"Cossack Spas" is an age-old tradition. What is "Cossack Savior"

This martial tradition, miraculously preserved to this day, is rooted in deep antiquity. Yuri Sergeev was not only able to find all the guardians of the "Cossack Spas" in different corners Russia, but he himself mastered this art.

- Where are you from? How did you get interested in literature?

- I was born on the Don, in the village Skurishinskaya. I never thought that I would become a writer. But, apparently, this is my fate. I think my grandmother, Kalissa Semyonovna, born in 1881, played a decisive role in my future. Somehow, in her Cossack vessel with the image of the sovereign-emperor on the lid, I found textbooks with which she went to the parochial school in 1887-1888. It got me so interested! I spent hours looking at pictures of Kozhemyaki, Ilya Muromets and other heroes. My grandmother explained the letters to me, and by the age of five I had already learned to read. By the fifth grade, on the stove with a kerosene lamp, I read two libraries in full - the stanitsa and the school. Grandma Kalisska gave me a boost. She was an amazing storyteller, she knew so much different fairy tales and jokes that laid the foundation of the Russian language in me. Both "Stanovoi Ridge" and "Prince's Island" were written in our Don language.

- When did you first learn about the "Cossack Spas"?

- We had such grandfather Buyan in the village. If I knew what I was going to do now, I would not come off him. We were friends with him, I called him "young grandfather." At the age of 86, grandfather Buyan hunted, in winter he wounded a hare, took off his felt boots and in caps, such long woolen socks, consider barefoot, caught up with a wounded animal and caught him by the ears. He went through all the Belomor channels after. And I remembered my grandfather more than once when writing the novel "Prince's Island". I have it written about "Cossack Spas". And then people began to flock to me who knew about our oldest unique tradition of martial arts. Last year I found 9 people who own Cossack Spas. For me it was incredible, because when I wrote the novel in 1995, everyone said to me: “Why are you remembering this? All this is already forgotten and died. It turns out not. Traditions live.

– Do the keepers of the tradition live in one place, or are they scattered all over the world?

- Everyone lives in different places - in Rostov, Volgograd regions, . These people are amazing. They live long, live light. All herbalists. own amazing abilities healing. Before the revolution, the Cossack troops always had one chiropractor for two hundred, who treated all diseases. And my grandfathers taught me something. Amazingly, in the "Cossack Savior" there is no nonsense, no black magic. In this technique, everything is based on torsion fields, and our grandfathers owned torsion fields! For example, they can make any bottle of the most “singed” cognac “Napoleon” to taste. They can add "lemon" to vodka. And all this is done on a purely traditional basis.

Only last year I traveled 15 thousand kilometers in search of these grandfathers, and this year the same number. I went to the Nekrasov Cossacks on Trinity at their invitation to. I went for a prayer, which I was looking for for a long time and found it. Only five letters. If you poke them out on your chest, then the bullet will not take you. My good friend, who knows martial arts, trained special forces near Chelyabinsk for the first and second Chechen wars. Two and a half thousand people tattooed these letters on their chests, and none died. That is, this sacred thing still works.

- You also mention a special prayer in "Prince's Island" ...

- I have been looking for this prayer for a long time, and it is really mentioned in the Prince's Island. Her Cossack read before the battle. I thought it was a big prayer. It turned out not quite so.

- The Cossacks had a special ritual associated with this prayer. What was special about her?

- Before the battle, a hundred Cossacks rode opposite the enemy, never looking at his number. How many are there - a hundred, a thousand, ten thousand, they never paid attention to this. The Cossacks drew their swords, rode in a circle, gradually increasing the pace, and read this prayer. And then, turning around, went on the attack with lava. In the attack, they walked in farms, the uncle galloped behind, and two nephews walked in front, their task was only to take the peaks and checkers to the side, and the uncle chopped to the saddle. He worked like a machine. Moreover, this ability to cut to the saddle, this lightness is achieved again through a special, prayerful state, as if the Archangel hands over a special sword. I was assigned to write a script last year about the Azov Seat. When I started collecting material, I got to one point, and I stopped because I realized that this is a novel. I didn't write the script. Maybe then I'll take it. But now I'm writing a novel.

- Is the Azov seat also somehow connected with the Cossack Spas?

- Azov seat is 5000 Cossacks and 800 Cossacks who defended the fortress. Against them, 260,000 Turks sailed on ships, and the steppes also came. In total, the enemy was 370 000 . The battle began. The Turks are fighting, they cannot take it. No matter what they tried. Imagine, the enemy has not yet taken the fortress, but lost 100,000 killed.

Where was the royal army?

- Very often in our history - from ancient to present, it happened that the rulers were "bought". It turns out that the Russian Tsar from Turkish Sultan was presented with a box with two and a half kilograms of cut diamonds. The condition is that the tsar does not help the Cossacks with either gunpowder, or weapons, nothing. And he didn't help. The Cossacks did everything themselves on their own enthusiasm. Zaporizhzhya Cossacks took part in that battle, who used the tradition, called differently in different Cossack places, where “Cossack saved”, where “Cossack science”.

So, the Cossacks burned all the Turkish ships at night and the Turks no longer knew what to do next. And now a box comes from the Sultan to the commander of the Turkish troops, he opens it, and there is a silk cord - subject writing - "if you do not win the battle, you will be hanged." By the way, the Turkish military leaders who participated in the battle were executed upon their return.

On the penultimate day of the Azov Sitting (by the way, I will call the novel “The Azov Standing”, otherwise it turns out that they sat out there), the Turkish commander launches 20,000 into the attack every two hours during daylight hours. And there are only three and a half thousand of us left. Imagine, every two hours there is a stream of 20,000. And they didn’t take it. Incredible!

And in the morning there are already such shafts of Turkish corpses that it is impossible to fight. The Turks asked to skip the funeral team to remove the bodies of the dead Janissaries. The Cossacks allowed it, a respite was needed. And when the Turks reached the last dead 20,000 tribesmen, they saw that the Janissaries were cut to pieces along with the horses. On their return, they told their army what they had seen.

The next morning, the Cossacks washed their faces and put on white shirts to go out for the last battle. We looked, but there are no Turks. The Janissaries took off at night and ran. It would seem, pray, rejoice that you won. Nevertheless, the Cossacks, wounded and tired of chopping down such an armada, near the Don caught up with the fleeing Turks and cut down another 30,000 and drowned them in the river. Such is the valor, the ability to wield weapons, fortitude ...

By the way, there was the appearance of the Mother of God and the Archangel Michael. At the time, this was an outstanding feat. And I have collected a lot of such cases about the valor of Russians. But Glavpur, under the command of Michaels, classified such massive feats of heroism. And it's only now that it's starting to come out.

- How did you manage to save the "Cossack Spas" during the revolution, then, as you know, they tried to destroy all the centuries-old Russian traditions - religion, way of life?

– Under secular power, all this was eradicated, and it was dangerous to even stutter about it. In my homeland in the village of Kumylzhinskaya there was a training center for the Cossack Spas. It was closed. Such centers were among the Scouts and the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks on the island of Khortitsa. And when the revolution happened, the Cossacks began to be destroyed. The Bolsheviks came to the villages and the elderly, women with children were buried alive in pits. The Cossacks at that time were at the fronts. There is a known case when one old man from the Vyoshenskaya village called the Red marauders, they cut off his tongue, nailed him to the wall, and he himself was led around the village until he died. There were many such atrocities.

Owners of the "Cossack Spas" were hiding on the Shemyakinskie lakes. The civil war had already passed, but the GPU could not take them. The gpushniks were instilled with the help of a prayer, and they walked around the village, but did not see anyone. Then the GPU took the families of Spasov-characterists hostage and said: “Either you teach us, or we will shoot your families.” And then the Spasovites came out. It is interesting that they entered into a state of prayer with Pushkin's verses, some of them were so well-read. But the families were still destroyed along with the Spasovites. Thus, this system ended up in the GPU, then in, where it received the name "Golden Shield".

