How to uninstall windows 7 update downloads. Possible ways to uninstall windows update

Some users are concerned about the question of how to disable Windows 7 updates on a computer. Why do users worry about system updates?

Regularly, at certain periods of time (usually once a month), service packs are released for the Windows operating system. Sometimes, in case of problems or discovered vulnerabilities, extraordinary patches are released that need to be installed on the computer.

In the Windows 7 operating system, at default settings, automatic updates are enabled. The system periodically downloads and then installs updates and hotfixes released for Windows on the computer. Most of the updates are about system security.

Users for various reasons refuse to install updates for the operating system. Here are some reasons for not getting Windows 7 updates through Windows Update:

  • it happens that after installing updates, crashes occur in Windows or applications;
  • Windows updates often take a long time, during which you can not turn off the computer;
  • with a limited Internet connection, major system updates consume a lot of traffic;
  • updates take up space on the PC disk;
  • users are afraid of losing the activation of the operating system after installing updates.

How to disable Windows 7 updates? This issue can be solved by means of the system in two ways: disabling automatic updates of Windows 7, or disabling Windows 7 updates completely.

How to turn off automatic updates in Windows 7

After disabling automatic updates of Windows 7, the user will still have the opportunity to download and install updates manually.

This is a better option than completely disabling the update, since some updates should be installed on the computer so as not to become a victim of dangerous viruses, for example, .

Enter the "Start" menu, click on "Control Panel", then "Windows Update". In the Windows Update window, on the left menu bar, click on the "Settings" link.

In the "Settings" window, in the "Important updates" option, select "Do not check for updates (not recommended)", and then click on the "OK" button.

Additionally, you can uncheck the two settings below: "Recommended updates" and "Who can install updates."

In the future, if you need to install updates manually, in the "Important updates" setting, select the item "Look for updates, but the decision to download and install is made by me." Next, when you have finished searching for available updates, select the updates you want to install on your computer.

How to disable windows 7 update permanently

The second method disables the Windows Update service on the computer, so checking for updates will be turned off.

Enter the "Start" menu, then follow the path "Control Panel" => "Administrative Tools". In the "Administration" window, double-click the "Services" shortcut with the left mouse button.

In the "Services" window, in the list of operating system services, find the "Windows Update" service, and then right-click on the service, select "Properties" in the context menu that opens.

In the "Properties: Windows Update (Local Computer)" window, in the "General" tab, select the startup type: "Disabled", click on the "Stop" button to stop the service at this point in time.

You can re-enable the update in Windows 7 in the same way. In the "Properties: Windows Update (Local Computer)" window, select the startup type: "Automatic (Delayed Start)", and then click on the "Start" button.

Disabling Update Center on the command line

Update Center can be disabled at the command line, run the following instructions:

  1. Run command prompt as administrator.
  2. Enter the commands in sequence (after entering the command, press the "Enter" key):
reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\wuauserv" /v Start /t REG_DWORD /d 4 /f reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update" /v AUOptions /t REG_DWORD /d 1/f

After that, the update service and "Windows Update" will be disabled.

Article Conclusions

If necessary, the user can independently disable updates in the Windows 7 operating system by disabling updates completely or by disabling automatic updates of the operating system.

Updates help ensure that the system is as efficient and secure as possible, keeping it up-to-date with changing external events. However, in certain cases, some of them can harm the system: contain vulnerabilities due to developer flaws or conflict with the software installed on the computer. There are also cases that an unnecessary language pack has been installed that does not benefit the user, but only takes up space on the hard drive. Then the question arises of removing such components. Let's find out how you can do this on a computer running Windows 7.

You can delete both updates already installed in the system, and only their installation files. Let's try to consider various ways to solve the tasks, including how to cancel the update of the Windows 7 system.

Method 1: "Control Panel"

The most popular way to solve the problem under study is to use "Control Panels".

  1. Click "Start". Go to "Control Panel".
  2. Go to section "Programs".
  3. In the block "Programs and Features" choose "View Installed Updates".

