True friendship is war and peace. Composition of Tolstoy L.N.

He always searched with all the strength of his soul

one thing: to be quite good.

Pierre on Prince Andrew

You are dear to me especially because you

one living person among all of our

Andrew about Pierre

L. N. Tolstoy. War and Peace

Why do people become friends? If parents, children, relatives are not chosen, then everyone is free to choose friends. Therefore, a friend is a person whom we fully trust, whom we respect, whose opinion we take into account. But this does not mean that friends should think the same way. A folk proverb says: "The enemy agrees, but the friend argues." Sincerity and disinterestedness, mutual understanding and readiness to support and help - this is the basis of true friendship, such as the friendship of Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov, different in character, with different personalities, but with a common desire for a meaningful, fulfilling life, for useful activity.

"The soul must work" - these words, spoken a century after the creation of "War and Peace", could become the motto of their life, their friendship. The reader's attention to Prince Andrei and Pierre is riveted from the first pages of the novel. Imagine a high society evening in the salon of Anna Pavlovna Scherer. Eminent guests, the brilliance of outfits and jewelry, false courtesies, artificial smiles, "decency" conversations. Two people, so unlike everyone else, found each other in the crowd of guests so as not to be separated until the end of the life of one of them.

How different they are: the refined aristocrat Prince Bolkonsky, and the illegitimate son of the noble Catherine's nobleman Count Bezukhov Pierre. Prince Andrei is here. He is accepted in the world, smart, educated, his manners are impeccable. And the appearance of Pierre frightens Anna Pavlovna. Tolstoy explains that her fear "could only relate to that intelligent and at the same time timid, observant and natural look that distinguished him from everyone else in this living room." Andrei Bolkonsky is frankly bored this evening, he is tired of everything and everyone, but Pierre is not bored: he is interested in people, their conversations. Not observing etiquette, he "breaks" into disputes about Napoleon, disrupting the course of a "decent conversational machine." They were happy to meet. Familiar from childhood, young people have not seen each other for a long time. They have something to tell each other, despite the difference in age.

What unites them now, why are they interested in each other? Both are at a crossroads. Both think not about a career, but about the meaning of life, about a useful, worthy activity for a person. They still do not know what they want, what they should strive for, not only the naive Pierre, but also Prince Andrei, does not understand this, but Bolkonsky knows for sure that the life he leads is not according to him. He believes that life has failed, he rushes about, looking for a way out. However, this does not prevent him from trying to influence Pierre, to convince him that he "will be good" in any field, he just needs to stay away from the company of Dolokhov and Anatole Kuragin. They are not only concerned with personal problems. The name of Napoleon is on everyone's lips. It causes fear and indignation in court society. Pierre and Prince Andrei perceive him differently. Pierre passionately defends Napoleon, justifying his cruelty by the need to preserve the gains of the revolution; Prince Andrei is attracted to Bonaparte by the eccentricity of the commander, elevated to the pinnacle of glory with his talent.

In many respects disagreeing with each other, they recognize the right of everyone to their own judgments, to their own choice. But at the same time, the more experienced Bolkonsky is afraid (and, unfortunately, he is right!) Of the corrupting influence on Pierre of the environment in which he found himself. And Pierre, considering Prince Andrei a model of all perfections, nevertheless does not heed his advice and is forced to learn from his own mistakes.

They still have a lot to do. Both cannot help but think, both fight with themselves, often suffer defeats in this struggle, but do not give up, but continue to "fight, get confused, make mistakes, start and quit ..." (L. N. Tolstoy). And this, according to Tolstoy, is the main thing - not to be pleased with yourself, to judge and punish yourself, to overcome yourself again and again. No matter how fate tests Prince Andrei and Pierre, they do not forget about each other.

