Characteristics of Zheltkov from "Garnet Bracelet": what is special about this hero? Literature lesson based on the story of A.I. Kuprin "Garnet bracelet" "Great power of love" Is the yolks a small man garnet bracelet

Yes, I foresee suffering, blood and death. And I think that it is difficult for the body to part with the soul, but, Beautiful, praise to you, passionate praise and quiet love. "Hallowed be thy name"...

In the dying sad hour, I pray only to you. Life could be great for me too. Do not grumble, poor heart, do not grumble. In my soul I call for death, but in my heart I am full of praise to you: "Hallowed be your name" ...

A. Kuprin

In the 20th century, in the era of cataclysms, in a period of political and social instability, when a new attitude to universal values ​​began to form, love often became the only moral category that survived in a collapsing and dying world. The theme of love became central in the work of many writers of the beginning of the century. She became one of the central themes in the work of A. I. Kuprin. Love in his works is always disinterested, selfless, "no life's conveniences, calculations and compromises" concern it. But this love is always tragic, obviously doomed to suffering. Heroes are dying. But their feelings are stronger than death. Their feelings don't die. Isn't that why the images of "Olesya", "Duel", "Sulamith", "Pomegranate Bracelet" remain in the memory for so long?

In the story "Shulamith" (1908), written based on the biblical Song of Songs, the ideal of love according to Kuprin is presented. He describes such "tender and fiery, devoted and beautiful love, which alone is more precious than wealth, glory and wisdom, which is more precious than life itself, because even life it does not value and is not afraid of death." The story "Garnet Bracelet" (1911) was intended to prove that such love exists in the modern world, and to refute the opinion expressed in the work by General Anosov, the grandfather of the main character: "... love among people has taken ... vulgar forms and descended simply to some kind of worldly convenience, to a little entertainment. And men are to blame for this, "satiated at twenty years old, with chicken bodies and hare souls, incapable of strong desires, heroic deeds, tenderness and adoration before love ..."

Kuprin presented the story, which others perceive as an anecdote about a telegraph operator who fell in love, as a touching and sublime Song of Songs about true love.

The hero of the story is Zheltkov G.S. pan Ezhiy, an official of the control chamber, a young man of pleasant appearance, "about thirty, thirty-five years old." He is "tall, thin, with long fluffy, soft hair", "very pale, with a gentle girlish face, with blue eyes and a stubborn childish chin with a dimple in the middle." We learn that Zheltkov is musical and endowed with a sense of beauty. The spiritual image of the hero is revealed in his letters to Princess Vera Nikolaevna Sheina, in a conversation with her husband on the eve of suicide, but he is most fully characterized by "seven years of hopeless and polite love."

Vera Nikolaevna Sheina, whom the hero is in love with, attracts with her "aristocratic" beauty, inherited from her mother, "with her tall, flexible figure, gentle, but cold and proud face, beautiful, although rather large hands, and that charming sloping of the shoulders, which can be seen on old miniatures. Zheltkov considers her unusual, refined and musical. He "began to pursue her with his love" two years before her marriage. When he first saw the princess at the circus in a box, he said to himself: “I love her because there is nothing like her in the world, there is nothing better, there is no beast, no plant, no star, no. More beautiful than a person ... and more tender ". He admits that since then he "is not interested in anything in life: neither politics, nor science, nor philosophy, nor concern for the future happiness of people." For Zheltkov in Vera Nikolaevna "as if all the beauty of the earth was embodied." It is no coincidence that he constantly speaks of God: "God was pleased to send me, as an enormous happiness, love for you," "the love that God was pleased to reward me for something."

At first, Zheltkov's letters to Princess Vera were "vulgar and curiously ardent" in nature, "although they were quite chaste." But over time, he began to reveal his feelings more restrained and delicately: “I blush at the memory of my insolence seven years ago, when I dared to write stupid and wild letters to you, young lady ... Now only reverence, eternal admiration remain in me. and slavish devotion. “For me, my whole life lies only in you,” Zheltkov writes to Vera Nikolaevna. In this life, every moment is dear to him when he sees the princess or watches her with excitement at a ball or in the theater. When he passes away, he burns everything dear to his heart: Vera's handkerchief, which she forgot at the ball in the Noble Assembly, her note asking "not to bother her anymore with your love outpourings", the program of the art exhibition, which the princess held in her hand, and then I forgot in my chair when I left.

