Evaluation standards in elementary school (ten-point scale). Ten-point system for assessing the results of educational activities 6 by 10 point system

As you know, the ultimate goal of the functioning of any pedagogical system is the effective side of learning, and the assessment of the level of learning, as a problem and need, has one invariable goal - to establish the level of assimilation of knowledge at all stages of learning, as well as measuring the effectiveness of the educational process and academic performance. It is quite natural that the learning process is more effective when learning is identified with the development of cognitive interest, when the process of cognition is activated under its influence, creative activity increases, and interest in research activities is observed. It is quite reasonable to believe that the more effective the methods of cognitive activity, the more accurate the assessment tool, the higher the need for learning and, as a result, the higher academic performance.

The knowledge assessment system is a system for assessing the quality of mastering educational programs by students, the most important element of the educational process.

Currently, there are many scales for assessing knowledge in use around the world. In some scales, it is customary to use digital designations of categories, and fractional estimates are allowed, other scales (for example, in) traditionally deal with letter designations. The American scale also has a numerical interpretation, in which the highest marks A and A + correspond to a score of 5.

In the history of Russian education, initially, as in Europe, there was a three-digit grading system. In the list of students of the Kyiv Theological Academy (1737), the highest category denotes very good successes: "the teachings are fair, reliable, kind, honest, good, laudable." The middle rank denotes the successes of the “mediocre, mediocre, not bad teaching”. The lowest category characterizes successes below the average: "teachings of the weak, vile, wicked, hopeless, lazy."

Gradually, the verbal assessment became monotonous and shorter, it was more often replaced by a digital one, and the direction of the scale was set opposite to the German one.

The tradition of designating the diligence and successes of students with numbers was established in Russia at the beginning of the 19th century. Then in the gymnasiums the numbers from 0 to 5 were used. Zero showed that the student did not fulfill his duties at all; if he received two zeros in a row, then he was subjected to corporal punishment (until 1864). One and two were given when the student prepared the lesson unsatisfactorily; a three was given for mediocre diligence; four - when the student performed his duties well; five he received only for excellent knowledge of the lesson. The teacher was obliged to give points in the class, characterizing only the knowledge of the lesson given at home, and had no right to take into account the attention or absent-mindedness of the students during the lesson, as well as the temporary or permanent diligence of the student, his age and abilities.

At various times in Russia, 3-, 5-, 8-, 10-, 12-point knowledge assessment systems were used. Of these, a 5-point one took root, which was officially established by the Ministry of Public Education in 1937: "1" - weak successes; "2" - mediocre; "3" - sufficient; "4" - good; "5" - excellent. During the 20th century, the "1" rating gradually fell into disuse, as a result, the 5-point system was transformed into the modern 4-point system. In recent years, in some educational institutions in Russia, the 5-point system is returning (“1” - a point for outstanding work). This system, traditional for Soviet education, is now widely used in Russia and many countries of the post-Soviet space.

Since January 11, 1944, a digital five-point system for assessing student performance has been introduced in Russian schools in accordance with the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR No. 18 of January 10, 1944 and the Order of the People's Commissar of Education of the RSFSR No. 24 of January 10, 1944.

In accordance with the instructions of the Department of Primary and Secondary Schools of the People's Commissariat for Education of the RSFSR, approved by the People's Commissar of Education of the RSFSR on February 29, 1944, the following criteria for assessing students were established:




A score of "5" is given when the student exhaustively knows all the program material, understands it perfectly and has firmly mastered it. Gives correct, conscious and confident answers to questions (within the program). In various practical tasks, he is able to independently use the acquired knowledge. In oral answers and written works, he uses literary correct language and does not make mistakes.


A score of "4" is given when the student knows all the material required by the program, understands it well and has firmly mastered it. Answers questions (within the program) without difficulty. Able to apply the acquired knowledge in practical tasks. In oral answers, he uses literary language and does not make gross mistakes. Allows only minor errors in written work.


A score of "3" is given when the student discovers knowledge of the main program educational material. When applying knowledge in practice, he experiences some difficulties and overcomes them with a little help from the teacher. In oral answers, he makes mistakes in the presentation of the material and in the construction of speech. Makes mistakes in writing.


A score of "2" is given in the case when the student reveals ignorance of a large part of the program material, answers, as a rule, only to the leading questions of the teacher uncertainly. In written work, he makes frequent and gross errors.


