The fatal love of the master and margarita. The development of the love storyline in the novel M

And I didn’t read it - in history, in a fairy tale, -
May the path of true love be smooth.
W. Shakespeare
M. Bulgakov believed that life is love and hate, courage and excitement, the ability to appreciate beauty and kindness. But love... it comes first. Bulgakov wrote the heroine of his novel with Elena Sergeevna, the beloved woman who was his wife. Soon after they met, she took on her shoulders, perhaps most of him, the Master, a terrible burden, became his Margarita.
The story of the Master and Margarita is not one of the lines of the novel, but its main theme. All the events, all the diversity of the novel, converge to it.
They did not just meet, fate pushed them at the corner of Tverskaya and the lane. Love struck both like lightning, like a Finnish knife. “Love jumped out in front of them, like a murderer jumping out of the ground in an alley ...” - this is how Bulgakov describes the emergence of love among his heroes. Already these comparisons foreshadow the future tragedy of their love. But in the beginning everything was very calm.
When they first met, they spoke as if they had known each other for a long time. The violently flared love, it seemed, should burn people to the ground, but she turned out to have a homely and quiet character. In the basement apartment of the Master, Margarita, wearing an apron, hosted while her beloved worked on a novel. The lovers baked potatoes, ate them with dirty hands, laughed. The vase was filled not with disgusting yellow flowers, but with roses beloved by both. Margarita was the first to read the already finished pages of the novel, hurried the author, promised him glory, began to call him the Master. The phrases of the novel, which she especially liked, she repeated loudly and in a singsong voice. She said that in this novel her life. This was an inspiration for the Master, her words strengthened his self-confidence.
Bulgakov very carefully and chastely talks about the love of his heroes. She was not killed by the dark days when the Master's novel was destroyed. Love was with them even during the serious illness of the Master. The tragedy began when the Master disappeared for many months. Margarita tirelessly thought of him, not for a moment did her heart part with him. Even when it seemed to her that her beloved was gone. The desire to know at least something about his fate defeats the mind, and then the diaboliada begins, in which Margarita participates. In all demonic adventures, she is accompanied by the loving look of the writer. The pages dedicated to Margarita are Bulgakov's poem to the glory of his beloved, Elena Sergeevna. With her, the writer was ready to make "his last flight." So he wrote to his wife on a donated copy of his collection "Diaboliad".
With the power of her love, Margarita returns the Master from non-existence. Bulgakov did not come up with a happy ending for all the heroes of his novel: as it was before the invasion of the satanic team in Moscow, it remains so. And only for the Master and Margarita, Bulgakov, as he believed, wrote a happy ending: they will have eternal peace in the eternal home, which the Master was given as a reward.
The lovers will enjoy the silence, those whom they love will come to them ... The Master will fall asleep with a smile, and she will forever protect his sleep. “The master silently walked with her and listened. His restless memory began to fade, ”this is how the story of this tragic love ends.
And although in the last words - the sadness of death, but there is also a promise of immortality and eternal life. It comes true today: the Master and Margarita, like their creator, is destined for a long life. Many generations will read this satirical, philosophical, but most importantly - lyric-love novel, which confirmed that the tragedy of love is a tradition of all Russian literature.

One of the greatest novels of the 20th century is The Master and Margarita. This book has several storylines. The main one is the love story of the Master and Margarita. Does Bulgakov's heroine have a prototype? Why did the author give this name to the beloved of the Master?

Prototypes of Margarita

Regarding the history of the creation of the image of the main character, researchers have no consensus. However, Bulgakov's novel is one of the most controversial works in the entire history of literature. The writer created his heroine on the basis of literary sources. But in this image, the features of real-life women are also visible.

In an early version, Bulgakov called the hero Faust. The main female character in Goethe's work was called Gretchen (Marguerite). In the process of working on the work, the writer also collected materials about two historical figures. Namely, about Margaret de Valois and Margaret of Navarre.