- How deep into the centuries does the “Cossack Spas” go?

- Once, the Spasovites came to the student of our leading Sanskritologist Guseva. One of them saw sheets written in Sanskrit on the table. He will scream at Guseva, Doctor of Sciences: “Where did you get this from?” She was taken aback and replies: “So this is Sanskrit.” Spasovets continued: “What Sanskrit? This is our "Cossack science!" It was prepared from the age of seven and taught all subjects in Sanskrit. He began to read in the presence of scholars and freely translated everything. That is, the traditions of the "Cossack Savior" go very deep and far.

In the legends about Cossack life, a legend has been preserved that during the time of Genghis Khan's invasion of Russia, two of his avant-garde tumens (20 thousand horsemen) ran into unknown horsemen in the interfluve of the Volga and Don, who mastered the military art to perfection and galloping into battle naked to the waist. They could catch an arrow on the fly or deftly dodge it. These warriors fought with two swords, kneeling, the Cossacks call this technique "mill". These people were not afraid of death. In a fierce battle, two Tatar-Mongolian tumens were cut down.

Or here is another case from the history of the Cossacks:

In 1637, the Cossacks captured the Turkish city of Azov and transferred their capital to it. The offended Turks laid siege to Azov in 1641, this case went down in history under the name "Azov siege seat". The Turkish army had 240 thousand under the command of Pasha Hussein Delhi. In the city of Azov there were about 5 thousand people, along with the civilian population, and 296 guns for the entire garrison. For all 4 months of the siege, the Cossacks did not receive any reinforcements, provisions, or weapons. The Turkish fleet regularly supplied provisions, ammunition and people to its troops standing under the walls of Azov. During the two months of the siege, the Turks suffered huge losses. They had to move their base camp away from the fortress because of the endless night sorties of the Cossacks. The Cossacks replenished their supplies at the expense of the Turks - during night sorties. After two months of the siege, Pasha Hussein-Delhi wrote to Constantinople: "There is nothing to fight Azov, but it is dishonorable to go away. We fought entire kingdoms and celebrated victories, and now we are ashamed of a handful of insignificant warriors ...".

While the Turks were destroying the fortress walls of Azov, the Cossacks built a rampart inside the city. The Turks defeated him too, but another rampart grew, and so four times. All the houses in Azov were destroyed, but the Cossacks dug into the ground and began to resist even more fiercely. Turkish soldiers were very afraid of the Cossacks and called them "shaitans" who took on human form.

It is impossible to remain silent about the legendary Cossack Stepan Razin. How many songs, legends, fairy tales and tales are composed about him. How many books and historical references written. For some, he is a defender of the oppressed and a hero, for others - a thief and robber. Razin is described in different ways, but everyone agrees on one thing: that he was a legendary person. The legend said that Razin was a witch, a sorcerer, a sorcerer who was not taken by either a bullet or a saber. The Dutchman Jan Jansen Streis, who built a ship for Alexei Mikhailovich in Astrakhan, described his appearance as follows: “Razin was about 40 years old, a tall and burly man of strong build, had a proud tread and a face somewhat spoiled by smallpox. Always silent and strict with his subordinates, he he knew how to bind to himself and force him to obey meekly. big eyes, sometimes affectionate, sometimes scary, conquered not only ordinary people, but also the governor, to whom, according to sound logic, he had to obey.

And in the twentieth century on the Don there were Cossacks who own incredible strength spirit and will, allowing to resist circumstances and neglect death. The writer Yuri Sergeev writes in his story: “I have recorded the story of an old eyewitness about how in 1920 Colonel Vasishchev with 54 Cossacks took the village of Naurskaya, recapturing machine guns and all guns from the red corps. After the battle, all his Circassian coat was in holes from bullets. On a crowded stanitsa parade ground, he jumped off his horse, unfastened his belt and shook out his clothes, bullets fell like peas at his feet. The old Cossack swore to me that he was standing three steps from the colonel and saw everything with his own eyes.

The same can be said about Chapaev. Even before he became a red commander, he danced "lady" on the parapet of the trench under German machine-gun fire and dodged "his" bullets. During the civil war, he constantly galloped ahead on a white horse, representing an excellent target. What's this? Natural Cossack instinct, skill? What is the mystery of the Cossacks? Maybe in the title?

"Cossack" - a word of Turkic origin, translated means " free man, a lightly armed warrior, who owns a special science of warfare."

The name of this science has come down to our times - "Cossack SPAS", and the Cossacks, who are fluent in SPAS, were called "CHARACTERNIKI". The basis of this science was, on the one hand, words, conspiracy, prayer, secret training, and most importantly, no intermediaries. CHARACTERNIKS communicated directly with God during the fight. On the other hand: the whole way of life of the Cossack was a preparation for war, which included the ability to perfectly master horseback riding, all types of weapons and the conduct of hostilities. Quite common were such elements of riding, which can now be seen only in the circus. The Cossacks could jump over a horse at full gallop, ride a horse while standing in the saddle on their heads, crawl under the belly of a horse, etc. The force of a blow with a Cossack saber was such that individual Cossacks during a saber fight could cut a person in half from the shoulder to the buttocks. Not a single holiday in the Cossack village was complete without competition in military skill.

The Cossack was prepared for military life from childhood. Literally from the cradle, rituals were carried out in the initiation of a Cossack warrior. After the birth, they tried to baptize the child in the church as soon as possible. After baptism, until the child was a year old, the mother bathed him every day with slander: for strength, for health, for good luck. They put amulets: from enemies visible and invisible, from bullets, arrows, swords, etc. When the baby's first tooth erupted, the father and mother carried him to church, ordered a prayer service to John the Warrior. Returning from the church, the father put his son on a horse and watched: if the child grabbed the mane, then you can carry out the teaching further and turn out of it CHARACTERIST, if he cries, falls from the horse - to be killed. At first glance, very cruel, in fact, it was a harsh reality. One of the basic laws of SPAS is not to be afraid for yourself in battle. If you are afraid, you will die. The father punished his son: "Don't be afraid of death, be afraid of the inglorious end!" It was not reckless courage, because the motto of the Cossacks was the ancient motto: "For your friends!" - i.e. in battle to save the life of a friend.

CHARACTERNIKS were divided into fives, answered for each other, and there was no "holier than the bonds of comradeship." It is no secret that the soldiers prayed before a responsible battle, strengthened their spirit with conspiracies, amulets and prayers. The text of the prayer, which, according to legend, took strength from the enemy, has been preserved: “I will dress in the veil of Christ, my skin is an iron shell, blood is strong ore, bone is a sword damask steel. Faster than an arrow, sharper than a falcon. Armor on me. The Lord is in me. Amen."

Many CHARACTERISTICS owned meditation - mana, hypnosis, could so enchant their enemies that they lost sight of him or exterminated each other in a rage. CHARACTERNIK could feel "his" bullet in flight and dodge it. According to legend, when a bullet flew at him, the back of his head went cold at that moment. One of CHARACTERNIK's rules was not to fall in love with women, because true love he lost vigilance and energy, which he needed in battle. Now they say about lovers: "He lost his head." Previously, it was not in a figurative sense. However, this does not mean that the Cossacks did not marry. The family union among the Cossacks enjoyed great respect.

Centuries passed, the life of the Cossacks changed. Everything became calmer on the Don land, the nomads did not disturb the Cossacks, the Cossacks began to engage in agriculture, many learned some kind of craft. Gradually, the special knowledge of the Cossack warriors was lost, ancient rituals and commandments became a thing of the past. Finally, the Cossacks with its traditions, as a class of warriors, were destroyed in the years Soviet power. At present, only in songs, fairy tales and legends has the image of the legendary Cossack - CHARACTERNIKA - been preserved.

The article was prepared based on the materials of S.Bagaevskaya - the guide of the Starocherkassky Museum-Reserve of the Rostov Region.

