In what works there is true love.  The theme of love in literature - essay

The theme of love in Russian literature is one of the main ones. A poet or prose writer reveals to his reader the languor of the soul, experiences, suffering. And yes, it has always been in demand. Indeed, one may not understand the topic of the author's attitude to own creativity, Aspects philosophical prose, but the words of love in literature are pronounced so accessible that they can be used in various life situations. In what works is the theme of love most clearly reflected? What are the features of the authors' perception of this feeling? Our article will tell about it.

The place of love in Russian literature

Love has always existed in fiction. If we talk about domestic works, then Peter and Fevronia of Murom immediately come to mind from the story of the same name by Yermolai-Erasmus, which belongs to ancient Russian literature. Recall that other topics then, except for Christian ones, were taboo. This art form was strictly religious.

The theme of love in Russian literature arose in the 18th century. The impetus for its development was Trediakovsky's translations of works by foreign authors, because in Europe they already wrote with might and main about a wonderful love feeling and relationships between a man and a woman. Then there were Lomonosov, Derzhavin, Zhukovsky, Karamzin.

The theme of love in the works of Russian literature reached its special flowering in the 19th century. This era gave the world Pushkin, Lermontov, Tolstoy, Turgenev and many other luminaries. Each writer had his own, purely personal attitude to the theme of love, which can be read through the lines of his work.

Pushkin's love lyrics: the innovation of a genius

The theme of love in Russian literature of the 19th century reached special heights in the work of A. Pushkin. Lyrics celebrating it light feeling, it is rich, multifaceted and contains a whole series of features. Let's sort them out.

Love as a reflection of personal qualities in "Eugene Onegin"

"Eugene Onegin" is a work where the theme of love in Russian literature sounds especially expressive. It shows not just a feeling, but its evolution throughout life. In addition, through love, the main images of the novel are revealed.

In the center of the story is the hero whose name is in the title. The reader is forced throughout the novel to be tormented by the question: is Eugene capable of love? Brought up in the spirit of high-society manners metropolitan society, in feelings he is devoid of sincerity. Being in a "spiritual impasse", he meets Tatyana Larina, who, unlike him, knows how to sincerely and disinterestedly love.

Tatyana writes to Onegin love letter, he is touched by this act of the girl, but no more. Disappointed, Larina agrees to marry the unloved and leaves for St. Petersburg.

The last meeting of Onegin and Tatyana happens after several years. Eugene confesses his love to a young woman, but she rejects him. The woman admits that she still loves, but is bound by the obligations of marriage.

Thus, the protagonist of Pushkin's novel fails the exam with love, he was frightened by an all-consuming feeling, rejected it. The revelation came too late.

Lyubov Lermontov - an unattainable ideal

Love for a woman was different for M. Lermontov. For him, this is a feeling that completely absorbs a person, this is a force that nothing can defeat. According to Lermontov, love is something that will definitely make a person suffer: "Everyone cried who loved."

This lyric is inextricably linked with women in the life of the poet himself. Katerina Sushkova is a girl with whom Lermontov fell in love at the age of 16. The poems dedicated to her are emotional, they tell about an unrequited feeling, the desire to find not only a woman, but also a friend.

Natalya Ivanova, the next woman in Lermontov's life, reciprocated. On the one hand, there is more happiness in the poems of this period, however, notes of deceit slip through here too. Natalya in many ways does not understand the deep spiritual organization of the poet. The themes of such works have also changed: now they are focused on feelings and passions.

The relationship with Love is reflected in a completely different way; the entire being of the poet is permeated here, nature speaks about it, even the Motherland.

Love becomes a prayer in poems dedicated to Maria Shcherbatova. Only 3 works have been written, but each of them is a masterpiece, a hymn of love. According to Lermontov, he found the very woman who understands him completely. Love in these poems is contradictory: it can heal, but also injure, execute and bring back to life.

The hard way to happiness of the heroes of "War and Peace" by Tolstoy

Considering how love is represented in fiction, attention should also be paid to the work of L. Tolstoy. His epic "War and Peace" is a work where love somehow touched each of the heroes. After all, the “family thought”, which occupies a central place in the novel, is inextricably linked with love.

Each of the images goes through a difficult path, but in the end finds family happiness. There are exceptions: Tolstoy puts a kind of equal sign between a person's ability to love selflessly and his moral purity. But even this quality needs to be reached by a series of sufferings, mistakes that will ultimately purify the soul and make it crystal, capable of loving.

Let us recall the difficult path to happiness of Andrei Bolkonsky. Fascinated by beauty Lisa, he marries her, but, quickly cooling down, is disappointed in marriage. He understands that he chose an empty and spoiled wife. Further - war, and oak - a symbol of spiritual flowering, life. Love for Natasha Rostova is what gave Prince Bolkonsky a breath of fresh air.

Test of love in the work of I. S. Turgenev

images of love in literature XIX century - these are the heroes of Turgenev. The author of each of them leads through the test of this feeling.