In the spring of 1930, Bulgakov met a wealthy married lady. The first meeting with her took place on 1st Meshchanskaya Street. This woman's name was Margarita Smirnova. Perhaps acquaintance with her partly inspired the writer to create a tragic female image.

Elena Sergeevna

And yet the main prototype of the heroine of the famous novel is, perhaps, Bulgakov's third wife. It was thanks to the faithful companion of the prose writer that the work was published. The novel was not finished. Bulgakov lost his sight at the end of his life, and his wife wrote down the last chapters under his dictation.

One day an interesting incident happened. Elena Sergeevna called the editorial office of Novy Mir, arranged a meeting with Tvardovsky. She appeared in the editor's office within minutes of the call. When asked what kind of transport she used, the woman calmly replied: “Broom.”

Elena Sergeevna also had an outward resemblance to Margarita. She, like the heroine of the novel, slightly squinted in one eye. Anna Akhmatova was familiar with Bulgakov's wife, once she dedicated a poem to her, in which there were the words "sorceress", "on the eve of the new moon."

"I'll poison Latunsky!"

In favor of the version that the main prototype of Margarita is Elena Sergeevna Bulgakova, of course, speaks not only of external similarity, but also of amazing devotion. The love story of the Master and Margarita is poignant and unforgettable. In the feelings that the heroine experiences for her lover, there really is something witchy. Suffice it to recall the story that happened in Latunsky's apartment.

Of course, the author of the novel was also attacked by critics. His wife once, after reading an article about "Bulgakovism", shouted out in her hearts: "I will poison Lithuanian!" The prototype of Latunsky is precisely this critic and playwright, known today primarily for his attacks on the work of the great writer. In 1926, he published a derogatory article about the work "Days of the Turbins", in which he first used the term "Bulgakovism". In the chapters of the novel that tell about the love story of the Master and Margarita, the reader comes across a word created by Latunsky: “pilatchina”.

In contrast to Goethe, Bulgakοv forces not the main hero, but his lover to contact the devil. It was Margarita who went to the dangerous deal. To meet with your loved ones, οna was willing to risk anything. And this was the culmination in the love story of the Master and Margarita in Bulgakov's novel.

Creation of a work

Work on the book was started in the late twenties. Initially, it was called "Rοman ο devilοle". At that moment, the novel did not even have the names of the Master and Margarita. In 1930, the rοman was burned by the author himself. Only a few chernοvikοv becameοs, in which there wereο many torn leaves.

Two years later, the writer decided to return to his main work. Initially, Margarita enters the novel, and then the Master. Five years later, the well-known name "The Master and Margarita" appears. In 1937, Mikhail Bulgakοv rewrote rοman zanοvο. Thisο left οkοlο pοlugοda. Later, the writer had new ideas, but there were no corrections.


How did the love story of the Master and Margarita begin? The meeting of two lovers was eοvοlnο unusual. Walking along the street, Margarita carried alarming yellow flowers in her hands. The master was struck not by the beauty of Margarita, but by the endless unity in her eyes. Οna was just as unhappy as οn. This extraordinary meeting laid the foundation for the extraordinary love story of the Master and Margarita. When analyzing the works of Bulgakοv, attention should be paid to some facts from the writer's biography. He suffered from constant harassment and attacks, and transferred his feelings to the pages of the novel.

Let us return to the event, with which the love story began in the novel The Master and Margarita. The first meeting of the heroes took place on Tverskaya, where it is always crowded. Hο on that day, for some reason, the central Moscow street was empty. The woman asked him if he liked her flowers, but he replied that he preferred roses, and Margarita threw the bouquet into the ditch.

Later, the Master will tell Ivan that love broke out between them suddenly, comparing the deep feeling with the "killer in the alley". Love really was unexpected and was not designed for a happy ending, because the woman was married. The master at that time was working on a book, which was not accepted by the editors. And it was important for him to find a person who would be able to understand his creativity, to feel his soul. It was Margarita who became that person, sharing with the Master all his feelings.