Here is an article by a person who actually teaches the Cossack Spas and this is not only hand-to-hand ...


Az, I do good
man - right walked
Savior in the conduct of Good

"Cossack Spas" - what is it? Universal combat system? Possession of superhuman abilities? Witchcraft and werewolf? What is this?
In my opinion, from the above questions, everyone has the right to life. Thanks to works of art that describe “characteristics” (owners of the Savior) Cossacks from society, a certain stereotype has been created, where anyone who knows a certain prayer “Stos”, quickly reading it, can easily subjugate space, time and the laws of the universe in general.
I think that this point of view is a little embellished, as it should be in works of art.
Let's finally get to know Spas a little.
First, "Spas" really exists. A person who owns the principles of the "Savior" is a good warrior, husband, father, doctor, teacher, builder, etc.
This is the image of Life.
This is the acquisition of one's own Self.
But we, nevertheless, will look at this discipline from the point of view of martial art. Yes, indeed, "Spas" is a highly effective combat system. Not sports. Not funny (non-contact). Namely, combat, used only in combat conditions, where you need to quickly, without spending your own physical effort, incapacitate the enemy (that is, destroy (kill)). Do not hold out for three minutes in the ring or on the tatami, do not send the enemy to a knockdown or knockout, namely to destroy. From this point of view, single combat acquires a specific direction (applied), in other words, the skills of the “Spas” were not used on Shrove Tuesday.
At the forefront is Man. The study of anatomy, biomechanics, reflexology. Let the Easterners not be offended by me, where the behavior of animals, reptiles, insects, etc. is often studied.
For many years I have been citing to my students the same example, in my opinion, dotting all the “and” - the telemaster must know what the TV consists of and how to repair it, and in hand-to-hand combat, a person, that is, a master, has a business ( non-standard situation), as a rule, with a person, therefore, must know the strengths and weak sides human body and be able to influence various techniques, taking into account the laws of nature, the impact environment and characteristics of your own body.
As for the characteristics of the human body, we know that all people are not alike - one has developed more hands, another leg, etc., and if we take a combat situation, it can be wounds that simply disable any of the limbs. And even being, in it would seem, hopeless situation, "kharakternik" must fight and, moreover, be able to win.
This is probably why Spas cannot be mass-produced. This discipline requires only an individual approach to learning.
The student must make his own, often not easy, choice - whether he should embark on this path, the path of the "characterist", because, having embarked on this path, there will be no return. And this is not intimidation - this is reality.
A reality that is breathtaking.
For example, at a certain stage of training, teachers change. The second teacher (he remains for life) comes from a parallel world. I will say more that the student himself must be able to go to the second teacher. The desire to stay with the second teacher (“characterists” call him Father) is so great, the world where he lives is so beautiful that it is easy to break away from reality without the help of a real coach.
Try to imagine an oak or cedar forest, where the thickness of the tree reaches the size of a football field, where the flowers are 5 x 5 meters in size, while the smells and colors are amazing. All the greatness of these places makes even the most courageous and experienced warriors cry like children.
The ability to travel both to one’s past and to the future, the ability to move around the area along certain corridors, subjugating time, working with several armed opponents blindfolded, and much, much more, seemingly unreal, is confirmed in real training . This is not a fairy tale.
I made my choice thanks to my grandfather, a family Cossack, Old Believer Dorofeev Ivan Ivanovich. I am very grateful to him for giving me this knowledge that helps me live.

Instructor RB "Cossack Spas"
Dorofeev Ivan Nikolaevich

Taken from the forum of the writer Yuri Sergeev:

Message: Hello, Yuri Vasilyevich! Andrey Boyarchenkov is writing to you. At one time I wrote an article about the education of a Cossack, I even tried to post it on the forum. Everyone seemed to like the content. I want to send you too. Might be useful as a subject for new works. Sincerely, Cossack Boyarchenkov


I myself was brought up not in the way that will be described below. You can say ten times softer. But I will share what I have dug up from various conversations with Cossack old men.
Each newborn Cossack or Cossack, in addition to blood father and mother, had a godfather and godmother. The blood parents took care of the selection of godparents in advance. These were not supposed to be relatives (as is customary now). The godfather was chosen by the father - it should be a reliable person (kunak, one-sum, brother, etc.), from whom there was something to learn. It was he who first of all shaped the spirit of the Cossack. And an important factor and the godfather and godmother must be able to participate in the upbringing of the child - to live close to the godson (goddaughter).
The godmother was looking for a blood mother from among her friends (preferably at least a little older than her age).
If a Cossack was born in the family, then the main burden fell on the godfather - he made a warrior out of a Cossack. The main task of the godmother in this case was to form in the Cossack an attitude towards the Cossack girl as a wife, mother and mistress.
If a Cossack was born, then the godmother played the main role. She formed a Cossack woman from a girl, as a wife who knows how to wait, a patient mother and a kind housewife. The godfather in this case formed in the Cossack woman an attitude towards the Cossack, as a warrior-defender, as a husband, father and head of the family.

After birth. The child was not particularly in a hurry to unwrap. To quickly teach him to move his arms and legs was not an end in itself. The child must first see and realize an object unknown to him, and only then touch, “pick by mouth”.
In the future, the process of “saw-realized-did” accelerated. This is exactly what a Cossack does in a critical situation. And there is no panic and unnecessary movements, because first I appreciated it, and then I did it.

After the christening, a Cossack woman was given a saber (dagger) or a bullet (formerly an arrow), which is called “on the tooth”. And they watched his reaction: if he starts playing with her, the Cossack will be kind, but if he bursts into tears, there is something to think about.
Further, they always tried to surround the little ones with exactly those things that were inapplicable attributes of the life of the Cossacks.

In general, such "fortune-telling" was carried out throughout the entire time of training and education of the Cossack. Now it would be called "tests". Therefore, it was accepted among the Cossacks as follows: first, the Cossack woman was placed in certain conditions, then they looked at his reaction, identified shortcomings and advantages, and only then they began to correct him and develop the necessary skills and qualities.
With such an approach, both the speed of thinking and an adequate reaction to a suddenly changed situation and the emergence of something new were developed. All this is constantly accelerated in time.
And there were a lot of such “guessing tests”. Were generally accepted, and were generic. Each family has its own.

When the Cossack was one year old, he was led to the first communion. In a year, the Cossack had a lot for the first time. For the first time they put him alone on a horse, put on his father's sword, his father took the horse by the bridle and led him around the yard.
And another rite was performed in the year from birth. All the men of the family gathered and led the boy to the sacred place of their village (or farm). Among the Don people, it was called "the tract", among the Black Sea people, "round". Actions were taken there that made it possible to transfer the power and knowledge of the family to a new generation on a spiritual level.

The first steps in training and education were taken in the family. The whole system, if it can be called that, was built precisely on the tribal and comradely principles of existence.

The whole process of development of the Cossack was built in a spiral. Each turn in it is a closed cycle, and it occupied a certain age period.
The next circle began with the same, but at a new qualitative level.
Each of these levels included physical, intellectual and moral (spiritual) development.
Depending on age, one of these categories was dominant, and the rest, as it were, accompanying.
I know that physical development was the main one at the age of 8 years (in some families from 7 years old) and up to 12 years old.
(Modern children should probably throw in a couple of years. Compare: 200 years ago, a Cossack began military campaigns from the age of 16, and now young men, even by the age of 20, not everyone is ready for trials).

