What does love mean to a kuprin. Composition on the theme “Love in the work of Kuprin

The theme of love in art. You open the collected works of A. I. Kuprin and plunge into the wonderful world of his heroes. All of them are very different, but there is something in them that makes you empathize with them, rejoice and grieve with them.

Despite many dramatic situations, life is in full swing in Kuprin's works. His heroes are people with an open soul and a pure heart, rebelling against the humiliation of a person, trying to defend human dignity and restore justice.

One of the highest values ​​in the life of A. I. Kuprin was love, therefore, in his stories "Olesya", "Garnet Bracelet",

"Duel", "Shulamith" he raises this burning topic for all time. These works have common features, the most important of which is the tragic fate of the main characters. It seems to me that in none of the literary works I have read, the theme of love sounds like Kuprin's. In his stories, love is disinterested, selfless, not thirsty for reward, love for which to accomplish any feat, to go to torment is not labor at all, but joy.

Love in the works of Kuprin is always tragic, it is obviously doomed to suffering. It was such an all-consuming love that touched the Polissya "witch" Olesya, who fell in love with the "kind, but only weak" Ivan Timofeevich. The heroes of the story "Olesya" were destined to meet, spend wonderful minutes together, know a deep feeling of love, but they were not destined to be together. Such a denouement is due to many reasons, depending both on the heroes themselves and on the circumstances.

The story "Olesya" is built on a comparison of two heroes, two natures, two worldviews. On the one hand, there is an educated intellectual, a representative of urban culture, a rather humane Ivan Timofeevich, and on the other, Olesya is a “child of nature”, a person who has not been influenced by urban civilization. Kuprin paints the image of the Polissya beauty, forcing us to follow the richness of shades of her spiritual world, always sincere and kind nature. Kuprin reveals to us the true beauty of the innocent, almost childish soul of a girl who grew up far from the noisy world of people, among animals, birds and plants. Along with this, Kuprin shows human malice, senseless superstition, fear of the unknown, the unknown. But true love wins. A string of red beads is the last gift from Olesya's heart, the memory of "her tender, generous love."

Protesting against corrupt feelings, vulgarity, A. I. Kuprin created the story "Shulamith". She was based on the biblical "Song of Songs" by King Solomon. The king fell in love with a poor peasant girl, but because of the jealousy of the queen abandoned by him, the beloved dies. Before her death, Shulamith says to her lover: “I thank you, my king, for everything: for your wisdom, to which you allowed me to cling to my lips, like a sweet source ... There has never been and never will be a woman happier than me.” The writer showed a pure and tender feeling: the love of a poor girl from a vineyard and a great king will never pass and will not be forgotten, because it is strong as death.

And how the plot of the story "Garnet Bracelet" captured me, where Zheltkov's chivalrous romantic love for Princess Vera Nikolaevna is shown! Love is pure, unrequited, disinterested. No life's conveniences, calculations, compromises should concern her. Through the lips of General Amosov, the author says that this feeling should not be either frivolous or primitive, not have benefits and self-interest: “Love should be a tragedy. The greatest secret in the world!” But! A gross interference with holy feelings, with a beautiful soul, killed Zheltkov. He leaves life without complaints, without reproaches, saying, as a prayer: "Hallowed be thy name." Zheltkov dies, blessing the woman he loves.

Many events take place before us on the pages of the story "Duel". The emotional climax is not the tragic fate of Romashov, but the night of love he spent with the captivating Shurochka. And the happiness experienced by Romashov on this night before the duel is so great and impressive that it is precisely this that is conveyed to the reader.

This is how Kuprin describes love. You read and think: perhaps this does not happen in life. But, in spite of everything, I want it to be so.

Now, having read Kuprin, I am sure that these books do not leave anyone indifferent, on the contrary, they always beckon. Young people can learn a lot from this writer: humanism, kindness, spiritual wisdom, the ability to love, and most importantly, to appreciate love.

Kuprin in his works shows us true love, where there is not a single gram of self-interest, and which does not crave any reward. And love in the story "Garnet Bracelet" is described as all-consuming, it is not just a hobby, but a great feeling for life.