Here, having experienced a lot, matured Pierre calls in on the widowed Prince Andrei in Bogucharovo after a trip to his estates. He is active, full of life, hopes, aspirations. Having become a Freemason, he became interested in the idea of ​​internal purification, believed in the possibility of the brotherhood of people, did, as it seemed to him, a lot to alleviate the situation of the peasants. And Prince Andrei, who survived his "Austerlitz", lost faith in life, is depressed and gloomy. Bezukhov was struck by a change in him: "... the words were kind, the smile was on the lips and face of Prince Andrei, but his gaze was dead, dead."

I think it is no coincidence that the writer collides his heroes at this very moment, when one of them, trying to live for others, "understood all the happiness of life", and the other, having lost his wife, parted with the dream of fame, decided to live only for himself and his loved ones. , "avoiding only two evils - remorse and disease." If they are connected by true friendship, this meeting is necessary for both. Pierre is inspired, he shares his new thoughts with Prince Andrei, but Bolkonsky listens to him incredulously and gloomily, does not want to talk about himself, does not even hide that he is not interested in everything that Pierre is talking about, but does not refuse to argue. Bezukhov proclaims that it is necessary to do good to people, and Prince Andrei believes that it is enough not to harm anyone. It seems that Pierre is right in this dispute, but in fact everything is more complicated. Prince Andrei, who had that "practical tenacity" that Pierre did not have, manages to do much of what his friend dreams of and cannot achieve: he is older, more experienced, knows life and people better.

The dispute, at first glance, did not change anything. However, the meeting with Pierre made a strong impression on Prince Andrei, she "woke up something that had long fallen asleep, something better that was in him." Apparently, Bezukhov's "heart of gold" did not let him down when he was not afraid to hurt a friend, offend the prince's grief, convincing him that life goes on, that much is yet to come. He helped Prince Andrei take the first step towards inner rebirth, towards a new life, towards love.

It seems to me that, had it not been for the Bogucharov meeting, Bolkonsky would not have noticed either the poetic moonlit night in Otradnoye, or the lovely girl who would soon enter his life and change it, and the old oak tree would not have helped him to draw such an important conclusion: “No, life is not over at thirty-one ... It is necessary that everyone knows me, so that my life goes not for me alone ... So that it is reflected on everyone and that they all live with me together. In two months he will leave for St. Petersburg in order to be useful to people, and Pierre, under the influence of a conversation with Bolkonsky, looking more closely at the Masonic brothers, realized that their correct words about the brotherhood of people hide their own goal - "the uniforms and crosses that they sought in life". This, in fact, began his break with Freemasonry.

Both friends still have many hopes, sorrows, falls, ups and downs ahead. But one thing, the main thing that unites them, both of them will retain - a constant desire to seek truth, goodness and justice. And how happy Pierre is when he learns that Prince Andrei fell in love with Natasha Rostov, how beautiful and generous he is when he hides his feelings for her, moreover, he persuades his friend to forgive the girl for her passion for Anatoly Kuragin. Having failed to achieve this, Pierre painfully experiences their breakup, it hurts for both of them, he fights for their love, not thinking about himself. Before the events of 1812, Tolstoy again leads his friends to a deep crisis: Prince Andrei became disillusioned with state activity, his hope for personal happiness collapsed, his faith in people was trampled; Pierre broke with Freemasonry, loves Natasha unrequitedly. How difficult it is for both, and how they need each other! The events of 1812 are a severe test for both, and both stand it with honor, having found their place in the fight against the invaders. Before the Battle of Borodino, Pierre had to see Prince Andrei, because only he alone could explain to him everything that was happening. And so they meet. Pierre's expectations come true: Bolkonsky explains to him the situation in the army. Now Bezukhov understood that "hidden warmth ... of patriotism" that flared up before his eyes. And for Prince Andrei, a conversation with Pierre is very important: expressing his thoughts to a friend, he felt that he might not return from this field, and, probably, he felt sorry for his life, loved ones, his friendship with this huge, ridiculous, beautiful Pierre, but Andrei Bolkonsky - the true son of his father - restrains himself, does not betray the excitement that gripped him.