The only one who passes it is Arkady Bazarov from Fathers and Sons. Maybe that's why he is the ideal hero of Turgenev.

A nihilist who denies everything around him, Bazarov calls love "nonsense", for him it is just an ailment that can be cured. However, having met Anna Odintsova and falling in love with her, he changes not only his attitude to this feeling, but his worldview as a whole.

Bazarov confesses his love to Anna Sergeevna, but she rejects him. The girl is not ready for a serious relationship, she cannot renounce herself for the sake of another, even a loved one. Here she fails in the test of Turgenev. And Bazarov is the winner, he became the hero that the writer was looking for in " noble nest”, “Rudin”, “Ace” and other works.

"The Master and Margarita" - a mystical love story

The theme of love in Russian literature of the 20th century is growing and developing, getting stronger. Not a single writer and poet of this era avoided this topic. Yes, it could be transformed, for example, into love for people (remember Gorky Danko) or the Motherland (this, perhaps, most of creativity of Mayakovsky or works of the war years). But there is exceptional literature about love: these are soulful poems by S. Yesenin, poets Silver Age. If we talk about prose, this is first of all "The Master and Margarita" by M. Bulgakov.

The love that arises between the characters is sudden, it “pops out” from nowhere. The master draws attention to Margarita's eyes, so sad and lonely.

Lovers do not experience all-consuming passion, rather, on the contrary - it is a quiet, calm, domestic happiness.

However, at the most critical moment, only love helps Margarita save the Master and their feelings, even if not in the human world.

Yesenin's love lyrics

The theme of love in Russian literature of the 20th century is also poetry. Consider in this vein the work of S. Yesenin. The poet inextricably linked this bright feeling with nature, his love is extremely chaste and strongly tied to the biography of the poet himself. A striking example is the poem "Green Hairstyle". Here, all the features of L. Kashina, dear to Yesenin (the work is dedicated to her), are presented through the beauty of the Russian birch: a thin camp, pigtails-branches.

"Moscow Tavern" reveals to us a completely different love, now it is "infection" and "plague". Such images are connected, first of all, with the emotional experiences of the poet, who feels his uselessness.

Healing comes in the Bully's Love cycle. The culprit is A. Miklashevskaya, who cured Yesenin of torment. He again believed that there is true love, inspiring and reviving.

In his last poems, Yesenin condemns the deceit and insincerity of women, he believes that this feeling should be deeply sincere and life-affirming, give a person ground under his feet. Such, for example, the poem "Leaves are falling, leaves are falling ...".

about love

The theme of love in Russian literature of the Silver Age is the work of not only S. Yesenin, but also A. Akhmatova, M. Tsvetaeva, A. Blok, O. Mandelstam and many others. All of them are united very much by suffering and happiness - these are the main associates of the muse of poets and poetesses.

Examples of love in Russian literature of the 20th century are the great A. Akhmatova and M. Tsvetaeva. The latter is a “quivering doe”, sensual, vulnerable. Love for her is the meaning of life, what makes her not only create, but also exist in this world. “I like that you are not sick of me” is her masterpiece, full of light sadness and contradictions. And this is the whole Tsvetaeva. The same penetrating lyricism is saturated with the poem "Yesterday I looked into my eyes." This, perhaps, is a kind of anthem for all women in love: “My dear, what have I done to you?”.

A completely different theme of love in Russian literature is portrayed by A. Akhmatova. This is the intensity of all feelings and thoughts of a person. Akhmatova herself gave this feeling a definition - "the fifth season." But if it were not for him, the other four would not be visible. The love of the poetess is loud, all-affirming, returning to natural principles.

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In Russia, literature has its own direction, different from any other. The Russian soul is mysterious and incomprehensible. The genre reflects both Europe and Asia, therefore the best classical Russian works are unusual, amaze with sincerity and vitality.

The main thing actor- soul. For a person, the position in society, the amount of money is not important, it is important for him to find himself and his place in this life, to find truth and peace of mind.

The books of Russian literature are united by the traits of a writer who possesses the gift of the great Word, who has completely devoted himself to this art of literature. Best Classics saw life not flatly, but multifaceted. They wrote about the life of not random destinies, but expressing being in its most unique manifestations.

Russian classics are so different, with different destinies, but they are united by the fact that literature is recognized as a school of life, a way of studying and developing Russia.

Russian classical literature was created best writers from different parts of Russia. It is very important where the author was born, because this determines his formation as a person, his development, and it also affects writing skills. Pushkin, Lermontov, Dostoevsky were born in Moscow, Chernyshevsky in Saratov, Shchedrin in Tver. Poltava region in Ukraine is the birthplace of Gogol, Podolsk province - Nekrasov, Taganrog - Chekhov.

Three great classics, Tolstoy, Turgenev and Dostoevsky, were absolutely different people, had different fates, complex characters and great gifts. They did huge contribution in the development of literature, writing his best works, which still excite the hearts and souls of readers. Everyone should read these books.