Margarita left the house on that day with yellow flowers to find her love. Otherwise, I would have poisoned myself. Life, in which there is no love, is joyless and empty. But the story of the Master and Margarita does not end there.

Roman ο Pilate

After meeting with her lover, Margaret's eyes sparkle, the fire of passion and love burns in them. The master is next to her. One day, she sewed a black hat for her beloved and embroidered the letter "M" on it. From this moment on, οna began to call him Masterοm, pοdgοnyaya egο, predicting him greater glory. Rereading the novel, she repeated the phrases that had sunk into her soul and concluded that her life is in that novel. But there was life in him, of course, not only hers, but also the Master's.

End of happiness

Schoolchildren write the essay “The Love Story of the Master and Margarita” more often than any other work by Bulgakov. Disclosure of this topic does not require deep knowledge of the mythology and history of Christianity. It would seem, what could be easier? And yet, briefly describe the love story of the Master and Margarita and analyze it is not easy.

Critics rejected the novel by Pilate. On this happy period in the life of the heroes of Bulgakοv ended. And it's not about tοm, chtο the work was not οpublished, and egο avtοr did not get gοnοrar. Criticism killed everything alive in the Master. He has no more strength to live, to write. He was deprived of the ability to experience simple human joys. I forgot a lot from my former life. Vοt onlyο οthe image of Margarita will never leave his memory. With this, the writer, vοzmοzhnο, wanted to say: there is nothing stronger than love, nothing can destroy it.

One day, the Master throws the manuscript in οgοn, but his lover snatches from the oven tο that οhas become. Margarita sοvnο tries to save their feelings. But the Master disappears. Margarita dream of the day.

The Appearance of the Devil

One day Margarita saw a dream that gave her hope. Οfeelingsοvala that her meeting with the Master is fast. On this day, in the Alexander Garden, I met Azazelle. It was he who hinted to her that the meeting with the Master was possible. Nο οna was supposed to turn into a witch. Life without the Master was a real torment for her, and then she made a deal with the devil without hesitation.


However, the long-awaited date did not bring joy to Margarita. The master is sick, he cannot and does not want to be happy. And then οna proves to Vοland that her beloved dοstοin, so that he would be cured. She asks to save the Master, to make him the same. The request of Margarita Vοland fulfills. They return to their cellar, where they begin to dream about the future. By the way, the Master's manuscripts actually survived. Margarita sees them in the hands of Wοland, but over the past night she has forgotten how to be surprised. "Manuscripts do not burn," the devil pronounces the phrase that has become the key in the novel.

Nothing can make the Master and Margarita happy. In a world of hypocrisy and lies, they will always suffer. And then Vοland sends Azazelο to them. The lovers drink the wine brought to them and die. They don't deserve the light. Hο οni deserved pοkοy. The Master and Margarita fly away with Wοlandοm to the other world.

An extraordinary love story makes Bulgakov's novel one of the most popular works of world literature. As already mentioned, the book has several storylines. However, the story of the Master and Margarita, in contrast to the description of the events that took place before and after the execution of Yeshua, is understandable to everyone, regardless of age and literary preferences.

The novel "The Master and Margarita" is dedicated to the history of the master - a creative person who opposes the world around him. The history of the master is inextricably linked with the history of his beloved. In the second part of the novel, the author promises to show "true, true, eternal love." The love of the master and Margarita was just like that.

What does it mean, according to M. Bulgakov, "true love"? The meeting of the Master and Margarita was accidental, but the feeling that connected them until the end of their days was not accidental. No wonder they recognize each other by the “deep loneliness” in their eyes. This means that even without knowing each other, they felt a great need for each other. That is why a miracle happened - they met.

“Love hit us both at once,” says the master. True love powerfully invades the lives of those who love and transforms it! Everything everyday, ordinary becomes bright and significant. When Margarita appeared in the basement of the master, all the little things of his meager life began to seem to glow from within, and everything faded when she left.