In the story, we see the true love of one poor official Zheltkov for the married Vera Shein, how happy he is just to love, without demanding anything in return. And as we can see, it did not matter to him at all that she did not need him. And as proof of his boundless love, he gives Vera Nikolaevna a garnet bracelet, the only valuable thing that he inherited from his mother.

Relatives of Vera, dissatisfied with the interference in their personal lives, ask Zheltkov to leave her alone and not write letters that she still does not care about. But how can love be taken away?

The only joy and meaning in Zheltkov's life was love for Vera. He did not have any goals in life, he was not interested in anything else.

As a result, he decides to commit suicide and fulfills the will of Vera, leaving her. Love Zheltkova will remain unrequited ...

Late she will realize that it was true love, the one that many only have to dream of, passed her by. Later, looking at the dead Zheltkov, Vera will compare him to the greatest people.

The story "Garnet Bracelet" colorfully shows us all the torment and tender feelings that are opposed to lack of spirituality in this world, where the lover is ready for anything for the sake of his beloved.

A person who managed to love so reverently, there is some special concept of life. And even though Zheltkov was just an ordinary person, he turned out to be above all established norms and standards.

Kuprin portrays love as an unattainable mystery, and for such love there is no doubt. "Garnet Bracelet" is a very interesting and at the same time sad work, in which Kuprin tried to teach us to appreciate something in life in a timely manner ...

Thanks to his works, we find ourselves in a world where selfless and kind people appear before us. Love is a passion, it is a powerful and real feeling, showing the best qualities of the soul. But besides all this, love is truthfulness and sincerity in relationships.

Option 2

Love is a word that evokes a wide variety of emotions. It can be both positive and negative. Kuprin was a unique author who could combine several directions of love in his works. One of these stories was "Garnet Bracelet".

The author has always been reverent about such a phenomenon as love, and in his story he extolled it, one might say, idolized it, which made his work so magical. The main character, the official Zheltkov, was madly in love with a lady named Vera, though he could only fully open himself to her at the end of his life. Vera at first did not know how to react, because she received letters with declarations of love, and her family laughed and mocked at it. Only Vera's grandfather suggested that the words written in the letters might not be empty, then the granddaughter misses the love that all the girls in the world dream of.

Love is shown as a bright, pure feeling, and the object of adoration of the official Zheltkov appears before us as an example of the female ideal. Our hero is ready to envy absolutely everything that surrounds and touches Vera. He envies the trees she might touch as she passes by, the people she talks to along the way. Therefore, when the realization of the hopelessness of his love and life came to him, he decides to give his beloved woman a gift with which, although not on his own, he can touch her. This bracelet was the most expensive item our poor hero had.

Love at a distance was very difficult for him, but he cherished it in his heart for a long time. At parting, before his death, he wrote her the last letter in which he said that he was dying at the behest of God, and blesses her and wishes her further happiness. But one can understand that Vera, who realized her chance late, will no longer be able to live peacefully and happily, perhaps it was the only real and sincere love that was waiting for her in life, and she missed it.

In this story by Kuprin, love carries a tragic connotation, because it has remained an unopened flower in the lives of two people. At first she was unresponsive for a very long time, but when she began to sprout into the second heart, the first, already exhausted from waiting, stopped beating.

The work "Garnet Bracelet" can be perceived not only as an "ode" to love, but also as a prayer for love. Zheltkov in his letter used the expression "Hallowed be thy name", which is a reference to the writings of God. He deified his chosen one, which, unfortunately, still could not lead his life to a joyful end. But he did not suffer, he loved, and this feeling was a gift, because not everyone is given to experience such a strong feeling at least once in their life, for which our hero remained grateful to his chosen one. She gave him, albeit unrequited, but true love!

Composition Love in the work of Kuprin Garnet bracelet

For many centuries of human existence, countless works on the theme of love have been written. And this is no accident. After all, love in the life of every person occupies a huge place, giving it a special meaning. Among all these works, very few can be distinguished that describe such a strong feeling of love as Kuprin's work "Garnet Bracelet".