A score of "1" is given in the case when the student reveals complete ignorance of the educational material being passed.

According to the Instructions of the Department of Primary and Secondary Schools of the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR, approved by the People's Commissar of Education of the RSFSR on February 29, 1944, when determining quarter and final (at the end of the academic year) marks, it is not allowed to derive them as arithmetic averages. These final grades must correspond to the level of knowledge of the student at the time of his certification.

In certificates and certificates, marks of progress are indicated by numerical points and in brackets by the name: 5 (excellent); 4 (good); 3 (satisfactory).

In universities and colleges of Russia, knowledge assessments were established by Order of the USSR State Committee for Public Education dated June 22, 1990 No. 432 “On Approval of the Regulations on the Forms of Monitoring the Academic Work of Students in Day and Evening Departments of Secondary Specialized Educational Institutions”. According to this normative document, the knowledge, skills and abilities of students in all forms of control of educational work, including educational and technological practices, are evaluated in points: 5 (excellent); 4 (good); 3 (satisfactory); 2 (unsatisfactory). Laboratory work, practical exercises and pre-diploma practice are evaluated: "passed", "failed". Educational institutions of culture and arts may use other systems for assessing student progress, agreed with a higher authority.

When developing a new assessment system, five levels of learning activities (or degrees of mastery of new material) were identified:
The first level is actions for recognition, recognition of concepts (object), distinction and establishment of similarity.

The second level - actions to reproduce educational material (object of study) at the level of memory, that is, unconscious reproduction.

The third level - actions to reproduce the educational material (object of study) at the level of understanding (conscious reproduction), description and analysis of the action with the object of study.

The fourth level - actions to apply knowledge in a familiar situation according to the model, perform actions with clearly defined rules, apply knowledge based on a generalized algorithm to solve a new learning problem

The fifth level is the application of knowledge (skills) in an unfamiliar situation to solve a new range of problems, creative transfer of knowledge (independent use of previously acquired knowledge in a new situation, to solve a problem; vision of the problem and ways to solve it, etc.).

The indicated criteria and signs are conditionally structured into three groups:

subject-content (completeness, generalization, consistency, correctness, meaningfulness of knowledge, etc.)

content-activity (strength, effectiveness of knowledge, mental operations, special subject, intellectual, general educational and other non-subject skills);

individual, personal (activity, independence, self-esteem, criticality, motivation for learning and other personality traits that characterize the motivational, emotional, volitional spheres, the sphere of self-regulation, etc.).

The degree of completeness of their manifestation according to the levels of educational activity is a generalized criteria for the educational achievements of students in the form of levels. The expansion of the evaluation scale from 5 to 10 points allows each level to adequately establish a certain range of marks or points, which are characterized by integral indicators.

Integral 10-point scale for assessing the educational achievements of students:

0 No response or no response

1. Low (receptive)

1 Recognition of the object of study, recognition of certain well-known terms and facts; manifestation of the desire to overcome educational difficulties; manifestation of situational interest in the doctrine and subject

2 Recognition of the object of study, distinction between definitions, structural elements of knowledge, manifestation of volitional efforts and motivation for learning

2. Satisfactory (receptive-productive)

3 Incomplete reproduction of program educational material at the memory level; the presence of significant, but eliminated with the help of a teacher, errors; difficulty in applying special, general educational and intellectual skills; the desire to overcome difficulties; situational manifestation of responsibility, self-criticism.

4 Mastering educational material at the reproductive level and its incomplete reproduction; the presence of correctable errors with additional (leading) questions; difficulties in applying certain special, general educational and intellectual skills or individual skills; manifestation of strong-willed efforts, interest in learning, adequate self-esteem, independence, meaningfulness of actions, etc.

3. Medium (reproductive-productive)

5 Conscious reproduction of program educational material, including varying degrees of complexity, with minor errors; difficulties in applying certain special, general educational and intellectual skills and abilities; interest in learning and achieving results.

6 Complete reproduction of program material with minor errors; application of knowledge in a familiar situation according to the model; the use of special, general educational and intellectual skills with little help from a teacher; perseverance and desire to overcome difficulties; situational manifestation of the desire for creativity.

4. Sufficient (productive)

7 Possession of program educational material, including varying degrees of complexity, operating it in a familiar situation; the presence of single minor errors in the actions; independent application of special, general educational and intellectual skills and abilities; manifestation of aspirations for creative transfer of knowledge, organization, self-criticism, reflection, etc.