Until the age of 7-8 years, the Cossack woman lived in the female half of the kuren.
At this moment, education came from both the female part of the family and from the male. Basically, it was based on visibility. And the main thing here is the personal example of the elders and the immersion of the boy in the appropriate environment.
And what exactly did the Cossack habitat include for a Cossack? On the wall in the kuren is a father's (or grandfather's) checker. Whips at the door and in the hands of the Cossacks. Lampas, hats, caps on people close to the boy. Crosses and medals on the chest of a grandfather, father, uncle or godfather. Horses. Horses are everywhere, at their base, on the street, with neighbors, in the steppe behind the village ... And, of course, questions: what is it and why is it (after all, the kid studies the world right from the Cossack environment, and not, as it is now from the "Disney").
And the answers of the elders to them: a stripe is a symbol of a Cossack, a saber is our Cossack weapon and a symbol of the Cossack will, a horse is a friend and comrade of a Cossack, crosses and medals are a distinction for participation and feats in military companies.
And also bedtime stories, about how the Cossacks defeat witches and utter monsters, and how they get out of this or that situation with honor.
And also songs that Cossacks and Cossacks constantly sing. About the glory of the Cossacks, past campaigns, battles and heroes.
And also proverbs and sayings from the lips of elders. Village holidays, where Cossacks and Cossacks sing, dance - who is better. Competitions in cams, in shooting, in horse racing and horse riding, in fencing.
All this before the eyes of the little Cossack. All this forms in him involvement in this particular group of people. TO THEIR OWN.

During this period, men watched how the Cossacks were formed. Women were less and less allowed to lisp about him: “Do not spoil, women, a Cossack!” If somewhere he hurt himself and cried, then they taught: “Don’t cry, you’re a Cossack, but a Cossack doesn’t cry!” And then the Cossack woman gradually developed the conviction that what the elders sing about and say, they do, they do the same things. And it's all real. And he will do the same.
Apparently there is a certain image of the Cossack, the ideal Cossack, on the basis of which the entire Cossack culture of being, and of course education, has developed.
Among the Zaporizhian-Black Sea Cossacks, it looks like Cossack Mamai. The Don Cossacks either did not have a name at all, or it did not survive. But the image exists.
A small philosophical digression:
If we try to intuitively compare the images of the First Zaporozhets and the First Donets, then we will not see much difference. Differences can be traced only in the fact that Zaporozhets has a great craving for Will (freedom) and more sadness in him. (The sadness is understandable - the dispersal of the Sich, many resettlements from native land...). Yes, there is another difference. Zaporozhets has a great craving for a comradely way of living. At the Donets - to family and tribal.

Well, and, to everything else, playing on the street with peers. The games were well-established for centuries, and naturally aimed at the development of the Cossacks. Almost all of them passed under the supervision of the stanitsa (khutor) old men, who strictly monitored the behavior of each of the Cossacks. And in the event that someone behaved unworthily, the old men inspiredly instructed and corrected the negligent.

From the age of 8, a Cossack woman was moved to the male half of the kuren. At this time, the ceremony was again held in the tract. From the same time, the Cossack learned to wield a whip.
In general, the whip is a very symbolic item for the Cossacks and very ancient. The legend of Yegori the Brave, and even more ancient legends about serpent fighters, are associated with it. By the way, the Cossacks had never sorted things out with their fists before. They say they were afraid to kill each other. But with whips they often courted each other in the heat of a dispute.

From that time on, the Cossack woman began to be invited to “conversations”.

The main point in the education of the Cossack in this period was the following: to teach him to cope with his own fear in any of its manifestations. And, observing the reaction of the Cossack, the elders said: “Do not be afraid, the Cossack is not afraid of anything!”, “Be patient, Cossack, you will be the chieftain!”

There were many games-exercises for the development of the Cossacks. Exercise is naturally not in the form in which we understand them. It's more of an exercise test. They revealed the presence of one or another quality or skill among the Cossacks. And the Cossacks did these tests-games, competing with each other (playing). And the Cossacks played these games almost all their lives.

At the age of 12, the process of physical education was basically completed. It is learning, but not development. From the age of 12, a Cossack girl was taught to use a military weapon - a saber (dagger).

About the Spas (Cossack survival system) I will say in the words of one of the Cossacks.
Cossacks are a tribal people hard rules behavior, both in the family and in society.
The beginning of the entry of a Cossack child into the Savior began with his baptism. At that moment, his spiritual parents appeared to him - the godfather and the godmother!
As the tasks of the Savior grew, they became more complicated, but the main direction of the education of a young Cossack or Cossack was not physical, but spiritual. Only through the concept of spirituality did the young Cossacks again and again return to physical development. Without prayer and the concepts of God, the life of the Cossacks, both before and now, was not set.
In the Savior itself, there are no receptions as such, and there are no weight categories.
Proverb - "The Cossack is not the one who won, but the one who wriggled out - escaped!"
- Precisely Saved!
That is, "Savior".
In the Savior, when a person is already ready for the first level, there are only two fundamental actions combined into one:
1) very fast thinking to make the only right decision;
2) a very quick action on the implementation of the only correct decision, sometimes not even noticeable for the enemy.
Upon reaching the second and third levels of the Savior, a young Cossack develops intuition. This sixth sense of a warrior is practically the most important thing. It helps the Cossack-man both in the worldly battle and in the spiritual. He always distinguishes the scoundrel from an honest man. A real fight is always fleeting, but the preparation for it is long. A trained person wins it even before the fight! ..
The first thing that is necessary in the upbringing of the non-Cossack young generation is the upbringing of the ability to manage one's own fear. A person cannot get rid of fear, since it is necessary to save his life. But fear can be controlled.
At the same time, there is no psychomobilization.
The main criterion of a person dealing with the Savior is morality. At first, this is not felt, but with an increase in the speed of thinking, this criterion is not easily felt. He begins to be present first at every workout, and then in the very life of a person. A person begins to understand that he is a guided being in this system of the universe. That without a dialogue with God, he will not be able to enter other levels of the Savior if his moral image is low. Anyone who tries to use cunning here quickly becomes convinced of these warnings. These people begin to get first small, and then more and more serious injuries. Until the muscle breaks.
Some, having understood what is happening, begin another life, where the Savior becomes one of the indicators of the correctness of behavior. Others simply stop doing the Savior. It becomes clear to them which side they are on.

About the role of the father and the role of the godfather in education.
From 8 years old the main role belonged to the godfather. It was he who, by and large, taught the boy Cossack science. But the blood father was, as it were, the leader of this process. The godfather and blood father seemed to complement each other. The father could be too soft on his son. The godfather could be unnecessarily harsh. Therefore, the father stopped the godfather when things could take a dangerous turn, and the godfather did not allow the father to feel sorry for his son.
An example of the process of learning to see a flying bullet:
- held on the bend of the river, the shooter (godfather) is 80-100 steps from the Cossack with his son,
- there is a target 10-15 steps away from those watching the shot,
- at the signal of the father, the godfather fires a shot at the target, the Cossack child must notice the flying bullet.

From 12 to 16 years old - another cycle in the education of a Cossack. And again, it began and ended with rituals in the tract.
From the age of 12, a Cossack girl began to be led to a circle (descent) and other socially significant events. Its main task is to watch and remember.