    There is another way. Click Win+R. In the shell that appears "Run" type in:

    click OK.

  4. opens "Update centre". On the left side, at the very bottom, there is a block "Cm. also". Click on the inscription "Installed Updates".
  5. A list of installed Windows components and some software products, mainly from Microsoft, opens. Here you can see not only the name of the elements, but also the date of their installation, as well as the KB code. Thus, if it is decided to remove a component due to an error or conflict with other programs, remembering the approximate date the error occurred, the user will be able to find a suspicious item in the list based on the date it was installed in the system.
  6. Find the item you want to remove. If you need to remove exactly the Windows component, then look for it in the group of elements "Microsoft Windows". Click on it with the right mouse button ( PKM) and select the only option - "Delete".

    You can also select a list item with the left mouse button. And then press the button "Delete" located above the list.

  7. A window will appear asking if you really want to delete the selected object. If you act consciously, then press "Yes".
  8. The deletion procedure is in progress.
  9. After that, a window may start (not always), which says that for the changes to take effect, you need to restart the computer. If you wish to do so immediately, please press "Reboot Now". If there is no great urgency in fixing the update, then press "Restart later". In this case, the component will be completely removed only after a manual restart of the computer.
  10. After the computer is restarted, the selected components will be completely removed.

Other components in the window "Installed Updates" are deleted in the same way as deleting Windows items.

It is important to note that if you have automatic installation enabled, then the removed components will be loaded again after a certain time. In this case, it is important to turn off the automatic action feature so that you can manually select which components should be loaded and which should not.

Method 2: "Command line"

The operation studied in this article can also be performed by entering a specific command in the window "Command line".

  1. Click "Start". Select "All programs".
  2. Move to directory "Standard".
  3. click PKM on "Command line". Choose from the list "Run as administrator".
  4. A window appears "Command line". You need to enter the following command into it:

    wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:*******

    Instead of symbols «*******» you need to install the KB code of the update you want to uninstall. If you do not know this code, as mentioned earlier, you can see it in the list of installed updates.

    For example, if you need to remove the security component with the code KB4025341, then the command entered on the command line will take the following form:

    wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:4025341

    After entering, press Enter.

  5. Extraction begins in the standalone update installer.
  6. At a certain stage, a window appears where you must confirm the desire to extract the component specified in the command. For this click "Yes".
  7. The offline installer performs the procedure for removing a component from the system.
  8. After completing this procedure, you may need to restart your computer for a complete uninstall. You can do it in the usual way or by pressing the button "Reboot Now" in a special dialog box, if it appears.

In addition, when deleting with "Command line" you can use additional installer attributes. You can view a complete list by typing in "Command line" following command and pressing Enter:

A complete list of operators that can be used in "Command line" while working with the offline installer, including when removing components.

Of course, not all of these operators are suitable for the purposes described in the article, but, for example, if you enter the command:

wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:4025341 /quiet

an object KB4025341 will be removed without dialog boxes. If a reboot is required, it will happen automatically without user confirmation.

Method 3: Disk Cleanup

But updates are in Windows 7 not only in the installed state. Before installation, they are all loaded onto the hard drive and stored there for some time even after installation (10 days). Thus, the installation files take up space on the hard drive all this time, although in fact the installation has already been completed. In addition, there are cases when a package is downloaded to the computer, but the user, updating manually, does not want to install it. Then these components will simply “hang out” on the disk uninstalled, only taking up space that could be used for other needs.

Sometimes it also happens that the update was not fully downloaded due to a failure. Then it not only unproductively takes up space on the hard drive, but also prevents the system from being fully updated, since it considers this component to be already loaded. In all these cases, you need to clear the folder where Windows updates are downloaded.

The easiest way to delete downloaded objects is to clean up the disk through its properties.

