Library exhibitions on the day of national unity. Book exhibition dedicated to the day of national unity

Middle City Library

An event dedicated to the Day of national unity“Glory to the Fatherland!”, in which the librarian of the rural library Makarova Elena Vladimirovna took part. The librarian told the audience about the spirit of the glorious, folk sons of Russia, merchant Kozma Minin and governor Dmitry Pozharsky, Ivan Susanin, Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy, generals Alexander Suvorov, Fyodor Ushakov, Mikhail Kutuzov, Petr Bagration, Georgy Zhukov. The book exhibition “Glorious in Spirit, people's sons". The event was attended by 47 people.

Volnovskaya village library

On November 4, 2017, the librarian of the Volnovskaya village library Naumova Yulia Viktorovna, together with artistic director Volnovsky House of Culture Litvinenko Vera Andreevna held a history lesson "Glory to Russia - My Fatherland!", timed to coincide with the Day of National Unity.

During the lesson, the children got acquainted with the history of the holiday, about the "Time of Troubles", about the role of Minin and Pozharsky in the unification of the country.

At the end of the event, the children were asked to answer questions small quiz. The most active received incentive prizes.

Thematic shelf "We are one" was decorated for the event

The event was attended by 15 people.

Ermakovskaya Libraries

In the Ermakovskaya rural library, on the day of national unity, the theme exhibition was framed: "In unity is our strength." Librarian Tkachenko N.A. spent an hour interesting messages for middle aged readers. The librarian told the children the story of the origin of the holiday, its national significance in the modern life of our state. The guys turned over the heroic pages of the history of our country and made sure that the strength of Russia lies in the unity of the people. Then all the guys went to auditorium Yermakovsky DK where a theme evening was held for the residents of the Yermakovsky settlement: "In unity - brotherhood is our strength" The chairman spoke with congratulations rural settlement Baranova Alla Alexandrovna. The event was prepared and held by the librarian Tkachenko N.A., the director of the Ermakovsky Palace of Culture Yaropovetskaya A.L., artistic director, Yaropovetskaya Ya.V. The event was attended by 150 people.

Kovylnovskaya Library

On the Day of National Unity in the club of the village of Kovylnoe, librarian Naumenko Galina, together with the head of the club Kravchenko Lyudmila, held a thematic evening "To the Glory of the Fatherland"

Galina Naumenko, a librarian, and a 7th grade student of the Lobanov school spoke about the history of this holiday, about the feat of our ancestors Minin and Pozharsky. The audience was also presented with songs: "Bread and salt", "Friendship is strong", "My Russia". Pupils of the Lugansk school Midatova Dilyara., Marchuk Yana, Midatov Dilyaver, Naumenko Tolya and Sulaimanov Azis read poetry.

A group of students staged a scene "Pie of Friendship" and at the end of the event Mambetova Dinara, a student of the 2nd grade of the Luhansk school, performed a dance composition.

The library has been arranged bookshelf"Unity is our strength."

There were 42 people present.

Crimean Library

National Unity Day is a wonderful holiday, schoolchildren and villagers were invited to the event.

The event was opened by the librarian Larisa Valentinovna Boichuk, who congratulated all those present on the holiday, spoke about the Day of National Unity, accompanied the story with an electronic presentation "The Feat of Minin and Pozharsky - Time of Troubles" and presented the book exhibition "A Glorious Day in the History of Russia" prepared for the event.

The event continued with the presentation of the Russian national culture and kitchens. Incendiary dances and representatives of other nationalities delighted the audience with cheerful songs. Those present were treated to crispy Crimean Tatar chebureks, Armenian shawarma, Ukrainian dumplings, Russian pancakes, Belarusian potato pancakes and other dishes.

In general, the holiday turned out to be cheerful and colorful. The participants were awarded with diplomas for the best artistic performances and the best national cuisine.

About 100 people were present.

Larinsky Library

By the Day of National Unity, a book exhibition "As long as God preserves, our strength is in unity" opened in the Larinsky rural library. The opening of the exhibition was attended by the deputy of the Maisky rural settlement Kletkin Nikolai Ivanovich. The exhibition was visited by 20 readers.

