How to start a modular paintings business. Catalog of images for printing modular paintings on canvas

The modular picture is considered a modern piece of furniture, although for the first time it saw the light during Ancient Greece. Main Feature such canvases is the fact that they are divided into several parts, but at the same time they are not separate images, but fragments of one composition. Such products can be purchased in regular stores and using web resources, but to create a truly original interior, it is better to make modular paintings with your own hands.

The living room is considered a great place to experiment and combine different light and sunny colors. If there are no specific rules regarding the combination of shades, then the size of the picture should correspond to the size of the room. Dimensional modular canvases will look bulky and ridiculous in the living room of a small area, and small images will simply be lost in a large room.

Modular painting in the living room can be the centerpiece of the room

When making a picture for the bedroom, it is important to remember that this is a place of rest and relaxation, so the image should not have sharp and aggressive lines and colors. For this room, a calm landscape or an abstract image is best suited. It is also very important to choose the shade of the product so that it is in harmony with the decoration of the bedroom, as a sharp resonance will draw too much attention to one interior detail.

Paintings in the bedroom should be of soothing tones that promote relaxation and rest.

Often used to decorate children's rooms. bright colors, and their number can be very large for one room. Therefore, it is better not to make a modular picture in such colors. Also, the child is unlikely to appreciate the abstraction, it is better to opt for images of animals, heroes of fairy tales or cartoons. If a teenager lives in the room, then it is better to give him a choice, and find out in advance whether he wants to see such a decoration in his room at all. You can offer several photos with friends (only print so that there are parts of two or more photos on one fragment), images with your favorite actor or musician will also work.

A modular picture in the children's room in the style of a child's favorite cartoon will be an excellent decorative solution.

For the interior of the hallway is best suited simple pictures. This is due to the fact that residents and guests rarely stay in this room for a long time, so it is not worth spending significant physical and financial resources. But at the same time, it should be remembered that the entrance hall is the beginning of the dwelling, so the modular picture must match general style decoration of an apartment or house.

Before you make a do-it-yourself modular painting for the kitchen, you need to think about whether there is a place for it where the piece of furniture will not get dirty. If the area of ​​​​the walls allows the placement of the canvas, then it is better to choose still lifes, since they are best suited for this room.

Video: do-it-yourself modular painting (master class)

Necessary materials and tools

The main body can be made from a variety of materials. These may be images on paper that were printed in fragments on a regular home printer, paper canvas with pictures from the printing house, wallpaper with the pattern you like, printed fabric and so on. The material from which the frame will be made depends on the selected front part. A wooden frame is ideal for fabric, it is better to glue photo wallpapers on foam sheets, and paper is well attached to particle boards.

So, for the manufacture of wallpaper or other material, you will need the following:

  • Printed images.
  • Thin wood slats, styrofoam, chipboard and so on.
  • PVA glue.
  • Roulette or meter.
  • Construction stapler.
  • Pencil, marker, crayon, remnant.
  • Scissors.

Making a modular picture from fabric

The main part for such a product can be designed and printed on your own, ordered from a designer or purchased as a finished product. The first option requires talent and inspiration, the second is for those who are willing to spend a significant amount to buy exclusive material, and the third for those who just want to freshen up the interior a little.

Step-by-step instruction for manufacturing:

  1. The first step is to make wooden slats of suitable length. To do this, mark the workpiece to cut off the excess length.
  2. Then you need to saw off the ends of the wooden products at an angle of 45 degrees. In this case, it is first better to fold the frame on the floor in order to understand in which direction to cut.
  3. After that, the cut fragments are smeared with glue and pressed, held for several seconds and left alone for 1-2 hours. You can also use a construction stapler to fix wooden elements.

When all the frames are ready, you can start preparing the image. To do this, mark the canvas, leaving about 2 cm from each edge to leave some overlap material. After that, simply stretch the fabric on the prepared frame and fix it with reverse side stapler.