They don't have to talk anymore. A wonderful friendship was cut short by an enemy grenade. No, it didn't break though. The deceased friend will forever remain next to Pierre as the most precious memory, as the most sacred thing that he had in his life. He still mentally consults with Prince Andrei and, making the main decision in his life - to actively fight evil, I am sure that Prince Andrei would be on his side. Pierre proudly speaks about this to Nikolenka Bolkonsky, the fifteen-year-old son of Prince Andrei, because he wants to see in the boy the heir of the thoughts and feelings of a person who has not died for him and will never die. What united two wonderful people: the constant work of the soul, the tireless search for truth, the desire to always be pure in front of one's conscience, to benefit people - is immortal. There is something in human feelings that is always modern. The pages of "War and Peace", dedicated to the friendship of such different and equally wonderful people as Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov, are unforgettable. After all, before our eyes, these people, supporting each other, are becoming better, cleaner, fairer. Everyone dreams of such friends and such friendship.

Friendship of Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov composition

  • 1. The concept of friendship.
  • 2. Friendship of Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov
  • 2.1. The image of Bolkonsky
  • 2.2. The image of Bezukhov
  • 2.3. Relationships of heroes
  • 3. The further fate of friends.

Therefore, friends are not just good acquaintances. Now it is very difficult to find a true friend, someone who is ready to sacrifice something for you, who is always ready to listen, come to the rescue and just be there. It is also difficult to be a good friend yourself, and not just expect it from others.

Reading Tolstoy's immortal novel, I really liked the relationship between Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov. They are such different people, not similar to each other, but they were connected by a strong and tender feeling of friendship.

Prince Bolkonsky is a handsome and charming rich aristocrat, with impeccable treatment and secular manners. He is proud and arrogant, slightly mocking and ironic. High society accepts him well, fawns over him and flatters him.

But the young man is disgusted by the false and false world, its artificial courtesies and fake smiles. He is burdened by this, refined hypocrites and gallant empty shells are alien and not pleasant to him.

But, on the other hand, a prince who has absorbed a secular worldview cannot truthfully and sincerely show his feelings. He has clad himself in an armor of coldness and arrogance, he is disappointed and aloof.

Bezukhov is the exact opposite of Bolkonsky. He, the illegitimate son of a wealthy count, who has no knowledge of secular life and does not have formal manners, is a very sincere and good-natured person. Lacking external beauty and sophistication, Pierre is beautiful inside. His modesty and openness, warmth and disinterestedness attract sincere and reflective people, but at the same time repel hypocritical and malicious people from him.

Bezukhov, who received the title and inheritance, in the simplicity of his soul seeks to win a place in society and draw attention to himself. But, unfortunately, his straightforwardness and generosity turns against him - they are trying to fool the young count.

A curious and remarkable acquaintance develops between these two different men. In a secular salon, behind a solid empty conversation, time runs measuredly and the evening passes leisurely. But the general serene and unimportant pastime is disturbed by a sonorous emotional voice defending what is wild and surprising for high society. Pierre expresses his extraordinary original opinion.

Bolkonsky immediately draws attention to his ardor and honesty, shyness and originality. Knowing Bezukhov since childhood, Andrei decides to continue his acquaintance with this non-trivial quirky personality. They spend the rest of the evening in a sincere heated conversation.

It is not for nothing that the author so often gives an accurate description of these conversations. They colorfully and vividly display the relationship of two opposite characters, with such a different character and dissimilar fate.

Bolkonsky and Bezukhov often disagree, but this does not prevent them from communicating with each other respectfully and cordially. They - reasonable and humane people - are aware that the opinion of another has the right to exist, and that it is not necessarily false or erroneous.

Bolkonsky, as an older and more experienced, tries to support Pierre, to guide him with his advice. But the young count does not always listen to his friend, wise by light, and therefore reaps the bitter fruits of his mistakes and blunders. Yet he becomes more knowledgeable and practical.

Communication with Bezukhov has a positive effect on Andrei. He learns to be open and trusting. Perhaps, if not for their meeting in Bogucharovo, the disappointed and tired Bolkonsky would not have been able to start living anew and let the saving feeling of love for the beautiful naive Natasha into his heart.