And at the age of 16, according to the readiness of the Cossack, a more serious test awaited him - basically it was hunting for a predator (wolf, wild boar, etc.).
And after such upbringing and training, it turned out to be a “hardened Cossack”. True, there is one clarification: the “hardened” Cossack appeared in the third generation. Naturally, if the first and second generations were carefully prepared and survived in battles and battles.
And what such a Cossack could be, it is better to describe artistically:
“... The Austrians came out of the forest into the loose. Man thirty. Overweight rifles. An officer with a naked broadsword on horseback. In a clearing, knee-deep grass begins to turn yellow from the sultry August sun. The Austrians retreated from the edge of the forest about fifty paces.
Suddenly something incomprehensible happened. Something unusual of a black and green hue flew out from under the horse, knocked the officer out of the saddle, turned like a top over the fallen one, flashing either fangs or teeth, and crashed into the thick of the numb soldiers. It was impossible to make out that it was, because this something was constantly moving and spinning like a weed in unimaginable planes.
The Austrians who were on the edge began to recover and prepare for firing, forgetting that this would not save their comrades, since the spinning mass was in the very center of the unit, leaving behind the broken and bloody bodies of the Austrian soldiers.
But suddenly another vague silhouette rushed from the left flank. He swept past those ready to fire so quickly that no one could catch his outline. And in general, I could not see anything else in this life, because the silhouette moved roaring and snarling with fire.
Four soldiers were the most fortunate. They, pushed by their fear, dropped their rifles in time, and now watched terrible picture: in the center lay side by side, like after a tornado, a dozen and a half people with terrible stab wounds; seven more people lay lifeless on the side of the forest with gunshot wounds; and on the sides of the surviving four, two froze - the reason for everything that happened. Both were dressed in low black sheepskin hats with a protective top, in tunics and harem pants of the same color, and boots with a woolen foot and a top made of thin leather, never before seen by the soldiers. In the hands of one was two long daggers, the other had two revolvers.
And the faces of these strangers… Their eyes—both of them protruding—expressed neither anger nor hatred. The soldiers read only one thing in them - it was death, led by the Almighty himself.
After all this, no one could probably find more obedient prisoners of war than these four on the entire Russian-German front ... "

Of course, such upbringing was not in all Cossack families, and I suspect that by 1914 there were very few families where all this lived. But, the older the family was, the more thorough and extensive was the upbringing. And the Cossacks themselves did not always go into the essence of this process - as they themselves were taught, so they teach. Ancestors bequeathed!

That's about all I can say on this subject. I tried to describe the general outline of the education of the Cossack. The rest, as they say, is nuance. Anyone with anything to add would be great. Because the time has come to restore our Cossack culture bit by bit. And first of all, it is necessary to restore the culture of educating the Cossacks. Because they are the future of the Cossacks. And what we put into them, then it will turn out later.
As one old Cossack said, “There are never too many Cossacks, but not enough!”


Recently a man who owns SPAS came to Anapa. Unfortunately, due to domestic reasons (friend's wedding), I could not meet him in person. But the video materials (one demonstration performance on the square of some city and one training session) were handed over to me.

It's all there (non-contact combat - strikes at a distance), it all works, it's all TRUE.

P / S / You can read about non-contact combat - RUN - and read. It is called differently, but the tradition is the same.
from the teachings of mazykov
http://dao-nagual.net/index.php?option= ... 1&Itemid=5
there is plenty of everything, there is also a non-contact fight (you can download a book on the internet - The World of the Trail. Essays on Russian ethnopsychology. It definitely contains information about what rolling is and how it works)


No wonder Emperor Napoleon I said that "the Cossacks are the best light troops among all existing ones. If I had them in my army, I would go through the whole world with them."

In ancient times, the ideas of the doctrine of the Slavic Savior were borrowed by Japanese samurai knights and were reflected not only in their hara-kiri rite, but also in the basic rules of special combat training within the framework of the kendo / kenjutsu rites / the Tsakugazen philosophical system. Kyudo / the way of the bow / - the art of archery - was very common among the Japanese nobility, because the bow and arrows were considered sacred weapons among the samurai, and the expression "yumiya no miti" / the way of the bow and arrows / was synonymous with the concept / bushido / "the way samurai". Kyudo, according to the statements of its interpreters, is given to a fighter only after a long study and preparation, while it is generally inaccessible to a person who does not understand its essence. Much in kyudo goes beyond the human mind and is inaccessible to understanding. For the shooter in this spiritual art has a secondary role as an intermediary and executor of "ideas", in which the shot is carried out to some extent without his participation. The actions of the shooter in "tsakuga-zen-kyudo" have a dual character: he shoots and hits the target as if by himself, but, on the other hand, this is due not to his will and desire, but to the influence of supernatural forces - his devaconic body, the Founder of the people, or the demon of statehood. Shoots "it", that is, "spirit" or "Buddha himself." A warrior should not think in the process of shooting either about the target or about hitting it - only "it" wants to shoot, "it" shoots and hits. This is what the kyudo masters taught. In the bow and arrow, the shooter could only see the "way and means" in order to become involved in the "great teaching" of archery. In accordance with this, kyudo was considered not as a technical, but as a completely spiritual action.

This concept contains a deep spiritual content of shooting, which is also the art of the Zen Buddhism worldview. The purpose of archery is "connection with the deity", in which a person becomes an active Buddha. During the shot, the warrior must be completely calm, this state is achieved by meditation. "Everything happens after achieving complete calmness," said kyudo experts. In the Zen sense, this meant that the shooter immersed himself in a non-objective, non-existent world for human feelings, striving for a state of satori, i.e. to transfer your consciousness to spiritual level. Enlightenment, according to Japanese concepts, meant in Kyudo at the same time "being in non-existence, or positive non-existence", i.e. being in one's spiritual /devakonic/ body. Only in a state of "beyond" / outside human body/, in which the warrior must abandon all thoughts and desires, he was associated with "non-existence", from which he returned again "into being" only after the arrow flew off to the target. Thus, in this case, the bow and arrow served as the only means leading to enlightenment, which made useless, according to the interpretation of kyudo ideologists, any efforts of a person in working on himself without these two components.

In the initial stage of concentration, the shooter concentrated on breathing, which is more important in kyudo than in other types of martial arts. In order to balance the breath, the warrior, sitting cross-legged, assumed a position in which the upper body was held straight and relaxed, as during Zen meditation. Then it was regulated unconsciously.

Shooting could be done from a standing position, from a kneeling position and on horseback. At the moment preceding the immediate launch of the arrow, the physical and mental forces of the samurai were focused on the "great goal", that is, on the desire to connect with their devaconical body, but in no case on the target and the desire to hit the target.

Such a state of consciousness changed the flow of time of a person, and the characterist acquired the ability not only to see the slow flight of an arrow, bullet, projectile and even a beam of light, but also to control their movement through an energy bundle that came out of the hara and connected the physical body of a person, a flying projectile and a target. . Thanks to this, the characterist managed to shoot seven arrows before the moment when the first arrow reached the target.

Japanese Admiral Heihachiro Togo /1847-1934/ was fascinated by the idea of ​​applying this science to naval battles. On his initiative, in the Japanese Navy, starting in 1898, top-secret experiments began to be carried out under the code name "tsakuga-zen". According to the Sabu-Kyudo program - the Path of the Fiery Bow - gunners were specially selected and trained - gunners of the 1st and 2nd combat detachments of the Combined Fleet, and partially, of other combat detachments.

Stunning results were obtained in the summer of 1901 at firing practice, and Togo decided to use "tsakuga-zen" in the battle of Tsushima.


 16.02.2012 01:05

Writer Yuri Sergeev in 1995 in his novel "Prince's Island" for the first time revealed the secret of "Cossack Savior".

This fighting tradition, miraculously preserved to this day, is rooted in antiquity. Yuri Sergeev was not only able to find all the guardians of the Cossack Spas in different parts of Russia, but he himself mastered this art.

Where are you from? How did you get interested in literature?

- I was born on the Don in the village of Skurishinskaya. I never thought that I would become a writer. But, apparently, this is my fate. I think my grandmother Kalissa Semyonovna, born in 1881, played a decisive role in my future. Somehow, in her Cossack vessel with the image of the sovereign-emperor on the lid, I found textbooks with which she went to the parochial school in 1887-1888. It got me so interested! I spent hours looking at pictures of Kozhemyaki, Ilya Muromets and other heroes. My grandmother explained the letters to me, and by the age of five I had already learned to read. By the fifth grade, on the stove with a kerosene lamp, I had completely read two libraries - the stanitsa and the school. Grandma Kalisska gave me a boost. She was an amazing storyteller, she knew so many different fairy tales and jokes that she laid the foundation of the Russian language in me. Both "Stanovoi Ridge" and "Prince's Island" were written in our Don language.

When did you first learn about the "Cossack Spas"?