Knowing full well that his feelings are undivided, Zheltkov hopes and is "even sure" that someday Vera Nikolaevna will remember him. She, unaware of it herself, hurts him painfully, pushes him to commit suicide, uttering the phrase in a telephone conversation: "Oh, if you only knew how tired I am of this whole story. Please stop it as soon as possible." Nevertheless, in a farewell letter, the hero "from the depths of his soul" thanks Vera Nikolaevna for being his "only joy in life, the only consolation." He wishes her happiness and that "nothing temporary and worldly disturbs" her "beautiful soul".

Zheltkov is the chosen one. His love is "selfless, selfless, not waiting for a reward ...". The one about which it is said - "strong as death" ... such love, "for which to accomplish any feat, to give one's life, to go to torment is not labor at all, but one joy ...". In his own words, this love was sent to him by God. He loves, and his feeling "contains the whole meaning of life - the whole universe!". Every woman in the depths of her heart dreams of such love - "holy, pure, eternal ... unearthly", "one, all-forgiving, ready for anything."

And Vera Nikolaevna is also chosen, because it was her life that was "crossed" by real, "modest and selfless" true love. And if "almost every woman is capable of the highest heroism in love," then men in the modern world, unfortunately, have become impoverished in spirit and body; But Zheltkov is not like that. The date scene reveals many aspects of this person's character. At first he is lost ("jumped up, ran to the window, pulling his hair"), admits that now "the hardest minute has come" in his life, and his whole appearance testifies to inexpressible spiritual anguish: he speaks with Shein and Tuganovsky "with one jaw" , and his lips are "white ... as dead." But self-control quickly returns to him, Zheltkov again finds the gift of speech and the ability to reason sensibly. As a person who is sensitive and able to understand people, he immediately rebuffed Nikolai Nikolayevich, stopped paying attention to his stupid threats, but in Vasily Lvovich he guessed a smart, understanding person, able to listen to his confession. During this meeting, when a difficult conversation took place with the husband and brother of his beloved, and Zheltkov was returned his gift - a wonderful garnet bracelet, a family heirloom, which he calls "a modest loyal offering", the hero demonstrated strong will.

After a call to Vera Nikolaevna, he decided that he had only one way out - to die so as not to cause inconvenience to his beloved anymore. This step was the only possible one, because his whole life was centered around his beloved, and now he is denied even the last small thing: to stay in the city, "to see her at least occasionally, of course, without showing her eyes." Zheltkov understands that life away from Vera Nikolaevna will not bring deliverance from "sweet delirium", because wherever he is, his heart will remain at the feet of his beloved, "every moment of the day" will be filled with Her, the thought of Her, dreams of Her. Having made this difficult decision, Zheltkov finds the strength to explain himself. His excitement is betrayed by his behavior (“he stopped behaving like a gentleman”) and speech, which becomes businesslike, categorical and tough. “That's all,” said Zheltkov, smiling arrogantly. “You won't hear about me anymore and, of course, you'll never see me again ... It seems that I did everything I could?”

Farewell to Vera Nikolaevna for the hero is farewell to life. It is no coincidence that Princess Vera, leaning over the deceased to put a rose, notices that his closed eyes hide "deep importance", and his lips smile "blissfully and serenely, as if before parting with life he had learned some deep and sweet secret that solved throughout his human life." Zheltkov's last words are words of gratitude for the fact that the princess was his "only joy in life, the only consolation, the only thought", a wish for the happiness of his beloved and the hope that she will fulfill his last request: she will perform the sonata in D-dur No. 2, op. 2.

