How to make a beautiful poster, collage, wall newspaper for the birthday of a friend, sister with your own hands: ideas, templates, photos. How to make a congratulatory, sweet, poster with photos, chocolates, a wall newspaper for your birthday to your best friend, sister with wishes

    February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day. A good holiday, both for those who served or fought, and for those who in the future are going to experience all the delights of a soldier's service.

    Usually, on the day of this holiday, Defender of the Fatherland Day, posters on the army theme are hung out at school, for example, like this one:

    Who knows how to draw beautifully, you can draw such a poster:

    I think it's on the poster dedicated to the holiday On February 23, a soldier and, of course, military equipment must be depicted, because February 23 is the day of the defender of the fatherland, so I advise you to depict such a plot,

    and if you take something simpler, you can depict the poster as follows,

    as we see on the poster, a tricolor is depicted, a soldier with weapons and a dog, this is very symbolic and most importantly beautiful, the following drawing on the poster will also be appropriate.

    A wall newspaper or a poster can be designed in the traditional style in the form of a poster on a large sheet of paper, or come up with something unusual, for example: a newspaper in the form of a book, a poster in the form of a tank, or simply redraw pictures from postcards, insert photos and decorate everything with balloons.

    Suitable for the office in this style:

    In the center in a red frame - congratulations to all the boys:

    And then we write to each classmate separately, so that everyone can choose a wish for themselves:

    For the smartest:

    To the most musical:


    Internet lover:

    To the car enthusiast:



    I think that no one will be deprived of attention.

    Happy holiday!

    On February 23, 2015, you don’t have to go to school or to the office, because it’s a day off, although it’s Monday. And this means that the poster must be brought to school on Saturday, so that the boys can see what beauty the girls have depicted and become thoughtful: what should they draw on March 8?

    AT lower grades it would be appropriate to present cartoon characters as brave warriors - here, at least Smeshariki.

    You can, of course, Sponge Bob, but ours are somehow nicer and more patriotic, too.

    There is also an idea to hang such a colorful sheet, but there is already more work and it is necessary to involve adults, if only to mark the sheet.

    By the way, such a poster is quite suitable for the office, and if you consider it a little clumsy, then you can do it in a more simple style execute.

    By the men's holiday on February 23, whether it's a school class or an office at work, it is usually decorated with a poster. And it will be great if the poster is not bought, but made with your own hands. You will need a large sheet of drawing paper, paints or pencils, felt-tip pens, markers, you can use clippings from colored paper or magazines - then you will also need glue, scissors. Well, it is desirable to have drawing skills. If you don’t have such skills, then it’s not scary, you can use a template, you can copy and add something of your own, but in general, the main thing in this matter is desire and imagination. A sense of humor is also welcome! I always liked posters where photos were used, that is, photos of the faces of the participants are needed male team that are cut out and pasted onto the poster. For example, this is how you can design a poster for boys at school:

    And here is a poster for colleagues at work:

    In the middle you can draw big number 23quot ;, adding to this a star and some other military symbol, for example, a tank, an airplane and a warship. Like symbols of unity ground forces, fleet and aviation.

    Then add something festive to this image, such as flowers. At the same time, modest official flowers will do. Carnations will be just rightquot ;.

    Leave a place around for congratulating the guys of the class, for example, some kind of rhyme or just a congratulatory text from the girls.

    It's a very good idea to place the figures of the soldiers as well. by gluing photos of classmates cut out of common class photos instead of their heads.

    I propose to make such an original poster that is suitable for school or kindergarten as well as for the office.

    We take yes paper and draw a St. George ribbon on the top, and a star on the bottom.

    On colored paper, first print and then cut out different drawings planes, tanks and other military equipment.

    We stick labels with names, with the name of the city and the troops where he served.

    We cut and glue everything in this way, decorate with a carnation.

    Another option is to make a collage:

    I think that all men will be very pleased with such a sign of attention.

    At school, in my opinion, the process of making a poster is more important. For elementary school students, you can use a black and white blank, which you can then color in together. For example, this one:

    There are many here.

