The content of the policy of war communism is brief. "War Communism": causes, chronological framework, main events, consequences

The policy of war communism was carried out by the Soviet government in the period from 1918 to 1920. Introduced and developed by the commander of the Council of People's and Peasant Defense V.I. Lenin and his associates. It was aimed at uniting the country and preparing the people for life in a new communist state, where there is no division into rich and poor. Such a modernization of society (the transition from the traditional system to the modern one) caused discontent among the most numerous strata - peasants and workers. Lenin himself called it a necessary measure to achieve the goals set by the Bolsheviks. As a result, from saving tactics, this system grew into a terrorist dictatorship of the proletariat.

What is called the policy of war communism

This process took place in three directions: economic, ideological and social. The characteristics of each of them are presented in the table.

Directions of the political program



The Bolsheviks developed a program for Russia to get out of the crisis in which it had been since the war with Germany that began in 1914. Further, the situation was aggravated by the revolution of 1917, later by the Civil War. The main emphasis was placed on increasing the productivity of enterprises and the general rise of industry.


Some scientists, representatives of non-conformism, believe that this policy is an attempt to put Marxist ideas into practice. The Bolsheviks sought to create a society consisting of hardworking workers who devote all their energies to the development of military affairs and other state needs.


The creation of a just communist society is one of the goals of Lenin's policy. Such ideas were actively promoted among the people. This explains the involvement of so many peasants and workers. They were promised, in addition to improving living conditions, an increase in social status, due to the establishment of universal equality.

This policy involved a large-scale restructuring not only in the public administration system, but also in the minds of citizens. The authorities saw a way out of this situation only in the forced unification of the people in an aggravated military situation, which was called “war communism”.

What was the policy of war communism

The main features of historians include:

  • centralization of the economy and nationalization of industry (full state control);
  • prohibition of private trade and other types of individual entrepreneurship;
  • the introduction of surplus appropriation (forced withdrawal of part of the bread and other products by the state);
  • forced labor of all citizens from 16 to 60 years;
  • monopolization in the field of agriculture;
  • equalization of all citizens in rights and building a just state.

Characteristics and features

The new political program had a pronounced totalitarian character. Called to improve the economy and raise the spirit of the war-weary people, on the contrary, it destroyed both the first and the second.

In the country at that time there was a post-revolutionary situation, which developed into a military one. All resources provided by industry and agriculture were taken away by the front. The essence of the communist policy was to defend the worker-peasant power by any means, personally plunging the country into a "half-starved and worse than half-starved" state, in his words.

A distinctive feature of war communism was the fierce struggle between capitalism and socialism that flared up against the background of the civil war. The first system was supported by the bourgeoisie, who actively advocated the preservation of private property and the free trade sector. Socialism was supported by adherents of communist views, speaking with directly opposite speeches. Lenin believed that the revival of the policy of capitalism, which had existed in Tsarist Russia for half a century, would lead the country to destruction and death. According to the leader of the proletariat, such an economic system ruins the working people, enriches the capitalists and gives rise to speculation.

The new political program was introduced by the Soviet government in September 1918. It included activities such as:

  • introduction of surplus appropriation (seizure of food products from working citizens for the needs of the front)
  • universal labor service of citizens from 16 to 60 years
  • cancellation of payment for transport and utilities
  • government provision of free housing
  • centralization of the economy
  • prohibition of private trade
  • establishing a direct exchange of goods between the countryside and the city

Causes of War Communism

The reasons for the introduction of such emergency measures were provoked by:

  • the weakening of the state's economy after World War I and the 1917 revolution;
  • the desire of the Bolsheviks to centralize power and take the country under their total control;
  • the need to supply the front with food and weapons against the backdrop of the unfolding Civil War;
  • the desire of the new authorities to give peasants and workers the right to legal labor activity, fully controlled by the state

War Communism Politics and Agriculture

Agriculture was hit hard. Especially from the new policy, the inhabitants of the villages, where the "food terror" was carried out, suffered. In support of the military-communist ideas, on March 26, 1918, a decree "On the organization of commodity exchange" was issued. He implied bilateral cooperation: the supply of everything necessary for both the city and the village. In fact, it turned out that the entire agrarian industry and agriculture worked only for the purpose of restoring heavy industry. For the sake of this, a redistribution of land was carried out, as a result of which the peasants more than doubled their land plots.