- We had such grandfather Buyan in the village. If I knew what I was going to do now, I would not come off him. We were friends with him, I called him "young grandfather." At the age of 86, grandfather Buyan hunted, in winter he wounded a hare, took off his felt boots and in caps, such long woolen socks, consider barefoot, caught up with a wounded animal and caught him by the ears. He went through all the Belomor channels after decossackization. And I remembered my grandfather more than once when writing the novel "Prince's Island". I have it written about "Cossack Spas". And then people began to flock to me who knew about our oldest unique tradition of martial arts.

Last year I found 9 people who own Cossack Spas. For me it was incredible, because when I wrote the novel in 1995, everyone said to me: “Why are you remembering this? All this is already forgotten and died. It turns out not. Traditions live.

Do the keepers of the tradition live in one place, or are they scattered around the world?

- Everyone lives in different places - in the Rostov, Volgograd regions, Krasnodar Territory. These people are amazing. They live long, live light. All herbalists. They have amazing healing abilities. Before the revolution, the Cossack troops always had one chiropractor for two hundred, who treated all diseases. And my grandfathers taught me something. Amazingly, in the "Cossack Savior" there is no devilry, no black magic.

In this technique, everything is based on torsion fields, and our grandfathers owned torsion fields! They, for example, can make any bottle of the most “singed” cognac “Napoleon” to taste. They can add "lemon" to vodka. And all this is done on a purely traditional basis.

Only last year I traveled 15 thousand kilometers in search of these grandfathers, and this year the same number.

I went to the Nekrasov Cossacks on Trinity at their invitation to the Stavropol Territory. I went for a prayer, which I was looking for for a long time and found it. Only five letters. If you poke them out on your chest, then the bullet won't take you. My good friend, who knows martial arts, trained special forces near Chelyabinsk for the first and second Chechen wars. Two and a half thousand people stuck these letters on their chests, and not a single one died. That is, this sacred thing still works.

You also mention a special prayer in "Prince's Island" ...

- I have been looking for this prayer for a long time, and it is really mentioned in the Prince's Island. Her Cossack read before the battle. I thought it was a big prayer. It turned out not quite so.

The Cossacks had a special ritual associated with this prayer. What was special about her?

- Before the battle, a hundred Cossacks rode opposite the enemy, never looking at his number. How many are there - a hundred, a thousand, ten thousand, they never paid attention to this. The Cossacks drew their swords, rode in a circle, gradually increasing the pace, and read this prayer. And then, turning around, went on the attack with lava. In the attack, they walked in farms, the uncle galloped behind, and two nephews walked in front, their task was only to take the peaks and checkers to the side, and the uncle chopped to the saddle. He worked like a machine. Moreover, this ability to cut to the saddle, this lightness is achieved again through a special, prayerful state, as if the Archangel hands over a special sword.

I was assigned to write a script last year about the Azov Seat. When I started collecting material, I got to one point, and I stopped because I realized that this is a novel. I didn't write the script. Maybe then I'll take it. But now I'm writing a novel.

Is the Azov seat also somehow connected with the Cossack Spas?

- The Azov seat is 5,000 Cossacks and 800 Cossacks who defended the fortress. Against them, 260,000 Turks sailed on ships, and the steppes also came. In total, the enemy was 370,000.

The battle began. The Turks are fighting, they cannot take it. No matter what they tried. Imagine, the enemy has not yet taken the fortress, but lost 100,000 killed.

Where was the royal army?

- Very often in our history - from ancient to present, it happened that the rulers were "bought". It turns out that the Turkish sultan gave the Russian Tsar a box with two and a half kilograms of cut diamonds. The condition is that the tsar does not help the Cossacks with either gunpowder, or weapons, nothing. And he didn't help. The Cossacks did everything themselves on their own personal enthusiasm. Zaporizhzhya Cossacks took part in that battle, who used the tradition, called differently in different Cossack places, where “Cossack saved”, where “Cossack science”.

So, the Cossacks burned all the Turkish ships at night and the Turks no longer knew what to do next. And now a box comes from the Sultan to the commander of the Turkish troops, he opens it, and there is a silk cord - subject writing - "if you do not win the battle, you will be hanged." By the way, the Turkish military leaders who participated in the battle were executed upon their return.

On the penultimate day of the Azov Sitting (by the way, I will call the novel “The Azov Standing”, otherwise it turns out that they sat out there), the Turkish commander launches 20,000 into the attack every two hours during daylight hours. And there are only three and a half thousand of us left. Imagine, every two hours there is a flow of 20,000. And they didn’t take it. Incredible!

And in the morning there are already such shafts of Turkish corpses that it is impossible to fight. The Turks asked to skip the funeral team to remove the bodies of the dead Janissaries. The Cossacks allowed it, a respite was needed. And when the Turks reached the last dead 20,000 tribesmen, they saw that the Janissaries were cut to pieces along with the horses. On their return, they told their army what they had seen.

The next morning, the Cossacks washed their faces and put on white shirts to go out for the last battle. We looked, but there are no Turks. The Janissaries took off at night and ran. It would seem, pray, rejoice that you won. Nevertheless, the Cossacks, wounded and tired of chopping down such an armada, near the Don caught up with the fleeing Turks and cut down another 30,000 and drowned them in the river. Such is the valor, the ability to wield weapons, fortitude ...

By the way, there was the appearance of the Mother of God and the Archangel Michael. At the time, this was an outstanding feat. And I have collected a lot of such cases about the valor of Russians. But Glavpur, under the command of Michaels, classified such massive feats of heroism. And it's only now that it's starting to come out.

How did you manage to save the "Cossack Spas" during the revolution, then the Bolsheviks, as you know, tried to destroy all the centuries-old Russian traditions - religion, way of life?

- Under the secular power, all this was eradicated, and it was dangerous to even stutter about it. In my homeland in the village of Kumylzhinskaya, there was a training center for the Cossack Spas. It was closed. Such centers were among the Scouts and the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks on the island of Khortitsa. And when the revolution happened, the Cossacks began to be destroyed. The Bolsheviks came to the villages and the elderly, women with children were buried alive in pits. The Cossacks at that time were at the fronts. There is a known case when one old man from the Veshenskaya village called the Red marauders, they cut off his tongue, nailed him to the wall, and he himself was led around the village until he died. There were many such atrocities.

Owners of the "Cossack Spas" were hiding on the Shemyakinskie lakes. The civil war had already passed, but the GPU could not take them. The gpushniks were confused with the help of prayer, and they walked around the village, but did not see anyone. Then the GPU took the families of Spasov-characterists hostage and said: “Either you teach us, or we will shoot your families.” And then the Spasovites came out. It is interesting that they entered into a state of prayer with Pushkin's verses, some of them were so well-read. But the families were still destroyed along with the Spasovites. Thus, this system ended up in the GPU, then in the KGB, where it was called the "Golden Shield".

How deep into the centuries does the “Cossack Spas” go?

- Once, the Spasovites came to the student of our leading Sanskritologist Guseva. One of them saw sheets written in Sanskrit on the table. He will scream at Guseva, Doctor of Sciences: “Where did you get this from?” She was taken aback and replies: “So this is Sanskrit.” Spasovets continued: “What Sanskrit? This is our "Cossack science!" It was prepared from the age of seven and taught all subjects in Sanskrit. He began to read in the presence of scholars and freely translated everything. That is, the traditions of the "Cossack Savior" go very deep and far.

I believe that before baptism in Kyiv we had a very strong Vedic tradition. In the book "Prince's Island" I describe that in the Sergeyev Lavra, where the dome is now located, there was a center of the White Gods. It was a very bright religion, there were no human sacrifices there.