True love is selfless love. Before meeting with the master, Margarita had everything need woman for happiness: a handsome, kind husband who adored his wife, a luxurious mansion, finance. “In a word…was she happy? - asks the writer. - Not a single minute! .. Well need was this woman? ., she needed him, the master, about not a Gothic mansion at all, and not a separate garden, and not money. All material wealth turns out to be insignificant compared to the opportunity to be close to your loved one. When Margarita did not have love, she was even ready to commit suicide. But at the same time, she does not want to harm her husband and, having made a decision, she acts honestly: she leaves him a farewell note, where she explains everything.

True love, therefore, cannot harm anyone, it will not build its happiness at the expense of the misfortune of another person.

Topic."Love is life!" The development of the love storyline in the novel "The Master and Margarita".

Goals: 1) follow the development of the storyline Master - Margarita; reveal the beauty, kindness and sincerity of Bulgakov's heroes. 2) develop the ability to analyze, prove and refute, draw conclusions, think logically. 3) cultivate respect for women, honesty, humanity, optimism.

    Introduction by the teacher.

So, the novel "The Master and Margarita" about God and the devil, about cowardice as one of the terrible vices, the indelible, terrible sin of betrayal, about Good and Evil, about repression, about the horror of loneliness, about Moscow and Muscovites, about the role of the intelligentsia in society , but first it is about the true and eternal, all-conquering power of love and creativity.

Follow me, my reader! Who told you that there is no true, true, eternal love in the world? Let the liar cut out his vile tongue!

Follow me, my reader, and I will show you such love!”

According to Bulgakov, love can withstand the elements of life. Love is "immortal and eternal."

Do you agree with this idea?

Our task is to prove this idea by reading, analyzing individual episodes of the novel.

The master tells Ivan Homeless his story. This is both a story about Pontius Pilate and a love story. Margarita is an earthly, sinful woman. She can swear, flirt, she is a woman without prejudice. How did Margarita deserve the special mercy of the higher powers that control the universe? Margarita, probably one of the one hundred and twenty-two Margaritas Koroviev spoke of, knows what love is.

The love story of the Master and Margarita is connected with the change of seasons. The time cycle in the hero's story begins with winter, when the Master won one hundred thousand rubles and, still alone, settled in the basement and began to compose a novel about Pontius Pilate. Then spring comes, "divided into green lilac bushes." “And then, in the spring, something much more delightful happened than getting a hundred thousand,” the Master met Margarita. The "golden age" of love lasted for the heroes, while "May thunderstorms were going on and ... the trees in the garden threw off their broken branches, white tassels after the rain," while the "stuffy summer" was going on. The Master's novel was completed in August, and with the onset of autumn in nature, autumn came for the heroes as well. The novel was angrily received by critics, the Master was subjected to persecution. "In the middle of October" the Master fell ill. The hero burned the manuscript of the novel and was arrested on the same evening on the denunciation of Aloisy Mogarych. The Master returns to his cellar, where others already live, in winter, when "the snowdrifts hid the lilac bushes" and the hero lost his beloved. A new meeting of the Master and Margarita takes place in May, after the spring full moon ball.

Love is the second path to superreality, just like creativity, it leads to the comprehension of the “third dimension”. Love and creativity - that's what can resist the ever-existing evil. The concepts of kindness, forgiveness, understanding, responsibility, truth, and harmony are also associated with love and creativity.

    Analytical reading of individual chapters of the novel.

    Chapter 13 "The fact is that a year ago I wrote a novel about Pilate" - "..and Pilate flew to the end."

What did you learn about the Master?

Why to the question of Ivan Bezdomny "Are you a writer?" the night visitor sternly replied, "I am the master"?

What does the Master's words "It was a golden age" mean?

    In the same place, "White robe, bloody lining ..." - "She came to me every day, I started waiting for her in the morning."

Let us turn to the scene of the acquaintance of the Master and Margarita. The novel about Pilate was almost complete. For the Master, everything was clear, definite, although he was tormented by loneliness and boredom. And he went out for a walk. There were thousands of people around and disgusting yellow walls all around, and a woman was carrying disgusting yellow flowers…

What so struck the Master in Margarita? ("unusual, unseen loneliness in the eyes")

Was there anything unusual in their conversation? What is unusual about the flashed love of the characters?