All of the above convinces us that the image of Zheltkov, written out by Kuprin with such nobility and enlightened love, is not an image of a “small”, pathetic, defeated by love, poor in spirit person. No, passing away, Zheltkov remains strong and selflessly loving. He reserves the right to choose, protects his human dignity. Even the husband of Vera Nikolaevna understood how deep this man’s feeling was, and treated him with respect: “I’ll say that he loved you, but he wasn’t crazy at all,” Shein reports after meeting with Zheltkov. “I didn’t take my eyes off him and saw every movement, every change of his face. And for him there was no life without you. It seemed to me that I was present at the tremendous suffering from which people die. "

An inconspicuous official, a "little man" with a funny surname Zheltkov, performed a feat of self-sacrifice in the name of the happiness and tranquility of his beloved woman. Yes, he was obsessed, but possessed by a high feeling. It was "not a disease, not a manic idea." It was love - great and poetic, filling life with meaning and content, saving man and humanity itself from moral degeneration. A love that only a select few are capable of. A love "that every woman dreams of... a love that only repeats itself once in a thousand years"...

I. A. Kuprin can be called one of the "kings" of prose. Love occupies a special place in his works. The story "Garnet Bracelet" is saturated with unearthly love. The plot of the work takes place in Odessa, beloved by Kuprin. It compares the great feeling of an official with the hardened soul of people standing above Zheltkov.

The hero of the story is Zheltkov. He holds the post of an official of the control chamber. G.S. has a pleasant appearance. He has blue eyes and long soft hair. Yolks are tall and lean. He has an elevated feeling.

Zheltkov is in love with Vera Shenina, a cold aristocrat. He considers her extraordinary. He himself is also a very unusual person. From the letter that Zheltkov wrote for Vera's name day, one can understand his spiritual appearance. He has nothing to hope for, but he is ready to sacrifice everything. There is admiration, respect, courage in his words. As a gift to Vera, he presented a garnet bracelet. He belonged to mother Zheltkova, who was already deceased at that time, so he was a very valuable hero. In addition, the bracelet has an interesting history. According to legend, he gives the gift of foresight and protects its owner from violent death.

The meaning of the hero's life was endless love. He didn't need anything else. Zheltkov was filled with sweet thoughts about his beloved. The hero believed that escaping from the city would not be able to resist his feelings. He couldn't let go of the dreams of Vera. Unfortunately, his love was not mutual. Unrequited love is destructive. Zheltkov wrote in his letter that he was not interested in science, politics, or the world around him, in a word, absolutely nothing but his beloved Faith. His life was all about her. He wrote this letter before his suicide. With his conversion, he raised feelings to the level of tragedy. Now another world opens before Vera, filled with unknown feelings. It turns out that Zheltkov loved to the last breath, to the last beat of his heart.

It doesn't matter who you are: a turner, a boss, a writer, a deputy, a cashier, a commander - before love, everyone is on the same level. Zheltkov evokes a feeling of compassion, since unrequited love is a heavy burden. But only in her he saw the meaning of life, only she gave him moments saturated with happiness and madness. Probably the worst thing is to be indifferent to everything around and see in front of you only the object of your sigh.

Composition of Yolks with a portrait characteristic

Not a single work of Russian literature is devoted to the theme of love. This feeling in any of its manifestations drives people, the world. Relations between lovers often become a habit. However, A. I. Kuprin endowed one of his heroes of the story "Garnet Bracelet" with an immortal feeling - love that did not fade away until his death.

Despite the fact that the general characteristics of Zheltkov did not differ in either a bright appearance or special manifestations of male power, actions and ideas, however, at the end of the work, this hero focuses the attention of everyone around him. He becomes understandable, reveals himself thanks to his rich inner world, where pure, sincere love takes place.

Occupying the position of a small official "in some state institution", he did not stand out either for his merits or for his appearance. The unattractive appearance of a frail, short young man no more than forty years old more like a tender girl with a dimple in her chin and "soft hair". His pallor of skin, erratic movements, nervousness (“buttoning and unbuttoning buttons”) completed the image of an unsure-looking, secretive person.

