Brief description of the work Woe from Wit. Speech characteristics of the heroes of the comedy "Woe from Wit" Griboedova A.S.

Molchalin Alexey Stepanych- Famusov's secretary, who lives in his house, as well as Sophia's admirer, who despises her in his soul. M. translated by Famusov from Tver. The hero's surname expresses his main feature - "wordlessness". It was for this that Famusov made M. his secretary. In general, the hero, despite his youth, is a full-fledged representative of the “past century”, since he has assimilated his views and lives by his principles. M. strictly follows the covenant of his father: "to please all people without exception - the owner, the boss, his servant, the janitor's dog." In a conversation with Chatsky, M. sets out his life principles- Moderation and prudence. They are that "at my age one should not dare to have one's own judgment." According to M., you need to think and act as is customary in the "famus" society. Otherwise, they will gossip about you, and, as you know, “ gossips scarier than pistols. M.'s romance with Sophia is also explained by his willingness to please everyone. He obediently plays the role of an admirer, ready to read love stories with Sophia all night long, listen to the silence and trills of nightingales. Sophia does not like M., but he cannot refuse to please the daughter of his boss.

Skalozub Sergey Sergeyevich- in his image, the “ideal” Moscow groom is bred - rude, uneducated, not too smart, but rich and pleased with himself. Famusov reads S. as her daughter's husband, but she considers him "not the hero of her novel." At the time of his first visit to Famusov's house, S. talks about himself. He participated in the war of 1812, but he received the order "on the neck" not for military exploits, but on the occasion of military celebrations. S. "aims at the generals." The hero despises bookish wisdom. He speaks derogatoryly of his cousin who reads books in the countryside. S. tries to embellish himself externally and internally. He dresses in army fashion, "tightening" with straps so that his chest is a wheel. Having understood nothing in Chatsky's accusatory monologues, he, nevertheless, joins his opinion, saying all sorts of nonsense and nonsense.

Sofia Pavlovna Famusova- Famusov's 17-year-old daughter. After the death of her mother, she was brought up by "Madame", an old Frenchwoman Rosier. S.'s childhood friend was Chatsky, who also became her first love. But over the 3 years of Chatsky's absence, S. has changed a lot, as her love has changed. The formation of S. was influenced, on the one hand, by Moscow habits and customs, on the other hand, by the books of Karamzin and other sentimentalist writers. The girl imagines herself the heroine of a "sensitive" novel. Therefore, she rejects the caustic and bold Chatsky, as well as Skalozub - stupid, but rich. S. chooses Molchalin for the role of a Platonic admirer. In his house, S. does not have the opportunity to develop mentally. The only thing she can do is to imagine herself as the heroine of the novel and act according to this role. Either she invents a dream in the spirit of Zhukovsky’s ballads, or she pretends to faint, etc. But the “Moscow” upbringing also makes itself felt. During the ball, it is she who spreads the rumor about Chatsky's madness. The romantic behavior of the heroine turned out to be just a mask, her true essence is this nature of a Moscow young lady. At the end of the comedy, S. is punished. She learns about the “treason” of Molchalin, who flirts with Liza and speaks impartially about S. In addition, Famusov, having learned about his daughter’s affair with his secretary, decides to remove S. from Moscow “to the village, to my aunt, to the wilderness, to Saratov” .