Another important difference between the books of Russian classics is the ridicule of the shortcomings of a person and his way of life. Satire and humor are the main features of the works. However, many critics said that this was all slander. And only real connoisseurs saw how the characters are both comical and tragic at the same time. Books like this always touch my heart.

Here you can find the best works classical literature. You can download Russian classic books for free or read online, which is very convenient.

We present to your attention 100 best books Russian classics. The complete list of books includes the best and most memorable works of Russian writers. This literature known to everyone and recognized by critics from all over the world.

Of course, our list of top 100 books is just a small part that has collected best work great classics. It can be continued for a very long time.

One hundred books that everyone should read in order to understand not only how they used to live, what were the values, traditions, priorities in life, what they aspired to, but to find out in general how our world works, how bright and pure a soul can be and how valuable it is for a person, for the formation of his personality.

The top 100 list includes the best and most famous works of Russian classics. The plot of many of them is known from the school bench. However, some books are difficult to understand in young age, this requires wisdom, which is acquired over the years.

Of course, the list is far from complete and could be continued indefinitely. Reading such literature is a pleasure. She not only teaches something, she radically changes lives, helps to realize simple things that we sometimes do not even notice.

We hope you enjoyed our list of classic Russian literature books. Perhaps you have already read something from it, but something not. A great occasion to make your personal list of books, your top books that you would like to read.

Romance novels have been popular at all times. Intrigues, love triangles, forbidden feelings - all this can be found in this category. works of art. Usually impressionable and women are regular readers of such literature.

The best classic love stories

One of the most famous and popular of all time works about love can be called Shakespeare's novel "Romeo and Juliet". The love of two young hearts was forbidden. Secret meetings, captivating poems, a fatal death at the end of the work makes you turn to him again and again. The light, beautiful style of Shakespeare captivated readers from all over the world.

Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell is a bestseller about love that can be found in many women's home libraries. The story of love and experiences of Scarlett O'Hara is filled with beautiful motives, passion and experiences. To the delight of readers love triangle breaks, everything falls into place. Scarlett and Rhett find happiness in each other forever. All the trials before the reunion are described in detail on the pages of the novel.

The Thorn Birds is a novel by Australian author Colin McCullough. The present classic about immortal feeling. The Catholic and the simple maid Maggie found each other in such a big world. The main character carried love throughout her long life. She experienced everything: the happiness of love, sorrow and loss.

Contemporary works of love

Do not think that love has already been written. Modern prove the opposite, saying that everything is still ahead. The story of Cecilia Ahern "PS I love you" can serve as proof. In the center of events is a young couple who enjoy happiness, but not everything is so rosy in their life, the husband fell ill with cancer and soon dies. The main character takes the loss of her beloved very hard and does not see the strength to continue living fully. And suddenly she starts from her husband, who has long been in the next world. no mysticism in this work no. It's simple, a man, realizing that soon, is preparing messages for his beloved. It is in them that all the steps that she must follow are prescribed. All this helps a woman to start a new life.

Books about love are necessary, they are able to melt even the most callous heart, fill the soul with a wonderful feeling.

In many works of world literature, feelings are the main or only theme is love. Despite the fact that the romance novel is most often treated as a low genre, there is whole line romance novels that have stood the test of time. In the vast mass of annually published romance novels, there are many works of dubious literary merit, but there are also truly high-quality romance novels.


« Dangerous ties» Choderlos de Laclos - a masterpiece literature XVIII century, a novel in letters. Satiated, the Marquise de Merteuil and the Viscount Valmont amuse themselves by plotting and seducing more or less innocent people. There is a strange connection between them: they consider only each other equal to themselves and share the details of their love victories. Everything changes when the Marquise and the Viscount make a bet to seduce another victim, married woman. The virtue of the seduced is stronger than the depravity of the seducer, and the viscount gradually falls in love with her. But leaving behind your dissolute life and the Marquise de Merteuil is not so easy.

The Jane Austen novels were a phenomenon in English literature and remain popular to this day. In the era of romanticism, her novels are about simple girls who do not have unearthly beauty and outstanding talents, stood out from the general background. The love story of Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy from the novel "Pride and Prejudice" remains one of the most popular in the world. The novel psychologically accurately describes the development of a young girl's feelings for a man, from hostility to deep love.

Georgette Heyer is considered one of the founders of modern love story. The writer gained popularity after she began to write novels about the Regency era. Georgette Heyer took a serious approach to the description of the historical era, studied its way of life, cultural and social features. Sophie the Magnificent is also set in the Regency era. The main character of the novel returns from continental Europe to her native England. She lives with her aunt's family and soon realizes that all members of this family are unhappy. With her characteristic energy, Sophie undertakes to arrange the lives of her relatives, despite the fact that they did not ask her about it.