Zheltkov's lack of own housing confirmed his unfavorable financial situation. Judging by the description of the room he rented, he had some money. He lived in an unlit, small room with old furniture. However, despite such characteristics, this man turned out to have endless energy, which gave strength and the ability to endure any pressure on the path of life thanks to the minute when he first met Vera Sheina in the circus. Since then, love has overshadowed everything. He did not see any flaws in her, it was his ideal. Sometimes life seemed like torture to Zheltkov, since he did not see a grain of reciprocity. Beloved all the years was under his supervision. But he did not want to change anything, enjoying the opportunity to love.

This man did not have a special vision of the world. He was an ordinary man, able to truly love one woman all his life. Despite her marriage, coldness, hope for reciprocity glimmered in her soul. This feeling gave him unearthly strength, a feeling of happiness. The attitude towards the hero changes from the beginning to the end of the story. From a quiet, unknown, he turns into a thinking man with raging passions. However, she remains alone with her feelings, expressing thoughts only in letters. He was true to himself and to Vera. And happy only from the thought that he loves her passionately. Zheltkov's gift in the form of a garnet bracelet is nothing more than a desire to feel an invisible spiritual connection with a woman after she receives it.

Thus, Kuprin endowed Zheltkov with a feeling that pushes a person to exploits. In the soul of such people there is a place for kindness, patience, self-sacrifice and fidelity, the desire to give yourself without a trace.

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Sections: Literature

Type of lesson: lesson learning new material.

Type of lesson: lesson-conversation.

The purpose of the lesson: to reveal the originality of the solution of the love theme in the work of A.I. Kuprin.


  • to deepen students' ideas about the artistic originality of AI Kuprin's prose;
  • to acquaint students with the history of the creation of the story "Garnet Bracelet";
  • on the basis of direct impressions from reading the story, conduct a comprehensive analysis of the work, considering the problems of the story, its plot and compositional features, and the originality of artistic images.


  • improve students' skills in analyzing a work of art, developing the ability to highlight the main, essential moments in the development of an action, determine their role in revealing the theme and idea of ​​a work, and draw independent conclusions; develop the skills of researching a literary text; comparative analysis, detailed answers to questions; enrichment of students' vocabulary;
  • to form in students their own attitude to the events and characters of the story, thereby contributing to the development of an active life position, the ability to defend their own point of view.


  • to educate the moral qualities of students on the example of the heroes of the story (inner beauty, nobility);
  • to form aesthetic perception using various types of art: literature, music, fine arts, cinema;
  • cultivate an attentive attitude to the word.

Preparatory stage: students are divided into 4 groups.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment. Explanation of the goals and objectives of the lesson.

II. Introductory speech of the teacher.

“Kuprin has one cherished theme. He touches it chastely, reverently and nervously. Yes, otherwise you can’t touch it. This is the theme of love ...”

“Great power of love!” - that is the theme of our lesson. The theme of love has always been, is and will be one of the most relevant topics for all mankind.

One of the most fragrant and languid stories about love - and the saddest - is Kuprin's "Garnet Bracelet"

“Love has a thousand stories, and each of them has its own light, its own sadness, its own happiness and its own fragrance.”
(K.G. Paustovsky)

One of these “plots” will become the subject of our attention today.

We will focus on the analysis of A. I. Kuprin’s story “Garnet Bracelet”.

III. Analysis of Kuprin's story "Garnet Bracelet".


V. Lvov-Rogachevsky: “Kuprin’s work reflects life in all its infinite diversity, not so much life as a whole, but in fragments, in a whirlwind of accidents ... He has the greed of a collector, only he collects not rare coins, but rare cases of life.” To be convinced of the authenticity of the words of V. Lvov-Rogachevsky, we will be able to get acquainted with the history of the creation of this work.

1.Student’s message “History of the creation of the story by A. I. Kuprin”(student's individual homework).


2. "Garnet bracelet" has an unusual creative history. Work on the story went on in the autumn of 1910 in Odessa. At this time, Kuprin often visited the family of the Odessa doctor L. Ya. Maisels and listened to Beethoven's Second Sonata performed by his wife. The musical work captured Alexander Ivanovich so much that work on the story began with the fact that he wrote down the epigraph. “L. van Beethoven. 2 Son. (op. 2, no. 2). Largo Appassionato. Beethoven's Sonata "Appassionata", one of the most intense, languid, passionate creations of the human genius in music, awakened Kuprin to literary creativity. The sounds of the sonata combined in his imagination with the story of bright love, which he witnessed.