The conversation is the most ordinary, there is nothing unusual in it, but the Master suddenly realized that "he loved this woman all his life." Unusual love of heroes, love at first sight. She strikes the heroes not as a beautiful vision "in the anxiety of worldly fuss", but like lightning.

Teacher. Let's turn to the facts. Elena Sergeevna Bulgakova, the writer's wife, wrote in her diary: “It was in the 29th year in February, on oil. Some friends made pancakes. Neither I wanted to go, nor Bulgakov, who for some reason decided that he would not go to this house. But it turned out that these people managed to interest both him and me in the composition of the invitees. Well me, of course, his last name. In general, we met and were close. It was fast, extraordinarily fast, at least on my part, love for life ... "

What is the reality of the writer's life at this time? At this time, Bulgakov is in poverty. Neither fame, nor wealth, nor position in society could give Elena Sergeevna the author of The White Guard. His early feuilletons and stories sparkled and were forgotten, The White Guard remained underprinted, his plays were smashed, to say nothing of such things as The Heart of a Dog - silence, complete silence, and only because of Stalin's unusual love for The Days of the Turbins This play alone is on at the only theater in the country. Bulgakov met Elena Sergeevna in difficult, hungry years for him. And Elena Sergeevna in the early 30s was the wife of a major Soviet military leader of the Moscow Military District. Having intercepted the advance, Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov once invited her to a glass of beer. They ate hard boiled eggs. But, according to her confession, how everything was festive, happy.

Bulgakov never lost himself outwardly. Many of the writer's contemporaries were simply shocked by polished shoes, a monocle, a strict triplet, intolerance to familiarity. And this was at a time when, for lack of funds, he was hired as a janitors, but even a person with such “White Guard glory” was not taken as a janitors. There were moments when I wanted to get a revolver from a hidden place. All this was not a secret either for Margarita from the novel, or for the real, smart, beautiful Elena Sergeevna.

But back to the heroes of the novel.

    In the same place "Who is she?" - "... she said that in this novel - her life."

Why didn't the Master answer Ivan's question "Who is she?"?

What are the happiest pages of the novel? (“She came and put on an apron as a first duty ...”)

What is happiness, because everything is more than prosaic: an apron, a kerosene stove, dirty fingers? Is it almost poverty?

Teacher: About the opportunity to be with a loved one in any conditions, even the most unfavorable, says a lot of literature, convinces life, reminds UNT. You know the Russian folk proverb "With a sweet paradise in a hut, it would be cute to your soul." Mikhail Afanasyevich said to Elena Sergeevna with gratitude: “The whole world was against me - and I am alone. Now we are together, and I'm not afraid of anything. In life, as in a novel, joy, happiness is not in wealth. Let us turn to the pages of the novel, which convince us of this.

    Chapter 19

Was Margarita the only lover for the Master?

Teacher: And now the novel is written, given to the press. The master will say: "I came into life holding it in my hands, and then my life ended." The novel was not published, but an article appeared in the newspaper "The Sortie of the Enemy", in which the critic warned everyone and everyone that the author "made an attempt to get an apologia for Jesus Christ into print." It's a tough time for the Master...

    Chapter 13 "I got so carried away reading articles about myself ..." - "These were her last words in my life."

What was the expression of Margarita's complicity in the affairs of the Master?

Teacher: The Master's novel was persecuted, and then the Master disappeared: he was arrested on the denunciation of Aloisy Mogarych, who wanted to occupy the Master's apartment. The returned Master found that Mogarych occupied his apartment in the basement. Not wanting to cause misfortune to Margarita, realizing that he can give her nothing but love, the Master finds himself in the Stravinsky psychiatric hospital. And what about Margarita?

    Chapter 19

Why does Margarita curse herself?

Could she leave the Master?

Margarita "healed in the same place", but did her life remain the same?

Who did Margarita become for the Master?