Different friends have different unique destinies. Andrei, before whom life and love opened up, who began to live not only for himself, but also for others, who believed in happiness and experienced bliss, is dying from a severe painful wound. And Pierre, who sacrificed his feelings for the well-being of a friend, experienced pain and disappointment in family life, finds simple and quiet happiness in marriage with

As you know, initially L.N. Tolstoy conceived a novel about a Decembrist who returns from hard labor to post-reform Russia. But the writer decided to talk about the Decembrist uprising in order to identify the reasons for this event for the fate of the motherland. However, this event also required him to turn to the origins of Decembrism - the Patriotic War of 1812.

The writer himself said that it was impossible for him to talk about the time of Russian victories without referring to the era of "shame and defeat" - the war of 1805-1807. This is how the novel "War and Peace" appeared. As can be seen from this story, the novel originally had one hero - Pierre Bezukhov.

Images of Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov in the novel "War and Peace"

The image of Andrei Bolkonsky appeared from the scene of the death of a young officer on the Austrelitz field. So, in "War and Peace" there are two positive characters who are close to the author and in many respects comprehend the events as the author comprehended them.

Prince Andrei appears on the pages of the novel as an already established person: he is an officer, leads a secular life, is married, but

"the life he leads is not according to him."

By this he explains the reason for his desire to go to war. We know almost nothing about the hero’s childhood, but, knowing his father, the old Prince Bolkonsky, we can say with confidence that the upbringing of Prince Andrei was harsh, he most likely did not know the caresses of his mother. But at the same time, from his father, he inherited a great sense of duty, patriotism, loyalty to a given word, aversion to falsehood and lies.

We also know little about Pierre's childhood. The fact that he is the illegitimate son of a large Catherine nobleman leaves an imprint on his fate. Pierre returns from abroad, where he was brought up. Foreign education laid in him a humanistic approach to the problems of mankind. We get to know the characters at the evening of Anna Pavlovna Sherer. Both Pierre and Andrei stand out from all those present at the evening:

  • Andrey - by the fact that he is frankly bored, he only fulfills the duty of a secular person,
  • and Pierre - by the fact that he naively violates the established order with sincerity and naturalness. Pierre knows life poorly and has a poor understanding of people.

The world of Tolstoy's heroes is the world of the patriarchal nobility. The writer is trying to understand the position of the best representatives of the noble intelligentsia.

Both Pierre and Andrey are characterized by:

  • painful thoughts about the purpose of life,
  • thoughts about the fate of the motherland,
  • nobility, sincerity,
  • awareness of the unity of one's destiny and the destiny of the people and the motherland.

The attitude of the writer to the war is expressed by Prince Andrei in a conversation with Pierre before the Battle of Borodino:

"War is the most disgusting thing in the world."

Tolstoy leads each of the heroes on a painful search for truth. It is fundamentally important that the writer is not afraid to show the mistakes and failures of the characters.

The life path of Prince Andrei

  • aversion to social life (“... this life is not for me”, the author’s characteristic: “He read everything, knew everything, had a concept about everything”)
  • war of 1805-1807, dreams of glory (“I want glory, I want to be known to people, I want to be loved by them”)
  • the sky of Austerlitz (“Yes! Everything is empty, everything is a lie, except for this endless sky ...”)
  • life in the Bald Mountains, raising a son (Live in such a way as not to harm others, live for yourself)
  • rebirth to life: a conversation with Pierre on the ferry, a night in Otradnoye, an oak (“It is necessary that everyone knows me, so that my life goes not for me alone ...”)
  • rapprochement and break with Speransky - love for Natasha and break with her - (“I can’t forgive”)
  • Patriotic war of 1812, unity with the people, wound, search for eternity, forgiveness of enemies (Kuragin) - love for ("I love you more, better than before") - the discovery of eternity.

The most important thing that the reader takes out of the fate of Andrei Bolkonsky is that the knowledge of truth requires a person to renounce individualism and selfishness, while truth, according to Tolstoy, lies in forgiveness and reconciliation with life.