8 Possession of program educational material and operating it in familiar and unfamiliar situations; the presence of single minor errors in actions that are independently corrected by the student; the presence of a certain experience of creative activity; manifestation of conscientiousness, responsibility, self-esteem, reflection, etc.

5. High (productive creative)

9 Free operation of program educational material of varying degrees of complexity in an unfamiliar situation; performance of tasks of a creative nature; high level of independence and erudition.

10 Free operation of program educational material of varying degrees of complexity using information from other training courses and disciplines; the ability to consciously and quickly transform the acquired knowledge to solve problems in non-standard situations; manifestation of purposefulness, responsibility, cognitive activity, creative attitude to learning.

I studied the official documents and is ready to explain what each mark is for.

First level (low): 1-2 points

Recognizing, recognizing and distinguishing concepts are requirements for the lowest marks.Yes, yes, no zero knowledge.

Second level (satisfactory): 3-4 points

Marks 3 and 4 are given to students who present the educational material from memory, that is, a memorized theory is enough for satisfactory scores.

Third level (intermediate): 5-6 points

To get 5 or 6 points, the educational material must not only be reproduced, but understood. Plus, be able to describe and analyze actions with objects of study.

Fourth level (sufficient): 7-8 points

A student who claims to be of a sufficient level easily applies knowledge in practice and gives his own examples, similar to those given in the textbook. On the basis of a generalized algorithm, it also solves new learning problems. Another requirement is the ability to understand the essence of the objects being studied and perform actions with clearly defined rules.

Fifth level (high): 9-10 points

Applicants for "9" and "10" apply knowledge in unfamiliar, non-standard situations. And to solve qualitatively new problems. They independently describe, explain and transform the objects of study.

Is it worth it to equal the annual mark in the subject during the delivery of the CT? Before the introduction, this indicator did not coincide with the real test results. With the introduction of the new technique, this difference was leveled. And now you can roughly count on the result of the CT, equal to the annual score in the school subject, multiplied by 10.

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The five-point grading system is traditional not only for Russian schools

Natalia Nechaeva, "Evening Moscow"

According to Muzaev, this issue has long been discussed in Russia, but a lot of work needs to be done to abolish the five-point grading system.

According to the deputy head of Rosobrnadzor, in order to switch to another assessment system, it is necessary to improve the qualifications of teachers. At the moment, teachers do not own modern methods of assessing students' knowledge.

While there are many different grading systems around the world. Vechernyaya Moskva decided to tell about some of them.

October 19, 2015 12:30 pm Children create at school No. 1449 - there is an Olympiad in fine arts

five point system

This system is traditional not only for Russian schools. For example, it is used in Germany, only inverted - 1 for German students means excellent, and 5 means unsatisfactory. The same system is used in the Czech Republic, Austria and Slovakia.

But the usual five points for us can be obtained in schools in Estonia, Serbia, Hungary, Croatia, Macedonia, Kyrgyzstan and Mongolia.

Ten point system

This grading system is quite common all over the world. In this system, 10 is an excellent result, and 1 is complete ignorance of the school course. Adopted in the Baltic countries, in Iceland, Italy, the Netherlands, as well as in Romania and Albania.

In 2002, Belarus switched to the ten-point system. Their system has five levels - low (from 1 to 2), satisfactory (from 3 to 4), average (from 5 to 6), sufficient (from 7 to 8) and high (from 9 to 10).

At the same time, Belarusian schoolchildren and graduates will not have problems if they decide to continue their education in Russia. Especially for this, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in 2003 published a letter that establishes the ratio of assessments of general educational organizations in Russia and Belarus. So, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 in the Belarusian system is 3 in the Russian system, 6, 7 and 8 corresponds to the "four", and 9 and 10 correspond to the Russian assessment of "excellent".

The ten-point grading system is quite common all over the world.

PHOTO: Natalia Nechaeva "Evening Moscow"

100 point system

Alphabetical system

The cradle of such a system, which is also called the Anglo-Saxon, is the United States. Here, students are graded on a five-point scale from A to F, where A is an analogue of our “five”, and F is “two”. As in Russia, pluses and minuses are also used, but they do not have real weight in assessing a student's knowledge.

With minor changes, this system has been adopted by many countries, including Canada, Sweden, Norway, Japan, Hong Kong, Indonesia, South Korea, as well as Malaysia and Thailand.