Lugansk library

As part of the celebration of the Day of National Unity on November 4, a patriotic evening "We are different, but we are together" was held in the Luhansk Palace of Culture. Before the beginning of the holiday, the Chairman of the Village Council Asie Ametovna Ametova made a congratulatory speech, she congratulated all those present on the holiday and presented the young artists, for their bright talents, with great and a delicious cake. At the beginning of the event, Svetlana Stepanovna Pavitskaya, head of the Lugansk rural library, gave an excursion into the history of the celebration of the Unity Day and prepared a book exhibition "Unity of the Different". Beletsky Daniil and Osmanov Ruslan read the poem "Unity" with inspiration. Throughout the event, songs were played: “Kindness”, “Let's fly”, Crimea is a miracle country”, “Children of the Earth”, “The world through the eyes of children” and others. In conclusion, all participants of the concert sang the song "I, you, he, she." The celebration was attended by 25 people.

May Library

The May Library together with the May Palace of Culture held a musical and historical evening "Forever in the memory of the people", dedicated to the Day of National Unity, in which 70 people took part.

The librarian, Yu.N. Those present also learned about the Time of Troubles, about the liberation of Moscow from the Polish invaders, about the role of Minin and Pozharsky in the unification of the country.

Maysky deputy was invited to the event village council Kletkin N.I., who congratulated all those present on this significant holiday, expressed best wishes and words of gratitude for friendship and unity.

And of course, he delighted everyone with his bright performances. creative team May DC.

Maryinskaya library

November 4 in the village of Maryino holiday concert dedicated to the Day of National Unity. Local talents performed at the event - the Zvezdochki trio, who sang songs about friendship and homeland; dance ensemble"Dzhankoy fidanlary", who performed the Yevpatoriya haitarma, Anna Vantsovskaya sang the song "Farmer"; librarian Alieva F.M. read a poem by A. Tvardovsky "About the Motherland", sang the song "On this huge planet."

A book-illustrative exhibition with the history of this significant date was presented for the guests of the holiday in the foyer of the club.

Maslovskaya Library

On November 3, on the eve of the celebration of National Unity Day, an hour of history “In the unity of the people, all is the strength of Russia” was held in the Maslovskaya rural library. The village librarian Kamneva Lyudmila Nikolaevna introduced readers to the history of the holiday and in a fascinating way spoke about the distant events of the Time of Troubles, the role of Minin and Pozharsky in the fate of Russia, and also provided interesting material about the history famous monument these two patriots of the fatherland. A book exhibition “When we are together, we are united” was prepared for library readers. There were 12 people

Novokrymskaya library

Novokrymsk Rural Library took part in celebratory event"We are united - we are invincible", dedicated to the Day of National Unity, which was held in the Novokrymsk Palace of Culture. Head E.G. provided for the holiday a book exhibition "" One state, when one people, when great power he's moving forward." Elena Grigorievna made short review book exhibition, which provided literature and posters dedicated to this holiday. Everyone came up and was interested in literature. Issued - 5 copies.

October Library

On November 4, on the day of national unity, an hour of interesting messages was held in the October rural library under the title: “Our strength is in unity!” Librarian Fedorchuk V.V. told the children in grades 1-4 about the history of the holiday, about the Time of Troubles, about the liberation of Moscow from the Polish invaders, about the role of Minin and Pozharsky in the liberation of the country. The children were also presented with a book exhibition "November 7 Day

Red day of the calendar!

There were 11 people present.

Pavlovsk Library

On November 4, an informative hour was held in the Pavlovsk rural library, timed to coincide with the celebration of the Day of National Unity. The librarian told the children about the history of the holiday. Children learned about the Kazan Icon Mother of God, which helped national unity win and overcome the Troubles. The children also took part in the event. They're in national costumes read by heart poems about the peace of harmony and friendship of peoples. The event was attended by 11 people.

Perepelkinskaya Library

November 3 in the library with. Perepelkino hosted a competition of experts "Chronicle of Russian Glory" for students in grades 8-9, dedicated to the Day of National Unity. In a playful way, the children remembered when the holiday arose, what event formed its basis, about historical figures associated with this holiday, about the works of art dedicated to it. During the musical break, children of grades 3-4 performed songs about Russia and the dance "Sudarushka". The jury, summing up, was pleasantly surprised that our children are interested in and know the history of Russia. Also, all those present took part in the action "Tree of Unity" (they hung leaves with words, in their opinion, denoting unity). The book exhibition "In the Ages Your Greatness, Russia" was arranged. The event was attended by 15 people.