The protagonist official Zheltkov, as he himself describes his feeling, has the good fortune to experience the most real boundless love. His feeling is so strong that in places he can be mistaken for an unhealthy, mentally ill person. The peculiarity of the feeling of yolk is that this person in no case wants to disturb the object of his boundless love and passion. He requires absolutely nothing in return for this superhuman love. It doesn’t even occur to him to have the opportunity to cool, calm his heart by just meeting with Vera. This not only speaks of the iron willpower of a person, but also of the boundless love of this person. It is love that does not allow him even for a moment to be honored with the attention of the object of love.

In the letter, Zheltkov calls his love a gift from God and expresses his gratitude to the Lord for the opportunity to experience such a feeling. Of course, both the reader and other heroes of the work are well aware that Zheltkov's love brought him nothing but bitter suffering and torment. But only a person who survived all this and felt such a strong feeling of love has the right to judge or understand the hero. Zheltkov is unable to do anything with his love. He knows about the impossibility of his further coexistence with this feeling of love. That is why the best way out for him is suicide. Before this act, he assures everyone in a letter that he lived a happy life.

10th grade, 11th grade

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Tried to find answers to questions about love. It cannot be said that they did not solve the problem. Decided! And a vivid example of this is the love I.A. - one of the outstanding Nobel Prize winner, who until the end of his days sought to know the truth of love. No less subtle is the theme of love in Kuprin's work. So what is this "gift of God" (according to these great Russian writers)?

To paraphrase the remark of Paustovsky K.G. about the fact that love has thousands of aspects, you can imagine this great feeling in the form of a precious stone with many facets (or even with an infinite number of them), because the limit here is impossible, and not needed .... After all, the end point means the end of everything! Not only to mankind, but also to the Universe. Love is the main goal, the highest meaning of life. This is life itself. It was about such love that A.I. Kuprin and I.A. Bunin. In their works, the characters seek and discover new facets of love, get to know themselves and the world around them through the prism of a new understanding.

In the story of A.I. Kuprin "Garnet Bracelet" the theme of love is revealed through the inner feelings, experiences, actions of the protagonist, a petty official Zheltkov, to a secular lady - Vera Nikolaevna Sheina. His feeling is deep, humble and unconditional. He knows perfectly well that there is an abyss between them - she is a woman from high society, and he is from the middle class, they have different views on life, a different inner worldview, and finally, she is married. On the one hand, he does not accept all these conventions, does not refuse her, and from his deep attachment to her, he is ready to carry this “burden” .... On the other hand, Zheltkov does not enter into a struggle with society, does not try to prove anything, to win back. He just loves. And he wants only one thing - happiness for his chosen one. Of course, the hero was not understood by his contemporaries. And, most likely, it would not be accepted in the world today. Why? Most people believe that love is, rather, a partnership, passing passion, respect, friendship, where the most important thing is to observe the principle "you - to me, I - to you." And, if this rule is violated, then, then, the end of the feeling. And you have to leave in search of new passions. How often do we turn away, betray, run away, if something doesn’t like us, doesn’t fit, doesn’t bring happiness. Of course, when a person like Zheltkov appears, who does not back down, and his soul only wants to love, despite the fact that he is humiliated, insulted, and frankly ignored - he becomes a real "black sheep". Some laugh at him, like Prince Vasily, for whom the story of turns out to be the main plot for table conversations. Others are frankly afraid, because the unknown, the incomprehensible always frightens, becomes a living threat. Therefore, Vera's brother proposes to introduce a punishment for this kind of "crime" - beating with rods. The hero of Kuprin passes away. All he could say, he said. He fulfilled his mission - he experienced a true feeling, knew the facet of love for which he was born. There is hope that the princess and other heroes will understand and experience this endless impulse. Death fulfilled his dream - the princess thought about her life, about her soul, about her attitude towards her husband, and about what is true ...

The theme of love in the work of A. Kuprin . continues in the story "Duel". The title of the work is not accidental. The whole world (and each of us) is a unity and struggle of opposites, black and white, physical and spiritual, calculation and sincerity…. The main character, lieutenant Romashov, is ready to confront the meaninglessness of existence in a small military town. He is not ready to put up with the stupid, empty everyday life of officers, whose members do the same assignments in the morning, and spend their evenings in games, drunken fights and vulgar novels. His soul is looking for true feelings, that real and sincere, for which it is worth living and moving on. He falls in love with a married lady - Shurochka Nikolaeva. This is not just a hobby or an attempt to escape from the gray everyday life. No, this is the love that people dream about, but which they do not recognize in reality. She uses the protagonist's cordiality, sending him to certain death for the sake of her husband's career. Who won and who lost in this "duel"? Lieutenant Romashov died, he was destroyed, but his soul rose above that petty, conditional, vain. Shurochka won, she got what she wanted. But she died inside.