(Listening to a fragment of “Appassionata”)

3. Analytical conversation of a comparative nature.

How did Kuprin artistically transform the real story he heard? (Kuprin embodied in his creation the ideal of a beautiful, omnipotent, but not mutual love, showed that a “little man” is capable of a great, all-encompassing feeling. Kuprin ended the story with the death of a hero that made Vera Nikolaevna think about love, about feeling, made her worry , sympathize with what she had not done before.)

Why do you think Kuprin artistically transformed the real story?

Do you think the writer achieved his intention?

4. Quiz on the work.

Before proceeding directly to the discussion of the story, to the disclosure of the main topics, to the discussion of the characters' characters, we will conduct a special quiz. Her questions will help you remember the details of the story, and your answers will show how carefully you read the story "Garnet Bracelet" and how well you remember its content:

1. What time of year does the story take place? (Autumn, September.)
2. Where do the events of the story take place? (Black Sea city.)
3. What is the name of the main character? (Princess Vera Sheina.)
4. Surname of Princess Sheina before marriage? (Mirza-Bulat-Tuganovskaya.)
5. Who was the ancestor of Vera Sheina? (Tamerlane.)
6. What is the name of Vera's sister? (Anna Friesse.)
7. What is the name of Princess Vera's husband? (Prince Vasily Lvovich.)
8. His position? (Leader of the nobility.)
9. What date was the name day of Princess Vera Sheina? (September 17.)
10. What did her husband give her? (Earrings made of pear-shaped pearls.)
11. What did your sister give Vera? (Notebook in "amazing binding".)
12. What was the name of the famous pianist, friend of Vera? (Zheni Reiter.)
13. Who gave the bracelet with grenades? (Zheltkov.)
14. To what does faith compare deep red pomegranates? (Exactly blood.)
15. Who is Zheltkov? (A telegraph operator in love with faith.)
16. What is Zheltkov's mistress's name? (“Pan Ezhiy.)
17. Real name Zheltkov? (George.)
18. About whom Kuprin wrote: “... she went to her mother, a beautiful Englishwoman, with her tall, flexible figure, gentle, but cold and proud face, beautiful, albeit rather large hands, and that charming sloping of her shoulders, which can be seen in old miniatures ...” (about princess faith).
19. What was the name of Anna's husband, Vera's sister? (Gustav Ivanovich.)
20. Whose portrait is this? “She was half a head shorter, somewhat broad in the shoulders, lively and frivolous, a mocker. Her face was of a strongly Mongolian type with rather noticeable cheekbones, with narrow eyes ... captivated by some elusive and incomprehensible charm ... ”(Anna)
21. About whom Kuprin writes: “... very pale, with a gentle girlish face, blue eyes and a stubborn childish chin with a dimple in the middle; he must have been about thirty, thirty-five years old”? (about Zheltkov.)
22. What kind of music sounds in the work? (Beethoven's second sonata.)
23. Whose portrait is this? “A fat, tall, silver old man, he heavily climbed off the footboard ... He had a large, rough, red face with a fleshy nose and with that good-natured, majestic, slightly contemptuous expression in his narrowed eyes ... which is characteristic of courageous and simple people ...” ( General Anosov).
24. About whom the author writes: “..she hugged the trunk of an acacia tree, clung to it and cried…”? (About Vera Sheina.)
25. Who owns the following words: “Where is love then? Love disinterested, selfless, not waiting for a reward? The one about which it is said - "strong as death"?

5. Work in groups.

What is a group? This is a song, a song that only the choir sings.

Where eyes and hands are always together, truth is born in a creative dispute!

Exercise 1.

Let's talk about what is in your understanding of love, what it can be.

First group: What positive feelings can LOVE cause?

(Love is a sublime feeling, beautiful, extraordinary, love is able to conquer everything, is able to raise a person to the pinnacle of bliss, make a person work on himself. I can’t live without love)

Second group: What negative feelings can LOVE cause?