Exception to the rule

Ukraine has a 12-point system, which can be divided into levels. The first level (1-3 points) is the lowest, the second level is average (4-6 points), the third level is sufficient (7-9 points) and high (10-12 points). At the same time, a score of 12 points is given only for very outstanding student success.

October 7, 2017 14:25 Schoolchildren at the technological stand of the festival examine the robot arm, assembled from parts of the designer by students and teachers of the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering

In France, Belgium, Venezuela, Lebanon, Tunisia, Peru and high school in Portugal, a 20-point system is used, in which it is almost impossible to get excellent (18.5-20 points) and most students remain good students.

There is a country in the world that has managed to distinguish itself from the rest. In Denmark, as a result of the education reform in 2007, the 13-point system turned into a 7-point system. Everything would be fine, but these are scores 12, 10, 7, 4, 02, 00 and -3.

By the way, in the All-Russian Library of Foreign Literature named after Margarita Rudomino, for everyone, on August 7, they will hold

1 point
Unattainable edge of horror. Universal evil. If you dream in a nightmare, you will have to visit a psychiatrist. Perhaps more than once.

2 points
Thick and scary stuff. It is given to the first comer for a bottle of cheap beer, or it will break down to the last breath. As a "female" is not considered.

3 points
A gray, ugly, plump girl who was very unlucky in life with her appearance. There are rumors that they have sex.
Usually such girls either give with very great strain (due to their terrible complexes), or give to all the few comrades who need it from them.

4 points
An ordinary gray girl, not popular with men. In this case, it can be either with a normal figure, but ugly in the face, or simply too full. With a large amount of alcohol, it will do, but again, not for everyone. Seducing such a problem is not, but think about whether you need it.

5 points
Neither fish nor fowl. There are millions of them. 7 out of 10 passing girls will fall into this category. It’s not a shame to seduce such a woman, but there’s nothing to boast about either.
Standard. Such girls are the easiest to make “contact”.

6 points
Either a very well-groomed 5-ka, or just a pretty girl who can be seduced and this will be a good memory. Usually such girls are suitable for long-term relationships because of their complaisance.
Seducing this is not a big problem, but you have to work a little.

7 points
Naturally beautiful girl. With a good figure and a pretty face. It is popular among men and therefore there is a protective barrier against obviously unacceptable or unsuccessful men. This is the most "controversial" category among pick-up artists. Here, opinions fluctuate both up and down. In general, the seduction of the 7-ki remains in the memory of very good memories.

8 points
Fashion model. Naturally gifted with good looks and a cool figure. For the most part, such girls are well off and have the opportunity to take care of their appearance. The percentage of such girls is very small among all, but having seduced her, you can be proud of it and know that you are “one of the very best”. In most cases, it will take more than one date to seduce such a girl.

9 points
This is your ideal. And for everyone it is not less than 8 points, but it sunk into your soul. This is exactly what you dream of. A very beautiful girl (7-8 points) with whom you have a long-term relationship and she is “the one” for you can also fall into this category.
The seduction of such a girl is definitely beyond the standard, so here you will have to make every effort.

10 points
The unattainable edge of beauty and inner qualities of a girl. If you met her, then consider that you are one in a million. There is no need to seduce, you will immediately understand everything with her.

The knowledge assessment system is an integral element of the educational process. In fact, this is the basic criterion for determining the level of assimilation of educational material. Most Russian parents are accustomed to and understand the 5-point system, because we remember it from our childhood. Abroad, new systems are relevant - 10-, 12- and even 100-point. This trend has not bypassed domestic education either: some schools, in addition to the usual 5-point scale, have introduced an assessment system on a scale of 10 points.

Which system is better? What to look for when choosing between the old and the new format of knowledge assessment? And how do children react to evaluation of their progress in general? Let's talk about it below.

Evaluation as a factor influencing the formation of personality

From early childhood, we go through the process of socialization, that is, integration into the existing society. The role of connecting links between the individual and society is performed by the so-called agents of socialization: first it is their own family, and then a kindergarten, school, university, work team. But if the family, as a rule, loves us for who we are, then the location of other agents still needs to be earned. Moreover, these agents are constantly evaluating us.