Pobednenskaya Library

To the Day of National Unity, in order to form the correct attitude of young people to their country, to the cultural past of Russia, knowledge state symbols a cycle of events was held in the Pobednensky rural library. For junior schoolchildren the historical hour "Sons of the Fatherland who liberated Russia" was prepared. For youth, the library hosted an event called "Live and be glorified, Holy Russia!" where the guys talked not only about the events of four hundred years ago, but also about the centenary of the October Revolution. After all, this is a good reason to tell the younger generation that this event was a turning point for the whole world, that these are the heroic pages of the struggle of our people for freedom and the formation of the Russian state. Participants of the event can learn more about the events of 1917 with the help of the book exhibition "1917 - Revolution Code".

Predmostnenskaya Library

On November 4, our country celebrates National Unity Day. A holiday of patriotism, mutual assistance and unity of all Slavs. In honor of the holiday on November 4, the Predmostnensky rural library, together with the House of Culture, held a festive concert called “We are united forever.” I.N. I read poems about Russia, songs about Russia also sounded. Children danced and sang songs. Also, the book-exhibition ‘’In unity is our strength.’’ was decorated in the library.

There were 20 people present.

Svetlovskaya library

November 4 is one of the main public holidays Russian Federation, bearing the name "Day of National Unity", by this date in the Svetlovskaya rural library there was a cognitive and patriotic hour "To live in peace with each other." To the attention of young readers, children preparatory group kindergarten"The Sun" (teacher Dubnyak Anna Stepanovna) was presented a presentation "Through the pages of history" with the help of which the head of the library Koshman Oksana Ivanovna told the audience about the history of the holiday, remembered the names of the heroes of Russia, the feats of arms of great ancestors. The participants of the event also recited poems about the Motherland. At the end of the event, in order to consolidate what was heard and seen, a quiz about the holiday was held with the guys. There were 29 people present.

"National Unity Day"in the libraries of the Przemysl region»

On the eve of the celebration of National Unity Day, the libraries of the Centralized Library System of the Przemysl region hosted events dedicated to this relatively young holiday, which has been celebrated since 2005, but has its roots deep in the past of Russia.

A thematic journey through the pages of Russian history took place in the central regional library"Day of national unity through the chronicle of centuries". It was attended by students of the Przemysl technical school of transport operation. Students made an excursion into the historical past of Russia, got acquainted with the events of 400 years ago, which caused the birth of the holiday of national unity.

The hosts told about the events of 1612, when the people's militia led by Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky liberated Moscow from the Polish invaders, demonstrating the heroism and solidarity of the entire people. The popular movement saved the Russian statehood. At that time, the best features of the Russian people appeared - their steadfastness, courage, selfless devotion to the Motherland, readiness to sacrifice their lives for her sake. Open view literature "Chronicle of Russian Glory" and a presentation on the topic supplemented the story of the librarians and visually introduced the students to the feat and unity of the multinational Russian people. At the end of the event there was a demonstration documentary"Trouble".

The event was attended by 300 people.

Gone in the history of the year

Kings have changed and nations

But the time is troubled, adversity

Russia will never forget!

Villages, villages, cities

With respect to the Russian people

Today we celebrate freedom

And Unity Day forever!

These beautiful verses opened the hour of history in Korekozevskaya model library "Unity is strength" dedicated to the Day of National Unity. The event was attended by 22 people. A book exhibition was organized under the title: Unity is our strength! The pages of the history of our country came to life before the students: difficult for the people Time of Troubles, false kings, heroes of the people's militia Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky, the feat of Ivan Susanin. Together with the guys, we remembered the heroic pages of our history. The story was interesting and bright, because throughout the story it was accompanied by an electronic presentation. The children looked at the expressive slides with great interest. Pictures of history flashed on the big screen ancient Russia, portraits of great heroes - Minin and Pozharsky, Alexander Nevsky and other national heroes of Russia.

To reinforce what was heard and seen, a quiz about the holiday was held. Answering the questions of the proposed quiz, they remembered the names of the heroes of Russia, the feats of arms of the great ancestors. During the meeting, the children were able to understand that the history of Russia teaches us: apart, one by one, you cannot do what can be done together. At the end of the meeting, they were asked to join hands and say the slogan to everyone together: The main thing is together! The main thing is together! The main thing - with a heart burning in the chest! We do not need indifference! Anger, resentment drive away!