Video: a master class on making a modular painting on canvas

Modular pictures from photo wallpaper

  1. Several foam boards should be prepared.
  2. Then you need to apply markings on them that correspond to the sizes of future fragments of the composition and cut the material along it. It is best to use a special thermal cutter, but this tool is quite expensive, so it is impractical to buy it to make one picture. You can take a clerical knife and carefully cut the foam.
  3. Then you need to cut the photo wallpaper, leaving 1-2 cm for an overlap.
  4. At the end, the wallpaper is simply glued onto the prepared base and carefully ironed.

Creating your own masterpiece is quite simple. Even a novice master will cope with this task, it is only important to follow the above recommendations and act as carefully as possible.

Modular paintings have one important feature: despite the fact that they consist of several segments that are mounted at a certain distance from each other, the image as a result looks holistic and harmonious. Depending on the number of modules, paintings are divided into diptych (two parts), triptych (three modules), polyptych (more than three segments). In addition, modular paintings are classified according to the materials of manufacture - canvas, glass, photographic paper. Each material has its own characteristics, analyzing which you can make a choice in the direction of one or another option.

Features of making paintings from different materials

To make a picture on glass, it is necessary to use solid tempered glass with a high density and cut it into segments corresponding to the parameters of the planned modules. Glass edges should be sanded with a special method to make them safe and smooth. A special film with a pattern is glued to each module, after which the panel undergoes heat treatment.

For a picture on photo paper, you first need to make a wooden frame. Then stick MDF plywood on it, the thickness of which is approximately 5mm. Now photographic paper with an image is glued to the workpiece. The composition is covered with a protective film to protect the product from dirt, moisture and UV rays.

Panels on canvas look very noble, you can be sure of this. Technological production process modular paintings on canvas is much more difficult. First you need to apply the image to the canvas, and then wait a while until the fabric absorbs the paint. Then the canvas is covered with a protective solution, and a special film is additionally glued on top to protect it from moisture and fading. At the end, the resulting image is stretched onto a wooden frame of a given size.

What material is better?

To choose a modular picture, you first need to decide where it will hang and what will be depicted on it. For example, you like a modular picture with the sea, and you want to place it in the bathroom. In this case, it is best to give preference to glass, which is not afraid of temperature changes and high moisture. The same applies to the kitchen, where the painting can be damaged by splashes of water, grease, etc. If the kitchen is large and the wall on which the panel will hang is far from the stove and desktop, then it is quite possible to choose photographic paper or canvas.

If you have a refined taste, and it is important for you that the picture looks noble and expensive, choose a canvas. Modular panels on canvas are the best suited for the interior of the living room and bedroom. Even the members famous project"Dom-2" appreciated the paintings on canvas from, so they can often be seen in the interiors while watching the show.

If the picture is intended for a nursery, you can choose photo paper. The image printed on it is much juicier and brighter, just what kids love. It is better not to hang glass, as a child may accidentally break it. It will not be a mistake to choose a painting on canvas, especially if it is selected in the room of a teenager who is beginning to appreciate stylish things.

In the 1970s and 1980s, residential buildings were built according to standard designs. The apartments differed in standard finishes and similarity to each other. Development modern technologies design highlights the design of the premises with modular paintings. The panel on the wall attracts attention and gives pleasure. To revive the interior, emphasize its style, focus on the uniqueness of the decor is the task of every designer. Many of them find its solution in the creation of modular paintings. This area in recent times rapidly transforming from interesting hobby in pretty profitable business.

How to start a modular art business from scratch

Production of modular paintings from scratch involves working with graphic editors, knowledge of computer and design principles, skills of using the Internet. It is in the power of the designer to create modular paintings based on architectural masterpieces, famous paintings, surprise with a landscape, amaze with the beauty of flowers, fill the space with abstract symbols. Flowing from one part to another, the paintings become the soul of the interior. The plots of most paintings are developed by the author under the client's order.

Video: creating a modular picture with your own hands

Almost every artistic gifted person able to turn watercolor or gouache painting by numbers into a fairly profitable business. Organizing your business begins with the study and analysis of relevant information.

For this purpose, an analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT - analysis) is carried out.