    High school students usually only need to throw an idea, and there are several artists.

    You can also use such pictures in the office by pasting photos of male employees.

    Hand-drawn posters and wall newspapers are still very popular in schools. kindergartens and even offices of enterprises, and for each holiday they entrust such a responsible task to a person who is known for being able to draw better than others in the team and who is often called artistquot ;.

    so that before each holiday, and February 23, Defender of the Fatherland Day is no exception, the artist is faced with the task of drawing an original bright and expressive poster on the theme of the holiday.

    In the difficult task of drawing a poster and a wall newspaper, ready-made poster templates by February 23 will help, as, at least, shown below.

    It will not be difficult for a person who knows how to draw. taking an idea, quickly transfer it to a Whatman sheet even from a computer screen.

    You can also print a poster template by February 23, enlarge it without a xerox and, transferring it to a large sheet of paper, carefully color it with paints or pencils.

    Particularly skilled can immediately draw by hand beautiful inscription from February 23, flowers or military equipment- and the poster is ready for February 23!

At school, students are often given the task: "Think up and draw a poster." Wall newspapers can be of various subjects. But most often they ask to draw a poster “Save the air”, “Save clean water»and similar problems related to environmental protection.

What to depict on the poster "Save the air"

It is not enough just to take a sheet of paper and draw something on it. The wall newspaper should be full-fledged, have a semantic load and convey useful information. To understand how to draw a poster, you must first read what actions are taken to save a given natural resource. Most often depicted on thematic drawing paper:

  • Items and actions that harm the air. These can be cars that emit exhaust gases. Smoking chimneys of factories, turbines of nuclear power plants are also often depicted.
  • In addition, they draw something that helps to keep it clean and breathable. You can depict a person riding a bicycle or planting a tree. Also often in wall newspapers on air protection they draw wildlife, forest as a symbol of green lungs of the planet. After all, it is he who helps to purify the air from various harmful components.
  • Before you draw a poster, you should also draw useful information from the selected sources. You can cut out an important article from a newspaper and stick it on a piece of paper in a chosen place. Often children and adults compose poems or take ready-made creations to put on a poster.

What speeches can be written on the wall newspaper

In addition to information on how to draw a poster, you should also think about the text content. It can be poetry, prose - anything, the most important thing is that the text be thematic. For example, you can take the following statements:

  • Take care of the air, we really need it. It allows us to breathe and inspires us with health.
  • You do not break trees, keep the purity of nature, and then everything will be class for each of us.
  • We need to save air, we can't do without it. It is necessary to stop the miscreants and the bully, who break the trees and do not protect the forest.

These are amateur rhyming lines that schoolchildren lower grades can be successfully placed on a poster dedicated to air protection.

For older children, more serious lines will come in handy: " We must take care of forests, fields and gardens and remember that forests are the green lungs of our planet. Everyone should take care that the air is clean and transparent, not harmful to health. Using scientific achievements, it is necessary to modernize factories, stabilize the work of production, use electric vehicles. People, Earth is our only home!"

How to draw a poster unusual and memorable

In order for a wall newspaper to be really noticed and effective, human conscience and a sense of duty should be touched, contrasts should be used. The poster can be designed like this:

  • Half of the sheet should be decorated with rainbow and colorful flowers. Draw on paper happy children walking in a clean area or in a green sunny meadow.
  • On the second half of the drawing paper, draw the smoking pipes of the plant, dullness, crows. You can also depict garbage thrown into reservoirs, dead trees, dried flowers - everything that is enough for imagination.

Such a contrast of life and death will clearly show how much man can influence nature, both positively and negatively. In the newspaper, in any case, what is in reality will be depicted.

It is unfortunate, but many people do not understand how important it is to protect environment. The poster should, with the help of true facts, open everyone's eyes to the very serious issues of our life.

How to make a poster

Very often, marketers use posters in their advertising campaigns. We analyze how to make it, what to look for when designing and where it is better to place it.