The title of the novel "Love Story" by Eric Segal speaks for itself. The novel tells the story of two young people from different social backgrounds who fall in love with each other. They will have to make sacrifices for the sake of their love, to abandon the past. They are ready to overcome all obstacles, but there are circumstances that even the most great love.

Diana Gabaldon's novel Outlander and its sequels tells the story of a young woman from the 1940s who finds herself in 18th century Scotland as a result of mysterious events. This technique is often used in romance novels, but there are features in Gabaldon's novels that distinguish them favorably from other similar novels. Gabaldon's style is distinguished by irony, the historical background is described in sufficient detail and accurately, and the characters stand out from a number of the same type of heroes of romance novels. The book even made it to the BBC's 200 Best Books, which is great achievement for a love story.

Tip 3: What good literary works about the war are worth reading

AT good works about the war, not only talented and truthfully described military battles and great battles. Truly deep stories about the war, which are shown through the perception of them by a person, whether it be Andrei Bolkonsky, Grigory Melekhov or Andrei Sokolov. How do these people feel about the war, what do they think and do.

A. Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace"

The book describes the Patriotic War of 1812, as well as the events preceding it: the secular life of Russian high society and the military operations of 1805-1807.

One of the main characters of the book, Prince Andrei Bolkonsky. He is rich, superbly educated, is an enviable groom. But social life is boring to him. He dreams of glory, no less than that of Napoleon, or Kutuzov. And because he wants to go to war to become famous.

But in the battle of Austerlitz, he realizes that war is a dirty and anti-human thing. At the moment when he is lying on the ground, and looking at the high sky, he understands how insignificant the glory of Kutuzov or Napoleon is.

The battle of Borodino was the culmination in the life of Andrei Bolkonsky. In this battle, he was already mortally wounded in the head, and he suddenly realized that he did not feel hatred for the enemy, that compassion and love for all people were the main commandments by which it was worth living.

Mikhail Sholokhov's novel Quiet Flows the Don

The book describes life against the backdrop of the Civil War and the First World War.

From childhood, these people are accustomed to work hard, grow bread, and take care of. They honored the elders in the family, respected traditions.
The First World War began and the Cossacks were called to fight for tsarist Russia. Atamans sent the best warriors. Grigory Melekhov, the main character in the book, also went to fight against the Germans.

A little later, a revolution took place in Russia, the tsarist regime was overthrown, and it became unclear who to fight for. Gregory, along with other Cossacks, returned home. And the village is restless: more and more people come to it different people, and call to fight against the power of the "Bolsheviks".

But in the same village appear Cossacks who like this power, because the "Bolsheviks" promise freedom, independence, land.
There comes a split among the Cossack clans. Some go to fight for the new "red" government, while others for royal power, for "whites". And Grigory Melekhov, due to circumstances, first finds himself on one side of the belligerents, then on the other.

It comes to the fact that brother fights against brother, son against father. And Gregory is sincerely trying to figure out who is right. How to be, and. And after a while, becoming an outcast for everyone, he tries to escape in order to save his own life, as well as the life of his beloved woman.

The story of Vasil Bykov "Sotnikov"

During World War II, two fighters Soviet army were taken prisoner. Both hated the Germans, but one of them, Sotnikov, tried at the cost of his own life to save the innocent inhabitants of the village, whom the Germans had sentenced to death for harboring partisans. And another fighter with the surname Rybak decided to get out to the last.

He passionately wanted to live, and therefore agreed to cooperate with the Germans. When the convicts were brought to execution, Rybak, in front of the villagers, put Sotnikov's noose around his neck and knocked out the support from under his feet.

And after that, Rybak was ordered to line up with the policemen together. He hates them as much as he hates the rest of the Nazis. But he understands that there is no turning back. And the unfortunate man is at a crossroads: either die now, or continue to kill people for whom he fought yesterday.

Mikhail Sholokhov's story "The Fate of a Man"

Russian soldier Andrei Sokolov was captured during World War II. He went through various trials and torments in, several times tried to escape from captivity.

As a result, he finally managed to return to his homeland, but in the place of his native home he saw only burnt ashes. His wife died as a result of a direct bomb hit on their house. And the "ashes" after that - in the soul of a tortured person.

After the war, Andrei meets a homeless boy, and becomes so attached to him that he adopts. And again in the life of Andrei Sokolov appears close person, love and tenderness, hope for a better future.

Tip 4: What historical romance novels are a must read

The love story is very popular with women and at the same time - contempt for men. This genre has to endure an endless amount of ridicule. However, there are novels that are recognized as classics, which even the most severe critics dare not laugh at. Such novels have stood the test of time and describe a certain historical era(most often the one in which the author lived). They have not lost their relevance even now.

Jane Austen, "Pride and Prejudice"

This novel by Jane Austen ranked second in the list of the best books in the world. And the writer herself, who worked on the novel for almost seventeen years, is considered one of the founders of the romance novel genre. Classical love story set in the 19th century scenery with a happy ending, witty dialogues, a wealthy aristocrat as the protagonist – these virtues of a classic love story will not leave anyone indifferent.