(love is a feeling that brings pain, disappointment, self-doubt, love can destroy a person, make him commit madness, love throws a person into an abyss of grief. It is better to live without love.)

Third group: Choose epithets for the word LOVE .

(Love is kind, soft, mutual, creative, joyful, happy, tragic, fatal, painful, unrequited, destructive.)

Fourth group: Working with dictionaries

Let's turn to the explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language and see what definition "LOVE" is given by linguists.

Love is:

Love is an intimate and deep feeling, an aspiration for another person, human community or idea. (Big Encyclopedic Dictionary.)

Love is 1) a deep emotional attraction, a strong heartfelt feeling; 2) a feeling of deep disposition, selfless and sincere affection; 3) constant, strong inclination, passion for something; 4) the object of love (the one or the one whom someone loves, to whom he is attracted, disposition); 5) addiction, taste for something. (Explanatory Dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov.)

Love - 1) a feeling of affection based on a common interest, ideals, on a willingness to give one's strength to a common cause. 2) Inclination, disposition or attraction to something. (Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, edited by D.N. Ushakov.)


We see that in each definition there are words: deep feeling; strong heart feeling; feeling of affection; inclination, disposition.

Kuprin himself spoke of love this way: “a feeling that has not yet found an interpretation for itself.”

But in none of the definitions is there an exact indication of whether happiness is love or trouble.

How can this be determined? Let us turn to the story of A.I. Kuprin "Garnet Bracelet" and try to find out

Task 2.

First group: How does the princess appear before readers in the first chapters of the story? (Coldness, indifference, regal calmness, a sense of superiority.)

Second group: Is she capable of passionate, passionate love? (In her youth and early youth, the princess was capable of a strong, all-consuming feeling, but now she has changed, and “the former passionate love for her husband has long passed into a feeling of lasting, faithful, true friendship.”)

Third group: What role does Beethoven's music play in the work? (The music harmonizes surprisingly with the experiences of Vera, in whose soul the words “Hallowed be Thy name” sound. In these gentle sounds there is a life that “submissively and joyfully doomed itself to torment, suffering and death.” Zheltkov’s last memories are covered with sweet sadness, moments of happiness become an eternity for him) Beethoven's Sonata No. 2 is "an exceptional, unique work in terms of depth".)

Fourth group : "Love" and "falling in love": what is the difference between these concepts?

Task 3.

The person who fell in love with Vera Nikolaevna so much was a simple man, an official of the control chamber, G.S. Zheltkov.

First group: How do we find out about Zheltkov's love? Who talks about her? (We learn about Zheltkov’s love for the first time from the stories of Prince Shein. The prince’s truth is intertwined with fiction. For him, this is a funny story. The image of Zheltkov in the stories of the prince undergoes changes: a telegraph operator - changes into a chimney sweep - becomes a dishwasher - turns into a monk - dies tragically, leaving testament after death.)

Second group: How did Zheltkov's gift differ from all the others? Why did Vera Nikolaevna feel anxious? (The garnet bracelet is a symbol of love, reverent, endless and hopeless, and tragedy in the fate of the hero.)

Third group: Love without reciprocity: happiness or tragedy? (Zheltkov admits that he “cut into Vera’s life with an uncomfortable wedge” and is infinitely grateful to her only for the fact that she exists. His love is not a disease, not a manic idea, but a reward sent by God. His tragedy is hopeless, he is a dead person.)

Fourth group: How does Zheltkov appear in his suicide letter?

Task 4.

Group 1: When does the conversation about true love first come up? (In a conversation with Anosov. He believes that in his time they forgot how to love.)

Second group: To love and be loved? What's better?

Third group: What is the story of General Anosov? Why is it given in such detail?