Famusov Pavel Afanasyevich- Moscow gentleman, "manager in a government house." Sophia's father, friend of Chatsky's father. The events of the play take place in his house. F. - one of the brightest representatives of the "past century." In one of his monologues, F. praises Moscow customs, unchanged from century to century. Here, according to the father, "and honor to the son"; here who has "two thousand family souls, He and the bridegroom." Moscow ladies can be sent to "command in the Senate", so they are "informed" about everything; Moscow daughters “simply cling to the military”, allegedly “because they are patriots”; Moscow old men, called to solve serious cases, "argue, make some noise ... and disperse." In the "famus" society, everything is based on connections: "well, how not to please your dear little man." This model of life seems ideal to F. and other members of Moscow society, they consider it the only correct one and do not want any changes. F. is two-faced. He claims that he is "known for his monastic behavior", but at the same time hits on the maid Lisa. F. is afraid of all new trends. During a conversation with Chatsky, he plugs his ears so as not to hear bold speeches. Main enemy F. - teaching, as it makes changes to the calm Moscow life. The hero's dream is "to take all the books and burn them." Like a typical Moscow gentleman, F. is deceived by everyone who is not lazy. And daughter Sophia, and secretary Molchalin, and maid Lisa. The last appearance of the hero on stage is timed to coincide with the final meeting of Sofia and Molchalin. Seeing young people together, F. is horrified. He accuses the “dissolute” of his daughter of the “new” Moscow, which is infected with free ideas and the “spirit of the Kuznetsk bridge” (that is, Paris). At first, F. threatens to publicize this shameful incident (“I will give it to the Senate, the Ministers, the Sovereign”), but then he recalls that his daughter will be gossiped in all the houses of Moscow. In tearful horror, F. exclaims: “What will Princess Marya Alekseevna say !!!” The opinion of this princess means more to F. than the opinion of the tsar himself, because in the "famus" society she occupies one of the main places.

Chatsky Alexander Andreevich- A young gentleman Representative of the present century. Progressive person, well educated, with broad free views; true patriot. After a 3-year absence, Ch. again comes to Moscow and immediately appears in Famusov's house. He wants to see Sophia, whom he loved before leaving and with whom he is still in love. But Sophia meets Chatsky very coldly. He is perplexed and wants to find the reason for her coldness. Staying in Famusov's house, the hero is forced to fight with many representatives of the "Famus" society (Famusov, Molchalin, guests at the ball). His passionate accusatory monologues are directed against the order of the age of "submission and fear", when "he was famous for whose neck bent more often." When Famusov offers Molchalin as an example of a worthy person, Ch. utters the famous monologue “Who are the judges?” In it, he denounces the moral patterns of the "past century", mired in hypocrisy, moral slavery, etc. Ch. considers many areas in the life of the country: public service, serfdom, education of a citizen, education, patriotism. Everywhere the hero sees the prosperity of the principles of the "past century". Realizing this, Ch. experiences moral suffering, experiences "woe from the mind." But to no lesser extent, the hero also experiences "woe from love." Ch. finds out the reason for Sophia's coldness towards him - she is in love with the insignificant Molchalin. The hero is offended by the fact that Sophia preferred him to this "pathetic creature." He exclaims: "Silents rule the world!" Very upset, Ch. goes to a ball in the Famusov's house, where the flower of Moscow society has gathered. All these people are a burden to Ch. Yes, and they can not stand the "stranger". Sophia, offended by Molchalin, spreads a rumor about the hero's insanity. The whole society gladly picks it up, putting forward the hero's free-thinking as the main charge against Ch. At the ball, Ch. utters a monologue about the "Frenchman from Bordeaux", in which he exposes the slavish admiration for everything foreign and the contempt of Russian traditions. In the finale of the comedy, Ch. reveals the true face of Sophia. He is disappointed in her just like in the rest of the "famus" society. The hero has no choice but to leave Moscow.