The paths of Andrei and Pierre constantly intersect, but it is interesting that the characters are almost never at the same point: Pierre's periods of upsurge almost always coincide with Prince Andrei's periods of decline.

The path of spiritual quest of Pierre Bezukhov

Let's look at the path of Pierre Bezukhov's spiritual quest. Marrying Helen is Pierre's first life test. Here, not only ignorance of life, an inability to resist pressure, but also an inner feeling that something unnatural had happened were manifested. The duel with Dolokhov is a turning point in Pierre's life: he, in turn, understands that the life he leads is not for him

("... the main screw on which his whole life rested was curled up")

But the reason for what happened is the hero of Pierre sees first of all. He takes the blame. At this moment, his meeting with the freemason Osip Alekseevich Bazdeev takes place. Bezukhov begins to see the meaning of life in the need to do good to people. But Pierre does not yet know life, which is why it is so easy to deceive him, just as his clerks and managers on his estates deceive him. He still cannot distinguish truth from lies. Disappointment in Freemasonry comes to the hero when he encounters representatives of the high society in the Masonic lodge and realizes that for them Freemasonry is only an opportunity to make a career, to get benefits. It is noteworthy that love for Natasha comes to Pierre when Natasha made a terrible mistake when she met Anatole Kuragin. Love makes a person better, purer.

Pierre's love for Natasha, at first hopeless, revives the hero to search for the truth. The battle of Borodino turns his life upside down, like the lives of many Russian people. Bezukhov wants to be a simple soldier,

"throw off all this superfluous, diabolical, all the burden of this external world."

A naive desire to kill Napoleon, to sacrifice himself, to save a girl, captivity, execution, loss of faith in life, a meeting with Platon Karataev - the stages of Pierre's spiritual development in the novel "War and Peace" are rapidly changing. The hero learns from Plato the ability to live in any circumstances, to accept life, to feel like a particle of a vast world.

(“And all this is mine, and all this is in me, and all this is me!”).

It is noteworthy that after captivity, Pierre acquired the ability to communicate with people and understand them, it is no longer possible to deceive him, he has an inherent understanding of good and bad. Meeting with Natasha, a mutual feeling of love revives Bezukhov, gives him happiness. In the epilogue of the novel, Pierre is fascinated by the ideas of radical changes in the social structure of Russia - he is a future Decembrist.

Disclosure of the characters of Pierre and Andrei in the novel

It should be especially noted that the images of Pierre and Andrei do not duplicate each other: we are facing two different people, two different characters. The appearance in the novel of not the only positive character gives Tolstoy the opportunity to show that the search for the meaning of life, spiritual quests were characteristic of the best nobles of Russia.

The character of Tolstoy's heroes is revealed:

  • in a collision with other characters (the scene of the explanation of Pierre and Helen),
  • in the monologues of heroes (reflections of Prince Andrei on the road to Otradnoye),
  • the psychological state of the hero (“Whatever he started to think about, he returned to the same questions that he could not resolve and could not stop asking himself” - about Pierre),
  • on the spiritual and mental state of the hero (the sky of Austerlitz, the oak tree on the road to Otradnoye).

The whole life of the writer Tolstoy was aimed at comprehending the Truth. Such are his favorite characters - Pierre and Andrei, who, as it were, set the reader a high bar for comprehending the meaning of life, making them painfully experience ups and downs, comprehend life and oneself.

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To "War and Peace" Leo Tolstoy walked painfully and for a long time. The first title of the conceived work sounded like “Decembrist”, then “All is well that ends well”, the next one is “1805”, and only in the final version does the written one become an epic novel about Russian society, the dialectics of the soul and the meaning of life. A comparative description of Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov, the main characters of the story, is a clear confirmation of this.

Tolstoy and his heroes

Being a humanist writer, Lev Nikolaevich in each of his works explored the human soul, its internal development, rise or fall. He considered each person as a part of the universe, he was interested in everything in it. And the writer is trying to figure out what makes a person great or low, what is the most important thing in his life, whether he can influence history.