Heinrich Sienkiewicz, "Kamo Gryadeshi"

The novel of the Polish writer Heinrich Sienkiewicz about ancient Rome is very popular. In the 20th century, it was translated into more than 50 languages, and the writer himself received Nobel Prize. The novel tells about the life of the first Christians. Main character- unbridled and cruel patrician Vinicius. Having fallen in love with a Christian girl from the Lygian tribe, Vinicius wants to take her as a concubine. But gradually, under the influence of love, he changes and becomes a Christian. A reliable depiction of ancient Rome, a description of the everyday life of the emperor and patricians, and love drinking of the heroes make this novel one of the most interesting in its genre.

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Love is a high, pure, wonderful feeling that people have sung about since ancient times. Love, as they say, never gets old.

If we erect a certain literary pedestal of love, then, undoubtedly, the love of Romeo and Juliet will come first. This is perhaps the most beautiful, most romantic, most tragic story told to the reader by Shakespeare. Two lovers go against fate, despite the enmity between their families, no matter what. Romeo is ready to give up even his name for the sake of love, and Juliet agrees to die, if only to remain faithful to Romeo and their high feeling. They die in the name of love, they die together because they cannot live without each other:

There is no sadder story in the world

Than the story of Romeo and Juliet...

However, love can be different - passionate, tender, prudent, cruel, unrequited ...

Let us recall the heroes of Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" - Bazarov and Odintsova. Two collided the same strong personalities. But strangely enough, Bazarov turned out to be able to truly love. Love for him was a strong shock, which he did not expect, and in general, before meeting Odintsova, love in the life of this hero did not play any role. All human suffering, emotional experiences were unacceptable for his world. It is difficult for Bazarov to confess his feelings, first of all to himself.

And what about Odintsova? .. As long as her interests were not affected, as long as there was a desire to learn something new, Bazarov was also interesting to her. But as soon as the topics for general conversation were exhausted, interest disappeared. Odintsova lives in her own world, in which everything goes according to plan, and nothing can disturb peace in this world, not even love. Bazarov for her is something like a draft that flew in through the window and immediately flew back. Such love is doomed.

Another example is the characters in Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita. Their love is just as sacrificial, it would seem, as the love of Romeo and Juliet. True, here Margarita sacrifices herself for the sake of love. The master was frightened by this strong feeling and ended up in a lunatic asylum. There he hopes that Margarita will forget him. Of course, the failure that befell his novel also affected the hero. The master flees from the world and, above all, from himself.

But Margarita saves their love, saves the Master from madness. Her feeling for the hero overcomes all obstacles that stand in the way of happiness.

Many poets have also written about love. I really like, for example, the so-called Panaev cycle of Nekrasov's poems, which he dedicated to Avdotya Yakovlevna Panaeva, the woman he passionately loved. It is enough to recall such poems from this cycle as “She got a heavy cross ...”, “I don’t like your irony ...”, to say how strong the poet’s feeling was for this most beautiful woman.

And here are the lines from beautiful poem about the love of Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev:

Oh how deadly we love

As in the violent blindness of passions

We are the most likely to destroy

What is dear to our heart!

You said she's mine.

Oh how deadly we love

As in the violent blindness of passions

We are the most likely to destroy

What is dear to our heart!

How long have you been proud of your victory?

You said she's mine...

A year has not passed - ask and tell,

What is left of her?

And, of course, one cannot fail to mention Pushkin's love lyrics here.

I remember wonderful moment:

You appeared before me

Like a fleeting vision

Like a genius of pure beauty.

In the languor of hopeless sadness,

In the anxieties of noisy bustle,

And dreamed of cute features ...

Pushkin handed these poems to Anna Petrovna Kern on July 19, 1825, on the day of her departure from Trigorskoye, where she was visiting her aunt P. A. Osipova and constantly met with the poet.

I want to finish my essay again with lines from another poem by the great Pushkin:

I loved you: love still, perhaps

In my soul it has not completely died out;

But don't let it bother you anymore;

I don't want to sadden you with anything.

I loved you silently, hopelessly,

Either timidity, or jealousy languish;

I loved you so sincerely, so tenderly,

How God forbid you be loved to be different.

"Many people in the world do not believe in love" (M. Yu. Lermontov).

... I love - I will love forever.

Curse my passion

pitiless souls,

Cruel hearts!

N. M. Karamzin.

What is valued in modern world human? Money, power... These base goals are pursued by society. When pronouncing the word "love", they mean only animal instincts, physical need. People have become robots, and the slightest manifestation of feelings and emotions seems ridiculous and naive. The spiritual values ​​of society are dying ... But there are still people who have not lost the ability to high feelings. And glory to those who are loved or have ever loved, because love is a feeling that raises to the heights of life, elevates to heaven ...