Table: SWOT results - idea analysis

StrengthsWeak sidesCapabilitiesThreats
Manufacturing cost is lowNo business organization experienceUsage modern approaches designEconomic situation in the country
Author's work of the artist-designerLack of funds to purchase a printer for printingIntroduction of new technologiesCompetition
There is a computer, the Internet, programs, materials, inventory, toolsNeed to rent a spaceExtension social connections and contactsPolitical instability
Promoted groups in social networks, whose members are potential customers Usage social networks in sales

Each of the analysis factors alone or in combination with others is able to influence the business. IP registration will distract from the timeliness of organizational actions. Start a business, not empty reports. When orders are constant, open IP. You do not need a license to create modular paintings.

Ask a knowledgeable person to evaluate your business plan and point to it. weak sides: this will help avoid common mistakes

Features of business organization

Promoting your business requires clear action. Failure to fulfill one point of the plan entails a failure and violation of the planned schedule.

It is convenient to draw up a sequence of steps indicating what and when to do, in what time frame you need to achieve the planned results.

Table: organizational plan for July 2017

Place a post in the VK group with a proposal to order modular paintings10.07.2017 Attract 10 orders
Post a post in the Odnoklassniki social network group13.07.2017 Attract 10 orders
Post a photo of modular paintings on Instagram15.07.2017 Attract 10 orders
Make a newsletter about the event VK11.07.2017 Attract 30 orders
Negotiate with the print shop regarding terms
permanent cooperation
10.07.2017 Get a 10–20% discount
Place print orders at the print shop12.07.2017 Production time - two days
Fulfill author's orders14.07.2017 Author's paintings
Organize delivery of finished products to customers15–16.07.2017 The customers received the paintings
Analyze the effectiveness of posts in groups31.07.2017 Post release schedule and number of orders
Explore other channels for receiving orders15.07.2017 Testing a new channel for receiving orders

Plan for the production of modular paintings

The business plan systematizes, summarizes and presents in one document the information collected and the calculations made. The results of the SWOT analysis, the organizational plan for the month have already been drawn up. Let's move on to other parts of the plan.

Project marketing

Production of modular paintings - modern direction decoration of apartments, offices, public, commercial, industrial premises. The need to harmonize the space surrounding a person at home, at work, on a trip, on vacation will increase over the years. Color, lines, images of modular paintings convey a message of beauty and hope. Bringing a dream closer, capturing a triumph, experiencing joy is the dream of each of us. The artist-designer will individually select the plot, size, texture of the paintings. Modular paintings give style and originality to every interior: from the kitchen to the cafe.

Photo gallery: kitchen design with modular paintings

Modular picture provides a romantic mood Modular picture gives a charge of vivacity Modular picture sets up for a business meeting

The cafe space becomes fragrant and attractive for visitors admiring the modular paintings on the wall.

Photo gallery: baguettes in cafe decor

A modular painting in a cafe attracts the attention of visitors A modular painting in a cafe suggests ordering ice cream A modular painting tells customers about coffee and cupcakes

Modular paintings consist of separate segments. The designer selects the number, size and location of the parts. Modular paintings are not limited by frames, the image flows from one part to another. Additional services:

  • creation of author's modular paintings;
  • texture selection by the artist;
  • varnish coating.

Target audience - men and women, from 20 to 75 years old. love to do Original gifts. Appreciate comfort. They use decor as an expression of their soul.

Modular paintings are sold in online stores, gift and souvenir shops.

Sales program

  • the number of applications for modular paintings from social networks per month - 50 pieces;
  • cost per sq. m. of the manufactured modular picture - 4,000 rubles;
  • number of orders per sq. m. per month - 35 sq. m. m.;
  • the amount of revenue is 35 x 4,000 = 140,000 rubles.

Financial plan

Project costs are taken into account:

  • printing workshop services - 1,500 rubles. / sq. m.;
  • the cost of the stretcher is 50 rubles. / running meter;
  • delivery - 150 rubles. per month;
  • Internet - 300 rubles. / month.

The cost of the Internet refers to fixed costs. Printing, materials, shipping are variable costs.