    Final word from the teacher.

In the basement of the Master, Margarita experienced the happiness of great love, renouncing all the temptations of the world in her name, plunging together with the Master into the thought of completing the book, which became the flesh and blood of her life, became its meaning. Margarita is not just the beloved of the Master, she became the guardian angel of the author of the novel about Pontius Pilate, the guardian angel of her beloved.

    Summary of the lesson.

Topic. "Love is life!"

Goals: 1) reveal the kindness, beauty, sincerity of the feelings of Bulgakov's heroes; 2) develop the ability to analyze, prove and refute, draw conclusions, think logically; 3) to cultivate humanity, compassion, mercy.

“... Woland determines the measure of evil, vice, self-interest by the measure of truth, beauty, selfless goodness. He restores balancebetween Good and evil, and this serves good.

(V. A. Domansky)

I. Repetition.

    How did the Master meet?and Margarita? Was it really an accident?

    Tell the "story" of their love?

    How do the Master and Margarita differ from the inhabitants of Moscow in the 1930s?

    Were the Master and Margarita happy before they met each other? Is it only a lover
    became Margarita for the Master.

    Why did the Master disappear? What is the reason for such an act?

He simply could not see his beloved unhappy, could not accept her sacrifice. He's confused renounces his novel, burns it.

II. New topic.

1) The word of the teacher.

Margarita remains in the dark, feelings overwhelm her: she regrets the burnt manuscript,he is heartbroken for the health of his beloved, hopes to cure him, save him. Despair, confusionreplaced by determination to hope. The situation calls for action.

2) Reading chapter 19 "Even I have a truthful person..." - ",.. and ringing in a dark room
the lock was closed”, (pp. 234-237 (484))

    What feelings does Margarita experience after the disappearance of the Master?

    What conclusion does she come to? What influenced it?

    What does the fact that Margarita keeps the things of the Master mean?

3) But what does Margarita do to save love?

a) Ch. 19 p. 242246 (496) "Redhead looked around and said mysteriously..." - "... I agree to go to hell in the middle of nowhere" I won't give it back!

b) ch. 20 p. 247 “The cream was easily smeared” - “Goodbye. Margarita.

- How does the fact that she leaves her husband a note characterize Margarita?

in) ch. 20 p. 250 "At this time, behind Margarita's back." - "... jumped on the brush astride."

- Who does Margarita turn into for the sake of the Master?

4) The word of the teacher.

True love is always sacrificial, always heroic. No wonder so many legends have been created about her,No wonder so many poets write about her. True love overcomes all obstacles. By the power of love, the sculptor Pygmalion revived the statue he created - Galatea. By the power of love, they beat off the illnesses of loved ones, take them out of grief, save them from death.

Margarita is a very brave, determined woman. She knows how to engage in single combat, is ready to stand up for her happiness, stand up at any cost, even, if necessary, sell her soul to the devil.

    The teacher's retelling of the episode of the destruction of the apartment of the critic Latunsky.

    Analysis of the scene "Ball at Satan's".

a) Beginning of chapter 23 to "This will make them sick

    Whathad to test Margarita before the ball?

    What advice does Koroviev give her before the ball?

b) Guests at the ball pp. 283-287 "But suddenly something banged downstairs..." - "..her face was pulled into a motionless mask of greeting."

- Who were the guests at the ball?

Notorious villains gathered at the ball. Climbing up the stairs, they kiss the queen's knee Bala is Margot.

in) The trials that befell Margarita at the ball. Page 288 “Thus an hour passed, and a secondhour". - “... the flow of guests has thinned out.” pp. 289, 290.

- What physical tests fell on the lot of Margarita?

Page 291-294 "She, accompanied by Koroviev, again found herself in the ballroom." to the end of the chapter.

- What did Margarita have to experience at the ball? And all for what? Is the game worth the candle?

- Who did Margarita remember most at the ball and why?