Which of the heroes of the story A. I. Kuprin " Garnet bracelet Do you believe in true love? Anna Nikolaevna? No, not likely. She married a very rich man, gave birth to two children ... But she cannot stand her husband, makes fun of him contemptuously and is sincerely glad when someone distracts Gusilav Ivanovich from her. Anna does not love her husband, she is simply satisfied with her own position: beautiful, rich ... Yes, and she can flirt without any special consequences.

Or, for example, the brother of Anna Nikolaevna, Nikolai. He almost married a rich and beautiful lady. But "the lady's husband did not want to give her a divorce." Most likely, Nikolai Nikolaevich did not believe in a real feeling, because otherwise he would not have broken up the family. Nikolai Nikolaevich is cold and his attitude towards Zheltkov, the way he treats him, proves that Bulash-Tugomovsky is not able to understand the high feeling.

Unlike Nikolai, Prince Vasily Lvovich Shein, Vera Nikolaevna's husband, understands and even accepts the telegrapher's love for his wife. If at first Vasily Lvovich tracks down the manifestation of any feelings, then after meeting with G. S. Zh., after Shein realized that Zheltkov really truly, disinterestedly, selflessly loved Vera Nikolaevna, he begins to believe that a sincere feeling exists: "... is he to blame for love, and is it possible to control such a feeling as love ..."

General Yakov Mikhailovich Anosov was once married. But he himself admits that this marriage was not built on true love. “... People in our time have forgotten how to love,” he says to Vera Nikolaevna. “I don’t see true love. Yes, and I didn’t see it in my time!” Another story from the life of the general, which he tells, is about a Bulgarian woman. As soon as they met, passion flared up instantly, and, as the general himself says, he "fell in love immediately - passionately and irrevocably." And when he had to leave those places, they swore to each other in "eternal mutual love". Was there love? No, and Anosov does not deny it. He says, “Love must be a tragedy. The greatest secret in the world. No comforts of life, calculations and compromises should concern her.” And, perhaps, if Anosov truly loved the Bulgarian, he would do everything just to stay close to her.

Anosov told a couple of stories about a feeling more like devotion than true love. And these are just two cases of “true love” that Anosov has known throughout his long life.

He believes that every woman dreams of "a single, all-forgiving, ready for everything, modest and selfless" love. And women are not at all to blame for the fact that "people's love has taken such vulgar forms and has descended simply to some kind of everyday convenience, to a little entertainment."

General Anosov believes that women (probably as stronger and more romantic beings) are capable, unlike men, of "strong desires, heroic deeds, tenderness and adoration before love."

Apparently, Princess Vera Nikolaevna was mistaken about the fact that there is a real feeling. She is sure that she loves Vasily as before, but her “former passionate love for her husband has long passed into a feeling of strong, faithful, true friendship". This, no doubt, good feeling but that's not true love.

The only hero of the story who has a sincere feeling is Zheltkov. His beloved is tall, with a gentle, but cold and proud face, the beautiful Vera Nikolaevna. He loves the princess with a disinterested, pure, perhaps slavish love. This love is real. She is eternal: “I know,” says Zheltkov, “that I can never stop loving her ...” His love is hopeless. “I am not interested in anything in life: neither politics, nor science, nor philosophy, nor concern for the future happiness of people - for me, my whole life revolves around you,” Zheltkov writes to Vera Nikolaevna. For Zheltkov, there is no one more beautiful than Sheina.

Maybe Vera's life path was crossed by the love that women dream about. Having lost Zheltkov, the princess realized that "the love that every woman dreams of has passed her by."

Quite often, others do not accept and even condemn those who believe in love. “Fools,” they say, “why love, suffer, worry, if you can live calmly and carefree.” They believe that the one who sincerely loves sacrifices himself. Perhaps these people are right. But they will never experience those happy moments of love, as they are cold and insensitive ...

The theme of love in literature

2. The theme of love in the works of Russian poets and writers

This topic found its reflection in the literature of Russian writers and poets of all times. For more than 100 years, people have been turning to the poetry of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, finding in it a reflection of their feelings, emotions and experiences. The name of this great poet is associated with a tirade of poems about love and friendship, with the concept of honor and Motherland, images of Onegin and Tatyana, Masha and Grinev arise. Even the most strict reader will be able to discover something close in his works, because they are very multifaceted. Pushkin was a man passionately responding to all living things, a great poet, creator of the Russian word, a man of high and noble qualities. In the variety of lyrical themes that permeate Pushkin's poems, the theme of love is given such a significant place that the poet could be called a singer of this great noble feeling. In the entire world literature one cannot find a more vivid example of a special predilection for this particular side of human relations. Obviously, the origins of this feeling lie in the very nature of the poet, responsive, able to reveal in every person best properties his soul. In 1818, at one of the parties, the poet met the 19-year-old Anna Petrovna Kern. Pushkin admired her radiant beauty and youth. Years later Pushkin met again with Kern, as charming as before. Pushkin presented her with a recently printed chapter of Eugene Onegin, and between the pages he inserted poems written especially for her, in honor of her beauty and youth. Poems dedicated to Anna Petrovna "I remember a wonderful moment" is a famous hymn to a high and bright feeling. This is one of the peaks Pushkin's lyrics. Poems will captivate not only with the purity and passion of the feelings embodied in them, but also with harmony. Love for the poet is a source of life and joy, the poem "I loved you" is a masterpiece of Russian poetry. More than twenty romances have been written on his poems. And let time pass, the name of Pushkin will always live in our memory and awaken the best feelings in us.