Table: income, expenses, financial result

Month1st2nd3rd4th5th6thTotal, 6 months
Indicators, rubles
Printing costs52 500 60 000 40 600 50 000 55 000 65 000 323 100
Subframe costs1 200 1 500 1 200 1 200 1 300 1 500 7 900
Delivery150 200 150 150 200 250 1 100
Internet300 300 300 300 300 300 1 800
Total cost54 150 62 000 42 250 51 650 56 800 67 050 333 900
Income140 000 150 000 115 000 120 000 145 000 170 000 840 000
Financial results85 850 88 000 72 750 68 350 88 200 102 950 506 100

Development forecasts

Optimistic forecast based on the maximum indicators of income and costs:

  • revenue for 12 months - 2 million 40 thousand rubles;
  • expenses for 12 months - 804 thousand 600 rubles;
  • financial result for 12 months - 1 million 235 thousand 400 rubles.

Real forecast based on the minimum income indicator:

  • revenue for 12 months - 1 million 380 thousand rubles;
  • expenses for 12 months - 619 thousand 800 rubles;
  • financial result for 12 months - 760 thousand 200 rubles.

A business plan is a tool for analyzing, evaluating and making the right decisions.

The figures show that the expectations are consistent with the calculations. Engage in an interesting business that generates income, or dream of a promotion wages up to 50,000 rubles, working in a state structure - everyone's choice.

Video: a master class on drawing modular paintings on a computer

Do not put off starting a business and strive to take everything into account in advance. Judging by the feedback from entrepreneurs, the creation of modular paintings is a rather profitable business. Deviations of forecast indicators will be taken into account after the fact. Remember that a business plan is a working tool. It is subject to adjustment in accordance with the current market situation.

With the development of the means used by man to exchange information, perhaps the main modern value, the speed of its propagation has increased a thousand times. Many design ideas, before they appear in the West or in Asia, almost instantly become the property of everyone. One of the latest generally recognized trends in the design of both public and residential spaces has become modular paintings, which are several separate canvases combined common sense or general image.

Such an original design of the walls gives the room a uniqueness, successfully emphasizes the artistic taste of the owners and becomes the object of attention of all visitors. How to make modular paintings with your own will be discussed later.

Just before describing the technology for obtaining such an original interior decoration, let us dwell in more detail on their types. At present, it is not at all necessary to master the skill of an artist in order to get art canvas. It is enough to choose the picture you like on the network and print it using specialized equipment on paper, fabric or other sheet materials. After that, it remains only to cut the resulting image into the appropriate parts and fix them.

Of course, if you yourself have artistic abilities, getting ready-made modular paintings that have a common semantic content will not be difficult. It may even become quite profitable.

It should be noted that both modules made of parts of the same size and paintings that have canvases of various shapes and sizes look original in the interior.

The combination of vertical and horizontal modular paintings combined in one module is also advantageous.

Independent production of modular paintings

If you have no idea about the basics of making paintings, let's take a closer look at the process of preparing the base. In order to stretch a handwritten or printed canvas, you will need several frame structures made of wooden blocks. Artists call them stretchers. Their size determines the dimensions of the elements you use. It is worth noting that modular paintings, both self-made and industrial, do not have frames.

On sale in specialized stores you can find many various views subframes. As a rule, they are implemented with canvases already attached to them.

In the case of self-writing a three- or polyptych, you can use the proposed basis for your future paintings. When using printed images, the fabric from the stretcher must be carefully removed.

As a rule, the fastening of the canvas is carried out using furniture stapler brackets.

To remove the fabric, it is enough to pull with force with your hands.

In the absence of the possibility of buying subframes or unwillingness to spend time and cash, you can make picture frames yourself. To do this, you need rails with a section of 50 × 20, 40 × 20.50 × 25 millimeters. After planing the sides of the blanks to smoothness, saw off the parts equal length in pairs, file the ends at an angle of 45 degrees, and connect with glue or staples 14 millimeters long. To strengthen the corner joints from the inside, fasten plywood scarves in each corner - right triangles with sides of 10 cm.

The next stage of DIY manufacturing is cutting and fixing paintings on stretchers. In the case of printing a picture, it is desirable to make not one common canvas, but several separate ones that have an overlapping pattern. Then, when fixing and relative positioning of the pictures, the integrity of the image will be preserved.