  1. click "Start". Next, move on the inscription "A computer".
  2. A window opens with a list of storage media connected to the PC. click PKM on the drive where Windows is located. In the vast majority of cases, this section C. Select from the list "Properties".
  3. The properties window launches. Go to section "General". Click there "Disk Cleanup".
  4. An estimate is made of the space that can be cleared by removing various insignificant objects.
  5. A window appears with the result of what can be cleared. But for our purposes, we need to click on "Clean up system files".
  6. A new estimate of the amount of space that can be cleared is launched, but this time taking into account system files.
  7. The cleanup window opens again. In the area of "Delete the following files" the various groups of components that can be removed are displayed. Objects to be deleted are marked with a checkmark. All other items are unchecked. To solve our problem, you need to check the boxes next to the items "Windows Update Cleanup" and "Windows Update Log Files". Opposite all other objects, if you no longer want to clean anything, you can uncheck the boxes. Press to start the cleaning process. OK.
  8. A window is launched asking if the user really wants to delete the selected objects. It also warns that the deletion is irreversible. If the user is confident in his actions, then he must click "Delete Files".
  9. After that, the procedure for removing the selected components is performed. After its completion, it is recommended to restart the computer yourself.

Method 4: Manually deleting downloaded files

Also, components can be removed manually from the folder where they were uploaded.

  1. In order for nothing to interfere with the procedure, you need to temporarily disable the update service, as it can block the process of manually deleting files. click "Start" and go to "Control Panel".
  2. choose "System and safety".
  3. Next click on "Administration".
  4. In the list of system tools, select "Services".

    You can switch to the service control window without using "Control Panels". Call utility "Run" by clicking Win+R. Drive in:

    click OK.

  5. The service management window opens. Clicking on the column name "Name", arrange the service names in alphabetical order for easy retrieval. Find "Windows Update". Check this item and click "Stop Service".
  6. Now run "Conductor". Copy the following address into its address bar:


    Click Enter or click on the arrow to the right of the line.

  7. AT "Explorer" opens a directory containing several folders. We are particularly interested in catalogs Download and "data store". The first folder contains the components themselves, and the second folder contains the logs.
  8. Go to folder Download. Select all its contents by clicking Ctrl+A, and delete using the combination Shift+Delete. It is necessary to use this particular combination because after applying the pressing of a single key Delete the content will be sent to the Trash, that is, it will actually continue to occupy a certain disk space. With the same combination Shift+Delete will be permanently deleted.
  9. True, you still have to confirm your intentions in a miniature window that will appear after that by clicking the button "Yes". The deletion will now take place.
  10. Then move to the folder "data store" and in the same way, that is, by applying pressing ctrl+a, and then Shift+Delete, delete the content and then confirm your actions in the dialog box.
  11. After this procedure is completed, in order not to lose the opportunity to update the system in a timely manner, move again to the service management window. Check "Windows Update" and press "Start Service".

Method 5: Uninstalling downloaded updates through the "Command line"

Downloaded updates can also be deleted using "Command line". As in the previous two methods, this will only remove installation files from the cache, and not roll back installed components, as in the first two methods.

In the examples described above, we saw that it is possible to remove both already installed updates by rolling them back, and boot files that are downloaded to the computer. Moreover, for each of these tasks, there are several ways to solve it at once: through the Windows graphical interface and through "Command line". Each user can choose a more suitable option for certain conditions.

It often happens that we do not install downloaded software updates for some reason. All this time they are stored on the hard disk, occupying a certain amount of it. Also, many programs are constantly reminded of ready-to-install updates that we do not need. In this case, you can delete these files yourself.