Anosov knows what love at first sight is. But his wife left him. “People in our time have forgotten how to love,” says the general. “I don’t see true love. And I didn’t see it in my time either.” Anosov talks about why people get married. For women - "the desire to be the mistress, head of the house, independent ... In addition, the need for motherhood, and to start making a nest." Men have other motives - "fatigue from a single life, from a mess in the rooms ... from debts, from unceremonious comrades ... You feel that it is more profitable, healthier and more economical to live with a family ... you think: the kids will go, - I I will die, but a part of me will still remain in the world ... there are sometimes thoughts about a dowry. As we can see, the motives for marriage of people who lived at the beginning of the 20th century differ little from the aspirations of our contemporaries ... Through the mouth of his hero, Kuprin exclaims: “But where is love? about which it is said - "strong as death. Every woman dreams of love" one, all-forgiving, ready for anything, modest and selfless. "This is the ideal of love according to Kuprin. But it is difficult to achieve the ideal, almost impossible. If there is no love, women take revenge. They take revenge on themselves and others.

Fourth group: Is there an ideal love?

The old general Anosov, who is sure that high love exists, but it "...should be a tragedy, the greatest secret in the world", which knows no compromise.

Kuprin: true love is the basis of everything earthly. It should not be isolated, undivided, it should be based on high sincere feelings, strive for the ideal. Love is stronger than death, it elevates a person.

What is the fate of the garnet bracelet? (The unfortunate lover asked to hang a bracelet - a symbol of holy love - on the icon.)

6. Work with the statements of the heroes of the story.

The heroes of the story express their opinion about love. Before you are the statements of the heroes of the story. Whose point of view do you prefer and why?

Anosov: “Love must be a tragedy. The greatest secret in the world! No comforts of life, calculations and compromises should concern her.”

Vera Nikolaevna: “And what is it: love or madness?”

Zheltkov: “... this is not a disease, not a manic idea - this is love, which God was pleased to reward me for something ... “Hallowed be thy name ...”

Shein: “... is it possible to control such a feeling as love - a feeling that has not yet found an interpretation for itself”

IV. Summing up the lesson.

A small bundle kept a case in itself.
For Princess Vera Nikolaevna,
It contained a garnet bracelet,
Birthday gift stone...

In the frame of gold frames,
Let cheap, low standard,
The pebble is green, like a count,
I was amazed by the special glow...

He hid a living fire in himself -
Protected from death and deceit
The owner called: "Just touch it with your finger,
The future will come out of the fog..."

Beethoven's motive will sound
The third part of "Appasionata",
And the words: "I love, as long as I live!" -
Grenades will repeat for a long time ...

"Garnet bracelet" Kuprin A.I.

Zheltkov G.S.- appears in the story only towards the end: “very pale, with a gentle girlish face, blue eyes and a stubborn childish chin with a dimple in the middle; he must have been about thirty, thirty-five years old.” Along with Princess Vera can be called the main character of the story. The outset of the conflict is the receipt by Princess Vera on September 17, on the day of her name day, a letter signed with the initials “G. S. Zh. ”, and a garnet bracelet in a red case.

It was a gift from a stranger then to Vera Zh., who fell in love with her seven years ago, wrote letters, then, at her request, stopped bothering her, but now again confessed his love. In a letter, Zh. explained that the old silver bracelet once belonged to his grandmother, then all the stones were transferred to a new, gold bracelet. Zh. repents that before "dared to write stupid and daring letters" and adds: "Now I have only reverence, eternal admiration and slavish devotion." One of the guests at the birthday party for fun presents the love story of the telegraphist, P.P.Zh. (distorted G.S.Zh.), to Vera in a comic form, stylized as a tabloid novel. Another guest, a person close to the family, the old general Anosov, suggests: “Maybe this is just a crazy guy, a maniac<...>maybe your life path, Verochka, was crossed by exactly the kind of love that women dream of and that men are no longer capable of.