In the absence of the possibility of printing any image and writing pictures, there is another simple, but no less expressive way - using pieces of bright patterned fabric instead of canvas. For cutting, it is necessary to put a stretcher on the fabric and cut off a piece so that its edges go into the frame base with a margin.

After the fabric is cut, it must be fixed. To do this, it is best to use a furniture or construction stapler. Lay one edge of the canvas along the long side of the stretcher and attach it with staples. Then, stretching the fabric slightly to avoid wrinkles and wrinkles, attach it to the opposite side of the base. The next stage is fastening to the short sides according to the technology described earlier.

Pay special attention to the location of the fabric in the corners of the paintings being made. Try to avoid excessive clumping, distribute the fabric evenly, partially bending it to the long and short sides of the stretcher.

In the absence of stretchers for modular paintings, their role can be played by a piece of plywood or chipboard of a rectangular shape. After cutting and edging, lay the piece on the fabric and cut it out.

After that, it remains only to fix the edges of the canvas on a flat base with a stapler. As a result of all the work, you will receive an original do-it-yourself triptych, which will decorate the interior of your room.

The final touch will be the installation of paintings on the wall in the selected location. And here, use your imagination, since the relative position of the pictures in the module can be different. For fastening, ordinary small-sized furniture hinges are quite suitable. It is possible to hang stretchers with fixed canvases directly on the heads of screws protruding from the wall, screwed into plastic dowels, which are installed in holes of suitable diameter.

An example of creating modular paintings on a printed graphic basis:

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The desire to decorate your home in an extraordinary way has always been inherent in man. The present time is a passion for modular paintings. This is a type of business, and creativity, and the original design of the walls.

How modular paintings are created

The walls are the main platform for decorating the room. Each period of time has its own design concepts: carpets, chasing, etchings, framed family photographs. Paintings have always adorned the walls. They could be tapestry and embroidered, monochrome and color, painted in oil and watercolor. A new trend that has won the hearts of millions - composite pictures from fragments.

The production of modular paintings is practiced from a single image, breaking it into several parts. There can be two or more such fragments.

According to the number of parts of the image are divided into:

  • diptych - two elements;
  • triptych - three elements;
  • polyptych - more than three modules.

Sometimes images are isolated separately from four parts - a quadriptych.

The modular picture is located on the wall not only linearly: horizontally or vertically. Asymmetric displacement of the elements of the picture relative to each other is also used to achieve the desired effect.

Creating modular paintings - creative process. It is not enough just to cut the plot into a certain number of parts. It is important to imagine how to place them on the surface so that the image sparkles with new colors, creates a panoramic effect or focuses attention on one detail.

Seeing an image effectively broken into several component parts, many are wondering how to make modular paintings with their own hands at home. Quite a lot of information is on the World Wide Web, but it is better to visit a master class on creating such images. Modular paintings that are made independently are not only one of the types of creative leisure or hobby. A hobby can become a serious idea for a business, and a diverse one at that. It can be production, and opening a store, and a combination of two directions.

Business based on the production of modular paintings

The production of modular paintings is different at home and put on stream. Only one fragmentation of the plot into parts will be common. Accordingly, the initial investment in the business and the return on it will not be the same.

Intending to put production on stream, you need to rent a room. It is recommended to rent an area of ​​at least 40 sq.m., on which it will be necessary to place equipment for the production of modular paintings:

  • a personal computer on which special graphic programs are installed;
  • plotter for reproduction of drawings on textiles;
  • large tables for cutting canvases with images and subsequent assembly of the segments of the picture.

Need to allocate space or rent additional storage space finished products and a supply of materials for the manufacture of paintings.

Next comes the question of hiring staff. At first, you need an IT designer who works well in graphic programs, a master, a manager to work with clients and suppliers. Some functions are taken over by the entrepreneur himself.

Consumables you need to keep your business running smoothly:

  • good quality linen or cotton;
  • glossy paper as an alternative to fabric, which significantly reduces the cost of the final product;
  • pigment ink;
  • paints for fabric work;
  • ready-made subframes or components for their creation on site;
  • artistic varnish;
  • texture gel to give relief to paintings;
  • furniture staplers and staples to them.