  • Pay attention to the system notification about the update process - usually a dialog box appears before installing them, where you can choose further actions. Also, when downloading operating system updates, you will see the corresponding icon on the program bar running in the background, where you can stop the download by double-clicking on it.
  • Open "My Computer". Go to the local drive where the operating system was installed, then open the WINDOWS folder. Next, be very careful not to confuse the names in any case - open SoftwareDistribution and then Download. From the latter, delete all existing files and restart your computer. It is possible that Windows will issue a warning that deleting these files may affect the operation of the entire system, click the "Continue" button.
  • If in the future you are not going to install updates for your operating system or you want to do it manually, open the "Control Panel" through the "Start" menu. Open the Security Center. At the very bottom of the window that opens, you will see a list of three items, open the last one, which is called "Automatic Update".
  • Select the mode for downloading and installing updates, here you can choose either to set this process to automatic execution, disable it completely, notify the user about available updates, but do not download or install them. You can also configure other settings there.
  • If you have updated software in addition to the operating system, select the update download mode during installation, if such an item is available in the initial settings. You can also change the mode by opening the program settings; often the path to the folder containing the downloaded program updates is also indicated there.
  • Operating system updates are a good thing. They fix bugs, close vulnerabilities, and sometimes even add new features. But sometimes installing the latest updates disrupts the normal operation of the system, in which case it is better to get rid of them until the next fixes come out. We talked in detail about how to uninstall updates in Windows XP, and now let's talk about how to uninstall updates in Windows 7.

    Removing individual updates

    To uninstall older Windows 7 updates, open the Start menu and select Control Panel. In the window that appears, enter the keyword "updates" (without quotes) in the search bar and select "Windows Update" from the results. In the next window, click on the "Installed Updates" link in the lower left corner. A list of all installed updates appears, sorted by product type. Updates to the operating system itself are at the bottom of the list under "Microsoft Windows". You can select any of them and click the "Delete" button. In this way, you can remove all Windows 7 updates.

    Removing the latest updates

    If you just installed updates and notice that the system is acting strangely, you can also quickly return it to a previous state using a restore point. As a rule, before installing updates, the system automatically creates such a point so that changes can be easily rolled back.

    To uninstall the latest Windows 7 updates, open the Start menu, right-click on Computer, and select Properties from the menu that appears. In the window that opens, click on the "System protection" link in the left pane.

    The System Properties dialog box will appear, opened under the System Protection tab. Click the "Restore" button. After a short boot, the System Restore window will appear. Click "Next" and find the last restore point created before installing the updates in the list.

    Keep in mind that rolling back to the last restore point returns the system to the state it was in when the restore point was created. If you managed to install any new programs during this time, they will be deleted. To check which applications will be affected by the restore, click the Scan for Affected Programs button, look at the list that appears, and click the Close button.

    Now click the "Next" button. If you have any important documents and applications open, close them and click the "Finish" button in the "System Restore" window. The computer will restart and start the recovery process, after which the system will boot to the state it was in before the latest updates were installed.

    How to remove all Windows 7 updates.
    The most important step in the development of soft roofing was the replacement of short-lived cardboard base materials with non-rotting and more durable fiberglass and fiberglass base materials. The technology for the production of bituminous materials on a non-rotting basis made it possible to increase not only the biological durability of the roof, but also its strength. However, this technology could not eliminate the problems associated with the natural aging of bitumen. A real revolution in the manufacture of roll roofing was the use of polymers in the form of bitumen modifiers (roll-bitumen materials) or the creation of exclusively polymer roofing products.

    The article discusses ways to uninstall all updates at once in Windows 7. Since the OS developers have not built in such a function, third-party software is indispensable here.

    Why are updates needed?

    Any person who heard the word “updates” for the first time will say that these are certain measures aimed at improving the product. Their task is to fix bugs and flaws in any program, not necessarily in Windows 7. For example, a year after the release of the application, the company decided to improve the interface and released an update package that the user must download and install, after which he will see these changes.

    Updates in Windows 7 are usually aimed at fixing security issues, operating system compatibility with drivers and programs. This also includes compatibility issues with programs that require the installation of the Microsoft .Net Framework software platform, etc.

    Unfortunately, you can’t do without problems with updates - after a while they become irrelevant, as new ones appear that replace them. In this regard, there is a “dump” in the section with installed updates, and you also want to have more free space on your hard drive.

    There is only one solution: remove all Windows 7 updates and reinstall only the ones you need. But what if you have a thousand of them? Windows 7 does not have a feature that allows you to uninstall all updates at once, so third-party software is indispensable here.

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