It was hard for many people to part with the ancient faith. But why was Orthodoxy adopted in Russia? Because it one to one intersected with the ancient faith. All new temples were built on old temples. But the worst thing happened during the split. I am sure that it was an ideological sabotage when the persecution of Orthodoxy began. The tsarist troops could not take the Solovetsky Monastery for 8 years. They are silent about this! And there was only one reason - to destroy our ancient religion and take the library, which, by the way, has not yet been found. Under Peter the Great, ancient books were collected and destroyed. It was necessary to cut off religion, the memory of the family. By the way, today's Orthodoxy has absorbed the mighty power of ancient births, prayers. And many owned them.

How is "Cossack science" transmitted?

- What is "Cossack Spas"? Until recently, it was the Cossacks in the Cossacks. Spas was passed from grandfather to grandson, that is, through a generation. To transfer knowledge, children were chosen for those whose thought worked faster than their peers. These are the guys who started teaching. The teaching was very tough and interesting. One of the guardians of the Cossack Savior told me that when he was 7 years old, his grandfather took him out of the village, and he himself hid something under a scarf. Coming to the edge of the forest, the grandfather unfolded the handkerchief, and there was a Cossack saber. Grandfather took it, went into a certain state and cut a birch tree, the size of a shaft, cut it like a reed, obliquely. The boy knew it was impossible. Grandfather cut down a stick of seventy centimeters, said to the boy: "Stop and be patient." Then he began to beat the boy on the knees, on the shoulders, on the head. Then he ordered to pull out the tongue and said: "Tongue, keep your word." Then he touched his eyes, saying: "Eyes, be vigilant." The boy was crying in pain, and the old man said, "Now let's see if this is your blade." He handed the saber to the boy and said: "Drive prophetic fire from the heart to the blade." And the boy succeeded, and the checker began to play. It turns out that when transferring the Cossack Savior, you don’t even need to make any effort. You just need to enter this state.

In the "Cossack Savior" the genus plays a paramount role. Can you explain what role the past generations play in the life of the Spasov soldiers?

— Behind each person there is a huge number of generations, thousands, and maybe millions of people, and communication with them is not interrupted. It used to be a very good practice. Photographs of relatives were hung on the walls of houses, especially in villages. And through photography, according to some scientists, this connection is not lost. Family connection, family assistance is very effective. Grandfathers, who keep the traditions of the Cossack Savior, took me to my family. I saw my grandparents and thousands of other relatives. They were standing in the warm river - grandma Kalisska, grandfather Egor, father, and everyone was looking at me. As soon as I saw them, I immediately rushed to them, the spray flew in different directions. And my grandfather, who was leading me, said that I had to calmly approach, talk to them and ask for help.

The power of the family is a great power. And this does not contradict the canons of Orthodoxy. I myself am an Orthodox person, I have a confessor hegumen Elijah from Optina Hermitage. But I believe that our ancient culture and ancient civilization cannot be discarded. It was much stronger, cleaner than the current one. Orthodox say: "This is paganism." So how do we then differ from Comrade Lunacharsky, who said that the history of Russia begins in 1917? And I wonder who my ancestors were, how could a Cossack fight in the same Azov, where, by the way, Cossacks from my village participated.

"Cossack Spas" is, in fact, a superweapon, which in our society can become extremely dangerous if it falls into the wrong hands. Now much that is good for a person is used to harm ...

“The foundations of salvation are amazingly controlled by the Lord God. The basis of salvation lies in righteous anger. If you did something nasty - stole and the like, then the cutoff is serious.

Another of the principles is that if you go to protect the clan and the people, you can do whatever you want, without cultivating evil, of course. Spasovites have no tricks, it's improvisation. They hit a man, and does not look back, because there is a corpse. The Spasov soldiers had no liberalism, no compassion for the enemy. If the enemy crossed the border, then it is necessary to destroy him. And they beat the enemies with terrible force.

As far as I understand, the owner of the "Cossack Savior" must have a purity of spirit and thoughts. And it can only be a weapon of self-defense, but not an attack. If a person uses the saved for no reason, then the blow to him will be ten times greater. So?

“Moreover, the teacher of such a dunce himself receives a tenfold blow back. Therefore, the guys who train in the rescue, very selectively select people - in spirit, in kind, so that they are absolutely clean. Warn students of the consequences immediately. A lot of students died at a young age, who entered into pride. One of them reached the ability to materialize objects. But he died at 43. That is, they are watching and controlling from above.

In the early 1970s, one master of martial arts, who reached young age such heights of skill that at his glance even a boulder could scatter him into the sand, he came to Greece, to the Athos monastery, to shame Orthodoxy and show that he is so powerful, and the Orthodox are so clumsy. He went out with the monks to the seashore, and with a glance scattered the boulder into the sand. Then the monk picked up a small pebble, crossed it and gave it to the master. The Almighty puffed up, puffed up, and as a result, horned ones jumped out of him, which, as it turned out, did everything for him.

It is necessary not to cross a very thin line. Everyone who owns martial arts, go like on a razor's edge. Step to the right, step to the left and blood can spill.

According to the Cossack Savior and the Russian style of Kadochnikov, it is impossible to hold competitions, because this is a military science, a military class.

Andrey Polyakov

History textbooks say that the Cossacks are just the descendants of peasants who fled from the oppression of the landowners and settled on the banks of the Don, Dnieper, Volga, in the foothills of the Caucasus and the Black Sea ... But is this true? There is evidence that convinces us that these are representatives of ancient tribes with unique magical knowledge!

Thunderstorm of Darius and Genghis Khan

A storehouse of curious facts can be found in the three-volume historian B.P. Saveliev " Ancient history Cossacks". (Once the Bolsheviks confiscated and destroyed the entire edition of this book. Only one copy miraculously survived and was reprinted in Rostov-on-Don.)

Under the name of the Dzhanians and Pyatigorsk Cherkasy, the Cossacks lived in the mouths of the Don, Kuban, Dnieper and Dniester as early as the 12th century. BC, representing the original Slavic branch, a sub-ethnos who spoke one of the southern dialects of the Russian language. The Janians went on 30 ships to help the legendary Aryan Troy, besieged by the Greek Achaeans, fought with Alexander the Great against the Persians of Darius. When a huge Persian army went on the offensive against the Macedonian phalanxes, five unknown warriors, cutting the enemy right and left,
seeped through the dense wall of its columns, turned their horses around, cut through back and disappeared into the steppe.

Experienced, full of strength Persian warriors often went crazy, unable to do anything. After all, they dealt with the so-called characteristics, who own magical practices! During the lull between the battles, the Persians had no easier time: with the help of suggestions and conspiracies, the warrior-sorcerers calmly kidnapped sentries and even commanders right from their tents, and then seemed to dissolve in the middle of an open field.

The Janians were able to become invisible while sneaking into enemy positions. When the Persians lined up to attack, the kharacterniki jumped up and, bending over, ran under the belly of the horses with razor-sabers pressed with their blunt side to their backs. Behind them the squadrons fell to the ground. So Macedonia won the wars thanks not only to the "divine" origin of Alexander ...

During the invasion of Genghis Khan into southern Russia, two of his advanced tumens (20 thousand fighters) met in the interfluve of the Don and Volga with unknown warriors who easily evaded flying arrows and even caught them at their chests! They fought with two swords at once, standing on the saddles of horses, avoiding any blows and were not afraid of death. In battles, it happened more than once that the Mongols suddenly fell into madness and began to fight with each other. Many of them were killed in this battle.

The Mongols managed to capture several Cossacks who own the spas alive, and they took them with them to the East, where the Janian Rus left behind letters-tablets with records of secret knowledge. Based on these magical teachings subsequently, martial arts techniques were created, based on the use of flows of human internal energy - Healthy, or, in the east, Qi. It is said that one of the followers of the Rus in the East was a wandering Hindu philosopher who came to China, named Bodhidharma. He is known as the founder of wu-shu.

In addition, thanks to the Russian Janians, the foundations of kung fu, ordinary and astral karate, the art of invisible warriors and ninjutsu spies were laid. Recently, modern characterists visited China without any visas and freely took priceless manuscripts stored in monasteries in order to return them to their homeland.