HeroShort descriptionPavel Afanasyevich Famusov The surname "Famusov" comes from the Latin word "fama", which means "rumour": by this Griboyedov wanted to emphasize that Famusov is afraid of rumors, public opinion, but on the other hand, the root of the word "Famusov" is the root of the Latin word "famosus" - famous, famousA wealthy landowner and a major official. He is a famous person in the circle of the Moscow nobility. A well-born nobleman: related to the nobleman Maxim Petrovich, closely acquainted with the chamberlain Kuzma Petrovich. According to his views, he is an “Old Believer”, an ardent defender of the rights of the feudal nobility, an opponent of everything new, progressive. A fan of the customs and lifestyle of the Moscow nobility. Hospitable, hospitable host, an interesting storyteller, a loving and caring father. An imperious gentleman, in the service he is strict with his subordinates but patronizes his relatives. He is not devoid of a practical worldly mind. good nature. Capable of lying and pretense, quick-tempered, flattering to those on whom he depends. The hero’s speech is diverse, contains proverbs, folk expressions. ; flattering and ingratiating notes with those who have influence and power: affectionately patronizing in relation to Sophia.Alexey Stepanovich Molchalin A low-flyer and businessman. The desire for a career, the ability to serve, hypocrisy - this is what forms the basis of the character of the hero. in short sentences, carefully choosing words, depending on who he speaks with. He developed his own tactics of behavior to achieve the cherished chain - a high position in society and material well-being. He has two talents: "moderation and accuracy." He has no moral ideas about the happiness and duty of a citizen, about love and fidelity. He treats Chatsky with contempt and patronizing, trying to teach him how to live in the world.Sergei Sergeevich SkalozubColonel. Lisa: "And the golden bag, and marks the generals"Career officer: “I just wish I could be a general.” Mentally, he is a narrow-minded person (Sofya about Skalozub: “he didn’t utter a smart word from his generation”). He condemns all education and enlightenment. condemning his cousin. "A constellation of maneuvers and mazurkas." Not devoid of aplomb and arrogance.Anton Antonovich Zagoretsky “A notorious swindler, a rogue”, “don’t sit down: he’ll sell!” “He’s a liar, a gambler, a thief.” scandalous stories, gossip, "Master to oblige". Despite its dubious reputation, it is accepted in all noble houses: “We are scolded everywhere, but accepted everywhere,” says Gorich.Repetklov (surname comes from French word"relet" meaning "to repeat")He strives to be known as an advanced person. He does not have his own convictions, since he does not understand everything he talks about, but simply repeats with a significant and important look. Talkativeness, quick transitions from one topic to another characterize the hero’s inner emptiness. ". By its own definition - "blank".Sofia Pavlovna Famusova smart, proud, strong character, with a warm heart, dreamy. Mocking, vindictive. Gives very accurate characteristics to guests in her father's house. Her mind is manifested in generalized statements: “ happy hours are not watching." “Just think how capricious happiness is, but grief awaits around the corner.” “This is a mixture of good instincts with a lie, a lively mind with the absence of any hint of ideas and convictions, confusion of concepts, mental and moral rashness - all this does not have the character of pictorial vices in it, but appears as common features her circle. (A. I. Goncharov "A Million of Torments")Alexander Andreevich Chatsky Lisa: “... so sensitive, and cheerful, and sharp ...” Sofya: “Sharp, smart, eloquent. especially happy in friends ... "Chatsky's mind is a powerful force in the fight against inertia and despotism. In this context, "smart" is a synonym for the concepts of "free-thinking", that is, a person of independent, freedom-loving views. A patriot who sincerely wishes prosperity to his Fatherland. He despises servility and careerism. He condemns serfdom, speaks of the injustice of the past century of “submission and fear”, “the age of flattery and arrogance”. Condemns the imitation of everything foreign, worship of French or German traditions, stands up for the development of the national, Russian. He believes that a person deserves respect not for his origin or the number of serfs, but for his personal merits.

Sirvint-Sherman Z.M. Sketch theatrical production to the play by A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"

The image of Famusov
Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov is an aged man, self-confident and domineering. A wealthy nobleman, a widower, the father of his only seventeen-year-old daughter, whom he loves very much and brings up in his own way, in the spirit of the old times. Famusov is a major official, although he approaches his service formally, he is not interested in it (...signed, so off his shoulders). Always striving for his own benefit. This is evident from the way he talks about the marriage of his daughter. Famusov loves to brag. He even boasts about things he doesn't have, such as his monastic behavior, although he himself flirts with the maid Lisa. In the image of Famusov, the author depicts an ordinary person for that time, with his views on life and education.

The image of Sophia
Sofya is Famusov's daughter, she is seventeen years old. From the words of her father, we learn that she lost her mother early, so Madame Rosier was involved in her upbringing and visiting teachers. As a child, she was very friendly with Chatsky, possibly in love with him. Loves to read French novels. He treats his maid Lisa well, considers her the only devoted person. Sincerely loves Molchalin, considers him smart, handsome and similar to the hero of her favorite French novels. He does not hesitate, on occasion, to deceive his father, he absolutely does not sympathize with Chatsky.

