals that were here. We know what kind of audience from House 2 was squeezed out thanks to you. Now there are fewer suckers, you know? Everyone is watching us."

“It has become a good tradition - once a year Katya Reshetnikova gets married. As for Lesha, firstly, I understand that the number is based on real events, yes, that happened in your life? In general, I'm glad that you put the number about the wedding, all your numbers before that were about the wedding night, and finally, a normal human number.

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TNT stars Sergey Svetlakov and Alexander Nezlobin will start working with STS from July 1. This was announced by the general director of the holding "STS Media" Vyacheslav Murugov.

“At the new place of work, TV presenters will not only host various shows, but also write scripts for TV shows and films. This does not mean an automatic ban on Svetlakov and Nezlobin from acting as hosts on other channels. However, under a contract with STS, from July they will have to coordinate with the channel their participation in projects on other channels, ”RBC quotes Murugov. Vyacheslav also added that it is not yet known whether Svetlakov will continue to cooperate with Channel One in the ProjectorParisHilton project.

Alexander Nezlobin also commented on his departure from TNT: “Now neither I nor Sergey have any obligations to Gazprom Media. Svetlakov completed work on projects under a contract with TNT a long time ago, and my contract ended at the end of 2017. Soon Sergey and I will create a joint studio that will deal with content for CTC.”

Recall that Nezlobin was not only a resident of the Comedy Club show, but also released the author's series Nezlob. Sergey also wrote scripts for several comedy projects that appeared on TNT, acted as a judge on the Dancing project, and also worked with Alexander on the films Graduation and Groom.

Sergey Svetlakov, who became famous due to marginal images in the sketch-com "Our Russia", has been changing his stage role in the last few years. Today, he is no longer just a comedian and showman, but a director, screenwriter and even a producer who shoots “patriotic comedies”, in which, according to his statements, he shows the “kindness and grace” of our people. And beyond the stage image, Svetlakov also often mentions his love for his homeland, speaking as a defender of traditional Russian values.

What a rant!

However, for some reason, Sergei Svetlakov does not go beyond the words "patriotism". For three years, the showman has been living in Latvia on a permanent basis, where, according to his own admission, he "feels like a man." And for some reason, the humorist also speaks of local citizens much more positively than about Russians, reproaching the latter for the lack of intelligence inherent in the European way of life of Latvians.

“The whole infrastructure, everything is there to help a friend if he decides to do like me. My path with mistakes and victories is already there, so I advise everyone to do as I do, ”says Svetlakov about his move to Latvia.

Everything is relative

True, the actor does not see anything reprehensible in this. He is convinced that one can be a patriot outside one's own country, because the main thing is not “your environment”, but the inner world. In this regard, Svetlakov compares himself with Sakharov and Brodsky, who "worried about Russia, being a thousand kilometers away."

Indeed, a “correct” comparison, given that the latter were forced to leave the country when Svetlakov left simply because he was “tired of Moscow.” However, it’s not worth judging the humorist for this, today he is where he “wants to be”, worrying about Russia from the Latvian mansion.

“Sasha Nezlobin and I spent two years in Latvia sitting for five months and writing. Someone will say: you didn’t write in Russia? Well, why should we write here? We are where we want to be. The most important thing is that we want to make a movie that is understandable to everyone, which would give birth to a positive audience and a desire to do at least something, ”the Russian showman admits.

Patriotic comedies by Svetlakov

Speaking about the "patriotic comedies" of Sergei Svetlakov, it is worth mentioning his latest film "The Groom", in which the humorist acts as the main actor, screenwriter and director. This movie turns inside out and vulgarizes all the best features inherent in the mentality of the Russian people. Hospitality, hospitality, love for one's home, kindness of character, purity of soul - all these qualities the film obscenely turns upside down. At the same time, everyone who is not too lazy is poured with mud, from the rich who act as antagonists to natural villagers depicted as unrestrained alcoholics. As a result, we get a real swamp, which has nothing to do with modern Russia. Is this how a patriotic movie should be?

In this regard, a completely logical question is brewing: is Sergei Svetlakov really a patriot of his country, to whom he presents himself? Or is it another image of a multi-faceted artist, formed and replicated in order to expand the target audience?

One gets the feeling that Svetlakov's love for the motherland is determined by the amount of money earned from the sale of one or another "cultural" product. If the artist really cares about the problem of patriotism, then why does he create the opposite impression with his example?

According to the popular comedian, the decision to radically change working conditions is a real challenge and a way out of the comfort zone. Nezlobin admitted that during his work at TNT he had become attached to the team. “This is my family, my first teachers. As a human being, it was hard for me, but everything is logical in business. On TNT, they reacted to this in about the same way,” quotes the comedian as saying.


Despite the decision to leave the "family", he, together with Sergei Svetlakov, tried to soften the blow: the showmen agreed with the new employer that they would completely switch to STS only in July. Until that moment, they will be filmed on two channels at once. "So that if the channel (TNT. - Approx. ed.) needs us, we can fulfill all obligations," the artist explained.

Nezlobin also told what he would do at STS. He and Svetlakov will make entertainment shows, series and films. Work will begin, according to him, with small shows, because filming serials is a lengthy process, Express Newspaper reports. “We are not disclosing the specific details of the projects yet. This is a big and serious work, on the way to the creation of which many things can happen,” said Alexander.

Until July, Nezlobin plans to work on the film "Groom-2", in which he acts as a director and scriptwriter. If all goes according to plan, he will be busy filming the picture until the end of spring, and spend the next month with editing and graphic effects specialists.

Earlier, the site reported that comedians Sergey Svetlakov and Alexander Nezlobin would switch to the STS channel. The artists who have become TNT's calling card will create series, entertainment shows and, possibly, films. From July this year, they will become exclusive faces of the STS channel.

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