Then they offered all the children, as a sign of friendship and unity, to cut out their hands from colored paper and place them around a globe specially prepared for this day. The result was a very beautiful, voluminous picture - "The Symbol of Friendship", which now adorns the children's corner of the model library.

A historical excursion was held in the Mountain Library "And Rus rose from her knees in her hands with an icon before the battle." The guys plunged into the era of the Time of Troubles, learned about what events became the basis of national unity, what the name of this holiday means, why it became necessary to revive it. At this event, they remembered those who, in a difficult time for the country, showed selfless love for the Fatherland, the greatest valor and heroism. Such an event forms in the younger generation a sense of pride in their people and its history, love for the Motherland.

By the Day of National Unity, a historical excursion was held in the Silkovska Library on November 3 "Sons of the Fatherland who liberated Russia". At the beginning of the event, the librarian spoke about the greatness of our Motherland, about Russian people who are ready to defend their Fatherland, not sparing their lives. Then the guys watched the video "November 4 - Day of National Unity." The content of this film introduced children to the events of 400 years ago, which caused the birth of the holiday - National Unity Day. The following is an excerpt from feature film"Minin and Pozharsky". At the end of the event, all participants joined hands and uttered a slogan:

The main thing is together!

The main thing is together!

The main thing is with a burning heart in your chest!

We do not need indifference!

Anger, resentment drive away!

A book exhibition was arranged for the holiday "The Feast of the Resurrection of Russia".

On the Day of National Unity, the Grigorov Library held thematic hour "Unity is our strength." The book exhibition "Russia - the Holy Motherland" has been arranged in the library. The event took place in the club. The librarian told about the history of the holiday, about the concept of unity, the unity of peoples. Grade 4 students Gasparyan Lera and Karina read poems about the Motherland “I and WE” by V. Orlov and “Russia, Russia, Russia” by V. Gudimov. Also, the guys remembered the proverbs about the Motherland « Motherland- Paradise to the heart", "The people have one home - Motherland", answered the quiz questions "Main folk holidays Russia", a student of grade 9 showed good knowledge. Semenovsky Ilya. At the end, the children watched the presentation "Folk crafts of Russia".

An hour of courage was held in the Kozlovskaya Library, dedicated to the national holiday of Russia - the Day of National Unity "In memory of Minin and Pozharsky».

At the meeting, the guests learned about the history of the holiday and the history of Russia, about military glory and valor, about pride in the Motherland and its heroes, about mercy and kindness. The children remembered who Minin and Pozharsky were, took part in a historical quiz and got acquainted with a multimedia presentation about the events of 1612.

Readers took part in the interactive exhibition "In the grateful memory of the Fatherland", dedicated to the Day of National Unity. The librarians spoke about the origin of the celebration of the Unity Day, conducted a literature review.
Those present were able to take part and test their knowledge in a quiz and receive information bookmarks.

On November 2, an action was held at the Library - Center for Children's Reading, dedicated to the Day National Unity "Under the ringing of bells, we found unity." Our readers became participants in the Time of Troubles quiz, showed themselves in the knowledge of proverbs about friendship and mutual assistance, listened to a review of books about the great defenders of the Motherland. The children took part in the information and educational hour "Minin and Pozharsky: the sons of the Fatherland who liberated Russia." On this day, librarians talked about the emergence of the Unity Day and handed out to the readers an information leaflet "Day of National Unity".

Also, in the reading room of the library, a screening of the historical film "Minin and Pozharsky" (1939) was organized for everyone (Director: V. Pudovkin and M. Doller)

In the library "Dialogue" for students of grades 2, 3 and 4, the events "In unity are our strength" were held.
The children got acquainted with the video presentation about the Day of National Unity, listened to the Anthem of Russia, answered the quiz questions, remembered proverbs and sayings about unity and unity and, of course, got acquainted with the exhibition, which presented books on history Russian state.
According to the established tradition, at the end of the events, the children drew on paper their vision of the celebration of the Day of National Unity.


Tomorrow we celebrate National Unity Day. This holiday symbolizes civil feat people who rallied to overcome the turmoil and anarchy in 1612. On this day, our people showed rare courage and expelled the invaders and invaders from Russia. On November 4, 1612, militia soldiers led by Dmitry Pozharsky and Kuzma Minin stormed Kitay-gorod and liberated Moscow.