The image of Chatsky
Chatsky is a young man, a childhood friend of Sophia. He is very smart and well-read. His speech is literate and colorful. Arriving from abroad in Moscow, he hurries to meet Sofia, rejoices at the upcoming date. He is lively, inspired, eloquent (even talkative), sharp, full of life, jokes a lot. But the strange cold reception offends him, he is upset and puzzled by Sophia's inattention, because, hurrying to his homeland, Chatsky hoped that she was waiting for him.
Chatsky mocks and condemns the life of the Moscow nobles. He does not like that Russian children are taught to read and write by foreign teachers, and the children do not know pure Russian. Chatsky came to Russia with the hope of changing the old order, but these hopes did not come true.

The image of Molchalin
Molchalin is a young man in the service of Famusov. He is his secretary and lives at his house. Before meeting Famusov, Molchalin was either a petty nobleman or a commoner, after meeting he began to quickly move up the career ladder.
The characteristic features of Molchalin are the desire for a career, the ability to serve, hypocrisy. He is laconic. This is due to his fear of expressing his judgment. Molchalin knows that if he wants to make a career, then he needs to please his bosses in everything. In an effort to rise in rank, Molchalin fawns, serves up to influential people. FROM different people he speaks differently. He refers to Famusov respectfully, to Sofya - with particular modesty, with Liza he is not shy in expressions, with Chatsky he speaks outwardly politely, but behind this lies complacency, mockery and the desire to teach. The manner of talking to people reveals all the hypocrisy of Molchalin. His father bequeathed to him to please with all the people who can somehow be useful to him. And he largely follows this advice.
Chatsky, who knows the type of officials like Molchalin, predicts for him the possibility of a brilliant career.

Characteristics of the Moscow nobility
About the life, life and customs of Moscow in the 20s of the XIX century. and its individuals, we learn from the words of Chatsky and Famusov. Before us appears a sleepy, ossified life, where for many years nothing has changed. Blind worship of everything foreign is shown, whether it concerns fashion, upbringing or language. The empty occupations of many are attending numerous balls, festivities, in order to follow the ladies there. The serf-owner-theater is mentioned - a cruel tyrant, obscurantist - a member of the academic council.

At the center of the comedy image system, of course, Chatsky. His views, thoughts, actions, character are revealed not only in monologues, but also in relation to Sofya, Famusov, Skalozub, Molchalin. And they, in turn, manifest themselves in contacts with Chatsky and with each other. So, for the completeness of the idea of ​​​​Famusov, it is necessary to take into account both his characteristics and relationships with other actors. As a result, there is an idea of ​​a living multifaceted human character. Voltaireans were called in late XVIII in. freethinkers, Jacobins - French revolutionaries. The Carbonari are members of a secret revolutionary organization in Italy.

Famusov shown both as a father, and as an important Moscow gentleman, and as a hospitable host. But he has main feature, giving its image the necessary integrity and unity. He finds support in unshakable foundations, consecrated by antiquity. Famusov is a conservative by conviction, by nature, by habit, finally. Everything that threatens that system threatens him personally. Therefore, Famusov passionately, with conviction, defends not just life and customs, but also the ideas of the old world, defending its indispensable attributes: careerism, servility, servility, unscrupulousness, immorality.

Another direct antagonist of Chatsky is Molchalin. Pushkin n famous recall about "Woe from Wit" believed that comedy should have a clearer, more unambiguous characterization of characters; therefore, he believed, for example, that "Sofya is not clearly drawn," and "Molchalin is not rather sharply mean." But that was the playwright's intention. The puffer is immediately visible, while Molchalin hides in the shadows for the time being. And Chatsky underestimated the public and social danger of Secretary Famusov. Meanwhile, both Chatsky and Molchalin expressed two diametrically different worldviews, two opposite life positions. Molchalin not at all as petty and insignificant as it sometimes seems. He himself deliberately puts on a mask of insignificance and sycophancy, but for him this is just a way to achieve the goal that he has long set for himself. And in the name of this goal, he is ready for any meanness, cunning, deceit. The open civil position of Chatsky is alien to him, hostile and even ridiculous.