Comparative table based on the results of the policy of war communism and the NEP:

Politics of war communism

Reasons for the introduction

The need to unite the country and increase all-Russian productivity after the First World War and the 1917 revolution

People's dissatisfaction with the dictatorship of the proletariat, economic recovery


Destroying the economy, plunging the country into an even greater crisis

Noticeable economic growth, a new monetary reform, the country's exit from the crisis

Market relations

Prohibition of private property and personal capital

Recovery of private capital, legalization of market relations

Industry and agriculture

Nationalization of industry, total control of the activities of all enterprises, the introduction of surplus appropriation, a general decline

War communism in Russia is a special structure of socio-economic relations, which was based on the elimination of the commodity-money system and the concentration of available resources in the power of the Bolsheviks. In the conditions of growing in the country, a food dictatorship was introduced, a direct exchange of products between the countryside and the city. War communism assumed the introduction of general labor service, the principle of "equalization" in the matter of wages.

The situation in the country was rather complicated. The reasons for War Communism were mainly the Bolsheviks' keen desire to hold on to power. Various methods were used for this.

First of all, the new government needed armed protection. Given the difficult situation at the beginning of 1918, the Bolsheviks create an army as soon as possible. It included detachments formed from selected commanders and volunteer soldiers. By the middle of the year, the government introduces compulsory military service. This decision was connected mainly with the beginning of the intervention and the development of the opposition movement. Trotsky (the chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of that time) introduces strict discipline in the armed forces and a system of hostages (when his family was responsible for the deserter's escape).

War communism destroyed the country's economy. Since the beginning of the revolution, the Bolsheviks have lost control over the richest regions of the country: the Volga region, the Baltic states, Ukraine. Between the city and the countryside were interrupted during the war years. The economic collapse was completed by numerous strikes and dissatisfaction of entrepreneurs.

Under these conditions, the Bolsheviks are taking a number of measures. The nationalization of production and trade began. was installed on January 23 in the merchant fleet, then on April 22 - in foreign trade. From the middle of 1918 (from June 22), the government launched a program for the nationalization of enterprises with a capital of more than 500 thousand rubles. In November, the government declared a state monopoly on all organizations that have between five and ten workers and use a mechanical engine. By the end of November, a decree was adopted on the nationalization of the domestic market.

War communism solved the problem of food supply to the city by intensifying the class struggle in the countryside. As a result, on June 11, 1918, “kombeds” (committees of the poor) began to be created, endowed with the power to seize surplus food from wealthy peasants. This system of measures has failed. However, the surplus appraisal program continued until 1921.

Due to the lack of food, the rationing system could not satisfy the needs of the townspeople. In addition to being unfair, this system was also confusing. The authorities unsuccessfully tried to fight the "black market".

Discipline has been greatly weakened in the enterprises. To strengthen it, the Bolsheviks introduced work books, subbotniks, and a general labor obligation.

A political dictatorship began to be established in the country. Non-Bolshevik parties began to be gradually destroyed. Thus, the Cadets were declared "enemies of the people", the Left Social Revolutionaries were removed from the bodies in which they represented the majority, anarchists were arrested and shot.

On the eve of October, Lenin declared that the Bolsheviks, having taken power, would not let it go. War communism and the NEP in 1921 led the country to the Bolsheviks tried to hold on to power by violence, the destruction of independent trade unions, the subjugation of government bodies. Of course, in the political sphere they have achieved a monopoly. However, the country's economy was undermined. About 2 million citizens (mostly city dwellers) emigrated from Russia, and a terrible famine began in the Volga region in the spring of 1919 (there was no grain left after the confiscation). As a result, on the eve of the Tenth Congress (in 1919, on March 8), the workers and sailors of Kronstadt rebelled, providing military support for the October Revolution.