The poster is a real art. Marketers, designers and artists around the world compete in the beauty, efficiency and unusualness of their masterpieces.

But creating a poster is not as easy as it might seem. Designers need to take into account a lot of details both during the creation process and after. Read, save and learn new things.

What is a poster

The poster is not only beautiful images celebrities who, as children, glued everything on the walls. In a broad sense, poster- a catchy image with a short text, made for propaganda, advertising or educational purposes.

A modern poster is primarily associated with advertising, which is not entirely true. No less popular is the informational and design poster.

Informational the poster is most often found in the form of various posters. the main objective such posters - conveying important cultural information to the audience, announcing events.

For decoration, you can also use specially made posters.

Poster history

Despite the fact that the first "traces" of posters are found in Ancient Egypt(images with information about escaped slaves), it is still customary to call the artist the father of the poster. The Frenchman, according to many, is an artist of relatively little talent, which, however, did not prevent him from becoming the creator of a new genre. In 1866, he opened a workshop for the production of lithographic paintings, which was the beginning of the poster.

The posters clearly explained why alcohol is harmful to humans.

Alcohol increases the risk of an accident

better to wear short hair than to lose them

The casing was too high

How to make a promotional poster

Bright image

As it is called in marketing - an eye-stopper. The main task is to attract attention, to arouse curiosity. A non-standard image or a bright picture can act as an eye-stopper.

Use one image and don't forget that the poster will big size, so the picture should be with a good resolution!


The title is not required, but in most cases it will not hurt. Like a picture, it should attract attention, which means it should be read from a distance.

The title can be the name of the promotion, the name of the product, the message about the sale.


How less text, all the better. The font must be large. When laying out the text, you need to highlight the trademark and logo.

Use no more than two fonts: one for the body text, the second for the title.


Choose bright, contrasting colors. Contrasting hues blend better and make the poster easier to read.

Thomas Russell, lecturer at the Institute for Contemporary Studies at the Association of Advertising Agencies, shares his tips for creating an advertising poster.

  • Simplify. Posters should grab attention instantly and communicate the main idea quickly.
  • Show the benefit of the product.
  • Use the possibilities of color. The brighter the ad, the better. In moderation.
  • Avoid ambiguity. Not everyone can immediately understand your game, accept it and respond positively. If you are not 100% sure, it is better not to use ambiguous images and texts.
  • The text should be as light and easy to read as possible.

10 signs of a good advertising poster

How and where to place posters

The placement of the poster depends on its type. If this is an advertising poster, then first of all it is placed on the street: special stands, walls of buildings, fences, stops - wherever as many passers-by as possible would notice it. It is important that nothing around distracts from the poster and does not interfere with it. He should be the center of attention.

The same applies to an informational poster, for which the main thing is to reach a large audience.

Another thing - decorative posters. Here are some tips for placing them.

Posters look most advantageous on plain surfaces. And it doesn't matter where exactly: in the living room, in the kitchen, in the bathroom or in the restaurant.

In addition, posters can be placed on the wall in different ways.

Horizontal row.

Thus, any empty space can be filled.

Collage of four posters.

This placement is great for rooms with high ceilings.

symmetrical arrangement.

If you have multiple posters of the same size, symmetry is for you. In addition, it will help to visually balance the interior of the room.

asymmetrical arrangement.

For such placement, it is better to use posters. different sizes. Posters can be hung anywhere.

Poster constructors

If you try, you can make a poster yourself, without even resorting to the help of designers. Check out the very handy and versatile tools for creating posters.

An excellent resource for creating not only posters, but also banners, business cards and various illustrations. It is not necessary to have special skills to draw a cool poster.

Great toolkit and opportunities for both drawing and image editing. And numerous templates will facilitate and speed up the process.

Online editor. Slightly inferior to Canva in terms of tools and templates. However, it is great for quick creation simple poster.

Especially for those who want to create their own movie posters and posters!

If you urgently need to make a simple poster, this online resource is just for you!