On November 4, when we celebrate the Day of National Unity, we pay tribute to our great ancestors, to all our people who defended Russia in troubled and troubled times.

On the eve of this memorable date in branch library №5 opening exhibitions "In unity is our strength". The attention of users was presented with literature on the history of the Fatherland, telling about the feat of the Russian people in those distant times and about modern development Russian statehood.

To the celebration of National Unity Day branch library №2 prepared book exhibition "For the glory of the Fatherland, for the glory of Russia!".

Here are books about the distant events of the beginning of the 17th century, to which we owe the emergence of this holiday. Readers will be able to get acquainted with the history, culture and way of life of Russia of that time, as well as learn about the great Russian prince Dmitry Pozharsky and the national hero Kuzma Minin.

What does the National Unity Day holiday mean for us? Does the holiday correspond to its name and are we one people, Russians? What unites us? On the eve of National Unity Day, this was discussed with readers. All were unanimous in their opinion that modern Russia this holiday symbolizes tribute centuries old traditions patriotism and the consent of the people.

Since 2005, in Russia every year on November 4 we celebrate a holiday - the Day of National Unity. Before that, there were no official holidays in our country, events pre-Soviet history. Almost four centuries ago, in the most difficult times of split and civil strife, the multinational people of our country united in order to preserve the independence and statehood of Russia. And therefore, for modern Russia, National Unity Day is a holiday for the entire civil society. The day when we pay tribute to the age-old traditions of patriotism, harmony and unity of the people.

By this date, the thematic book exhibition "The unity of the people, carried through the centuries", which includes the following sections:

The unity of the people is the strength of the country

About the days of great turmoil.

Heroes of troubled times

Russia after the troubled times.

The exhibition presents books, magazine and newspaper articles, recommendatory lists of literature dedicated to the Day of National Unity - its history, the events of 1612, when the militia soldiers led by Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky stormed Kitay-Gorod, liberated Moscow from Polish invaders, showing heroism and unity.

Meeting this holiday, people of all nationalities, faiths and beliefs, belonging to different social groups, must recognize themselves as a single people with a common historical destiny and a common future, imbued with love for the Motherland and care for their neighbor.

"When we are united, we are invincible" - this was the name of the musical educational program, organized jointly by the Central district library, children's art school, RDK and local history museum to the Day of National Unity.

To the attention of those present at the event, librarians presented an electronic exhibition - the story " Great holiday, great country”, during which they talked about the history of the holiday, the date of its establishment, about the events of 1612, when mortal danger united all the patriotic forces of the country and the people's militia, led by Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky, having shown steadfastness, courage and selfless devotion to the Motherland, liberated Moscow from the Polish interventionists.

Young readers of the Naberezhno-Morkvashsky Library accepted and became participants in the historical mosaic "One People - One Power".

The participants of the event received a lot useful information about the history of the holiday, about the period of troubled times, about the liberation of Moscow from the Polish invaders and about the role of Minin and Pozharsky in the unification of the country, the guys also tested their knowledge in a thematic quiz.

In the October Library framed exhibition-review "One state, while one people!".

In the first section, “The Strength of Russia is in Unity,” literature on the history of the Fatherland is presented to the attention of readers, telling about the feat of the Russian people in those distant times, about the great Russian prince Dmitry Pozharsky and the national hero Kuzma Minin, as well as about the modern development of Russian statehood.

In the section "For the glory of the Fatherland, for the glory of Russia!" contains books that tell about patriotism and love for the Motherland, about the unity of modern Russia, symbolizing tribute to centuries-old traditions, harmony and friendship of many peoples.

The purpose of the exhibition is to develop a sense of patriotism, increase interest in the historical events that took place in the Russian state.

An hour of the story "Towards each other" was held in the Maidan rural library.

The guys made an excursion into the historical past of Russia, got acquainted with the events of 400 years ago. Librarian Selskaya L.N. she told the children that it was on November 4, 1612 that two Russian heroes - Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky expelled the Polish invaders from the Moscow Kremlin, thereby putting an end to the thirty-year period, which historians call the Time of Troubles. The children got acquainted with the content of the book exhibition "Motherland and Unity" with interest, where literature on the topic was exhibited. The event ended with a small quiz.

Readers of the Regional Children's Library are presented with an exhibition - a story " Keyword- "Unity".