Each revolution becomes the basis for a significant change in the rules of the political game in the state. In most situations, the new authorities need a serious “crackdown”. In Russia in 1917, this perfectly confirmed the desire of the government to impose communism by force. Such a system was the official domestic policy of the newly created Soviet state from 1917 to 1921. What was the policy of war communism, briefly consider the main features.

In contact with

Main provisions

Its basis was the introduction of centralization of the economy on the principles of communism. This decision was consolidated by the Second Program adopted in 1919 at the VII Congress of the RCP (b), which officially determined the procedure for the transition from to.

The reason for making this decision was the economic crisis in which the state found itself, which, in fact, survived the lost, revolution and bloody Civil War. The survival of the new regime depended on its readiness to improve the quality of life of the population, which found itself, in most cases, below the poverty line. To implement the new economic course, the entire state was officially declared a "military camp".

Consider the main provisions of the policy of military terror , the main purpose of which was systematic destruction of commodity-money relations and entrepreneurship.

The essence of politics

What was the essence of the policy of war communism. At the stage of overthrowing the autocracy and the Provisional Government, the Bolsheviks relied simultaneously on the proletariat and the peasantry, regardless of the level of income. First, the new government decides on the choice of the main driving force of the new state, which is the poorest segments of the population. In such a situation, wealthy peasants cease to be of interest to the new government, so an internal policy focused only on the "poor" was adopted. This is what was called "war communism".

Activities of war communism:

  • maximum centralization of the economy, both large and medium and even small;
  • economic management was maximally centralized;
  • the introduction of a monopoly on all agricultural products, food requisitions;
  • complete curtailment of commodity-money relations;
  • a ban on private trade;
  • militarization of labor.

Immediately after the change of regime in the country, the ideologists of the Soviet state thought it right to introduce an economic system, which, from their point of view, was closest to the principles of complete economic equality - communism.

Attention! The introduction of new principles was introduced tough, meeting the active resistance of the citizens of the country.

The main feature of this type of economic policy was an attempt to mobilize all the resources of the country. Given the bet on the poorest segments of the population, it actually helped to rally the part of the nation that was bet on.

Labor service

A positive campaigning activity played a big role in the success. The population was given the appearance of the prospect of free and gratuitous receipt of previously inaccessible benefits. The actual confirmation of this possibility was the official refusal of mandatory payments: utility, transport. Free housing has played a huge role. The combination of minimal social bonuses and strict control over the willingness to work selflessly and for free is the main feature of war communism. It was effective, given the colossal stratification of property characteristic of imperialism.

Attention! As a result of this decision, an economic system was formed, the basis of which was the equalization of the rights of the entire population. Forceful methods were used to introduce new principles.

Why was this path chosen?

What were the real causes of war communism. Its introduction was a risky but necessary decision. The leading cause was the tragic state of the country against the backdrop of active popular unrest and the grave consequences of the First World War.

Other reasons also included:

  1. in most regions.
  2. Making a decision on the full mobilization at the state level of all the resources of the Soviet state.
  3. Rejection by a significant part of the population of the change of power, which required harsh punitive measures

What steps have been taken

All activities were transferred to the paramilitary rails. What's happened:

  1. Introduced in 1919, the food apportionment assumed the "deployment" between all the provinces of the country's food needs. They had to donate all fodder and bread to the common resource.
  2. The paramilitary "pickers" left the peasants with only the bare minimum required to maintain their livelihoods at a minimum level.
  3. Trade in bread and other items on a private level was forbidden and severely punished.
  4. Labor service assumed compulsory employment in industry or agriculture for every citizen of the country from 18 to 60 years old.
  5. Production management and distribution of products transferred to the state level.
  6. From November 1918, martial law was introduced on transport, which significantly reduced the level of mobility.
  7. As part of the transition to the communist rails, any utility bills, transport fees and other similar services were abolished.