Dive into theory

Birthday is one of the most anticipated holidays, preparing to congratulate someone, we browse an incredible number of sites, search all the shops in the area in search of the perfect gift. It should be original, unusual, atypical, memorable. Why not draw a birthday present? How about replacing a simple gift card with a congratulatory poster or poster?

Let's think together how to draw a birthday poster, how to decorate it beautifully and what kind of birthday greetings to place on it, especially since birthday posters are gaining more and more popularity.

Cool posters, a funny cartoon, a wall newspaper, a poster made by yourself - nice gift For birthday, original congratulations- a guarantee of a wonderful birthday mood. birthday poster can contain funny congratulations, poems, drawings, photographs.

What you need for a congratulatory poster

To make a birthday poster, we need quite a bit, first of all, this:

  1. Whatman.
  2. Pencils, paints, markers, pens.
  3. Scissors.
  4. Glue.

It is possible that photographs of the future birthday man, old magazines, printouts will also come in handy, depending on the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe future wall newspaper with birthday wishes.

Speaking of the idea, before you draw a birthday present in the form of such a large, peculiar postcard, take a small draft where you can sketch a future congratulation. Thus, we will simplify the design of the poster, having thought over its idea in advance.

Components of such a gift

  1. Lettering and design.
    The most important phrase, of course, should be striking, be bright, radiant good mood. How to issue them? These letters can be diversified by doodling by drawing capital letters, add them flowers or other small parts, draw a kind of graffiti for a birthday or make an applique. Letters can be printed, cut out of colored paper or from magazines. Unusual and interesting!
  2. Background.
    The background should be no less bright, but not merge with the main letters, wishes and images. Watercolor will come to the rescue. A light layer of watercolor will dilute White background drawing paper, and already on it you can place a wide variety of ideas.
  3. Congratulations.
    On a draft with a sketch, sketch out a couple of words for a birthday celebration, cool, in poetic form, short phrases or long prose. If you doubt your writing skills good congratulations, look for them in advance on the Internet, print or rewrite for yourself.

First of all, a birthday poster simply has to be bright, which means that the use of dull, dark, cold colors should be minimized.

The poster does not require much effort, artistic skills, and interesting congratulations can easily be found on the sites, where you will find more than one good idea what to draw for birthday.

The first thing that comes to mind when thinking about creating a poster is a huge inscription Happy Birthday, placed on top or in the center, in large beautiful letters, voluminous bright. So, first of all, let's place the phrase in convenient location do this first with a simple pencil. Armed with an eraser and a pencil, we can correct accidental blots and blemishes.

Birthday Drawing Ideas

If you are out of ideas or lacking inspiration, then here are some tips on what to draw for your birthday. Here you will find help on how to design a birthday poster, but don't forget to add your own unique twist to the gift.

For artists

The first and simplest thing that can serve as an image on a poster is drawings, simple thematic drawings, these can be air balloons, boxes with gifts, the image of the birthday or simple drawings, for example, flowers, among which congratulations will be placed.

Congratulations can be printed and glued to the poster, or handwritten. If your posters show balloons, then why not put congratulations on the balloons. And if flowers, petals - great idea to make any wish.

You can diversify such a poster in volume, for example, glue another drawn ball on top, lifting which you can find a couple of kind words from you. The same can be done with flower petals, and with gifts. If you have several small envelopes, or if you can fold them out of paper yourself, then glueing the finished envelopes with a couple of nice lines in them is a great idea.


Doubt your artistic skills? No problem. With a color printer, find beautiful images on the internet! Print, cut out, and stick on a future poster. Between them you can place the same printed greetings.

Photos for the collage will be no less useful. Take your general photos made in the most happy moments or last holiday. Or photographs from childhood, they can be placed on the poster in the order of the birthday person growing up. Funny and random photos can be used too, of course, if the birthday boy doesn't get offended and you want some cool posters.

Among the congratulations with such photos, you can put a couple of phrases, the author of which is celebrating a birthday, which have become winged in your family / company.