The theme of love in the work of Kuprin A.I. suggests thinking. And choose your life path. Yes, love is not heaven on earth, rather, it is hard work, a rejection of one's ego, stereotypes, and the conventions of life. But in return, you get much more - it's heaven in the soul. From now on, life becomes harmonious, conscious, filled. A real gift from heaven! But the choice is up to each of us….

The theme of love in Kuprin's work is not an abstract philosophy, these are living people with their own thoughts, feelings, ideas. The writer does not condemn or exalt them. Everyone has the right to live life with their own truth. However, not all truth is truth....

The work of Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin is one of the most striking events in Russian prose at the beginning of the 20th century. It attracts readers, first of all, with a deep and multifaceted interest in the human personality. A.I. Kuprin is a democratic writer in the highest sense of the word. In the sphere of his interests are people who are often invisible and unattractive to an indifferent, third-party look. The author, however, treats them with a special warmth of humanity inherent only to him. On the pages of novels and stories by A.I. Kuprin, a whole world of various characters passes before us - among them are street performers, and officers, and Black Sea fishermen, and writers, and petty officials ... Deeply penetrating into their inner world, the writer creates their vivid and memorable portraits. And very often the characters of his heroes are revealed in the sphere where human characters are most clearly revealed - in the sphere of feelings and, above all, in the feeling of love.

Love in the works of A.I. Kuprin is most often not a reckless, dark passion, but an enlightened feeling; in many of his stories and stories, she is the only meaning of human life. His love stories "Garnet Bracelet", "Olesya", "Shulamith" are the most touching and heartfelt works. Love inspires the heroes, elevates them above the gray bleak life, gives a feeling of the highest fullness of life.

Love in Kuprin's work is often presented as a kind of supernatural force that exists, as if by itself, and completely dominates a person. She is ruthless because she is mortal, and nothing can overcome her. But at the same time, she is a pure and sublime feeling, and a person not only does not curse him, but, on the contrary, thanks God for this priceless gift.

Love is revealed by the writer as a strong, passionate, all-consuming feeling that completely took possession of a person. It allows the heroes to reveal the best qualities of the soul, illuminates life with the light of kindness and self-sacrifice. But love in the works of Kuprin often ends in tragedy. In this vein, the poetic and tragic story of a young girl in the story "Olesya" sounds. Olesya's world is a world of spiritual harmony, a world of nature. He is alien to Ivan Timofeevich, a representative of a cruel, big city. Olesya attracts him with her “unusualness”, “there was nothing like local girls in her”, naturalness, simplicity and some kind of elusive inner freedom inherent in her image attracted him like a magnet.

Olesya grew up in the forest. She could not read or write, but she had great spiritual wealth and a strong character. Ivan Timofeevich is educated, but indecisive, and his kindness is more like cowardice. These two completely different people fell in love with each other, but this love does not bring happiness to the heroes, its outcome is tragic.

The story "Olesya" develops the theme of Kuprin's creativity - love as a saving force that protects the "pure gold" of human nature from "degradation", from the destructive influence of bourgeois civilization. It is no coincidence that Kuprin's favorite hero was a man of a strong-willed, courageous character and a noble, kind heart, able to enjoy all the diversity of the world. The work is built on a comparison of two heroes, two natures, two worldviews. On the one hand, an educated intellectual, a representative of urban culture, rather humane Ivan Timofeevich, on the other hand, Olesya, a "child of nature" who was not influenced by urban civilization. Compared to Ivan Timofeevich, a man of a kind, but weak, "lazy" heart, Olesya rises with nobility, integrity, and proud confidence in his strength. Freely, without any special tricks, Kuprin draws the appearance of a Polissya beauty, forcing us to follow the richness of the shades of her spiritual world, always original, sincere and deep. "Olesya" - the artistic discovery of Kuprin. The writer showed us the true beauty of the innocent, almost childish soul of a girl who grew up far from the noisy world of people, among animals, birds and forests. But along with this, Kuprin also highlights human malice, senseless superstition, fear of the unknown, the unknown. However, true love prevailed over all this. A string of red beads is the last tribute to Olesya's generous heart, the memory of "her tender, generous love."