After a short period of time, the decision was considered unsuccessful, and the policy of war communism was replaced by the New Economic Policy (NEP).

What is NEP

The NEP and war communism were united by an attempt to find a way to improve the quality of life of the population, in fear of a new round of development of revolutionary sentiments. The goal continued to be the restoration of the economy of the state destroyed by upheavals.

Three years of war communism continued the policy of destruction. Complete centralization, relying on the ability to work of the poorest segments of the population without tangible financial benefits from daily activities continued the collapse of industry and agriculture. Against the backdrop of a difficult social situation, it was decided to choose a completely alternative economic policy.

In this case, on the contrary, they staked on pluralism and the development of private entrepreneurship. The official direction of development was "civil peace" and the absence of social catastrophes. The introduction of the NEP at the Tenth Congress of the RCP (b) completely turned the economic principles of the country's development upside down. The stake was placed on the middle class, first of all, on the prosperous part of the peasantry, which could restore its own economic level using the NEP. It was planned to cope with hunger and total unemployment by opening small industries. The principles of peaceful interaction between workers and peasants were finally introduced.

Among the leading factors in the recovery of the country's economy are:

  • the transfer of industrial production to private hands, the creation of small private industrial production. Medium and large-scale industry could not be frequent;
  • the surplus appropriation, which required the transfer of all the results of its activities to the state, was replaced by a tax in kind, which implied a partial transfer of the results of its work to the state, while preserving the surplus as personal savings;
  • the return of the principles of monetary financial remuneration based on the results of work.

Policy Outcomes

In a short time, at the official state level, the results of war communism were summed up, the complete transfer of the economy to a military footing. In reality, the adopted policy became the basis for terror.

The state's attempt to create an economy based on the principles of voluntary and gratuitous action by every citizen led to the final disintegration of production and agriculture. This made it difficult to try to end the Civil War. The state was on the verge of complete collapse. Only the New Economic Policy helped to save the situation, allowing the population to partially regain minimal financial stability.

The consequences of war communism later became the basis of the life of the Soviet state for many decades. These include the nationalization of the banking system, railway transport enterprises, the oil industry, medium and large industrial production. There was a mobilization of all the resources of the country, which made it possible to win the Civil War. At the same time, a new round of impoverishment of the population began, the flourishing of corruption and speculation.

How the policy of war communism was carried out: briefly about the causes, goals and results. Many people know about it only in general terms.

But what exactly were the first transformations of the Bolsheviks?

The essence of the policy of war communism

The policy of war communism - measures taken in the period 1918-1920 and aimed at reorganization in politics, the economy and the social sphere.

What was the essence of this policy:

  1. Providing the army and the population with food.
  2. Universal strict labor service.
  3. Issuance of goods on cards.
  4. Food preparation.
  5. Curtailment of commodity-money relations. Introduction of natural exchange.

The Bolsheviks also pursued the goal of making power as centralized as possible and managing the national economy.

Reasons for the introduction of war communism

The main reason was the state of emergency during the war and popular unrest. The military situation in the country is always characterized by a special development.

Production is decreasing and consumption is increasing, a significant part of the budget is spent on military needs. This situation calls for decisive action.

Other reasons:

  • non-acceptance by part of the country of Soviet power, requiring the appointment of punitive measures;
  • based on the previous paragraph, the need to consolidate power;
  • the need to overcome the economic crisis.

One of the main reasons was the desire of the Bolsheviks to create a communist state in which the principle of distribution would be used and there would be no place for commodity-money relations and private property.

The methods that were used for this were quite harsh. Changes were made quickly and decisively. Many Bolsheviks wanted immediate change.