Work on such a poster will not take much time, but it will be bright, attractive and original.

Very popular now sweet poster. Supermarkets are full of a variety of sweets, and those have the most unusual and original names that can be used with congratulations on the poster. It will be funny to hear such phrases as “You and I are inseparable as Twix” or “Communication with you - paradisaic delight” with a Baunty candy bar attached next to it. Buy a couple of tasty treats by compiling rough plan congratulations. Glue, sew, attach small sweets to whatman paper, adding the missing words to chocolates, sweets and lollipops with bright felt-tip pens.

For a birthday greeting, you do not need to have the talent of a poet at all, and drawing does not have to be your forte. Happy birthday posters are a timely way to express your congratulations.

Birthday wishes poster is interesting, unusual and original gift, which is not done for a long time, does not require much effort. However, it is very pleasant to receive such a congratulation, because it is made with your own hands, which indicates attention to the birthday man and his gift.

Olga Nikolaevna Teplyakova, an experienced teacher of our site, always advises making do-it-yourself manuals for playing with kids: books, posters, lotto. Such benefits are very simple, but at the same time they carry a lot of benefits for the baby. It is especially great if the baby is already older, then the game can be created together. Such a game is then more appreciated and liked by the child. Let's take a closer look at creating posters.

What is and why?

A poster is a piece of paper on which mom writes lines from a fairy tale, poem, baby's favorite song. This type of reading game includes pictorial material. On the poster, we can draw or make applications. Can be combined different techniques! In addition, playing with a poster will help the baby a little to master the technique of writing. Children 2-3 or 3-4 years old can try to write or trace what is written, and at 3-4 years old even write something yourself. At the same time, if the little one does not write very well, but wants to make his own poster, we do not refuse, we just make a small poster. Let's say not two lines, but one. Hang it on the wall and play!

In such games we can sing and read at the same time! At the same time, the reading speed can immediately be said to “jump”! And our enjoyment of the game "bounces". We can not only sing, but also dance! And show the words on a beautiful poster.

At what age can a child be offered a game with a poster?

This type of games is intended for toddlers over 2 years old.

What do we need to know to make a poster?

1. Size matters!

The poster doesn't have to be very big! Do not take too large a sheet, two A4 sizes, fastened along the wide side, are enough. Do not write too sweepingly and large! Words should not be larger than those that we usually write on cards. Maybe even less. It is necessary that the child covers the text of 3,4,5 words with his eyes, and does not look at each letter of a stretched word. We adjust the font size in such a way that there is space between the words and around the text.

2. Number of words and their size

Leave space at the edges of the poster, taking up only the middle. The benefits of this are great! Text is easier to understand, if it is located not from edge to edge, but with small margins. On them we can depict something related to the theme of the poster.

Part of the sheet with words can be limited to something: color, pattern, simple border. This limitation helps you read faster!

For example, we move our hand along the lines, but, despite this, we do not prevent the child from fully perceiving the text.

Jump-jump, jump-jump.

I am a red horse.

Or "gray side"! Or some other. You can change the color. However, the main text will remain the same. The child knows this. And he, too, grasping the whole meaning of the poster, sings and reads at the same time:

I knock with my hooves

If need be, I will!

How can we arrange this song on a piece of paper? You can just highlight the middle with a color. For example, the background is white, and there is a greenish border around the edges.

And here is another song:

I bake, I bake, I bake

All the kids have a pie.

Here, the border can be drawn small pies, literally a few pieces.

Another example is beads:

The beads swirled Ta-ta-ta

You can draw a thread for beads that will limit the text, string 3-5 beads on it, where there is a place.

3. Color and highlights

Highlight words interesting that will grab the child's attention. Random words are not needed! Do not focus only on the size and length of the word, the number of letters. You need to take into account the composition of the word. Let's say

Skok-skok, I am a gray horse.

It makes sense to single out SKOK-SKOK and BOK.

We can write letters of the same color, but then individual words need to be circled or circled with a bright oval, or shaded with a light pencil. And some words can just be glued on! And they will be on light paper: on yellow, pink, blue, etc.