In kindergarten, the teacher evaluates the behavior and success of the child: how he spends his time, how he communicates with other children and staff, how easy it is for him to play collective games, tasks and exercises. This is how children get used to evaluation - they begin to understand that their behavior is constantly compared with some reference values ​​("rather smart", "not too obedient", "very sociable"). Then they are evaluated at school, but here the emphasis is already on the level of assimilation of knowledge from the curriculum - the student receives low or high marks. This experience is extrapolated to all further social life. At the university, a former student becomes an excellent student, a loser or an average student, and at work, respectively, a good, bad or mediocre employee.

The pubertal period of development falls precisely on the school years, so the assessment system at school has a special influence on the development of the child. Today the situation in schools is ambiguous: some educational institutions use the traditional 5-point system for Russia, others are gradually moving to a 10-point system, and some even use them in parallel. For example, in elementary grades, students are given grades from 1 to 5, and in middle and senior grades, from 1 to 10.

5-point system: pros and cons

As planned, the scale from 1 to 5 shows how the student has mastered the educational material. At the same time, each quantitative assessment corresponds to a certain semantic characteristic.


Student characteristic

Does not know or understand the material at all

Doesn't know much of the material. Answers oral questions uncertainly, makes gross mistakes in written works

Knows the basic material, but cannot use the acquired knowledge correctly in practice without outside help. Makes mistakes in oral and written responses

Knows the required material, answers questions without difficulty, applies the acquired knowledge in practice. Does not make blunders in verbal responses, but only minor errors in writing

He knows the program material in full, demonstrates an excellent understanding of the topic, answers the teacher's questions correctly and confidently, is able to independently solve practical problems using the acquired knowledge. Does not make mistakes in oral and written answers


  • the system is traditional and familiar, and therefore understandable to both students and parents;
  • good grades (in particular, fives) significantly increase the student's self-esteem.


  • assessment criteria do not make it possible to accurately and objectively assess the knowledge of the student (hence the widespread use of non-existent in principle grades like “4+”, “3-”, etc.);
  • the system does not objectively determine the student's educational progress (even if the student made fewer mistakes than the last time, or answered correctly, but made a mistake in writing, his grade will not change);
  • poor grades negatively affect the student's self-esteem and can cause serious psychological trauma;
  • very often the assessment is determined not by the academic success and real achievements of the child, but by the behavior and subjective attitude of the teacher.

10-point system: pros and cons

The main difference of this system is a deeper classification and detailing of the student's educational achievements. In addition to the level of assimilation of the material, such a scale also shows the qualitative characteristics of educational activities.



Level of learning activity

Complete lack of learning activity


Discrimination, recognition, superficial acquaintance with the subject

Almost Satisfactory


Memorization and unconscious reproduction

Very satisfactory

Understanding the theory, awareness

Quite good

Very well

Full knowledge of theoretical material

Almost perfect

Non-standard creative approach to the application of acquired knowledge


The system was called a 10-point system, although in fact it contains 11 marks - from 0 to 10. The mark "0" is provided for those cases when the student simply refuses to answer a question or complete a task. But at the same time, the assessment cannot characterize the level of assimilation of the material, which is why it was not displayed in the name of the scale.


  • extended gradation allows you to more clearly and objectively determine the current level of knowledge;
  • the scale allows you to analyze the mental abilities of the student, assess the involvement in the educational process and detect his weaknesses;
  • the system is psychologically comfortable - scores from 5 points are already positive;
  • the gap between excellent students and poor students, which is uncomfortable for students, is reduced: all students who receive from 7 to 10 points are successful by definition.


  • the system does not solve the traditional problems of school education: the psychological trauma of poor students, the subjective attitude of teachers, etc.;
  • parents get confused in new scores and do not always understand what this or that score indicates.

Both systems cannot be called ideal, but it is obvious that the 10-point scale is still more comfortable for students and makes the process of assessing knowledge at least a little, but more adequate. Therefore, if there is a choice, it is better to send the child to a school where grades are given from 1 to 10. It is optimal if the child gets used to such a system already from the first grade and studies according to it until graduation. A sharp transition from one scale to another, which is sometimes practiced in domestic schools, brings children only additional discomfort.

An interesting fact: the Finnish school system, which is considered the best in the whole world, has abandoned grades altogether. According to the staff of the Finnish Ministry of Education, children study in order to receive and use knowledge, and not for the sake of good grades. The innovative approach has already proved its effectiveness: Finnish graduates are breaking all records of success, and their parents are calm about the psychological health of their children.
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