Key provisions and activities

The policy of war communism was carried out in the following provisions:

  1. On June 28, 1918, decrees on nationalization in the industrial sector were adopted.
  2. The distribution of products took place at the state level. All surpluses were seized and distributed among the regions equally.
  3. Trade in any goods was strictly prohibited.
  4. For the peasants, the minimum was determined, which was necessary only to maintain life and work.
  5. It was assumed that all citizens from 18 to 60 years of age must work in industry or agriculture.
  6. Since November 1918, mobility has been significantly reduced in the country. This refers to the introduction of martial law on transport.
  7. Cancellation of payments for transport, utilities; introduction of other free services.

In general, the activities were aimed at transferring the economy to a military footing.

Results, consequences and significance of war communism

The policy of war communism created all the conditions for the victory of the Reds in the civil war. The main element was the supply of the Red Army with the necessary products, transport, and ammunition.

But the Bolsheviks failed to solve the economic problem of overcoming the crisis. The economy of the country fell into complete decline.

National income fell by more than half. In agriculture, sowing crops and harvesting have been significantly reduced. Industrial production was on the verge of collapse.

As for power, the policy of war communism laid the foundations for the further state structure of Soviet Russia.

Pros and Cons of War Communism

The policy pursued had both advantages and disadvantages.

Reasons for abandoning war communism

As a result, the measures introduced were not only ineffective in overcoming the economic crisis, but also provoked a new, even deeper one. Industry and agriculture fell into complete decline, famine set in.

It was necessary to take new measures in the economy. Came to replace war communism.

War Communism, it is necessary to look at the public mood and position of the Bolshevik Party during the turbulent period of the civil war, as well as its government course aimed at victory.


1917-1921 became the most difficult period in Russian history.

During this period, in different parts of the country, the Bolshevik units, the German army, the counter-revolutionary White Guards, and later the Entente troops allied to them, the national forces that attempted to create their own states on the fragments of the empire (for example, the UNR troops), local people's associations fought for every piece of its territory. under the leadership of local leaders and hetmans, the Poles who invaded the country in 1919. Under such conditions, each side simply needed to mobilize all available resources to win this battle with many opponents. Such a mobilization was the policy of war communism, pursued by the CPSU (b) from the beginning of 1918 to March 1921. It caused a considerable rejection of the people, especially the most significant part of it - the peasantry, but at the same time became the basis for victory in the civil war. The policy of war communism assumed:

Nationalization of the entire industry (which was mostly in the hands of foreigners) and the banking system;

Monopolization of foreign trade by the state;

Forced labor service for the entire able-bodied population;

The so-called food dictatorship. This item aroused particular resistance from the peasants, since it involved the forcible removal of grain preparations (the infamous surplus appropriation).

The reaction of the population

In essence, the policy of war communism was the forceful coercion of the masses of the people to intensive work aimed at an early victory. As already mentioned, the main dissatisfaction with Russia, which at that time was mainly a peasant country, was caused by the surplus appraisal. After all, it meant the selection of a significant part of the grain procurements from the village in favor of the starving city. At the same time, it was also a necessary decision, since the revolution and the First World War disrupted the traditional trade relations between the countryside and the city, which led to a critical situation in many working enterprises. The peasants received their per capita norms, everything else was confiscated to urgently solve the country's food problems. There were also problems in the cities. Instead of the expected recovery of the economy and growth in labor productivity, the weakening of discipline at enterprises and the replacement of old managers with new (often unskilled) managers led to a sharp drop in economic indicators.


Such actions caused many uprisings throughout the country, which finally opened the eyes of the Bolshevik leaders to the crisis of war communism. From the spring of 1921, these measures were replaced by a completely different set of actions called the New Economic Policy, designed to stabilize the economy.

The NEP became a new page in large-scale experiments of the Soviet government and lasted until the mid-twenties. It should be emphasized that although the policy of war communism caused an understandable sharp rejection among the population, however, it was a necessary action of the Bolshevik leaders in the harsh military conditions. Largely thanks to her, forces were gathered to counteract the complete collapse of the state and uncontrolled lawlessness on its vast territory.

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