Margarita had to endure many trials, probably shudder more than once, seeing the gallows, coffins. Before her eyes there was a murder Baron Meigel. But most of all she remembers young woman with restless eyes. Once, seduced by the owner of the cafe where she served, she gave birth and strangled the child with a handkerchief. And since then, for 300 years, waking up, she sees that nasal scarf with a blue border.

7) After the ball. Ch. 24 strZOO-304 “Perhaps I have to go...»-«... so it doesn't count, I'm fine
didn't do it."

    Why does Margarita endure torment at the ball? What does she ask Woland about? Why?

    Did anyone expect this request from her? How does this episode characterize Margarita? About whatspiritual quality does this act of Margarita speak? What is higher than love for her?

    Why did Woland fulfill Margarita's request, moreover, did he allow Margarita to express her petition to Frida herself?

Everyone was touched by Margarita's mercy when she asked Woland, almost demanded, so that Frida would stop giving that handkerchief. Nobody expected this request from her. Woland thought that she would ask for the Master, but for this woman there is something that is higher than love.

Love for the Master? combined in the heroine with hatred for her persecutors. But even hatred is not able to suppress mercy in her. So, having destroyed the apartment of the critic Latunsky and frightening the adult inhabitants of the writer's at home, Margarita calms a crying child,

8) What qualities does the author endow his heroine with? For what purpose does shemade a deal with the devil?

Bulgakov emphasizes the uniqueness of his heroine, her boundless love for the Master, her faith in his talent. In the name of love, Margarita performs a feat, overcoming fear and weakness, conquering circumstances, not demanding anything for herself, she “creates her own fate, following high ideals beauty, goodness, justice, truth.

Sh. The result of the lesson

The Master and Margarita. This is the first thing that comes to mind when they say the name of Mikhail Bulgakov. This is due to the popularity of the work, which raises the question of eternal values, such as good and evil, life and death, etc.

"The Master and Margarita" is an unusual novel, because the theme of love is touched upon in it only in the second part. It seems that the writer was trying to prepare the reader for the correct perception. The love story of the Master and Margarita is a kind of challenge to the surrounding routine, a protest against passivity, a desire to resist various circumstances.

Unlike the theme of Faust, Mikhail Bulgakov forces Margarita, and not the Master, to contact the devil and find herself in the world of black magic. It was Margarita, so cheerful and restless, who turned out to be the only character who dared to make a dangerous deal. To meet her lover, she was willing to risk anything. And so began the love story of the Master and Margarita.

Making a novel

Work on the novel began around 1928. Initially, the work was called "The Romance of the Devil". At that time, the novel did not even have the names of the Master and Margarita.

After 2 years, Bulgakov decides to thoroughly return to his main work. Initially, Margarita enters the novel, and then the Master. After 5 years, the well-known name "Master and Margarita" appears.

In 1937, Mikhail Bulgakov rewrote the novel anew. This takes about 6 months. The six notebooks he wrote became the first complete handwritten novel. A few later, he is already dictating his novel on a typewriter. A huge amount of work was completed in less than a month. Such is the history of writing. The Master and Margarita, the great novel, ends in the spring of 1939, when the author corrects a paragraph in the last chapter and dictates a new epilogue, which has survived to this day.

Later, Bulgakov had new ideas, but there were no corrections.

History of the Master and Margarita. Briefly about acquaintance

The meeting of two lovers was rather unusual. Walking down the street, Margarita carried a bouquet of rather strange flowers in her hands. But the Master was struck not by the bouquet, not by the beauty of Margarita, but by the endless loneliness in her eyes. At that moment, the girl asked the Master if he liked her flowers, but he replied that he preferred roses, and Margarita threw the bouquet into a ditch. Later, the Master will tell Ivan that love between them broke out suddenly, comparing it to a killer in an alley. Love really was unexpected and was not designed for a happy ending - after all, the woman was married. The master at that time was working on a book that was not accepted by the editors. And it was important for him to find a person who could understand his work, feel his soul. It was Margarita who became that person, sharing with the Master all his feelings.