Leading the heroes of the novel through the trials of money, love, war, the author always shows the inner experiences of people, the motives for which they act. It is from this point of view that the search for Andrei Bolkonsky is always considered, who turned out to be too good to live in this world.

The evolution of Pierre Bezukhov is the spiritual growth of the author himself, this character is very close to him, therefore it is for him that he marries Natasha Rostova (the most beloved image of Leo Tolstoy), whom he considered the ideal of a Russian woman.

There are more than five hundred characters in War and Peace, most of them are real historical figures. The ingenious multifaceted nature of the novel allowed Tolstoy to place them all in their places, to identify parallels (maybe not even on purpose).

Image system

If we divide all the heroes of the work into four levels: historical, social, folk and natural (metaphysical), then it is easy to find the verticals to which Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov belong. And also those who correspond to them. This can be clearly shown in the table.

Crystalline Grid "War and Peace"

As you can see, Prince Andrei and Count Bezukhov, who are on the same rung of the social ladder, correspond to different people at the historical and national level, and their elements do not coincide.

The rootless, groundless life of Bolkonsky, accompanied by constant striving for unattainable ideals, makes him related precisely to the bottomless blue sky that opened up to him on the Austerlitz field.

Pierre is not like that at all. It is he and those like him - Kutuzov and Platon Karataev - who can defeat Napoleon and Dolokhov, who imagines himself a superman, put in his place the one who knows how to fight so well, more precisely, her analysis, carried out at the metaphysical level, indicates that his element is water. And only she can extinguish any flame, even hostile raging.

Attitude towards high society

Despite all the difference in natures, Prince Andrei and Pierre are Tolstoy's favorite heroes. We meet them on the very first pages of the novel, which tells about salon life. And we immediately see the difference in their behavior, but we immediately understand that these people have deep respect and affection for each other.

At this, in modern slang, high society get-together, they are for one reason - the position obliges. But for the prince, everything here is uninteresting and understandable. Falsehood, vulgarity, the pursuit of money, corruption that reign in high society have long disgusted him, and he does not hide his contempt for those gathered.

The young count is a newcomer here, he reverently watches the guests and does not notice that he is treated like a second-class person, because he is an illegitimate son, and whether he will get the inheritance is still unknown. But the characterization of Pierre Bezukhov would be incomplete, if not to clarify that very little time will pass, and he, just like the prince, will begin to treat secular cold brilliance and empty chatter with a sense of disgust.

Character traits

The friendship of these people, so different neither externally nor internally, was built on trust and respect, because they felt the sincerity of these relations, the desire to help understand themselves and people. Perhaps this is a vivid example of how opposite characters can peacefully complement each other. They are interested together.

A comparative description of Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov, as they appear at the beginning of the novel, will not be in favor of the latter. The prince has a sober, one might even say statesmanship, practical tenacity, the ability to bring the work begun to its logical conclusion. He is unusually restrained, collected, highly educated, intelligent, strong in character and has great willpower.

And Pierre is a sensitive, spontaneous, broad, sincere nature. After arriving from abroad, he finds himself not in the best company of secular revelers and loafers. Bezukhov understands what he is doing wrong, but the gentleness of his character does not allow him to break unnecessary ties. And then Kuragin appears with his sister, and it didn’t cost anything for this hardened intriguer to rob the gullible Pierre, marrying him to Helen.

And yet, Prince Andrei, so correct and cold, a rationalist to the marrow of his bones, it was with Pierre that he was free from conventions and allowed himself to speak quite frankly. Yes, and Bezukhov, in turn, believed only him and respected Bolkonsky infinitely.

love test

An amazing thing: having the experience of unsuccessful marriages, both heroes fall in love with one girl, amazing in her sincerity and spontaneity, with an irrepressible desire to live - Natasha Rostova. And now the comparative characteristics of Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov, their attitude towards love will not be in favor of the first.