Mage Warlords

The modern Don Cossacks were formed when the Novgorodians, who fled from the arbitrariness of Ivan the Terrible, merged with the Slavic-Cherkasy branch of the Dzhanians. Novgorod the Great was then one of the spiritual centers of Russia, opposing Orthodox Church. The Novgorodians, who traced their lineage from the Aryans of Hyperborea, were very experienced in spiritual practices, and their power complexes "Perun's Fist", "Buza" and "Skobar" were not inferior to the fighting styles of the southern Dzhanians who own the Cossack spas. From joint knowledge, the great art of combat, survival and healing was born - the Cossack Savior.

Cossack saved - this is the possession of the center of the hara. Cossack saved, gift given by ancestors. Cossack saved is the art of warfare.

The basis of the Cossack Savior is a special spell, the Word-Conspiracy, the symbol - Woz (the constellation Ursa Major, preserved on the emblems and seals of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks). Kharakterniki do not recognize priests and priests, communicating with Higher Powers directly, through "manu" meditations. According to legend, A.V. Suvorov, whose ancestors were Novgorodians, was healed of ailments by kharakterniks as a child and subsequently learned some of their practices. It is known that before each battle, the famous commander said prayers right on the battlefield, standing in front of the army, and after that he invariably won.

According to some reports, other generals and military leaders were Spasov-characterists. One of them is a hero Caucasian war, Don Cossack General Baklanov. Even when he remained motionless, not a single Chechen shooter could hit him. The highlanders were so fascinated by the power of the Buckle that they even rejoiced when he defeated them in battles.

The Red Divisional Commander Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev, under machine gun fire, could dance a Cossack and dodge bullets flying at him. It was said that instead of the usual saber, he wore a strange oriental blade on his belt: pointing it at the sun under certain angle, "Chapai" saw everything he wanted, and at any distance - for example, Lenin in the Kremlin. Perhaps Vasily Ivanovich owned the Cossack Spas?

The 25-year-old White Guard Colonel Vasishchev in 1920, with 54 Cossacks, captured an entire corps of the Red Army. The Red Army soldiers tried to shoot at the White Cossacks, but for some reason all the guns misfired ... Having disarmed the prisoners, the colonel set them free. A little later, on the crowded parade ground of the liberated village of Naurskaya, he jumped off his horse, unfastened his belt and shook out his clothes: bullets from the Red Army rifles fell like peas at his feet!

Baron Roman Ungern-Sternberg, who fought for the Russian-Altaic-Tibetan state under the rule of Shambhala and Belovodie, with ataman Semyonov and one adjutant at the Trans-Baikal station of Manchuria, disarmed the trains with the Red Guards: he simply ordered to surrender their weapons, and the Reds, as if under hypnosis, laid out on rifle platform and machine guns. Among the Tuvans, there is a legend that it was not the baron himself who was shot, but his doppelgänger-volunteer...

In the story by Yuri Dombrovsky "The Keeper of Antiquities" the veteran civil war recalls how the famous ataman Marusya was taken prisoner during the battles with the Cossack rebels. The tribunal sentenced her to death, but none of the conscientious fighters dared to lead a Cossack woman with a reputation as a sorceress to the place of execution. The narrator, the commander of the unit, plucked up courage and led Marusya. In the steppe, already almost in place, the chieftain released her tightly bound hands with one movement, and then tried to put the narrator into a trance, disarm and kill.

The red commander managed not to succumb to the spell and shot the Cossack woman, saw how she was buried, and then wandered around the steppe for three days in an incomprehensible semi-conscious state. When he returned to his unit, he was given a letter planted by someone. “You shot me badly,” it said, “I’m still alive anyway. Your Maruska. Apparently, the chieftain possessed the elements of the Savior, which included binding spells and trouble spells, as well as werewolf.

Shadow fighting

Separate elements of ancient combat technologies associated with the use of "second vision" have survived to this day - methods of striking with "glow" and using astral twins in battle.

One day in the early 90s. the past century, experts in martial arts staged something like a closed tournament. Some stranger offered them a fight according to unusual rules: he calls twenty people at once to fight, who are free to use any techniques of any martial art against him: karate, Thai boxing, kung fu ... The intrigued masters agreed.

At the appointed time, everyone gathered in the training room. The opponent didn't show up. The black belts were already chuckling sarcastically when suddenly one of them received a painful blow from nowhere and stared at his neighbor. After a moment and the second twitched, recoiled and assumed a fighting pose:

Are you like this? Well, hold on!

Seconds later, all twenty masters were excelling against each other in throws and strikes. They seem to be insane...

Guys! May be enough? - a sonorous voice sounded from the edge of the tatami.

The fight stopped... Everyone froze in shock: a few meters away from them stood, smiling mockingly, the same unknown, the instigator of the tournament. He was not in a kimono, but in ordinary city clothes. There are no scratches or bruises on the body.

I don’t understand,” one of the professionals muttered, tucking his loose jacket under his belt.

Yes, everything is simple. I hit two of you a little, and you started to beat each other ...

Each other? I fought with you!

And I, and I, too, - confirmed the other nineteen.

You just didn't see me. My copies. I turned your eyes away. And I can fight with you in “physics”, even now. I'm a rescuer. Characterist… Have you heard?

"Beast People"

Werewolf, the ability to transform into animals and birds, apparently, came to the south with pagan Novgorodians initiated into the northern cults of Ulfhednar (wolf people) and Berserkes (bear people). The latter cult was popular among the Vikings, who were related to the Novgorodians by blood. To demonstrate their abilities, the initiates used this exercise. A naked warrior sat down in the snow and began to meditate, discovering in himself a channel of internal energy of Health (in the Sanskrit tradition - Prana). His body was so warm
that the snow was melting around and he did not feel the cold. In Tibet, a similar exercise is still practiced, when the monks dry wet sheets in the cold, wrapping themselves in them naked.

Initiation into the cult of people-beasts contained two main parts, the first of which developed the ability to put oneself into a state of combat trance. This made it possible to see the actions of the enemy in slow motion, to easily evade blows, arrows and swords, and also to feel the direction of the flight of “one’s own” arrow or bullet (at this moment, the back of the Spasov’s head gets cold). Werewolf by its nature is dual: in some cases, the consciousness of a person can move into a bird or beast, subordinating the animal to his will, or a combat magician
only inspires opponents that they see a wolf or a bear.

My distant ancestor turned into a wolf

And there was no equal to him ...

Lonely and free, a warrior in a wolf's skin

Breaks the eternal darkness.

If they sound the alarm over Great Russia,

So that we don't let you down

So that you and I do not give spans -

It grows from the ground...

Written by the poet Nikolai Emelin.

Code of Cossack spells

The art of killing and defending takes a long time to learn. It is important not only to neutralize the enemy, but to do it as quickly and efficiently as possible. Here is a typical set of "combat spells" that are taught to any characterist, translated into modern language:

Fireball - a fireball (ball lightning) that burns through the body of the enemy or explodes on contact with him.

Lightning - energy charges in the form of lightning that burn through the body or stop the heart.

Witchfire is a stream of fire in liquid form, thrown out by the magician towards the enemy. It can also be used in the “Rain of Fire” variation - in the form of drops of flame falling from the sky.

Illusions - the enemy is psychologically affected, thanks to which he sees dangers that do not actually exist. The types of illusions are only limited by your imagination. To demoralize the enemy, you can appear before him as a monster, or you can force him to fight with himself. And you can call from his memory the biggest fears and make him fight with them.

Sometimes the characterist creates an inanimate creature that does his bidding. This is necessary to exhaust the enemy or gain time. Ways to create monsters can be different:

A) elemental - creatures consisting of the elements that gave birth to them. Fiery - from fire, water - from water, etc. Such monsters depend on their element and have all its advantages and disadvantages.

B) animated - built from inanimate objects (one or a combination of several). Magic binds these items together and prevents them from falling apart.

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