With the name of Lermontov opens new era Russian literature. Lermontov's ideals are boundless; he longs not for a simple improvement of life, but for the acquisition of complete bliss, a change in the imperfection of human nature, an absolute resolution of all the contradictions of life. Eternal life - the poet does not agree to anything less. However, love in the works of Lermontov bears a tragic imprint. It was influenced by his only, unrequited love to a friend of youth - Varenka Lopukhina. He considers love impossible and surrounds himself with a halo of martyrdom, placing himself outside the world and life. Lermontov is sad about the lost happiness "My soul must live in earthly captivity, Not for long. Maybe I won't see more, Your gaze, your sweet gaze, so tender for others."

Lermontov emphasizes his remoteness from everything worldly "Whatever it is earthly, but I will not become a slave." Lermontov understands love as something eternal, the poet does not find solace in routine, fleeting passions, and if he sometimes gets carried away and steps aside, then his lines are not the fruit of a sick fantasy, but just a momentary weakness. "At the feet of others, I did not forget the gaze of your eyes. Loving others, I only suffered from the Love of former days."

human, earthly love seems to be an obstacle for the poet on his way to higher ideals. In the poem "I will not humiliate myself before you," he writes that inspiration is dearer to him than unnecessary quick passions that he can throw human soul to the abyss. Love in Lermontov's lyrics is fatal. He writes, "I was saved by inspiration from petty fuss, but there is no salvation from my soul even in happiness itself." In Lermontov's poems, love is a high, poetic, bright feeling, but always unshared or lost. In the poem "Valerik" the love part, which later became a romance, conveys a bitter feeling of losing connection with her beloved. "It's crazy to wait for love in absentia? In our age, all feelings are only for a period, but I remember you," the poet writes. The theme of betrayal of a beloved, unworthy of a great feeling or not standing the test of time, becomes traditional in Lermontov's literary creations related to his personal experience.

The discord between dream and reality permeates this wonderful feeling; love does not bring joy to Lermontov, he receives only suffering and sorrow: "I am sad because I love you." The poet is worried about the meaning of life. He is sad about the transience of life and wants to have time to do as much as possible in the short time allotted to him on earth. In his poetic reflections, life is hateful to him, but death is terrible.

Considering the theme of love in the works of Russian writers, one cannot but appreciate Bunin's contribution to the poetry of this subject. The theme of love occupies almost the main place in Bunin's work. In this topic, the writer has the opportunity to correlate what happens in the soul of a person with the phenomena of external life, with the requirements of a society that is based on the relationship of purchase and sale and in which wild and dark instincts sometimes reign. Bunin was one of the first in Russian literature to devote his works not only to the spiritual, but also to the bodily side of love, touching with extraordinary tact the most intimate, intimate aspects of human relationships. Bunin was the first to dare to say that bodily passion does not necessarily follow a spiritual impulse, which happens in life and vice versa (as happened with the heroes of the story "Sunstroke"). And no matter what plot moves the writer chooses, love in his works is always a great joy and a great disappointment, a deep and insoluble mystery, it is both spring and autumn in a person’s life.

AT different periods of his work, Bunin speaks of love with varying degrees frankness. In his early works the characters are open, young and natural. In such works as "In August", "In Autumn", "Dawn All Night", all events are extremely simple, brief and significant. The feelings of the characters are ambivalent, colored with halftones. And although Bunin talks about people who are alien to us in appearance, life, relationships, we immediately recognize and realize in a new way our own premonitions of happiness, expectations of deep spiritual changes. The rapprochement of Bunin's heroes rarely achieves harmony; as soon as it appears, it most often disappears. But the thirst for love burns in their souls. A sad parting with his beloved is completed by dreamy dreams ("In August"): "Through tears I looked into the distance, and somewhere I dreamed of southern sultry cities, a blue steppe evening and the image of some woman who merged with the girl I loved ... ". The date is remembered because it testifies to a touch of a genuine feeling: “Whether she was better than the others whom I loved, I don’t know, but that night she was incomparable” (“Autumn”). And in the story "Dawn all night" Bunin tells about a premonition of love, about the tenderness that a young girl is ready to give to her future lover. At the same time, youth tends not only to get carried away, but also quickly disappointed. Bunin's works show us this painful gap between dreams and reality for many. "After a night in the garden, full of nightingale whistling and spring trembling, young Tata suddenly hears in her sleep how her fiancé shoots jackdaws, and understands that she does not love this rude and mundane man at all" .