Yes, the prince turned out to be happier, because he became Natasha's fiancé, while the count did not even dare to admit to himself how dear this bright girl was to him. Young Rostova became a manifestation of the true feelings of Pierre and Andrei. If the first was ready to love silently all his life, because for him Natasha's happiness was above all, and therefore he was ready to forgive her everything, then the second turned out to be an ordinary owner.

Bolkonsky could not understand and accept the poor girl's remorse for treason, which, in fact, did not exist. Only on his deathbed, when the whole past life no longer mattered, when all ambitious thoughts were not needed, Prince Andrei understands what it is to love. But this feeling, rather, is not for a specific person, it is not even earthly, but divine.

Trial by war

The characterization of Andrei Bolkonsky as a warrior is brilliant. This is the same type of Russian officers who keep the army and the country. He is moderately cautious, courageous, quickly makes decisions in extreme situations, takes care of his subordinates. No wonder Kutuzov did not want to let him go from his headquarters to the front line.

The war of 1805, incomprehensible and unfair, devastated the prince. After the injury and the French captivity, when the ideal of Napoleon collapsed and depreciated in his eyes, Bolkonsky's life was empty. But we already see a different Andrei. Here he is with his people, and he realized that the main purpose of human existence is to help other people.

For Pierre, the war turned out to be the purgatory of the soul. He stayed in Moscow to kill Napoleon, but, saving the child, he was arrested, then he was preparing to be shot, and then he was expected to be captured and retreat with the French. A complete characterization of Pierre Bezukhov is impossible without It is through this peasant that the count comprehends the national character, its values ​​and priorities. Probably, it was after the meeting with Karataev that the path of Bezukhov the Decembrist began.

In search of truth

Both Andrei and Pierre throughout the whole novel are languidly looking for the meaning of life, following the paths of spiritual quest. They are either disappointed or resurrected again for new things. A comparative description of Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov shows that the trials prepared for them by fate are, in general, very similar.

Prince Andrei realized his death as a return. His mission on this earth is over - ahead of infinity and eternity.

Instead of output

It should not be forgotten that Tolstoy's original intention was to write a novel about the Decembrist. In the very first drafts, the main character was already called Pierre, and his wife was Natasha. But it turned out that without an excursion into the war of 1812, nothing would be clear, and then it became obvious that it was necessary to start from 1805. So it turned out a wonderful book - "War and Peace".

And her heroes - Pierre and Andrei Bolkonsky - stand before us as the best representatives of that time. Their love for the Motherland is active. In them, Lev Nikolayevich embodied his attitude to life: you need to live fully, naturally and simply, then it will work out honestly. You can and should make mistakes, drop everything and start again. But peace is spiritual death.