Poetizing life, not limited by modern social and cultural boundaries, Kuprin sought to show the obvious advantages of a "natural" person, in whom he saw spiritual qualities lost in a civilized society. The meaning of the story is to affirm the high standard of man. Kuprin is looking for people in real, everyday life, obsessed with a high feeling of love, able to rise at least in dreams above the prose of life.

A strong and beautiful feeling binds people so different both in age and position, like the wise King Solomon and the poor girl from the vineyards in the story "Shulamith". This biblical legend is perceived as a hymn to love, youth and beauty. Love helps the heroine overcome the fear of death. Bleeding, she calls herself the happiest woman in the world and thanks her lover for his love, beauty and wisdom, to which "she clung like a sweet spring." The jealousy of Queen Astis was able to destroy the young rival, but she is powerless to kill love, the bright memory of King Solomon about "Sulamith burned by the sun." The tragic reflection of love that illuminated the life of the sage makes him dictate deeply suffered lines: "Strong as death, love and cruel as hell, jealousy: its arrows are arrows of fire."

Unrequited love gives the poor telegraph operator Zheltkov from the story "Garnet Bracelet" the highest bliss and sharp sweet longing. The whole world concentrated for him in love for Princess Vera Nikolaevna Sheyna, a married woman who occupies a high position in society. His naive, touching letters, breathing love and adoration, become a constant source of ridicule and witticisms of the noble princely family. But the garnet bracelet presented on Vera's name day, in which, thanks to successful lighting, “charming densely red living lights suddenly lit up,” violates, according to Nikolai Nikolayevich, the brother of the princess, all the boundaries of decency. Concerned about the good name of the princes Sheiny, this dry and callous man begins to search for this insignificant "Ge Es Zhe" in order to return the gift to him and put an end to his persecution of Princess Vera. The painful and senseless conversation ends with Zheltkov's promise not to remind of himself anymore, although he sincerely admits to Vasily Lvovich that he will never be able to stop loving his wife. This meeting leaves Prince Shein, a kind and decent man, with a strange feeling that he is present "at some tremendous tragedy of the soul." Princess Vera also has a presentiment "that this man will kill himself."

The heroes of Kuprin's story talk a lot about this feeling, dream of selfless, selfless love, for which "to accomplish any feat, to give one's life, to go to torment is not work at all, but one joy," but they do not notice that it was such love that crossed the path of life. Faith. Bound by a promise given to the husband and brother of Princess Sheina, Zheltkov commits suicide, as he is unable to stop loving Vera.

This act of the hero is often interpreted by critics as a manifestation of spiritual weakness and lack of will. We cannot agree with this statement. Probably, in Zheltkov's suicide, the depth and selflessness of his love is expressed with great force, forcing Vera to understand and feel a lot. Every word in the hero's farewell letter is illuminated for her by a great tragic feeling. The hero perceives love as a reward, as the highest gift sent to him by God. He, without hesitation, sacrifices his life for the well-being and tranquility of the beloved woman and thanks her only for the fact that she is and that the beauty of the earth is embodied in her. The confession of a man for whom love for her has become the meaning of life and the highest bliss is heard by Vera in the wonderful sounds of Beethoven's sonata.

The story "Duel" shows the life of Russian officers at the beginning of the 20th century. Reading the story, together with the author, we comprehend the inner world of his young contemporary, lieutenant Romashov, the main character of the work. He lives among the inhabitants of a provincial military town, the life of officers in which is boring, monotonous, devoid of spiritual interests. Their days are filled with preparations for a military review, the brutal drill of soldiers, and their evenings with drunkenness, playing cards, vulgar romances with "regimental ladies" wives of officers. Romashova distinguishes from this environment, first of all, that he is capable of a real, great feeling "What he feels for Shurochka Nikolaeva is not just a hobby, not an attempt to get away from boredom and the monotony of life, but love in the highest sense of the word. It is in this love that the bright sides of Romashov's personality, his purity and nobility are manifested. Love is not brings him happiness. The woman he idolizes turns out to be cruel, heartless and prudent. For the sake of her husband's career, she sends to certain death a man who is ready for self-sacrifice for her happiness.