It becomes clear where the sadness comes from in the eyes of the girl, after she admits that she went out that day to find her love, otherwise she would have been poisoned, because a life in which there is no love is joyless and empty. But the story of the Master and Margarita does not end there.

The birth of a feeling

After meeting with her lover, Margarita's eyes sparkle, the fire of passion and love burns in them. The master is next to her. Once, when she sewed a black hat for her beloved, she embroidered a yellow letter M on it. And from that moment she began to call him Master, urging him on and predicting glory to him. Rereading the novel, she repeated phrases that sunk into her soul and concluded that her life was in that novel. But in it was the life of not only her, but also the Master.

But the Master did not manage to print his novel, he was subjected to sharp criticism. Fear filled his mind, developed Watching the grief of her beloved, Margarita also changed for the worse, turned pale, lost weight and did not laugh at all.

Once the Master threw the manuscript into the fire, but Margarita snatched what was left from the oven, as if trying to save their feelings. But this did not happen, the Master disappeared. Margarita is left alone again. But the story of the novel "The Master and Margarita" was Once a black magician appeared in the city, the girl dreamed of the Master, and she realized that they would definitely see each other again.

The appearance of Woland

For the first time, he appears before Berlioz, who in conversation reject the divinity of Christ. Woland tries to prove that both God and the Devil exist in the world.

Woland's task is to extract the genius of the Master and the beautiful Margarita from Moscow. He, with his retinue, provokes unholy acts in Muscovites and convinces people that they will go unpunished, but then he punishes them himself.

Long-awaited meeting

On the day when Margarita had a dream, she met Azazello. It was he who hinted to her that a meeting with the Master was possible. But she was faced with a choice: turn into a witch or never see her beloved. For a loving woman, this choice did not seem difficult, she was ready for anything, just to see her beloved. And as soon as Woland asked how he could help Margarita, she immediately asked for a meeting with the Master. At that moment, her lover appeared before her. It would seem that the goal has been achieved, the story of the Master and Margarita could have ended, but the connection with Satan does not end well.

Death of the Master and Margarita

It turned out that the Master was out of his mind, so the long-awaited date did not bring joy to Margarita. And then she proves to Woland that the Master is worthy to be cured, and asks Satan about it. Woland fulfills Margarita's request, and he and the Master return to their basement again, where they begin to dream about their future.

After that, the lovers drink Falerno wine brought by Azazello, not knowing that it contains poison. They both die and fly away with Woland to another world. And even though the love story of the Master and Margarita ends here, the love itself remains eternal!

Unusual love

The love story of the Master and Margarita is quite unusual. First of all, because Woland himself acts as an assistant to the lovers.

The fact is that when love visited, events began to take shape not at all as we would like. It turns out that the whole world around is for the couple not to be happy. And it is at this moment that Woland appears. The relationship of lovers depends on the book written by the Master. At that moment, when he tries to burn everything written, he still does not realize that the manuscripts do not burn, due to the fact that they contain the truth. The master returns after Woland gives the manuscript to Margarita.

The girl completely surrenders to a great feeling, and this is the biggest problem of love. The Master and Margarita reached the highest level of spirituality, but for this Margarita had to give her soul to the Devil.

Using this example, Bulgakov showed that each person must make his own destiny and not ask for any help from higher powers.

The work and its author

The master is considered an autobiographical hero. The age of the Master in the novel is about 40 years old. Bulgakov was at the same age when he wrote this novel.

The author lived in the city of Moscow on Bolshaya Sadovaya Street in the 10th building, in the 50th apartment, which became the prototype of the “bad apartment”. The Music Hall in Moscow served as the Variety Theatre, which was located near the “bad apartment”.

The second wife of the writer testified that the prototype of the Behemoth cat was their pet Flyushka. The only thing that the author changed in the cat was the color: Flushka was a gray cat, and Behemoth was black.

The phrase "Manuscripts do not burn" was used more than once by Bulgakov's favorite writer, Saltykov-Shchedrin.

The love story of the Master and Margarita has become a real one and will remain the subject of discussion for many centuries to come.

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