It is no coincidence that in the future, Russian writers with great attention and fear looked at the modifications of the image of Molchalin in life. Dostoevsky in "Winter Notes on summer impressions"(1863) wrote that Molchalin had long since left his "jacket" and now rose so high that "you can't reach him with your hand." And Saltykov-Shchedrin called one of his satires: “In the midst of moderation and accuracy (Lord Molcha-lina)” (1874).

Very important in the system of images of Repetyls, appearing at the very end of the comedy and introducing into it new theme. This is another parallel to Chatsky, whose position is significantly refined in contrast to Repetilov. Chatsky is amazed and offended; he experiences a feeling of contempt and even anxiety, hearing how Repetilov vulgarizes and humiliates with his chatter those great ideas for which real people (including Chatsky) are ready to sacrifice their lives. Chatsky does not even consider it necessary to seriously argue, to argue with Repetilov. He limits himself to throwing mockingly ironic remarks from time to time, one of which is especially significant: “Make noise to them - and that’s all?”

And this is the world including the typical Arakcheev officer Skalozub, who hates all living things, despises science and education, and the countess-grandmother, and many, many others, this world, having united, declares direct war on Chatsky, calling him, smartest person, crazy. Sofya was the first to let this gossip go - the one that Chatsky loves and for which he appears in Famusov's house. This is how the conflict of the high mind, the mind, with the darkness, which is afraid of the light, manifests itself. Recall that Pushkin's Salieri called genius Mozart"madman".

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Griboedov's comedy Woe from Wit unfolds a confrontation between two different mindsets: the mindset of the protagonist Chatsky and the mindset of Famusov's society, the "current century" and the "past century". The characters of both sides of the conflict have completely opposite views, but Famusov, unlike the main character, has a significant numerical superiority.

Alexander Andreevich Chatsky- a nobleman, a representative of the "current century". Together with Sofya, Famusov's daughter, with whom he is in love, for some time he lived and was brought up in her father's house. The hero defends freedom, opposes serfdom and the lies of the authorities, he is a true patriot. The desire for freedom and truth is similar to the Decembrists.

Based on the character of Chatsky, we can say that he is an extremely sensitive, ardent and passionate person. What is evidenced by his reaction to the views and words of Famusov, his indignation. He overreacts. Some might say that his arguing and trying to convince this vicious society are like throwing pearls in front of pigs. However, this also makes Chatsky very honest.

Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov- a wealthy Moscow official, a representative of the "past century", like almost all the other characters in the play, except for Chatsky. Famusov's main ideals are rank and money. He is an adherent of the old foundations, traditions and orders. Famusov pleases the ranks above, but the ranks below do not do any good. Hates everything related to science, any education and books:

"Collect all the books and burn them."

Sofia Pavlovna Famusova- His seventeen-year-old daughter. Contrary to his father's ideals, he loves to read, though only French novels. Smart, smart and attractive girl. because of strong love to books, she fell in love with the mean Molchalin, seeing in him the hero of the novel, but not seeing the true nature.

Alexey Stepanovich Molchalin- Famusov's secretary. As can be understood from his last name, he is taciturn. Cunning, sneaky liar. He deceives Sophia for the sake of profit, because she is the daughter of a wealthy official, but in fact she also takes care of the maid Lisa. Cowardly, very helpful and obsequious:

"My father bequeathed to me:
First, to please all people without exception ... "

Sergei Sergeevich Skalozub- A colonel obsessed with the army and promotions. He dreams of becoming a general. For him, Famusov wants to marry Sophia. By nature Skalozub is a very shallow and limited person.

Anton Antonovich Zagoretsky- an acquaintance of Famusov. Often happens on social events, swindler, gambler, deceiver and gossip.

Repetilov- an acquaintance of Chatsky. A characteristic feature of the character of this character is the need to repeat what he heard from others. He is completely missing personal opinion. His words are empty and meaningless. Excessive talkativeness comes from an unconscious desire to fill the inner emptiness with something.

The Famus society cannot accept Chatsky, for them he is crazy. Chatsky in this society is doomed to loneliness.

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