If a person has an artistic taste, has mastered the work in graphic programs, then he can set up the production of modular paintings with his own hands as a business. In this case, there is no need to rent a room. The main tool will be the program installed on the computer. You can also not immediately purchase a plotter, but send your developments for printing to companies providing such services. It is better to have your own consumables.

The room must be equipped with a place for cutting and assembling paintings. Since there will be a small amount of products, the size of the table will not be as grandiose as in the workshop.

Where to get plots for modular paintings

There are no restrictions in choosing a plot for modular paintings. Moreover, many ready-made schemes can be found on the Internet. If desired, they are suitable for starting a business. One has only to keep in mind that it is possible to attract more customers by a wide variety of subjects, by offering something that is not used at all or is used little.

Creating modular paintings to order is one of the business strategies. It will help attract customers to start-up entrepreneurs, create a certain reputation.

Having correctly built an advertising strategy, it is quite possible to find your customer and work in the chosen direction. For example, create modular handmade paintings. This option is suitable for people who have the talent of an artist. Paintings made with a brush always attract people's attention more.

A priority direction in your work can be making composite paintings from photographs or embedding them into a specific interior.

Modular pictures with clocks will also become a feature of the manufacturer. This combination is in demand among buyers.

The clock is well integrated into any plot:

  • urban or natural landscape;
  • floristic compositions;
  • still lifes;
  • images of animals and birds;
  • ethnic motives.

Technology for the production of modular paintings

The selected story is printed on the printer. The production technology of panoramic modular paintings provides for breaking the image into several parts before transferring to the canvas. Each fragment is printed on a separate piece of fabric or glossy paper of excellent quality.

Then each part of the picture is cut out, a blank is obtained for stretching on the frame. The sectioned image already gives an idea of ​​what the modular paintings for the interior on canvas will look like. Each piece is carefully stretched onto the frame. The material for the manufacture of frames is chosen differently: this is wood of different breeds and varieties, and plastic. This parameter also affects the final cost of the product.

A distinctive feature of modular images is the absence of a baguette frame. Each piece of the picture is placed on the wall with some distance from each other. Gap between constituent parts may be different, its value also affects the perception of the picture as a whole. The lack of framing between fragments makes picture light, natural. The image looks really alive and voluminous.

Implementation of modular paintings

If everything is prepared for the production of modular paintings, it is worth considering how the sale of modular paintings will be organized.

Here you can choose the following paths:

  • sell products to wholesalers;
  • sell to specialized stores.

In this case, the emphasis is on finding an intermediate link between the product and the end consumer.

Manufacturers of art products quite often open an online store of modular paintings for the interior. The product is already in stock, it remains only to create a website, study possible ways delivery of products to the buyer. The whole country becomes a consumer of products.

Opening your own outlet. This option comes to both manufacturers of paintings and entrepreneurs who are not ready to develop their own production, but decide to open a store of modular paintings. Outlet may be focused on the implementation of only composite images or sell them as part of other products for interior decoration.

Modular picture in the interior

How to place modular composite paintings for the interior so that they look harmonious, the plot looks organic? There are several techniques used by filmmakers. One of them provides that the lines of the picture are combined when moving from one fragment to another.

The buyer may not reproduce the second reception on his own. Here, the lines do not overlap when moving from module to module. To recreate the author's idea, it is necessary to follow the image accompanying the product packaging exactly. If the work is the author's, then often the creator of the picture himself places his creation on the wall.

Modular paintings look especially impressive in the interior of the living room. If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room allows, then a large-scale image that occupies a significant part of the wall will be appropriate here.

There are no special rules for placing composite images. The picture will be appropriate in the children's room, and in the bedroom, in the office, in the kitchen and in the hall. Oftentimes, the subject matter is the deciding factor. There are no hard and fast rules on the number of paintings on the wall. It all depends on the space of the room, the chosen interior design concept.

A composite picture of parts on the wall is popular not only in decorating apartments or cottages. We are happy to purchase modular images of hotels, restaurants, shopping centers, offices, public organizations.

Modern technology has made paintings accessible famous authors in a new interpretation a wide range consumers. For a low price, everyone got the opportunity to decorate their home or workplace in an original way.

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