In the Vvedensko-Sloboda library for young readers, an hour of knowledge "Day of National Unity" was held.

A thematic display of literature “For the Glory of the Fatherland” was designed for the event.

The hour of historical events "Our strength is in unity" was held for the readers of the Kildeevskaya library.

Using the electronic presentation "National Unity Day", librarian Mukayeva G.N. she told the children about the history of the celebration of this day, about what happened in Russia four hundred and five years ago, how, under the leadership of Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky, the Moscow Kremlin was finally liberated from the Polish invaders.

An open review of the literature "Feat for the sake of Russia" supplemented the librarian's story and visually introduced young readers to the feat and unity of the multinational Russian people.

The younger generation is obliged to remember the events of such a scale and this memory should by no means be lost by posterity. In this memory we draw strength to overcome difficulties, in this memory we are a united and invincible Russian people.

In the Korguzin library, a conversation was held with an electronic presentation “We are starting to walk through history again.”

Liubov Gracheva, head of the library, told readers about historical events 1612, in memory of which the Day of National Unity was established, about its significance in strengthening the Russian state and the history of Russia, about the Time of Troubles, the liberation of Moscow from the Polish invaders, about the role of Minin and Pozharsky in the unification of the country.

The children listened with interest to the librarian, and then took part in a quiz about public holidays in Russia. At the end of the event, everyone chose books for home reading on this topic.

The Mamatkozinskaya Library hosted a conversation “Through the Distance of Centuries: Minin and Pozharsky”.

The head of the library, Elena Sedova, told young readers that on November 4 we celebrate one of the most important state holidays of friendship and unity, love and harmony - the Day of National Unity.

With the help of an electronic presentation, the pages of the history of our country came to life before the students: the Time of Troubles, difficult for the people, false kings, heroes of the people's militia Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky. The guys looked at the slides of the presentation with great interest and were able to understand that the history of Russia teaches us that apart, alone, we cannot do what we can do together. Russia is strong only when it is united. That is why our country has such an important holiday.

An information minute "In the unity of the people, all the strength of Russia" was held in the Kuralovsky Library.

405 years ago, the Russian people defended their dear homeland from the Polish intervention. And everyone can justly be proud of this holy and great deed, remembering kind word virtuous, honest and loyal defenders his native land. The event used electronic presentation"Glory to our Motherland to our brave sons" and the section "Liberation of Moscow from the Poles" from the book "My First History".

"From Russia to Russia" - hour interesting history about the history of the holiday National Unity Day was held by the head of the Russian-Makulovsky library Pershina N.A. for students of the extended day group of the Makulovsky secondary school.

During the conversation, readers got acquainted with the history of the Time of Troubles, as well as with the events of 1609-1612, which played a key role in the history of the formation of the Russian state. At the end of the event, a video about this period in the history of our country is shown.

Hour of Patriotic Enlightenment " National Heroes Russia: Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky” was held in the Sobolev Library.

Librarian Samoilova L.A. told readers about Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky that under their leadership the Moscow Kremlin was finally liberated from the Polish invaders. The fact that the Day of National Unity is the day of the connection of the past, present and future, the unification of all the people of our huge country in love for each other, for their land, for Russia.

The Day of National Unity was dedicated to the flash mob "In the friendship of peoples - the unity of Russia", organized jointly by the employees of the Shelangovsky KFOR, the library and the school.

At the beginning of the event, everyone stood in a circle and, holding hands, performed a series of sports dance movements, thus showing friendship. different peoples, Then they talked with those present about the Day of National Unity, about folk heroes K. Minina and D. Pozharsky, about patriotism and love for home country respect for the traditions of our multinational people.

Summing up, we came to the conclusion that it does not matter what nationality a person belongs to, the main thing is to be kind, responsive and live together in peace and harmony.

On the eve of the holiday, the head of the Shelangovskaya library for school students heldheld a conversation - a dialogue "In unity is the whole strength of Ross ii".

The librarian told about the history of the holiday and the history of Russia. The pages of our country came to life before the students: the Time of Troubles, difficult for the people, the heroes of the people's militia Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky. Homeland and unity - such deep meaning was laid in this event.

In the Vakhitov Library, an intra-shelf exhibition entitled "One People - One Power" was arranged. Readers are presented with materials about the history of the holiday and books on the history of Russia.

Readers of the Kanash Library are offered the materials of the book layout "In unity is our strength"

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