The story of A.I. Kuprin is called "Duel". The meaning of this name is ambiguous. Love in the story is also a kind of duel, a clash of two very different characters and an internal, psychological clash - within Romashov's personality itself. For the heroine, this duel ends with an imaginary victory - Romashov is killed, all obstacles to a brilliant future are removed. But this victory turns out to be an internal collapse; moral defeat. For the hero, his physical death turns into a personal victory over fate, overcoming the vain and petty in himself, a high sacrifice for the sake of love. This death indisputably proves the greatness of love, in which A.I. Kuprin.

Many events take place before us on the pages of the story "Duel". But the emotional culmination of the work was not the tragic fate of Romashov, but the night of love he spent with the insidious and therefore even more captivating Shurochka; and the happiness experienced by Romashov on this night before the duel is so great that it is precisely this alone that is conveyed to the reader.

An increased predilection for any human personality and the mastery of psychological analysis are the specifics of A.I. Kuprin, which allowed him to study the realist heritage to an absolute extent. The importance of his work lies in the artistically convincing discovery of the soul of his contemporary. The author analyzes love as a perfect moral and psychological feeling. The works of Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin awaken the original questions of humanity - the questions of love.

The stories created by Kuprin, despite the complexity of circumstances and often a tragic end, are full of love of life and optimism. You close the book you read with his stories, and in your soul for a long time the feeling from touching something bright and clear remains.

AI Kuprin traveled a lot around Russia, tried many professions, and reflected all his life impressions in wonderful works. Kuprin's work is loved by readers. Truly national recognition was received by his works: "Moloch", "Olesya", "In the Circus", "Duel", "Garnet Bracelet", "Gambrinus", "Junkers" and others.

The story "Garnet Bracelet" tells about hopeless and touching love. The writer in real life is looking for people who are obsessed with this high feeling. For Kuprin himself, love is a miracle, it is a wonderful gift. The death of an official revived a woman who did not believe in love. To the sound of music, the soul of the heroine is reborn.

  • But where is love? Love disinterested, selfless, not waiting for a reward? The one about which it is said - "strong as death"? You see, such love, for which to accomplish any feat, to give one's life, to go to torment, is not labor at all, but one joy.
  • Love must be a tragedy. The greatest secret in the world! No comforts of life, calculations and compromises should concern her.
  • From a letter: “It’s not my fault, Vera Nikolaevna, that God was pleased to send me love for you as an enormous happiness. It so happened that I am not interested in anything in life: neither politics, nor science, nor philosophy, nor concern for the future happiness of people - for me, all life is only in you.

    I am infinitely grateful to you just for the fact that you exist. I checked myself - this is not a disease, not a manic idea - this is love, which God was pleased to reward me for something ...

    I don't know how to finish the letter. From the bottom of my heart I thank you for being my only joy in life, my only consolation, my only thought. May God grant you happiness and may nothing temporary and worldly disturb your beautiful soul. I kiss your hands. G.S.Zh.”

  • Well, tell me, my dear, in all conscience, doesn’t every woman in the depths of her heart dream of such love - the only all-forgiving, ready for anything, modest and selfless?
  • Finally, he dies, but before his death, he bequeaths to give Vera two telegraph buttons and a perfume bottle filled with his tears ...
  • Every woman who loves is a queen.
  • Almost every woman is capable of the highest heroism in love. For her, if she loves, love contains the whole meaning of life - the whole universe!
  • You cannot leave a good impression of yourself by coming to a woman empty-handed.
  • Individuality is expressed not in strength, not in dexterity, not in mind, not in talent, not in creativity. But in love!
  • The Russian language in skillful hands and experienced lips is beautiful, melodious, expressive, flexible, obedient, dexterous and roomy.
  • Language is the history of a people. Language is the way of civilization and culture. Therefore, the study and preservation of the Russian language is not an idle occupation with nothing to do, but an urgent need.
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