Why are Pierre Bezukhov and Andrei Bolkonsky among the favorite heroes of L. Tolstoy? After all, the natures of these characters are completely different. Already in the salon A.P. Sherer Andrei reminds of a bored Onegin, who was disgusted by secular living rooms. If Pierre naively reveres the salon guests, then Bolkonsky, having great life experience, despises the audience. Andrei differs from Pierre in his sober, statesmanlike mind, practical tenacity, the ability to bring the intended matter to the end, restraint, self-discipline and composure. And most importantly - willpower and
firmness of character. However, it would be wrong to say that these heroes have nothing in common, because they have a lot in common. They are keenly aware of falsehood and vulgarity, they are highly educated, intelligent, independent in their judgments and generally congenial.\"Opposites complement each other\" - said the ancients. And with that I
I completely agree. Pierre and Andrey are interested together. Andrei can only be frank with Pierre. He pours out his soul and trusts only him. And Pierre is able to trust only Andrei, whom he respects infinitely. But these heroes think differently, their worldviews are completely different. If Andrei is a rationalist, then there is his mind
prevails over feelings, then Bezukhov is a spontaneous nature, capable of keenly feeling and experiencing.
Pierre is characterized by deep reflections and doubts in search of the meaning of life. His life path is complex and tortuous.
At first, under the influence of youth and the environment, he makes many mistakes: he leads a reckless life of a secular reveler and loafer, allows Prince Kuragin to rob himself and marry the frivolous beauty Helen. Pierre shoots himself in a duel with Dolokhov, breaks with his wife, disappoints in life. Everyone hates him
recognized lies of secular society, and he understands the need to fight. Andrei and Pierre are active natures, they are constantly looking for the meaning of life. Due to the polarity of characters, views on life, these heroes go through different life paths. The paths of their spiritual quest are also different. But it should be noted that some events in their
lives are identical, the difference lies only in the order of their placement in the time in which they fall. While Andrei is looking for Napoleonic glory in the war, the future Count Bezukhov, not knowing where to put his energy, amuses himself in the company of Dolokhov and Kuragin, spending time in revelry and entertainment. At this time, Bolkonsky's life is undergoing big changes. Disillusioned with Napoleon, Prince Andrei, shocked by the death of his wife, falls into melancholy, deciding that he should live only for himself and his family, he is no longer interested in world fame. Tolstoy says that the desire for fame is the same love for people. At this time, Pierre's position in the world completely changed. Having received wealth and a title, he acquires the favor and respect of the world.
Intoxicated with triumph, he marries the most beautiful and stupid woman in the world - Helen Kuragina. Later he will tell her: "Where you are, there is depravity and evil." At one time, Andrei also unsuccessfully married. Let's remember why he was in such a hurry to go to war. Is it only because of the disgusting light? No. He was unhappy in family life. \"A rare external charm \" of his wife quickly got tired of the prince, because he feels her inner emptiness. Like Andrei, Pierre quickly realized his mistake, but in this case no one was hurt, except for Dolokhov, whom Pierre wounded in a duel. Realizing all the depravity and senselessness of a past life, Pierre goes into Freemasonry with a strong desire for spiritual rebirth. It seems to him that he has found his meaning in life. And there is a fair amount of truth in this. Pierre craves activity and decides to alleviate the fate of the serfs. Naively thinking that he helped them, Pierre feels happy because he has fulfilled his duty. He says: "When I live, at least try to live for others, I begin to understand the happiness of life." This conclusion will become the main thing for him for the rest of his life, although he will be disappointed both in Freemasonry and in his economic activity. Pierre helped his friend Andrei to revive, supported him in difficult times. Under the influence of Pierre and Natasha, Prince Andrei returned to life. His active nature needed scope, and Bolkonsky enthusiastically took part in the work of the Speransky commission. Later, realizing that she was useless for the people, Prince Andrei would be disappointed in state activities, like Pierre in Freemasonry.
Love for Natasha will save Andrei from a new attack of hypochondria, especially since before that he did not know true love. But Andrei's happiness with Natasha turned out to be short-lived. After breaking up with her, the prince was finally convinced of the impossibility of personal well-being, and this feeling prompted Andrei to go to the front. Exactly there
Bolkonsky finally understands the purpose of man on earth. He realizes that it is necessary to live, helping and sympathizing with people, to bring them the maximum benefit. It is a pity that Prince Andrei did not have time to put this idea into practice: death crosses out all his plans ... But Pierre, who survived and
enriching your life experience. In contact with the people, Pierre realizes himself as a part of this people, part of their spiritual strength. This is what makes him related to ordinary people. Platon Karataev taught Pierre to appreciate life in all its manifestations, to love people like himself. The life paths of Pierre Bezukhov and Andrei Bolkonsky are typical for the best part of the noble youth of that time. It was from such people as Pierre, in my opinion, that the Decembrists were formed. These people remained faithful to their homeland. Once in his youth, L. Tolstoy took an oath; \"To live honestly, you have to tear, get confused, fight \" make mistakes, start and quit again, and start again, and quit again, and always fight and lose. And peace is spiritual vulgarity \". It seems to me that the favorite characters of L.
Tolstoy lived their lives exactly as the author dreamed about it. They remained true to themselves and their conscience to the end. And let time pass, one generation replaces another, but no matter what, the works of L. Tolstoy will always be remembered, because they reveal questions of morality, they contain answers to many questions that have always worried people. Tolstoy deserves to be called our teacher.
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