Under the influence of his brother-in-law, Vera's husband, Prince Vasily Lvovich Shein, decides to return the bracelet and stop correspondence. Zh. struck Shein at the meeting with his sincerity. Zh., having asked permission from Shein, speaks on the phone with Vera, but she also asks to stop "this story." Shein felt that he was present "at some tremendous tragedy of the soul." When he informs Vera about this, she predicts that J. will kill herself. Later, from the newspaper, she accidentally learned about the suicide of Zh., who referred in his suicide note to the embezzlement of state money. In the evening of the same day, she receives a farewell letter from J. He calls his love for Vera “great happiness” sent to him by God. It is recognized that he "is not interested in anything in life: neither politics, nor science, nor philosophy, nor concern for the future happiness of people." All life lies in love for Vera: “Let me be ridiculous in your eyes and in the eyes of your brother<...>Leaving, I say in ecstasy: Hallowed be thy name. Prince Shein admits: Zh. was not crazy and loved Vera very much and therefore was doomed to death. He allows Vera to say goodbye to J. Looking at the deceased, she "realized that the love that every woman dreams of has passed her by." In the face of the dead ^K. she noticed "deep importance", "deep and sweet mystery", "peaceful expression", which "she saw on the masks of the great sufferers - Pushkin and Napoleon".

At home, Vera found a familiar pianist - Jenny Reuter, who played her exactly the place from Beethoven's second sonata, which seemed to J. the most perfect - "Largo Appassionato". And this music became an afterlife declaration of love addressed to Vera. Vera's thoughts that "a great love passed by her" coincided with the music, each "verse" of which ended with the words: "Hallowed be thy name." At the very end of the story, Vera utters words that only she understands: “... he has forgiven me now. Everything is fine".

All the heroes of the story, not excluding Zh., had real prototypes. Criticism pointed, however, to the connection of the "Garnet Bracelet" with the prose of the Norwegian writer Knut Hamsun.

Zhelkov characteristic and image of the hero in the story of Kuprin Garnet bracelet


1. Introduction

2. General characteristics

3. "Holy, eternal, pure love"


The theme of love is one of the leading in world literature. Many poets and writers from different angles covered all the shades of this great feeling. Unrequited love deserves special attention. What is a person to do in such a case? gives his answer to this question in the story "", creating the image of G. S. Zheltkov hopelessly in love.

Zheltkov is a poor middle-aged official with an expressionless appearance; "pale, with a tender girlish face." He is very humble and polite. When visiting Nikolai Nikolaevich and Vasily Lvovich, Zheltkov is completely lost. It becomes clear that he rarely has to communicate with representatives of high society.

Upon learning that the purpose of the visit is the persecution of Vera Nikolaevna, Zheltkov becomes very nervous. This is a sacred topic for him. Zheltkov did not expect that it could become a subject of discussion. However, Zheltkov's shyness and modesty instantly disappear at the hint of government intervention. A person tormented by love sincerely wonders what this can give. However, he continues to behave and talk very politely and decently.

Cross Zheltkov - selfless love for Vera Nikolaevna. By chance meeting her for the first time, the official fell in love for life. The first unsuccessful attempts in the form of love letters did not affect Zheltkov's feelings in any way. For eight years now, his admiration for his beloved woman has continued. Many will consider such love a manic idea, simply because in life this almost never happens. According to the lover himself, this is a divine gift, a reward. Zheltkov understands that he has no chance of reciprocity. Yes, he does not dream about it. His only desire is to be able to at least occasionally see the object of his admiration.

Vera Nikolaevna for Zheltkov is a deity in the literal sense. As he himself writes in his last letter: "there is nothing in the world ... more beautiful and more tender than you." Everything that the beloved touches becomes sacred for Zheltkov. As the greatest relics, he keeps her handkerchief, a note, an art exhibition program. Love completely transforms the poor official, gives meaning to his life.

For insensitive people (like Tuganovsky), his selflessness is incomprehensible and ridiculous. But Prince Shein and Vera Nikolaevna are shaken by Zheltkov's love. They feel an involuntary respect for him. Sending a "stupid bracelet" Zheltkov considers his mistake. He didn't need to be reminded of himself. Already during the visit of Prince Shein with Tuganovsky, the lover decides to commit suicide so as not to disturb anyone else.

Zheltkov's unearthly love seems like a fantasy, especially in our time. Nevertheless, it is an ideal to strive for. Few can boast of complete selflessness in the name of a loved one. The image of Zheltkov recalls that "love is born in heaven", and the best recognition is: "Hallowed be thy name."

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