Majority early stories Bunina tells about the desire for beauty and purity - this remains the main spiritual impulse of his characters. In the 1920s, Bunin wrote about love, as if through the prism of past memories, peering into the departed Russia and those people who are no longer there. This is how we perceive the story "Mitina's Love" (1924). In this story, the writer consistently shows, spiritual formation hero, leads him from love to ruin. In the story, feelings and life are closely intertwined. Mitya's love for Katya, his hopes, jealousy, vague forebodings seem to be covered with a special sadness. Katya, dreaming of an artistic career, spun in the fake life of the capital and cheated on Mitya. His torment, from which he could not save the connection with another woman - the beautiful but down to earth Alenka, led Mitya to commit suicide. Mitin's insecurity, openness, unpreparedness to face harsh reality, inability to suffer make us feel more acutely the inevitability and inadmissibility of what happened.

In a number of Bunin's stories about love, a love triangle is described: husband - wife - lover ("Ida", "Caucasus", "The most beautiful sun"). In these stories, an atmosphere of inviolability reigns. established order. Marriage is an insurmountable barrier to achieving happiness. And often what is given to one is ruthlessly taken away from another. In the story "Caucasus", a woman leaves with her lover, knowing for sure that from the moment the train leaves, hours of despair begin for her husband, that he will not stand it and rush after her. He is really looking for her, and not having found her, he guesses about the betrayal and shoots himself. Already here the motive of love appears as a "sunstroke", which has become a special, ringing note of the cycle " Dark alleys".

Memories of youth and the Motherland bring together the cycle of stories "Dark Alleys" with the prose of the 20-30s. These stories are told in the past tense. The author seems to be trying to penetrate into the depths of the subconscious world of his characters. In most stories, the author describes bodily pleasures, beautiful and poetic, born in genuine passion. Even if the first sensual impulse seems frivolous, as in the story "Sunstroke", it still leads to tenderness and self-forgetfulness, and then to true love. That's what happens to the characters in the stories." Business Cards", "Dark alleys", "Late hour", "Tanya", "Rus", "In one familiar street". The writer writes about ordinary lonely people and their lives. That is why the past, filled with early, strong feelings, seems to be truly golden times, merges with the sounds, smells, colors of nature. As if nature itself leads to spiritual and physical rapprochement loving friend friend of people. And nature itself leads them to inevitable separation, and sometimes to death.

The skill of describing everyday details, as well as the sensual description of love, is inherent in all the stories of the cycle, but the story written in 1944 " Clean Monday"represents not just a story about great secret love and mystery female soul, but some cryptogram. Too much in the psychological line of the story and in its landscape and everyday details seems like a ciphered revelation. Accuracy and abundance of details are not just signs of the times, not just nostalgia for forever lost Moscow, but the opposition of East and West in the soul and appearance of the heroine, leaving love and life for a monastery.

3. The theme of love in the literary works of the XX century

The theme of love continues to be relevant in the 20th century, in the era of global catastrophes, a political crisis, when humanity is making attempts to re-form its attitude to universal values. Writers of the 20th century often depict love as the last remaining moral category of the then destroyed world. In the novels of the writers of the "lost generation" (including Remarque and Hemingway), these feelings are the necessary stimulus for which the hero tries to survive and live on. The "Lost Generation" is the generation of people who survived the First World War and remained spiritually devastated.

These people renounce any ideological dogmas, search for the meaning of life in simple human relationships. The feeling of a comrade's shoulder, which almost merged with the instinct of self-preservation, guides the mentally lonely heroes of Remarque's novel All Quiet on the Western Front through the war. It also determines the relationship that arises between the characters of the novel "Three Comrades".

Hemingway's character in A Farewell to Arms renounced military service, from what is usually called the moral obligation of a person, renounced for the sake of a relationship with his beloved, and his position seems very convincing to the reader. A man of the 20th century is constantly faced with the possibility of the end of the world, with the expectation of his own death or the death of a loved one. Katherine, the heroine of A Farewell to Arms, dies, as does Pat in Remarque's Three Comrades. The hero loses a sense of being needed, a sense of the meaning of life. At the end of both works, the hero looks at the dead body, which has already ceased to be the body of the beloved woman. The novel is filled with the author's subconscious thoughts about the mystery of the origin of love, about its spiritual basis. One of the main features of the literature of the 20th century is its inseparable bond with social events. The author's reflections on the existence of such concepts as love and friendship appear against the background of the socio-political problems of that time and, in essence, are inseparable from reflections on the fate of mankind in the 20th century.

In the work of Francoise Sagan, the theme of friendship and love usually remains within the framework of a person's private life. The writer often depicts the life of the Parisian bohemia; most of her heroes belong to her.F. Sagan wrote her first novel in 1953, and it was then received as a complete moral decline. AT the art world Sagan has no place for a strong and truly strong human attraction: this feeling must die as soon as it is born. It is replaced by another - a feeling of disappointment and sadness.

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