Highly recommend write one line in one color, otherwise it turns out very motley. Do not make too sharp color transitions between lines. Let's say you had one blue, the second purple, and the third blue. They are in the same tone.

Some words can be highlighted font color and thickness, letter size.

4. Volume of text

Don't write long songs. From the whole song, highlight only that the child knows and loves. The content of your poster should be familiar to both you and your baby, should be loved!!! It's much easier than writing and then playing on a completely unfamiliar text!

How do we use these posters?

For example, we ran on the street like chickens, we came from the street to sing a song. Maybe we run after each other, or jump like chickens, or play a musical-rhythmic game, we can give children a rattle to someone, someone a stick, someone knocks with his finger, someone claps his hands, someone with spoons, someone on the xylophone, someone just sings a song:

The hen went out for a walk

Pinch fresh herbs.

And behind her guys yellow chicks.

Ko-ko-ko, Ko-ko-ko! Don't go far.

For example, we already have a poster made once from the line "Ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko! Don't go far." At the bottom of the poster, for example, paws are drawn. Tap your finger on the painted paws: "Row with your paws, look for grains." At the same time, one of the children knocks with their feet, someone rows their fingers on the floor. Creative play it turns out!

If there are unwritten lines in a song or poem, this can be depicted, for example, in a dance. Let's say the game "Ay-yes." The lines "Ay-da" are written on the poster, and can be distinguished by the size of words, letters.

Ah yes! Ah yes!

And then: "Quickly stamp your feet, children dance merrily" we do not write, but cut out traces from colored paper, stick them on and then, hitting them with our fingers with our fingers, we sing these words. So you can beat the game when we sing along the poster.

How do we eat?

We sing at a normal pace, show the words with a finger at a normal pace. What we eat, we show. It looks like karaoke, only much more beautiful and not so fast, much smaller in volume, and this text is already familiar to you and the baby.

The most common mistake in the manufacture of posters - too large letters.

Letters are better to do a little smaller, because a poster is, of course, a poster, but visual memory and perception are arranged in such a way that if we see a large word, then our memory selects some part of this word. For example, if you write the word “GOAT” in the meter, you will see only “OCH”, “GOAT”, and everything else will remain outside.

And the child has a different angle of view, because he is small. He is shorter, he has a different distance between the pupils than we have. Therefore, very large is not needed. Keep this in mind. Do it smaller. Fold two sheets of A4. Not along, where the long side is, but across. Do you know the best way to play? Here you play goat, or horse, or jump, or do something else. Take the baby in your arms, go to the poster and sing:

The horned goat lives in the meadow,

And show these words:

The horned goat sings a song:

Me-me, me-me, me-me.

And that's it. You don't need anything more. No need for the child to show. Give up this control. The game does not require control.

Let's look at another poster based on the game "The cat walks on the bench"

The poster is huge. It is better to lay such a poster on the floor. On the floor is still more comfortable than on the table. It's been verified. "The cat is walking." Here you go, like a cat. You have already prepared a poster, or it lies, or hangs somewhere on the sidelines, you put it on the floor, everyone gets on all fours, let's say two or three plus adults, and everyone reads and sings.

The cat walks on the bench

And move your finger. Even if out of place, children may not show it. It's OK. And you still show yours.

Leads a cat by paws

Top-top-top (may not be shown) on the bench

Tsop-tsop-tsop for paws

“For the paws” we can also sing just like that. The hand no longer works. You can play loto on the poster. But do you know how? You write a word, everyone is looking for it, and you correct it, help a little and rejoice!

Enjoy your creativity and happy games!

Olga Nikolaevna Teplyakova

Such simple manuals are easy to make yourself, and you do not need any special materials. They provide many opportunities for play with the baby. And another huge plus of such a game is that you can play again and again.

It offers many ideas for creating DIY manuals. Come to school if you want to get new ideas and recommendations from the teacher, teach your kid to read with the help of simple and interesting games.

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